• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 3,629 Views, 87 Comments

Love Your Difference - BronyDad

Fluttershy is no longer herself and needs convincing from her friends to return to normal. However, the more they try, the more distant she becomes, and Twilight worries that they may lose their friend forever.

  • ...

Once Bitten, Twice Fluttershy

Chapter 10

Once Bitten, Twice Fluttershy

Recalling her dream, Twilight cried desperately, "Somepony, stop her!"

"I'm on it!" Rainbow Dash shouted, and raced after their fleeing friend.

Rushing through the branches at breakneck speed, Rainbow Dash allowed her instincts, honed by years of practice, to take full control. Staring straight ahead, she focused only on what was directly in front of her, her mind free of all thoughts, her body rigid, tense, and ready to react at a split-second's notice.

With the wind blowing through her mane and adrenaline pumping through her veins, Rainbow Dash was completely in her element.

In only a matter of seconds, she caught sight of Fluttershy, and shifted her focus to the tip of her tail. As she rocketed along, nothing seemed to exist in the world but the tail. Banking when it did, swooping when it swooped, Rainbow Dash lost herself in her need to catch her target.

Expertly ducking beneath a thick branch that she hadn't seen until the last possible second, Rainbow Dash suddenly found Fluttershy's tail to be nearly within her reach, and with an extra burst of speed, caught it in her teeth.

Crying out in surprise, Fluttershy sent them both into a spiraling dive, only barely managing to level out before hitting the ground. Refusing to lose her hold of Fluttershy's tail, Rainbow Dash clinched her mouth shut as they blew through a large bush, its branches scraping her face and wings painfully.

Suddenly, they emerged into the valley once more, and blinded by the unexpected sunlight, Rainbow Dash lost her grip of Fluttershy's tail and crashed into one of the Sun Glow flowers. For a moment, she could see nothing except for the golden orange petals, but then, as the entire flower bent over from the force of her blow, she exited the other side, tumbling through the air head over hooves.

Unable to tell which way was up or down as she plummeted toward the ground, Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and quickly regained her equilibrium. Her balance restored, she looped around to find Fluttershy racing along the river and followed in hot pursuit.


As the others galloped along the river in an attempt to keep up with the two Pegasi, Rarity remained where she was and continued to determinedly scrub the dirt and grime from her mane.

It wasn't that she didn't care about the dramatic chase that had suddenly occurred, but she knew that she wouldn't be of any help to anypony in such a situation. Especially not while she was covered from head to hoof in mud, dirt, and who knew what else.

Glancing up and noticing that the others were all out of sight, Rarity came to realize that there was a very good possibility that she could become separated from her friends. Terrified of getting lost this deep within the Everfree Forest, Rarity quickly climbed out of the river and galloped after the others.

A few minutes later, Rarity began to hear the others calling out, and soon found them on a ridge above her.

They must have found an incline and climbed up to better see the two Pegasi. Rarity mused to herself. Well I'm perfectly fine right here where I can get back to my grooming. If this can even be called grooming.

Placing a hoof into the water, she immediately noticed that the current was much stronger. Frowning, Rarity gazed further along the river, and for the first time, became aware of the distant roar of a waterfall.

Just then, the others cried out some kind of warning. A moment later, Fluttershy erupted from the trees, alone.

Recognizing the tragedy that was about to unfold, Rarity galloped harder than she had ever run in her entire life. All thoughts of her dirty mane and chipped hooves vanished from her mind as she realized that she was the only one close enough to prevent it.

Feeling strangely calm, Rarity knew what she had to do.


No more than a few yards behind Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash was preparing to grab her tail for a second time when she suddenly looped around and brought both hind legs down on her back. Spinning out, Rainbow Dash fell toward the water below, but straighten out just before hitting the surface.

How is she this good already? Rainbow Dash wondered. Sure, she has my personality, but these moves take practice. How is she pulling them off?

Determined to end this chase now, Rainbow Dash rocketed toward Fluttershy as she veered into the trees.

Deciding to try a new tactic, Rainbow Dash rose higher, wanting to approach her from above. Below, she could see Fluttershy's head turning this way and that as she attempted to locate her, and then she swooped down, forelegs spread wide to grab her around the middle.

Hearing the sound of her approach, Fluttershy quickly flipped around just as Rainbow Dash collided with her, and the two of them careened wildly through the air, legs locked around each other in a struggle to gain the advantage.

Face to face, Rainbow Dash could see the same determination in Fluttershy's eyes as she felt within herself, and in exasperation, asked, "How are you doing this? Where did you learn to pull off these moves?"

Fluttershy sneered. "I've watched you do them for years! All I needed to perform them was..." Breaking free of her grip, Fluttershy wrapped her forelegs around Rainbow Dash's neck and brought a hoof up into her stomach. "The courage!" Suddenly flipping in the air, she threw Rainbow Dash toward the trunk of a nearby tree.

Barely managing to avoid the trunk, Rainbow Dash clipped her wing and spiraled toward the ground. Pulling up at the last moment to prevent landing on her head, she crashed, skipping twice over the rough terrain before coming to a stop in the dense brush.

"OH, YEAH!" Fluttershy screamed in triumph, flying backward and pointing at the downed Pegasus. "I out flew the great Rainbow Dash! Haha!" Spotting the others on a ridge, she yelled, "Did you see that?! I am the best! I'm-"

"Fluttershy, look out!" her friends called. Turning, she saw the branch too late.

With a cry of surprise, Fluttershy struck the thick branch with enough force to snap it from the tree, and was sent tumbling through the air.

The world spun around her at sickening speed. Then, she was cold and wet. And then, everything just went black.


Racing toward the unconscious Pegasus as she was swept toward the waterfall, Rarity dove into the river without a second's hesitation. Swimming as hard as she could, and aided by the current, she quickly reached Fluttershy and turned her over.

Immediately, Fluttershy began to cough as her airways became clear of water, but even after a few hard smacks from Rarity, she did not awaken.

Although she was able to use her magic to pick up items such as scissors and her mannequins, she was nowhere near as powerful as Twilight and could not lift anypony larger than a foal. Knowing that she couldn't get Fluttershy to the riverbank before they reached the waterfall, and that the Pegasus could not wake up to fly them to safety, Rarity began to improvise. Her eyes fell on the branch that Fluttershy had crashed into, then moved over to a small cluster of rocks right at the edge of the waterfall, and quickly formed a plan.

Reaching out with her magic, she gripped the branch and brought it toward them. Lifting the front half of Fluttershy and using her magic to lift her back end, Rarity threw her friend onto the branch. Taking the time to be sure that the Pegasus would not slip off, Rarity looked ahead and saw that they were approaching the edge at an alarming rate.

As she began pushing the branch toward the rocks, Rarity realized that she was simply not a strong enough swimmer to cover the distance before they fell. Turning the branch in the water, so that the thickest end was facing the rocks, Rarity gripped the branch with both her hooves and her magic, and shoved it as hard as she could.

Watching the branch drift through the water ahead of her, she felt a thrill as the thick end wedged itself between two rocks and held, bracing Fluttershy in place.

The thrill did not last long, however, and with a shriek of terror, Rarity disappeared over the edge of the waterfall.


"Rarity!" Twilight screamed in despair as she and the others raced to the waterfall's edge. Staring down at the water crashing into the rocks below, she saw no trace of the Unicorn. Turning, she saw Applejack and Zecora out on the rocks, dragging Fluttershy toward the shore, and further back, Pinkie Pie, with Rainbow Dash's leg around her neck, as she slowly led the injured Pegasus toward them.

Rushing forward, Twilight cried, "Rainbow Dash, are you hurt?"

"Nah," Rainbow Dash answered. "I just got the wind knocked out of me is all, but I did clip my wing pretty good." Studying her wings, Twilight saw that one was missing numerous feathers and she was holding it out away from her body.

"You don't think it's broken, do you?" she asked worriedly.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "But it hurts too much to fold right now. It'll pass in a day or so..." Turning to look at Applejack as she rolled Fluttershy onto her back, she asked, "Is Fluttershy all right? And where's Rarity?"

Unable to hold back the tears, Twilight hung her head and began to sob. Frightened, Rainbow Dash turned to Pinkie Pie, who said, "She's gone, Dash," and began to cry as well.

Gazing at the dripping wet Fluttershy, then the edge of the waterfall, Rainbow Dash quickly put together what had happened. "NO!" she shouted and galloped toward the edge.

Jumping up, Applejack gripped Rainbow Dash around the middle. "Stop! She's gone, Dash!"

"No, I've got to go after her, I've got to find her!" Rainbow Dash struggled.

"Dash, you can't fly!"

"It doesn't matter!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "Rarity needs our help! I've got to-"

Suddenly, something enormous and purple lifted out of the river, causing them all to cry out in shock. Before they could comprehend what was happening, it was gone, and in its place was a soaking wet and sputtering Rarity.

"Rarity!" they all exclaimed simultaneously as they rushed to her.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked franticly. "Say something if you are. Anything!"

Rarity opened her eyes wide and took a deep breath. "Oh, cruel fates, why must you always place mud puddles and rivers in my path?! Oh, why?!"

The others paused for a moment and looked at each other, then they all erupted in relieved laughter as they gave the drenched Unicorn a fierce group hug.

Just then, the same purple form that had rescued Rarity exploded from the water and rose high into the sky. "How is the lady?" it asked in a voice that belied its vast size. "Not too waterlogged, I hope,"

As the others all stared at the large sea serpent with mouths hung open, Rarity smiled. "I'm fine, thanks to you. Thank you so much for saving me."

"Oh, don't mention it," he said, lifting a huge clawed hand and running it through his lush golden mane. "My fair Rarity has nothing to fear from the waters of the Everfree Forest so long as I'm around."

Finally managing to wrap her head around what had just happened, Twilight said, "I can't believe you remember us."

Several years ago, when the friends had first entered the Everfree Forest to retrieve the Elements of Harmony in order to face Nightmare Moon, they had come across this very sea serpent. In order to prevent them from reaching the ruins that housed the elements, Nightmare Moon had sliced off one side of the serpent's moustache, and in his grief, he had made the waters too dangerous to cross.

Understanding the creature's plight, and sympathizing with him, Rarity had cut off a large portion of her own tail and attached it to his ruined moustache to repair the damage. The sea serpent had been so touched by her generosity that he had allowed the friends to cross the river on his back.

Seemingly shocked by her statement, the sea serpent declared, "I could never forget a pony as generous and beautiful as Rarity!"

Amused, Twilight noticed his moustache had changed. Where it had once been thin and the same golden color as his mane, it was now the same color purple as Rarity's tail, and both sides had the same tight little curls in them.

"Why, you've changed your moustache," Rarity observed pleasantly.

"Yes, I do hope you like it," the serpent responded, lovingly running his finger over it. "I was inspired by your gift and wanted the whole thing to look just like it."

"You look smashing," Rarity told him, looking very pleased with herself.

Turning away from her friends and the sea serpent, Rainbow Dash trotted over to Zecora, who was watching over the still unconscious Fluttershy. "How is she?"

"I believe that she shall awaken soon," Zecora replied. "Now let us hope that to Rarity's act of kindness, she was not immune."

With a small smile, Zecora walked away to allow Rainbow Dash to talk with her friend in private.

"Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash spoke softly, and gently slapped her cheek.

Slowly opening her eyes, Fluttershy sat up. "What just happened?"

"Well...you kinda threw me into a tree, then crashed into the river, and Rarity saved you before you went over the waterfall."

Fluttershy rubbed her head. "I guess I had a bit of a close call then." When Rainbow Dash nodded her agreement, Fluttershy threw her a cocky smile. "But I still totally bested you."

"Yeah, you did." Rainbow Dash shrugged, not caring one bit that she had been out performed. "You totally proved yourself. Now will you go back to your old self?"

Hearing Zecora clear her throat loudly, they both looked up to see the zebra place the bottle that contained Fluttershy's remedy on a rock several yards away before turning and joining the others.

Staring at the bottle for several long moments, then looking back at Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy stated simply, "No."

Her blood running cold as dread knotted in her stomach, Rainbow Dash collapsed to the ground in complete and utter defeat. "But...why?" she whispered.

"You just don't get it, Dash," Fluttershy explained. "I was so afraid of everything, and now I'm not scared of anything. You've never been afraid like me, so you can't possibly understand how wonderful this feels. But it's cool, I'm still willing to be your friend. Just think of all the awesome things that we could..." She trailed off as she stared at Rainbow Dash. "A-are you crying?"

Covering her face with her hooves, Rainbow Dash quickly responded, "No, I-I've just got someth-" Suddenly she paused in mid-sentence.

This was her last chance to persuade Fluttershy, and she knew that she couldn't waste it hiding her emotions. If she was going to convince her, Rainbow Dash knew she had to tell her everything, to open up to her completely. It was something she had never done before, and the idea terrified her, but she understood it was the only way.

Sitting up and looking Fluttershy in the eyes, even as the tears continued to stream down her face, Rainbow Dash confessed. "I'm so sorry, Fluttershy. I know that I'm the reason you resent your old self so much. I've always pushed you too hard and tried to force you to do things you didn't want to. Like when we all had to climb that mountain to wake up the sleeping dragon. I was so mean to you then, I acted just like those bullies in Summer Flight Camp. And I should never have tried to make you go to the dragon migration, I knew how afraid of dragons you are. And what about that time when Trixie took over Ponyville, I volunteered you to sneak out of town, and wouldn't let you say no.

"Worst of all, I've always acted disappointed when I felt that you didn't do as well as I believed you should. I had no right to act that way toward you. I always knew that you were trying your best, but I expected more, and that was wrong of me." Sniffing miserably, Rainbow Dash slumped back to the ground, ears drooping sadly. "And now look at you. You're not even Fluttershy anymore, and you don't want to change back, and it's all because of me."

"Rainbow, I-"

Reaching out, Rainbow Dash clutched Fluttershy's hoof with both of hers. "Please, Fluttershy," she begged. "Come back to us. I need you. I'll do anything. I won't ever ask you to do anything I know you wouldn't want to, and I'll never act disappointed again. I'll help you with the annual bunny census that I always try to get out of, and I'll go to every butterfly migration from this point on. I'll change, I promise." Sobbing now, she began Pinkie Pie's sacred oath. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cup-"

Grabbing Rainbow Dash's hoof and preventing her from completing the oath, Fluttershy whispered, "I'm sorry, Dash." Then she bolted into the sky.

Knowing that she had failed and that Fluttershy was lost to them forever, Rainbow Dash began to weep as she turned to watch her friend leave, but her breath suddenly caught in her throat as she realized that Fluttershy was standing next to the rock on which her remedy stood.

Studying the bottle for what felt like an eternity, Fluttershy slowly lifted it. Glancing over one final time at Rainbow Dash, she quickly gulped its contents.

The bottle shattered over the rocks as Fluttershy staggered, and then she crumpled to the ground.

"Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash cried as she galloped toward her friend, and kneeling beside her, lifted her head off the ground.

Without warning, Fluttershy's eyes flew wide open, and in a sweet, soft voice, said, "I don't ever want you to change, Rainbow Dash."

"Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash blubbered, clutching her friend tightly. "You're back, I'm so happy you're back!"

"I'm so, so sorry, Rainbow," Fluttershy said as she began to cry as well.

Rainbow Dash wiped her eyes. "For what?"

"For all the awful things I said, and I hurt your wing. I've been a terrible friend."

"You're the best friend a pony could ever ask for," Rainbow Dash replied with a watery smile.

"We think so too," Applejack said from directly behind them.

Startled, Rainbow Dash whirled around to find the sea serpent gone and the others watching them. "How long have you guys been standing there?" Rainbow Dash asked, embarrassed.

"Long enough to hear ya bawlin' like a newborn baby," Applejack replied with a mischievous grin.

"I-I just got something in my eye," Rainbow Dash explained.

"Of course, my mistake," Applejack retorted, rolling her eyes.

"No really," Rainbow Dash insisted. "You saw my crash. It could be dirt, or grass, or just about anything."

"Uh huh."

Stepping forward, Rarity scolded, "Now you stop giving Rainbow a hard time this instant, Applejack. She has had a very dramatic day and has no need of such uncouth behavior."

"All right already, Rarity," Applejack said. Then, with a warm smile, she added, "Sorry Dash."

"Now, this stays with you guys, right?" Rainbow Dash asked worriedly. "I've got a reputation to maintain."

As the others assured Rainbow Dash that her secret was safe, Fluttershy slowly got up and humbly stood before her friends.

She gazed at the ground as she rubbed her foreleg shyly. "I'm sorry, girls. For everything. I guess I've been pretty stupid."

"No, not stupid," replied Pinkie Pie. "Let's just say silly."

Fluttershy smiled. "Fine then, I've been silly. I knew the whole time that this was the way all of you really want me, but that other me just didn't want to face it. I know all of you love me for who I am, even if I am weak and helpless."

"But you're not weak or helpless, Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash argued.

"That's kind of you to say, Rainbow, but we all know the truth."

"The truth, Fluttershy, is that you underestimate yourself far too often," Rarity interjected.

Fluttershy cocked her head to one side. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I just happen to remember a certain pony that got face to face with a dragon and told him off for attacking her friends," Rarity reminded her. "You even made him cry!"

"Ya know, I remember a time that Apple Bloom came home with this amazin' story of how you won a staring contest against a cockatrice," Applejack added. "Why, you didn't stop lookin' him square in the eyes even when ya started turnin' to stone."

Blinking, Fluttershy began, "I-"

"And remember when the Pegasi needed to funnel water from the lake to Cloudsdale using tornado power?" Twilight interrupted. "They were stuck at seven ninety five wing power, and it was you, Fluttershy, who raised it to the eight hundred mark."

"Oh, oh, and how about that time when you stood up to Iron Will!" Pinkie Pie hopped up and down excitedly. "I was so surprised that Rarity had to close my mouth for me!"

Embarrassed, Fluttershy lowered her head and allowed her mane to fall over her face, but looking closely, Rainbow Dash could see her pleased smile.

"And what about Discord?" Rainbow Dash turned to the others. "Fluttershy practically reformed him singlehoofedly. Even after the rest of us thought it was a lost cause, she refused to give up on him. And he was the master of chaos!"

Rainbow Dash pushed Fluttershy's mane away from her face. "Fluttershy, you are, undeniably, unquestionably, the most awesomely amazing Pegasus I have ever met."

Leaping forward, Fluttershy engulfed Rainbow Dash in a hug, smiling brilliantly. Humbled, Rainbow Dash glanced over at her friends, and saw them all quickly avert their eyes, Pinkie Pie even began whistling, in an attempt to spare her additional embarrassment.

"I'm a little confused about something though," Rainbow Dash admitted once Fluttershy had released her. "What made you finally change your mind?"

Fluttershy smiled sweetly. "When you started to make a Pinkie Promise, I suddenly knew that I didn't want you to change, and that this was the way you felt about me."

"So, in other words," Twilight summarized, "you got a taste of your own medicine."

Giggling timidly, Fluttershy nodded. "Exactly."

Suddenly perking up, Rainbow Dash said, "Hey, Fluttershy, remember that surprise I had for you yesterday? You wanna see it now?"

Astonished, Fluttershy inquired, "My surprise is here?"

"Well, not here, here, but yeah. Actually you've already seen it, but I don't think you were able to appreciate it the way you were."

Turning, Rainbow Dash led the way back along the river, followed by her six confused companions.

Upon reentering the valley, Rainbow Dash held up a hoof toward the towering flowers. "Zecora says they're called Sun Glows."

Fluttershy gasped as she gazed up at the giant flowers. "They're beautiful!"

"Yeah, I felt sorry about that little fight we had last week, and wanted to find a way to make it up to you," Rainbow Dash explained sheepishly. "Then, just a couple of days ago, I chased a rebel cloud over here and found these huge flowers, and knew that you would think they were totally awesome."

"Oh, and they are! Thank you, Rainbow Dash!" Giving her another hug, Fluttershy jetted toward the nearest flower.

"So...what happened last week that ya feel so bad about?" Applejack asked. "That is, if ya don't mind my askin'."

"Well..." Rainbow Dash hesitated, but watching as Fluttershy held the petals of the Sun Glow apart and disappeared inside, she suddenly didn't mind sharing her feelings so much. "Every now and then Fluttershy and I go flying together. We usually go around the edge of town, then out by the lake, and back to her cottage. It doesn't happen very often, and it usually takes a lot of convincing from me to get her into the air, but it's so worth it because, when it's just me and her up there with nopony else around, I can tell that she really enjoys it.

"Anyway, so last week was one of those times, but it was a really nice day and after only a few minutes in the air, some other Pegasi started flying around as well. Then Fluttershy got all self-conscious on me and just wanted to go back to her cottage." Rainbow Dash's face fell as she continued. "I told her not to worry about them, that they wouldn't even notice her, but she wouldn't listen. I just got so frustrated with her, and I said some mean things that I regretted. That's why I wanted to find a way to make it up to her, to show her that I was sorry."

"Oh, Rainbow, you don't have to worry yourself about that," Rarity replied, flipping her mane. "Fluttershy wasn't upset by anything you said. In fact she understood your frustration perfectly, she was just unhappy because she had let you down." Seeing the look of surprise on Rainbow Dash's face, Rarity smiled. "Our spa date was the very next day, and she told me all about it."

"But the whole reason Fluttershy didn't want to change back was because of how I've been treating her." Rainbow Dash hung her head. "She didn't want to disappoint me anymore."

"Rainbow Dash, you are much too hard on yourself," Rarity told her. "Although she has mentioned to me that it upsets her terribly when she disappoints you, it's never been because of how you made her feel."


"Fluttershy knows that you push her because you believe in her. Like the time you mentioned, back when Trixie took over Ponyville. Yes, you volunteered her, and wouldn't let her back out, but she understands that you did it because she was the best pony for the job, and you knew that she would succeed. She would never have tried if it weren't for you, but with your urging, she successfully reached Twilight." Stepping forward, Rarity placed a hoof on Rainbow Dash's shoulder. "She once told me that she was very thankful to have you as a friend because you convince her to try things she would never try on her own, and while some of them may frighten her, it helps knowing that you are always by her side."

Sitting down, her eyes brimming with tears, Rainbow Dash found that she couldn't speak. She'd been beating herself up about this for so long, and Fluttershy was never even bothered by it.

Realizing that she was crying, she looked at her friends humbly. "Geez, you guys probably think I went soft on ya."

"Ya'll know we think highly of ya, and nothin' is gonna change that," Applejack said. Then, with a playful poke, she added, "Ya big softie."

Without a word, Rainbow Dash lunged forward, and grabbing Applejack's hat, shoved it into her face, blinding her and muffling her cry of surprise. Stumbling back, Applejack lifted her hat and glared at Rainbow Dash for a moment, then the whole group of friends erupted in laughter.

Laughing with the rest of them, Twilight felt her heart swell with pride. Her friends had done it, they had beaten the hypnosis. Over the course of the last day and a half their friendships had been pushed to their limits, but she held no doubt that they were now stronger than ever.

Standing there and watching each of them in turn, she couldn't imagine how life would be without all five of them, and felt very grateful that she would not yet have to learn.

Landing lightly beside Rarity, Fluttershy flung her legs around her neck. "I'm sorry I didn't say this before, but thank you for saving me, Rarity."

"Anything for you, darling," Rarity said, her cheek mashed up against Fluttershy's.

"It's not quite noon," Twilight mentioned, gazing at the sun nearly directly above. "If we hurry, we could make it to Ponyville before the spa closes."

Hearing this, Rarity suddenly perked up. "The spa? Really?!"

"Well, duh," Pinkie Pie chimed in. "Just look at your mane and coat! You definitely qualify for a spa emergency."

"Yeah," Applejack added. "And how could any of us possibly live with ourselves if ya lost your discount?"

"Oh...you girls are the best," Rarity stated happily.

"It's the least we can do to repay your heroism," Twilight replied. "You gave everything to save Fluttershy, so your makeover will be on us."

As they all gave Rarity a giant group hug, she asked, "And you're all going to be there as well, correct?"

"Of course," they all answered together.

"Well, actually," Rainbow Dash hesitated. "I don't know...after that picture that Featherweight took, I vowed to never be caught in that place ever again."

"I guess that's understandable." Rarity sighed, but then smiled slyly as a thought occurred to her. "But I hear tale that there is a masseuse who gives the best wing massages."

"Really," Rainbow Dash responded, surprised. She glanced back at her wing, which she was still holding out at an awkward angle. "You know, that may not be such a bad idea after all."

"Zecora!" Twilight called, turning to the Zebra. "Won't you join us?"

"I do not wish to intrude upon your spa date," Zecora answered. "After all, it is your victory that you celebrate."

"But it only ended well because of you," Fluttershy suddenly spoke up. "I would be honored if you joined us."

"Dear, sweet Fluttershy, to turn down your invitation, I cannot think why."

The six friends cheered with delight. Waiting just long enough for Fluttershy to fly up and grab a Sun Glow sprout to take home, they left the valley and started back east.

Trotting up beside Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy stated, "You have to admit though, it was pretty awesome how I carved that cloud to look like your cutie mark."

"It sure was!" Rainbow Dash agreed enthusiastically.

Fluttershy cocked an eyebrow arrogantly. "And how about the way I flipped in the air and threw you?"

"I have to admit...that was impressive," Rainbow Dash answered sincerely.

Suddenly leaping into the air, Fluttershy flashed a cocky smile. "Impressive? Of course it was impressive! I'm the awesomest pony around, and I'll prove it right now! You wanna race?!"

Everypony gasped in horror as they warily watched her gently land back on the ground.

Fluttershy broke into a sudden grin. "Gotcha!"

As the friends exploded in laughter, they began their trek back to Ponyville, eager to return to their simple, yet remarkable lives.