• Published 26th Jan 2016
  • 5,840 Views, 266 Comments

Force of the Falcon - Omega6047

After a successful battle for planet Udow-2, Commander Falcon and his brothers are sent to another planet where they will fight Separatists. However not everything goes as planned and a completely new adventure appears in front of him.

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4. Canterlot Assault

--Chapter 4--
Canterlot Assault

Faint light of the sun covered by a cloud, weakly lit up the room where 3 figures lied unconscious in their beds. Each completely oblivious to what was going on outside. The cloud moved out of sun’s way, allowing its rays to further brighten up the room. The first rays fell on the bed closest to the window and the creature lying on it. Its eye twitched at the contact, and a moment later a hand moved under the covers.

Falcon took a sharp breath as he opened his eyes, through a blurry vision he looked around the area. The room he was in was almost entirely white, with few blue paintings on the walls covering the bottom of them, above him hanged some strange crystal, glowing with a blue light. He slowly begun to remember what happened the last time he was awake, the sabotage on the maintenance level, massacre on the bridge, Heskri’s death, his short engage with Grievous and him activating the hyperdrive. How can I still be alive? Even if that jump somehow didn’t crushed the cruiser into a sun or a black hole, there’s no way rescue team could have get there in time. He felt bandages wrapped around his head, and became aware of the pain coming from the back of it.

Then he realized one more important thing. He wasn’t in a bacta tank. Damage he sustained would put him in one for sure, but for some reason he was just lying in a hospital bed even though he felt like he just left the tank. He got out of the bed, noticing that he was completely naked and wrapped a blanket around his midsection. For the second time, he looked around the room. Now that he was up on his legs, he noticed that the ceiling was almost touching the top of his head, and that the door in the room were much too small for him to walk through without lowering his head.

He also noticed two other beds in the room. And one very familiar face lying in one of them. Quickly, he rushed towards the bed, accidently bumping into the chest that lied next to his bead. He opened the chest and reviled his armor and weapons stored within. He looked at the equipment for few more seconds, before he closed the chest and returned his attention on the other bed.

He walked over to the bed and looked at the face sticking out from the covers. It was Sakri, her head was also covered in bandages, but much more than his. She had a breathing tube in her mouth and she had a very pained look on her face. He also noticed a machine placed next to her bed. It was mostly white and about one meter high, though not very broad. It had a small crystal in a glass ball on top of it. There were two cables coming out of it and going below the covers.

Falcon grabbed the covers and moved them out of the way. The two cables were connected to Sakri’s chest, close to her heart. Except the cables he also noticed… other things… and quickly placed the covers back in place, looking away embarrassed. After a moment to calm down he looked at her again and grabbed her hand with his own. He felt her grasp on it. Don’t give up, I know you’ll make it. He let go of her hand and turned to the third bed in the room.

He saw a face of a clone lying on the bed. He knew most of his brothers that served in his unit and was able to recognize them by their armor or in some cases their scars, but this clone had neither. However, he also had a chest next to his bed. Falcon opened the chest and took a look on the clone’s armor. He immediately recognized it. The armor was entirely black, with not even a bit of white left visible. The only clone he knew that wore an armor like that was Shaw, his best friend since they started to train on Kamino.

However, before he could do anything more, a loud scream rang through the room, and room a flash of green light covered the door and removed them out of the doorway. Falcon quickly grabbed Shaw’s blaster pistol from the chest and aimed it at the door and a black insectoid run into the room moments later. It looked at Falcon with its blue eyes and hissed at him before attacking.

Not bothering with trying to calm the insect down, the clone pointed the blaster at it and ended its life. Falcon walked over to the corpse and kneeled down to it. He was no expert on species but he was thought basic knowledge about most of known species. What he saw in front of him was unlike any intelligent life form he has seen. It had four hooves covered in holes, was covered in black chitin and had a single curved horn on top of the head. It also had wings on both sides, but he couldn’t see them actually having enough strength to lift the creature.

He turned back at the door, reminding himself that he heard someone’s scream. Still holding the pistol ready to fire, he stood up and walked towards the door, but another insect appeared. It immediately attacked the clone, knocking him to the ground and trying to bite into his neck with its two extended fangs. Falcon grabbed the insect’s muzzle and smashed it into the ground before shooting it in the head.

Again, he stood up and moved to the door. Outside was a long corridor but the more interesting thing was the cocoon hanging on the wall. Inside of it was another quadruped, but it didn’t appear to be an insect, but a mammal. He didn’t recognize the species either, but he noticed a lab coat the quadruped was wearing and assumed that it was its scream that he heard. As he kept watching he realized that the thing was awake and struggling to get out of the green cocoon.

Falcon grabbed the shard of glass from the broken door in his hand and opened the cocoon with it. A sea of green goo fell out of the cocoon as he opened it along with the creature trapped inside. The quadruped tried to take a deep breath but it begun to cough hard as it struggled to remove the goo out of its lungs. Falcon tried to help it by pattinng its back. “T-thanks.” From the voice he could tell that he was dealing with a female. He could also hear a fair bit of accent in her voice.

She coughed few more times before finally looking at Falcon. “Y-you are awake!?” She yelled and almost choked with the goo.

“Calm down, you’re not in danger.” He placed a hand on her shoulder, making her shake. “What are those things?” He asked, taking hand away from her.

“I-I don’t know. I was talking with Doctor Ticket and then out of nowhere he turned into one of those bugs. Another one jumped out of the nearby room and they both put me in that thing.” She pointed at the opened cocoon. “I think there were more in-“ she didn’t finish as a green flare of energy contacted with her side. She fell on the ground, screaming in pain.

Falcon brought his blaster up and pointed it at the two attackers who jumped out of the nearby room. The one in front lit up the horn and a green force field surrounded the two. Falcon shoot a bolt at it, the projectile shattered the field on contact and went on to hit the bug in the chest.

The second one shot two projectiles at the clone but he dodged both by ducking behind an open door. Falcon grabbed the female doctor’s coat and dragged her into the room he woke up in. He aimed at the bug again, but the thing also hid in the room it came from. “Are you alright?” He asked her. In response he received only a pain filled groan. He thought he heard a sound of steps so he prepared the pistol again and looked at the corridor.

At first he saw nothing, but after a few seconds he noticed that there was something closing in. However, before he reacted, the bug appeared in front of him, emerging from green flames. Immediately, it jumped at him with opened mouth and fangs extended. Two fangs dug deep into his extended arm, making him drop his blaster.

Falcon landed on the ground, with the bug still holding his arm in its teeth. He punched it in a face and tried to shake it off his hand, but the chitin covering its body was hard enough for it to shrug off the clone’s punches and its fangs were already deep in his arm. He decided to pick another target - the bug’s eyes. With a quick move, Falcon shoved a shard of glass into one of insect’s eyes.

The bug moved back, letting go of his hand but not giving out any signs of pain. Almost immediately it attacked again, but this time it didn’t make it to Falcon. A blue bolt of energy hit it from behind, killing it instantly. Falcon looked behind the bug. The pistol he dropped was levitating there, covered with a silver aura, the same one that covered quadruped’s horn. “I- I killed it…” She said silently, looking at the dead body.

Falcon got up, holding his wounded hand. He walked over to the chest next to Shaw’s bed and used Shaw’s medpack on his hand and then untied the bandages from his hand and proceeded to put them on the wound. He heard a sound of the blaster hitting the floor, followed by crying.

He walked over to the quadruped and placed one hand on her shoulder while the other still held the medpack. She looked at him with tear filled eyes. “I- I-“ He placed a finger on her mouth.

“Shhh, it’s alright.” She hugged him as she cried. Falcon was surprised to say the least, at first she seemed to be terrified of him and now she was crying on his shoulder. He moved a hand holding medpack to her wound. “This may sting a little but it will help with the pain.” She groaned and later hissed from pain as he applied the bacta. “What’s your name?” he asked.

“A-Abuyin. I’m Doctor Abuyin. A-and what are you?” She said.

“My name is Falcon, I’m-“ He was interrupted as the loud explosion shook the entire building. Falcon quickly got up and walked over to the window, only to see that he was in the middle of a war zone. Many more of the insects flooded the street as what appeared to be quadrupeds’ military failed horribly to stop them in any way.

By now he was aware of the fact that he was not in a republic world, the archaic technology, unknown species and lack of knowledge about humans who are the most common species in the galaxy gave everything away. But he was still a soldier of the republic, and still fell under republic’s rules. And what rules said is that he shouldn’t interfere with any conflicts if he found himself in an unknown world like he did now.

Normally he would follow those rules, but this time was different. Those quadruped saved him and his friends from certain death and blasted insects have already tried to kill him. That in his book meant he owes them something. Not wasting any moment, he walked over to the chest containing his armor. He opened it and begun to put the armor on.

Abuyin saw that and walked over to him. “What are you doing?” Her eyes were still wet from tears.

“Those things are everywhere and your military doesn’t seem to know what they are doing. I’m going to go there and try to help them.” He said as he placed his gloves in their place.

She looked through the window. “Y-you’re going out there!? Are you crazy!? We should hide!”

“You can stay here, but I’m not going to wait until those blasted things finish your military and come here to finish us off.” He finished placing the jetpack on his back. “You have any tips about where I should go to be more of a help.” He walked over to Shaw’s chest and took his DC-15A. He also took a grenade he had strapped to his belt as well as his helmet. His was broken beyond what he could fix and even though the black helmet didn’t really fit to his armor, protection is more important than visual appeal.

Meanwhile, Rarity felt a disturbance in the Force.

“W-well the princesses are the most powerful beings in Equestria, if those bugs got to them we are doomed.”

“Princesses, huh? I guess they are in that big castle. Alright, I’m going.” He picked up the pistol from the ground. “Here take it,” He handed it to Abuyin. “I’ve set it on low power settings, it won’t kill anything, only stun it for some time.” She nodded and hesitantly took the weapon into her shaking hooves.

He left the room and run through the corridor. He encountered no bugs until he was near the exit. Once there, two more bugs rushed to him, accelerating themselves with their wings. The distance between them was however still rather big and Falcon had no problems with taking them down from the distance. Falcon run out of the building, immediately choosing the castle as a target.

As he slowly moved forward through the streets, he often encountered the quadrupeds ‘military’ trying to do something with the bugs. And failing in every possible way. These armatures were clearly not suited for any kind of combat situation, some even couldn’t hold their weapons right. They were so bad that it wouldn’t surprise him if a team of cadets would cause an absolute havoc in their ranks. Needles to say he had to help them all the time, bringing surprise to their faces not only with his look and equipment.

One time he was hit in the chest by one of bug’s green beams, but it turned out that even though they looked similar to blaster bolts, they weren’t holding quite as much punch as good old blasters. The hit hadn’t even managed to damage his armor, not to mention him. The bug that shoot him quickly learned a lesson not to do it again.

And apparently the rest of them did too. As he kept pushing through the city, he begun to notice that the bugs seemed to be learning from each encounter, even if they haven’t saw him before. That led Falcon to believe that the bugs are connected by hive mind, of sorts. Which makes sense, they are bugs after all.

He finally managed to reach the castle’s gate, where surprisingly were no bugs to great him. This surprised him, as he had noticed that the number of bugs that were after him kept rising as the time went on. He stepped through the gate, cautiously in case if that was a trap.

And of course, it was.

The moment he stepped into the castle’s yard, the gate closed behind him and a large group of bugs swarmed him from every side. He fired few shots, but even though he killed a lot of them, the sheer number of them made it easy to push closer. Falcon dropped the rifle on the ground and grabbed the force pike that was attached to his belt. He activated it and struck the first bug that came close to him.

The pike was working on high power settings, meaning that it was capable of killing with one strike, especially if the enemy was as small as those bugs were. The moment it hit the first target, powerful waves of electricity caused havoc within the bug’s body, quickly killing it.

Another bug took its place, immediately attacking Falcon. The clone sidestepped the attack and swung his pike at the attacker. The bug also dodged the attack, moving aside with its wings. Falcon was quickly attacked by another bug, this time from behind. The insect grabbed Falcon's arm and tried to bite into his armor. It didn't work out very well and soon Falcon grabbed it neck and threw into the ground, knocking it out with a kick to the face.

Falcon quickly found himself surrounded. Few bugs fired at him with one combined beam of energy. It hit the ground under him and the shock wave knocked him to the ground. Before he was even able to get up, the bugs jumped on him, pinning him down with their mass. Falcon felt them biting the places his armor didn’t cover, though for most it was hard for them to get a good bite as Falcon didn’t gave up the fight. He managed to activate his jetpack and get out of the bug’s pile.

He grabbed his blaster pistol and fired at the pile. With how close to each other the bugs were, it was not a problem to hit them at all. Once the bugs realized where he was, they charged at Falcon again, but this time their number was much smaller. Though still quite large. Falcon grabbed a grenade and activated it. He dropped it on the ground and activated his jetpack just before the bugs got to him. The grenade exploded, atomizing every bug in 6 meters radius.

Falcon grabbed the edge of a window and turned around with the blaster pistol in his hand. He fired at the few bugs that were outside of the explosion, finishing the group off. After the fight Falcon was left tired and panting heavily and the arm he was using to hold onto the window let out and he fell on the ground.

He pushed himself up from the pile of dead bugs, holding onto his bleeding arm. He looked at the entrance to the castle. I hope those princesses know how to fight, because I won't win this fight alone. He stood up and walked over to the rifle he had dropped. Holding it in his hands he a slowly walked into the castle. For the first few minutes of walking through the castle's hallways he met no more bugs. I should stay hidden, I doubt that if I bump into another group like the last one I'll be able to make it.

And so he did, every time he had heard something approach he would hide in one of the rooms placed all over the castle or climb on one of pillars placed all around the hallways. After a while of this sneaking around with no sense of direction he realized that he had a small probe strapped to his belt. He grabbed the small ball and after connecting it with Shaw's helmet, released it outside. Soon enough he had a relatively detailed display of the castle available to him.

He noticed that there was a rather large room not so far from his position. Assuming it was a throne room, he begun to walk in its direction. As he kept closing in, he heard someone coming from the opposite direction. He used the nearby pillar to climb higher to avoid detection. He looked out from there to see what was coming and saw a group of 6 quadrupeds being led by bugs. They all were restrained and bruised, indicating that they were captured in a fight. The blue one with rainbow colored hair was held in air by two bugs.

Falcon used the macrobinoculars attached to Shaw’s helmet to see them better. The captives all appeared to be females, 2 of each sub-species he had encountered so far. They were all scared -even though the blue one tried to hide it- but the purple one looked like she was about to have a heart attack. She looked as if she was convinced that she’s about to die in the most horrible way imaginable and that there is no way for her to escape that fate. She had a look of someone who was complatly defeated.

The surprising fact was that the 6 captives didn’t look like they were part of a military. They had no equipment or the golden armor that their military wore. He really hoped that those armors were not actually made out of gold, it would be much too heavy to use comfortably with too bad protection to make up for it. That is if that thing can even be called an actual armor, it barely covered anything important and left many spots unprotected.

The 6 quadrupeds were apparently civilians, but that brought a question of why the bugs were taking them captive instead of putting them in one of the cocoons they tried to put Abuyin in. The only explanation that came to his mind was that they had some bigger purpose. They may be some political leaders or other important figures and the bugs wanted to get the information out of them. At first Falcon thought of them as some sort of animals, but as the time progressed, he realized that he’s dealing with another sapient beings.

Which meant that all this was an invasion, and an invasion must have a commander. This led him to a conclusion that the 6 quadrupeds were led to some kind of leader of this attack. Probably to be interrogated.

The group turned in the direction Falcon was about to follow, going towards what appeared to be a throne room. Falcon climbed down from the pillar and followed the bugs. The group was relatively small, and he could shoot them down from the distance, but this would alarm all the bugs in the castle about his position and if they swarm him again, he won’t have a grenade to save him and his jetpack has enough fuel for only one more short fly.

Eventually, the group he was following reached the massive door behind which was the room they were getting to. The bugs led the captives inside, and before the door were closed again, Falcon spotted one bug that was different from the rest. It was much higher and feminine in shape, its eyes looked normal instead of being blue orbs and it had a long hair coming down below its shoulders.

There was also one cocoon hanging from the ceiling the bugs flew out from the room and the door were closed by a field of green energy. Falcon hid from the bugs by opening the window and jumping out from it. He grabbed the frame and let the bugs pass by. Once the area was safe again, he climbed back to the hallway and walked towards the door.

He tried to open them, but with no results. Blast it. He looked around, hoping to find another way in. There were no vents or other passages to be seen anywhere, but there was still one possibility that came to his mind.

Falcon walked over to the window again and looked down. The entire city was build on top of a mountain and the castle hanged on its side. Damn… that’s high. Trying to ignore it, he hanged the rifle around his shoulder and jumped out, grabbing the frame. Falcon slowly climbed sideways, grabbing on to everything he could to avoid falling down over 3000m and hitting the ground.

It was a hard task, since despite hanging on a side of a mountain, the castle walls are almost perfectly preserved and there was not much to grab. He purposely didn’t use the jetpack, saving the little fuel he had left in case something happened.

Eventually, despite the difficulties he managed to get himself on the wall from which he was able to see the way to enter the chamber- a broken window on the side of the room. He immediately begun to move in its direction. And as he kept this up he realized that he could hear someone’s voice. And that this someone was singing.

…dreamed since I was small

Everypony I'll soon control

Every stallion, mare, and foal

Who says a girl can't really have it all?

The singing stopped. Falcon assumed that it was the bug he had seen earlier and like he thought it was a female, or whatever equivalent of that the bugs had. He heard her laughing as he climbed but soon she stopped. “And when do you think you’re going?” She said again. By then, Falcon was already able to look into the room through the window.

He saw as the purple one being hit with a beam of green energy, coming from the big bug. “Twilight!” The rest of the group screamed but were quickly silenced when they were enveloped in green aura and thrown into a goo covered wall, immediately gluing them to it and covering most of their bodies.

Meanwhile ‘Twilight’ landed next to the window Falcon was hanging from. “Are you so eager to die little one?” The bug said, not bothering to look in her direction. “Very well, I’ll assign one of my children to prepare you for hatching.” She laughed again. “You remember that little gift I left for you in the caverns, do you?”

At the mention of that, Twilight’s expression became even grimmer, as she tried to get up, but the pain from the wound on her side didn’t allow her to do so. While the bug was busy observing her troops causing havoc in the city, Falcon decided to step out of the cover. Twilight was the first one to see him and almost gasped at his sight. Falcon quickly wrapped his hand around her muzzle and pressed a finger against her lips. “Shhh…”

He freed her muzzle and turned to the bug. He made few silent steps towards her and took the rifle off his back. By that time the rest of the quadrupeds noticed him, but their faces were covered in sticky goo. Falcon slowly aimed the rifle at the head of the bug and when he was ready, he fired.

But before the blaster bolt hit her, she dodged it with Jedi-like speed and fired a beam of energy on her own. Falcon was barely fast enough to sidestep the attack and didn’t managed to shoot again. “Have you really thought that I wouldn’t sense you coming here to take my life, as you have taken lives of so many of my children?” She said with venom in her voice. “You’re going to die for this."

“Am I really bugging you that much? We just met.” He raised his rifle again and fired two quick shots at her. Her horn glowed green and in a blink of an eye, she disappeared and then reappeared few meters away, safely avoiding the bolts. Did she just teleport!? Before he could think about it further, the bug fired another beam at him, this time hitting him fight in the chest.

While the minor bugs didn’t have the firepower to cause him any damage, this one had quite a lot of strength in her attack. This was still within his armor’s limits, but if it keeps getting hit like that, it’s going to break sooner or later.

He jumped sideways and rolled on the ground to avoid two more attacks, firing at the attacker, this time hitting her chest. She took a step back and cringed but otherwise stayed rather fine. Her chitin armor absorbed most of the energy from the shot, but the part of it that was hit was now completely unable to take any more hits like that. Falcon fired again but she rolled away.

Angered by being hit, she levitated everything in close proximity and threw it at Falcon. Multiple stones, pieces of wood, candles, plants and many other things flew towards the clone commander, hitting him all over his body. Again, his armor protected him from any injuries, but the constant impacts made it impossible for him to stay steady and aim, letting the bug to charge a more powerful beam and shoot it at Falcon.

When the beam hit him, he was sent flying towards the wall, dropping the rifle upon impact with the wall. Shortly after that, a second, much stronger beam made contact with him, destroying the wall behind him and sending the clone flying down.

For a short moment she looked at the hole in the wall, smiling to herself while everyone else in the room froze in fear. *LAUGH* “And that’s the punishment for-“ The words left her when Falcon flew back into the castle with his jetpack. Before she gathered her jaw from the floor, Falcon quickly took off the jetpack and threw it at her.

She was hit in the head and fell over, while Falcon lifted the rifle and shot at her. For the second time he hit her, marking another part of her armor. “Ready to give up?” He slowly walked over to her, with rifle pointed at her and finger at the trigger.

The only response he got was a rage filled scream. She teleported again, appearing right behind him, ready to shove her horn between parts of his armor. But almost as if he knew what she was about to do, Falcon quickly turned around and smashed the rifle’s butt in her face. She stepped back with a small crack on her face. However, she didn’t allowed it to bother her in the slightest and pushed on with her horn charged with energy.

Falcon pulled out his pike and made contact with her charged horn. Sparks flew all around them as they struggled to overpower each other. Eventually, she gained the superiority over him, and Falcon was pushed back despite his efforts.

Realizing that he can’t out-strength her, Falcon reached with his hand to his blaster pistol. He switched it to the lowest power settings and fired the weapon. The effects were immediate. While it didn’t knock her out, the shot was enough to make most of her strength disappear for the moment, allowing Falcon to easily push her back and strike in the face with the force pike, which was also on low settings.

She fell on the ground and Falcon quickly placed his foot on her chest and pointed the energy filled tip of the force pike a bit above her throat. “Now let’s make things clear, you’re going to gather your bugs together, and give up. Get it?” He lightly pressed the tip against her throat, sending a short, low voltage discharge into her body.

“I…I…”She said through closed teeth with her eyes closed.

“Just do it. Stop this bloodshed before it’s too late.”

“I…” She opened her eyes, which now became yellow. “I WILL NOT LOSE!!!” She screamed so loud that Falcon almost dropped the pike and his head began to spin.

Then, he was suddenly lifted in the air and thrown into the wall and then into the floor, only to be lifted up again. He felt something closing around his throat, even though there was nothing there. Immediately he began to choke. She levitated him to herself and looked at him struggling to breath.

As she was playing with him, she felt one of her drones approaching. ”I think I’ve made myself clear, I don’t need help with dealing with this thing.” She said through the hive mind

”I’m sorry my queen. Is there any other way I can assist you?”

She thought about it for a moment before answering. ”Yes, I want you to prepare, Twilight Sparkle, Princess Cadenza and her not-to-be husband. Place them in cocoons and move to the caves. Make sure they are awake. Without any more words said, the drone walked through the now opened door. It moved towards the pair on the other side of the room, not acknowledging anything around.

As Falcon was being held in the air, desperately grabbing any bit of air he could get, he noticed that his force pike was being levitated. It quickly stroked him, sending pain through his body. He felt another strike, and another, and another…

Meanwhile, the drone approached the pink princess. “What do you want from us?” She said.

The drone closed its eyes and after a short moment opened them. To princess’ surprise they were no longer that of a changeling, but that of a pony. The drone looked at her partner. “Go to him while you still have the chance.” Drone’s horn shone with blue light and the goo that restrained princess’ movement disappeared. Not saying another word, the drone turned around and walked away.

At the same time the Changeling Queen was having the time of her life, slowly draining the life out of one who caused her so much trouble. She was enjoying it so much that she didn’t even notice a blue flare flying towards her before it was too late.

The flare hit her in the upper leg, causing her to drop Falcon and his pike on the ground. The clone immediately took a deep breath as his opponent looked at the source from which the flare came from. The drone she sent to take care of things was walking towards her, but it was different. It’s blue empty orbs were instead replaced with green pony eyes, the holes in its legs disappeared and so did most of the chitin, remaining only on the back and part of upper legs while the rest of the body was now covered with dark-orange fur. The realization came to her quickly. “TRAITOR!!!”

Before she could rush to him and teach him the proper lesson, Falcon stood up on his knees and grabbed the damaged chunk of chitin on her chest, ripping it off. He quickly grabbed another part of it, but instead of removing it, he used it to push her off her hooves and tackle on the ground, where he gave her a much deserved punch in the face.

She quickly retaliated and pushed him away for long enough to throw a uppercut on him. Her hoof met his helmet, knocking it away and revealing his face. She hadn’t stopped there and attacked again, punching Falcon’s chest and knocking him back and stood up. She felt another flare hitting her, but this time it didn’t hit in place that was protected by thick chitin.

It hit her chest.

Upon impact, she felt the soft skin under her natural body armor being ripped apart as the explosion caused by the flare dug into her flesh, leaving a small, bleeding hole in it. Air left her lungs as she fell on the ground, desperately holding onto her life.

Falcon watched at the drone walked over to her and said. “The only traitor here, is you, Chrysalis.” At hearing this words, Chrysalis fell into another fit of rage, her eyes went back to their yellow state as she savagely attacked the drone, seemingly hitting everywhere at once. Falcon rushed to push her away, but was lifted in the air again, and was choked so hard that he almost felt his neck snapping.

Life slowly begun to leave his body, starting with his consciousness.

But just before his eyes closed, he saw two quadrupeds enveloped in a pink aura and releasing a shock wave from their bodies.

As it reached him he couldn’t help but think about…

Author's Note:

Since the previous chapter was so short I decided to start this one immediately, since I also had a sudden burst of inspiration. Hope you enjoyed.

Song of a day: Skillet - Hero