• Published 27th Mar 2015
  • 7,352 Views, 12,705 Comments

Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Anchors Aweigh, My Nick, Anchors Aweigh

“And you're going to build it?” The pretty mare asked, eyes glittering in the dawnlight wafting through the library windows. “All by yourself?”

“Well... I'll have a little help here and there...” Nick leaned back with a suave smile, gesturing towards the general vicinity of the ocean beyond the college's walls. “From my rich collection of nautical manuals. But—for the most part...” He winked and tapped his skull. “...I'll be relying on what I built in here, plus muscle memory. After all...” He cracked the joints in his neck and breathed. “I built three yachts back east before I transferred over here.”

“No way!” She beamed, grinning from ear to ear. “Just in the same way you plan to build this one?”

“Well, it won't be the same, now, will it?” Nick chuckled deeply. “I mean... now that the Blight has fallen, this means a whole new horizon of possibilities! Of danger! Of exploration!”

“It all sounds so terribly exciting.” The mare gulped. “And life-threatening.”

“Eh...” He brushed his chin, lazily glancing at the ceiling. “You can't really live without a little threat here or there. I, for one, won't settle for mediocrity. There's a big, mysterious world out there, and I aim to experience the best and worst it has to offer!”

“Aren't you scared?”

“Pffft! Who wouldn't be? But that's healthy for the soul too!” He winked. “And the body.”

“Heeheehee... I'd love to see what's beyond the Blighted waves.” The mare sighed dreamily. “Haven't you ever thought about it before? The whole world just... seems so small.”

“Well, funny you should say that.” Nick sat up again, smirking. “Because although I plan on going right after the semester ends, the trip is bound to be long... give or take fair weather. But I bet I know a way to help myself get past it all faster.”

“What's that?”

“Oh... y'know...” Nick brushed his mane back, avoiding her gaze with a coy smirk. “...if I had some help along the way. Especially from... mmmm... a smart, witty, self-assured major in physical therapy.”

“Wow... that's so strange?” The mare gestured. “I'm majoring in physical therapy!”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah! But... wow... how would I be useful on a long ocean voyage?”

“I don't know. But... I bet there's a way to find out.”

She leaned forward, eyes thin. “Yeah?”

He leaned towards her as well. “I mean... I'd totally protect you and all. But...” His voice became low, quieter. “It will definitely... expand your horizons... by being my first mate...”

“Hmmmm...” She waggled her eyebrows. “...and what if the Blight returns?”

“Then I guess we'll get stranded somewhere...” He cooed. “...together—”

SwisssshTHAP! Rainbow landed directly on the table between them. “Hey! Nicaragua!”

“Aaaaaie!” the mare nearly fell out of her chair.

Nick winced, fidgeting. “Uhm... a-ahem... it's just Nick, actually—”

“Whatever!” Rainbow Dash leaned forward and stared in his face. Twilight peaked down from where she hovered above. “I need your help with something! And fast!”

“Like what, Rainbow Dash?”

“Uhhhh... Nick?” The mare squinted. “Who is this mare... and how do you know her name...?”

“I need a map of this place! This whole area!” Rainbow stomped a hoof, her tail flicking in the mare's face. “Heck, maybe a personal tour, since you're so good at showing a mare around.”

“Uhhhh... d'uhm...” Nick sweated nervously, scooting away from the perched pegasus. “Why... wh-why me?!”

“Uhhh, Rainbow?” Twilight tried to whisper—

“Why not you?” Rainbow blinked, cockeyed. “You've been so helpful to me already! What, with you giving me breakfast in bed and all—”

“Yeah, okay.” The mare got up, shouldered her saddlebag, and marched off with a frown. “I'm so out of here. Mother was right.”

“No no no no no!” Nick squeaked after her. “Please don't go! I st-still need a first mate!”

“Go build yourself one!”

“I was just being friendly about the breakfast-in-bed thing!” Nick's voice cracked. “All I brought her was my meat! I mean... duaaaaah...” Thud! He head'desk'd, moaning.

Rainbow grinned. “So... you're free, then?”

Nick tilted his chin up to glare at her. “You have any idea what you just did?”

“Do you know what's beyond the western seas?”

“Mmmph... no...”

Rainbow grinned even wider. “Would you like to?”

Nick's eyes twitched. “Right.” He swiftly hopped out of his seat, floating his bookbag. “Buck her. I'm in. What do you need?”

“Maps,” Rainbow said. “Lots and lots of maps.”

“Well, I can get you started.” He gestured, heading for the opposite end of the building. “Follow me.”

Rainbow flapped her wings to follow.

“Uh... Rainbow?” Twilight murmured.

“Hmmmm?” The pegasus whispered under her breath. “What's up?”

“He's nice and deserves more than what you just did. You really are clueless, aren't you?” she said.

Rainbow blinked over her shoulder. “About what?”

“Unnnngh...” Twilight face-hoof'd and floated along for the ride.

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