• Published 24th Jul 2015
  • 57,341 Views, 2,283 Comments

New Beginnings - Hiver

A magical accident have a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Celestia sipped on her tea with a thoughtful look on her face as I watched her, “...So almost everyone spends their free time watching these televisions which show them plays?”

I shook my head, “Well, not everyone and it's not all plays. There is the news, weather... educational shows.” and some very much less than educational shows, “But it is a rather popular pastime.”

“Sounds rather cultured.”

I couldn't help but snort sadly at that, “If you saw the quality of said so called 'plays', you would not think so, Princess. A lot of it focuses on the lowest common denominator... it's meant to be entertaining for as many people at once as possible. Which means that it is rather... simple in the terms of story telling and rather base in content.”

The Princess looked amused, “Fart jokes?” she suggested after a second and I almost choked on my tea.

“A-among other things.” I coughed, “L-let's just say that most of it sucks.”

“Sucks? Sucks what?”

Oh shit.

“Uhm... never mind, Your Highness.”

Bloody hell, I needed to watch what I said. While she was friendly and interested in what I was explaining, I DID NOT want to offend a creature able to hit me with a star. If clearly a rather small magical version.

“You don't need to fear me, my little pony.” Celestia said with a small frown, putting her cup down on the table, “Have I done something that causes you to?”

And she could apparently read minds.... or a better explanation, she was thousands of years old and had more practice reading bodylanguage than anyone alive.

I hesitated for a moment before I decided that the truth was the best idea, “It is not that I fear you. Princess. It's that I am... very unaccustomed to this entire thing. Waking up like this,” I motioned to myself with my right hoof, “Was a great shock. But it made some degree of sense... I still had four limbs, eyes, I could see, hear and talk. I could move. It existed within my frame of reference... if barely. Magic was different, but it still wasn't completely out there. Even if there is no actual magic in my world that I am aware of, we have tales and legends about it. I can accept magic. It's your ability to control the sun and moon that is terrifying.”

Celestia looked at me for a long moment before she slowly nodded, “I see why it could be. But my ability to raise the sun... you have nothing to fear from me, my little pony.”

“I have nothing to fear from a lot of things, Princess. That doesn't make the idea of them any less scary. Despite what I look like, I'm not really a pony in my head. I will get used to this, it will just take some time... and I would rather go home.”

She nodded again, “Of course. I have personally inspected the site of your arrival. I am sad to say that I have no idea how you ended up here like this. I am aware that there are other worlds, but there are so many. Even if we had a way of reliably sending you to one of them, there is no way of knowing which is yours.”


If not even an immortal sun goddess had any idea how to get me home.. what chance did I really have?

“Do not despair, Blank Page.” Celestia said, “You ended up here somehow. If that could happen, it is not impossible for you to be able to get back. I have experts in magical theory researching it as we speak.”

I nodded and took a drink of my tea, focusing on my telekinesis to lift it. It took enough focus that it helped to calm me down.

She was right, it wasn't hopeless. Somehow I ended up here. If it could happen this way, it could happen in reverse... unless it only worked from a magicless world to one filled with it.

But I couldn't think like that. I had to trust these... ponies... to be able to figure it out. G.. heh... Celestia knew that I would never manage it myself. I knew zip about magic.

“You are right.” I sighed before the door opened and a very dark blue mare walked inside, a head taller than me, her mane and tail light blue, but had a slight sparkly nature to them.

Luna. The other Princess. Ironically enough, despite her coloration and knowing that she used to be... well, evil...she looked less scary than Celestia. Maybe because she was smaller?

“Tia! Have you heard the so called music of this age! It is atrocious!”

I just stared at her for a long moment before Celestia cleared her throat, “Luna, we have a guest. This is Blank Page, you remember me telling you about him?”

The dark moon goddess blinked in surprise as she suddenly spotted me, her volume rising a couple of hundred decibels, “Oh. Greetings, We apologize for not noticing thy presence.”

“I... suppose that's okay.” I finally managed to answer, “This is your home, Princess. I'm just a guest.”

Princess Luna walked up and sat down by the table next to her sister, pouring herself a cup of tea before filling the rest of the cup with sugar cubes.

Seriously, if it cooled, her tea would have the consistency of syrup.

“We have heard your story, Blank Page. It is a fascinating, if sad one.” Luna said after taking a sip of her tea and adding more sugar, “But We have yet to hear what your profession was before you arrived in Equestria.”

How in the world would I explain network technician?

“Uhm...” I answered after a moment's thought, “We have... machines that think of sorts, calculating things for us. I'm trained in maintaining the other machines they use to talk to each other. But I was apprentice level at best, not a true expert.”

“I see.” Celestia said with a thoughtful look, “This was your special talent?”

I shook my head, “Humans don't have those, not like ponies anyway. There may be things we are good at or enjoy, but anyone can become as good at anything with enough work. As for network repair... no I don't think so. I loved to write though.”

Luna's ears perked up, “Stories?” her volume going down to something a bit more normal.

Nodding I turned to look up at her, “Mostly, yes. I... was not that good at that either in my opinion, I just loved writing them.”

“Tell us a story from your world.” Luna commanded and laid down on the large pillow she had been sitting on.

Hmm. Yeah... I guess? But what to pick? Something classic...

Taking another sip I finished my cup of tea before refilling it, “A long long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...”