• Published 3rd Jun 2014
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Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 91: Never Letting Go

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 91: Never Letting Go

Descent and Spitfire kept their eyes locked as they gave their hooves one more strong shake before letting go and facing each other seriously. Flashwind had taken off to go after her husband, but the rest remained, taking in the sight of the two leaders agreeing to an alliance.

They had been on the same side from the start, but Spitfire wanted to formally recognize them. And no sooner did she do so, did she get down to business.

“So tell me about what we’re up against. You seem to know them well. Friends? Old comrades?” Spitfire inquired having witnessed Descent and Blade converse. Descent sighed and nodded.

“Indeed… I have gathered with me about… two hundred and fifty of the Shadowbolts who used to be under Nightshade’s command, the other fifty or so of the Renegade ranks being former Wonderbolts. However, Kayn Ost still has a large portion of the remaining Shadowbolts. I’d say at least a hundred and fifty.”

“Wait!” Rainbow Dash suddenly spoke up. Spitfire and Descent both blinked in surprise and turned to look at Dash, as did the rest.

“Dash? What’s up?” Soarin asked as Dash stepped in front of him and walked towards Descent. Spitfire scrunched her face.

“Rainbow Dash, stand down, I’m trying to—” she was cut off as Dash stepped up to Descent and looked up at his scarred face.

“Descent…” she gulped. “Is…” she hesitated. “Is… Nightshade… still alive?” she asked shakily.

Spitfire found her irritation fading and the rest of the Wonderbolts perked up as Dash asked a question that had been lingering on their minds ever since the conflict about half a year prior. Starry Skies and Lightning Dust, who were busy conversing with Luna, both stopped and looked towards Descent as he stared down at Rainbow Dash.

After a long pause of silence. Descent closed his eyes, tipped his head down and sighed.

“I… haven’t seen her yet… but…” he opened his eyes and nodded. “The Shadowbolts have mentioned her more than once in speeches to me about ‘betraying the captain.’ I do not know if she truly lives, or if they are just being led astray by Kayn Ost… but we cannot set aside the possibility,” he glared sternly at Dash. “You know just as well as I do that Nightshade is an incredibly dangerous pony. I have never known a pony stronger, faster, keener, or more ambitious than her. So far there has been no sign of her aside from verbal mention, but I shudder to think what would happen if she were to appear among the Shadowbolts’ already powerful lineup. Not to mention with how far their development of the crystal magic has come.”

Dash gritted her teeth. She was hoping for a solid answer, but it seemed that even Descent was unaware of whether or not the terrifying mare was truly gone. She turned away from him, looking at Spitfire as she started walking back towards Soarin.

“Sorry…” she apologized to Spitfire. “I just… wanted to know.”

“Don’t sweat it,” Spitfire nodded with a huff. “I was curious too, to be honest.”

Dash returned to Soarin’s side, leaning into him as he looked down at her. Nightshade made him just as uneasy as it did Dash. She had only rubbed herself all over him while taking pleasure in his struggle to stay alive back during the tornado incident. She was a disturbing pony, and it would have been nice to know if they were truly rid of her or not, alas they did not have that luxury.

“So…” Spitfire turned back to Descent as she tried to get the discussion back on track. “one hundred and fifty… we clearly have a numbers advantage, but due to the magic and possible other factors I’m assuming that there’s more that makes them formidable.”

“Indeed,” Descent nodded. “The magic makes each and every one of them dangerous. We have figured out ways to counter the magic, as you have seen, but it still enhances their natural strength, speed, and skill. Each of the Shadowbolts carries a single crystal, giving them access to simple magic and enhanced abilities… but the real danger is the ten captains who wield three crystals each.”

“Ten?” Spitfire spoke up. “The one I saw you talking to… was he one of them?”

“Yes,” Descent nodded. “That was Blade. He is an old friend of mine. Been in the Shadowbolts as long as I have. The captains are the most dangerous of them all because they have all mastered the duplication magic.”

“Duplication, as in the clones?” Spitfire asked.

“Correct,” Descent clarified. “Only ten ponies among the Shadowbolts have developed the ability that allows them to create the magical clones. You fought them yourselves, they are easy to dispatch and weak, but they come in swarms, and can easily overwhelm their opponents. The first of the captains is Blade. You saw him yourself. He has learned how to manifest his magic into a sword of energy that is quite dangerous. The second, the yellow stallion with a grey mane is Devil. He can create giant, exploding spheres of magic that follow his targets. He is very full of himself and tends to stand still when he launches his attacks. The third, the cream colored mare with a red mane is Shadow. She can create powerful waves of pure magical energy that burn as they rush against her opponents. She can also create dark auras around her that she uses to hide from view. The fourth, the dark blue stallion with a turquoise mane is Moon. He uses incredibly powerful telekinesis, many times more powerful than a typical unicorn. He can move anything with great ease or hold his opponents in place while his clones attack. The last captain that showed up, the red mare with a pink mane is Witch. She uses the magic in tiny bursts, creating the pin like missiles that she fires in streams to batter her opponents.”

“And those are just five of them…” Spitfire shook her head. “Well, I already feel the pressure… might as well lay it on me. What are the rest like?” Spitfire asked. Descent nodded.

“We were lucky that they only sent five. I’m certain we wouldn’t be talking right now if they the other five decided to come along,” he looked out at the battlefield, taking a moment to take in all the damage that had been done. “Void, Ruin, Angel, Trance, and Sin,” he said their names quickly. “Along with the other five… they are all very powerful with their magic, and every time we’ve encountered them we haven’t escaped without a few bruises or injuries. Just like with the first five, I know all of them well. Void is a very stoic stallion, he cares only for his own ambitions and his magic draws his opponents towards him against their will to strike them as they struggle. Ruin… is a very strange stallion. He has a civilized demeanor, but beneath it lies a crazy thirst for death and destruction that he can’t control. He manifests his magic into small orbs that dance about him erratically. They are fast and unpredictable… just like him…” Descent looked skyward.

“Then there’s Angel. He’s an interesting stallion because he tends to talk more than he fights… but his attacks are lethal. He is both the least dangerous and the most dangerous of the bunch. He rarely uses his magic, but when he does he manifests it into wide blades that fire from his hooves and cut through the air. Trance… while not as dangerous as the others is very sly, sneaky, and deceptive. His magic is similar to Ruin’s but the orbs of magical energy stay with him, orbiting around him until he unleashes them on a target all at once. Finally… there is Sin. Don’t let his name fool you…” Descent scoffed. “He’s a complete idiot. BUT… he’s a damn strong idiot. Like Blade, his magic is focused in his hooves, but unlike Blade, his magic stays within his hooves, enhancing the strength of his blows and pouring all of his magic into every strike. He’s also very sturdy and poised. If you punch him in the face as hard as you can, I guarantee he won’t flinch.”

Spitfire listened carefully as Descent explained. Soarin, Dash, Fleetfoot, and Silver all stared in a state of disbelief, listening to all the ridiculous abilities of those they were bound to face in the future, but Spitfire remained vigilant.

After all… the Wonderbolts’ primary objective was to meet and take on threats that the royal guard couldn’t handle. All of these strange magical abilities fell into this category.

Fleetfoot shook her head amidst the silence.

“Blade, Devil, Shadow, Moon, Void, Ruin, Angel, Witch, Trance, and Sin…” she chuckled, as out of place as it sounded. “I dunno if it’s irony or just pure luck, but jeeze… what kind of parents name their foals things like that? Most of those names are rather cryptic,” she shrugged. Descent scoffed and rolled his eyes.

“When a pony joins the Shadowbolts, it is a contract that erases all previous identity,” he explained. “Whoever they were before is moot, and they are given a new name. All ten of these ponies once had other names, but they threw them away in order to become who they are. The names tend to have an air of intimidation about them.”

Fleetfoot looked past Descent towards Starry Skies. She lifted an eyebrow before looking back at Descent.

“I dunno…” she began. “‘Starry Skies’ isn’t a very intimidating name…”

Starry perked up and looked towards Fleetfoot with a blank expression before scoffing and shaking her head.

“I don’t give a damn about traditions or code,” she spoke with a flat tone. “My name has always been Starry Skies. And if they don’t like it, tough shit.”

“As you can see…” Descent began with an exasperated tone. “Not everypony was willing to follow the Shadowbolt code completely. There are quite a few who refuse the titles we give them in favor of their true names. Lightning Dust and Rapidfire both kept their names as well.”

“Wait…” Soarin spoke up, stepping up past Dash. “Does that mean that Descent isn’t your real name?” he asked. All eyes went to Descent as he immediately shook his head.

“I was abandoned long before I ever learned my true name. I had no name when Nightshade and Starry found me on the streets of Canterlot, and I didn’t have a name until after the Shadowbolt we saved brought us to the flying compound. It was there that I was given the name Descent by our former leader, Dante. It’s the only name I’ve ever known.”

“Speaking of Rapidfire,” Soarin spoke up again. “I didn’t hear his name up there, he’s not a captain?”

“Not even close,” Descent shook his head. “He is sly and deceptive, but is not quite as much of a combat master as the ten captains. His game is deception, not power.”

“That sounds familiar,” Fleetfoot scoffed as Spitfire stepped forward.

“Alright enough with the soul searching, tragic pasts, and ponies I’d rather forget…” She spoke up. “We can talk about those after we’ve been victorious.”

“That’s exactly what I want to hear,” Descent smiled as he turned to Spitfire. “In fact, this brings me to a much more important matter at hoof,” he said as he turned and looked at them. “We have to strengthen the defenses of the Wonderbolt compound,” he stated sternly.

“I get that…” Spitfire lifted an eyebrow. “But something tells me there’s more to it…”

Descent blinked in surprise as Luna stepped up from behind him. She looked down at Spitfire and the Wonderbolts seriously as she nodded.

“The Shadowbolts are resilient and persistent,” she voiced. “Descent speaks the truth, the Wonderbolt compound must be prepared because…” Luna took a deep breath. “Their next attack… will most likely be tomorrow.”

“TOMORROW?!” Spitfire’s exclaimed, her demeanor breaking as the rest of the Wonderbolts present gasped. Luna nodded in a manner that was clearly casual based on past experience.

“The Shadowbolts mounted attempts to attack night after night. The Renegades have been working night shifts within our plans. The only reasons you’ve slept peacefully the past few months is because of them,” she stated as Descent stepped back up beside her.

“As Luna says, the Shadowbolts have never once shown an opening for us to take the fight to them. We beat them down, and the next day they come right back, suggesting they have ways to quickly heal themselves… we can’t say for sure. We don’t even know where they reside. The flying compound was destroyed, but they fight and move about as if they have a base of operations. It’s a mystery we have yet to solve.”

“Great,” Spitfire sighed. “Let’s think about all of that later. If what you say is true, we’ve gotta hurry up and get ready. I hate to ask so soon into our partnership, but a good third of our force is down for the count for a day or so and most of us will probably be tired… can you guys mount a defensive for us? We’ll offer all the help we can, but I’m afraid that help will be limited,” Spitfire admitted reluctantly while glancing towards Luna and narrowing her eyes. “We may have had more to offer but—”

“Stop,” Descent reached forward and placed a hoof on Spitfire’s shoulder, causing her to turn and look at him curiously as Luna herself looked away from them. “I can understand your disapproval of Luna’s decisions, but if you’re going to direct any of it about the battle that just occurred, direct it at me,” Descent stated very seriously as Spitfire listened. “Luna wanted to send us out to help the moment the battle started, but I was the one that suggested we wait in attempt to preserve the ruse. After some debate, we both agreed... but it was an error on my part for convincing her. Luna made a mistake by trying to avoid fate, but she’s not the only one among us at fault.”

Spitfire looked carefully at Descent, glancing between him and Luna before nodding.

“I guess all of the leaders here are guilty of blundering,” she sighed and shook her head. “Look, my trust isn’t easy to earn and the two of you are really trying it… but… right now it’s all I have to work with. Luna…” Spitfire turned to her. “It’s going to be a while before we can be on the same page without doubts, but as Descent has made clear we don’t have the luxury of time to argue on who has done what… can I ask a favor of you?”

Luna stared down at Spitfire, but quickly nodded.

“Speak,” she nodded. “We do not take making mistakes lightly. Tell us what you desire, and we shall see fit to do what we can,” Luna assured her. Spitfire smiled briefly, happy that things were finally being organized. Spitfire liked being in control of things, and it had been a long time since she felt even remotely in control.

“I know the royal guard isn’t trained for this kind of combat, but could we…” she began conversing with Luna.

Off to the side, Soarin blinked as Dash suddenly leaned heavily against him.

“What’s up? You okay?” Soarin asked. Dash grunted, shaking her head before turning herself around and looking Soarin in the eyes.

“Too much information…” Dash groaned as she turned and pushed her cheek into his chest. “I’m tired from the fighting and I’m trying to keep up with everything they’re talking about…” she turned and pushed her face square into his chest. “I need a nap…”

“You and me both,” Soarin agreed as he reached an arm over Dash and pulled her into a light hug.

“Ah! Ow!” Dash yelped quietly, causing Soarin to immediately release the pressure. “Careful, covered in bruises,” she reminded him.

“I’m not complaining about the scratch on my chest your ear is brushing against,” Soarin joked. Dash pulled her head back for a moment, seeing that he had a few minor cuts on his chest that split the suit and exposed some of his fur. Her ears flopped down as she shifted and rested her head in a spot that wasn’t hurt.

“Is that better?” Dash asked simply, surprising Soarin. He gave her a bit of smarm and she didn’t fire back. She had to have a lot on her mind. Well, of course she did. A giant, dangerous battle with wacky magic Shadowbolts followed by enough information to span three or four novels… not to mention this was a hell of a way for her Wonderbolt career to start. He had had a few years to become situated before everything went nuts. This was right out of the gate for her. She was also probably wondering about…

“OH!” Soarin suddenly looked down at her as he replaced his arm around her, very lightly this time. “Your squad… how are they doing? How’s Squall?” he asked her, singling Squall out because of the sword he took to the face. Soarin had nearly forgotten about him among all the information being dumped on his head.

“Matteo, and Star took a beating, but they’re up and moving. Twister got away without much damage, don’t ask me how, you know how that always turns out,” Dash frowned. “Squall had it the worst by far, I don’t know how it happened, but he had a horrible cut down the middle of his face between his eyes…” she said as she shivered.

“I saw it happen…” Soarin gritted his teeth. Dash blinked and looked up at him as he recalled it. “I wasn’t fast enough to help him. Calm and I were too worried about dodging the magic sword, especially after Blaze and Surprise were taken down by it. He charged in recklessly, but fearlessly, getting a solid attack in before he received the wound. What a lion heart, risking himself like that… he ended up taking the tip of the blade right down the face.”

Dash thought over Soarin’s recollection of the event. Squall… fearless… it was something Squall had always preached, but at times didn’t practice. She remembered when Matteo exposed his false bravery in the mess hall, stepping up and taking the blame for the fight that broke out and willingly accepting Silver’s punishment for the two of them. After that, Squall started his strange trend of looking like he enjoyed being yelled at. Perhaps Matteo’s little ‘lesson’ to Squall about biting as hard as you bark paid off. It took a while for Squall to put it right, but he went from shivering in the face of punishment to rushing headlong at an enemy that could have easily done worse than the wound on his face. Dash was certain this would earn Squall a lot of warrior respect from Matteo once she told the story to all of them.

“Are they still talking?” Dash blinked, turning her head against his chest towards Spitfire as she continued to converse between Descent and Luna.

“Heh…” Soarin smirked as he lightly rubbed her shoulder, taking care to be as gentle as possible with how banged up she was. “I lost track of what they were saying a few minutes ago…” he paused and glanced at Fleetfoot as she examined her light burn wounds. She wasn’t paying attention either. “I’m not even going to bother at this point. I’ll let Spitfire break it all down into simple orders,” he chuckled as he looked around to see Silver and Air Mach also waiting patiently. At the moment, Spitfire and Descent were locked in an intense discussion. Captain to captain… leader to leader… conversing with Luna as well to collaborate efforts from all possible resources. Once they sorted things out the rest would know.

The details would come, but one thing weighed heavy on all who were within earshot…

Another attack… TOMORROW?!

They just took a serious beating and from what Descent described, the next attack could happen the very next day? With an even larger force to boot? They had the Renegades with them now, and from the looks of things, possibly some assistance from the Royal Guard…

Soarin picked out Luna saying something about the Guard evacuating the surrounding areas of Canterlot before offering whatever assistance they could… something about leaving the compound behind, Descent and Spitfire immediately disagreeing with that idea… keeping the attack focused on them, moving away risked losing track of the Shadowbolts, blahbidieblibbidieblargh… there was too much discussion going and Soarin wasn’t catching enough of it to make sense of it.

“Oh?” Soarin perked up as he looked around and his eyes landed on the front doors of the compound. “Dash,” he pointed as he said her name. She looked up and followed his hoof, her eyes landing on Twister, Little Star, and Matteo as they emerged and began moving towards them.

“Dash!” Star waved as they approached. They all had their flight masks removed and by the looks of things had received some minimal medical attention, probably when they brought Squall to the training room. Just a few bandages, a lot of bruises, cuts, and minor burns still exposed. Dash looked back up at Soarin.

“Your chest is comfy, but I gotta ask about Squall,” she said as Soarin removed his arm from around her.

“I’m just as curious actually…” Soarin said as he and Dash turned to her approaching squadmates.

“How are you guys holding up?” Dash asked first to be courteous.

“I’m fine,” Matteo huffed as he reached up and scratched at a strip of medical tape that was holding a sterile pad over a spot on his shoulder that had taken enough of the magic bolts to start bleeding.

“Don’t scratch,” Star shook her head at him while hovering up and pushing his talons away from it. “He was whining about getting treatment,” she said with a giggle.

“I wear my minor wounds with pride… it was barely bleeding, I didn’t see the point…” Matteo grumpily snorted.

“Twister on the other hoof…” Star looked towards Twister along with the rest. While they weren’t looking he had somehow become completely wrapped up in bandages like a mummy.

“They wouldn’t give me more tape… I just wanted more tape!” Twister whined with a muffled voice.

“They had to kick Twister out,” Star finished while motioning towards him.

“I didn’t need treatment,” Matteo repeated. Star rolled her eyes.

“I’m sure they heard you the first time, and I definitely heard the first seven times after we left. We know you’re a big tough griffon, Matty… you don’t need to remind us.”

“No,” Matteo shook his head. “They should have been focusing on Squall. I wasn’t the one with my face sliced open and covered in my own blood.”

“How is Squall?” Dash quickly interrupted, stepping forward with concerned eyes. Star frowned and sighed.

“They took him towards the back as soon as we delivered him there. They had some medical beds going up in the back of the training room, didn’t really get to see him after that,” she said sadly. Dash looked down, thinking about what they could do to help Squall. For the time being, it seemed out of their hooves, but perhaps…

“Maybe we can check on him later, do you think Bliss will let us do that?” Dash asked, turning to Soarin. Soarin tipped his head back and forth.

“I dunno… but I could always ask her for you,” he offered with a smile.

“Yeah let’s try that,” Dash finished as she turned back to Star and Matteo. They quickly nodded in agreement as Twister suddenly popped up beside her, his eyes and eyebrows somehow outside of the bandages as he bounced them at her. “And no Twister, you can’t get more tape when we go.”

“Aww…” Twister whined as he slowly dipped back down.

As Foxtrot and Soarin conversed only a few yards away, Descent glanced towards them during a moment of respite due to Spitfire and Luna discussing the royal guard. After a moment, he turned his head away from Foxtrot and back towards his task at hoof…

But then his eyes widened and his head snapped back towards Soarin and Dash, his eyes being drawn specifically…

To Matteo.

“MASSIMO?!” Descent turned and set his hooves firmly on the ground, the turn was so sudden that he bumped Spitfire aside and the tassels of his headband whipped Luna in the face. He locked his eyes on Matteo, with a battle glare.

All eyes were up and turned to Descent… but none of the eyes were as surprised as Matteo’s.

Dash looked between the two of them amidst her confusion of Descent’s sudden outburst.

“Massimo…?” Dash tipped her head curiously as she glanced up at Matteo. Unlike the rest, who looked purely confused, Matteo’s face was wrought with a mix of curiosity and alarm.

Descent suddenly lifted the death glare from his face and blinked as he took a step forward and took a long, careful look at Matteo.

“Hm…” Descent stood up straight out of his battle ready stance and shook his head. “Forgive me…” he said as he began to turn. “You… resemble a griffon I once—”

“WHOA!” Dash and Soarin both yelped as Matteo suddenly moved forward, roughly pushing the two of them aside as he quickly made his way up to Descent. Descent stopped turning and kept his eyes locked on Matteo, not budging an inch as the enormous griffon trudged up to him with heavy steps. Matteo stopped right in front of him and stared directly into his eyes.

“My father! You knew my father?!” Matteo blurted out. Dash and Star gasped.

“Descent knew… Matteo’s father?” Dash said out loud to herself, remembering Matteo’s situation well. Matteo’s father was the previous Master of the Sky, the greatest warrior of the Sky Wings before he was killed. And Matteo’s father was killed by a pony… “Oh… no…” Dash’s pupils shrank.

“Your father?” Descent blinked, visibly startled.

“Yes! Massimo was my father! The former Master of the Sky! You knew of him?! How?! Tell me!” Matteo yelled.

The startled look on Descent’s face quickly faded replaced with a serious expression. He turned away from Matteo and started walking away from Luna and Spitfire.

ANSWER ME!” Matteo yelled as Descent put some space in between himself and the other two leaders before turning and facing Matteo.

“I killed him.”

“W…what…?” Matteo’s beak hung open and his eyes grew wide.

“Oh jeez…” Starry Skies stepped up past Spitfire with Lightning Dust close behind. “I know where this is going…” she sighed, remaining casual amidst the shock that spread across the rest of those present.

It didn’t take long for Matteo to slam his beak shut and glare towards Descent crackling noises coming from the concrete path as Matteo’s talons ground against it.

“You…” Matteo growled as he set his back paws. Dash gasped as she saw Matteo take a battle stance.

“Hey! Matty, WAIT!” Dash yelled, but it was too late.

YOOOUUUU!!!!!!!” Matteo roared out as he launched himself forward, ignoring all the pain as he spread his large wings and lifted off, gliding fiercely along the ground with his talons clearly out and ready to attack.

Matteo was going to use his talons… he was attacking with intent to kill.

“MATTY! STOP!” Dash yelled again, but her voice fell on deaf ears.

“HMM!” Descent grunted as he sprung up into the air, shooting upward and moving backwards as Matteo slammed his talons and paws to the ground, pushing himself skyward to give chase.

“Dammit! STOP HIM!” Spitfire yelled as she spread her wings. Silver, Air Mach, and Soarin forced themselves into flight right behind her. Starry Skies and Lightning Dust took flight as well.

Descent kept his eyes on Matteo as he slowly reduced his speed, allowing Matteo to catch up. He looked away for a brief moment, seeing the multiple Wonderbolts and Renegades approaching them. He furrowed his brow and growled.

“EVERYPONY STAY BACK!” Descent shouted, causing all those rushing to stop Matteo to halt in their paths.

“What?” Soarin blinked and looked around, even Spitfire and Silver had stopped per Descent’s request. Everypony watched with worry as Matteo reached Descent.

“RRRRRRRAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!” Matteo roared as he began throwing jabs and swipes at Descent with his talons. Descent moved with him, dodging every attack with as little movement as possible as he remained perfectly calm under the assault. Swipe after swipe, jab after jab, Matteo hit nothing but air as Descent eluded every attempt with ease. Matteo was hurt and tired from the battle before, but even if he wasn’t, the difference in experience and ability was clear.

Descent kept stealing glances around as Matteo continued his fruitless assault. It took Dash a moment to notice, but Descent was making shifts in his backwards flight path, turning the course of Matteo’s assault and keeping them away from any areas where ponies were gathered, or where the injured were being tended to. All eyes were looking up at the sudden fight that had broken out, but Descent was literally controlling the movement of their battle while dodging each attack.

As much as she was worried, Dash’s eyes ended up locking onto Descent, analyzing his movements. Whenever he wasn’t trying to shift the path, he had his eyes fixed directly on Matteo’s chest. Each attack came within an inch of him before he made a small shift and the attack passed right by him.

No matter what movement he made… Descent never took his eyes off Matteo’s chest… Focusing on the chest… somehow deducing movement from doing so?

“DASH! LOOK OUT!” Star yelled, breaking Dash from her brief daydream.

“WHOA!” Dash yelped and leapt backwards as Descent and Matteo slammed down to the ground less than a yard away. Matteo reared back, holding his arms out before swinging them back in towards Descent, his razor sharp talons aiming right for his face. Descent reared back as well, flapping his wings to steady himself as he held both of his arms up and outward. They slammed into Matteo’s arms just below the talons, stopping them inches from his face on both sides. Matteo growled and struggled, trying to push his arms inward as he glared directly into Descent’s calm eyes.

“STOP RUNNING AWAY!” Matteo belted into Descent’s face. “FIGHT ME, YOU COWARD!” he yelled so loud that tiny, stray bits of saliva shot from his beak onto Descent.

Descent remained strong and steady, staring down the enraged griffon. Matteo continued to press against him and was trying to move his talons, but Descent was applying enough pressure to ensure Matteo’s arms remained in place. Descent suddenly shook his head and huffed in disapproval before his calm eyes turned into a fierce glare.

“Very well,” he said simply.

“ARGH!” Matteo grunted as he felt his arms begin to move.

“HRGH!” Descent gritted his teeth, the muscles in his powerful arms and chest flexing and bulging, stretching the material of his flight suit taught around them as he used his great strength to push against Matteo’s arms and move them away from his head.

All of the Wonderbolts’ mouths hung agape. Matteo’s strength was well known across the compound, especially with him being a griffon AND a large one at that. They had seen him bench press 400 pounds several times for crying out loud! Yet here, they watched as he was overpowered by a pony who he had the advantage of size, positioning, and leverage over. Every part of the deadlock was in Matteo’s favor, but Descent turned it around regardless.

“HHRRRGHAAA!” Descent roared as he threw his arms outward, pushing Matteo’s arms off of him and forcing him to rear further back on his paws. Descent immediately leapt up and pulled back his hooves.

“NO! DON’T!” Dash yelled, but Descent completely ignored her.

Descent began unloading several heavy punches and kicks into Matteo, hitting him primarily in the stomach, chest, and face.

“AH! ARGH! AH! URGH! AH!” Matteo grunted and gasped as he received every attack full force, pushing him backwards after every strike.

THAT’S ENOUGH!!!!!!” Spitfire yelled out as she and Soarin pushed aside Descent’s request for them to stay back and rushed towards the two of them.

Descent saw them coming, and before they could get in front, he wound up and delivered and incredibly strong uppercut to Matteo’s chin. The force of the blow lifted Matteo up off his back paws and sent him in a small arc backwards, landing on the concrete with a few painful bounces. Descent came back down on all four hooves and made no more signs of advancing as Spitfire and Soarin angrily put themselves between them. Soarin growled as he watched Dash, Star, and Twister rush past them towards Descent.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Soarin questioned. “You could have subdued him, you didn’t have to punch the crap out of him!” he added furiously. He trusted Descent, but that didn’t give him leave to beat up his fellow Wonderbolts.

“You’re glaring at me like I started that fight,” Descent said casually as Spitfire shook her head and snorted.

“You didn’t start it, but you sure as hell ended it… I won’t tolerate physical harm of my Wonderbolts!” she demanded. Matteo was clearly at fault for starting it, but in hers and Soarin’s mind, there were many other ways to handle it than how Descent did.

“I severely doubt he would have wanted that,” Descent suddenly said as he took a step forward. Soarin instantly reach up a hoof and pressed it against Descent’s chest. Descent stopped and narrowed his eyes at Soarin.

“And just what is that supposed to mean?” Soarin pressed. “If you think I’m letting you near him after—”

“Soarin, how much do you know about griffon culture?” Descent asked. Soarin and Spitfire both blinked, their glares fading to looks of confusion. “Well?” Decent encouraged while looking at Soarin for a moment longer before turning to Spitfire. “What about you?” he asked her. Spitfire and Soarin turned and stared at each other before looking back at Descent with nothing to say. Descent reached up and gently removed Soarin’s hoof from his chest before continuing on right between the two of them. They both just turned and watched carefully as Descent continued on towards Matteo. He was still on the ground, turned over on his side while grunting and wheezing as his body twitched and winced in pain. Dash, Star and Twister were all crowded around him.

Dash spotted Descent as he approached, and quickly got up, placing herself in between him and Matteo, thrusting her wings out in a defensive manner while glaring at him and gritting her teeth.

Descent stopped, staring calmly into Dash’s glare, not moving any further forward nor making any moves to remove her from his path.

“Dash…” Silver’s voice suddenly met her ears. Dash blinked and turned to see Silver walk up beside her.

“S…Silver?” she blinked as he reached out and grabbed her shoulder.

“Let him by,” he said while gently pulling her aside. The ease at which he moved Dash proved that while she was holding her ground, her legs were barely set. She knew for a fact that she wouldn’t be able to stop Descent, but she wanted to protect Matteo anyway.

As Silver moved her aside, he and Descent locked eyes, the two stared at each other in silence for a moment before Silver snorted.

“What, waiting for me to give you a little nudge in the plot or something? Sorry, my wife probably wouldn’t approve.”

“Pfffheh…” Descent smirked and chuckled as he kept walking forward.

Dash didn’t know what impressed her more, the way Silver simply stared down one of the most intimidating ponies in the history of Equestria, or the fact that he made Descent loose a chuckle. She never thought she’d see Descent of all ponies have a sense of humor.

“Away with you,” Descent said down to Star, who immediately scampered away towards Dash. Twister appeared behind Descent and started edging towards the back of his head. “You too,” Descent said without turning around. Twister froze in place before making strange clanking noises and moving back in the direction he came while making slow, steady beeping noises.

Descent walked around Matteo’s side so he could see his face. He approached, and sat down in front of him. Matteo’s eyes squeaked open in between groans and he glared at Descent.

“Y…you… I’ll… ugh…” Matteo grunted, unable to finish the threat.

“Kill me?” Descent finished for him. “Why?” Descent asked a question that was absurdly obvious, but Matteo answered anyway.

“Because… you killed… my… father…” Matteo forced every word out.

“Seeking revenge is forbidden in the griffon warrior’s code,” Descent stated flatly as Matteo continued to stare at him. “You would forsake your laws? Your traditions?”

“To hell… with griffon law!” Matteo snapped. “You stole… my family honor… you stole… my father from me… the griffons… themselves… reject me…” Matteo droned on, but Descent listened to every word carefully. “I seek revenge… not as a griffon… but as…a warrior!”

Descent cracked a small smile.

“Magnificent…” he said quietly as he bent down and pushed Matteo’s face up to see his. “What is your name?” he asked.

“Matteo…” he replied.

“Look at me, Matteo,” Descent encouraged while holding his face up. Matteo’s eyes moved and looked upon his scarred face. “Your father… was by far the fiercest warrior I had ever faced in combat, and to this day I have yet to face another so powerful within their natural abilities alone. It is unfortunate when two seasoned warriors find themselves on opposite sides of a conflict. Fate had it that he stood between me and my objective, and the Shadowbolt code dictates that all opposition be removed, lethally if necessary. Your father refused to go down no matter how many blows we exchanged. The punches and kicks that you received just now were the very same strength and vigor I used against you father… only it took several hundred of those blows before I finally felled him and I did not escaped unscathed… in fact I barely made it out alive…”

Descent reached his other hoof up and stroked it over his own face.

“Do you see all these scars on my face?” Descent asked as Matteo looked them over. “I have a lot all over my body as well… ALL of them given to me by Massimo,” Descent explained as Matteo’s eyes widened slightly. “I will never look in a mirror without remembering the kind of warrior he was… nor will I forget how close he brought me to death… he taught me a lot about myself.”

Matteo looked away as Descent set Matteo’s head back down.

“However… this doesn’t change the truth. I killed your father, and as a warrior, you seek to avenge him,” he glared down at him. “And while your words are strong… you can’t fool me. The griffon laws and traditions are important to you… even if they don’t allow you seek revenge…” Descent reached his right hoof over to his left arm and began pulling the sleeve of his flight suit up. “So…” he reached down, grabbed Matteo’s left arm, and lifted it up. “Let’s give you a reason to kill me,” he clutched Matteo’s arm hard, forcing one of his talons to fully extend.

Soarin perked up as Dash gasped to his left.

“He’s…” Dash’s jaw dropped. “He’s going to…”

She didn’t finish in time. All the ponies watching reacted in several ways as Descent took Matteo’s talon and willingly pierced through the fur and into the skin of his left arm. Everypony cringed as Descent slowly moved the talon, dragging it over his arm, creating a cut… that began to bleed onto the talon. Descent didn’t as much as flinch as he moved the razor sharp point over his arm.

Matteo’s eyes widened considerably, watching as Descent’s blood began to run over his talon and onto his shanks. Descent removed the talon from his arm and held it down in front of Matteo so he could see it clearly. Descent’s blood… on his talons.

“My blood now rests on your talons. Griffon code states that they will be forever stained until you kill me.”

Matteo kept staring at his talons as Descent spoke.

“Now you can seek your personal revenge while upholding the code you hold dear. This is my promise to you that I will be waiting for that day you find the strength to kill me. I can think of no better warrior to be my end than the son of Massimo the Great.”

As Descent finished, he let go of Matteo’s talons. Matteo immediately balled his talons up and brought them up to his forehead while squinting his eyes shut. Descent had just done a great thing for him… giving him a way to pursue and important goal in life without betraying the culture he held dear.

“Oh man…” Soarin blinked as Dash finished explaining what Descent had just done to all the surrounding Wonderbolts.

“Sheesh, griffon culture is messed up…” Fleetfoot said quickly, earning a wince from the rest of them because Matteo was clearly within earshot, but he wasn’t listening to anything at the moment, lost in his own moment.

Soarin looked over towards Descent as he pulled his left sleeve down over the fresh wound and began walking back towards Starry Skies and Lightning Dust. Soarin, curious, turned and started walking towards him. Dash was about to follow Star and Twister back towards Matteo, but watched Soarin head for Descent and decided to follow him instead. Why? Descent just guaranteed that he’d have a griffon coming to kill him later in life. Why would anypony do that? Descent was always an interesting pony with strong motivations and an air of experience. If Soarin was going to ask about what just happened, she wanted to hear too.

She passed by Spitfire and the rest, and caught up to Soarin right as he called out to Descent.

“Descent… why?” Soarin asked as Dash stepped up beside him. Descent stopped and turned to them.

“Why what?” he asked as if he hadn’t just wowed all of them.

“Why would you put that burden on yourself?” Soarin asked. “You’re going to let him kill you someday?”

“Pfft…” Descent quietly scoffed. “The hell I am…” he said while smirking and shaking his head. Soarin and Dash both blinked.

“But didn’t you…” Dash blinked in confusion.

“He will be a valuable warrior in our fights to come. We all have things that motivate us and I wanted to make sure he had his. I took something from him, something that he couldn’t act on because of how important his traditions are to him. As a pony who follows a code myself, I know how painful it is to break it. He was conflicted, but I used a loophole in his own culture to give him the means… to motivate him,” Descent shook his head. “I don’t have any plans to die before my time’s up, but this is what’s important to him.”

Descent looked up as a few of the Wonderbolts sent on the sweep patrols approached.

“We all have things in our lives that we go above and beyond for. We make sacrifices and put forth the effort even if it’s difficult. Some have little joy to hang onto…But it’s that personal joy that makes life worth living. It’s important that we never let such things go.” Descent nodded as he turned and continued walking.

“Commander Soarin!” Storm Front yelled as he came in for a landing with Macho Savage and Lead Runner right behind him. Soarin looked up and spotted Storm. He looked behind him to see Spitfire occupied, so it looked like he was getting a sweep report. Storm touched down and trotted up to Soarin. “We covered the far western edge in our sweep…” As Storm began, Soarin’s attention was drawn away as Descent froze mid step and sharply turned his head towards them. “There was nothing out of the ordin—” Storm paused and blinked as he saw Soarin looking away from him.

Storm turned his head and his eye landed on Descent. The two stared at each other for a moment before Storm suddenly ripped away from Soarin and frantically stepped towards Descent, stopping about five yards away and pushing his goggles up roughly. Storm’s eyes grew wide and his jaw dropped. Descent blinked, his face covered with a look of shock.

“Storm Front?”

Art by: Foxenawolf


---To Be Continued---

Author's Note:

Oh dear...

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