• Published 14th May 2015
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Tywin Lannister goes to Equestria! - theanonymousbrony

After Tywin Lannister was killed, he knew that he'd be going to Hell...just not the kind of Hell that he'd be expecting.

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Following the next morning, Tywin rose out of bed as he prepared himself to break his fast. The second he sat down on his dinner table, Spike came in and placed a plate of pancakes right in front of him. He looked upon the heated pieces of batter with a hint of confusion as he said, "And just what pray tell are these?"

"Pancakes," Spike explained. "Don't you usually eat them during breakfast?"

"Whenever I break my fast, I settle for eggs or sausage. This however is strange to me."

"Never too bad a time to try new things." Spike waved a fork and a knife in front of Tywin, beckoning him to take a bite.

Seeing as how he is hungry, Tywin took the fork and knife and cut up a piece. After swallowing that first bite, he told Spike, "It tastes a little dry."

"Well they usually do taste better with syrup." he then took out a bottle of syrup and poured some all over the pancakes.

When Tywin ate them this time, he had this to say. "Delectable. It definitely tastes better than that piece of burnt bread that they served me back at that other castle."

"You mean Canterlot?"

"Precisely. When I first woke up, they just handed me a plate of eggs and this crunchy bread that was clearly burnt."

"The bread's suppose to be crunchy; they don't call it toast for nothing."

"Well where I come from, we prefer our bread soft." as he continued to feast upon the pancakes, Tywin asked, "Does the princess have anything she needs to go over?"

"No, Twilight's pretty much has nothing for you today. But you do have an appointment over at Carousel Boutique."

"And what business must I attend to there?"

"Don't you remember? Rarity offered to make you some new clothes."

"Is a new wardrobe really that much of a priority?"

"Come on, Rarity's giving you a generous offer; you wouldn't turned down a deal like that, would you?" he then made a puppy dog face that even Tywin would ignore in a millisecond. But seeing as how Tywin clearly has nothing else he can do, he reluctantly agreed to head over. And so after Spike had chowed down the leftovers, he led Tywin to Carousel Boutique.

After seconds of following Spike, Tywin had found himself in the home of Rarity. While he was standing on some podium, Rarity was measuring him while Spike had appeared to be ogling over her. When she finished measuring him, she asked him, "OK darling, now before I start working on your new suit, are there any requests?"

Tywin looked at her with that blank expression of his and told her, "Just make sure it's all black."

Rarity was abit taken back by that request, "Just black? Come on darling, why not something more lively? Like yellow, or purple, or pink..."

"I'll only wear black or red," he snapped, "So unless you want to see this establishment of yours burned to the ground, you'll follow my demands!" as Rarity nervously went to her room, Tywin turned his attention towards Spike. "Is there a reason why you keep staring at her like that?"

That got Spike out of his love-struck trance as he responded, "Oh, well...this might be a bit embarrassing to admit this, but...I might have a bit of a crush on her."

Tywin gave him an understanding nod as he said, "Nothing to be too embarrassed about; you're just in love. Most boys your age start falling for girls at somepoint or another."

"Did you ever fall in love?"

"I did," he said with a hint of saddness. "Her name was Joanna; she was probably the most beautiful woman in all of Westeros. Whenever you dote over Rarity, do you always smile?"

"Oh yes. Why do you ask?"

"Because whenever you find a woman that can make you smile everytime you gaze upon her, then you know it's true love. And Joanna was no exception."

"You mean you really did used to smile?"

"Only when she was around; but now she's gone, and I may never bring myself to smile again." Spike could've sworn that he saw what appeared to be a tear falling down his eye.

But his attention quickly found itself drawn back to Rarity, as she was coming down with the black suit that she made for Tywin. "Here you go darling, I told you I would make you a new suit, and I did." when Tywin put the suit on, he went to a mirror and looked at himself. "So, what do you think?"

"You definitely got the stitching right," he commented, "I'm surprised that a pony of your skills don't knit the fabric of royalty."

Rarity blushed a little as she said, "I do sometimes get to receive some honorable opportunities; but I just enjoy doing what I do best." that blush soon went away when the door banged opened and two stallions entered.

"Hey Rarity," the yellow stallion with the suave mane tried to woo her. "Feel like going on another ride with us?"

She let out an annoyed sigh as she rebuffed them, "I've told you two a million times, if what you're asking me isn't clothes related then you have no reason to be in my store."

"Come on baby," the grey stallion with the spiky mane said. "We even brought you a new carriage for you to ride in." they then pointed to a gold encrusted carriage that had little diamonds of every color embedded on it.

Tywin leaned in and whispered to Rarity, "And just who are these two?"

"That's Caramel and Lucky Clover," she whispered back. "Ever since I asked them to pull a carriage for me and my friends, they somehow fell under the delusion that I'm attracted towards them."

The two stallions came closer as the one called Lucky Clover laid his hoof around Rarity's shoulder and said in a sultry tone, "Come on Rarity, we know of a great place where we could make little foals of our own."

She immediately slapped him across the face and told him, "I am not that kind of mare; and don't you ever touch me again! Now you two get out!"

This however seemed to only entice the two of them. "You fight back," said Lucky Clover. "I just love a mare with some spunk."

Before he could get any closer, Spike pushed him back as he said, "She told you two 'no', so get lost!"

"And what are you gonna do about it, pipsqueak?!"

The one called Caramel added, "Yeah, what can a little kid like you do to us?"

"Hello, I'm a dragon! What makes you two think I won't burn you to a crisp, or claw your eyes out?!"

"Because you're just a pathetic, little runt!"

"Yeah, so you better step aside, kid; unless you want to find out what happens to little boys when they play with the big boys!"

Not wanting to see his own cupbearer be humiliated, Tywin stepped in and said, "Don't you two have anything better to do other than making petty threats towards my cupbearer?"

Lucky Clover looked at him and said, "Were we talking to you, Grandpa? No, so butt out!"

Caramel then added, "Yeah, why don't you go stuff your face in apple sauce or somethin'?"

The second those two started to laugh, Tywin's anger started to rise--though he didn't show it. "It's not wise to be taunting a lion."

"You, a lion?" Lucky Clover scoffed. "Yeah, and we're manticores!" when they laughed the second time, Tywin immediatley took action.

He stepped out of the store and went up to some passing pony who was carrying a small sledgehammer that can be held with one hand. "You, hand over that hammer."

"And why should I?"

"Because unless you want Princess Twilight Sparkle to lock you in some dungeon, you'll surrender the hammer!" not wanting to risk facing the wrath of a princess, the pony immediately gave his hammer to Tywin.

As he walked back to the gold carriage with the hammer in his hand, Lucky Clover said, "What do ya think you're doing with that hammer, Grandpa?"

Instead of answering his question, Tywin just looked at the two with that semi-pissed expression that he usually gives to people that he finds incompetent and said, "How much did this carriage cost you two?"

"What's it to you, Gramps?" Caramel scoffed.

"How much?"

"I don't know, about over eight thousand bits."

With that much money I could buy Valyrian Steel for an entire army. "If it cost you two that much just to buy this hunk of gold, then imagine how much it'll cost to rebuild it."

They both slowly started to get an understanding on what he was planning on doing with that hammer. "You wouldn't..." but before he could finish that statement, Tywin immediatley pounded the carriage until it was nothing but broken diamonds and bent steel! After staring in shock and disbelief at the pile of junk that used to be a carriage, they both stormed up to Tywin as Lucky Clover said, "You are so paying for this!"

"I didn't pay for this," he said with a victory smug. "So it's really none of my concern."

"Do you have any idea what we'll do to you?!"

"Let me guess, you're both going to head back to your strongholds, call for your banners, renounce your loyalty to your princess, declare open war, and will continue to fight until you see my head on a spike. Does that sum it up?"

They both looked at him as if he's gone insane; after an uncomfortable silence, Caramel told him, "No, we're civilized ponies; we're just gonna take this up with the Mayor and settle this in court."

After hearing that response, Tywin's smug look soon turned back into that stern, angry expression that most people had to deal with. Seven Hells, these two aren't even putting up a fight. Seeing as how he's getting tired of these two, he decided to be finished with them. "Now listen here you two brain-dead mules, I am Hand of the Princess; and unless you two want your heads chopped off, you'll stay away from Rarity, and you shall cease making threats towards my cupbearer! Do I make myself clear?!"

And without saying anything else, the two stallions just ran away with their tales between their legs. Rarity then went to offer her gratitude in return. "Thank you so much Tywin, I might finally be able to relax knowing that those two won't be around me." but instead of responding, he just turned around and rushed back to the castle. "Was it something I said?"

As soon as he was back in his chambers, Tywin did the one thing that most people would never expect him to do; he lost his composure. He was breaking nearly anything he could come across as he yelled from the top of his lungs, "Are you satisfied now?! Have I repaid for my past deeds?! You've dumped me in a world full of foolish, craven ponies that even a pig farmer could take over! I understand now why you think this is a crueller punisment than eternity in the Seven Hells. But it's not really a punishment; it's an insult! And you're all enjoying this, aren't you?! That's right, all seven of you must be laughing right now; the same way they use to laugh at my father! Well I've suffered enough, and you shan't be getting anymore joy from this!"

Without wasting anymore time, he picked up a knife and shoved it right into his heart. And yet, he seemed to have felt no pain. When he pulled the knife out, he found no trace of blood on it. And when he looked at where he stabbed himself, he saw that the scar had miraculously healed itself. No, this can't be! He shoved the knife through his throat, but no blood came pouring out. He sliced his wrist, but the scar just healed itself like before. He was so determined to end his suffering that he just rapidly stabbed himself in every part of his body in the high hopes that he might die. But when he finally realized that he can never die again, he furiously threw the knife away and just laid down on his bed and sulked to himself.

When Spike came in, he looked at the mess around him with a hint of annoyance--knowing that he would have to be the one to clean it up. But when he saw Tywin in his miserable state, he walked towards him and said, "Is something wrong? You seemed to have lost your cool judging from the mess."

"I finally understand why I'm here."

"What do you mean?"

"Hand me that knife." when Spike gave him the knife, the first thing Tywin did was shove it through one of his eyeballs! Spike was alarmed at first, but he was in complete disbelief when he saw the eye heal itself.

"How is that possible?!"

"Because I'm already dead." he took the time to explain Spike the events that brought him here (excluding the cause of his death). "The Stranger claimed that this place would be worse than life in the Seven Hells; and now I no longer doubt him."

"What's so bad about Ponyville? It's peaceful, pleasant, nopony ever tries to kill one another and take over other ponies lands."

"Exactly, this place is ruled by ponies who practically resemble my father! Which means that conquering this world will be as easy as signing a peace of paper! And what's the point of playing the game of thrones when all your opponents are easy to defeat? Where I come from, your life was at risk on the day you're born. Everywhere you look, enemies are all around you--just waiting to take what's yours. It was a world where one mistake can lead to your own death; and everyday, you pray that you don't loose all that is dear to you. But in this world, I could overthrow the princess right now and never have to worry about any repercussions. Why? Because these ponies are about as weak and foolish as my father was."

"You know Tywin, your world sounds kinda dangerous."

"Of course it's dangerous; life is suppose to be dangerous. For everytime I wake up, I keep expecting someone to shove a sword through my heart. And everytime I go to sleep, I always dream of seeing my enemies die before me. It was the risk we all take when we're seeking to gain power, and it was worth it. There were plenty of times when my family legacy was at risk, but in the end, I would be the one to keep that legacy going (while others perish instead). But the one I shall always honor the most, was when I had to face Robb Stark."


"He was the son of a Northern Lord who my foolish grandson had executed; and when Ned Stark died, I knew then that Robb would never rest until he saw me and my entire family destroyed. When I first fought him, I underestimated the boy; I assumed that he would be as easy to take down as the Reynes or the Tarbecks. But unlike my other enemies, he ended up getting the better of me. He distracted me with two thousand of his men; and with all the other eighteen thousand, he succeeded in capturing my son. And after that first victory, he would start proclaiming himself as King in the North. And from that point, I would try my best to vanquish him. But despite all the armies I could muster, he never once lost a single battle--and he was proving to be more of a challenge than I ever expected."

"But you were still able to beat him though, right?"

"Of course. Even though I couldn't best Robb in the battlefield, I still rose victorious."

"And how did you do that?"

"One night, he had attended a wedding that was hosted by Walder Frey. And let's just say that on that night, Robb Stark had learned that winning battles isn't the same as winning a war. He was indeed a worthy opponent; and saddly I shall never find any in this color coated Hell. I was a legend where I come from, but here I'm nothing but a nobody. Even if I took over this entire kingdom, no one would ever remember it."

"Well at least you were a born lord, I'm just a natural born nobody. Ever since I was hatched, I've been taught to do one thing, and one thing only: serve. I serve Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, pretty much everypony here just thinks of me as a servant."

"You may be nothing but a cupbearer at the moment, but you'll get your chance at immortality."

"That's just it, I've had plenty of chances to prove myself, but that still doesn't change everypony's views towards me. Like one time, I saved an entire empire from falling under the control of some evil king."

"A feat like that would've earned you a knighthood."

"Well, I might've gained the crystal ponies respect for it, but do Twilight and the others start to respect me? Nope. They just kept on seeing me as nothing but an incapable servant whose only purpose is to make them look better...especially Rarity." Spike was becoming even more depressed at this point. "Although I may love her, she doesn't love me back. One time she even found out about my feelings for her; but she still thinks that it's just some childish crush. And that's another problem, I'm just as smart as any of them, and yet they still treat me like a kid. I'd do anything for Rarity (there was even a time I saved her from a bunch of nightmare demons). But no matter what I do, she'll never return my love. She would rather be with princes who treat her like garbage, or a travel writer who's not even interested in her, but she'll never want to be with a servant who would practically die for her. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wish I could be like you, Tywin. If I was a lord with a big castle of my own, then everypony would finally respect me--and Rarity might even love me. But let's face it, I'll never be anything more than this."

Spike then turned away, as he started to silently sob to himself. If Spike were one of Tywin's children, he would've been told to stop acting like a baby; but for some strange reason, Tywin seemed to have felt some bit of sympathy towards the dragon. While Spike was still sobbing, Tywin lifted his hand and did the one thing he'd probably never once did for his children: comfort him.

He patted Spike on the shoulder and told him, "It's OK, I understand what it is you're going through. When I was your age, I wanted nothing more than to be the respectable lord that my father could never be. But before I could ever gain any true power, I had to start my path as a cupbearer like yourself. And when I was sent to King's Landing, it was there that I met someone who was just as ambitious as you are..."


When the day of my departure had finally came, I wasn't even given so much as time to say goodbye to my brothers and sister or break my fast. I was immediatley saddled upon a horse, as escorts from King's Landing led me to the capital. As we were travelling to our destination, it was at that moment that I had the chance encounter with another lord's son.

"Pardon me, but you wouldn't happen to be the son of Tytos by any chance?"

"That I am, Tywin Lannister."

I extended my hand to him, and as he shook it, he in turn gave me his name. "Steffon Baratheon."

"So why is your father sending you to King's Landing?"

"He feels that since I'm destined to be Lord of Storm's End one day, that I need to be around other lords and learn how to be one myself. What about you?"

"My father sent me as punishment for speaking out against him."

"Your father?! I mean no offense to you, but I was under the impression that your father was weak."

"He is, that's the reason why he punished me; for telling him the truth."

"Well I wouldn't blame you, Tywin. If my father's bannermen were mocking him, I wouldn't be so proud of him either."

"It'll end one day. When I finally become Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West, I'll put those impudent vassals back in their place. But until then, I'm gonna have to start off as a cupbearer."

"Well isn't that a coincidence, I'm gonna be serving as a cupbearer as well! Looks like we're going to be serving partners!" he slapped me upon the shoulder as he let out a laugh. But knowing my complete disdain for that sound, I remained silent throughout the rest of the trip.

When we finally arrived to King's Landing, our reaction was pretty much the same that anyone gets when they first come to the capital. But it was the Red Keep where the real excitement comes from. As we were stepping through the throne room, that's when we saw it ourselves. The Iron Throne: a throne that was forged by the many swords of the fallen foes of Aegon the Conqueror. And upon the Iron Throne, sat King Aegon V himself.

As he got up to inspect us, he looked at Steffon and said, "Steffon, how's Ormund?"

"My father's doing great, Your Grace. He has high hopes for me."

"Don't we all?" he then turned to me. "And Tywin, your father told me that you humiliated him in front of all the lords of the Westerlands."

"My father humiliated himself before I said anything."

"I don't disagree with you, even I'm tired of having to fix his problems for him. I just hope when you become Lord of Casterly Rock, you'll be able to take care of your father's blunders."

"I plan to, Your Grace."

"Well before you boys can become lords, you're going to be serving as royal cupbearers. Ser Duncan, escort these two to my grandson's chambers." we were then both escorted by Ser Duncan the Tall himself.

When we came to the chambers of the king's grandson, Ser Duncan opened the door and said, "Prince Aerys, your cupbearers have arrived."

"Thank you, Ser Duncan, I'll take care of it from here." the second Ser Duncan had left, we saw coming out of the curtains of the bed a lady-in-waiting and the young prince who would later be remembered as Aerys Targaryen. After dismissing the wench, he took the time to inspect us. "And just who might you two be to have the honor of serving the future king of the Seven Kingdoms?"

Reacting out of courtesy, Steffon bent his knee as he said, "Steffon of the House Baratheon, at your service."

I figured that I might as well go along with it; so I too bent the knee and said, "Tywin of the House Lannister, at your service."

This seemed to amuse him, for he let out a playful laugh and said, "Rise my cupbearers, you are indeed worthy of serving Aerys Targaryen. And as my cupbearers, your first command is to go to the cellar and bring me the best wine."

It took us awhile to find it at first, but we eventually did come across it. Upon leaving the cellar, the walk back to Aerys's bed-chamber was rather quiet until I heard a familiar voice call out to me. "Tywin?"

I had a feeling that voice sounded familiar. The moment I turned around and saw the face of said voice, my suspicions were true. "Joanna?"

I soon felt my personal space being penetrated by a hug from my betrothed. "When I heard that you were being sent here by uncle Tytos, I thought that it was just some joke. But that doesn't matter anymore; I'm just happy to see you again."

"We could've seen eachother much sooner if you hadn't been serving the princess for so long," I told her.

"And hurt Princess Rhaella's feelings," she teased. "I can't even imagine what she'd do if I ever refused the honor of serving her! And besides, I'll now get to see more of you often now that you're here." she then gave me a small peck on my cheek before saying, "I better get the princess those figs she's asked for before she starts to lose her patience. Goodbye Tywin."

As we continued our trek back to Aerys's bed-chamber, Steffon was doing a poor attempt at holding back his chuckles until finally striking a conversation. "Why Tywin, I may have only just met you but even I never would've took you for someone who likes to fool around with handmaidens!"

"She's not just any handmaiden," I responded. "She's my betrothed."

Steffon's face had made a smirking grin for itself. "My, my, she must be a very important lady if she's to one day marry the future Warden of the West!"

"Of course she's important; she's my cousin."


"Wait, your wife was also your cousin?!" Spike blurted.

"Don't interrupt," Tywin silenced him.

"Oh, sorry."


When we came back to his chambers, we saw Aerys sitting on a small dining table with five serving girls standing beside him. "Ah, there are my cupbearers; and I see you've brought the wine as well. Come, sit with your future king. For tonight, we shall eat and drink like kings and lords."

When we sat down, the serving girls poured us some of the wine and then started to hand out fruit. But when one of them handed Aerys an orange, that's when we saw a different side of him. "What's your name?"


"Rhianna, so tell me, what is this?"

"An orange."

"I can see that, but what do you see on the orange?"

"It...looks like a bruise."

"'It looks like a bruise', now tell me something, Rhianna. Did I ask for a bruised orange?"

"I don't..."

"DID I ASK FOR A BRUISED ORANGE?!" the girls who were onced charmed by this young prince had suddenly found themselves dreading him. "DID I OR DID I NOT?!"


"No, I did not! So you better get out of my sight, before I shove this orange down your fucking throat!" as the girl started to run, Aerys had thrown the orange--almost hitting her. He then turned to the other girls and said, "And what're you all still doing here?! Get out!" and as soon as he left, he somehow regained his composure and said, "Sorry you two had to see that, it's just that it's hard to get good servants these days. You two however seem different; are you two just natural born servants?"

Steffon was the first to speak, "Uh, not exactly, Your..."

"Please, I maybe the future king, but you don't have to bother with titles at the moment. So until then, you two can refer to me as Aerys."

"OK Aerys," said Steffon, "Anyway, Tywin and I are actually both heirs as well."

"Really? If you're both heirs, then how come you're both serving in King's Landing?"

"Because my father says that I need to be around other lords, if I'm gonna be Lord of Storms End."

"Fascinating, and what about you my stern friend?"

"I'm here as punishment for openly defying my father in front of his vassals."

"Ah yes, I've heard of your father. They call him the Laughing Lion; and I'm guessing that makes you the Lion who never Laughs." he and Steffon both shared a laugh while I made no sound in response. "What do you know, you really don't laugh after all."

"And why should I laugh?! Nearly everytime someone mentions the name Lannister, everybody starts laughing! If I were Lord of Casrterly Rock, I would see to it they never laugh again!"

"I know how you feel Tywin," said Aerys, "Sometimes I wish I can be king already, just so I can undo my grandfather's mistakes."

"What would you do?" asked Steffon.

"For starters, my grandfather has been giving too much power to the commoners. When I become king, the first thing I'm gonna do is give the High Lords their rights back and put the smallfolk back in their place. And maybe, just maybe, I can finally put an end to that ridiculous sister fucking tradition of ours."

"But isn't marrying your sister suppose to keep your bloodline pure?" I asked.

"Oh that's just a myth. Besides, if becoming king requires you to fuck your own sister, would you be thrilled about it? Of course not; but anyway, just wait and see. When I'm king, everyone will remember me the most. And after my reign has ended, I shall be remembered as Aerys the Wise or Aerys the Great."

Steffon then said as a joke, "And who knows? Maybe after your glorious reign, a Baratheon might sit the Iron Throne."

Aerys--surprisingly--found that funny, as he said, "A Baratheon sitting the Iron Throne! Yeah, and Lannisters shit gold!" the both of them laugh some more, while I remained silent. Aerys then said, "Seven Hells, Tywin, isn't there anything that can make you happy?"

"The only thing that'll make me happy is the sight of everyone fearing the Lion as before."

This was when Aerys raised his glass and said, "Cupbearers, raise your glasses." we both raised them as Aerys made a toast that would forever change our lives. "A toast to this wonderful friendship between Aerys of the House Targaryen, Steffon of the House Baratheon, and Tywin of the House Lannister. May we one day achieve our lifetime goals, and may our enemies tremble with Fire and Blood!"

"Ours is the Fury!"

"Hear Me Roar!"

And as we sipped our wine, it would be the beginning of a strong friendship.


"...And that friendship would become useful when we fought in the War of the Ninepenny Kings. And after that war, Steffon would become Lord of Storm's End, Aerys would become King of the Seven Kingdoms, and I would soon put my family back in its rightful place. The important thing to remember Spike is that just because you're a servant right now, doesn't mean you'll be a servant forever. Before you can ever become a lord like me, you have to start at the bottom. And when your time finally comes, I'll see to it that these ponies give you the respect that you deserve. Now go gather two brooms; this mess won't clean itself."

As they were both cleaning the mess together, Spike said, "Did that Aerys guy become remembered like he dreamed of?"

"Oh he did become remembered, just not the way he expected."

"How did they remember him?"

"That's a story for a different time."