• Published 5th Apr 2014
  • 8,769 Views, 173 Comments

Rendezvous with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle manages to set up another interview with the amicable batpony of Ponyville. Yet another chance to uncover the secrets of those remarkable species.

  • ...

Part III

: click :

“Second half of Twilight Sparkle’s second interview with Midnight Wind. In this part we shall be talking about your lands and aspects of your country such as economy, or culture.”

“With pleasure. But, I was supposed to remind you of something when we get to this part.”

“Thank you, I almost forgot! I have another question beforehand, though.”


“I found that there is another word used when we are referring to batponies in Equestria and I didn’t asked about this in the previous recording. A couple of questions I received used it also, so I have to know if it is a correct term to be used. ‘Thestral’.”

: hiss :

“What’s wrong, Midnight?”

“Nothing much. I just got gravely insulted.”

“Insulted?! Is this word so bad? I am so sorry, I had no idea, I—“

“Now, calm down, Twilight. I know you did not mean it. Actually, I don’t believe anypony means it...”

“We are using it incorrectly and it’s an insult?”

“Pretty much. I am glad you asked about this, maybe if a clarification is said out loud...”

“What does this word mean actually?”

: sigh :

“Well, first of all, it is pronounced ‘thestral’. No Equestrian ‘th’ sound.”

“T’hestral? Something like that?”

“Yes, exactly. Now, like in the ‘noctral’ case the ‘tral’ part means ‘dweller’. Thes means ‘cave’ in the Eldu Noctraliyar, Old Noctraliyan language.”

“A cave-dweller?”

“A cavepony, simply.”

: sigh :

“Of all the words you could remember over our thousand-year-long disappearance, you remembered how to call us ‘primitives’. And vampires.”

“We didn’t mean to!”

: laughter :

“Oh, I am aware. Also considering it didn’t have a negative meaning that many centuries ago.”

“But now it does, yes?”

“We are definitely more than cave-dwellers now, so it received that negative connotation over time. Actually, perhaps I should tell you the background of the noctral term, for this name replaced the thestral.”

“Oh? Do you know its origin?”

“Naturally. We all do. It is the name the Immaculate Moon... Herself gave us.”

“Princess Luna? She named you? When?”

“When She blessed our domain with Her presence the first time, not so long after Equestrian scouts met us.”

“Thus your prophecy was fulfilled, I remember you saying that. Your goddess came to find you.”

“Precisely. When the Covenant and the entirety of Noctraliya bowed before the Immaculate Moon... She referred to us as Her children. Those that dwell in the night, guided by Her mysterious light. Hence we became the ‘night-dwellers’. Noctrali. It overtook the previous term instantaneously.”

“Fascinating! So it is like an honorary title to you, not only a name for the species.”

“Ah, you understand then. Although we don’t mind when we are just called ‘batponies’.”

“Just no ‘t-word’.”

: chuckle :

“Yes, no t-word, as you poetically put it.”

: giggle :

“So, we have that covered. I hope we shall soon learn to use the correct term.”

“Please do so. You put our quiet politeness to the test.”

“You have a lot of it then.”

“We try.”

“Now, that matter I wanted to discuss. My friend, Applejack, gave me an idea when I was talking with her lately. I mentioned that batponies enjoy the taste of apples and that you have those problems with the amounts of food.”

“Not really ‘problems’, since we can gather sufficient amount to survive. But I know what you mean – the fact that we cannot have viable reserves.”

“Exactly! So I thought – how about we supply you with some of our surplus? Equestria has enough orchards to send some of the harvest your way and—“

“Not happening.”

: silence :


“The Covenant won’t accept a solution like that.”

“But... what would be their reasoning? It would allow you not to worry about harsh winters, or vermin, or anything else affecting the amount of food you can gather, if you have supplies provided from an outside source.”

“You presented the problem yourself.”

“Did I...?”

“You see, the haspadri would see such a deal as an act of submission. And not only them, all of noctrali would feel like that.”

“Submission? But how... Oh, I get it. ‘Outside source’. You do not consider yourself a part of Equestria.”

“Correct. Receiving ‘aid’ like that would be dishonoring in our eyes. But, I think I might know how to make it work, in accordance with customs.”

“Customs? Do tell me.”

Tu braz, tu daz. An old saying meaning ‘You take, you give.’ Noctrali always pay back. Debts, gifts, you name it.”

“Oh? You are morally obligated to do so?”

“Yes. And more than that – to grant somepony an item without expecting at least something small in return is a way of deeply insulting the other party.”

“Wait, let me think about it for a moment, I think I got it... Either you are making them know that they have nothing of value in your opinion... or that they are themselves unworthy of giving you something back, is that right?”

“You indeed got it, Twilight.”

“But, if such is the social norm, who is considered generous in your society? Because not somepony who does not expect a payback.”

“An act of selfless help towards others is always appreciated, even if you, in a way, bind those you helped with a repayment. So a noctral who often lends a hoof has a respected position in the society.”

“I see. And what about gifts? Do you need to give a lot of them away to be recognized as generous?”

“No, it is slightly different. If you want to show your noble motivation, you should take whatever you received as a payback and leave it at the local herame as an offering.”


“A shrine to the Immaculate Moon...”

“Ah! A religious sacrifice.”

“That’s right.”

“So, you make it known that the gratitude should be shown to the goddess, not yourself. You make your open-hoofedness visible by removing yourself from the exchange, so to speak. An intriguing social standard.”

“I can say the same about some of yours.”

“True. So, what do you propose? Would the Covenant be intrigued in trading then?”

“Exactly! Haspadri, if they would see profit from it, would accept a deal with Equestria. But as long as we would be treated as equals in the matter, not a weaker neighbor who needs help.”

“I think we could arrange such a deal. All of this makes me want to ask about economy of your lands before we move properly to the questions I gathered.”

“Sure. I will gladly tell you how it looks.”

“Alright. So, how do you run Noctraliya?”

: chuckle :

“Well, since we were talking about food, let me start with that matter first. You see, the Dalli, which generate the entirety of our crops, are out of the borders of any of the Families, thus assuring none of the lineages has a hold over this crucial area.”

“Reasonable, I would say, in case of animosities.”

“We think as much too. All of the Families are able to freely send their fruittenders into this region. The food we gather is kept under the orchards, in caves. That keeps it fresh for as long as we can muster.”

“Considering that the food supply is so scarce, is the price of it high?”

“Price? For food? Unimaginable! It is rationed for free, for each and every Mountain.”

“Ah! That makes a lot more sense. Are there any specific rules for splitting it, so that each Family has enough of it?”

“Yes. I don’t know the specifics, it is the fruittenders’ discretion, but we never had a situation when a peak was unsupplied.”

“There was never a mishap?”

“No, it is too much of a crucial matter. From what I know, the caste is always double, even triple checking the amounts before redistributing them.”

“Fascinating. And presence of ponies from each of the Mountains assures a just division, right?”

“That’s the plan. Even if there happens to be a war between peaks, everypony is getting supplied.”

“It must take a lot of discipline and organization.”

“Another reason why fruittenders are so well protected and valued.”

“I see. That sounds rather incredible. What about other goods? How does this look?”

“Let’s start with the fact that, minus the food, each of the Seven Mountains is self-sufficient. Local caretakers make sure that we have enough clothing, furniture and so forth.”

“There is no trade between the Families?”

“Oh, no, no, there is. But those deals are more about... ‘quality of life’? Am I saying this right?”

“I... think so... but can you try explaining what you mean?”

“Sure. Hmmm... Say you want to buy yourself some clothing. For special occasions.”

“Right, a formal wear.”

“Yes. You go to a local tailor from the caretakers caste.”

“Okay. Let me just use the opportunity to ask about something. What are the clothes made of? I think Rarity might be intrigued.”

“Wool. We have a measure of sheep on the hali beneath our dwellings.”

“’Hali’? Oh! Mountain meadows, by any chance?”

“Yes, that should be the expression. Each peak has some fruittenders who specialize in herding.”

“Are your sheep nocturnal?”

“I don’t think a sheep’s mind can grasp a concept such as night and day, let alone choose to live only during one of those...”

: giggle :

“So, I have the tailor who has the wool.”

“You will receive a good quality product, that will meet your requirements. But, if you seek something more, say a fancier pattern or a better quality material, you trade with the Dusk Family. They are famous for skilled herbalists, farmers and animal handlers.”

“Ah, now I see what you mean.”

“Exactly. Their peak is the closest to the Dalli, their meadows are greener and they know exactly how to prepare wool to make it as soft as possible. Their caretakers supply even the haspadri with their work.”

“Alright, I get it. But let’s get back to me paying for what I got at my own peak, without trading.”

“You negotiate the price with the caretaker.”

“What is the currency I need?”

“No, no, you do not use money in this situation. When you are dealing with a local, you do an exchange.”

“Exchange? So the tailor can, for example, ask for some furniture...? Is that it?”

“Or a performance, if you are a bard. Or to carry a letter to another peak, if you are a messenger. Or, if he himself desires to trade from a source from another Family, gems.”

“Ah! Are specific types of them used in this payment method?”

“Just pazn. Your word for it is ‘onyx’. We carve it into flat beads and use them as money, similar to your golden bits.”

“I see. But only to deal with traders from another Family, yes?”


“So a market based on exchange of goods and services in autarkical settlements... and a monetary system between the peaks. Intriguing.”

“This covers the basics, I think... if I am right to hope that the strange word you used means ‘self-sufficient’.”

“Yes, yes, exactly. Though, I think I would still want to know more. But, let us proceed to questions from others.”

“Oh... Do we have to? Answering you is far more satisfying.”

: laughter :

“Yes, we have to!”


: giggle :

“First, Cheerilee is asking about education in Noctraliya.”

“Our educational system is less developed than yours, I would say. For once, we do not have schools.”

“Really? So... parents teach their children themselves maybe?”

“Sometimes, yes. But most of the time local tutors from the priesthood are employed to take care of a group of children from a couple of households next to each other.”

“Ah! Are they holding lectures in open areas, reserved for scholar purposes, by any chance?”

“That is correct, usually plazas near local libraries. How did you guess?”

“It is an educational format Equestria had once, before we formed our current system.”

“I see.”

“What kind of lessons are there? What subjects are considered most important?”

“Well, you could divide it into five classes, using your terminology. First, reading and writing in Old and New Noctraliyan language. As well as some Modern Equestrian.”

“You did mention that you generally know it, yes.”

“Precisely. Then there is common knowledge, history of Noctraliya, religious dogmas and appropriate, social behavior and skills.”

“What is ‘common knowledge’?”

“It stretches from simple mathematics, through general understanding of alchemy, to lessons about nature surrounding us.”

“Ah, exact sciences. Biology, chemistry and so forth...”

“I wouldn’t be taking it so far, Twilight.”

“Oh? You surely don’t mean to say that you teach just absolute basics...”

“Actually, I do.”

: silence :

“Only primary level of exact sciences? Why is that?”

“We tend to value work more than theory within our society. Only those that require higher education to fulfill their role in the society are granted it.”

“So... it is not provided in any way otherwise? How can this be?”

“Well, you can always learn on your own. Each Mountain has an archive where you can find treaties on topics that interest you, from medicine to physics and so on. But, even then those do not cover the... ’academic’, I guess I could say, level.”

“Is that knowledge, what, hidden?”

“To a degree, yes.”

“Why? What is the reasoning behind this? Why keep the majority educated in such important matters like biology, or physics, on but a simple degree?”

“Now, now, it is not like that entirely...”

: sigh :

“Let me use an example again. Mine.”


“I received education and I read some books in the Maednoca Tabulre, our Family’s fabled library.”


“When it comes to biology, I know how my body is working, why are my wings formed like they are, why is my thirst so grand, how I can keep myself healthy... I also know how to treat common injuries, how to use basic herbs and so forth... But when it comes to operations, or more complicated treatments for illnesses, it is not my ... pre... prerro...”


“Yes, that’s the word. It is not my prerogative to know about those. Higher level biology is only for the healers from the fruittenders caste. They have their own works and books, reserved for them.’

“So... you cannot even read anything about it?”

“No. Caste rule.”

“But... what if somepony will need an operation, for example? You do not know how to do it!”

“I do not need to. This is what specialists are for.”

: silence :

“You are not going to tell me that, in Equestria, you expect every common pony on the street to try and save someone without proper training, just because he was able to read about how an operation should be conducted. Or are you?”

: silence :

“... that is... a surprisingly valid point.”

“You see?”

“But I still do not agree with keeping knowledge hidden for but a few chosen to possess it.”

“A noctral is expected to do one job properly – his. We do not need him to study how all others are doing their duties. Also, we do not normally feel the urge to possess a high level of education if it does not help us serve the society.”

“This is a somehow puzzling approach. But, I guess it covers the question.”

“That is just how…”

“... you are, I know... Let us proceed.”

“Very well.”


: paper flick :

“... I had a lot of ponies asking about your religion of the Immaculate Moon and the Judging Sun.”

“Go on, I will gladly share what I know.”

“I would like to start with the organization of it. Do you have a defined clergy?”

“There are three groups of the priesthood caste that could fall under that word. Effiti, antasi and arcemandri.”

“Are those forming a hierarchy?”

“No, they all have different roles. Effiti are our diviners, those that pray to the Immaculate Moon... and receive visions and omens. Antasi interpret the prophecies and conduct all of the major ceremonies. And the arcemandri offer spiritual aid to those that need it while dealing with local matters like marriages or death rites.”

“Even with those differences, are they still all grouped around the local herame? The shrine?”

“Yes, each herame has a number of priesthood caste members serving in it. And then the greatest of our visionaries gather in the Tuarie.”

“What is that? A special place of worship?”

“It is more than that... I really should have mentioned it before, it is a crucial place for us.”

“Please, tell more then.”

“Of course. Full name is Tuarie u Piarweu Noc. The Sanctuary of First Night. It is located near the center of our dominion, carved in the mountain that the legends say first noctrali came out of, answering the call of our Goddess.”

“Fascinating. Do continue, please.”

“It is a place serving many purposes. First and foremost, it has the main temple of the Immaculate Moon... in Noctraliya. It is also a place of gathering during the greatest events, a trading hub between the Mountains and it serves as a meeting place for the Covenant.”

“So it is your capital.”

“No, no. You see, from your point of view it would be considered as such, but not for us. It is more of a holy place than an administrative center.”

“Oh, that also makes sense. Your leadership is meeting where they are being firmly under the guidance of the Immaculate Moon, right?”

“Yes, that is exactly the case. They rule, following Her, just like our ancestors followed Her on that First Night, we believe.”

“Considering it is a holy place, what ceremonies are held there?”

“Anything that is not appropriate for being undertaken in a local herame. A revealing of a grand prophecy or the beginning of the rule of a new haspadr. Or when the priests decide that a grand prayer to the Immaculate Moon... is necessary. Many times during the Eclipse we gathered there, believing that we can aid our ailed Goddess by our veneration.”

“A prayer of the faithful healing a deity.”

“All that was left for us in those dark times now, thankfully, passed.”

“I will have one more question about religion, but I propose a break.”

“Alright. But maybe a short one? We have already talked for some time, you must be tired, Twilight. Staying up so late by Equestrian standards.”

“Oh, no, I am used to studying until late night hours. It’s nothing, really.”

“You are more of a noctrale than I thought.”

: laughter :

: click :