• Published 24th Jul 2015
  • 57,340 Views, 2,283 Comments

New Beginnings - Hiver

A magical accident have a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter 31

I couldn't help but smile as I rested beneath the tree, my legs folded beneath myself as I watched Luna sit before the fountain, telling a story of valor and bravery to the foals gathered before her. A story about a knight defending a village against a dragon.

That actually took quite a bit of doing, but it helped a lot when she stopped using the 'Royal Canterlot Voice' as she called it.

I was also really thankful to those three fillies gathered closest to her. A white unicorn, an orange pegasus and a yellow earth pony.

When they dared to approach, the rest gathered as well to hear the story.

Brave fillies.

As it turned out, Nightmare Night was basically Halloween. Which, in retrospect, made a lot of sense. Costumes to hide from Nightmare Moon and candy to appease her if she found you.

“I never knew Princess Luna was such a storyteller.” Twilight Sparkle observed as she settled down to watch next to me.

I grinned at that, remembering Luna's own explanation. “What are dreams if not stories?”

Twilight frowned in thought. “I... suppose that makes sense.”

“So what is it like, studying magic with Princess Celestia?” I asked, looking over at her.

Twilight smiled happily. “It's amazing! And challenging.”

I nodded. “I study magic as well, b-”

“With Princess Luna!? I didn't know she had taken a student!”

I quickly shook my head. “No, no. I'm her friend, not her student. I study independently.... but to be honest, what I'm studying is stuff that you probably learned before even starting your study with the Princess.”


“Yeah. Elementary Transfiguration and other spells of a similar level. I... couldn't really get a magic education where I lived before.” I explained before I smiled. “Besides, my special talent isn't magic like yours, so even if I did start at the same time as you I still wouldn't have been as good at it.”

Twilight frowned, likely wondering where I could have grown up that had such bad education before she looked back at my mark. “So what is your talent?”

I shrugged. “I'm an author.”

I actually had no idea if that actually was my 'special talent', but it seemed easier than when I was human and I did find it fun to do.

Twilight grinned. “Oh! You are that Blank Page! I loved your book!”

“Thanks. I'm working on the sequel. Mostly done, just need to go over it for editing. Correcting some dialogue and such.”

Actually writing was easy. When I got into the flow, I could easily put out a page or two an hour.

“I can't wait to see what happens next.” Twilight said with a smile. “...Are Sky Walker and Princess Leia going to get together?”

I snorted at that. “Well, that would be spoilers, wouldn't it?”

Just you wait, Sparky. The next book is going to blow your little genius mind.

She pouted but nodded. “I suppose.” She scraped a hoof on the grass and continued; “Still, I liked the book. It was really violent at times... and sad, but it also had really good characters and it ended happily.”


That earned me a suspicious look.

“Stop fishing, Sparkle.” I chuckled. “But I suppose I could get you an early signed version as soon as its printed, if you are that curious.”

“Really!? Thank you!”

“...I might need to pick your mind on magic at some point, though, if you don't mind.”

“No problem. I can recommend a couple of good study books on the subject if you want.”

I nodded. “I would appreciate it.” and earflicked, lifting my mug of cider and taking a sip. Apple cider, really good too. Apparently it was made on one of the local farms.

While not very strong, it was very good and refreshing, nice and crisp. Wonder if they sold it in bottles... I would like a case.

Taking a moment, I looked around the square. Ponyville seemed like a rather nice place to live, actually.

It had that kind of 'small town' feel, surrounded by farms and a thick forest in the distance... at least from what I saw during the flight in.

Would have been nice to see it during the day, but we were heading back to Canterlot again before sunrise.

...Nothing really said I couldn't visit again, though. I did have the bits for the train ride now and I really should go see more of Equestria now when I could afford it. I was probably stuck here for the rest of my life, after all.

Maybe when I finished Star Wars I'd take some time and travel, thinking about what to write about next.

The purple unicorn gave me an idea though. Harry Potter perhaps.

I then frowned in thought at that. Hairy Pottery.

Nope! If I did that, I needed to change the name more.