• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 3,629 Views, 87 Comments

Love Your Difference - BronyDad

Fluttershy is no longer herself and needs convincing from her friends to return to normal. However, the more they try, the more distant she becomes, and Twilight worries that they may lose their friend forever.

  • ...

Ails and Remedies

Chapter 5

Ails and Remedies

Watching Rarity as she slowly stood and attempted to straighten out her mane, Twilight confirmed, "Yeah, I think so."

"So, now what do we do?" Rainbow Dash asked, sounding worried for the first time all day.

"I-I don't know," Twilight replied, feeling helpless. She glanced over at Pinkie Pie, who was still lying on the ground, poking at the dirt with her hoof unhappily. Then she turned her gaze to Fluttershy, still sitting on the log and staring at the branches above with an angry expression on her face.

Suddenly, Twilight stood up determinedly.

Her friends needed her. Pinkie Pie was upset and scared, Rainbow Dash could break out in a song and dance at any moment, Rarity had just become a country girl, and Twilight didn't even know what was going on with Fluttershy. They were counting on her, she would not fail them.

So think, she urged herself. What other options are there? The tree was the simplest solution, I should have known it wouldn't work. Magic is still worth a try, but I would have to take them all the way back to the library to do more research. If I tell them I want to leave the forest, will they think I'm giving up on them? But there weren't any other options in the Everfree Forest...or were there?

Realizing that the other five had been watching her expectantly since she had stood, Twilight flashed them a confident smile. "I think we need to go see Zecora."

Applejack hopped off the log. "That's a great idea, Twilight. We..." She trailed off when she noticed that Rarity was staring at her strangely, but when she turned, Rarity quickly looked away. Giving Rarity a funny look, Applejack continued, "We should get on over to her place lickety-split. I'm sure sh-" Turning abruptly to Rarity, who was once again staring at her, Applejack heatedly asked, "Can I help you?"

"Nope. I'm fine," Rarity replied.

Turning back to Twilight and obviously irritated, Applejack concluded. "She'll be able to help us, what with all her herbal knowledge and...WHAT THE HAY!" Applejack suddenly shouted, grabbing at her head.

Without warning, Rarity had snatched Applejack's hat from her head and placed it on her own, smiling pleasantly as she fidgeted with it until it sat just right.

As Applejack made to angrily take it back, Twilight quickly stepped between them. "Hold on, Applejack. She's like you now, remember? She's going to want that hat as much as you."

"B-but," Applejack stammered. "I-I love that hat."

She gave Applejack a pleading look. "Can you let her keep it for now? Please?"

"Fine," Applejack said with a heavy sigh. To Rarity, she added resentfully, "You can keep it for now, but I'm gonna want it back in a bit and ya better not give me no hassle bout it."

Smiling, Rarity tipped the hat in appreciation. "Thank you kindly."

Walking past Twilight, Applejack quietly mumbled, "She's gonna get on my nerves real quick."

Struggling not to laugh and further irritate Applejack, Twilight led the way to Zecora's.

A kindly sage who always spoke in rhyme, Zecora held many mysteries, and had the answers to many more. With her expert herbal skills and vast knowledge of both the magical arts and magical creatures, Twilight felt certain that Zecora would be able to help them out of this sticky situation.

They had met Zecora a couple of years ago, back when Twilight herself was still new to Ponyville. She had discovered that whenever Zecora came to town, the ponyfolk would all hide inside their homes out of fear. When her friends told her the stories they had heard about Zecora, Twilight had shrugged them off and tried to convince them that the stories were probably nothing more than idle gossip and rumors and that they should try and meet her instead of just believing what they've heard. Although her talk didn't convince any of her friends, it did give Apple Bloom, Applejack's little sister, enough courage to follow Zecora back into the Everfree Forest. Thanks to Apple Bloom's bravery, the six friends had had quite the misadventure that had ended with Zecora as a new and very valuable friend.

As they started off, Twilight glanced back to check on Pinkie Pie, who was bringing up the rear of their little group, and saw a single tear run down her face. Dropping back and allowing the others to pull ahead, Twilight trotted alongside her. "Pinkie, what's wrong?"

Pinkie Pie sniffled. "It's just that...I was really hoping the willow would fix us."

"I know." Twilight sighed. "I was really hoping it would help us too."

"And now, poor Rarity..." Pinkie Pie paused a moment as another tear rolled down her cheek. "She is under the spell too."

"Don't worry about Rarity, she'll be fine," Twilight reassured her. "She isn't any worse off than the rest of you, and you'll see, Zecora will fix all of you up in no time."

"I know, it's just th-"

"Quit being such a crybaby, for Celestia's sake!" Fluttershy suddenly interrupted.

"Fluttershy!" Twilight exclaimed, outraged as Pinkie Pie cowered away.

Ignoring Twilight, Fluttershy continued, "I mean, none of us are happy that the tree couldn't help us, or about Rarity, but-"

"Stop it, Fluttershy," Twilight warned.

"What is crying going to help? Do you see the rest of us crying? No, y-"

"Shut your apple pie hole!" Applejack commanded.

Turning, Twilight found Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity all glaring at Fluttershy, who seemed too surprised by their negative reaction toward her to argue. Realizing that their situation was about to turn ugly, and wanting to prevent anypony from saying something that she would later regret, Twilight quickly gripped Fluttershy's hoof and gave them a large, false smile. "Could you excuse us for just a moment? Fluttershy and I really need to have a private chat."

Before any of them could answer, Twilight and Fluttershy vanished in a flash of magenta light, and reappeared on the top of a hill that Twilight had spotted in the distance. Looking back, she could just barely make out her friends as they all gathered protectively around Pinkie Pie.

Turning her attention back to Fluttershy, who looked dazed by her sudden teleportation, Twilight demanded, "What in the wide world of Equestria were you doing back there?"

Seemingly unsteady on her hooves, Fluttershy shook her head. "I'm just so sick of Pinkie Pie. She's been nothing but a scaredy-pony ever since we entered the Everfree Forest, and now she's being a crybaby. I mean, how are the rest of you able to put up with it?"

"Because," Twilight retorted, "she is scared, upset, confused, and needs the support of her friends. You aren't helping her any by attacking her like that."

"Well..." Fluttershy hesitated, suddenly unsure of herself in the face of Twilight's anger. "We just need to get to Zecora's as soon as possible. And we really can't afford to have a pony as...weak as Pinkie Pie slowing us down."

"Weak," Twilight repeated, shocked. "Is that how you think of your true self?" When Fluttershy remained silent, she continued, "Relying on your friends is not a weakness. Being able to admit that you need help, that you can't handle things on your own, that's something many ponies are unable to do, and it most certainly does not make you weak. Fluttershy draws strength from us. As long as we will stand with her, and give her our love and support, she can overcome any fear and conquer any obstacle. That is what Pinkie Pie needs from us right now, what she needs from you." As Fluttershy hung her head, Twilight added, more gently, "She would do the same for you."

"Yeah," Fluttershy said, quietly. "She would, wouldn't she?"

Although Twilight felt sorry for Fluttershy, she believed that it was important to drive in her point. "Look, I understand that you may view your true self as weak, and maybe you are acting overly brave to feel better about it, but we're your friends, you don't have to pretend to be something you're not around us."

Suddenly, Fluttershy leaped into the air and yelled, "Pretend?! I'm not pretending to be brave, I am brave. What do you know anyway? What do any of you know?!"

"I know that the real Rainbow Dash would never treat Fluttershy the way you've been treating Pinkie Pie," Twilight came back.

"Well...well maybe she should!"

Dismayed by this statement, Twilight said, "You don't mean that."

"How could you know what I mean?" Fluttershy asked angrily, then dashed away.

Seeing that she was headed back toward their friends, Twilight focused on the spot she wanted to travel to, and with another flash of light, teleported next to a startled Rarity.

A moment later, Fluttershy landed next to Pinkie Pie, who covered her eyes with her hooves at her approach.

"I'm sorry I called you a crybaby, Pink."

Slowly, Pinkie Pie lowered her hooves and nodded, but still avoided Fluttershy's eyes. Putting a hoof under Pinkie Pie's chin, Fluttershy lifted her head and held her gaze. "Now, c'mon and show us all how tough Pinkie Pie is."

With a small smile, Pinkie Pie timidly replied, "Okay."

Turning, Fluttershy threw Twilight a dirty look, and then took the lead. After a few moments, the others slowly followed.

"See, I told ya she would come round," Applejack stated to Pinkie Pie. "Feelin' better now?"

"Lots," Pinkie Pie answered with a shy smile as she stepped forward and nuzzled Applejack affectionately. "Thanks."

Applejack returned her smile. "Now you go on ahead and catch up with the others, Twilight and I need to have a talk. We'll be along shortly."

Watching Pinkie Pie trot away, her curly mane and bushy tail bouncing with every step, Applejack asked, "What do ya reckon is goin' on with Fluttershy?"

"She's getting worse," Twilight responded. "She believes old Fluttershy is weak, and resents her for it."

Frowning at the information Twilight had just given her, Applejack unconsciously raised a hoof to fidget with her hat. Upon realizing she wasn't wearing it, she made a sour face. "But what's that got to do with Pinkie Pie? Why is she attackin' her so often?"

"Think about it," Twilight explained. "Pinkie has Fluttershy's personality, and right now, Fluttershy feels very insecure about her old self, so sh-"

"She's basically attackin' herself." Applejack finished. "It's her way of copin' with her insecurities. Actin' brave and putting Pinkie down makes her feel better bout herself, and her so-called weakness."

"That's exactly it," Twilight confirmed.

"But that ain't right, Twilight. Especially not for Pinkie Pie."

Suddenly unable to hold back her emotions any longer, Twilight's eyes brimmed with tears. "I'm worried, Applejack. I'm worried that we're losing her, and I can't do anything to stop it."

"Twilight...maybe it's not up to you to stop it," Applejack told her, placing a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "Maybe Fluttershy needs to realize on her own what's best for her. All we can do is to be her friends and show her how much the old Fluttershy means to us."

"But...but she's getting more and more angry."

"Then we need to get more and more patient," Applejack stated firmly. "Our job is to focus on showin' her nothin' but love and acceptance. If we do that, she'll come to see the truth. In her heart, Fluttershy already knows it, and with our support, it will burn so brightly that she won't be able to ignore it." Removing her hoof and stepping back, Applejack added, "Besides, once we reach Zecora's, ya'll will figure somethin' out lickety-split."

"You're right, of course," Twilight said, wiping her eyes. "You're always right."

With an embarrassed smile, Applejack scratched her head. "Shoot, I don't know bout all that, but I sure am glad to help ya."

As they began following the others, Rainbow Dash swooped down from above, and landing directly in front of Twilight, scooped her up in a great big hug that lifted her off the ground.

"Rainbow!" Twilight gasped with the last of her air as she kicked her legs wildly in a futile attempt to breathe.

Finally releasing her, Rainbow Dash stepped back and smiled brightly. Panting, Twilight asked, "What was that all about?"

"Hugs are totally funnerific, especially when you share them with friends!" Rainbow Dash said enthusiastically. "And you looked like you needed to share some!" Suddenly serious, Rainbow Dash reared up and spread out her forelegs expectantly. "Want another?"

"No, no," Twilight said quickly, stumbling out of Rainbow Dash's reach. "But thank you."

Matching her pace, Rainbow Dash watched Twilight silently as she trotted beside her. Twilight, not used to being studied in this fashion by either Rainbow Dash nor Pinkie Pie, began to grow uncomfortable. Finally, she asked, "What's wrong Dash? Are you worried about something?"

"Just you," answered Rainbow Dash in a quiet, very un-Pinkie like tone. "Why are your eyes all red, have you been crying?"

Embarrassed, Twilight looked at the ground. "Yeah."

"You've been beating yourself up about all of this ever since the library," Rainbow Dash said seriously. "It's not your fault, you know."

"I know..."

"It's also not your fault that you couldn't find a way to fix it, not even an egghead like you can have all the solutions."

With a gasp, Twilight came to a sudden stop, eyes wide. Surprised, Rainbow Dash turned. "What?"

Pointing a hoof at Rainbow Dash in astonishment, Twilight exclaimed, "Y-you're not acting like Pinkie, you're talking like Rainbow Dash! Only Rainbow calls me an egghead, you sound just like her!"

Rainbow Dash broke out in a huge grin. "That's great, because I am me!" Then, tapping her chin in thought, she pondered, "Or is it because me am I?"

Frowning, Twilight stared at the Pegasus. She knew that she had just been talking to the real Rainbow Dash, but now Pinkie Pie's personality had taken over again. It was exactly like what had happened to Pinkie Pie when they had first left Ponyville, and just like Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash didn't seem to have noticed.

In a bright, cheery voice, Rainbow Dash announced, "I've got something to tell you, something that will turn that sad frown upside down!"

"What?" Twilight asked, feeling more confused than ever.

"I know I never act like it," Rainbow Dash said in a sincere tone, "and I call you an egghead a lot. But the truth is, I really respect you."

"Oh, Rainbow..."

"It's true," Rainbow Dash insisted. "You know so much, and you're super smart, and even when the rest of us are lost or confused, you always know what to do. I could never do some of the things you've done. It makes me proud to be your friend."

Touched, Twilight smiled warmly. "Thanks, Rainbow."

"See, I told you!" Rainbow Dash cried loudly, pointing a hoof at Twilight's face in triumph. "I knew that would bring out a smile!"

"Yeah, but when the real Rainbow Dash is back, you won't be smiling," Twilight replied with a chuckle. "She is going to be appalled that she told me this."

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Well, maybe she'll remember why I told you and not mind so much."

"Yeah...maybe," Twilight smirked, still unconvinced.

"Besides, she needs to understand that not just any smile would do," Rainbow Dash explained. "Only the right kind of smile would have helped you in this situation."

"What do you mean 'the right kind of smile?' Aren't all smiles the same?"

"Of course not, silly," Rainbow Dash replied, playfully smacking Twilight's shoulder. "There's several kinds of smiles, and it's important to know which is needed at which time, and how to create each of them." As she continued, Rainbow Dash began to speak faster and faster, until Twilight found herself wondering how she could possibly be breathing.

"First, there's the happy smile, that's the smile you get when you feel all warmy and glowey inside, then there's the laugh smile, which really isn't even a smile at all, it's just the side effect of laughter, and it usually occurs just before, or immediately after a laugh, or sometimes both before and after! And there's the feel good smile, that's the one I just gave you. See, you didn't need to laugh, or feel happy, you just needed to feel good, so I knew the feel good smile was just right for you! Oh, I almost forgot about the carefree smiles, how could I forget them? Those are the smiles I usually create for myself! You wanna hear about them? You do?! Great! So, last I checked there are about thirty four types of carefree smiles, the first being-"

Rolling her eyes and wearing a cheerful grin, Twilight followed her friends as Rainbow Dash continued her long-winded explanation. They all knew that there was simply no stopping Pinkie Pie once she started on a topic such as this, and the best thing to do was to find a way to preoccupy yourself until the silly Earth pony finally ran out of things to say.

Although she briefly wondered if maybe she should worry about how quickly the spell had restrained Rainbow Dash's true self, Twilight couldn't help but giggle as she watched the prideful Pegasus mimic one of Pinkie Pie's most common antics.

Simply tuning Rainbow Dash out as she walked, Twilight spotted Rarity fidgeting with Applejack's hat. With her styled mane that bounced with every step, the hat sat precariously atop her head, and needed constant readjusting. Amused, Twilight watched the Unicorn as she stubbornly propped the hat against her horn, only to have it slip after a few feet.

Another pony was watching Rarity as well, and after a couple minutes, Applejack moved to trot beside her. Quickly raising a hoof protectively over the hat, Rarity eyed Applejack suspiciously.

"Whoa there, girl, I ain't tryin' to take the hat," Applejack assured her. "I just wanna talk to ya is all."

"What is it you all want to talk about?" Rarity asked.

Cringing, Applejack said, "It's bad enough that I gotta listen to ya talk like me in your fancy like prissy voice, but could ya at least do it proper like? Y'all is plural, you're only talkin' to me, so ya shouldn't use y'all."

Turning and flying backward, Fluttershy commented, "You use y'all for one pony all the time, A.J."

"Oh, she does! She does!" Rainbow Dash agreed, jumping up and down excitedly.

"Well...it ain't right," Applejack insisted. "If I made that mistake, then I reckon somethin' big must have been happenin' that distracted me."

"Actually, we were up at Sweet Apple Acres just talking when you last did it to me," Twilight chimed in.

Coming to a halt, Applejack leaned forward and glared at Twilight. With her neck fully extended and a back leg lifted off the ground, she demanded, "Just who's side y'all on, anyway?!"

"There it was again! She just did it again!" Rainbow Dash cried happily.

"Consarn it!" Applejack exclaimed, angrily kicking a rock.

Twilight placed a hoof on Applejack's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Applejack, we weren't trying to make you mad."

Applejack shrugged off Twilight's hoof. "Don't be, I shouldn't be gettin' all worked up over nothin'." Looking at Rarity, she continued, "Anyway, you do realize you're not a country pony, don't ya?"

Scowling, Rarity lowered her head, as if she were about to charge. "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm sayin' you're a prissy fuss bucket who loves wearin' froufrou dresses." Seeing the look of outrage on Rarity's face, Applejack quickly added, "It's the truth! You're under a spell, you've gotta trust me."

"Trust you? You're just after my hat," Rarity stated. "I wouldn't trust you anymore then I'd trust Pinkie Pie to watch over my cupcake."

At that exact moment, both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie fell to the ground, and covering their faces with their hooves, cried out in unison. "It's true!"

Intending to help Applejack convince Rarity of the truth, Twilight instead became distracted by the two ponies lying on the ground. She had expected something like that from Rainbow Dash, but not Pinkie Pie. The fact that they had both reacted the same way and said the same thing told her that, at that precise moment, both of them had been the same pony.

"Your hat!" Applejack exclaimed, interrupting Twilight's thoughts. "It's my hat, goll-darn it!"

"How in blazes is it your hat?" Rarity challenged. "Just cause you took it while I was sleeping doesn't make it yours."

"I didn't take nothin'," Applejack retorted. "Ya never wore that hat a day of your life til now."

"That ain't true at all," Rarity argued. "I don't go nowhere without my hat."

Suddenly rounding on Twilight, ears flat against her head and her face flushed with anger, Applejack grumbled, "This is ridiculous! I know that she's got my personality now and all, but I ain't never been this stubborn."

"Oh, yeah?" Fluttershy said with amusement. "Do I really need to remind you of the bunny stampede that trampled through Ponyville and destroyed every garden in town?"

"Land sakes!" Applejack cried out with a frustrated hoof stomp. "There are some things that a pony just can't live down!"

"Applejack is telling the truth, Rarity," Twilight interrupted. "You're not your true self right now, you are under a spell cast by the Sleeping Weeping Willow."

"The Sleeping...Weeping Willow?" Rarity repeated slowly as she began to recall the events that led them to the tree. Then, with a gasp, she rounded on Twilight. "The others! Are they cured? We made it to the willow, right? I remember seeing it."

Ears drooping, Twilight answered, "No, Rarity, they are still under the spell, and you have fallen under it as well."


"Yes, Rarity, you have," Applejack said gently, having gotten her temper under control. "But don't you worry none, sugar cube, we're all here for ya."

With Fluttershy still in the lead, the six friends continued their trek to Zecora's home. As they trotted on, Applejack began helping Rarity to remember who she was by asking her questions about her sister, Sweetie Belle, as well as reminding her of her love of all things beautiful.

This freed Twilight to turn her thoughts back to Pinkie Pie's behavior. Had she witnessed Pinkie Pie's true self emerge for a second time? Now, the Earth pony was trotting slowly, her wide eyes darting this way and that, obviously Fluttershy once again. How was this happening, and what exactly did it mean?

Preoccupied with these thoughts, Twilight didn't notice the snake slithering across her path until she nearly stepped on it. Upon seeing its long green body and black lidless eyes, Twilight cried out in fear and vanished in a flash of magenta light, reappearing in another flash of light on a thick branch several feet above the ground.

"Make it go away, make it go away," Twilight pleaded as she stared at the reptile with horror.

Hearing Twilight's cry, Applejack turned, and seeing her in the tree and the snake below, snatched her hat from Rarity's head. Slowly approaching the snake, she began to wave her hat at it.

Rising up beside Twilight, and observing her clinging to the branch as though it were trying to shake her off, Fluttershy smirked. "So, you think this is a strength, huh? It looks more like a weakness to me."

Ignoring Fluttershy's condescending tone, Twilight exclaimed, "I hate snakes, Fluttershy, I hate 'em!"

"Come on!" Fluttershy rolled her eyes. "Show a little backbone, will ya!"

Advancing on the hissing snake as it backed away, Applejack shooed it with her hat until it turned and disappeared into the brush. Placing her hat atop her head, Applejack called up to Twilight. "All clear."

With another flash, Twilight teleported back to the ground and smiled self-consciously at Applejack. "Thanks."

Glaring at Fluttershy, Applejack seemed about to say something, but was interrupted by a voice that came to them from the thicket further ahead.

"Who is it that makes all that noise out there? Be it a creature, or be it a stallion or mare?"

Instantly cheered up by the familiar voice, Twilight hollered, "Zecora, it's Twilight, my friends and I need your help."

Emerging from the thick brush, Zecora spotted them and smiled heartily. Being a Zebra, Zecora's coat was mainly white, with dark gray stripes on her face and mane, along her back and tail, and on her legs. She wore a large gold earring on each ear, as well as five gold neck rings, and another five on her left foreleg. A dark gray spiral sun stood out against her plain white flank.

"I was gathering herbs for my potion when I was drawn here by your commotion," she stated with a strong accent.

Twilight grinned sheepishly. "Yeah, I just had a bit of a scare. But there is something wrong with my friends, Zecora. They were-"

"Speak no more until you follow me home and have a seat," Zecora interrupted. "For I must say, all of you look beat."

Knowing that they were only about ten minutes away from Zecora's home, Twilight agreed that their problems could wait. Besides, everything that Zecora would need to create a potion that could counteract the spell would be there anyway.

Glancing back at the other five, Twilight found that her friends already seemed to be in better spirits. All around were expressions of hope and relief as they found comfort in the company of the wise sage, even Pinkie Pie was holding herself more confidently. Inspired by her friends, Twilight felt the last of her worry and anxiety slip away as she followed the Zebra home.

But then she noticed Fluttershy.

Hovering a couple of feet above her friends, Fluttershy seemed as angry as ever, and while Twilight watched, she sent a nasty look to an unaware Pinkie Pie trotting below. Once again, Twilight found herself wondering what was happening to the Pegasus, and if they could fix it before it was too late.

Thankfully, before she could fret over Fluttershy for too long, they arrived at Zecora's home.

Like the Golden Oaks Library, Zecora's dwelling was carved inside a giant tree, but unlike the library's tree, this tree was as sinister as any other in the Everfree Forest. With a tall and twisted trunk, branches that erupted at awkward angles, and large roots that reached out from the ground before it, the tree looked as if it had spent decades struggling to escape from the earth that imprisoned it.

The first time the six friends had come here, they had been frightened by this place, and even now, Twilight didn't need to wonder why. With a decorative mask leaning against one of its large protruding roots, a smaller mask hanging above the door as well as several glass bottles of various colors hanging from vines, and two windows illuminated with candlelight on either side of the door that resembled glowing eyes, the Zebra's home fit right in with its creepy surroundings.

Inside wasn't much better, but once the ponies had learned that the masks were from Zecora's homeland, and the bottles were for her numerous potions, they overcame their initial fear and found it to be quite cozy.

Consisting of a single large, circular room, there were no furnishings except for the bed in a small alcove to the right of the door. Instead, shelves and tables were carved from the walls, holding various bottles of potions and ingredients, books, and candles. In the center of the room was a small fire pit ringed with stones upon which a large cauldron sat, bubbling and hissing as it brewed Zecora's latest concoction. Hanging from the walls were several more decorative masks, and a dreamcatcher was fixed to the door.

As the six friends entered and lay wearily on the floor, the fragrance from the steaming cauldron drifted over them. A pleasant scent, containing a hint of mint, the smell quickly reminded Twilight of how long it had been since her last meal as her stomach rumbled expectantly.

"You got anything to eat in this joint?" Fluttershy asked.

Shocked by Fluttershy's bad manners, Twilight reprimanded, "Fluttershy, don't be rude."

Waving a hoof at Twilight dismissively, Zecora studied Fluttershy thoughtfully for a moment. "I do not have anything for you hungry ponies six, but if you don't mind the wait, something I could quickly fix."

"No, that's all right," Twilight replied quickly, still eyeing Fluttershy with displeasure. "We need your expertise in herbalism for much more than a meal."

Opening her saddlebag, Zecora removed a long green vine and began to cut it into small pieces on the table next to the door. "Tell me, Twilight Sparkle, what ails you, and I will begin the appropriate brew.

"Well, um," Twilight hesitated as she tried to decide where to begin. "Do you know anything about the Sleeping Weeping Willow?"

As she dropped the pieces of vine into the cauldron and began stirring, Zecora answered, "Ah yes, I know well the Sleeping Weeping Willow. There is a good reason the grass around it is soft as a pillow."

"Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity are all under its spell now," Twilight explained hopefully. "Do you know how to counteract the spell?"

"I once saw this happen to a robin and chipmunk, they were left in quite a funk." Zecora smiled reassuringly. "It is not a spell but a simple hypnosis, a mind trick that hides the truth right under their noses."

Realization struck Twilight like a runaway carriage. "That explains it!" she exclaimed loudly.

Noticing Zecora's quizzical look, Twilight elaborated. "Both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash have shown a hint of their true selves, but then almost immediately went back to the way they are now. They're fighting it, Zecora! If their true selves can push through, even just for a moment, then they still have a chance to overcome it for good!"

Zecora nodded but remained silent as she lifted a ladle and began pouring her mixture into several large bottles. After corking all the bottles, she said, "If your friends continue their fight, overcome it on their own they just might. It could take a couple of days, but I know an easier way." Indicating a shelf on the other side of the room, she stated, "I can cure their woes with ease. Would you fetch me that green jar, please?"

As Twilight reached across the room with her magic and brought the jar floating toward them, Zecora explained, "In that jar is an extract from the Sun Glow's sprout. It will cure your friends without a doubt."

Pinkie Pie, who had been lying on the floor and watching Rarity sadly, suddenly perked up at the mention of an unknown plant. "What's a Sun Glow?" she asked, intrigued.

"It is a beautiful flower of immense size," Zecora answered. "That glows with the golden orange of a sunrise."

"It sounds wonderful," Pinkie Pie replied softly, her eyes wide with fascination.

Relief flooded through Twilight, she had known that Zecora would hold the answer. Still, as was her nature, a small bit of her worry remained. "And you're sure it'll work?"

"The Sun Glow's sprout will clear their minds," Zecora spoke with confidence. "And make their true selves much easier to find."

While Twilight and Zecora were talking, Applejack noticed that Rainbow Dash was acting strangely. Every so often, Rainbow Dash would turn her head and stare at her tail with a frown, and once, she even poked at it. Curious, Applejack watched her closely, trying to figure out what exactly was bothering the Pegasus, and gasped when she saw Rainbow Dash's tail twitch.

One very unique talent Pinkie Pie had was what she called her 'Pinkie Sense', an ability to predict events in the near future by the random twitches of her body parts. With this Pinkie Sense, Pinkie Pie was able to accurately predicted that something scary was about to happen, the appearance of a rainbow, or even a nearby door opening.

Of all her twitches, however, Pinkie Pie was best known for her tail twitch. Everypony in Ponyville knew that Pinkie Pie's twitchy tail meant that something was about to fall. The twitchy tail prediction always came true, and anypony near her when her tail twitched immediately ducked and covered.

Now, watching Rainbow Dash's tail as it twitched yet again, Applejack felt a knot of dread in her stomach. "Uh, Pinkie...er, Dashie...um..." Applejack stammered, then yelled, "There's a tail a-twitchin' here!"

With several loud gasps, everypony in the room ducked and covered their heads with their hooves, waiting for the prediction to come true. Startled, Twilight did the same, but as she did so, she lost focus on her spell and the glass jar fell to the floor, where it shattered.