• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 9,703 Views, 128 Comments

Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fates Between Worlds - DarkMaster0224

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have been sent to the human world of Canterlot High, to save it from the eternal darkness. Along the way, they will make new friends, meet old and new enemies, and much more.

  • ...

Chapter 12

Chapter 12
Let the Nightmare, Begin
(Sonic and Rainbow POV)

Sonic woke up feeling well rested. The wound was now completely healed, thanks to Knuckles. Sonic got out of his bed and stretched. He then heard a knock coming from his door, "Hey Sonic, you up?" Rainbow asked through the door.

Sonic smiled, "Yep. You can come in if you wish." Sonic called out.

The door opened and Rainbow walked in smiling at the blue haired teen, "How are you feeling?"

"A lot better. Thanks to Knuckles, my wound is completely healed." Sonic smiled at his girlfriend.

Rainbow smiled, "I'm glad you're okay." She walked up to him and gave him a hug, "I just don't want to lose you."

Sonic smiled warmly and returned the embrace, "You won't lose me Rainbow. I promise, I'll be there for you." Sonic began stroking her rainbow hair.

Rainbow felt it and blushed, "I love it when you do that." She whispered.

Sunset was at the crack of the door and smiled at the two speed demons, 'Glad Rainbow has someone to love.' She thought. But, she then frowned, 'I just wish I can find someone who can love me as well.' Sunset left, leaving the two alone.

Rainbow looked up at Sonic and smiled, "I love you."

Sonic smiled as well, "I love you to."

The two shared a passionate kiss on the lips for a few minutes. They broke up and smiled, while blushing a little.

"I'll never get tired of kissing you." Sonic said.

Rainbow giggled, "Neither will I."

(Tails POV)

Tails awoke from his soft bed that Fluttershy gave him. He got up and stretched, "Mmmmm. Man, I never gotten so much good sleep in all my life." Tails said.

He walked out of his room and turned around a corner, but he accidentally bumped into Twilight.

Twilight slipped and began to fall, but Tails quickly caught her in his arms, "Woah, that was close. You okay Twi...light?"

Tails went silent when he stare into her lavender eyes. He blushed by how beautiful they look. Twilight stared into Tails baby blue eyes and blushed as well. The two went completely silent and continued staring into each others eyes.

Just then, Fluttershy came around the corner, "Hey guys. Are you almost ready for scho- Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry. I'll go back downstairs." And she ran back downstairs, leaving the two geniuses.

Tails decided to break the awkward moment by lifting Twilight back onto her feet, "Uh. Well that was awkward. Sorry about that Twi."

Twilight blushed madly, "I-it's ok Tails. It was my fault, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"We'd better get ready for school, or we're gonna be late."

"Right. See you when you get done Twi." Tails said as he pushed an orange button on his wrist watch. His backpack and school stuff appeared on his back.

"How did you do that?" Twilight asked amazed.

"I created small teleportation microchips and planted them into the materials of my school stuff. Now all I have to do is push this button, think of what stuff I want in specific, and poof, they appear on me." Tails explained.

"Wow. That's really smart Tails… Uh… Do you think… you could make some for… me perhaps?" She asked blushing.

"Sure Twi. I'll start on them during our free period. Ok?" Tails said.

"Ok. Thanks Tails." Twilight said hugging him, then she gave him a small kiss on his cheek. When she realized what she did, she ran into her room blushing madly.

Tails felt his stomach fill with butterflies and his face went red, 'What is this feeling I keep feeling when I'm around Twilight? I haven't felt like this since I met Cosmo.' Tails thought to himself.

Tails decided to shake it off for now and went downstairs.

(Group POV minus Amy)
(Canterlot High)

All our heroes were standing outside of the school doors, waiting for Shadow, Pinkie, and Amy to show up.

"Where are they? They're taking forever!" Sonic groaned tapping his foot up and down.

Shadow and Pinkie pulled into the school parking lot on Shadow's bike, but Amy wasn't with them.

"Hey guys. Uh, where's Amy?" Tails asked putting away the teleportation microchips he was working on away.

"What? She's not here? We couldn't find her anywhere at my house. We thought she left for school early." Pinkie said.

"Where could she be?" Rarity asked.

Just then, a black motorcycle with dark blue flame designs on it, pulled into the parking lot. Its driver looked awfully familiar to the group.

"Wait, is that... Amy?" Knuckles asked.

Her clothing was the same design as Amy's, but dark blue and black; her hair style was the same, but it looked like the night sky; and her eyes were Cyan dragon daggers.

She walked over to the group and smirked, "Hey guys."

"W-what? Amy? Is that you?" Sonic asked.

She looked at Sonic and smiled, "Who else Soniku? Why did you not recognize me because of my new look? You like it?"

Sonic blushed a little, "Amy stop that right now."

"Why? Does it make you... uncomfortable?" She said walking closer to Sonic, but Rainbow got in her way.

"Stay away from Sonic, Amy. What's gotten into you?" Rainbow asked.

"Hmph." Amy said walking towards the doors, "Oh and by the way, don't call me Amy anymore. My name Night Rose." And with that, she walked into the school.

"What in the world has gotten into her?" Sonic asked.

"I don't know. And what's up with her new look?" Tails asked.

"I'm not liking what's happening to Amy. She isn't the same from before." Silver said.

Shadow had a suspicious look on his face, 'Something is up with her. She seems….possessed somehow. She doesn't have a Chaos Emerald with her….but I'm sensing some kind of dark energy in her.' Shadow thought.

Twilight was having the same kinds of thoughts Shadow was having, but a little more worried, 'I feel a very familiar dark presence emitting from Amy. But what is it?'

(1st Period)
(Twilight, Tails, and Amy/Night Rose's POV)

Tails and Twilight walked into the history classroom for their first period class. They saw everyone was looking at Night Rose, who was sitting at the back corner desk, sharpening her dark blue nails.

And as if that wasn't enough, the only two desks left were next to Night Rose's.

Tails and Twilight sat down at the two desks and tried to ignore Night Rose.

"Uhg. Why do I have to be here? It's not like I'm ever going to use history of this planet ever anyways." Night Rose complained.

The teacher walked into the classroom, "Good morning class."

"Good morning, Mr. Whitcomb." The class responded.

"Did you all do last week's homework assignments?" Mr. Whitcomb asked, "Assignment 8.04 Civil War. If you have, please pass it up to the front of the classroom."

Tails and Twilight pulled out their assignments and passed them up to the front of the class.

Mr. Whitcomb counted all the assignments he was handed, "One person didn't hand in their assignment... Amy Rose?"

Night Rose didn't respond and kept sharpening her nails.

"Amy. Where is your assignment?" Mr. Whitcomb said walking over to Night Rose's desk.

She just simply ignored him.

"Amy Rose! I am speaking to you!" Mr. Whitcomb said.

Night Rose looked up at Mr. Whitcomb, "Excuse me? Who is Amy Rose? My name is Night Rose." She said waving her hand. A dark blue aura formed around her hand as she waved.

Mr. Whitcomb's eyes flashed dark blue for a minute, "Of course. I am sorry Night Rose. I don't know what I was thinking. Please forgive me."

Night Rose smirked and waved him off.

Mr. Whitcomb walked back to his desk and began going through the other students' assignments.

Twilight tapped Tails' shoulder, "Tails. According to the other girls, Mr. Whitcomb has never, in his entire work career, just walked away on a missing assignment like he just did. And he never walks off like that after a student gives him attitude. Somethings up with Amy... er Night Rose."

Mr. Whitcomb passed each student their assignments back, he even gave one to Night Rose, and then went back to his desk.

Tails and Twilight looked at their grades.

Tails smiled at his solid 100% A+. Then he looked over at Twilight and saw she had was shocked at her own grade, "What did you get Twi?"

"I- I got a 0%. But how? We did this assignment together. What about you Tails?" Twilight said.

Tails showed her his grade and was confused, "That's very strange. We had the exact same answers, but different final grades." Then he looked at Night Rose, who was smirking as she read her graded assignment. Tails saw a 100% on her sheet, 'What? But she didn't even do the assignment. Something strange is going on.'

Mr. Whitcomb looked back up at the class, "Ok. Your next assignment is a collaboration assignment. You can have 2 to 3 partners total in your group. No more and no less. Now find yourselves partners before I tell you the assignment."

Everyone began choosing their partners right away. Tails and Twilight already knew they were working together, but then Night Rose tapped their shoulders and smirked. They had no choice but to work with her, because no one else would.

"Ok. Your assignment to do together is to make a memorial on the WWII crisis. The assignment will be due in two weeks. Make sure you all work hard. If you all add additional information to the assignment, I'll put in extra credit." Mr. Whitcomb explained to the class.

The students pulled out their History books and started to work on the project. Twilight and Tails wasted no time and already had everything planned out. They looked at Night Rose, who was filing her nails, "Are you gonna help us?" Twilight asked.

"Work on this stupid assignment? Please." Night Rose said rolling her eyes.

"You're part of our team. You need to help us." Twilight explained.

"Why should I? You two are supposedly geniuses. You two will only make my job more easier." Night Rose said adding dark blue nail polish to her fingernails.

'This is not Amy at all. What has gotten into her?' Tails thought, "*sigh*, Just leave her be Twilight. If she doesn't want to help us, that's fine with me. We can just tell Mr. Whitcomb we did all the work." Tails explained.

"*Sigh*, Fine." The two started going through their history books to find some interesting information to add for their project.

(Time traveling forward)
(2nd period)
(Gym Class)
(Sonic, Rainbow, Silver, Knuckles, Applejack, Shadow, and Night Rose (later) POV)

After the first period ended, Sonic, Silver, Shadow, Rainbow, Knuckles and Applejack walked to their 2nd period class.

"I still can't shake off why Amy is acting so different. She was fine yesterday, all of a sudden she now has a new change of appearance and attitude." Sonic said as the group walked through the school.

"Sonic's right. Amy has never acted like this before in all her life. Sure, she can be aggressive, angry and always high heels over Sonic, but never like this." Knuckles said.

"Knuckles is right. Not only that, her eyes are different. They weren't cyan before." Shadow said still thinking about Amy's mysterious behavior.

"And what's up with her trying to get close to Sonic? I thought we made things clear with her that she said she'll leave the two of us alone." Rainbow said not liking this one bit.

"Guess we'll find out soon." Applejack said.

The group walked into the gym and saw Coach Armor talking with Night Rose.

"Uh oh. This can't be good." Knuckles said.

But Knuckles was wrong in a way.

When Night Rose finished talking with Coach Armor, she was smiling, "Oh hey guys. Just got finished talking with Coach Armor. We're gonna play some baseball today. Good luck."

The group looked back at Coach and saw his eyes were dark blue.

"Huh? When did Coach have dark blue eyes?" Sonic asked.

"He never has." Rainbow said suspiciously to Sonic, glancing at Night Rose, who had just entered the girls' locker room.

When they looked back at coach, his eyes were back to their normal sky blue color.

"Well we better go get changed." Sonic said, "See you girls when we come back out."

And so the group split and went into their proper locker rooms.

(Girls Locker Room)
(Night Rose, Rainbow, and Applejack POV)

Rainbow and Applejack walked into the locker room and they saw that only Night Rose was in there too.

They didn't say anything to her, went to their lockers, opened them, and got changed.

When they finished and went to leave, Rainbow decided she wanted to go talk to Night Rose, "Hey AJ, I'm gonna go talk to Amy… er Night Rose. I'll be out in a min."

"Oh no you don't sugar. You aren't going near that creature without me." Applejack said.

"I'll be fine AJ, trust me." Rainbow protested.

"Ok fine. But I'm standing outside of the door then." Applejack said walking out of the locker room.

When the door closed, Rainbow turned and saw Night Rose leaning against the lockers, glaring at her.

"Alright then Amy. What's up with you?" Rainbow asked crossing her arms.

"Two things. One, stop calling me Amy. I'm Night Rose. Two, if you're referring to my new attitude, the reason I'm like this is because of you." Night Rose said pointing her finger at Rainbow.

"Me? What did I ever do to you?" Rainbow asked.

Night Rose laughed, "What did ever you do?" Then her expression changed to pure anger, "I'll tell you what you did. You took my Sonic away from me! Sonic has and always will be mine!" She then walked to the door, pushing Rainbow into the nearby lockers.

When Night Rose pushed her, Rainbow felt a sudden burn in her shoulder where she was pushed. It burned, but then it felt cold and dark. Like when she hugged Sonic when he was Dark Sonic. A bruise had also appeared on her shoulder.

"What was that?" Rainbow said rubbing the bruise. She shrugged it off and left the locker rooms.

(Group POV)

"Alright everyone, hope you're all ready to play some baseball. I have already chosen the teams, so line up against the walls." Coach said.

Everyone lined up and wait for coach to call out the teams.

"Ok. The team captains are, Night Rose and Rainbow Dash." Coach said looking at his clipboard.

Night Rose and Rainbow walked up next to coach on opposite sides.

"Ok. Night Rose's team members are, Flash Sentry, Heavyweight, Spitfire, Soran, Derpy, Shade, Flare, and Lightning." Coach read.

The teens went over to Night Rose's side and waited.

"Ok. Rainbow's team members are, Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, Applejack, Fleetfoot, Ace, and Dark Steele." Coach read.

The group walked over to Rainbow's side. Then two other male teens walked over to them.

One of them looked like Sonic, except his hair was very dark blue, his skin was peach, he wore a black leather jacket, his eyes were blue, his gloves were black, he wore a pair of clear sky blue crystal rings, his shirt was night blue with a strange symbol of a blue circle with a silver "s" going through it, and he had a dark and pissy look. His body was emitting a dark aura also.

The second boy across from him was a little different. He had a mixture of red and blue in his eyes. His hair was red and blue as well, and the outline of his hair was rich black. He had grey skin, and wore a jacket with black and white stripes on the edges. His jacket had the colors black and white on different sides with cyan streak in the middle. His shoes were also bizarre. They had the texture colors of orange, dark green and sky blue. The bottom on the shoes had the black and white striped pattern on them. He wore grey pants and wore two crystal black and white striped pattern bracelets.

"Hi. My name's Silver. Who are you two?" Silver said to the two boys.

"I'm Dark. Dark Steele." the dark blue haired teen said, "This is my brother, Ace."

"Nice to meet you." Ace greeted with a smile.

Dark was looking at Night Rose with suspicion in his eyes, "Hmm."

"What's wrong Dark?" Ace asked.

"It's that girl over there bro. She looks… possessed. Remember why we're here." Dark whispered.

Ace put on a serious look, "Right."

"We're here to locate evil from other worlds and destroy them forever. Before they destroy worlds." Dark said looking at Night Rose, "I think we may have found one."

"We have to be careful though. Whoever or whatever this dark energy is, it's possessing this girl. We can't harm her."

"Do you remember what happened last time we showed resistance? We lost our mother. Do you want that again?" Dark said.

"*Sigh*, no. It's just...I don't want to see other people get hurt." Ace whispered sadly, "Don't you remember when a dark force possessed our mother?"

"*Sigh* We'll try our best not to hurt her. But if she resists too much, then I will not hesitate to end her life. Understand?" Dark said placing hand on Ace's shoulder, "Mother is the reason I will not hesitate to end any dark creatures' life."

Ace nodded sadly, "Alright."

"Okay everyone, It's time to play ball!" Coach armor called out, "Rainbow, you and your team will bat first."

"Right." Rainbow said grabbing her rainbow metal bat. Night Rose's team went into the fields and Night Rose was pitching. Rainbow was the first to bat, followed by Sonic, Ace, Dark, Shadow, Silver, and so forth.

Night Rose smirked evilly, seeing Rainbow bat first.

"Ready? PLAY BALL!" Coach said who was the umpire.

(Play Nightcore - Jumping All Over the World)
(Group POV)

Night Rose smirked and brought the ball near her mouth and whispered, "Shadow Ball." The ball was surrounded by a thin black aura.

She threw the ball towards Rainbow.

Rainbow saw where the ball was centering towards and smiled. She swung her bat right where the ball went. But her bat went through the ball.

"Strike!" Coach said.

'What? But I swung and saw the bat and ball cross. What happened?' Rainbow thought.

Dark and Ace saw what just happened, "Bro, you saw that right?" Ace asked.

"I did. She's using her dark powers to cheat." Dark whispered back.

Coach threw the ball back to Night Rose. She then repeated the process, "Shadow Ball." The ball was once again covered in thin black aura. Like before, she threw the ball and it went through the bat once more.

"Strike!" Coach said.

'This is crazy! That's the second time the ball went through the bat. What's going on?' Rainbow thought.

Dark growled looking at Night Rose, "She's clearly using dark magic to cheat."

"Is there anything we can do to counter the dark magic?" Ace asked.

Dark thought for a minute, "We may not be able to counter her magic directly, but we might be able to add some dark and shadow properties to the sports gear so her magic doesn't affect the game."

Ace nodded, "Right."

"You go take care of the gear not being used. I'll take care of Rainbow's gear." Dark told his brother.

Ace nodded and stepped out of line. He walked over to the sport equipment and quickly waved his hand over the gear. The gear let out a soft and quick glow and stopped. Ace turned to Dark, who talked to Rainbow about switching a different bat. Ace picked up a blue bat with a black grip and walked over to the two.

"Here Rainbow, use this one." Ace said holding the bat out to her.

"Well, normally this bat had been my best, but since this one is blue, hehe, like Sonic, I guess I can make an exception." She said. She placed her rainbow bat down and took the one Ace had. Ace looked at his brother and nodded, telling him his magic has been added to the bat.

Dark nodded picked up the bat Rainbow recently was using. He applied some dark and shadow energy to it. It flashed dark blue and gray for a second and then back to normal, "Done."

Rainbow walked up to home plate and got ready.

Night Rose smirked and whispered, "Shadow Ball."

Without knowing, the bat Rainbow was holding formed a thin golden aura.

Night Rose threw the ball.

Rainbow focused on the ball and then swung. The ball was sent flying out past the outfield.

"WHOA!" Rainbow's team said in awe, except Dark and Ace.

Dark looked at Ace with a little suspicion, "Ace. How much power did you put in that bat?"

"Uh... I didn't exactly pay attention to that. Ehehe. Sorry." He responded sheeply while rubbing the back of his head.

Dark facepalmed, "Oh brother."

Without waiting any longer, Rainbow ran like never before and ran through the diamond all the way home. When she got back to the home plate, Sonic hugged her.

"That was amazing Rainbow." Sonic said to his girlfriend.

"Hehe, I never knew the blue bat gave me such luck." Rainbow chuckled.

However, Night Rose growled in anger, 'How in the name of Equestria did she do that!?' She thought in pure anger.

Sonic released her and grabbed the blue bat, "Alright, my turn." Ace and Dark looked at each other with worried faces, not knowing what was going to happen.

Night Rose whispered, "Slow Burst."

She threw the ball and Sonic hit it, and it went out a good distance, "Alright!" But as soon as he started running, he realized he saw running slower than usual, 'What the heck is going on? Why am I running slower?' Sonic thought.

Ace and Dark picked the bat up once more, "She somehow made that kid go slower." Ace whispered.

"What kind of Evil is possessing that girl, and where did it come from?" Dark whispered back.

"I'm not sure, but whatever it is, it's powerful." Ace whispered.

Sonic was able to get to second base before the ball was thrown back.

Ace knew it was his turn and quickly lowered the power of the bat he was using. He stepped up to the plate and was waiting.

Night Rose whispered into the ball once more, "Slow Burst."

Knowing she was using the same magic from before, Ace used his own power to create an invisible magic barrier around him.

Night Rose smirked and threw the ball.

Ace hit the ball and it flew into the field. Not waiting a second, Ace ran as fast as he could. Sonic ran as well and he returned to the home plate with great speed. Dark looked and saw Night Rose's teammates throwing the ball back to the fields near them, and Ace was almost to the home plate.

'This is gonna be close.' Dark thought.

Ace looked back and saw the ball coming his way. He quickly picked up the pace and ran faster. One of the opponents threw the ball to the home plate, 'It now or never.' Ace thought.

Ace skid and was covered in dust and the ball was caught. Everyone stood in silence as the dust started to clear...They saw Ace with his foot on the base while the ball was just a inch away.

"Safe!" Coach armor said.

Rainbow's team cheered and Ace pumped his fist in the air, while Dark only smirked at his brother.

(Stop playing Nightcore - Jumping all over the world)
(Time Traveling to later after Gym Class is over)
(Ace and Dark POV)

Ace wiped his forehead and sighed, "Whew, never thought I would pull it off."

"I knew you had it in you little bro." Dark said.

"Hey, I thought you promised not to call me that anymore. Just because I was born later than you by a couple of months doesn't mean I'm younger than you." Ace responded.

"Sure." Dark said sarcastically rolling his eyes, "But we still have a mission to take care of."

"Right." Ace responded, 'I just hope we can save that girl from that dark magic.' Ace thought.

Author's Note:

ShadicBro B: Alright everyone, that's a wrap for this chapter.

DarkMaster0224: Indeed. Would you like to tell everyone what happened in this chapter?

ShadicBro B: Gladly. Amy has now become one known as Night Rose, due to Nightmare moon possessing her. Sonic and the others were not liking the new Amy. At Gym, Two teens were getting suspicious of Night Rose. Who are these two teens? Where did they come from? What will happen now? And what kind of surprises will be in stores for our heroes? Find out in the next chapter of Mobius and Equestria Girls Fate Between World!

DarkMaster0224 and ShadicBro B: PEACEOUT EVERYBODY! See you all later.