• Published 30th Jan 2015
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The Bridesmaids - Meep the Changeling

The story behind Lyra, Colgate, and Twinkleshine winding up mind controlled beneath Canterlot is far more complex than most ponies think.

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The Accepted

Octavia Melody

There are moments in every pony's life which simply fail to smoothly transition into each other. They go piano to fortissimo in an instant when they should not, throwing the entire symphony into disarray with their erroneous natures. These moments like to occur in rapid succession, as if the music of daily life suddenly transforms into heavy metal for a few loathsome molments.

For example, my dearest Vinyl and I had been happily talking among ourselves and enjoying a cup of tea. Then Bon-bon kicked in our bedroom door dragging an unconscious Lyra behind her and screaming about impostors. Moments later Colgate and Twinkleshine arrived and advanced on Cole with evil intent.

Despite being thoroughly confused Vinyl had thrown a serving platter to come to Cole's assistance, revealing our friends to be in truth, shape changing monsters. This culminated in a long chase through the palace out into the courtyard where an entire army of these shapechanging insects shortly attacked us. The madness climaxed with the real Colgate and Lyra dropping out of the sky along with somepony I had thought to be Rainbow Dash, but instead seemed to be a continuation of the chaos the day had brought forth.

“I'm telling you two, that actually was Shine!” Vinyl shouted in irritation.

The five of us, that is to say Lyra, Colgate, Bon-bon, Vinyl, and I, sat in the room Cole and Shine had been sharing. We were waiting for the, person, who claimed to be our friend to arrive and prove her identity. This was not something I had ever imagined we would ever have to do, and yet here we were.

“I simply cannot believe that Twinkleshine has in fact been a Changeling the entire time we have known her.” I insisted matter of factually.

“Yeah! That's juts too weird. We would have noticed!” Bon-bon said as she looked towards the door.

The changeling was late. She probably fled the city when she had the chance.

“Well it's true!” Cole insisted, “I've known since spring break nineteen ninety-three. Shine has been living in Equestria for like, ever. She left her hive years ago because she wanted to study the stars and has lived here ever since.”

“If she wanted to really learn about the stars she would have accepted one of the grants offered her.” Bon-bon objected.

“I agree, that motive dose not make scene given her actions. The real Shine is likely being held somewhere nearby.” I agreed, nodding my head.

Lyra groaned, “Bonnie... Trust me, that actually was Shine. She has seriously lived her for so long that she was using her alias of Twinkleshine to take a break. Think about it, all those lectures on science when one of us says something wrong...” Lyra rubbed a hoof against her forehead in frustration.

“Also she looks nothing like those guys did.” Vinyl mentioned, “I totally buy the bit about her being from a different changeling tribe.”

The window creaked open shortly after Vinyl finished speaking. Everypony looked over to see the changeling in question, still in Rainbow Dash's form push the room's window open and land inside the room. “Sorry I took so long. I- I had things to think through.”

“Like what lies to use?” Bon-bon accused.

“No,” she answered instantly, “weather or not I should run away.”

Cole frowned, “Don't do that...”

“I'm not going to... I've gotten too attached to all of you. I made this a life, not just an alias.” She sighed as she stepped into the center of the room. Green flames swiftly wreathed her body, seemingly burning away Rainbow Dash's form and leaving her in the unicorn body I recognized.

“Um, hon. It might be best to be you for this.” Cole said much to my astonishment.

“Y-you actually love her?” I stammered, staring at Cole in surprise.

“Yes I do, and yes it's because she's a bug. I think it's the exoskeleton. Do you have a problem with that ?” Her eyes narrowed accusingly.

I shook my head. In truth, I didn't. “No I do not! I, it just lends credence to your story is all. I was surprised that... never mind.”

Shine nodded and closed her eyes. Once more she shed her from, but this time it was not replaced by another. Shine stood in the middle of the room, her true form bared to us, looking as if she might have a heart attack from fright. My jaw dropped, I hadn't thought an insect like her would be capable of expressing fear, or any emotion besides the hatred for us the others had shown.

This changeling was certainly different from the others. Her face was just was expressive as a pony's, but there was more to it then that. The swarming insects we ahd fought all looked the same, Shine had a shape of her own. I don't think I could have picked it out in a crowd of her people, but the pixie cut mane, short spiky tail, and shape of her wings was rather distinct.

Even more amazingly her face had the same shape as the unicorn she had been impersonating for years. I did wonder if that was intentionally done in an attempt to trick us into believing her, yet this did not seem to be the case. The creature before us was not a creature, she was a person, one who was afraid of us.

Shine cleared her thought nervously, “So... This is what I actually look like. I would like to point out my eyes and back. See how they are yellow? You can tell changeling hives apart by our colors, I am not related to the savages who attacked us.”

That seemed absurd. Bon-bon beat me to pointing this out, “Oh yes, and I have no relation to the red unicorn also raised by my parents.”

Lyra shot Bon-bon a look, “Different species Bon. Don't be a dick.”

Shine sighed, “I know. I know that ponies come in all colors. We don't, we have established colors based on what community produced us. The shade of blue-black of my exoskeleton can tell you what town I am from, and my eye shade is unique to my family line. We tell individuals apart by the shape of our features... I know that must seem weird to you girls.”

This did seem plausible to me. After all many breeds of animal had color patterns as a constant across all of their members. Bon-bon seemed to understand this as well, her aggressive posture lessened just a little.

“I can see how that would work. But it dose nothing to prove your identity.” I informed.

Shine nodded. “I take it Lyra and Cole couldn't convince you? Makes sense you two are the most stubborn of us. I'll answer any questions you want after one of my own. Vi, how by Discord's horns did you know what I was?”

Vinyl laughed, setting down a cup she had been toying with to speak, “Well you see, that's actually something of a funny story. You probably don't remember the party I had last June. I have never seen one pony drink that many cart bombs before. You were so drunk you passed out at the table and slept through the rest of the party, so when it was over I had to wake you up so I could clear the club.”

Vinyl laughed, trotted over to Shine and poked her in the side with one hoof while looking at me, “I poke her like this, she wakes up and asks me 'Hey, wanna see something cool?' I was like, 'Yeah.' because you know, who docent? Anyways this girl shape shifts into a copy of me, then gives herself your colors Octy and goes, 'This is what your foals will look like!' Then falls over and takes her real shape giggling.

“Now, yeah that surprised me. But it was also pretty cool. I did have a bit of a panic because I figured well, changelings were supposed to eat ponies. SO I asked if she was going to eat me and then I get this hour and a half long drunk rave. Seriously Shine, you had the most epic vent fest I have ever heard. Now, we all know that Shine drunk turns into Applejack, only stupid. No lies, only bad ideas and a weird attraction to apples.”

Shine winced, “Really”

Lyra, Cole, and Vinyl nodded in unison, “Yes.”

“I should stop drinking so much...” Shine lamented.

“Anyways,” Vinyl continued, “I figured that anypony in her position wouldn't tell anypony what she was because well, they would probably kill her with fire. Which sucks because apparently most of them are nice, and they eat love so you know, hurting a pony is a stupid idea. So I kept quiet and started watering down her booze at parties.” she finished turning her head to Shine, “Because after your rant you turned into Rainbow Dash with the intention to go make out with Twilight so they would hook up. That's just mean.”

Bon-bon frowned in confusion, “Your species eats love?”

Shine nodded. Catching on to what Bon-bon must be asking I asked, “Yet your people openly attacked the capitol of our country. Why would they do that?”

Shine's face flashed a single expression of pure disgust as she answered, “Religion. The Sapphire Hive is a theocracy. They see Celestia as a thief who has stolen the sun from our god. This was a crusade.”

The way she pronounced the word 'religion' was the same way one might pronounce 'covered in rotting plague rats'. To me, this was a sign Shine was telling us the truth. I searched my mind for a question I could use to confirm her identity. There was only one part of my life that I was certain only my close friends knew. “Tell me, who is my special somepony.”

Shine laughed, “Octy, that's a horrible question! I am pretty sure that half of Ponyville knows you and Vi are together. I expected something relating to my field of expertise.”

I recoiled in horror, “Is that true?”

Lyra blushed, “Well... no... But a lot of ponies think you are together. We haven't told anypony, but you are going to places together a lot. Ponies talk.”

Bon-bon nodded in agreement, “Yeah. Roseluck's heart broke when she heard the rumor. She had the biggest crush on you Octavia.”

I moaned into my hooves, “This is a disaster! If my family hears this they will investigate and-”

“Let them! I seriously don't care about the money Tavi!” Vinyl exclaimed angrily, “I just want to hold my special somepony in public!”

“But if they disown me the entire family business will have to be sold off! Thirty generations of brewmares gone, down the drain. I can't be the link that breaks the chain.” I sobbed, fearing being a bigger disappointment then I already was.

“Is that what it is?” Vinyl asked lovingly wrapping her arms around my shoulders. “Now that I can understand. I just thought you wanted the money. I'm sorry for thinking of you like that my first chair.”

Lyra raised an eyebrow at Vi's pet name for me, “Huh?”

“First chair is a special position in an orchestra.” Cole mentioned.

“Oh! That's kinda sweet.” Lyra mused.

“Not to destroy the moment, but do you believe me now?” Shine asked.

I nodded once. “Yes.”

Bon-bon sighed, “I wasn't too but-”

Shine cut her off nodding to Lyra, “She made you sleep with her while she was dressed in a home made human costume, while I was sleeping over.”

Bon-bon gasped, then her eyes narrowed and begun to glow with a burning rage as she advanced on Shine slowly, “You swore to never tell anypony! I'll break your nose for that you-” she stopped in her tracks suddenly, lips forming a little o shape, “So, you are actually Shine. Sorry for not believing you.”

“It's fi-” Shine said before Bon-bon slammed her left hoof into her nose with a loud crack.

“That's for letting our best friends know you promise breaking jerk!” Bon-bon shouted.

Shine rubbed her nose, “Ow.”

“Um, context?” Cole asked as she raised one hoof polity.

“She lost truth or dare.” Lyra giggled, “I saw an opportunity.”

“Ah.” Cole nodded and looked off into space, presumably to try and think of something besides the aforementioned costume.

I decided to not play truth or dare with Lyra from that day on. I looked at Shine's nose to make sure she wasn't too badly hurt. The punch didn't seem to do any real damage. I suppose her armored skin has its advantages, even if it looks a bit disturbing.

“Well... Since you are indeed our friend it is only fair to tell you that this has shaken my trust in you.” I informed. Shine's ears drooped. It was odd seeing a pony expression on an insect. “But I understand why you ever told anypony, so I will forgive you. Now there is something important we need to do right now. We must figure out a way for you to live in Equestria permanently. The guard will be looking for your kind for months thanks to this.”

Shine nodded. “I know. I- I honestly don't know what to do.”

Cole frowned and turned to Lyra, whispering something into her ear for a few minutes. Lyra nodded, a look of intrigue on her face as she turned back to Cole. The two of them held a hushed conversation for a few minutes before Lyra announced, “We have a plan... Maybe. Bonnie come her a moment.”

Bon-bon trotted over and after a few molments nodded, “Yes that is the best option I can see.”

Bon-bon then turned to look at Shine, “Shine, or what ever your name is-”

“Oh right!” Shine giggled, “If you want to use my real name it's Meep.”

“Meep then,” Bon-bon resumed, “Lyra and Cole have told me that you are in fact quite old and have been a respected scientist using several different identities for many years. What you need to do is go to Twilight as one of these identities, prove that you really are that pony, and then once she believes you show her who you really are.”

I grinned, “That's brilliant! Twilight would never allow anypony to harm a scientist, and she has the connections to get you proper citizenship. Er- I presume you don't have a real ID.”

Shine shook her head, “No I don't. That's actually not the worst plan. If I did it back in Ponyville I would be far enough from the guard to make a run for it if I had too. If it comes to that... Can I count on you girls to help me come back in a new identity? Because I... I can't leave Cole only days after we became marefriends.”

Bon-bon's face light up in delight, “Oh my gosh! You two actually got together like we planned even though this whole mess happened!” she fell over onto her back laughing loudly.

“What? Explain that!” Shine, that is Meep, demanded.

Lyra giggled, “Um. Well you see, I accidentally mixed up a book of mine with Cole's diary a while back.”

“We learned that she was in love with you and figured that a royal wedding was romantic enough to force you two into a romantic mood.” I added.

“So the four of us decided to put you guys into some romantic stuff together. Like dinner. We got play tickets which would have been delivered this evening but well,” Vinyl gestured out the window, “that happened. So how did you two hook up?”

Cole smiled, “Just before the dinner actually. She finally realized how thick she was being.”

Everypony stared at Shine in shock. “She realized you loved her?” I asked incredulously.

Shine groaned, emerald flames enveloping her as she resumed her normal unicorn form, “Dammit Tavi, I'm an Astrophysicist not a sociologist!”