• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 9,686 Views, 128 Comments

Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fates Between Worlds - DarkMaster0224

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have been sent to the human world of Canterlot High, to save it from the eternal darkness. Along the way, they will make new friends, meet old and new enemies, and much more.

  • ...

Chapter 16

Chapter 16
The Big Dance
(School Gym)
(After Lunch)
(Group POV)

The mobians and girls walked into the gym and saw Principal Celestia and another female adult next standing next to her.

Her hair was a mixture of pale, light grayish persian blue and moderate phthalo blue; she had moderate cyan eyes; her skin was light phthalo blueish gray; and she wore a light blue short sleeved shirt and dark blue pants.

Principal Celestia turned and saw the teens, "What are you all doing here?"

"We came to see what happened." Sonic said looking at the mess, "Whoa."

Everything was trashed. Actually, everything was in a much worse state than trashed, things were destroyed. The band instruments were broken, the disco ball was blasted to bits, the tables and food were turned over, and everything else was destroyed.

"Who or what could have done this?" Twilight asked looking at the mess, "Here's proof that Sunset didn't do it. She couldn't possibly destroy things like this."

"Yes. But that doesn't give any proof that you two didn't do it." The other adult said pointing at Dark and Ace, "Everyone is thinking it was you two. And after your incident in the cafeteria, my sister and I are starting to agree with the students."

"But how and why would we do this?" Ace asked.

"Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, Dark and Ace have been with us all day. Neither Dark nor Ace would ever use their powers for bad." Sunset said.

"Another thing. I can feel the remains of the decorations emitting chaos energy, not dark or shadow." Ace said, "Dark is only capable of using dark and shadow energy. And my chaos energy has a very distinct energy signature."

"Indeed. This was the work of Chaos Emerald energy. But the question is who has it?" Shadow said.

"Either way. The dance has to be postponed until we are able to replace all the destroyed stuff." Celestia said.

Then an idea popped into Twilight's head, "We can repair the dance preps! We've done it before. We can do it again, except the damage is just a little more severe."

"Yeah!" The rest of the girls cheered.

"And I know just who can do what." Twilight said smiling at Tails.

"Huh? You mean me?" Tails asked.

"You're one of the most smartest people I know Tails. If you can build a spacecraft, you can certainly fix this major damage done." Twilight said.

"I...I don't know if I can." Tails responded.

Twilight waked up to him and placed her hands on his shoulders, "I know you can Tails. I believe in you. We all do." She then placed a kiss on his cheeks, making his face flare up.

From the sudden kiss, Tails felt his strength and will building. He then smiled, "Alright, I'll do it!" He responded.

"Alright!" The group cheered.

Celestia and Luna smiled.

"If you all can fix the damages, we'll put the dance back on tonight." Celestia said.

The group nodded.

"Alright everyone, let's get this done. Together." Twilight cheered putting her hand out.

"Together!" They all said in unison putting their hands in as well.

"However, we're gonna need more supplies and decorations to fix the damages." Celestia said looking at the damage.

"Don't worry Celestia, Rarity and I got the decorations covered." Silver said giving them a thumbs up.

"Shady and I can handle getting the food." Pinkie chirped, while Shadow smiled a little and nodded.

"Tails and I will fix up the major damage." Twilight said.

"Rainbow and I will handle the quick messes." Sonic said.

"Applejack and I will work on setting everything heavy back up." Knuckles said.

"Sunset and I will get new music." Dark said.

"And Fluttershy and I will work on getting new instruments." Ace said.

"Then it's settled, if you can fix the dance preps ups before school is over, the dance will be tonight as scheduled. Good luck." Celestia said as she and Luna left.

"Alright guys. Let's get straight to work." Twilight said.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.

They all split up and went off to get the supplies needed.

(Play Holiday- Green Day)
(Tails and Twilight - Major Damage Repair)

Tails pushed a yellow button on his wrist watch. It then formed a small laser turret on it. He fired a yellow beam at the disco ball rubble and a sphere formed around it. Tails then lifted it into the air and pushed a blue button. The rubble then began to repair itself.

"Nice job Tails." Twilight said.

"Thanks Twi." Tails said as he put the fully repaired disco ball back where it belonged, "Here." He then threw a purple wrist watch to Twilight.

"Is this the same as yours?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah. Remember we made those microchips for your school stuff? Well you kinda need one of these to use them." Tails explained.

Twilight blushed, "T-thanks Tails."

"No problem. I also added something new to yours. Now if you can't remember what button a certain function is, just say the function and the watch will activate it for you." Tails said smiling.

"Aww. Thanks Tails. You're so sweet." Twilight said giving Tails a quick kiss.

Tails' face blushed bright red, then the two got back to repairing the major damaged preps.

(Silver and Rarity - Decorations)

Silver and Rarity were replacing the decorations that they were able to recover.

Rarity was trying to re-pin the fallen banner, but she wasn't able to reach the position where it belonged.

Suddenly she was surrounded with a cyan aura and she was lifted into the air.

She looked back and saw Silver smiling at her, using his psychokinesis to lift her.

"Thank you Silvy." Rarity said as she pinned the banner back up.

"No problem Rarity." Silver said as he slowly lowered Rarity to the ground.

When she felt her feet touch the ground again, Rarity walked over to Silver and gave him a kiss, "I look forward to dancing with you darling."

Silver blushed, "Same with me lovely."

(Sonic and Rainbow - Quick messes)

Sonic ran in a few circles, creating a few small tornadoes, which picked up the garbage on the floor and was created in a small pile.

Rainbow sweeped up the piles of trash and placed them in garbage bags. After that, she tied the bags up and threw them in the trash.

Sonic walked up to her and smirked.

The two exchanged high-fives and hugged each other.

"This dance is gonna be awesome." Rainbow said.

Sonic looked at Rainbow and gave her a kiss, "It will, and I'll be looking forward to dancing with you."

Rainbow blushed, but smiled.

(Knuckles and Applejack - setting up tables and other equipment)

After the garbage was gone, Knuckles and Applejack started setting up tables, chairs, and other heavy equipment throughout the gym.

When the two placed the last table down, Applejack wiped her forehead, "Whew, that's done."

"Everything is going great. We'll be done before we know it." Knuckles said smiling.

Applejack smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek, "Indeed, and ah'll be lookin forward to dancin with ya."

Knuckles blushed but smiled, "I will too Applejack."

(Shadow and Pinkie - Food)

Shadow and Pinkie returned from Sugarcube Corner with bags full of food and sweets. When they saw the tables set up, the two started taking out the food and placed them in different areas. Sweets in one place, refreshments in another, and food in one as well.

"This is gonna be the best dance ever!" Pinkie chirped when she placed the last bowl of sweets down on the table.

Shadow grinned at her and walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Indeed."

Pinkie smiled and blushed at him. She then placed a small kiss on his cheek, which made him blush, but smile.

"I really love your smile Shady." Pinkie said giving him a hug.

Shadow returned the embrace, still keeping his smile, 'Thank you for making me become a different hedgehog Pinkie.' Shadow thought.

Shadow then heard a familiar voice, 'I'm so proud of you Shadow. Continue to stay happy, and hold on to our promise.' Maria's voice said.

'I will Maria, even to the ends of time.' Shadow thought tightening his embrace a little.

(Ace and Fluttershy - Instruments)

Ace and Fluttershy were on stage, repairing some of the instruments that were still in condition to use for the dance. They also managed to get a few instruments from the band room they can use to replace any instruments that were destroyed. Ace wired back some of the strings on a blue guitar, and placed it back on the wall.

"Ace...can you help me with this please?" Fluttershy asked holding a drum set.

Ace smiled and nodded, "Of course." He walked over to her and kneeled down next to her. He held the drum in place while Fluttershy screwed the drum back into place.

Finally, the drum was repaired and the two placed it back where it belonged.

Fluttershy looked up at Ace, blushing a little, but smiled, "Thank you."

Ace smiled and gave her a small kiss.

Fluttershy's face flared, but she returned the kiss.

Ace broke the kiss and smiled at her, "Anytime."

(Stop Playing Holiday- Green Day)
(Group POV)

After hard work and working together, the gym was finished. All the instruments, the decorations, the food, even all the damages was fixed.

"We did it!" Pinkie shouted hugging Shadow.

"That we did." Sonic said agreeing.

They then heard clapping at the door way. They looked and saw Principle Celestia and Vice principal Luna at the door smiling.

"This looks amazing everyone." Celestia said.

"Thanks." The group said.

"With everything back to what is suppose to be, the dance is back on tonight." Luna said smiling.

The groups cheered while hugging one another.

"Now, you all should leave and get ready for the dance. We'll get word to the rest of the students the dance is back on for tonight.." Celestia said to the group.

"Right." With that, they all left the gym and got their stuff.

(Flash POV)

Flash watched the group leave from inside a supply room, growling.

"They may have brought the dance back on, but they're only delaying what I have really planned." Flash said.

He took out the red Chaos Emerald and smirked evilly, "Twilight will regret ever turning me down, and I'll be sure that yellowed haired boy gets the biggest punishment of all. Soon, they will all suffer my wrath. Especially Miles." He then vanished in thin air.

(Group POV)
(After School)

Our heroes walked out of the school doors.

"Aww yeah! We are awesome." Rainbow cheered.

"Heck yeah we are. We just saved the dance tonight." Ace said. Then he looked around and realized that Sunset and Dark weren't with them, "Hey. Where are Dark and Sunset?"

"I thought they went to get the new music for tonight's dance." Sonic said.

"I imagine they're already home by now." Rainbow suggested.

"You're probably right." Ace said, "We should all get home too. Big night tonight."

"Uh uh. The girls are coming with me." Rarity said, "You all need to be dressed properly for this event. Same to you boys, I'm sure you need something to wear to the dance. But we don't want to know what it is you are wearing until before we leave. So you boys are to drop each of us off at my boutique, and then go get yourselves dressed for the dance."

"What about Sunset? She and Dark don't know about this." Sonic said.

"Already thought of that. I sent Sunset a text telling her to meet us at Carousel Boutique." Rarity said.

"Ok then. Well let's not waste another minute." Sonic said running over to his car, "Last one there is a rotten Egghead."

The teens ran into/onto their vehicles and drove off to Rarity's boutique.

(Carousel Boutique)

When the teens arrived at Carousel Boutique, Sonic and Rainbow cheered, "We won!"

"Actually, we won." Tails said standing in front of the door.

"No fair. You have teleportation tech." Rainbow said.

Rarity walked up to the door and unlocked it.

Sunset and Dark were already inside. Sunset was looking at the many dresses Rarity had made, and Dark was sitting on the couch giving his opinion on the dresses.

"How did you two get in here? The door was locked." Rarity asked a little confused.

"Oh hi guys. Sweetie Belle let us in." Sunset said.

Rarity's eye twitched a little, but then she smiled, "Ok. Well I'm gonna have to ask Dark to leave with the other boys."

"What? Why?" Dark asked.

"Because you boys need to give us ladies some privacy. Besides, you need to find yourself proper dress clothes for the dance." Rarity said.

Dark was about to protest, but Sunset stopped him, "It's ok Dark. Go on. Rarity's right. You need to go get dress clothes for the dance."

Dark sighed, "Alright." He got up from the couch and walked out with the boys.

"Now then, I'm sure you need a dress Sunset." Rarity said looking at her yellow and red haired friend.

"Yeah, but I don't know what to wear though." Sunset replied.

Rarity circled her, looking at her, thinking of what kind of dress she should make for her, and also impress Dark. Then, her mind clicked. She gasped while smiling, "IDEAAAAA!" She sang while she grabbed Sunset.

"Woah! What are you doing?" Sunset asked while she was being dragged.

"Don't talk dear. I know just the dress for you." Rarity said as she and Sunset went into her office.

(With the guys)
(Guy's POV)

Sonic and the boys walked around in the clothing shop to find suitable tux for the dance. So far Silver and Sonic don't have to worry about that, since they're using their tuxes from their dates.

"How about this one?" Ace asked holding up a white tux in front of Silver.

Silver examined the tux for a second, "Hmmm...No that one won't suit you at all. You need to find one that fits your style and personality." Silver has been getting fashion tips from Rarity ever since she and him were dating.

"Good point." Ace replied putting the tux back, "Well, what do you think I should choose? It doesn't look like any of them suit me at all." Ace said looking at the range of Tuxedos hanging.

Silver scanned through the tuxedos, looking for one that can fit with Ace. Finally, he spotted one that was his lucky day. The tux was black, had grey lining on the edges, and the best part, they had the colors red and blue on them, that match Ace to a 'T'.

"This one looks like a winner." Silver said holding the tux up to Ace.

Ace's eyes widened, and then smiled, "I'll take it."

Meanwhile, Sonic was next to the changing room, waiting for Shadow and Dark to come out. They already chosen their Tuxes a while ago while Silver was helping Ace find his.

Finally, the doors opened and Dark and Shadow came out, wearing their tuxedos.

Shadow's Tux was black and had red streaks on the edges and the shoulder blades.

Dark's Tux was the same Like Shadow's, but the color of the edges was dark blue.

Sonic whistled, "You two look great."

"You think Sunset will like this?" Dark asked.

Sonic gave him a winning smile, "I know she will." He then looked at Shadow, "You ready for your date Shady?"

Shadow glared at him, "I'll let you off with this small, and soft warning Sonic, only Pinkie can call me 'Shady'. No one else got it?" He warned.

Sonic was surprised he didn't do any of his usual threats like he used to, but he smiled and nodded, "You got it Shadow."

Shadow gave him a small smile and nodded.

'Wow. Pinkie really helped Shadow turn around so much.' Sonic thought. He then turned away and frowned a little, 'What will happen to him when we have to leave this world?'

Knuckles and Tails were also finding Tuxedos as well for the dance.

Tails was a little nervous, hoping he wouldn't ruin his chance with Twilight.

"Hey Tails, you okay?" Knuckles asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm okay. Just a little nervous about tonight." He responded.

Knuckled frowned a little, "Yeah, I know what you mean. I never been out with a girl before in all my life. But, I'm sure everything will be fine. Just be yourself and have a great time with her."

Tails looked up at him and smiled, "Thanks Knuckles."

Knuckles smiled back and nodded, "Anytime Tails, anytime."

(Few hours Later - With the girls)
(Girl's POV)

"Oh, you all look so divine in your dresses." Rarity said looking at her friends.

The girls were all wearing the same dresses like before from the Fall Formal. Only one thing, Sunset wasn't with them.

"Where's Sunset?" Rainbow asked.

Rarity smiled, Oh, you are all going to love the dress I made for Sunset." She turned to the door and opened it, "Ladies, this is my newest masterpiece."

The girls looked at her with awe. Sunset was wearing a dress that was mixed with a little bit of orange on the bottom and worked up to the color purple at the top. The dress was given a spiral effect as well. The last effect she added was making the dress sparkle, like diamonds.

Sunset smiled while she was blushing a little by her new dress Rarity made for her.

"Woooow!" The girls said looking at Sunset.

"Gotta hand it to ya Rare's, ya did a phenomenal job." Applejack whistled.

"Sparkly!" Pinkie chirped looking at Sunsets new dress.

"Oh my. It's looks lovely." Fluttershy comments softly.

"I personally agree. Sunset looks so divine in this." Rarity said wrapping an arm around her.

"You think Dark will like it?" Sunset asked.

"No darling, he'll LOVE it." Rarity corrected her.

Sunset smiled and hugged Rarity, "Thank you very much Rarity."

"Of course darling. I'll help any of my friends when they need it." Rarity said hugging Sunset back.

(Group POV)
(7 Mins later)

The guys pulled up in front of Carousel Boutique, waiting for the girls.

The girls came out, wearing jackets over their dresses. They got into their boyfriends' cars, and they drove off to the school.

Unaware, they were being followed by a certain black muscle car.

Flash Sentry smiled evilly as he followed the teens to the school, "Time to put phase one of my plan into action."

(Canterlot High)

The teens walked into the gym and saw they were the first ones here, minus Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and another teens girl.

Principal Celestia saw the teens and smiled, "Welcome back. I'd like you to meet the school's DJ, Vinyl Scratch, sometimes known as DJ-Pon3."

"What's up? Principle Celestia says you have the dance's new music for me." Vinyl said.

Dark pulled out a cd case with a cd in it and handed it to Vinyl, "Custom made music. Sunset and I picked out the music. A variety of genres. Ten songs total on that disc."

Vinyl looked at the song list and smiled, "Great choices."

"Thanks." Dark said.

Suddenly, students entered the gym and awed at the gym's decorations.

Vinyl walked up onto the stage and turned on the microphone, "Hello everyone!"

Everyone cheered loudly.

"Are you ready to party!?" Vinyl said pulling out the cd.


"Then let the party begin!" Vinyl said putting the cd into the player, "First song, Carry On by Avenged Sevenfold. Heavy metal dancers to the dance floor!"

(Play Carry On - Avenged Sevenfold)

The sound of the guitars and drums started playing, creating massive energy through the students.

Some people live their selfish desire

Some choose to shout when they speak,

and they'll be the start

Guarding the flame or those deep in fire

Seeking out those with a voice

One for tomorrow

They say we've lost our minds,

we've just gained control

Sonic was getting into the spirit of the music and started dancing. He started break dancing, giving himself a few twirls, and handstands.

Search endlessly, fight till we're free

Fly past the edge of the sea

No bended knee, no mockery

Somehow we still carry on

Many of the students saw Sonic dancing like there was no tomorrow, and they all made one circle around him, giving him some room.

Shadow smirked and started dancing as well, trying to outdance Sonic.

Silence your fear,

we've got to move higher

Out lock the stars in the sky

Guarding us all

Battle the will of those who conspire

Take back the passion to live,

vanish the sorrow

Many of the students saw him as well and cheered for him.

Sonic stopped as looked at Shadow. He then smirked as well, "Alright Shadow, you want a dance off, I'll give you a dance off."

Shadow smirked again, accepting his challenge.

The two mobians started their break dancing, trying to dominate the floor.

Destroy their perfect crime,

watch the power fold

Search endlessly,

fight till we're free

Fly past the edge of the sea

No bended knee, o mockery

Somehow we still carry on

(Guitar Solo)

All the student went wild as they saw the two dancing hard.

Sonic did his traditional spin dash, while standing on his hand.

Shadow did some of his fighting attacks, giving off a positive cheer from the crowd, and followed it up with spinning his body in circles.

Rainbow, Silver, Rarity Tails and Twilight cheered for Sonic, while Pinkie, Applejack, Knuckles, and Sunset cheered for Shadow.

Ace and Dark hanged back, enjoying Sonic and Shadow dancing on the floor.

"I gotta hand it to you Dark, you and Sunset did an amazing job with the Music." Ace said smiling at his brother.

Dark smiled back and wrapped an arm around him, "Thanks, and it wouldn't be possible without Sunset." Dark replied while he continued to watch Sonic and Shadow.

Search endlessly,

fight till we're free

Fly past the edge of the sea

No bended knee, no mockery

Somehow we still carry on

Carry on

The two continued their dancing, until the music finally came into a halt, indicating it was over.

The students cheered for the two mobians, by their amazing performance.

Sonic got up and wiped some sweat off of his head. He then walked over to Shadow and offered his hand, "That was a great dance off Shadow. I didn't know you were good at dancing."

Shadow smiled and took his hand, "I learned from the best." He said looking at Pinkie Pie.

Sonic smiled and the two left the floor.

Rainbow and Pinkie lunged at the two and gave them a hug.

"That...was….AWESOME!" Rainbow shouted hugging his boyfriend.

"That was the best dance off I've ever seen!" Pinkie cheered hugging Shadow.

The group heard Vinyl speak again, "Now that's what I call a dance off! Who's up for another one!?" She asked excitedly.

The students cheered.

"Alrighty then! The next song is called Madness by Skillet!" Vinyl cheered as she was setting up the next song.

Ace then smiled, "Hey Dark, how about you and I take the floor with this one?"

Dark smiled and shook his head, "Nah. I'll sit this one out."

Ace smirked, "I'm sorry, is my brother, the Master of Darkness, and Shadows afraid to get his ass handed by his little brother?" Ace taunted.

That caught Dark's attention and return a smirk of his own, "Oh. It. Is. On."

Dark and Ace walked to the center of the dance floor, waiting for the song to start.

They then heard the music slowly rolling in and the music blasted

(Play Madness in Me - Skillet)

(The madness in me)

(The madness in me)

(The madness in me)

(The madness in me)

(The madness in me)

As the music started playing, the two brothers started break dancing as well, seeing who can dominate the dance floor.

Just one spark, is all it takes

I tried so hard, but it all goes up in flames

This is not the way that I thought

I would turn out to be

Try to get but all that it got

Was more insanity

Broken everything that it does,

Just going against me

I can't get away

Many of the students fell silent for the moment when they saw Dark and Ace dancing on the floor, but soon few of the students started cheering for them.

Sonic and the others were cheering for them as well.

From the fire that burns inside, consuming

I fight to stand up but I can't breathe

The voices scream, the enemy

Takes over everything

This is the madness in me

The madness in me!

Just one chance, is all it takes

Can't change the past,

But I can fight to change today

This is not the way that I thought

I would turn out to be

Try to get but all that it got

Was more insanity

Broken everything that it does,

Just going against me

Got to get away

From the fire that burns inside, consuming

I fight to stand up but I can't breathe

The voices scream, the enemy

Takes over everything

This is the madness in me

The madness in me!

Just one spark, is all it takes…

Dark was spinning in circles, while he was creating spreads of shadows around him, starting to get the students attention.

However, Ace made a huge comeback by jumping in the air, spinning in one place, while he shot out a few blue Chaos Daggers. The daggers faded quickly from him by a foot, preventing any damage.

For the fire that burns inside, consuming

I fight to stand up but I can't breathe

The voices scream, the enemy

Takes over everything

This is the madness in me!

Fire that burns inside, consuming

I fight to stand up but I can't breathe

The voices scream, the enemy

Takes over everything

This is the madness in me!

The madness in me!

This is the madness in ME!

The madness in me!

When the song died down, both brothers were in their final poses, breathing heavily while sweating a little.

Silence fell for a few seconds, until they all started cheering loudly like they did with Sonic and Shadow.

The two got out of their poses and wiped some of the sweat off. They smiled at one another and exchanged a fist bump. When they left the floor, the group came up to them.

"That was tight!" Sonic said giving the two a thumbs up.

"Now that's what I call breakdancing." Tails said smiling at the two.

"Alright everyone, It's time for the third song. This one is called City Escape." Vinyl called out.

Sonic's ears perked up by the name of the next song. He turned to Dark, "Where did you get that song?"

Dark shrugged and smiled, "I have my ways."

Vinyl scrolled through the music and found the next song. She hit play and the song started.

(Play City Escape - Classic - Sonic Generations)


Oh Yeah!

Rolling around at the speed of sound,

Got places to go, gotta follow my rainbow.

Can't stick around, have to keep moving on,

Guess what lies ahead, only one way to find out!

While the music of this song was playing, it was starting to bring memories back to Sonic when he was running through station square. He was bobbing his head while tapping his foot. Soon, like before, he started break dancing once more, enjoying the beat of the music.

Must keep on moving ahead,

No time for guessing, follow my plan instead.

Trusting in what you can't see,

Take my lead I'll set you free.

Follow me, set me free,

Trust me and we will escape from the city.

I'll make it through, follow me.

Follow me, set me free,

Trust me and we will escape from the city.

I'll make it through prove it to you.

Follow me!

Oh yeah!

Soon, he heard applause to another student. Sonic looked up and saw Rainbow Dash break dancing next to him.

She stopped for a second and smirked at Sonic.

Sonic smirked back, "Alright Dashie, let's dance."

Rainbow nodded and the two danced in unison.

Danger is lurking around every turn,

Trust your feelings, got to live and learn.

I know with some luck that I'll make it through,

Got no other options, only one thing to do!

I don't care what lies ahead,

No time for guessing, follow my plan instead.

Find the next stage, no matter what that may be.

Take my lead, I'll set you free.

Sonic grabbed Rainbow's wrist and spun her around and pulled her towards him, making her blush in surprise, but then smiled and danced with him.

Follow me, set me free,

Trust me and we will escape from the city.

I'll make it through, follow me.

Follow me, set me free,

Trust me and we will escape from the city.

I'll make it through, prove it to you.

Follow me!

Follow me!

I'll make it through,

Oh Yeah!

Sonic lowered Rainbow a bit and sealed the dance with a kiss.

Rainbow blushed deeply, but happily kissed him back.

The students cheered wildly by their dancing and their finale.

Sonic broke the kiss and the two speed demons smiled and embraced one another.

Sonic and Rainbow walked back to the group and smiled at them.

"You two were in such perfect sync. No wonder you two were meant to be together." Rarity said smiling at the two speed demons.

"Indeed they are." Said a familiar voice.

The group turned and saw Flash, who was smiling strangely at them, in a dark way.

"Uh, hey Flash. Are you enjoying the party?" Sonic asked.

Shadow narrowed his eyes at him, not liking the way he was looking at him.

"Enjoying it pretty well." Flash responded, "But, I'm here for business with Miles." He then narrows his eyes at Tails, making him a little uncomfortable.

"What does this have to do with me Flash?" Tails asked.

"Because you took Twilight from me, and now it's time to pay the price!" Flash shouted.

The group was taken back by his sudden outburst, surprised.

"Flash, you were the one that broke up with me. I've already moved on, and you should as well!" Twilight said to Flash.

"Well, if I can't have you… THEN NO ONE WILL!" He then pulled out the Red Chaos Emerald, making the group look at him with total shock and surprise.

"He's got a Chaos Emerald!" Sonic shouted.

'How the hell did I not sense it!?' Shadow thought in shock.

'The Emerald must have corrupted his mind when he found it. That must be why he's acting like this.' Twilight thought, remembering what the Emeralds do to a normal person when he/she touches the Emerald.

The red Emerald glowed brightly, drawing the attention of everyone in the gym.

Sonic knew they were going to get hurt if they stay here, "Everyone, Run! Get outta here!"

They ignored him and looked at Flash with awe.

The emerald glowed brighter and engulfed Flash in red.

Then, Celestia and Luna came into the gym and saw what was going on.

"What is all this!?" Luna asked demanding to know.

Sonic looked and saw the principles, "Luna! Celestia! You need to get all the students outta here now!" Sonic shouted.

"Why?" Celestia asked.

Before any of them could say anything, the light died down, and stood Flash, in his new appearance.

He was wearing red crystal armor on his chest, had a red crystal eye piece on his left eye, wore a pair of crystal gauntlets with a blade bud on the right one. He wore red crystal boots that went up to his knee blades. His blue hair was replaced with a red devil color. He was also holding a crystal staff with the red Chaos Emerald as the center piece. The last thing they saw was a rich red robe that was torn and ripped.

He opened his eyes and laughed evilly, "Now, allow me to show you what I can do." He pointed his staff at a student and fired a red beam of magical energy.

The student continued screaming until his body was engulfed in red light. The light then died down and was wearing a torn red robe, and had the crystal red eye piece, and wielded a crystal cannon on his right arm. He opened his eye and started laughing maniacally and blasting everything around him.

The rest of the students screamed as they started running around of the gym.

"Celestia, Luna! Get them all under control and get outside! We can handle this!" Sonic shouted.

The two principles nodded and lead the students out and went outside, leaving our heroes with Flash, now possessed by the Emerald's true power.

"You fools will never defeat me!" Flash shouted at them pointing his staff at them, charging power.

"We like to see you try!" Ace shouted back reading his Chaos Blade.

"Hmhmhmhmhm, but first, allow me to even the playing field. Now, who shall I take…" He then eyed Pinkie Pie, Sunset, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack. He smirked evilly and pointed his staff at the six girls, "I know. I choose the six of you." He fired his staff and the six were screaming while engulfed by the red light.

"RAINBOW!" Sonic shouted.

"PINKIE PIE!" Shadow shouted.

"SUNSET!" Dark yelled.

"FLUTTERSHY!" Ace screamed.

"RARITY!" Silver yelled.

"APPLEJACK!" Knuckles hollered.

"They are no longer known by those name anymore." Flash said grinning, "And nor am I. I am Chaos Sentry! And my new four favorite soldiers. Chaos Rainbow; Chaos Fluttershy; Chaos Sunset; Chaos Pinkie Pie; Chaos Rarity; and Chaos Applejack." Then he smirked, "And I am no longer Flash Sentry. I am Chaos Sentry!"

The lights died down and the six girls were now in chaos corrupted forms.

Rainbow had cyan crystal armor on her chest; her hair had become rainbow colored crystal; a cyan crystal claw formed on her left arm; a pair of cyan crystal wings; she wore cyan crystal boots with the same design as her old shoes; and in her right hand and on a belt around her waist, several cyan crystal shurikens. She growled at Sonic.

Pinkie had pink crystal armor on her chest; her hair had become pink crystal; two pink crystal claw formed on her hands; her boots were pink crystal designed; and in in front of her on the floor, a pink crystal cannon. She growled at Shadow.

Sunset had orange crystal armor on her chest; her hair had become red and yellow crystal; a crystal claw had formed on her left hand; her boots had become crystal designed; and in her right hand, an orange and red crystal sword. She snarled at Dark.

Fluttershy had yellow crystal armor on her chest; her hair had become light pink crystal; two crystal claws formed on her hands; her shoes had been replaced with crystal boots; and two light pink crystal daggers formed in her hands. She snarled at Ace.

Rarity had white crystal armor on her chest; her hair had become purple crystal; a crystal claw formed on her right hand; her boots had become crystal designed; and in her left hand, a purple crystal bow, and a quiver on her back filled with purple crystal arrows. She glared at Silver.

Applejack had light orange crystal armor on her chest; her hat had become crystal along with her hair, which had become yellow crystal; two yellow crystal claw had formed on her hands, looking a lot like Knuckles' shovel claws; and her boots had become crystal designed. She glared at Knuckles.

"Meet the newest chaos force. The Chaos Warriors!" Chaos Sentry shouted, causing lightning to boom outside the school, "Now then. Attack!"

Their eyes changed to chaos red and they charged at the guys.

Shadow then thought of an idea, "Tails and Twilight, you two take care of Chaos Sentry, we've got the girls." Then he focused his thoughts, "Chaos Control!"

Each of the guys and girls disappeared and left Tails and Twilight with Chaos Sentry.

"Well well. Hehe. Let's party then." Chaos Sentry said charging at the two.

(Play Metroid Other M - Vs Ridley - (HD))
(Sonic and (Chaos) Rainbow Battle POV)

Sonic and Chaos Rainbow appeared in the flower field on the outskirts of the city.

"Hey, this is the same flower field I got Rainbow's rose in." Sonic said getting up. He then heard a growl and something metal cling. His eyes widened, "Uh oh." He jumped up and backflipped just in time.

A cyan crystal shuriken just missed his hair by a few centimeters.

Sonic turned and saw Chaos Rainbow glaring at him holding three more shurikens.

"Rainbow, it's me, Sonic. I know you're in there. Fight the corruption. I don't want to fight you." Sonic said.

Chaos Rainbow ignored him and threw three shurikens one at a time at Sonic.

Sonic managed to dodge the first two, but the third one hit his shoulder and cut a gash in it, "Gah!" His wound started bleeding.

Chaos Rainbow laughed at Sonic and pulled out more shurikens.

But Sonic ran up to her and grabbed her wrist, "Stop this Rainbow. I don't want to hurt you. Remember who you are!"

Chaos Rainbow growled and made an attempt to grab Sonic, but he then tripped her, causing her to land on her back.

Sonic pinned her arms to the ground and pinned her to the floor, "Come on Rainbow. I know you're in there! Fight it! Come back to your senses. Come back to us. Back to me!"

Chaos Rainbow struggled against Sonic's grip, but then her eyes widened. She shook her head in confusion. Her eyes suddenly changed from red, back to their original magenta color.

(Pause Metroid Other M - Vs Ridley - (HD))

"S-Sonic, p-please, h-help me!" Rainbow pleaded.

Sonic got off her and helped her up. He then hugged her tightly, while tears formed in his eyes. One of his tears touched Rainbow's crystals, and then the crystals began to crack and fall off.

Rainbow returned back to normal and she cried into Sonic's chest, "I'm so sorry Sonic. I-I couldn't control myself."

"Shh. It's ok Rainbow. It's all over now." Sonic said running his hands though Rainbow's hair.

The two stayed there for a while, in their loving embrace.

(Shadow and (Chaos) Pinkie Pie Battle POV)
(Resume Metroid Other M - Vs Ridley - (HD))

Shadow and Chaos Pinkie had appeared at the mall skate park, which was still under reconstruction.

Chaos Pinkie pointed her cannon at Shadow and smirked.

"Pinkie, it's me, Shadow. You must fight the Chaos energy. Or you will not make it." Shadow said as two green orbs formed around his fists, "I don't want to harm you."

Chaos Pinkie ignored him and fired the cannon at Shadow. A ball of pink energy had shot out of the cannon.

"Chaos Spear!" Shadow shouted as he threw his green spear at the attack.

The two chaos attacks collided and exploded, causing smoke and dust to rise.

Chaos Pinkie walked over to where Shadow had been, but couldn't see him.

"Chaos… CONTROL!" Shadow shouted from behind Chaos Pinkie.

Before she could respond, Chaos Pinkie was frozen in time and space.

Shadow then stood in front of her, "Pinkie Pie. I know you're in there. Fight it!" Then Shadow had an idea, "If this doesn't work, then I don't know what will."

The space and time vortex around Pinkie was nearly gone.

Shadow looked straight at Pinkie's eyes, and then smiled.

Chaos Pinkie's eyes widened, in horror and in happiness.

Suddenly, Pinkie's eyes returned from red to blue.

"SHADY! YOU'RE SMILING!" She shouted in happiness, the crystal's then shattered off her, and she gave Shadow a big hug.

(Pause Metroid Other M - Vs Ridley - (HD)

Then she heard a sound she hadn't heard ever so far, a laugh, a happy laugh, coming from Shadow.

"Shady? Did you just laugh? As in a happy laugh?" Pinkie asked.

"Yes I did. Because I have you Pinkie Pie." Shadow said hugging Pinkie.

Pinkie blushed deeply, but she smiled and tightened her embrace with Shadow.

(Silver and (Chaos) Rarity Battle POV)
(Resume Metroid Other M - Vs Ridley - (HD))

Silver and Chaos Rarity appeared at the city music auditorium.

Instantly, Chaos Rarity drawed her bow and shot an arrow at Silver.

Silver dodged it just barely missing an arrow to the butt, "Whoawhoawhoa. Too close for my liking." He turned and saw Chaos Rarity drawing another arrow, but he was ready for it this time. She shot the arrow, but Silver caught it with his psychokinesis. He snapped the arrow and then grabbed Chaos Rarity with his psychokinesis, lifting her high into the air.

Chaos Rarity growled and shot five arrows at once towards Silver.

Silver's eyes widened as he dodged the first two arrows, but the third one cut across his right shoulder, the fourth one missed him, and the fifth one cut across the right side of his body, "GAH!" He yelled in pain. He lost his concentration and Chaos Rarity began to plummet.

Chaos Rarity yelled, frightened that she was going to fall to her death, but she was then caught by Silver's psychokinesis.

She looked at Silver in confusion and shock, "Why did you save me? I tried to kill you, yet you still saved my life."

"You may not be the Rarity I know, but I know she's still inside that body. So I will always keep her safe, no matter the cost." Silver said with his hand on his shoulder, "Even if it means my death."

(Pause Metroid Other M - Vs Ridley - (HD))

Chaos Rarity's eyes widened and they returned back from red to blue. Her crystals fell off and the bow and quiver disappeared. Rarity shook her head and looked back up at Silver. When she did, she gasped in horror, "Silver! Oh my goodness. Are you alright darling?"

Silver smiled, "When I'm with you, I'm always alright. Because there is nothing in this world that makes me happier than to see your beautiful face, Rarity."

Rarity smiled and hugged Silver.

(Knuckles and (Chaos) Applejack Battle POV)
(Resume Metroid Other M - Vs Ridley - (HD))

Knuckles and Chaos Applejack appeared at Sweet Apple Acres.

Knuckles turned around and saw Chaos Applejack throw a punch at him. He was sent flying and he crashed into an apple tree, causing all its apples to fall out.

'Ouch that hurt. I can't hurt AJ. I need an idea that can free her without physically hurting her. C'mon Knuckles think.' He thought in his head.

Chaos Applejack came running towards him, with her claw raised.

Knuckles ducked and Chaos Applejack's claw got stuck in the trunk of the tree.

This gave Knuckles an idea, 'The others still have their abilities, minus Tails' fly, so that must mean…' Knuckles then jumped into the air and then spun downward. He burrowed into the ground, "Yeah!"

Chaos Applejack freed her claw and looked around for Knuckles, but couldn't find him anywhere.

Suddenly the ground below her began to shake and crack. Her eyes widened realizing what would happen.

Knuckles' hands shot out of the ground and pulled her down into the ground, all the way up to her shoulders. Only the top of her shoulders and head were visible.

(Pause Metroid Other M - Vs Ridley - (HD))

Knuckles rose out of the ground and then walked into the barn.

She struggled trying to get out of the ground, but it was useless.

Knuckles came back out with the Master Emerald in his hands. He placed it a couple feet away from Chaos Applejack, and then sat between them.

"O' Great Master Emerald, I seek the need of your help. This one has been corrupted by some of the negative energy of a Chaos Emerald. I ask that you free this one from that negative power. Please, help me." Knuckles said.

The Master Emerald began to glow brightly and then a small beam shot out of it and hit Chaos Applejack, causing her to glow brightly.

Chaos Applejack began to yell in pain, but stopped shortly after she began to lose conscious. The crystals on her body began to shatter and dissolve into nothing.

Knuckles walked over to her and kneeled down to her. He placed his hand on her head, and she started to wake up.

"Wha...what happened?" She asked getting up.

"Don't worry Applejack, you're okay now." Knuckles said.

Applejacks eyes widened when she remembered Flash corrupted her and she tried to kill Knuckles. She looked up at him, "Ah...ah'me so sorry Knuckles. Ah couldn't control myself." She said as tears formed in her eyes.

Knuckles brought her into a loving embrace and stroked her hair, "It's okay Applejack. It's not your fault. I'm just glad you're safe now."

Applejack blushed, but she smiled and tightened her embrace. After a few seconds, she looked up into his purple eyes, "Ah love you Knuckles." She leaned forward and kissed Knuckles on the lips, making him blush deeply in surprise.

He slowly closed his eyes and returned the kiss, showing how much passion and love he holds to her.

The two remained in their kiss and embrace for the time being.

(Ace and (Chaos) Fluttershy Battle POV)
(Resume Metroid Other M - Vs Ridley - (HD))

Ace and Chaos Fluttershy appeared in a forest just near the edge of the city.

Ace looked around his surroundings, "What the? Where am I?"

Just then, Ace sensed something coming towards the back of his head. He ducked and saw a light pink crystal dagger impale the tree in front of him, "Whoa. That was too close."

Ace turned and saw Chaos Fluttershy looking at Ace, as she summoned another crystal dagger.

"Fluttershy, I don't want to fight you. Please don't make me." Ace said putting his hands up.

Chaos Fluttershy threw one of her daggers at Ace swiftly.

Ace moved out of the way and caught the dagger, "Please Fluttershy. I know you're still in there. Fight the chaos in there."

Chaos Fluttershy ran up to Ace and swung her daggers at Ace, missing each time.

Ace backed up each time she swung at him. Suddenly he tripped on a tree root and fell backwards.

Chaos Fluttershy smirked and went to slice at Ace's throat.

Ace summoned two blue chaos daggers and prevented Chaos Fluttershy's from reaching his neck, "Gah. Come on Fluttershy. Fight the evil."

Suddenly something hit the back of Chaos Fluttershy's head. They both looked and saw an acorn on the ground.

Chaos Fluttershy looked up and saw a bunch of squirrels looking down at them and holding acorns.

Chaos Fluttershy hissed at them. Then she threw a dagger at the branch supporting the squirrels, causing it to snap and fall.

Most of the squirrels managed to jump on to another branch before it broke, but a baby squirrel wasn't so lucky.

(Pause Metroid Other M - Vs Ridley - (HD))

When the baby hit the ground, it began to cry loudly.

Chaos Fluttershy's eyes then widened in fear and rage.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Fluttershy's voice yelled in rage, "WHAT DID THAT BABY SQUIRREL EVER DO TO YOU!"

Suddenly Chaos Fluttershy backed up and began to yell in pain.

Ace just sat there shocked at what was happening.

Suddenly Chaos Fluttershy's crystals began to fall off as she began to return back to normal.

When all the crystals fell off, Fluttershy began to sway back and forth until she began to fall over.

Ace gasped and ran over to her and caught her in his arms, "Fluttershy? Are you ok?"

Fluttershy's eyes began to flutter open as she looked back at Ace, "A-Ace? Is that you?"

"Yes it's me Fluttershy." Ace said smiling.

"Oh my goodness. Did I really just hurt that baby squirrel? Oh my god. I feel like a monster." She said as she began to cry.

Just then, the baby squirrel hopped over next to Fluttershy and then it hopped onto her.

Fluttershy stopped cry and smiled, "Oh thank goodness you're ok. I'm so terribly sorry about what happened to you."

The baby squirrel then nuzzled Fluttershy and then it climbed back into its tree.

Fluttershy looked back at Ace and frowned while tears formed in her eyes again, "I-i-i-I'm so sorry that I tried to kill you Ace. I couldn't control myself, and, and and-"

Fluttershy was cut off when Ace gently brought her into his embrace and gave her a soft, but passionate kiss on the lips. Fluttershy blushed deeply, but then slowly closed her eyes and returned the kiss.

The kiss lasted for 2 minutes and Ace and broke it.

Ace smiled at her and gently stroked her hair, "I forgive you Fluttershy. It wasn't your fault this happened. I'm just glad I didn't lose you."

Fluttershy blushed again, but smiled and returned into his warm embrace.

Ace smiled and hugged her back, while gently stroking her back.

They continued in their loving embrace for the past few minutes.

(Dark and (Chaos) Sunset Battle POV)
(Resume Metroid Other M - Vs Ridley - (HD))

Dark and Chaos Sunset appeared at the crater where Eggman destroyed Dark and Ace's house.

"Alright Sunset, time to free you from the chaos." Dark turned around, but he didn't see Chaos Sunset, "What? Where is she?"

Suddenly a blade slashed across his back, "GAH!" He fell down. He quickly spun around, dragging his foot across the ground.

Not seeing this, Chaos Sunset's legs were swept out from under her and she fell down onto her back.

Dark went to pin her, but received a kick in the chest, and he was flung backwards.

"Sunset stop. It's me, Dark." Dark said getting up.

Chaos Sunset ignored him and jumped into the air. She raised her sword above her head and went down to drop on Dark.

Dark summoned a shadow sword and sword locked with her sword.

Dark and Chaos Sunset pushed against each others swords.

"Hrg. Sunset... please... stop... this... ahg." Dark groaned as Chaos Sunset pushed harder, "I... don't... want... to... hurt... YOU!"

Dark lost concentration while yelling and Chaos Sunset knocked his sword out of his hands. Dark was shocked at how she managed to knock his sword out of his hands.

Chaos Sunset smiled evilly and then slashed her sword across Dark's chest, cutting a gash in his shirt and his chest, causing him to bleed and fall to one knee.

"You are finished Dark." Chaos Sunset said raising her sword above her head, "Your blood will be spilled by the hands of the only one you were foolish to love."

Dark closed his eyes in defeat at first.

Chaos Sunset began to bring her sword down, but then her arm stopped an inch away from Dark's neck, "What? What have you done to me!?"

Then Dark's eyes flashed open and he smiled, "I did nothing, it's the owner of the body who's done something to you. To bad you didn't realize that a good special curse remains here. And it also resides in both mine and Sunset's bodies and souls."

Chaos Sunset's eyes glared, "What curse?"

"The day I truly met Sunset, was the same day I fought against Dark Beast's power to control my body. I failed to do it on my own, but with the help of Sunset, we defeated him together. We share the ability to fight against other creatures using our body as a host." Dark said smirking.

Chaos Sunset's eyes widened and she grabbed her head in pain and screamed, "AHHHH! NOOO!"

(Stop Playing Metroid Other M - Vs Ridley - (HD))

Dark got up and ran over to her, "Come on Sunset. I know you're still in there. Fight the evil chaos. Come back to us. To me."

Chaos Sunset's eyes closed tightly, then they opened and returned back to their normal blue color, "D-Dark? What has happened to me?" She asked as tears of fear formed in her eyes.

Dark pulled her into his chest and hugged her tightly as she cried into his chest, "Shh, You're ok Sunset. It's over now."

As she continued cry into Dark, the crystals on her began to fall off and she returned back to her normal self.

Dark pulled Sunset out of the hug and pulled her into a passionate kiss.

The two stayed there in their embrace, and then pulled apart.

"We need to get back to the school." Dark said.

"Yeah but how?" Sunset asked.

Suddenly a bright portal appeared in front of them and all the others were in it.

"Come on. Tails and Twilight need our help." Ace said.

The two nodded and walked into the portal with the others.

(Group POV)
(Chaos Sentry Battle Phase 2)
(Play Final Boss - Time Eater (Modern) - Sonic Generations Music Extended)

The group steps out of the portal, and saw what was in front of them.

They saw Twilight and Tails, just barely holding on while they were battling Chaos Sentry.

"Hahaha! You fools can't defeat me!" Chaos Sentry shouted pointing his staff at the two.

"CHAOS DAGGER!" Ace quickly threw a Chaos Dagger at Chaos Sentry, and the attack made contact, making him shout in pain.

He turned and saw all six of the girls, back into their old selves, "What!? How can this be!?" He shouted in surprise.

"You may have brought us down for a short time Chaos Sentry, but we are definitely not out!" Rainbow shouted.

Twilight turned and saw her friends, once again back into their original states, "Thank the Elements you're all okay."

"It'll take more than mind control and negative power ta bring us down Twi." Applejack said.

Chaos Sentry growled in pure anger, "You're all eager to die today aren't you? Well, all you had to do was ASK!" He pointed his staff and shot a beam of red energy at the group.

Ace saw this coming and acted quickly, "CHAOS SHIELD!" A blue barrier formed around the group and the attack bounced off the barrier.

The barrier died down and the mobians got into their fighting stances, "You guys ready?" Dark asked the mobians.

"Ready/Let's do it/Yeah!" They all said.

"Rainbow, get the girls to a safe spot. This will not end well." Ace called out to Rainbow.

"Right." They all left the mobians with Chaos Sentry.

"You're all gonna regret ever facing off against me!" Chaos Sentry shouted.

"You'll regret facing against us!" Shadow shouted as two green balls of energy formed around his hands.

"Give up while you can! There's seven of us and only one of you!" Sonic shouted.

Chaos Sentry chuckled evilly, "That's what you think." He held his staff up and he started glowing. When the glow died down, several clones of himself were next to him, making Sonic facepalm.

"Why me?" He muttered.

"Aw crud." Ace muttered as he summoned a Chaos Blade.

"Go forth and slay them!" Chaos Sentry commanded.

The clones charged with their staffs ready for the attack.

The heroes charged at the Clones and their battle began.

Shadow destroyed two with his chaos spears.

Silver smashed two together with his psychokinesis, turning them into dust.

Dark and Ace destroyed six using their shadow powers.

Sonic managed to deal the final blow to the last of the clones. The mobians were breathing heavily, with the last of their energy spent. Only Ace and Dark were able to maintain some of their power.

One by one, each of the mobians fell to the ground, no longer able to fight anymore, while Ace and Dark were still on their feet, but just barely.

Chaos Sentry smirked evilly and walked over to the fallen mobians, with his staff glowing, ready to finish them off once and for all.

The girls that were not to far saw what he was planning, and they all ran toward the scene. As they were running up to them, they saw Ace and Dark walking next to their fallen allies and blocked Chaos Sentry's way.

"We won't let you hurt them." Ace said weakly.

"You wanna get to them, you got to get through us." Dark added.

The two knew their power was drained and couldn't do anything else, but they refused to let their friends die.

"Hahaha! Very well, I'll let you two be the first victims to die by my hands." Chaos Sentry said.

He quickly threw his staff out and pointed at the two brothers. The emerald glowed red and it shot a red beam of energy at the two brothers.

Ace and Dark screamed in pain when they felt the attack make contact with them.

Chaos Sentry pointed his staff up and the two brothers were lifted into the air.

He smirked evilly and pointed his staff at a wall.

The two brothers were hurled at the wall and smashed into it.

Chaos Sentry smiled evilly and then threw the two boys around. smashing into several of the walls.

Dark and Ace were covered in blood and barely still conscious.

Chaos Sentry decided to finish them. The red emerald began to glow brightly.

Dark and Ace looked at the emerald and they thought they were done for.

'We're sorry mother. We've failed you.' They thought.

The girls looked up at Dark and Ace in horror.

Chaos Sentry floated up higher than the boys and then pointed his staff at the two.

The emerald shot out a large beam towards the brothers and sent them into the ground. The crater then filled with rubble and the brothers were buried under the rubble.

"NO! DARK! ACE!" The others yelled.

Chaos Sentry laughed in success, "NAHAHAHAHAAAA! AHAHAHAHAHA! SO LONG DARK AND ACE!"

(Pause Final Boss - Time Eater (Modern) - Sonic Generations Music Extended)
(Unknown Location)
(Dark and Ace POV)
(Play MaxApogee - PMV - Apotheosis)

Ace slowly opened his eyes and only saw nothing but white everywhere. He slowly rose up and rubbed his throbbing head, "Ugh, what happened?" He looked around and he didn't know where they were. He then heard a groan and he looked to the left, and saw Dark waking up as well.

"Dark!" Ace rushed over to his brother and helped him up, "You okay?"

Dark opened his eyes and looked up at his younger brother, "Yeah, I'm alright." He looked around and saw they were in some kind of white void, "Where are we?"

"I don't know. All I remember is C Sentry hitting us with the attack and now….we're here." Ace explained.

Dark sighed, "I guess that means we're dead. We've lost."

"I don't believe it...first we lost our friends, then mother, and now we failed our mission. All hope is lost." Ace said sadly.

"You two can't give up now." Said a female voice.

Dark and Ace jolted their heads up by the voice. It sounded so familiar to them.

Suddenly, a bright light came in front of their eyes, and they closed them. When the light died down, they opened them and saw a female human before them.

She had long blue hair, similar to Darks hair color, and had red on it. She had blue eyes and some red in it like Ace's eyes, wore a white robe with a pair on angel wings and a halo on her head.

The angel smiled at the two, "It's been so long since I seen your faces…..my boys."

Ace and Dark went wide eyed and mouths dropped by what she just said. They knew it was impossible.

"M...Mother?" Ace asked nervously, hoping this wasn't a dream.

The angel smiled and nodded. She then held her hands out, welcoming the two into her embrace.

Ace wasted not time and lunged at her and buried his face into her, crying his eyes out.

Dark was so shocked that he was seeing his mother, as a living angel. Tears fell from his eyes as he ran to her and joined the hug.

The two cried while their mother gently stroked their backs, comforting them, "Shhh...It's alright. I'm still here." She whispered in the softest voice they ever heard.

Ace slowly broke out of her embrace a little and looked into her eyes, "I...I thought we would never see you again." He whimpered while trying to calm his tears.

She smiled and wiped the last of his tears, "I know sweet heart. It's been far too long since I've seen your face, along with you Dark."

Dark looked up at her now, "Are...are we dead?"

She shook her head, "No. You and Ace are at the bridge of death. Your times are not yet done. You two must go back and defeat Chaos Sentry."

"How can we mother? We tried everything in our power to defeat him….but nothing worked. We're not strong enough. We failed." Ace explained sadly.

"You two have the power to defeat Chaos Sentry. A hidden ability is within the two of you, and it will bring you two and your friends victory." She explained, "This power can only be achieved if you two believe in each other, your friends, those you love, and are willing to fight, even to death. Let go of your individual strengths and work together, as one." Their mother explained.

The two brothers looked at one another. They have relied on each other ever since they started their mission and promised to defeat any and all darkness that existed. They smiled at each other. They then looked back at their mother.

"We will mother. We will continue to fight for each other, our friends and to those we love." Ace vowed.

Dark smiled, but then frowned a little. Even though he was happy to see his mother again, he still believes it was his fault for killing her and for the reason she's like this.

His mother picked this up and placed her hands on his shoulders, making him look up at her, "Dark, I understand you're still upset over what happened to me all those years ago, but it's all in the past." She then smiled, "Because of you, you freed me from the darkness, and you saved me. What you did was for the best for me, Ace, yourself and Everyone else."

"But-" Dark was cut off by his mother.

"No buts sweetie. What you did was right, and all of us can never be more proud of you." She said.

"Us?" Dark asked.

Then, he and Ace saw all their friends behind her and they were smiling at them.

"Dark, we can't thank you and your brother enough for what you two did for all of us. We are forever in your depths." One boy said.

"We were glad we had friends like you two. And we're happy you two found someone to love and care for, and made amazing new friends." A female said.

Dark was shocked and at the same time happy as well. He smiled as tears of joy ran down his face. He turned to his mother and gave her another warm embrace, "Thank you….all of you."

Dark's mother smiled and returned the embrace.

Ace smiled as a few tears of his own fell from his face.

All of their friends smiled as well, seeing the old Dark back to his old self.

His mother broke the embrace and looked at her son, "Dark, I want you to make a new promise to me right now. No matter what happens, you two will always defeat the dark forces, and to save the lives who are under their control, no matter what it takes."

Dark thought for a second and looked at his younger brother, who smiled and nodded. He smiled and nodded back and looked up at his mother, "I promise by my life, soul and heart, I won't let you down."

"I promise as well." Ace added.

Their mother smiled, "I know you two will succeed, because you two have friendship, love, unknown powerful abilities, and a unique bond with those you care about." She then held her hands out, along with their friends, "We will give you two the last of our power to free those who are controlled by the dark and Chaos force before you go." Waves of light began emitting from the brothers' family and friends and were sent into Ace and Dark. The two felt a new ability forge in their minds.

They smiled and nodded to their mother and friends, "Thank you mother. Thank you everyone."

She smiled as she along with their old friends started to vanish, "Good luck you two, and remember that I'll always love you two and know you two will bring hope to your friends and those around them."

The brothers smiled and slowly closing their eyes, "Thank you mother….for everything.' They thought in unison.

(Back to the real world)
(Group POV)

Chaos Sentry had imprisoned the heroes in a cage made of pure Chaos energy.

Sunset and Fluttershy were sitting at the side of the cage, staring at the rubble where Ace and Dark had been buried.

"It's not possible. Dark and Ace… They can't be gone." Sunset cried while tears fell from her eyes.

Chaos Sentry began making a throne-like seat, "Oh stop whining. You'll be joining them shortly."

Suddenly the entire school began shaking violently.

"What the hell?" Chaos Sentry asked looking around confused.

The rubble suddenly began to glow dark blue and red.

The others ran to the edge of the cage and stared at the glowing rubble.

Chaos Sentry's eyes widened, "N-No. It can't be true. They're dead. That beam should have killed them."

The rubble then bursted everywhere, making everyone shield their eyes. When the rubble died down, it was replaced by light. They all looked up and saw Dark and Ace hovering in the air, in one piece.

The two smiled and opened their eyes, and were filled with determination and hope.

Fluttershy and Sunset smiled as tears of joy ran down their eyes, seeing their boyfriends alive and okay.

"No way!" Rainbow said.

"They're alive!" Pinkie chirped.

Chaos Sentry growled, "So what. I'll defeat the two pests the same way I did the first time."

"There will not be two of us anymore. There will be only one now." They said in union.

"What? What are you saying?" Chaos Sentry demanded.

Suddenly, The Dark Emeralds appeared and started to glow, and Dark and Ace began to glow brightly and the two suddenly flashed in a bright sphere, making everyone shield their eyes again.

When everyone opened their eyes and looked to where Dark and Ace were standing, they all gasped.

A single new person was standing where Dark and Ace had been standing. His hair looked like Ace's hair, but where Ace's was red and blue, was now dark blue hair and red streaks. His hair points up in the back a little. He was now wearing two pairs of ring bands, Dark's blue crystal rings and two red and blue crystal bands. His shoes are the same design as Dark's, but with Ace's colors. His eyes opened and they were multicolored, half dark blue and half red.

(Stop Playing MaxApogee - PMV - Apotheosis)
(Resume Final Boss - Time Eater (Modern) - Sonic Generations Music Extended)

"Who are you? Are you Dark or Ace?" Chaos Sentry asked.

When the new guy spoke, his voice sounded very much like Dark's, but with Ace's echoing in the background, "I am neither Dark, nor Ace. I am Drake the Dark Chaos Master."

Chaos Sentry rolled his eyes, "Wow. So what. Am I supposed to be scared? Pullease." He pointed his staff at Drake and shot a medium red beam of chaos energy towards him.

Drake didn't move one bit, except when he raised his hand in front of the beam. He then caught the beam in his hand in the shape of an orb.

Everyone looked shocked at Drake catching the beam.

Chaos Sentry's eyes widened in horror, "Im-imposible. That can't be real."

"It's real. Now how about you taste your own medicine." Drake said. He pulled the orb back and pushed his hand forward, firing the beam back at Chaos Sentry.

Chaos Sentry tried to deflect the attack, but was engulfed by the beam, "GRAHHHHHH!"

Drake then sank into the shadow below him and disappeared.

When Chaos Sentry looked for Drake, he couldn't find him, "Where are you!? Coward! Come back and fight."

"I was never hiding in the first place." Drake's voice said in the air. He rose from a shadow on the ceiling and was standing upside-down on the ceiling, looking down at Chaos Sentry.

Chaos Sentry turned and shot three orbs at Drake.

The orbs made contact, but when the smoke cleared, Drake hadn't moved one bit.

"N-No." Chaos Sentry said turning around and flying towards the nearest exit.

Drake rose out of a shadow in front of the door and blocked Chaos Sentry's way. He grabbed him by the collar of his robe and lifted him into the air.

"Go ahead. Kill me. I deserve to die. Show everyone just how dark you are." Chaos Sentry said smiling evilly.

Drake then smirked, "That's what you think I am. But I made a new promise to my mother. I will never kill anyone anymore." Drake's hand that was holding Chaos Sentry began to glow gold, "The bond I share with my friends, the girls I love, and with my mother and friends is what truly makes me strong. Because of them, they helped me unlock a new power that will truly defeat your dark heart once and for all, because of the connection we all share." Drake took the staff from Chaos Sentry and then pulled the Chaos Emerald out of the top.

Chaos Sentry's eyes widened and he hollered in pain as the golden light started engulfing his body, "No! No! NOOO!"

The crystals began to fall off and Chaos Sentry began to return back to Flash Sentry.

Drake then put Flash back down on his feet.

(Stop Playing MaxApogee - PMV - Apotheosis)

When Flash had returned to normal, he opened his eyes and looked around, "What happened to me? Last thing I remember, I had pulled a red gem out of wood pile and then, nothing." Then he noticed the trashed gym, "Oh no. Did I do this? Oh god. What have I done?"

"You did nothing. It was the Chaos consciousness. It corrupted your mind and took control over you." Drake said as he absorbed the chaos energy cage, freeing the others.

The others ran over next to Drake and Flash.

"So wait a minute. Where are Dark and Ace?" Sonic asked.

"Ah yes. That. I do not know when we will meet again, but I imagine it will be soon." Drake said, "Dark and Ace are still different people, but together, they make me. Now I will release the two. Goodbye. Until next time."

Drake stepped back and he began to glow brightly. When the light died down, Ace and Dark stood separated, smiling.

"Hey guys." Ace said smiling.

Sunset and Fluttershy ran to their boyfriends and gave them death hugs.

"I thought I would never see you again." Fluttershy whimpered in Ace's shoulders.

Ace smiled and returned the embrace, "Shh...it's alright. I'm here now." He whispered stroking her hair.

"I'm so glad you're okay Dark. I thought I lost you." Sunset whispered while clinging on to him for dear life.

Dark returned the embrace and stroked her hair as well, "I'm sorry for worrying you, but I promise, I'll never leave your side. Shhh….Its okay. Just let it out."

The two brothers remained in their embrace with their girlfriends until they heard talking outside of the door.

The group turned and saw the students, Principal Celestia, and Vice Principal Luna, "Are you all okay?" Celestia asked.

"Yeah, we're all cool." Sonic said smiling.

Flash frowned and walked up to Celestia and Luna, "Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, no words can describe how sorry I am for what I did tonight. I was a fool for what I did. I put everyone in danger and almost killed Sonic, Rainbow and everyone else because of my stupidity. I deserved to be expelled for what I did."

Celestia and Luna looked at one another and then smiled.

Celestia looked back at Flash, "I won't expel you Flash. You only made a mistake. You weren't thinking clearly for what you did, due to the phenomenon that occurred tonight. You're forgiven."

Flash was wide eyed what Celestia said, but he was grateful he wasn't expelled. He turned to his friends and frowned again. He walked over to them and looked at them, "I'm really sorry for what I did you guys. This all happened because of me, and I'm especially sorry to you Tails." He said looking at the yellow haired teen, "I'll admit this, I was jealous of you since you're with Twilight, but I promise, this will never happen again, and I hope you can make Twilight happy for as long as you can, and hope we can still be friends."

Tails smiled and pulled him into a friendly hug, "It's okay Flash, and I forgive you, and I will make Twilight happy, and I'll always be your friend."

Flash smiled and returned the friendly embrace. When the two broke up, Twilight walked over to him and have him a small peck on the cheek, making him blush.

Twilight then gave him and hug as well, "Thank you Flash."

Flash smiled and returned the embrace.

The two broke the embrace and smiled at one another.

The students walked into the gym, seeing the damage Flash made.

"Now what!?" One student asked.

The students began chatting, since the gym was destroyed, making Flash frown in shame.

"Don't worry, we got this." Tails said. He pulled out what looked like a ray gun that was yellow, had three blue rings at the end and a red bud of the gun.

"What's that?" Ace asked.

"This is a repair ray. It can reverse any kind of damage from something and put it back together like it wasn't damaged in the first place. Me and Twilight worked on this for a while when we had free time." Tails explained.

"Cool." Ace smiled.

Tails turned the ray on and fired at some of the damaged areas and just like that, the damages were repaired. After a few minutes, the gym was back in its former glory.

The students cheered that the gym was back to normal.

Vinyl walked back onto the stage, "Are you all ready to finish what we started!?"

The students cheered.

Ace then thought of something. He leaned toward Sonic and whispered into his ear.

Sonic then smiled, "Sure, we can do that."

Ace smiled and nodded, and Sonic, Ace, Shadow and Silver walked to the stage and grabbed their instruments, while Ace grabbed a microphone.

"Attention everyone!" Ace called out in the mic, which got everyones attention, "I have a special song I'm gonna be singing tonight. This song was my favorite of all time ever since I was born. This song is called Rebirthing by Skillet. Hit It!"

(Play Rebirthing - Skillet)

The music kicked in, flowing with unbelievable beats and experience through the gym.

Ace smiled and started singing.

I lie here paralytic, inside this soul

Screaming for you till my throat is numb

I wanna break out I need a way out

I don't believe that it's gotta be this way

The worst is the waiting

In this womb I'm suffocating

Feel your presence filling up my lungs with oxygen

I take you in

I've died

Rebirthing now

I wanna live for love, wanna live for you and me

Breathe for the first time now

I come alive somehow

Rebirthing now

I wanna live my life, wanna give you everything

Breathe for the first time now

I come alive somehow

Right now

Right now

Many of the students cheered for Ace while he continued singing.

I lie here lifeless in this cocoon

Shedding my skin cause I'm ready to

I wanna break out, I found a way out

I don't believe that it's gotta be this way

The worst is the waiting

In this womb I'm suffocating

Feel your presence filling up my lungs with oxygen

I take you in

I've died

Rebirthing now

I wanna live for love, wanna live for you and me

Breathe for the first time now

I come alive somehow

Rebirthing now

I wanna live my life, wanna give you everything

Breathe for the first time now

I come alive somehow

Tell me when I'm gonna live again

Tell me when I'm gonna breathe you in

Tell me when I'm gonna feel inside

Tell me when I'm gonna feel alive

Ace looked at Fluttershy, who was loving every bit of the song. He smiled and winked at her, making her smiled while blushing.

Tell me when I'm gonna live again

Tell me when this fear will end

Tell me when I'm gonna feel inside

Tell me when I'll feel alive

"Let me hear you sing it everyone!" Ace shouted in his mic.

Rebirthing now

I wanna live for love, wanna live for you and me

Breathe for the first time now

I come alive somehow

Rebirthing now

I wanna live my life, wanna give you everything

Breathe for the first time now

I come alive somehow

Right now

(I come alive somehow)

Right now

(I come alive somehow)

(Stop playing song)

The students went wild after the song ended.

Dark smiled and clapped his hands by his brothers performance.

Ace jumped off the stage and walked up to his brother, "What did you think brother?"

Dark smiled and patted his shoulder, "That was really something Ace. Nice job."

Ace smiled, "Hey, why don't you go up there and play a song as well?"

Dark shook his head, "No thanks. I'll pass."

"C'mon bro. get up there and show these students what you can do when it comes to singing." Ace begged.

"Eh, I don't know." Dark said.

Ace smiled and turned to the students, "What do you all think!? Do you all want to hear my brother sing tonight!?"

He got a roar of cheering from the students, which made Ace smile, "Looks like we our answer from the students bro."

Dark smiled and shook his head, "Alright, alright, I'll do it."

"Go knock'em dead brother." Ace said patting his back.

Dark walked onto the stage and grabbed the mic, "Alright everyone. Tonight, I'm going to be singing Sick of it from the same band, Skillet."

(Play Sick of it - Skillet)

If you're sick

If you're sick

If you're sick

If you're sick of it

If you're sick

If you're sick

If you're sick of it!

When everything you do

Don't seem to matter.

Your try but it's no use

Your world is getting blacker

When every time you fail

Has no answer.

Every empty promise made

His own reminder.

Different lights went off as Dark continued singing, while the students cheered.

No one can make this better

Take control it's now or never!

Are you sick of it?

Raise your hands, get rid of it!

While there's a fighting chance...

Are you over it?

Bored to death?

Have you had enough regret?

Take a stand, raise your hands...

If you're sick of it!

If you're sick of

If you're sick of

If you're sick of it!

[If You're] Sick of it!

If you're sick of it!

Every single day

I chase my own tail

Like the rat inside a maze

Has gotta get, gotta get, get away

I'm running out of time

For me to break this

I'm tired to feeling like

I never gonna make this

Confetti and smoke were set through the stage, confusing Ace for a sec, but realized it was Pinkie giving Dark a little bit more attention through the song.

No one can make this better

Take control it's now or never!

Are you sick of it?

Raise your hands - get rid of it!

While there's a fighting chance...

Are you over it?

Bored to death?

Have you had enough regret?

Take a stand, raise your hands...

If you're sick of it!

If you're sick of

If you're sick of

If you're sick of it!

If you're Sick of it!

If you're sick of it!

I'm tired of it

I'm over it

I'm bored of it

Gonna face this

I'm sick of it!

Raise your hands

If you're sick

If you're sick

If you're sick of it

Raise your hands

If you're sick

If you're sick of it

Sick of it!

Raise your hands

If you're sick

If you're sick of it

Sick of it!

Raise your hands, get rid of it!

While there's a fighting chance...

Are you over it?

Bored to death?

Have you had enough regret?

Take a stand, raise your hands...

If you're sick of it!

Are you sick of it?

If you're sick

If you're sick

If you're sick of it

Get rid of it!

If you're sick

If you're sick of it

Are you over it?

Bored to death?

Have you had enough regret?

Take a stand, raise your hands…

"Let me hear you all sing it!" Dark shouted in the mic.

Are you sick of it?

If you're sick

If you're sick

If you're sick of it

Are you sick of it?

If you're sick

If you're sick

If you're sick of it

Are you sick of it?

If you're sick

If you're sick

If you're sick of it

If you're sick of it

If you're sick

If you're sick

If you're sick of it

(Stop Playing song)

The students cheered after the song ended.

Dark smiled, and gave the crowd a small bow.

Vinyl came up to the stage and took the mic, "Let's give one more round of applause to Sonic, Shadow , Silver, Dark and Ace for their performance tonight everyone!"

The students cheered and clapped loudly, while Ace and the others smiled.

The mobians hopped off the stage and walked over to their friends.

"That was so awesome!" Rainbow cheered.

"Now that was some real singing right there." Tails commented.

"That was totally amazing you two." Sunset said hugging Dark, with Fluttershy hugging Ace.

"Hehe, we try." Ace said hugging Fluttershy back.

"Okay everyone, get your partners because it's time to start our slow songs. Up first is Diary of Jane - Nightcore - NightcoreReality2." Vinyl said scrolling through the music and started the song.

(Play NightcoreReality2 - Nightcore - Diary Of Jane)

The lights dimmed and the disco ball slowly rotated, letting off glittering through the gym.

From that, many of the students took their partners and started dancing slowly to the music.

Sonic looked at Rainbow and smiled.

She smiled and blushed deeply.

"May I have this dance?" he asked while holding his hand out to her.

Rainbow smiled and took his hand, "You may."

The two speed demons slowly walked to the center of the gym and looked at one another.

Sonic gently took her hand and wrapped his other arm around her waist.

Rainbow blushed by his soft touch, but smiled and wrapped her arm around Sonic's neck and the two slowly swayed to the music.

They kept their eyes locked together, while they were smiling and blushing.

'I wish this night never ends.' Rainbow thought.

'This is the best night of my life.' Sonic thought while looking deeply in Rainbow's rosy eyes that glittered under the light of the disco ball shining its light.

Silver looked at Rarity and smiled. He did a bow to her, "May I have this dance Lady Rarity?"

Rarity blushed while she giggled by his charms, "You certainly may, Sir Silver."

Silver rose and gently took her hand and escorted her to the center as well.

Like Sonic, Silver wrapped his arm around Rarity's waist and gently took her other hand.

Rarity wrapped her arm around Silvers neck and the two slowly danced.

Silver locked his amber yellow eyes into Rarity's sapphire eyes that glittered.

The two blushed and smiled at one another as they continued to slowly dance.

Shadow smiled while looking at Pinkie, and slowly offered his hand to her, "Would you like to dance with me Pinkie?"

Pinkie blushed deeply but smiled and took his hand, "I would love to."

The two walked to the dance floor and looked at one another.

Unlike Sonic and Silver, Pinkie wrapped both of her arms around Shadow's waist and leaned her head against Shadow's warm chest, listening to the soft beating of his heart.

Shadow smiled while a few tears escaped his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Pinkie and the two slowly danced in a slow circle.

The others followed suit and they all danced slowly with their partners.

Over at one of the tables, Flash was watching the others dancing, while he was looking at Twilight and Tails, happy as they can be while they danced together. Flash smiled at the two, 'You're really lucky you have someone like him Twilight.' Flash thought.

He looked to his right and saw Fleetfoot sitting alone. He got up and walked over to her, "You okay Fleetfoot?"

She looked up at Flash, "Yeah, i'm cool."

Flash sat next to her, "What's bothering you?"

Fleetfoot sighed, "I'm still not happy with myself over what happened a couple nights ago. Like you, I was possessed by the same gem you had, but it was blue. I almost killed Sonic and the others because of my actions. Not a lot of people talked to me when they found out what I did." Fleetfoot explained while a few tears escaped her eyes.

Flashed was surprised. She went through the same thing he went through tonight. He relaxed and said, "I know what you mean. I almost killed Sonic and the others because of my jealousy from Tails. But, they never gave up on me and they're still my friends."

"Same with me." Fleetfoot replied.

The two remained quiet for the moment, until Flas asked her, "Would...you...like to dance with me?" He asked blushing a little.

Fleetfoot looked up at him while blushing, "R...really? Above all the girls here….you want to dance with me?"

Flash smiled, "Of course. You and I have something in common, and I don't see you as a monster from what you did before."

Fleetfoot smiled while a tear escaped her eye, "I would love to dance with you."

Flash smiled as he got up from his chair. He held his hand out and Fleetfoot gladly took it.

The two walked to the center with the others and the two slowly danced as well.

Twilight looked over at Flash, who was dancing with Fleetfoot and smiled, 'Those two look cute together. I know they're meant to be with one another.' She thought.

Then, the song slowly died down and Vinyl scrolled through the songs and said, "Alright everyone, the final slow song is called Felt so right." She said playing the song.

(Play The Most Romantic Song Ever)

The song played slowly and made true peace and love in the air.

Sonic and Rainbow smiled at one another.

"I love you Sonic." Rainbow whispered.

"I love you too." Sonic whispered back.

The two embraced one another and kissed passionately.

Tails looked and saw his older brother kissing his girlfriend. He smile and blushed. He then thought of kissing Twilight. He gulped a little, 'Well, it now or never I suppose.' He thought.

He looked at Twilight, "Twilight?"

"Yes?" She asked.

His cheeks turned bright crimson, "Umm...theres something I want to tell you."

Yes?" She asked listening.

"Ever since I came to this world, you have shown me so much happiness that I've never felt in a long time. More ever since I met Cosmo. And...I want to tell you that I...I..I.." He couldn't finish while he struggled to bring out his words.

Twilight's face grew red when she knew what he was trying to say, 'He...loves me?' She thought.

Tails swallowed enough courage and spoke, "I..I love you Twilight."

Twilight was stunned by what he said. She thought this was too good to be true. The smartest guy she knew, was in love with her.

Tails looked away, believing he made a mistake saying he loves her, but then Twilight surprised him beyond his entire life.

She gently cupped his cheek and brought her lips to his into a soft kiss.

Tails went wide eyed and blushed deeply, but then slowly closed his eyes and returned the kiss. He did it. All that effort was worth it. The girl he loves is now kissing him. He felt a tear escape his eye as he deepened the kiss. He then heard a familiar voice.

'I knew you could do it Tails. I'm so happy for you. Continue to keep her happy and live happily with her.' He heard Cosmos voice say.

'Thank you Cosmo.' Tails thought tightening his embrace with Twilight.

Pinkie looked over and saw her friends kissing their boyfriends. She was happy that they're enjoying their beautiful moments with them. She then blushed thinking about kissing Shadow, 'Alright. I'm going to tell him I love him.' She thought.

She looked up at Shadow and into his crimson eyes that shined in the light, "Shadow?"

"Hmm?" He asked looking into her sky blue eyes.

"Umm...there's something I want to tell you." She said nervously while her blush deepened.

"You can tell me anything." Shadow whispered.

Pinkie gulped and then said those words shyly, "I...I love you."

Shadow blushed and was surprised by what she said. This girl that has turned his life around, said she loves him. He smiled warmly and gently cupped her cheek and spoke those words as well, "I love you to."

Pinkie's blush deepened, but she smiled.

The two slowly leaned forward, with their eyes closed.

Their lips slowly made their course to one another, and they came closer….and closer…..and ever so closer.






At long last, their lips met in a soft kiss.

Pinkie's heart exploded in so much happiness and love. She was waiting for this special moment with Shadow, and now it was happening. She felt tears fall freely from her eyes as the two continued in their beautiful kiss.

Then, the two deepened the kiss far more than all the others. Their mouths opened and their tongues met for the first time. They slowly danced around each other, tasting each other and exploring each others mouths.

Pinkie tightened her embrace with Shadow and tried to deepen her kiss, while Shadow did the same.

Shadow felt never ending waves of love, happiness and joy in his heart as he continued kissing the girl he loved to his heart, 'I'll always love you forever Pinkie, even at the ends of time.' He thought as his tears flowed freely from his eyes as he continued in his kiss with Pinkie.

The group continued in their kissing as the song continued playing.

The stars and moon glittered beautifully in the sky, showing signs of joy, love and happiness.

Author's Note:

Shadicbro B wiping a few tears: *Sniff* That was the most beautiful ending to this chapter of all time. *Sniff* I'm sorry. I need a moment. Bro, can you please summarize what happened while I try to calm down?

DarkMaster0224 smiling while patting his back: Sure bro. Sonic and the others fixed the dance and they were all excited for the dance. They all got ready and they all enjoyed themselves. Flash then revealed to them he had the Red Chaos Emerald and he transformed into his Chaos form. They all fought strongly, but Chaos Sentry had the upper hand and killed Ace and Dark. The two woke up in some void, at the bridge of death and met their mother again. Dark now holds a new promise to his mother and they then unlocked a new power. The two then fused into Drake and defeated Chaos Sentry. The dance was then back on, and Ace and Dark sang their favorite songs on stage. Then, the slow songs played and Flash and Fleetfoot are now a pairing. Tails and Shadow then shared their first kiss with the girls they loved, and they now became one. What will await them now? What will they expect? Will they find the remaining Emeralds before Night Rose, Neo and Mephiles find them? Find out next time on the next loving chapter of Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fate between Worlds.

Darkmaster0224 and ShadicBro B: Thank you all for reading. Hope you're all happy that the pairing have been completed, especially with Shadow and Tails. We'll see you all next time. Please follow, like, and comment. SEE YOU ALL LATER! PEACE OUT!