• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 3,121 Views, 352 Comments

The Bridesmaids - Meep the Changeling

The story behind Lyra, Colgate, and Twinkleshine winding up mind controlled beneath Canterlot is far more complex than most ponies think.

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The Confession

Colgate Aquafresh

Have you ever have one of those molments where you get exactly half of what you want the most? If you have, you know the need for the missing piece consumes you. Which is exactly how I felt as I nervously picked over what had to be an eighty bit per pony meal. I really wished I could enjoy it, but the bittersweet nature of the moment wouldn't let me focus on food.

Shine had just figured out I loved her, and was seemingly ok with it. That was wonderful in and of itself. My heart had soared during the hug she gave me. But hit a ceiling lined with salt covered spikes and lemon juice when I realized she was going to ask me why I liked her. I couldn't lie, I couldn't dodge the questions, and my conscious demanded I answer honestly.

At the moment I was just grateful that room service showed up to let me buy time to think of how to tell Shine I knew her secret. I watched her slowly pick and poke at the food, only really eating any when she noticed me looking at her I realized that I should just be blunt. Blunt but cautious.

Summoning up all the courage I could muster I asked, “Shine? I... I need you to promise me something.”

She gave me a confused look for a moment then gave me a smile. “Oh! You want me to promise to be your only girl?”

“No... I have something I need to tell you before we do anything as marefriends. But first I need you to promise me you won't... well... leave me because of it.” I gulped.

Her confused look returned, brow scrunching up as she nodded. “Ok... I promise I wont leave you. Do you have a disease or something? I'll pay for a cure spell or the hospital bill if that's what you mean.”

I bit my lip, took a deep breath, sighed and prepared to issue a delicately worded statement on how I knew she was a changeling. But at the last moment my brain went 'nah' and instead I just went, “Look I know that you don't eat that stuff, you can feed off me if you want, I don't mind.”

“W-what?” Shine's eyes bugged out of her head for a moment. Then she cleared her thought, “I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not a vampire or something.”

“Stupid brain...” I muttered under my breath with a groan before looking Shine in her eyes as honestly as I could. “Actually you are. Specificaly you are a psi vampire. Or an emotavore to be less mystic... I know you're a changeling. Spring break 1993, you dropped your disguise when drunk. There have also been tons of times in the middle of the night you've gotten up to get water as your adorable self. Oh and you came back from one of Vi's parties, shifted, had a bit of a nibble on me, and then passed out.”

Shine squirmed, eyes flicking towards the room's exists. “I... um...”

Before she could bolt I quickly blurted, “Please don't run! I don't think your evil and your really pretty as your real buggy self!”

Shine sighed, a long slow hissing sound as if she were tired beyond measure. As her head slammed against the table she mumbled, “Arthropod.”

“Huh?” I asked, unsure as to what she meant.

“We are not insects. The best we fit into taxonomy is the phylum arthopoda. If we were bugs, we would normally have six legs.” She groaned again muttering under her breath something I could only catch a few words of. It sounded like Changelish. Shine only spoke it when distressed, excited, or in some sort of emotional extreme.

“Oh. So I shouldn't call you my special somebuggy?” I asked sadly.

Shine twisted her head to look up at me, her turquoise eyes holding a measure of pain. “No. That's ok. It's just... Ugh your language changes so much... Bug means anything with an exoskeleton now right? I have been under cover for years. Many many years. I... I need time to process and figure out how and why I slipped up.” Shine looked up at me, distress and fear in her eyes. “You inexplicably seem to be a xenophile, and actually love me. But... If I ever slipped up in front of anypony else...”

I nodded knowingly. That would get bad very quickly. “I know... Don't worry, I've been watching out for you. When you've seemed close to slipping in public I've always given you a nudge. If it helps, you only drop your pony shape when tired, drunk, or really excited. Oh but you break character a lot, usually when you are relaxed and happy.”

“I'm breaking character?” Shine asked as she jumped upright sounding as if she was near to panicking, “When? How? Oh gods! I'm not getting senile am I?”

That got my attention, “Senile? Er- how old are you? I mean I know your not twenty-six...”

She laughed nervously, “You wouldn't believe me if I told you!”

I giggled, “Oh please, you can't possibly be that old.”

She rolled her eyes, “Ok I will explain it to you then.” Shine took a second to compose herself. I guess she felt that getting scientific would help calm her nerves. “Normally when someling shapeshifts they gain the full biology of their intended target and maintain control in the form of an attached consciousness. Er- It's a psionic thing. Just imagine it like deconstructing your own body, building a new one, and then puppeteering the new one from inside. Only you're actually something else which is not actuality a part of that body, merely connected to it.”

I nodded, sort of understanding.

Shine continued, “Now, normally you age along with the form you take as you both are experiencing subjective time at the same rate. But, aging is a biological phenomenon and technically a shapeshifted 'ling doesn't have biology, we're just a consciousness in control of a body. So with a slight modification to the metacognition used to...” Shine trailed off as she noticed my growing look of confusion.

Shine nodded to herself. “Ah. Right. So, some details I forgot. Changelings don't have magic. We are a psionic species. We channel mental power through meditative focuses to do as we will. It is kind of similar, but fundamentally different from arcane magic.”

Now it made a bit more seance. “I get it. That makes seance, I was having a hard time figuring out how an emotion eating spell would work. Hold on but you can cast spells, how-”

“Right now, I am a unicorn.” Shine pointed out, her tone and blank look making me feel a bit stupid. “Down to the subatomic level everything about me, right now, is a unicorn. Magical ability is an innate property of your species so I can cast pony magic while in this form. In my own form, I have psionic abilities instead. Our psi abilities allow us to do some things unicorn magic can. All of us are capable of kentic manipulation, shaping, and telepathy. Some can do more like pyrokenesis and psychokinesis for instance. But they are rare, as rare among us as psions are among other species at least.

“Furthermore,” she continued, “there is stuff a unicorn can do that we can't. There's also stuff we can do that a unicorn can't. I'm not a mage or a very adept psion so I can't get into the science behind it... Would a metaphor help? Pony magic is like cider, and changeling psionics is like apple juice.”

“Oh!” I exclaimed, happy to start learning about my love at long last. “They are both drinks and both made from apples, but have different flavors.”

“Exactly!” Shine grinned for a moment before continuing her explanation, “So if a changeling shapeshifts while altering how they think about their own existence in a specific way we can prevent our selves from aging while in an assumed form. Time only truly passes for the body, not the mind. So to answer your question... In three months I will be four hundred and-”

“What?” I dropped my fork, which clattered to the plate as I stared incredulously at Shine. “How old?”

“Four-hundred and eight.” She blushed, scuffing her hooves against the floor. “I told you wouldn't believe me. Technically I'm twenty-four... But I've lived as several ponies until they began to die of old age.”

“Why?” I asked, completely baffled as to why somepony would want to live as long as Shine apparently had.

She pointed upwards with one hoof, “The stars. No one could tell me what the stars were. So I decided to find out. I kinda-sorta actually invented the field of Astrophysics... well no... But I helped to invent it.”

I looked at her skeptically, “You figured out a way to be immortal just to learn about the stars?”

“Hey! No one could tell you what they were four hundred years ago.” Shine exclaimed, “It was actually a very deep, thoughtful question back in the day. One which has led me to more and more questions. So I kind of keep making new lives to keep my quest going.”

“Seriously?” I asked incredulously, “You worked out immortality just to learn about the stars?”

“You sold your Maximum Ride novels to pay for dental school. I stole a book on metacognition to have the time I needed. I know you can understand passion.” Shine said irritably.

I opened my mouth to object but closed it as I realized she had a point. Shine certainly was very passionate about the stars, and she did seem to quite literally know all about them. There really wasn't anything I could object to.

Shine continued, “Furthermore I am not immortal. I've just found a way to postpone dying of old age as long as I like. I can still die. I still get sick. I'm still a mortal, and I am ok with that. I- I simply made a promise to learn everything about the stars. So I'm going to.”

“Everything?” I asked slowly. I was unsure of what to do or say. I was in love with an immortal bug girl who was obsessed with space.

“Everything.” Shine confirmed. “Then I'll be happy to let myself die. Oh. Um- Cole, you need to know that I will age with you. At least, Twinkleshine will age with you. We can have a normal relationship.”

“But you said you don't age.” I pointed out my mouth curling into a frown.

Shine stood up, her horn glowing a dull green as she closed the windows and curtains with her magic. Looking me in the eyes she said, “I age, wither, and die.” Then in a flash of green fire Shine revealed her true self. Her glossy black exoskeleton, shimmering gossamer wings, and lovely glowing eyes, were exactly as I remembered her. “But after she dies I move on. I'm thinking an earth pony next time.”

She quickly changed back, checking herself in the room's mirror and adjusting a few minor details with little sparks of green energy. “Do you understand?”

I nodded, “Yeah. But I like you. Not Twinkleshine.” I bit my lip again, hoping that I hadn't crossed a line.

“Me'banna?” Shine exclaimed in what I assumed was Changelish. One eyebrow raised curiously.

“The um... form you are in now dose nothing for me. I like you. As in your personality, how you act... You know, you. I love you the person you are, not your appearance. Well, that's not entirely true. You are an incredibly hot buggy. Seriously, I never ever thought I would find anypony attractive. But then you demorphed on spring break and well...” I looked away my cheeks burning in embarrassment.

“Oh. Well. That's, unexpected.” Shine said slowly. She was quiet for a few molments before asking, “So your feelings are actually for me, not for the life I'm using?”

I nodded giving Shine a look I hoped conveyed the truth of my opinion.

Shine sat there quietly for some time, staring at the wall lost in her own thoughts. “I don't know how to feel about that. What do you even know about the real me?”

I answered without a moment's thought. “You are beautiful, smart, kind, and wise. I enjoy how you make the time to brighten almost anypony's day, even if that's just for a snack. You are also very passionate, know exactly what you want out of life, and are willing to sacrifice almost anything to get it. I may not know your exact history... But every time you drop your mask and are yourself, that's the pony- er person, um- 'ling I love.”

Shine was taken aback by my little speech. She spent a moment looking at me and sniffing at the air. Then she smiled softly and asked, “I can't tell if you're lying, but you seem a lot happier now. I can taste it... Is it because I know how you feel?”

I gave her a deadpan look,“That and I was just looking at a very attractive person. Seriously, you are pretty. You should stop the whole... thing you're doing with that.” I waved a hoof over her general area.

“Somepony might walk in.” Shine said nervously looking at the door. “Look, I have hurt you pretty badly by not noticing how you felt for so long. Also, I feel compelled to reciprocate your feelings. You do a lot for me in order to show them. And well... I do like you a little myself.”

I felt my heart speed up at her words, “You like me? What about me?”

“You are gods damned delicious.” Shine said with a toothy grin.

I blinked, “Come again?”

“You taste very good, and are surprisingly nutritious. Your love I mean. Also, you are blue. I like blue. It's pretty.” Shine giggled, blushing slightly herself. “Oh, in case you are wondering, you taste something like garlic bread, mint leaves, and cinnamon. Sounds weird, but it's hard to describe an emotional flavor. Also my tastes are way different from a pony's.”

“That's it? Your entire reason?” I asked with a frown, wishing there was more.

“Cut me some slack. I just put together the fact that I liked you on the train. I was going to ask you on a date to see if you felt anything for me but then there was the shield. Also, I mentioned earlier all the things you do for me. That's a factor in this equation too...” She sighed.

“Oh!” I giggled, “Well in that case I would love a date, and I love you Twi- huh...” I trailed off realizing something rather important. “What's your real name?”

“You can just call me Shine. You can't actually hear-”

“Actually,” I interrupted with a grin, “after learning Changelish uses pitches outside the range of pony hearing I had a mage enchant a small bit of metal to increase my hearing and vocal ranges while I touched it. Then I had a friend implant it under my skin beneath my mane so I always have the effect.”

“What? Why?” Shine asked confused.

“In case this ever happened. I thought it would be cool to be able to talk to you in something nopony else could understand.” I grinned even wider. That spell had cost me two years of savings but was finally about to be so worth it!

“Seriously?” Shine asked with an impressed look on her face.

“Yeah! You said something in Changelish earlier right? What was it... Me'banna?” It was a little tricky to pronounce the word. It wasn't the first time I used the spell given perk, but I had only ever practiced hitting certain pitches with it.

“Huh... That wasn't bad.” Shine nodded to herself, “Well ok then. My name is Mhi'par Ka'ra. Personally I prefer the Equestrian pronunciation of Meep. It sounds better without the infrasonic componant.”

“Meep,” I couldn't help but grin at her name. It was just too cute. Her very name was a sound a pony makes when snuggling. “Sooo what's your name mean? Pony names all have a meaning, do changelings use names like we do?”

“No we don't. Names are just simple designations for us. But my name dose translate, it means roughly 'A fate for us.' It's a quote from a book of scripture... Which is meaningless since Celestia's existence debunks our religion.” Meep said giving me an unsettling hungry look. “Um... So... For the record, Cole will you be my marefriend?”

For some reason, I felt compelled to drive my point home. “Sorry Twinkleshine, but my heart belongs to somebuggy else.”

Meep rolled her eyes, “Are you really going to make me ask you in my own shape?”

“Mhm.” I cooed as I gave her a playful look.

“Ok.” Meep sighed, closed her eyes for a moment, and with the usual lights show resumed being herself. “Co-”

“Yes!” I exclaimed before jumping over the table, tackling her to wrap my arms around her smooth exoskeleton in a loving hug.

“Ack... Gaa'tayl n'haal...” Meep groaned in distress, “In Equestrian, 'help, can't breathe'.”

I raised an eyebrow at her, “Shi- Er, Meep... I can't just squeeze the air out of you. You are covered in nice, cool, smooth, armor plates which prevent squishing.” I nuzzled against her side, enjoying the rigid surface perhaps a little more than I should.

“Ok, ok you got me...” She sighed, “I was being playful... Also... seriously I am more used to being a pony. That would have choked me. And most of a changeling's tracheal system is right where you are squeezing so if you squeezed hard enough to crush my exoskeleton-”

“I would never do that!” I exclaimed horror instantly flashing across my face. “I'm sure I literally can't do that too!”

“Well anyways, that's where you would crush to choke me.” She grinned, her fangs accenting her smile in a way I found just adorable. Meep's teeth were one of the reasons I found her so attractive. Shiny, white, interestingly shaped, and those fangs just added little points to her smile which made her look mischievous. Kind of like a kitty.

“Oh!” Meep exclaimed warning, “Watch my wings when you hug me. They can rip easily. It docent hurt much but it takes a lot of energy to regenerate.”

“You can have all the energy you need.” I offered. Suddenly realizing I was practically laying atop Meep I blushed and stepped off of her. “Um... Sorry.”

She got to her hooves and gave her wings a quick buzz to check on them. “We're marefriends. You can cuddle me. That's just how it works right? We agree, and then it's ok to do whatever right?” She gave me a concerned look.

I noticed that the way her eye's glow changed as she looked in a new direction. The brighter part in the center seemed to be her pupils for lack of a better word. Maybe not all of her eyes were active at any one time, or perhaps the glowing portion was more active than the rest. I couldn't help but smile at the discovery, tiny as it was.

Meep continued, “Because I would like to modify the standard social contract a bit... Could you please tell me before you plan on touching me? It's just a thing of mine.”

“Um,” I gulped, “It's a good thing you mentioned that because there are still boundaries. Of course I will ask before doing anything, well you know, naughty. The only things which are ok to just do to somepony you love without asking are hugs, snuggles, kisses... and playful gropes.”

“Oh. I thought it was more of a standing free pass of consent.” Meep commented. “Good thing we cleared that up. Um... I- I'm kinda nervous being myself like this. I'm going to change back.”

I frowned, “Ok... but can we kiss first?”

Meep nodded, shuffled her hooves slightly, then trotted over, closed her eyes, and froze. “Er... I have no idea if I can actually kiss in this body. Can my lips even...” She squirmed for a moment, testing various ways to move her mouth before getting her lips puckered on the fifth try, “Ah ha! Right. Go ahead.”

I laughed, shook my head, leaned over, gently placed my lips against her own, and at least had my first kiss.