• Published 14th May 2015
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Tywin Lannister goes to Equestria! - theanonymousbrony

After Tywin Lannister was killed, he knew that he'd be going to Hell...just not the kind of Hell that he'd be expecting.

  • ...

Getting Rich Again

The next morning, Tywin had risen from bed and sat upon his dinner table, waiting for Spike to bring his food. Spike then came in, holding a plate full of waffles. When he placed them on the table, Tywin said, "Pancakes again?"

"Oh no, these are waffles," Spike explained, "They're kinda like pancakes, only slightly different. Oops, almost forgot the syrup again." after pouring some syrup onto the waffles, Tywin took his utensils and commenced to breaking his fast.

As he was having his fill, he asked Spike, "Does the princess have anything to go over now?"

"Well she does have an appointment with the Mayor of Ponyville."

"And what pray tell is a Mayor?"

"She's the one who runs Ponyville."

Tywin almost choked after hearing that statement (but since he's already dead, he had no reason to worry about that). He just swallowed the piece of waffle as he said, "How can this Mayor be the one running this town, if Twilight Sparkle is the princess?!"

"Well just because she's a princess that doesn't give her complete authority over this town."

"Of course it does; if she's the princess, that gives her complete control over this place!"

"Well I'm sorry to disappoint you Tywin, but the Mayor kinda has more authority over this town than Twilight."

"Then it would seem that I must do something about this Mayor."

"But how?"

"That's just the problem; back in my world, any dispute over power can be solved with an army. But in order to gain an army, I need money in order to pay them. And all the gold I had are back in the mines of Casterly Rock; which means that I'm broke for the time being. So there has to be a way for me to make more money in a matter of seconds."

"You can always get a job."

"Like a respectable lord such as myself will ever go back to manually serving someone."

"You can sell some stuff."

"And what will these ponies possibly consider valuable?"

"Well, diamonds and gems are in very high demand these days. One time I gave a tiny gemstone to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and they were able to buy an industrial sized hair-dryer with it."

"You mean that even one tiny diamond can be worth a million to these ponies?"

"Oh yeah, in fact if you were to have a big cart full of them, you'd probably be the richest person in Equestria."

Tywin was beginning to get into deep thought on this. "And just where can one find any gems?"

"Over near the mountains; I sometimes go there whenever Rarity needs gems for a dress."

And that's when Tywin came up with a foolproof plan. "All right Spike, here's what I need you to do. While I accompany Princess Twilight to meet this Mayor, I need you to go and find as many gems you can get."

"OK, but I should warn you that I do tend to eat some of the gems."

"If you can get me enough to buy all the castles in this world, I'll let you eat some of them."

"All right Tywin, I won't let you down!" with that said, Spike rushed onward to collect the gems, while Tywin went off with Twilight.

As they were entering town hall, Twilight said, "I don't really understand why you need to accompany me."

And Tywin told her, "Because as your Hand, it's my sworn duty to make sure you're not doing anything stupid."

"I'm just talking to the Mayor of Ponyville."

"Exactly. Anybody who thinks they're in control is somebody you should worry about."

That's when they both met the tanned fured, grey haired, glasses wearing earth pony simply known as the Mayor. "Hello Princess Twilight, and just who might your new friend be?"

"Mayor, this is Tywin Lannister; he's my new advisor."

"Well it's an honor to meet you, sir." she extended her hoof to him, in which he simply turned down in response.

"That's 'my lord' to you. And just who do you think you are thinking you control this village?"

"I'm the Mayor of Ponyville, my lord. Therefore, keeping this town under control is my responsibility."

"Last time I checked, Twilight Sparkle is the princess, not you. Which means you can only have power if the princess were to give it to you."

"Well I was Mayor before she became a princess, and..."

"She's a princess now, and therefore there's no longer any more use for you. So if I were you, I'd put an end to this ridiculous misconception, and leave the authority of this village to the real ruler."

As Twilight was pushing him away, she said to the Mayor, "I'm terribly sorry, I promise I won't bring him with me next time." when they were out of town hall, she turned to him and said, "Tywin, what the hay?! Did you have any idea who you were just talking to?!"

"Of course I do," said Tywin, "I was talking to a pretender who thinks she's the one who rules this village."

"That's because she is; her job as Mayor is to run Ponyville!"

"You're the princess, therefore you have more authority over her."

"Just because I'm a princess doesn't give me the right to overthrow a political figure!"

"Of course it does, all you have to do is say one word, and that pretender's power over this place will be removed."

"Not without the approval of Celestia; if Ponyville really didn't need the Mayor, then Celestia would've told me by now!"

While this was going on, Tywin saw Spike dragging a wagon with a pile of gems the size of a mountain! He then decided to end his conversation, "Very well princess, go on and speak with that pretender on your own; I got more important matters to attend to."

When they went back to his chambers, Tywin was looking over the pile of gems that stood before him. "How many are there in total?"

"Well, I practically got every single gem that could ever be dug up, so I would have to say about...1,530,076."

"This ought to be enough; but who should I sell it to?"

"You can try Filthy Rich, he's the richest citizen in Ponyville."

"I suppose he'll have to do. As for you Spike, you can go ahead and eat the other 530,076 gems; I'll only need one million." and so while Spike stayed and chowed down on some gems, Tywin went off to sell the rest.

Meanwhile, Filthy Rich was counting his stocks when one of his butlers came in and said, "Pardon me sure, but there's somepony who wishes to make a proposition with you."

His pupils quickly turned into dollar signs as he said, "Very well, send him in." and that's when he saw Tywin walking towards him, "Hello my dear sir, and who might you be?"

"I'm Tywin Lannister, Lord Tywin Lannister. I'm the Hand of Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I'd like to sell you some valuable items."

"Well Lord Tywin, what do you have to offer?" Tywin then pulled out twenty gems out of his pocket and placed them upon Filthy Riches desk. "Well, I can give you two thousand bits for them."

"Oh no, that's only part of what I'm selling; the rest are right behind you."

Filthy Rich looked out the window and his jaw opened like a cash register when he saw the mountain of gems before him. "Well Lord Tywin, I must say you got enough gems to buy all of Equestria!"

"So how much are they worth to you?"

"Well, I can probably settle with ten thousand bits. Although, I'm not really sure that I might have that much use for them."

Being the clever scam artist that he was born to be, Tywin attempted to use his skills as a Lannister to swindle Filthy Rich out of more money. "Do you have children?"

"Oh yes, I have a daughter. My little Diamond Tiara." he then showed him a picture of her.

Cersei would've loved to have her for a pet. "Do you like making your daughter happy?"

"Oh yes, all the money in the world is nothing compared to seeing my little Diamond happy."

We'll see about that. "Then how happy would she be if you were to give her a tiara made out of real gems? Or perhaps a room encrusted with gems? Or maybe a gem embedded dress to attend a royal wedding?"

"You know something, you're right; my Diamond will love these gems! So why don't we settle the deal on a million bits?"

"Now Mr. Rich, I was under the impression that you were the richest citizen in this village."

"Of course I am. I'm not afraid of running out of money; I have plenty. Which is why I'll give you ten million bits. Deal?"


As a giant bag full of bits were being handed to Tywin, Filthy Rich said, "I think this may be the birth of a beautiful business proposition. I just hope you can still keep me in supply."

"No need to worry about that. A Lannister always pays his debts."