• Published 5th Apr 2014
  • 8,752 Views, 173 Comments

Rendezvous with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle manages to set up another interview with the amicable batpony of Ponyville. Yet another chance to uncover the secrets of those remarkable species.

  • ...

Part I

: click :

"Recording number two. This is Twilight Sparkle’s second interview with Midnight Wind, a batpony of Ponyville. Neskaza Lunee welae tuu noc illum."

"Ah! And may the Immaculate Moon... lighten your night too, Twilight Sparkle."

"I see you still bow your head respectfully every time you refer to your goddess."

"And I hear you still remember my little language lesson well, your pronunciation is quite solid."

: laughter :

"Thank you. And I sure do remember it well. Even if it has been quite a while since our last meeting."

"It was far, far too long, in my opinion. And many things have changed, haven’t they? Should I begin by bowing down, Princess Twilight?"

"Please, Midnight, don’t. I am not really into all this etiquette... and I don’t think I ever shall be. I am still Twilight Sparkle, just like you remember me."

"Oh, yes, I remember very well. The library illuminated by candlelight and the two of us."

"Uhm... yes, exactly! But this time we are meeting in a different place, so first let me specify, for the sake of the recording. The location is Midnight Wind’s house in Ponyville."

"A little, humble dwelling of mine, yes. Courtesy of your mayor."

"It is really cozy, Midnight. If dark."

"I am and shall always remain a 'night-dweller', you know."

: silent laughter :

"Before we move onto the questions, I would wish to know what you have been up to since the last time we talked, if that’s okay. We really didn’t have an opportunity to meet before tonight."

: chuckle :

"To be honest, Twilight, I think me asking you about what happened since our last meeting would make for a far more interesting story..."

: laughter :

"You might have a point, Midnight, but it is an interview with you, not me!"

"Fine. But you shall tell me later if I am talking to an Equestrian goddess right now."

: giggle :

"I shall. So, how are you doing?"

"Quite well, Twilight, thank you. As you might have spotted, I haven’t been around Ponyville too much since our interview."

"Yes, I did learn that you left Ponyville about two weeks after we talked."

"I wanted to contact you before I had to depart, but it was too short of a notice for me to do anything but to go straight to my headquarters. Official order."

"It’s alright, I understand. But you came back about a week ago, you visited me on the same day."

"Yes, so I did. I am now officially and permanently assigned to Ponyville area. And I am glad, I grew rather fond of this town..."

"It’s wonderful, isn’t it? I was quite skeptic myself when I came to live here, but now I cannot imagine another place to be."

"Understandable, with your friends living here also. I still miss iaa dileca Noctraliya badly though."

"Homesick, Midnight?"

"Like every noctral away from our lands, as you might imagine."

"And you didn’t visit your homeland throughout these months?"

"No, I didn’t have an opportunity, I was in Canterlot all this time. But I am managing, I kill the longing by focusing on my duties. And, when everything else was failing during those months, I was helping myself to the delicious supply of Ponyville’s apples, if our quartermasters managed to acquire those..."

: giggle :

"Oh? So you like our town mostly because of the food?"

"Nonsense. I have far, far better personal reasons. Apples remain tasty nonetheless though."

: giggle :

"So, what was the reason for your stay away from Ponyville?"

"Business of the Nocferrat. Did I tell you my purpose here in the previous interview?"

"No, you didn’t. I listened to it at least twenty-seven times through the first month and I returned to it at least a dozen times lately, so I would recall you saying that."

: silence :

"... I'm sorry...?"

"I think it might have been fourteen times during the last week actually, come to think of it. First time after we met and managed to set up the date of the interview, then the next day, right in the morning, then..."

"Pardon for my interruption... why?"


"Why did you listen to it so many times, before and now? Seems... overzealous."

"Oh! I wanted to remember all of the details! You were sharing so much valuable information and knowledge! Besides, I love the way you talk about your race and country. I can tell you are very proud of your heritage and origins."

"Ah, I see now... Interesting..."

"... why do you have that look, Midnight?"

: laughter :

"Just a funny thought crossed my mind, it’s not important."

"Oh, okay. So, what is Nightguard’s business in Ponyville then?"


"Wait, let me guess!"

: chuckle :

"Alright. Go on."

"You... are planning to have an outpost here!"

"W desat."

"Pardon? 'Desat' means 'ten', if I remember the numerals you told me..."

"Yes. This expression literally means 'in the ten'. I think your equivalent is 'bull’s-eye'?"

"Oh! Yes, it is. So I was right!"

"Yes, you were. The Nightguard wants to strengthen its presence, so that we can, alongside the Royal Guard, assure the safety of the population, in service of the Immaculate Moon..."

"Just like before the Eclipse."

"Precisely. Your mayor and my commander are still discussing the placement of the station and some logistic details. And those outpost plans are the reason why I had to be present at my garrison in Canterlot personally."

"Why is that? Do you have something to do with it?"

"Well... I am considered the leader of the future local squad."

"That’s a promotion! Congratulations, Midnight!"

"Thank you, it’s very kind of you..."

: silence :

"You do not sound too excited about it..."

"Hmmm? Oh, no, I am rather happy. Maybe I’m just not showing it too well."

"Is there something troubling you?"

"Not really, no. I am just slightly tired with all this process of acquiring leadership."

"I understand that this can be a bit straining."

"Yes. I spent long, long hours preparing. Also, as a future head of the outpost, I already have reports that are to be sent to the Covenant quite often. Even if we serve under the Immaculate Moon... herself, we answer to the haspadri still."

"Tons of paperwork?"

"Not that much, actually. But the Nocferrat is also viewed as a testimony to Noctraliyau strength."

"So you have to prove that you are doing your work properly."

"Correct. Also, the Lords were asking about you quite often."


"Yes. As you remember, you are considered a hero and the one who lead the saviors of our Goddess..."

"I remember you telling me that, yes."

"As such, the Covenant at least a dozen times asked whether you, or your friends, finally considered visiting Noctraliya..."

"Oh my! I completely forgot about this proposition! But... wait, they could have messaged me personally! I would be delighted to exchange letters with them."

"I don’t see that happening. You see, the Covenant is quite... how to say it... distrustful?"


"Yes. Not of you, in particular, the fact that they allowed me to share information with you proves it."

"You did mention that you normally don’t talk about yourselves..."

"Correct. The haspadri just do not trust Equestrians in general. They never personally contacted anypony from here, aside from the Immaculate Moon... herself."

"You do realize, Midnight, that it is not easy, welcoming batponies back into the society, if your leadership acts like they do. Are they posing for leaders of a secret organization? If so, I hope they quickly drop their attitude."

: sigh :

"I do see your point, Twilight. But, in my opinion, you visiting Noctraliya personally seems to be the only solution. To discuss the matter of greater cooperation between Equestria and our Lords. Would you consider such a possibility? The savior of the Immaculate Moon... would be listened to very carefully, you know..."

"You might be right, it seems like a proper way to finish this impasse. I shall talk to Princess Luna about it."

"Thank you, Twilight."

"I suppose you had to come up with a lot of excuses for my lack of plans concerning this trip..."

"It wasn’t too hard, really, considering the amount of weird situations you were entangled with quite often over these months. Ah, I should have started with it... you have the thanks of Noctraliya yet again."


"Once more you brought our Goddess back to us. Night and day at the same time was a rather moving sight. May the sky never be shared like that again."

"We are all glad we got Princess Celestia and Princess Luna back quickly."

"You are truly an incredible mare, Twilight Sparkle..."

"Oh... Thank you, Midnight."

"You are masterful with your magic, you rescue Goddesses themselves... You even..."

: chuckle :

"... create vampires."

"Ugh, so you heard about that. Yes, but it was just a mishap, you know..."

"I learned this was the case, yes. I just think it was a pity I wasn’t around at the time. I guess you could have used this opportunity to make a pony-to-pony comparison between me and Fluttershy, the Kind in her bat form..."

: giggle :

"Some similarities were visible, you know."

"Oh, I am aware of those. It is amusing, really. I thought one needs one thousand years of gossip to create a tale of such an incredible, fantastical creature and yet you created a living, breathing example that was pretty close to this legendary perfection. With one spell. Over the course of, what, two nights?"

"Very funny, Midnight."

: silent laughter :

"Now, now, Twilight, don’t be mad, I just find it quite... ironic, I guess the word is?"

"To some extent at least, yes. Actually, that matter intrigues me. Do you have vampire fruit bats in your country?"

"Eternal praise to the Immaculate Moon... we do not. I heard that they help the trees grow stronger in the long run, but even one season of such an infestation would mean a disastrous famine..."

"You do not possess a surplus in case of a ruined harvest?"

"No. We already use every possible scrap of land, but our needs are too grand."

"And you cannot keep fruit fresh for too long, no?"

"Exactly. Not even the fruittenders’ caves under the orchards can keep supplies drinkable for a long time. It’s enough for us to survive until another harvest, but an actual storage? Impossible."

"Do shortages happen?"

"No, not really. Although they did in the past. I remember reading in the history books about a particularly vicious winter that struck Noctraliya a few centuries before our contact with Equestria. The blizzards covered the Dalli in snow and the frostbitten ground gave us no fruit. The consequences were... almost fatal."

"By the Princess..."

"Thanks be to the Immaculate Moon... it never happened again. Some of the chroniclers state that a manner of evil spirits from the north were responsible for the disaster, but they do not give more specific information... Alright, anyway, I think we wasted enough of your tape by now!"

"Oh! No, no! Don’t worry, it has plenty of capacity. Besides, talking to you is never a waste! Especially not a waste of tape."

: silent laughter :

"Feeling better then. So, what do you wish to learn tonight?"

"Actually, I am not alone tonight."

"Hmmm? What do you mean? I don’t want to share those moments with anypony else."

: laughter :

"Stop with this silly grin! What I mean is – I took the pleasure of asking around Ponyville and gathering some questions from my friends so I can ask them alongside my own."

"Ah, I see. Did you get a big number?"

"Quite big, actually. I do not have to tell you, the whole town was intrigued with your presence from the very start. And you are still quite peculiar to everypony."

"Tell me about it. I got my measure of terrified stares and quickly closed windows already."

: giggle :

"You should talk with Zecora then, she was in a similar situation once."

"Oh, the lupule?"


"The witch?"


: laughter :

"Forgive me, Twilight. A fruittender who specializes in herbal medicine in Noctraliya is called in such a way and your “witch” concept was the closest comparison I could think of."

"Oh, I see! Still, not a kind way of referring to somepony."

"I shall behave from now on."

: giggle :

"So, I figured out that if the rest of Ponyville is allowed to learn more about you directly, aside from what I gathered in the previous recording, everypony shall feel even more at ease with a “vampire” living around. Especially if you are meant to stay for good."

"Fair enough. Although, I cannot lie, it pleases a noctraliu wampir to be a bit intimidating."

"Maybe your appearance has such an alarming effect, but, in reality, you are nothing but nice and kind."

"If you don’t mind, I shall take that as a blatant compliment."

: laughter :


: paper flicking :

"... I put those in order. We shall start with those concerning you in person, then those about your race and country. Of course, we can do them in whatever way you wish, if that would make them easier to answer."

"Ready for anything you throw at me, Twilight. Ask away."

"Good, let’s begin! First, I have somepony who desires to remain anonymous."

"We are off to a good start, I see..."

: giggle :

"Well, I find this question rather amusing, because I think I see the hidden... implication of it."

"Do enlighten me."

"Our unknown inquirer wishes to know whether you are married, Midnight."

: silence :

"I was."


"She died. Three years ago."

: sigh :

"Neskaza Lunee... risunae ad tue wiecn, iaa dilece."

"I... I’m so sorry, Midnight. I... I had no idea, I didn’t mean to..."

"It’s alright, Twilight... She is amongst our ancestors now..."

"What happened to her...?"

"An accident... Even though we know our mountains well, they can claim lives too..."

"An avalanche...?"

"Yes. She was venturing to the Iug u Waesper... the Mountain of Dusk, to visit her Family, when a rockslide came down. A warrior unit assigned to keeping the crossing clean found it blocked and proceeded to clear it... That’s when they found her... underneath."

: silence :

"I had no idea she was... dead. When she didn’t return for the day, I thought she stayed at her parents a bit longer. Or she just didn’t want to venture back on the same night, there were signs of an upcoming snowstorm. Next thing I knew was a messenger coming to me, bearing news..."

"I... you have my sympathy, Midnight..."

"Thank you, Twilight Sparkle... I just..."

: snivel :

"... I wish I was there... I wish I was there, digging through the rocks, even with my bare hooves. Maybe then... Maybe if the other squad had known somepony was underneath, they could have... Maybe she would still..."

"Midnight... Do you want us to stop recording for now...?"

"I... yes..."

: click :