• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 2,053 Views, 47 Comments

Blazing Passion - CosmicAlchemist24

Following there failure against the Rainbooms, Aria Blaze goes off on her own to blow of steam, while doing so she meets someone who in her opinion might not be The Worst.

  • ...

Detention with a Siren. Pt.2

Location: Canterlot Park

The raven was perched in a tree sleeping soundly and the Dove was watching his ‘Friend from a distance in another tree. He was getting a bit tired himself and decided to take a quick nap. Raven slowly woke up and let out a small cry almost like a yawn. She then spread her wings and flew off. It had been a good three minutes since Raven left the tree and she was happy to not see Dove any-


Location: Canterlot High Library

“Finally made it I see Mr. Arrow.” Luna said with her hands behind her back.

“Yes Ma’am, I'm sorry.” Artemis said with a slight bow.

“No harm done, your not late. Alright, both of you sit down and I’ll be right back with some work for you to do.” Luna said before walking out. Aria shrugged and went to sit at one of the table, Artemis did the same and sat across from her. The girl gave him a quick glare.

“Go somewhere else silver hair.” She said. Artemis rolled his eyes.

“I say again, you keep acting like that and you’ll never get people to like you.” He said with a small smile.

“And I told you I don’t care what the idiots in this hell hole think of me.” Aria said crossing her arms.

“That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think? Artemis asked leaning back in his chair.

“What part of ‘I don’t care’ don’t you get?” Aria asked getting annoyed. Artemis chuckled.

“Ok ok I-”

~Getta banban Getta banban Getta banban
Mada minu mirai e
OH YEAH tachi mukatte
OH YEAH nando datte~

“Um, give me two seconds.” Artemis said taking his phone out of his pocket. Aria didn't care, she was actually glad the silver haired boy was distracted. She didn’t feel like talking to him, she just wanted to be left alone.

Please Faust, keep him quiet for the rest of deten-” “OH MY FAUST THE NEW TRAILER!!!!” Aria jumped and fell out of her seat.

“OW! What the Hell is wrong with you dumbass!?” Aria asked rubbing her head. Artemis calmed down a bit and saw the siren on the ground.

“Oh sorry, I just saw something amazing!” Artemis said with a huge smile on his face. Aria stood up and walked over to the silver haired boy.

“Oh really!” She said snatching the phone away from him.

“Hey, give that back!” Artemis said reaching for his phone. Aria made sure the phone was out out the boys reach before pushing him to the ground.

“OW! Come on Twin-Tail!” Artemis said rubbing his head.

“Not so funny now is it and i already told you it’s Aria not Twin-Tail!” Aria said with a growl.

“Ok I'm sorry, just give me my phone back please! The new Kingdom Hearts Trailer dropped and I have to see it before the vice principal gets back.” Artemis said reaching for his phone again. Aria’s eyes widened a bit once she heard what he said, but focused on keeping the phone away from him.

“I see another trailer for the game we won't see for another ten years.” Aria said with a smirk.

“LALALA I'M NOT LISTENING!” Artemis said covering his ears. Aria’s smirk got bigger, She knew one of Artemis’s weaknesses.

“Come on the game has been delayed for the longest time. I highly doubt they're going to give it to us in January.” She said.

“Ahhhh! Stop it!” Artemis said shaking his head. Aria was loving this, seeing the silver haired boy squirm was very funny.

“You really hate hearing the truth don’t you?” She asked. Artemis went back to the table and put his head down. Aria knew she temporarily broke the boy and pressed play on the trailer video.

“Ok Square, what do you got for us this time?”

One Viewing later…

“AQUA NOOOOOOOOOO!” Aria screamed. Artemis snapped out of his thoughts and turned to Aria who was looking at his phone with a horrified look on his face.

“Twin-Tail what’s up?” Artemis asked walking over to her. Aria said nothing and kept looking at the phone in shock, Once Artemis reached her he looked at the phone to see the Kingdom Hearts trailer video paused on a familiar Character now with silver hair and golden eyes. The moment Artemis saw this he spazzed out.


Aria turned to him. “That’s what I’m saying!” Artemis quickly took the phone from her and started the video over.

One Viewing later…

“AQUA NOOOOOO!” Artemis screamed.

“How the hell did the Organization get to her first!?” He asked trying to comprehend what he just watched. Aria wasn't doing much better than Artemis, She was sitting at the table with both hand on her head.

“She said she wouldn’t succumb to the darkness….she said she’d be a Wayfinder...I don’t understand anything anymore!” Aria said still in shock. Luna then reentered the library with a stack of papers. “Alright you two I’ve got-” She stopped herself when she saw the two student with distraught looks on their faces. “Um….is everything alright kids?” She asked in a slightly worried tone. Artemis and Aria quickly snapped out of their thoughts and looked a the vice-principal.

“Um...yes Ma’am we’re fine.” Artemis said before taking a seat next to Aria. Aria shot an annoyed look at Artemis who just smiled to her.

“Very well, anyway I have a few packets of work for the two of you to do. You may help each other or work independently, your choice. It’s also your choice if you do it or not, think of it as extra credit work.” Luna said placing the packets in front of the two teens.

“I’ll be at the Librarian’s desk if you need anything.” She said before walking away. Aria quickly took out a pen and began her work.

“You waste no time do you?” Artemis asked also taking out a pen. Aria didn’t say anything and kept working. “And we’re back to the silent treatment.” Artemis said as he began his work. It had been about ten minutes and Artemis was struggling with a math equation.

UGH! NOBODY SAID THERE'D BE MATH!” He screamed internally. Math was never Artemis’s favorite, every other subject he was decent at….but math…. “I HATE IT!” He thought before slamming his head on the table. Aria looked at the silver haired boy out of the corner of her eye and saw that he was struggling with his work.

Ok he’s being way too over dramatic about this. These problems aren't that difficult.” She thought before looking back at her work. Aria doesn't want others to know, but she's actually a bit of an egghead. Throughout her time in this world, she'd read up on its history as well as a few other things such as math, science, So the packets in front of her were nothing but childs play. Artemis lifted his head and looked to Aria who didn’t seem to be struggling at all.

“Don’t tell me you understand this stuff Twin-Tail.” Artemis said with a raised eyebrow. Aria continued to ignore him and kept focused on her work.

Maybe if I ignore it, it will leave me alone.” She thought to herself.

“Aww come on, give me a hand here.” Artemis pleaded.

“If you can’t solve a simple math problem, you’re even more of an idiot than I thought.” Aria said not looking up from her packet. Artemis felt slightly hurt by that comment but he shrugged it off.

“You call this easy, when am I ever going to use algebra in real life?” Artemis asked crossing his arms.

“Math is fundamental part of life, it’s everywhere you go.” Aria said.

“Ugh I hate math!” Artemis said slamming his head down on the table again.

“Drama King.” Aria said rolling her eyes.

“Shut up.” Artemis said.

“Play nice you too.” Luna said from her desk. Aria went back to her work and Artemis lifted his head form the table.

Ugh, this is so stupid.” He said getting up from his seat.

“Where do you think you’re going Mr. Arrow?” Luna asked in a stern tone.

“Just going to get a book ma’am.” Artemis answered.

“Very well but don’t take too long looking.” Luna said. Artemis nodded and went over one of the bookshelves.

“I really don’t need the extra credit since I just started here, so why not just relax with a good bo-Oh!” Artemis’s attention was taken by a small poster on one of the bookshelves.

Charity Musical Showcase!

Come show your talent to raise money for the animal shelter, please see Fluttershy and/or Sandalwood if you would like to enter. Deadline for signups is 9/8/2018. The event will be on 10/31/2018 at 8:30. Location: Canterlot Concert Hall. All competitors welcome!

Was this this the event mom was talking about because if it is, I’m so in!” Artemis then grabbed the flier and looked over to Aria. “And I think this might be a great opportunity for Twin-Tail and her sisters.” Artemis thought before walking back over to the table. Back with Aria, she had just finished her packet.

That wasn’t to bad, now to relax.” She thought as she took out her phone. She saw a text message from Adagio saying that she and Sonata will be waiting out front for her. Aria rolled her eyes and replied with a simple ok.

Alright time for duel l-” Before she could finish thought, Artemis sat right down next to her and put a piece of paper in front of her. Aria looked to the silver haired boy who had a huge smile on his face.

“I don’t remember giving you permission to sit next to me.” She said coldly.

“I know, but this is important. Read this.” Artemis said pointing at the paper. Aria raised and eyebrow and looked at the paper. After reading it for a few seconds, Aria looked back at Artemis.

“Ok, is there a point to why you’re showing me this?” She asked. Artemis facepalmed.

“Don’t the words ‘Musical Showcase’ mean anything to you?” He asked.

“Should it?” The former Siren asked back.

“Yes it should, you and your sisters are singers right? You three should enter, it would be fun.” Artemis said. Aria gave the boy a deadpanned look and smacked him upside the head.

“Ow! What was that for!” Artemis asked rubbing his head.

“For being an idiot! It seems you’ve forgotten that those Rainblossoms took our voices away from us. You heard me earlier I sound like a freakin’ banshee.” Aria said crossing her arms. Artemis looked away from the former siren.

“Uh….well...yeah.” Artemis said with a sheepish smile. Aria glared at the boy, but before she could say something he spoke up again. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t sing again, all you need is practice.” He said.

“Practice?” Aria asked in confusion.

“Of course, practice makes perfect and I know someone who would be honored to help.” Artemis said.

“Subtle.” Aria said.

“I was never one for subtlety. So, how about it?” Artemis said smiling again. Aria looked back at the paper and looked over it again. After about two minutes, Aria looked back at Artemis and gave him her answer.

“Hell no!” She said. Artemis fell out of his seat anime style and laid on the floor for a few seconds.

“What, why not?” He asked. Aria leaned back in her chair and began rocking back and forth. Artemis got up and sat back in his seat. “Come on, don’t you want to sing again?” Artemis asked.

“Of course I do, but I don’t need some little boys help to do so.” She said. Artemis pouted. “Little boy, I’m 17!” He said crossing his arms.

“I’m 18 ‘Little’ boy.” Aria said with a smirk. Artemis gritted his teeth, but sighed in defeat.

“Fine but still, I want to help you and your sisters. I couldn’t imagine having to lose my singing voice or being able to play my Violin.” Artemis said. Aria’s eyes widened a bit.

“You play the violin?” She asked.

“It’s the most beautiful sounding instrument in the world.” Artemis said thinking about his own Violin. “Well that’s one thing we can agree on.” Aria said with a small smile.

“Hey your smiling, that’s my first victory today.” Artemis said. Aria’s smile vanish after he said that. “Aww why’d you go and lose the smile?” He asked with a pout. Aria said nothing and looked away from the boy.

“Oh come on, not the cold shoulder treatment again. We were making progress.” Artemis said in a sad tone.

“Whatever.” Aria said. Artemis sighed and took the paper.

“Alright, but I’m going to enter. Me and my sweetheart are going to blow the audience away.” Artemis said.

“Your….sweetheart?” Aria asked in confusion.

“My violin other than my mom and sister it’s the most important thing in my life.” Artemis said. Aria heard the passion in his voice when he said that.

“You really love music don’t you.” She asked. Artemis nodded. “Of course, to me a life without music is death! Without music the world would be nothing more than a Monochrome hue.” Artemis declared. Aria let the silver haired boys words sink in.

“A life without music….is death.”

Author's Note:

And that's that! I hope you all enjoyed the Chapter and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Aria: You're serious about this?

Artemis: Of course, I won't quit until you three are singing like birds.

Next time: A life without music is Death!