• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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We Are Two Mariners, Sole Survivors...

While Flare steered her canoe swiftly southwest, Kaji flew more towards the right in order to cut Ultimo off at the pass. The winged Nealender glided low over the head crest of the beast as it breached the water. Once he was within spitting range, he spun about and flew backwards, hollering at the top of his lungs.

Ultimo submerged for a few seconds, then—SPLOOOSH!—lunged upwards at a forty-five degree angle, glowing jaws snapping at Kaji.

Kaji flew swiftly out of the way. Meanwhile, Flare jerked her canoe to the right. She, Sora, and Theanim Mane sped courageously under the shadow of the beast's raised chin.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh sleet,” the photographer wheezed. His camera's flash lit up a series of water-slick scales descending upon them.

“Good spotter!” Sora shouted, letting a spear fly. Schlunnnk! The weapon embedded into the serpent's throat, but didn't deter the beast one bit. Flare was having a hard time pushing the raft out of range of the monster's collapsing girth.

Swissssh! Rainbow dove in, grasping the side of the boat. She added her wingpower to Flare's, and together both pegasi shoved the canoe out of the space where serpent flesh met the ocean.

“Quick, landwalker!” Sora tossed a spear up. “Give it something to whimper about!”

Rainbow was already vaulting backwards from the canoe when she caught the pole. “I'll settle for a pained yelp!” With Twilight floating along her side, she skirted past several jets of water and flung the javelin at what she thought was the beast's gills. “Nnnngh!”

Clank! The spear ineffectually bounced off.

Kaji flew in, dodged a swinging fin, and grasped the deflected lance. “Nice try, Rainbow! But the gills are the soft spot!”

“It's the eyes or bust!” Sora hollered, hoofing a pair of spears at Flare. “Up and at 'em, girl?”

“Thought you'd never ask!” Flare bounced off the canoe like a spring-board. “Whoop!”

“Wait!” Theanim grimaced, shivering slightly. “There goes our propulsion! What if he makes for the boat?!”

“Nah...” Sora grinned wide, eyeing the flying bodies in the air. “I think he'll be too distracted. Get your soul stealer ready!”

Theanim eagerly took snap shot after snap shot. Each blink of the shutter caught winged equines in flight, buzzing around the lashing length of the sea serpent as it spun angry circles in the brine.

“Haaaaugh!” Flare stabbed both spears into the side of the beast. It immediately zig-zagged, throwing her off balance. SNAP! One pole shattered down the center, and she clung to the other, turning her head to look at the others. “It feels it!”

“Can we just put it out of its misery?!” Rainbow hollered, chasing after Kaji.

“Are you joking?!” Kaji spat, blindly tossing a spear back towards the mare. As Rainbow caught it, he braced his with both forelimbs. “If he wanted none of this he wouldn't be hanging around on the surface so much!” He backflipped and dove straight down towards the beast's undulating backside. “Time to really bring the pain!”

“Let him know we mean business, brother!” Silver hollered from the distance.

“Yaaaaaaugh!” Kaji landed, thrusting the spear meatedly into the creature's spine. Within the same breath, he bicycle kicked—landing his hoof straight down into the back of the pole, driving the javelin even deeper like a nail.

The sea bubbled on either side of Ultimo, followed by a deep bass roar.

“Hah!” Flare grinned, yanking her spear out with a spray of crimson. “He felt that one!” She aimed for the eye a few meters ahead. “Let's see if he feels this—”

Suddenly, Ultimo performed a roll, tossing ocean water everywhere. Flare was dragged down towards the undercurrents.

“His muscles are coiling!” Kaji hollered. “Sister, let go—!”

Just as he was saying that, the lengthy beast seemingly contracted. Its upper half scrunched to half its size, then suddenly stretched out and lashed skyward. Rainbow Dash and Kaji were far enough to avoid the thrashing movement. Flare on the other hoof—

“Oh no!” Twilight gasped, holding a pair of hooves over her gaping muzzle. Her purple eyes reflected the pegasus being pounded heavily into the ocean water by an errant spine.

“Flare!” Silver hollered from the distance. “Verlaxion's sleet! What happened?!”

“Where is she?” Rainbow exclaimed, craning her neck hard. “I can't tell where—”

FWOOOOOSH! Ultimo's tail lifted, and suddenly the fins fanned out to a surprising width. When the appendage slammed back down, it produced a concussive blast so hard that the ensuing wave knocked Theanim and Sora out of their canoe. Silver held his breath, swimming through a massive swell.

As for Rainbow Dash and Kaji, the thunderous impact sent them sailing outward in opposite directions. Their wingfeathers split at the ends, and they lost friction. Within seconds, they were plopping uselessly into the ocean depths.

Rainbow Dash twirled as she descended rapidly through the bubbly currents. Kicking her legs like a frog, she looked all over in a desperate search for the surface. A lavender unicorn drifted into view, pointing in the right direction. Rainbow followed it, only breaking the surface at the end of her quivering breath.

“Gaaaugh!” Rainbow sputtered, bobbing in place. She squinted across the choppy waves and spotted Kaji having landed close to Silver. “Flare...!” Rainbow looked left and right. “Where is she?”

Twilight hovered up to the pegasus. “Rainbow!” She grimaced, nevertheless pointing northeast, towards the Atoll. “Look!”

Several meters away, Flare waded in the uneven surf. Her body was limp, barely twitching. As Rainbow observed her, she also saw a menacing wave of water surging in the mare's direction. Ultimo's spines broke through the waves, and they were cruising on a murderous intercept course.

“She's not moving!” Theanim shouted from a distance.

“Gnnngh!” Rainbow struggled to lift off, spear in grasp. “Thank you Professor Obvious...”

“Rainbow, what's taking you so long?!” Twilight's voice cracked. “Go and save her!”

“That last blow...” Rainbow hissed, trying to catch some air with her battered wings. “It messed up my feathers real bad.” She looked across the bobbing waves to see that Kaji was having the same kind of difficulty. Silver swam to him and summoned a burst of telekinesis to glide the two towards Flare, but Rainbow could already tell they wouldn't get there fast enough. “Dang it... dang it dang it dang it!” Rainbow yelled in the mare's direction. “Flare!”

“Flare!” Sora and the others added.

“Flare, you gotta move!” Rainbow sputtered, treading and fighting the waves to get closer. “He's coming right at you, girl!” She gnashed her teeth, fussing and flapping her wings. “Dang it! Verlaxion's not gonna be proud of you if you become friggin' fish bait, girl!”

Ultimo rose higher and higher, his snout emerging—bloody scars and all. His fins stroked faster, moving the beast straight for the helpless Nealender.

“Rainbow, if you can't fly, then nothing's going to save her from—” Twilight started.

“Hnnrkk!” Rainbow dove low, holding her breath. She glided diagonally downward, spreading her wings straight out. The friction of the ocean currents smoothed her wingfeathers straight. Clinging the spear to her chest, she twirled about, kicked her legs, then emerged from the water like a missile. She flapped her wings, caught air, then spun again. Twilight trailed after her as she cruised in Flare's direction.

But it was too late. The serpent's jaw opened, its glowing teeth chomping over Flare's body.

The Nealenders shrieked. Rainbow's eyes twitched—

“Got ya!” a young stallion's voice hollered, followed by the loud splash of ocean water in the Swan Song's wake. The trimaran had cruised by with milliseconds to spare. Its pilot—Nick—hung off the starboard side, dragging the limp body of Flare out of the range of Ultimo's jaws.

SPLASSSH! The ensuing contact of the monster's jaws with the ocean's surface nevertheless created a swell that sent the vessel spinning.

“Whoahhhh!” Nick yelped, nearly falling into the drink. To compensate, he yanked Flare's body upwards with all his might. Both he and the mare toppeled onto the top deck of the boat, with the Nealender on top. “Eeep!” he wheezed.

“Wooohooo!” Sora hollered, grinning madly. “And score!”

Theanim's jaw dropped. “I... I-I...” He gazed down at his camera. “I do believe I caught that...”

“Careful!” Kaji yelled from where he and Silver swam. “He's bending! The spines are coming about!”

“He's right!” Twilight exclaimed, extending a hoof. “Look!”

Rainbow could already spot the muscles of the beast twisting towards the hapless Swan Song. She dove without a second thought, stabbing her spear hard into the side of the beast.

Blood sprayed, colliding with the salt water. Ultimo slithered away from the Swan Song, shaking savagely to throw Rainbow off. Amidst the confusion, it glided past Sora and Theanim.

“Here!” Sora yelled, throwing the last javeling towards the scene. “Before he dives for good!”

Rainbow twirled away from her last impalement, grabbed the final weapon, and braced herself against the corner of the beast's jaw. Right before her lay a large wrinkly socket. A bulbous black sphere stared out, blinking once with a filmy lense.

“... … ...” Rainbow stared at it. In the eye of the beast, she saw the reflection of her water-soaked mane... and the Loyalty pendant hanging from her neck.

“What are you waiting for?!” Silver yelled from a distance.

Nick crawled out from beneath Flare's squirming body and barked: “You've got him where you want him!”

A deep moan came from the bloodied beast's throat.

Twilight floated up behind the pegasus. “Rainbow...” She struggled, and then her ears folded back as she murmured, “It's... it's just a b-big fish. Rarity—”

Rainbow bit her lip. She raised her spear to strike—

Th-TWHPPP! The entire serpent's body thrashed like a whip.

Rainbow didn't realize just how massive a gesture it was until she was flying backwards from the force of it. She twirled at such an angle that her wings couldn't catch the wind. When she hit the water, it was like concrete, and the impact knocked her lungs empty. The twitching mare dropped like a rock.

A lavender figure darted across her vision, and then all went black.

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