• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 12,261 Views, 196 Comments

Celestia Wants to Date Twilight Sparkle - JKinsley

Twilight and Celestia don't have dates for Hearts and Hooves Day. Luna looks to change that, and Twilight and Celestia find the date to be more than they bargained for.

  • ...

The Morning After

Celestia woke just before dawn. It would nearly impossible for me not to, she mused. With a casual flick of her horn, a golden glow heralded the start of Saturday. She settled back down into the cushions and blankets that still held a certain lavender alicorn, snuggled up tight.

Celestia almost got settled in enough to take a little nap when a navy blue alicorn decided to swoop by the tower. Celestia rolled her eyes and prepared for an uncomfortable conversation.

Luna flew over to the balcony where Celestia and Twilight lay. She rested her hooves on the railing and hovered in place. Her wicked grin grew wider, seeing Celestia was awake but Twilight wasn’t.

“I take it you had a pleasurable evening, dear sister?” she inquired, careful to keep her voice quiet, lest she wake Twilight and ruin her fun.

“I did, thanks to you. Sincerely, Luna, I thank you. Last night was wonderful.”

“So the advice paid off, then?”

“It did.” Celestia gestured to the two roses.

“You sly devil. So, when shall we make the announcements? Is it too soon after Shining Armor and Cadance? Would ponies get too tired of royal weddings?” Luna gasped briefly. “What if they then expect me to wed, next? I have not found a suitor myself! The scandal!”

“Luna!” Celestia hissed. “We’re not getting married!” Her expression and voice softened. “Not yet. We’re going to take things easy and work this out.” She then mumbled, “And Twilight mentioned Rarity being interested.”

“I’m sorry, Celly, what was that?”

“Your night was lovely.”

“Thank you, but you never were great at lying. What did you say?”

“Nope.” Celestia grinned mischievously. “Pay a visit to Ponyville sometime, get to know Twilight’s friends. And Luna?”


“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“And could you send a servant up here? I think Twilight and I could go for some breakfast and coffee.”

Luna nodded and pushed off from the balcony, free falling before flaring her wings. She continued her dive and swept off to the kitchens.

With Luna gone and Twilight stirring in the dawn’s early light, Celestia kissed her cheek. “Good morning, Twilight Sparkle. Ready to greet the day?”

“Ugh, five more minutes,” grumbled Twilight.

“Up you get, breakfast will be here soon. And how can you not treasure a sunrise like this?”

“I can make the sun rise, if you know what I mean.” Twilight shot up and clamped her hooves to her mouth. She turned, wide-eyed, to Celestia and shook her head. She dropped her hooves and bowed. “I’m so sorry, Princess! That was inappropriate!”

Celestia giggled. “Not at all, my dear. That was quite funny, to be honest. I’ll have to remember that one some time...”

Twilight chewed her lip. “You said breakfast was coming?”

“Indeed. I send for it not long ago, so we have some time. Did you sleep well?”

Twilight nodded, her blush fading. “I did, yes. I could get used to this. Maybe next time, we can stay at my place?” she offered, an eyebrow raised with a cocky half smile.

“I look forward to it.” Celestia beamed. She sat on her haunches and opened her wing, beckoning Twilight over. “But first, let’s catch this sunrise.”

Twilight scooted over and pressed herself against Celestia, who wrapped her broad wing around her in a tight hug. “It is a beautiful sunrise,” she mumbled.

“I had some inspiration,” replied Celestia. She nuzzled Twilight’s cheek and pointed at the two roses. “We may want to keep those around for a while, don’t you think?”

“A suspended animation spell is pretty simple and would keep them for, well, hmm.” Twilight scrunched her brow, focused. Her horn glowed lightly, not bright enough to be casting an actual spell. “A good few years, I think. Give me a moment.”

Twilight pressed her front hooves down and pointed her horn directly at the roses and concentrated hard on the spell. Her horn now glowed brightly. A flash of purple light blinded the two ponies for a second, and then subsided. Once they could see, both roses hovered a few inches off the ground, spinning slowly.

“Impressive.” Celestia nodded. She then grabbed Twilight with her wing and pulled her close again. “Good work, Twilight. They look every bit as lovely as they did yesterday.”

“You too.”

Celestia giggled. “Well, time has not diminished your beauty, either, my dear.” Celestia wrapped her neck around Twilight, hugging all of her tightly. “What do you say we just enjoy the morning, too, and worry about everything else later?”

A gentle nod from Twilight was all the answer she needed.

“I could get used to this,” Twilight whispered, her mouth mere inches from Celestia’s ear.

“Me too, Twilight. Me too.”

Author's Note:

Graciously edited by Nicknack, MalevolentSpoon, and PegasusMesa.

And this is the end! For this story, at least. Perhaps you've picked up on a few hints here and there. Well, once I get off my lazy flank and back to writing, you might see some new material in this same "universe".

Comments ( 36 )

Should be "I sent for it" instead of "I send for it". But other than that, great chapter. I eagerly await the sequel.

I'll watch out for the sequel.

I will watch out like a Hawk for those other stories. Thanks for this pleasant read.

Grrrrrr, I need so much more of this :fluttercry::heart:

“I can make the sun rise, if you know what I mean.”

Excellent ending.
Really, everything was amazingly excellently fantastic.
Now how 'bout that sequel, eh? :scootangel:

In this "Universe"? Do you mean a sequel?! Yahoo hoo! Yippie! Hurray! Huzza! Yaba daba doo!

Beautiful, just beautiful, i have no more words. Their relationship is growing at a reasonable pace, it looks so real and possible. I love that!

I've been never too fond with Twilestia but you make it look so good i can't avoid to smile while readin your story

Are you planning on sequel ? I absolutely loved it and can't wait to see more :)

A sequel is in the works, yes. First up will be a little bonus chapter for this, a love scene that couldn't be included because I wanted to keep this clean. After that, it'll be a long road as I write the Rarity and Luna fic. It'll have some other parts, namely Twilight and Celestia being adorkable together and them shipping Rarity and Luna pretty hard.

4870586 Awesome! I'll be waiting anxiously for both, the chapter and the story!:heart::heart::heart:

4870586 Nice Avatar, by the way!

D'aww. Also, Twilight that joke!:twilightblush:

Amazing,this really captured my heart and now I ship Twilestia harder than ever!Good job,you are awesome!

Definitely looking forward to the next stories!

This was pretty awesome! I am really looking forward to seeing Twilight and Celestia together... ermh and Rarity + Luna too! >.>

Such a great read! Thanks for your story!

Pretty good. Was worth the read.

There are two main groups of ship fics. You have the "shipping in a vacuum", where background characters either don't exists or have no connections other than being there, and you have the "shipping chart", where EVERYONE is shipped at the same time if they have more than one speaking part.

The second type is usually better than the first. Especially when they split the pairings into multiple stories, like you plan to do.

I thoroughly enjoyed that. I'm not entirely sure what more I can say on the topic.

Having read the whole story, I think I'll just do a blanket overview on what I did and didn't like...

Firstly, in the first chapter, you have Twilight outright say (in her mind) that she wanted to avoid all talks about hearts and hooves day with her friends during the meeting.... And yet, the moment RD brings up having a date with Mac, she continues to keep that on topic, not even trying to change the subject or keep herself out of the line of fire....

Moving on, portraying Luna as the devious one is far from original, but that doesn't mean that the personality doesn't fit, and you got Luna and Cadence plotting together quite well despite any objections from Celestia.... But on that topic: Celestia herself was much like Twilight I mentioned in my previous paragraph...
Again, it is spoken outright that Celestia didn't want anything to do with H&H day (Or Luna's schemes for that matter) And then she makes such a simple mistake of walking to her room (I'm sure she's teleported to her quarters at least once before) Or even heading out without some form of illusion spell! (And there is proof of those existing from the scene at the tea-house and the guards)
So Celestia was either not so far against the idea of talking to Luna about her plans, or didn't even care enough to worry about being caught, almost as if she wanted to be set up (per say) for a date...

That being said, once those inconsistencies were passed, I found very little in the way of arguments against the story...
The scene around the garden was cute, I somehow can imagine Celestia trying to hide behind a cluster of bushes only for her y'know, brightly glowing tail to give her position away....
And I agree Celestia, I would be skeptical about Twilight climbing a tree too..... Ha

All in all, it's the final scene we'll remember the most, and it was executed quite nicely... Although the stargazing got a little too direction-y and a little less imaginative the more Twilight went on about the constellations... But that's exactly her character... So I can't complain about that any more... Or at all even...

Twilight being the one to make the first move was quite an interesting choice, I expected the night to end with Celestia asking Twi on another at a later date... But alas, this is a short story, and one I am quite sad to have read...
It was good, if a little rushed, but that's the essence of a short story...
Short? Check
Sweet? Check
Easy to understand? Check
Worth the time spent? Definitely!

And with your layout planned for shipping other characters (I'm interested to see how appleshy works)
And Lunaritry?
Consider me sold!

Anyway, if you wish to speak more about the story, (OR the upcoming add-ons) I'll be more than happy to give you more of what I see...
But otherwise: This was great... And that's the easiest way to put it.


First, thanks for the quality feedback! It's always appreciated. :heart:

Second, the points about Twilight and Celestia starting out in the story were brought up elsewhere, but well after publishing. I'll see what I can do while staying true to the rest of the story.

And the astronomy tower scenes were fun to write. I put a little too much effort into the whole stars and constellations thing. But the other parts were a joy. I've always thought of Twilight as being assertive, I suppose. Going for what she wants. I don't think she'd take the passive role.

5075710 probably a question you get a lot... But when are you looking at planning/writing the other stories in this series/universe?

5075873 I have some of the planning started for the immediately next story that will be RariLuna, with a scene or two drafted. I need to finish planning it out as far as what exactly it is that I want to do and accomplish there. And all of the shipping stories are going to lead into a bigger epic. I want to keep the major ideas for the epic under wraps until I'm ready to publish a few chapters of it.

5075910 Then I shall keep an eye on you in the future...

Noooo! This can't be the end! You must write more!

I finally got around to reading this, and it was good. I only had one problem, though. There was very little that, I don't know, 'pulled me in', so to speak. For lack of a better word, there was no... conflict. It seemed more like a recitation of events from cause to effect. Not that it wasn't good, that is. I enjoyed it immensely. After all, more Twilestia on this site is always good (or at least loving, consensual Twilestia). My only advice would be to add something next time to 'spice things up' as it were, something exciting to pull the reader in.

Other than that, superb job.:moustache:

Well, I've reached the end of this wonderful story! Though I already commented a bit of my thoughts through chat, I want to express my thoughts in a more... detailed fashion than through a string of "omg"s and "oh no that's cute" (see, I trick people here into thinking I'm a mature adult but then you get to know me and I'm a five year old child who screeches at everything).


Writing first: I love your descriptions. They flow very well and set the mood and environment perfectly. Though Celestia and Twilight were the main focus, everyone was spot-on (especially Rarity; teach me your secret for writing fashion pony, please), and it's something that I personally really value in a story, and don't even get me started on how you write Twilight. She was so adorkable in all the right places and completely dense in all the right moments and everything was amazing in every moment.

As for the story itself, it had me giggling every other sentence, and I think it sold the ship to me because oh gosh -- and I do mean, oh gosh. Their interactions all felt so natural, and it was all-around a very cute (and really well written, too) story.

I'm very excited for the rest of the sequels, particularly the rariluna one because if this story was so cute and you write Luna and Rarity so well, then the rariluna story will probably kill me.

I can't wait.

Do you think you could PM me when the next fic comes out? I look forward to reading it.

And here it is… the end. Of this particular story. Well, all of it is consistent, and, the main thing — peaceful, and promising rosy future) Just what I needed before bed:) I put a copy on my secret bookshelf for now, and a positive vote to the original =)

Luna gasped briefly. “What if they then expect me to wed, next? I have not found a suitor myself! The scandal!”


adorable :)

An adoreable and sweet story! Have a like. :twilightsmile:


Ah! Ah! Ah! The roses weren't Yellow with red tips. They were Yellow. You can't mix rose color meanings. If it's stated as a color, then it means what it shown as.

That said. Yellow is yellow. Not Yellow with red tips. And link to rose color meanings.

Damn it! It's 00:38 in the morning and I have to get to work at 9:00, I want to read all of your stories because this one was just so good! You'll be getting a follow sometime tomorrow, as well as some more stories being read. Also, checking the author section I see a few CadenceXTwilight, did you change your mind on who you ship?

A very I have a serious reading problem Yogi

I always like to hear that my work is appreciated! And yes, I do have a few other Twilight ships. Cadance, Rarity, and Sugarcoat are published, and I'm working on a few others.

Read it all!, it was amazing! Please have this vocally read by Winged T Spears? or Caitbug? *_*

I'm of to read the Sequel :D

Great read. I loved it.

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