• Published 26th Jan 2016
  • 5,840 Views, 266 Comments

Force of the Falcon - Omega6047

After a successful battle for planet Udow-2, Commander Falcon and his brothers are sent to another planet where they will fight Separatists. However not everything goes as planned and a completely new adventure appears in front of him.

  • ...

19. Padawan Awakens

--Chapter 19--
Padawan Awakens

“Huh... well, I guess you had quite the adventure while I slept. You should have woken me up.” Sakri said, leaning against the wall in the room where Tracker, Shaw and the rest lied. She was back in her padawan robes, which were at some point taken by Rarity who wanted to have a look, but then ended up borrowing them for a few days because of a sudden inspiration surge. Falcon gave her back her lightsaber, which she was spinning above her hand with the Force at the moment. “And to think that you of all clones in the whole damn army end up being force sensitive. I must say, I did not see that coming.”

“You don’t sound quite as surprised as I expected.”

“That’s because me and master could both sense that there was something different about you. We couldn’t tell what it was, but we knew something was there.” She started to approach him with a smile on her face. “And now I know that my favorite commander is a Force sensitive.” She stopped when her chest touched him. The size deference between the two, made her look like a child in comparison. “Alright, I’m hungry. We’re heading out.” She proclaimed and immediately turned around, heading towards the exit.

“You already complain about being hungry? I had to singlehandedly fight off an invasion and then escape from prison before I was even allowed to think about eating.” He followed her. “Shaw kept answering that purple one’s questions for hours, Tracker broke into this Sunny Butt’s library... And neither of them thought about food as fast as you did.”

“Well...” She turned around. “We don’t have much else to do, don’t we?”

“Well… yeah, guess you’re right. Besides, the sun will be raised soon. Come on, let’s get you signed out of here.” He went ahead of her to lead the way, as Sakri didn't know her way around the hospital. She could use the Force to navigate, but what was the point when she had her personal guide right next to her. "Abuyin." Falcon called out to one of the mares in the reception.

"What is it?" The higher mare with long, black hair and horn responded. "Oh, I see your friend woke up." She got up and lifted some papers from the desk. "We'll talk later Red. Now, I assume you would like to get out, right? Come with me, I'll do some tests and see if everything's alright. Then you're free to go."

"Alright." She went with Abuyin, leaving Falcon behind.

"So..." The other mare in the room, Red Heart, spoke up."Are you two a couple or something?" Falcon, who at the time decided to drink some water from water dispenser, immediately choked as he heard those words. A smirk appeared on nurse’s face.

“Why are you asking?”

“I double as a psychologist in this hospital. I know how to read people. And when I saw how much you sit at her side it didn’t leave me much room for imagination. And when I had her moved to a separate room to see your reaction, and you started to sit there instead, I was already sure that there’s something between you two. Now tell me, how far have you two went?”

“I don’t know what are you talking about. We’re simply good friends.” He responded calmly.

“Oh, come on! You can’t lie to me. You may not be a pony, but you humans have faces so easy to read I would have to be blind to not notice when you’re lying. Now come on, before Abuyin gets back. I just love to listen about that stuff. And don’t worry, I can keep a secret if want to.”

“The question is, do you want to?” The words left the mare, replaced by an awkward laugh. “Listen, me and Sakri had each other’s back in many situations. We saved each other’s lives more times than I can count. That kind of bond is hard to break, but we’re just good friends. And besides, she’s a Jedi. They have some strict rules about getting romantically involved. And by that, I mean that it is forbidden. Furthermore, I’m a soldier, and there’s a war going on. Hardly a time for me to think about that stuff. Especially since I’m a clone. So, do you understand?”

“Yeah...” She sighed in disappointment. “I won’t push it.” She said. “But I still think there’s something between you two!”

“Oh, I’ll tell you what’s between us.” Sakri’s voice rang in the room. She approached the nurse and Falcon. “Usually it’s a bunch of droids that I have to save him from. Or sometimes even a giant predator that wants to eat him.”

“Says a girl who wanted to fight a gundark hand-to-hand.” Falcon pointed out.

“Hey, what choice did I have? I’ve lost my lightsaber.”

“You wouldn’t lose it if you didn’t crush the shuttle we were in.”

“It crushed because you were supposed to pilot it. Instead, you got shot and made me do it.”

“That doesn’t mean you had to fly straight into that fog. Besides, I got shot because I was covering you. If you would as much as try to move out of the way of that blaster bolt, we wouldn’t be in that situation.”

“I didn’t move because I was trying to open that damn blast door.”

“You know… could you remind me why didn’t you use your lightsaber?”

“Because I’ve lost it... again. I mean I’ve left it on that shuttle after we used it to get into that station… But it was still your fault! You ordered Shaw to go with the other team.”

“I’ve sent them to fix a reactor that almost went critical. Because of you I might add.”

“Because of me? I didn’t do anything!”

“Really? So you didn’t use that mercenary’s star fighter to crush through the station? Because that fighter happened to damage the core’s shielding as it flew through the station at full speed.”

“Hey! We needed to get out of the hangar before they vented the area. The door were locked and Shaw couldn’t open them in time.”

“We have oxygen tanks in our armors!”

“I don’t wear an armor!”

“General ordered one for you! And you weren’t even supposed to be on that mission! You hid under the floor of that shuttle!”

“I got a special permission from my Master!”

“Then you should have taken proper equipment!”

“How should I have known that I’m going to need a combat armor with a blasted oxygen tank!?”

“What’s the point of having one if you never use it!?”

“I don’t use it because it screws with my balance! And I keep losing my lightsaber when I have it on...”

“Oh, don’t even get me started on you losing you lightsaber. What did General Kenobi tell you that one time? ‘This weapon is your life’, wasn’t it?”

“I... I usually have a good reason to lose it.”

“I wonder what was the reason for leaving it in a shuttle while we went into a separatist battle station full of droids and mercenaries.”

“...I said ‘usually’.”

“What about the time when we-“

“Alright, alright! We get it!” Abuyin stopped them from continuing. “If you keep this up you’ll wake up everyone in that hospital.”

The commander and padawan looked at each other and smiled before starting to chuckle. “Alright, we get it. We’ll settle this somewhere else.” Falcon said. “I assume everything’s alright with her?”

“Yes. She’s free to leave. I’ll send a letter to princess later, so don’t yourself bother with that.”

“Right. Oh, and before we leave.” He knelt down next to her and pulled her away from her friend. “Remember when we’re meeting?” He whispered.

“The entrance to the forest, 12 AM. I remember.”

“Good.” Commander said and got up. He turned towards Sakri and motioned her to leave. “By the way...” Falcon started when they went outside. “I found your armor when we were searching the wreckage of ‘Intrepid’.”

“Please, tell me you've burnt this pink disaster...”

“I couldn’t let such a masterpiece of modern art go to waste. Besides… you look cute in it.”

“Still trying to make me blush I see.”

“Still trying to pretend that you’re not blushing I see.” She had no response. She only puffed her red cheeks asshe looked behind at the hospital.

No one could see them from there, and the town was empty. She smiled at that and turned back towards Falcon. She quickly run into him, making both of them fall on each other. Then, as they fell towards the ground, she used a bit of Force and... Falcon's hand landed on her breast. "Oh, you’re getting a little grabby I see..." Commander's face became the definition of red as he instantly attempted to get up.

Sakri allowed him to, but only to a point. The moment he thought he was free, he felt an inexistent hand push him from behind. It only took a short look at Sakri's grin to let him figure out what happened. When they landed back on the ground, Falcon's face landed right on Sakri's chest. A grin on her face only grew as she grabbed his head and held it down. "Who's blushing now com-!?" She was. The moment she felt Falcon's tongue on the bit of exposed skin she was pushing him into, her face flared up like a candle. Immediately, she let go of him and with speed unreachable for an average human moved away from him. "W-What are you doing!?"

"You didn't think I'm just going to let you continue that and never fight back did you?" His face was still red, but that was more from the lack of air than embarrassment. "Come on. They'll be opening the only place where we can eat something soon." She got up and after adjusting her robes went after him, still with a red face.

“We’re going where exactly?” She asked.

“Most of the things ponies eat is uneatable for us, so the Princess I made a deal with – Luna, sends shipments with food we can eat to Pinkie Pie – one of the Elements I’ve told you about. She works in a bakery and that’s where we’re heading.”

By the time they’ve reached the Sugarcube Corner, ponies already started to leave their houses. Falcon was just about to open the bakery’s door, but Sakri suddenly stopped and placed her hand against her head. “Are you alright?” He asked.

“Yeah, it’s just… this place gives me a strange feeling. I feel like I’m walking into a place that no training can possibly prepare me for. You know what I mean?”

“Yeah…” He said. “I know all too well…”

After bracing himself the best he could, Falcon opened the door to the bakery. The first thing that greeted him was darkness. The windows were covered, lights were out and no one was around. “You’re sure it’s open?” Sakri asked as she walked over to the commander. She didn’t have the time to ask why he covered his ears. She was interrupted by a loud explosion ringing through the whole room as the lights were turned on.

Acting on instinct, Sakri reached for her lightsaber. However, she was used to doing it with hand that she has lost, and ended up knocking her weapon to the ground. “SURPRISE!!!” She heard several voices yell.

She looked forward. There were ponies all over the place, confetti flying around and a Pink blur moving towards her. She managed to get a quick glance at Falcon who had only one thing to say. “May the Force be with you.” As he said that, the confused padawan was grabbed by a pink pony and immediately dragged deeper into the room.

“Why isn’t Pinkie coming with us?” Applejack asked as she along with other Elements save for Pinkie and Rainbow waited at the Everfree’s entrance.

“Sakri woke up and Pinkie threw her a party. I might be known for jumping into impossible missions, but I don’t think even I could take that mare away from a party and live to tell the story.” Falcon answered.

“She woke up?” Twilight asked in surprise. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“She woke up this morning and Pinkie will party her unconscious anyway so it’s not like you’ll get a chance to talk with her for a while. Hell, I barely evacuated from that party myself, I’m sure as hell not going back just so you can talk. And besides, we’ll be training with Abuyin since today. Fluttershy will go under Tracker’s wing when he recovers, remember?” An easy to spot blush appeared on pegasus’ yellow fur as Falcon mentioned that.

“Alright, but mind telling us why we’re taking your ship with us?” Twilight pointed to a gunship behind the commander.

“We’ll be going back to the crush side of the Ebon Hawk to take everything we’ve left there.”

“Like that Assassin Droid?” Rarity spoke up and Falcon nodded in response. “Rainbow won’t be happy about it… I know I’m not…” She sighed and sat inside of the gunship, next to Falcon.

“Too bad. This droid may be dangerous but it’s better to take it and make it work for us than leave it there. Who knows what might happen if we do.” He stated. “I’ve heard stories about that particular unit. If this is the HK-47 that I have in mind, it was part of some of the most important events in history.”

“Events like what?” Twilight questioned him.

This immediately set off alarms in commander’s head. He just knew he had to dodge that question or he will end up swallowed by a sea of the mare’s curiosity. “Umm…“ He was about to say that she should ask Shaw about it, but he quickly realized it won’t work. He simply used that excuse too many times for it to work again. “Well… there were a few wars… but other than that I don’t know much… remember that I’m a soldier not a scholar.” He felt that he’s on the right track.

“But you did know that this droid was a part of them, right? So exactly how did it influence those conflicts to a point that someone who in his own words ‘has only basic knowledge because from the beginning he was meant only as a soldier’ knows about it? And more importantly, what do you know about those wars? Who fought in them? Why? What was the result? Who-?” Just as Falcon started to lose hope, a salvation appeared.

“Abuyin! There you are!” Falcon quickly got up and ignoring Twilight’s questions greeted Abuyin, who just appeared on the scene. Twilight could only groan in annoyance as they all got into the gunship and took off, leaving her with mind full of questions. At first, Abuyin seemed ready to throw up, like most of the others did when they first flew in the gunship. Not a surprise, since she never was more than a few meters above the ground and now she was flying at high speeds in alien ship.

She eventually calmed down enough to talk. "Abuyin, would you mind answering one question, dear?" Rarity spoke up as they flew. The mare nodded, still feeling a bit dizzy from the flight. "I was wondering about your name. I don't mean any offense but... it sounds strange...I mean, Abuyin ibn Dij...Umm..."

" Abuyin ibn Djadir ibn Omar Kalid ben Hadji al Sharidi." She finished for her. "I know what you mean, I've been getting that a lot. The thing is though, that it has no meaning whatsoever." She gave out a quiet laugh. "That was my mother's idea of a joke. When we escaped from Saddle Arabia that's how she signed us on documents. Damn this mare... even in all this she kept smiling and joking at every opportunity..."

"You escaped?" Applejack asked. "Ah don't get it. Why would you escape your home?"

"That place was hardly what you would call a 'home'." She said almost angry. "Me and my sister were born as slaves, and our mother got sold into slavery by her own father. Is it really that surprising that when rebels hit the place we served in, our mother used the opportunity and got away with us on her back?"

"Slaves?" Twilight questioned further, not quite believing what she just heard. "But... Slavery's been demolished hundreds of years ago, how could you be born as a slave?"

"Slavery's gone in Equestria, but I assure you, this business is still doing quite well in Saddle Arabia." She said and then continued with her story. "Of course, we didn't get away from there immediately after that. We've spent a few years moving from place to place, trying to stay alive... Until I made a mistake and got caught stealing from some religious leader or something, I’m still not sure who he was. He and some of his guards beat me up... and after finding out I don't even know the concept of god, proclaimed me a heretic and decided to stone me to death. Got saved by rebels again though. Turns out they were targeting that guy and had their people in the crowd. That was pure luck, but we managed to get away from there and after that, mother led us straight to Equestria.”

“Why not stay with those rebels?” Twilight popped a question. “Wouldn’t you want to help them if they fought against that system? You’re a brilliant doctor, I’m sure they could use someone like you.”

“Twilight, I didn’t have a day of formal education in my life before I came to Equestria. Not only that but those rebels aren’t better than the current king. Hell, they might even be worse. The king at least kept fanatics from running amok for the most part, and rebels are mainly religious fanatics. Even back then I was smart enough to know I should run away from then as soon as I saw them.”

“Stop with the chit-chat, we arrived.” Falcon said and started to lower the gunship. Abuyin immediately felt her last meal coming up to her throat. She held herself back from vomiting with a bit of help from Rarity who was standing near her. “Damn it, even Twilight wasn’t that shaken up by this.”

“Hey!” The unicorn in question spoke up at the comment. “What is that suppose to mean?”

Commander turned off the machine and opened the hatches without answering. Abuyin was first to leave and fall to the ground without even looking at the giant alien ship in front of her. “Twilight, make us a way up from that tree.” Falcon ordered.

Still a bit annoyed after his command, Twilight used her magic to lift the tree that fell down during the fight with Assassin Droid that lived in that ship. She removed all branches, leaving only a long, thick log. She then used a spell to reshape the wood into makeshift stairs. The whole process lasted ten minutes.

During that time Abuyin couldn’t help but look at the ship in amazement. She was not a science maniac like Twilight, but even she was unable to keep her excitement down. That was of course until she noticed all the dead creatures around the area. Timberwolves, Cockatrices, giant rats, spiders, basilisks and things she never even heard of. There were already maggots feasting on the corpses that were already partly eaten by other predators, but she didn’t let that sight bother her. After all, she saw maggots feast on the living.

Once the way up was made, they all walked up. The dead harpy from yesterday was there in a pool of dried blood. Unlike the bodies on the ground, the harpy was untouched. Even after death, no animal in the forest would dare to get near the harpy.

Last night they didn’t have time to take a good look at the bird and it was too dark to see much anyways, but now the ponies looking at the gruesome scene could only keep themselves from vomiting because of witnessing the massacre on board of the ‘Intrepid’. Abuyin was the only one except Falcon who didn’t seem to care about the scene and was observing the hole in bird’s head with interest. Not only did she learn to cope with looking at blood in her time as a doctor, but she was also used to gruesome scenes like that.

Falcon approached the harpy’s body and without a care for ponies’ disgust, grabbed its head and looked at the hole it the head. “The skull is completely shattered from within. Brain was turned into a mush… looks like something exploded inside its head.” He turned to Twilight. “You said that some bird flew through its eye?” She nodded hesitantly. “I see.” He got up after silently thinking for a while. “Abuyin, would you be willing to dissect that thing?”

“I can do it, but why?”

“As I understand it, no one has ever managed to examine one of those. We might find out something interesting.”

“Then why not leave it to Royal Medical Academy? They would gladly handle it.”

“Because whatever they might find out will be restricted to make sure it isn’t used wrongly, and Sunny Butt will keep me as far away from the results as she can anyways. What I’m interested in is seeing if there’s some information we can use. I’ll have Luna send a team to help you with it, for now…” He looked at Rarity. “There are body bags in the back of the gunship. Bring one.” The mare gladly walked away from the dead body, but she was hardly happy about the idea of returning home with it.

“Alright, Twilight will stay here and levitate everything we bring out of the ship up here. The rest of us goes down.” Falcon said after putting the harpy in a bag Rarity brought. Twilight moved the bag away and swept the blood away with magic. She didn’t want to look at it all the time she was going to stand here. Falcon was first to jump down into the ship.

“Fluttershy, Rarity, you two take everything out of the armory. I assume you remember how to handle this stuff safely.” He stated and moved on further into the ship. “Applejack, you go into the comm room ahead and take those bags Shaw prepared. Just don't break your back by trying to take them all at once, they're heavy. Abuyin, you will help me carry that thing out.” He pointed at the droid parts lying on a holo communicator in the middle of the ship.

The mare in question barely noticed his request. She was too busy looking around in awe. "Now I know for sure agreeing to this wasn't a mistake..." She said and looked at the disassembled droid. "What is that?"

"Droid. I'll give you a full briefing about our tech later. For now, just help me carry this out of here." He grabbed the corpus with no limbs attached and Abuyin assisted him with levitation spell. Neither of them would be able to carry it on their own, corpus alone weighted over one hundred kilos. Falcon wasn't strong enough to lift it, and Abuyin's magic was on even lower level then an average unicorn. She could only lift few small objects at once but had problems manipulating them simultaneously, and she could carry up to forty kilos at most.

Someone like Twilight could lift even a tone with magic alone if they tried, and Twilight could also further support herself with the Force.

Abuyin's help was limited to lowering the burden on Falcon who carried the corpus to the hole they entered through. When Twilight saw them, she immediately lifted the corpus herself, making it fly up as if it weighted nothing.

They finished loading everything onto the gunship in a few hours. Falcon also disabled the power from the ship as they left. There was no need to keep the lights on. Along with body of the harpy and disassembled HK-47, they loaded parts of comm equipment Shaw took apart, a bit of still functioning medical equipment, 10 working blaster rifles, 12 blaster pistols, 5 one-shot pistols, 6 vibroknifes, 8 vibroswrds, over 5 kinds of grenades (frag, plazma, sonic, gas and concussion) each in a box containing from 6 to 12 of them , parts of several lightsabers though with no focusing crystals, a minigun, the equipment HK used for recharging, every data disc Shaw managed to find on the ship, 52 batteries for blasters, 296 tibanna gas cartridges and every bit of fuel that remained on the ship.

After loading all that onboard, there was barely enough free space for them. Mostly because they wanted to stay as far away from the harpy in a body bag as possible.

After reaching the ruined caste, Falcon spent the rest of the day training ponies in his Drill Sergeant mode. He did go a bit lighter on Abuyin than on the rest, but she still ended up cursing him with every curse she knew in every language she knew. She didn't pass out the way others did though. She wasn't really fit as far as ponies go, but she did train her body from time to time to stay in relatively good shape. She was still utterly exhausted to a point that Rarity had to help her get home after they returned.

Twilight and Fluttershy immediately headed towards the hospital, to make sure Shaw and Tracker are doing well. Falcon noticed that the party is still going on, so he joined them in order to avoid being pulled into this madness. A good choice, as Tracker decided that he's already recovered enough to get out and tried to storm his way out of the hospital. If Falcon didn't stop him he would end up hurting himself in the process.

Shaw was also awake, but he left him to Twilight. The moment they saw each other they started to discuss something he had no way of understanding. Fluttershy was also talking with Tracker, scolding him in Falcon's place.

He stayed there until midnight, when he felt like the party is coming to an end. He was right. When he came near Sugarcube Corner, Ponies started to pour out of there in large numbers. They weren't really drunk, some were just a bit tipsy. Ponies generally don't like to get drunk, and it's illegal to sell anything above 5% anyways, so it's not like they have any hard liquor available to get drunk quickly.

Sakri didn't leave though. He walked inside as soon as everypony left, only to see Sakri standing in the middle of the room while Pinkie disappeared in the kitchen. The padawan was barely keeping herself up and as soon as he started to approach her, she lost her balance and toppled over. He caught her and held up as she unconsciously looked up at him. "Thanks for leaving me alone in this hell..." She tried to sound angry but had no energy to do so.

"Serves you right for every prank you pulled off on me. Can you walk?" In response, her head fell against his chest, and Sakri, unable to get it back up fell asleep in an instant. Falcon could only smile as he lifted her and walked out of the bakery. Occasionally he would look down at her, unable to get over how cute she looked asleep. It's not like there was anyone around that could see him.

He carried her all the way to the warehouse and placed her in a bed upstairs. He took off hr boots, and in that moment, she opened her eyes again. "...Where are we?" She asked quietly.

"Our temporary base." He started to take his armor off. "It used to be an old warehouse, but Luna had it repurposed for us."

“Geez… Luna, Luna, Luna… you keep talking about her every time you get a chance. Found yourself a new girlfriend when I was out?”

“Not really, you are more than enough for me.”

“Then you must not be able to handle a lot if such a small girl is all you can take.”

“Perhaps, but I’m quite happy with the way things are.”

She lied her head flat on the bed and closed her eyes. “Are we alone here?”


“Then get your ass over here.”

“Get your ass over here, who?”

“Get your ass over here, sir. Pretty please.”

“That’s more like it.” He turned off the light in the room and lied beside the padawan who was already in a deep sleep. It was rare for them to get a chance to sleep this close together, so he happily embraced her sleeping body and pulled close to him. “Goodnight, love.”

Author's Note:

Song of a day: Shinedown - Cut The Cord