• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 12,260 Views, 196 Comments

Celestia Wants to Date Twilight Sparkle - JKinsley

Twilight and Celestia don't have dates for Hearts and Hooves Day. Luna looks to change that, and Twilight and Celestia find the date to be more than they bargained for.

  • ...

The Gardens

Celestia huffed and breathed deeply once they reached the gardens, still trying to stifle her laughter. “I can’t believe that worked! It’s the oldest trick in the book! I should know, I wrote it!”

“There’s a reason they haven’t thrown it out yet. It still works.” Twilight stuck her tongue out playfully. She sat on a nearby marble bench to catch her breath.

Once they had ditched the guards, Celestia made it a race to the gardens. She almost won, too, but Twilight remembered a little trick from her day during the Running of the Leaves: keep pace and then finish strong. A last, mad sprint meant she skidded in the soft grass and lush flowers moments before Celestia could, and neither of them used their wings.

“I figured, since we had time to sit down and eat, the guards probably didn’t; if it was a shift in the castle, they could grab something, but since they had to act all undercover...” Twilight explained.

“Good call, Twilight. And good race, too.” Celestia patted her still-panting student on the back. “Shall we tiptoe through the tulips to cool off in this lovely night air?”

Twilight took a few more big gulps of air and nodded. She rose from the bench and smiled. “You know full well tulips are no longer in season. It’s time for the lilies and roses!”

“You got me there, but it's just an expression.” She extended her hoof. “Join me?”

Twilight immediately grabbed hold. “Of course!”

They trotted off into the dim paths ahead; the golden glow of lanterns complemented the silver moonlight pouring down. Celestia walked slowly. Her deliberately small, graceful strides matched Twilight's long steps.

Twilight twirled around to take in all the wondrous sights of the moonlit garden. Her tail and the train of her dress flung out, pulled out by centrifugal force.

Now, how would I know that? mused Celestia. She chuckled to herself. No doubt one of Twilight’s many lectures on the thing’s she’s learned.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Celestia asked.

When Twilight stopped twirling, she faced Celestia. “Yes, beautiful.”

“Have I ever mentioned how much I love the gardens here? It’s a gorgeous reminder that for all its concentration of unicorns, Canterlot and every other city in Equestria couldn’t exist without the cooperation of all ponies.” Celestia looked all around her, and stopped to smell each variety of flower that crossed her path. “I even have my own little patch of the garden, you know. I’m the only pony allowed to care for it. It’s not as...” Celestia rotated her hoof. “Majestic, shall we say? But I’m proud of it. Of me.”

“Can I see?”

Celestia nodded. “Of course.” She led the way, her slow steps outpaced Twilight’s trot, almost forcing her into a canter.

They arrived shortly at a small bed of the garden, covered in bushes and flowers, but with few blooms. A mixture of early roses, late blooming tulips, daffodils, and the occasional lily were complemented by some tall arborvitaes, a cherry tree, and a few small maple trees.

“Wow, you’ve kept this garden by yourself? For how long?”

Celestia chuckled ruefully. “Longer than you have been around, my little pony. It’s an ongoing project. I added the maple trees recently. The roses have been around for a while, almost since the beginning. I have to replace some of the flowers from time to time, so most of this garden is new growth.”

“It’s lovely,” Twilight said. She brushed up against Celestia’s side.

“Thank you, Twilight,” mumbled Celestia as a shiver ran along her side. Twilight’s coat tickled as it mingled with hers. Celestia’s face lit up. “Hey, how about we play hide and seek? No scrying magic, no wings, just you trying to find me and me trying to find you?”

“Alright,” Twilight said, skeptical. “Who goes first?”

“I’ll hide, and you have to find me. If you can’t do it in five minutes, I win, and you get to hide while I find you. If you find me before five minutes, you win. Then you hide and I get to find you.”

“And when do we declare a final winner or when do we stop?”

“Best three out of five?”

“Sounds fair. Let's go! I'll start the count at thirty,” Twilight said. She covered her eyes and started counting. “One! Two! Three!”

As Twilight continued her count to thirty, Celestia took off and galloped towards the hedge maze. However, she stopped short and doubled back, hiding her large form behind a series of large, fragrant rose bushes.

Three minutes after Celestia heard the last of the countdown, she heard the soft hooffalls of Twilight on the grass path leading to her hiding spot. She cursed silently and hoped Twilight wouldn’t see her in the small gaps of the bushes.

“Boo!” a violet face in front of her own suddenly shouted.

“Good for you, Twilight. How’d you find me?” Celestia asked, first with a smile, then a slight frown.

“Oh, you know, attention to detail.” Twilight grinned. “Your tail was rustling the leaves.”

Pony feathers. “Now, it seems, it's my turn to find you!” Celestia got up, stretched her legs and spread her wings, and then smiled at her date. Friend, she mentally corrected. She placed her hooves over her eyes and began counting. “One! Two! Three!”

Twilight took off in the direction she came; Celestia quickly lost track of the lighter mare's hooffalls on the soft grass and earth that made up the gardens.

“Thirty!” she shouted at last. She looked around and saw no signs of Twilight or her hoof steps. She frowned. No sense wasting time, she thought, and set off in the direction she last heard from Twilight. She searched high and low for over four minutes, and could not for the life of her find her dear student.

Four minutes, fifty seven seconds, her internal clock told her. Buck. Two rounds in a row? How did she manage that?

“Twilight, it's been five minutes! You win again,” she called. She heard a rustling of leaves behind her and she turned around.

Twilight dropped from a large tree. Between the leaves and not thinking to look up, Celestia walked right past her mere moments ago.

“I thought we agreed not to use magic or wings,” Celestia said, keeping her voice neutral to avoid accusing Twilight of cheating.

“I didn't. I just climbed the tree the old fashioned way. I'm honestly surprised you didn't hear that struggle earlier. I almost didn't make it. I may only be a few inches taller, but it's pretty clear that I'm not used to the growth just yet.”

Celestia raised an incredulous eyebrow at Twilight. “Your dress looks pristine. I find it hard to believe you climbed without magic or wings.”

“I climbed without magic or wings, yes, but I did charm the dress to keep it clean before I came, back in Ponyville. Didn’t want anything to happen on the way.” Twilight chuckled and nuzzled Celestia's neck. “But it looks like it's my turn to find you, and I've already scored two points. So, this may well be the last round!”

“Not if I can help it.” Celestia beamed and waited for Twilight to cover her eyes and start the countdown. As soon as she heard “One!” she trotted silently away, heading for the hedge maze. If I can't hide, then I might as well make her chase me.

Celestia looked behind her and saw in the distance that Twilight still covered her eyes. She chuckled and then dove into the maze, galloping to and fro. She kept quiet until she was fairly deep in the maze, and made a deliberately loud rustle by brushing both of her wings along the hedges that towered above even her.

“Celestia! I’m coming to get you!” Twilight gloated. She made no effort to hide her search, so Celestia tucked her wings in and cantered quietly through the maze, careful to stay on the path with an exit and no dead ends. With any luck, Twilight will get stuck and I can wait out the five minutes.

Celestia heard rapid hooffalls close behind her, and she booked it. She galloped in a dead sprint toward the exit of the maze, skidding and sliding on the damp grass as she rounded corners. A loud pop and bright flash of light appeared in front her. She put all of her energy into stopping, even flaring out her wings, to avoid crashing into Twilight Sparkle, winner of the Garden Hide and Seek Championships.

“I should have just said no magic at all, shouldn’t I?” Celestia asked, disappointed but smiling.

Twilight nodded. “You should’ve kept quiet. Once I heard you run, I knew where you were headed. A quick little teleport later...” Twilight reached up and wrapped her forelegs around Celestia’s neck. “Good effort, though.”

Celestia returned the hug, nuzzling Twilight’s cheek and draping one of her forelegs over Twilight’s withers. “Since I am clearly outmatched in physical pursuits, how about we head up to the Astronomy Tower? I’m sure it’s late enough that we’ll see whatever lovely display my dear sister has in store for us tonight.”

Author's Note:

Another short chapter here. The next chapter will be a lot longer than this one, plus the short end chapter. I'm pretty sure I can get this wrapped up quickly. Still no right answers with the pairings! meerkat8472 won! RariLuna, AppleShy, and PinkieDash! There's a little more to it than that, but those will be the final pairings.