• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 2,053 Views, 47 Comments

Blazing Passion - CosmicAlchemist24

Following there failure against the Rainbooms, Aria Blaze goes off on her own to blow of steam, while doing so she meets someone who in her opinion might not be The Worst.

  • ...

So much Pain!

Location: Outside Canterlot High

Dove had woken up from a very nice nap and stretched his wings. Looking to another tree he saw that Raven had left and he shook his head. He flew over the school to see if he could find her…


Location: Library

“Tell me Twin-Tail, What does music mean to you?” Artemis asked the former siren. Aria raised an eyebrow at the boy’s question.

“What it means to me?” She asked.

“Yeah like, how does it make you feel? When you sing, what do you feel inside?” Artemis questioned.

Aria didn’t know what this kid was talking about, but she gave it some thought. When she and her sisters first came to this school and sang for the students in the lunchroom she felt…. “At Peace.” She said unconsciously.

“At peace?” Artemis asked with interest.

“Yeah, when me and my sisters used our voices to feed off of negative energy, we would grow stronger and sing better. It felt….right, it felt good.” The former siren explained. Artemis took in what the girl said and began processing it.

Other than the whole feeding off negative energy bit, I think she kinda get’s it...at least somewhat. I think she just needs a push in the right direction.” Artemis thought with a smile. “Ok that’s something, but did you like the power you got from singing or the singing in general?” Artemis asked crossing his arms.

“Is both an option?” Aria said with a smirk. Artemis quirked an eyebrow at her as if to say ‘Really?’. “Ugh fine! I guess…the singing itself was most fun for me. Still wish we had the power though.” Aria said looking away.

“I knew it.” Artemis said with a smile.

“Whatever.” Aria said crossing her arms.

“Oh stop with the cold shoulder already. Look, I may not have been there during the battle of the bands, but I can tell you got potential. I heard you sing earlier too and I have to say while you could use ….a bit of work, you aren’t that terrible.” Artemis said trying his best not to offend the Siren. He did anyway though.

“Are you trying to piss me off because you’re doing a great job!” Aria snapped raising a fist to the silver haired boy. Artemis put his hand up defensively.

“No! no! I didn’t mean it like that I swear! I was just- ACK!” It was too late Aria had already punched the boy in a gut once again. “Awwwww come on, why is it always my stomach?” The boy said holding his stomach. Aria then quickly stood up.

“Next time just keep your mouth shut and if you ever talk to me or my sisters again they won’t find your body.” With that, the Twin-Tailed girl walked to the second level of the library to find a seat far away from the boy. Artemis looked at her as she walked away and he sighed.

“Well you Can’t said I didn’t try and I really need to learn to think before I speak.” He said rubbing his tummy.

30 Minutes Later

Vice principal Luna Looked at her watch and saw that the students time was up.

“Alright you two, you may go. I’ll see you both tomorrow.” She said gathering her things and walking out of the library. Artemis grabbed his bag and looked up to the second level to see Aria walking down the stairs. He didn’t say anything though, he just sighed and walked out of the Library. He continued walking until he reached the front entrance and saw Adagio and Sonata.

“Hey there.” He said with a small smile. The two sirens looked up to him and Only Sonata Smiled.

“Hi Arrow.” She said in a cheerful tone.

“How ya doing Nata, Feeling better?” Artemis asked.

“What do you mean?” Sonata asked confused. Artemis raised an eyebrow at the youngest of the sirens, did she really forget? Artemis looked over to Adagio who just shook her head as if to say ‘Don’t worry about it.’

“Oh Never mind, you both waiting for Twin-Tail?” He asked. “Obviously. We heard she got along side a certain silver haired boy.” Adagio said glaring at the boy. Artemis began to sweat.

“I can explain.”

“I don’t think you can.”

“Ari’s coming!” Sonata said with a big smile. The two looked behind them to see the Twin-Tailed Siren walking up to them with a scowl on her face. Artemis knew that it was directed to him and he turned to leave.

“I’ll talk to you both another time, have a good night.” With that, Artemis walked out the door, leaving the two Sirens. As walked out, he saw a familiar dark blue car and a very familiar angry woman waiting for him.

“Why me.” He said walking over to the car.

With that Dazzlings…

“What did he want?” Aria asked with a growl. Adagio was use to here sister’s grumpy nature, but she seemed more angry than usual.

“He just wanted to see if Sonata was alright, why?” Adagio asked curiously.

“No reason let's just go.” Aria said walking past her sisters. Adagio and Sonata looked at one another before shrugging their shoulders and following Aria.

“How was Detention?” The Older Siren asked.

“Irritating!” Aria said gritting her teeth. Sonata began to worry a bit. Sure Aria was a grump most of the time, but never this grumpy.

“Are you ok?” The younger Siren asked.

“I’m fine, just drop the stupid detention subject. Let’s just go home, It’s my turn to cook right?” Aria asked wanting to forget this day.

“Yes it’s your turn, you prepped a lasagna before school remember?” Sonata said smiling at her sister. Aria actually did forget, with all the stupidity that happened today who wouldn’t forget.

“That’s right I did, I’ll put it in the oven as soon as we get back.” Aria said with a small sigh.

“YAY!” Sonata cheered. Adagio could tell that her sister was either hiding something or not wanting to talk about something and she wanted to know what that was.

“Back to your detention, who were you fighting? Was it Artemis?” Adagio asked.

“I told you to dro-” “Aria Blaze, I believe I asked you a question.” Adagio said Cutting of Aria in a stern tone.

“Oooo! Ari’s in trouble!~ Ari’s in Trouble!~” Sonata teased.

“Shut it!” Aria snapped. “I’m not hearing an answer Aria.” Adagio said tapping her foot.

“UGH! Some idiots wanted a fight and were throwing rocks at me! So I taught them a lesson and the Arrow kid just happened to be there. Are you satisfied now mom!?” Aria said before continuing on to their house.

“We’re not done here!” Adagio said grabbing her sisters arm. “This isn’t new for us, the students treat us like crap yes, but they don’t make you this grumpy.” Adagio said. Aria rolled her eyes and pulled away from her sisters grip. “Aria!” Adagio called out. No response came as the Twin-tailed Siren kept walking.

“Is Ari alright?” Sonata asked.

“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.” Adagio said with determination in her voice.

With Artemis, Location:His House

Man that girl can punch!” Artemis thought rubbing his stomach. He had been driven home by his mom and she showed him no mercy. Two weeks of grounding, no violin practice and no seconds at dinner.

“Ugh! What am I supposed to do for two weeks without my Violin and my food?” Artemis whined.

“You could go and introduce yourself to the neighbors.” A voice said in a happy tone.

“Hey that’s a great idea! That- Wait who!?” Artemis turned to his window and saw two girls smiling at him...well one of them were.

The first girl was the one smiling, she had slightly pale pink skin, long golden blonde hair and lime green eyes. She was wearing a White t-shirt with what looked like an exploding star on it. The second girl was just staring at him with a blank look on her face, she had Bluish gray skin, short dark blue hair and amber eyes. She was wearing a long black and white flannel shirt that had the sleeves cut off at the shoulders and a black tank top cut off at her stomach with a light purple heart with four outward facing crescent moons around it.He couldn’t see their bottom halves because they were standing on a ladder. Artemis quickly got up and stared at the girls cautiously.

“Um….who are you two and why are you both in my window?” He asked. The girl with golden hair gave Artemis a brighter smile before speaking up.

“Sorry for startling you buddy, we heard we had new neighbors and we just had to meet you.” She said in an overly cheery tone.

“Also it was her idea to get a ladder and climb up to your window. Sorry about that by the way.” The goth girl said in a monotone voice.

“Um..ok, but my question is still barely answered.

“Oh right sorry, My name is Sunshine Smiles, but you can call me Shine.” Shine then gestured to the other girl. “This is my Sister, Moonlight Raven!” She said.

“Just call me Raven.” the goth girl said giving Artemis a small wave.

“Well….uh nice to meet you both, but still its weird to have you both in my window.” Artemis said scratching the back of his head.

“Oh no! No changing the subject, you have to introduce yourself now.” Shine said in a teasing tone. Artemis sighed and smiled at the golden hair girl.

“My name is Artemis Arrow, it’s a pleasure to meet you both.” He said politely.

“See Moony, I told you he’d be nice.” Shine said shaking her sister.

“You’re just lucky he didn’t call the police like the last set of neighbors did for us doing this.” Raven said rolling her eyes.

“Speaking of doing this you both might wanna get out of my window and use the front door. We don’t want people getting the wrong idea.” Artemis said with a chuckle.

“He’s right sis, let’s go.” Raven said pulling on her sisters shirt.

“Huh, wait, I-WHOA!” Both sisters fell from the window and Artemis panicked.

“Oh crap.” he said running down stairs. Selene heard him coming down and walked out the kitchen.

“Hey’s you’re still grounded young-” Artemis quickly ran past his mom leaving her with a surprised look on her face.

“Arty?” She asked. Artemis opened the front door and looked back at his mom.

“Mom get the First-Aid kit!” He said going outside. Selene didn’t know what was going on but she quickly did what her son said. Artemis reached the two girls, Shine was on Raven’s back and the ladder was on hers.

“Oh man, are you both ok?” Artemis said moving the ladder.

“Owie, that hurt. Moony, why did you do that?” Shine said rubbing her head.

“I told you this was a stupid idea and that we could get hurt, but you still didn’t listen to me. So this is your fault.” Raven said groaning.

“Stop it you two.” Artemis said. “Can you it two stand up?” He asked in concern.

“Oh don’t worry about us buddy.” Shine said pushing her sister off of her and standing up. “We’ve been through worse than that! One time, I twisted my entire leg around and was in surgery for a whole 4 hours. Man that really hurt!” She said with a huge smile on her face. Artemis looked at this girl with a pure ‘WTF’ look. Raven than stood up and dusted herself off.

“It’s true and I know she’s weird.” She said. Artemis decided not to question this anymore.

“You know what, as long as you both are ok than whatever.” He said slightly giving up trying to understand these two.

“Who needs the first aid kit?” The three teen looked to see Selene running up with the first-aid kit.

“Well I thought they would need it, but apparently not." Artemis said shrugging his shoulders. Selene seemed very unamused.

"Artemis Arrow,if this was just some ploy to see a few girls!" Selene seethed. Artemis flinched and took a step back. Shine and Raven saw this and stepped in.

"No no ma'am, it's not like that really. Me and my sister just wanted to meet you all since you live next door to us." Shine explained.

"And thanks to this one's bright thinking, she thought it would be 'fun' if we climbed to a window and introduced ourselves. I know stupid, but once this girl has her mind set on something she's going to do it no matter what. Then the ladder we were standing on fell and well here we are." Raven said with a blank stare. Selene looked at the two girls and saw that their words were sincere, but her motherly instincts were still active.

"While I appreciate your honesty girls, the whole climbing up to our window thing rubs me the wrong way I'm going to have to ask you both to leave." Selene said in a serious tone. Shine looked to the ground with a sad look and Raven ...well she didn't show it but she felt a bit sad.

"Mom come on they-" "Not one word Artemis, now back in the house!" Selene said cutting her son off. Arrow opened his mouth again but closed it and turned to the two sisters.

"Sorry." He said.

"No we're sorry." Shine said sadly.

"Later days pal." Raven said. Artemis nodded and he and his mom walked back into their house.

"That could have gone better." Shine said.

"Right, so what now?" Raven asked.

"Let's just go home." Shine said walking away from her sister. Raven shrugged and followed her.

"At least the cops weren't called this time." She thought to herself. She then looked back at Artemis's house. "Would have been nice to make a new friend."

The next day, location: Canterlot High

Adagio and her sisters had arrived at school early and Aria immediately split off from the others to do who know what. This gave her a chance to talk to a certain silver haired boy.

"Dagi, where are we going?" Sonata asked in a confused tone.

"I'm looking Daemon, he might know where Artemis is.” Adagio said looking around.

“Um...why are you looking for Artemis?” Sonata asked still confused. Adagio didn’t answer as she kept walking around for the silver haired boy.

“Why aren’t you answering me?” Sonata asked with a pout. Adagio once again ignored her sister and Sonata was getting annoyed. “Ugh fine, I’m going to eat breakfast.” Sonata said before walking away from Adagio.

“Thank Faust.” Adagio said shaking her head.

“You feeling alright Fuzzball?” Adagio jumped a bit before turning around to see Daemon with a smirk on his face.

“I hate you.” Adagio muttered.

“Good morning to you too Fuzzball. What’s going on?” The boy asked. Adagio pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned.

“Listen, as much as I’d like to argue with you right now I don’t have the time. Where’s your buddy?” She asked. Daemon raised an eyebrow at her.

“You’re going to have to be more specific Fuzzball, I have a lot of buddies.” He said in a smug tone.

“The one who is actually willing to put up with you.” Adagio said crossing her arms.


Adagio narrowed her eyes at the boy.


"I'm 5 seconds away from slapping you." Adagio said getting impatient. Daemon thought for a minute and a lightbulb went off in his head.

“Oh Arrow! Yea I haven’t seen him yet, what do you want with him?” He asked curiously.

“Just want to ask him a question, not that it’s any of your business Wraithe.” Adagio said in a slightly rude tone.

“I’m sure you and your sisters became mine, Arrow and Jon’s business when Celestia asked us to watch over you three.” Daemon said.

“Don’t you mean forced you to watch over us?” Adagio asked.

“Yes, but you didn’t see any of us object to it did you?” Adagio didn’t have anything to say to that because he was right. Sure Daemon was a pain with all the nicknames he gives her, but she did enjoy his company at times. Warhawk stood up for not only Sonata but all her and Aria as well against Axis and the Rainbooms. Artemis to Adagio Knowledge hasn’t done anything for them, but she’s pretty sure he would if the chance presented itself.

“Ok you have a point.” She said begrudgingly. Daemon smiled at his victory.

“Look while appreciate you and the other two dealing with us I still have something I need to figure out.” Adagio said in a serious tone. Daemon looked at the siren and kept smiling.

“This wouldn't happen to be about Aria and Arrow’s detention would it?” Daemon asked. Adagio looked at him with wide eyes.

“How did-” “I saw you three walking home yesterday and overheard Aria telling you why she had detention. She’s telling you the truth, Artemis told us three guys were chucking rocks at her and being the badass that Aria is she kicked their asses. Artemis took part of the blame so her punishment wouldn’t be too severe.” Daemon explained. Adagio took a minute to process this.

“Ok I get that, but why is pissed off at Artemis if he helped her. Aria is many things but ungrateful isn’t one of them.” Daemon looked to the girl with a confused look on his face.

“Are we talking about the same Aria? The same one that punched our mutual silver haired friend in the gut not once but twice!" Daemon said dramatically. Adagio glared at the boy.

“Aria my be a rough girl, but she’s a teddy bear.” She said.

“More like a grizzly bear.” Daemon remarked. Adagio growled at the boy, but took a deep breath.

“Look i don’t have much time left before classes start, if you see Artemis tell him I’m looking for him.” With that, the older Siren left Daemon. Said boy was watching her walk away and smiled.

“I think she’s getting use to me.” He said with a slight chuckle.

“Hey Wraithe!” Daemon turned around to see Warhawk walking up to him.

“Sup Jon!” He Greeted the green skinned boy with a smile.

“Saw you talking to Adagio, what’s going on?” Warhawk asked.

“She’s looking for our Silver haired buddy, apparently she want some info out of him.” Daemon explained.

“What kind of info?” Before Daemon could answer, the main character finally showed his face looking a bit worn out.

“Morning.” Artemis said in a bored tone. Daemon and Warhawk gave the silver haired boy different looks. Daemon looked worried while Warhawk seemed Neutral, but in his eyes he was slightly worried as well.

“Dude, you ok?” Daemon asked.

“In all Honesty ...no.” Artemis answered truthfully.

“Why, something happen?” Warhawk asked. Artmeis sighed.

“Yeah, a lot of things, thong I don’t wanna go into right now. Right now I’ll just say, I’m grounded for two weeks.” He said looking down. Daemon and Warhawk knew something other than the grounding was bumming Artemis out, but what was it?

“Anyway enough about me, how are you two” Artemis asked with a small smile. Daemon shrugged his arms and answered.

“Good I guess, had a little chat with Fuzzball, She’s looking for you." He said. Artemis raised an eyebrow at this.

"What does she want with me?" Artemis asked in confusion.

"Something about Aria." Daemon answered. Artemis's face dropped a bit and knew exactly what this talk was about. The silver haired boy sighed and looked to Daemon.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"She just went inside, I'm sure you can find her before the first bell." Daemon answered back. Artemis nodded and walked away.

"Did he seem off to you?" Daemon asked.

"I'm sure it's nothing." Warhawk said shrugging his shoulders.

"And if it isn't?"

"Then it's his problem."

"Harsh man."

"Yea I know."

Artemis walked through the hallway looking for Adagio, but after a few minutes nothing. "Come on how hard is it to find one girl with orange poofy hair?" Artemis asked himself.

“Harder than you'd actually think." Artemis turned around to see Sonata munching on a breakfast burrito.

"Care to elaborate on that Pony-Tail?" Artemis asked. Sonata gave the boy a very confused look.

"What?" Artemis asked.

"What does Elaborate mean?" Sonata asked tilting her head. Artemis let out a long sigh.

“Nevermind, where is your sister?” He asked.

“Heck if I know, I left her in front of the school a few minutes ago. She wanted to talk to you about something, she wouldn’t tell me what though.” Sonata said taking another bite of her burrito. Artemis sighed and nodded.

“Ok since I'm not going to find her any time soon, if you see your sister tell her I'll talk to her at lunch." Artemis said.

"No problem Arty!" Sonata said with a smile. Artemis nodded and walked away from the youngest Siren. As Artemis walked to his homeroom he kept thinking about all that happened yesterday.

Yeesh not even a week and I'm already have bad luck in this place. Well, if it starts off this bad it can’t get any-OOF!” Artemis’s thoughts were cut off when someone grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against a locker. Artemis looked up to see Axis glaring at the boy. “I guess I was wrong, it can always get worse.” He thought before finally speaking up to the boy.

“Look I’m already in a bad mood Axis, so can you just leave-” “SHUT IT!” Axis said angrily. “I don’t appreciate you and your buddies speaking up for those Siren Whores and I really don’t appreciate being made a fool of in front of the school.” He said angrily. A few of the students looked over at the situation and of course no one stepped in.

“Dude you really need to chill, I stood up for Twin-Tail and her sisters so what? No one else was going to do it and they looked like they could use some positive influences in their lives since mostly everyone in this school is dead set on setting a bad one for them.” Artemis said glaring at the boy.

“Those bitches deserve whatever bad thing comes their way they need to be thrown out of-ACK!” Just before Axis could finish his statement, someone grabbed his arm and began twisting it.

“I’d Appreciate it if you kindly let our Acquaintance go.” Artemis turned to see Warhawk who was the twisting Axis’s arm and Daemon who just a grin on his face.

“You ok?” Daemon asked patting Artemis on the back.

“Yeah thanks guys.” Arteis said with a smile. Warhawk nodded and looked to Axis.

“What should I do with this piece of human garbage?” He asked.

“Shove him in a locker, I’ve always wanted to see someone do that.” Daemon suggested. Artemis rolled his eyes.

“Let him go.” He said. Daemon looked at him as if he were mad.

“Dude this guy just-” “I know and I don’t care. If he wants to go on hating us then let him, it’s not hurting us.” Artemis explained as her balled his hand into fist. Warhawk just shook his head.

“You know that ‘nice guy’ attitude is going to get you hurt one of these days.” Warhawk said before letting Axis go.

“You’re going to regret that you bas-AHH!” Out of nowhere Axis was punched in the face causing him to fall to the ground and surprisingly it wasn’t Warhawk or Daemon it was Artemis. To say Daemon and Warhawk were shocked was an understatement. Artemis took a deep breath and un-balled his fist and turned to his friends.

“So shall we head to class?” He said with a smile. The two boys in front of the Silver haired boy just looked at one another before shrugging. The three began walking away from Axis who said something about getting revenge while holding his face in pain.

“Where did that come from?” Daemon asked.

“I was already having a crap day and he kinda struck a nerve.” Artemis said with a shrug.

“I’ll say this, I’m slightly impressed. Here I thought you were a pacifist.” Warhawk said.

“Can we change the subject please?” Artemis asked.

“Nope!” Daemon and Warhawk said simultaneously. Artemis groaned.

“Seriously, I have a favor to ask of you both.”

Author's Note:

Seems like nothing is going good for our boy here huh? Anyway I finally did it and I'm proud that I did. It's been so long and I'm happy to be getting back into the swing of things. Hope to see you all in future updates!

Shine: Not all Sisters have to Agree with each other.

Raven: She's right that's part of Sisterhood.

Aria: hmm...

Next Time: Practice and Sisterhood

Comments ( 3 )
CSC #1 · Jul 9th, 2019 · · ·

Good job!

Good chapter, I really need to get back to work on my story. By the way, I don't mean to sound picky but the only person that Warhawk lets call him by Jon is Sonata.

Ah sweet! A new chapter. I wondered when you would update your story. :ajsmug:

Be careful Arrow, you're starting to become Aria's punching bag.... :trollestia:

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