• Published 3rd Jun 2014
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Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 132: Guardians of the Night

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 132: Guardians of the Night

The Wonderbolts all stood attention, immediately heeding Spitfire’s call as she paced back and forth, gathering her thoughts.

“We have a number of things to address right now,” she began as she stopped and looked over her shoulder. “First and foremost, we need to help Silver. I need a small group, preferably with one of the larger Wonderbolts, to transport Silver back to the Nimbus and get him to Bliss. I don’t know how much she can do for him, but he needs any treatment she can give him immediately.”

Everypony glanced around as she explained, most of them thinking the same thing. Fire was the one who eventually spoke his mind.

“But… Captain,” he took a step forward. “What about—”

“The Lunar Guard?” she finished for him. “I’ll get to that in a second, but Silver is obviously not an option for them anymore. Let’s see…” she trailed off as she looked around at all the available ponies. The Renegades were definitely an option, but none of the former Wonderbolts were present. None of the Renegade Shadowbolts Descent had brought along fit the preferred criteria for transport. But even if they did… she wanted Silver to have Wonderbolts with him. After another brief glance around, she perked up and leaned to her right. “Squad Zero! Come here!” she beckoned them.

The elites and Squad Foxtrot all moved aside to let Squad Zero to the front. They all stood attention once forward, but it looked a little awkward. Spitfire didn’t notice immediately.

“Listen up, I want you four to take Silver back to the Nimbus as quickly and gently as you can. Load him up on…” she paused as she finally noticed them nervously fidgeting. She tipped her head and lifted an eyebrow. “What?”

“We’re screwed…” Swift mumbled quietly, getting a face full of feathers right after as Playbitz extended one of his large wings and smacked him in the face with it. Shine, Calm, and Playbitz all held their mouths shut and tried to remain perfectly still as Swift coughed and spat Playbitz’s feathers out of his mouth. Spitfire tipped her head in the other direction, conveniently switching which eyebrow was up in the same motion.

“We… uh…” Shine spoke up as she averted her eyes. “We didn’t…” She swallowed. “Do a very good job of following them like you asked…” she admitted with a painful tone of shame, the rest cringing as she dutifully reported their performance.

But Spitfire only blinked once before holding up a hoof.

“Stop,” she shook her head. “What’s done is done. I’ll get the details later, but don’t worry about it right now. There is no one pony to blame for everything that just happened… we are all carrying fault and we’re going to have to live with it. For now, let’s keep our focus on the task at hoof.”

Several ears pointed up as those words came out of Spitfire’s mouth. Specifically, ‘We are all carrying fault.’

Soarin in particular, watched her carefully as she continued to address Squad Zero, noticing a clear distinct difference from how she was acting not long before. She had been expressing such a difference since she arrived, but to hear her openly acknowledge a mistake was the most unexpected development yet. Soarin wondered what had happened back at the Nimbus after he had left.

“Now please…” Spitfire continued as she stepped up and placed a hoof on Shine’s shoulder. “Forget about anything that went wrong, what’s important right now is Silver.” She made a single head motion towards Silver. “Now load him up on Calm’s back and get him to Bliss, on the double!” she finished with a nod.

“Yes, ma’am!” Squad Zero finished with strangely high exuberance as if they had been given a second chance at life.

But as the exchange finished, the ponies of Squad Zero were not the only ones to move. Spitfire was surprised at first, but quickly calmed down as every elite and every member of Squad Foxtrot moved by her quickly, all of them gathering around to help or be close to Silver as the process began.

Calm walked up beside Silver and lowered himself down. Shine, Swift, and Playbitz were the first to reach for Silver, but they all pulled back as the Streak twins came forward, Fire by Silver’s head, Lightning by Silver’s back hooves. High Winds and Misty Fly both bent down and shimmied their hooves underneath Silver’s back from the side as the Streaks gingerly supported his head and flank, keeping his body as straight as possible.

Dash stepped up, wanting desperately to help too, but stopped when she saw Silver already surrounded by the four elites. She bit her lip, her ears flopping down, but relaxed when she felt a wing drape over her back. She glanced to her left briefly to see Soarin standing beside her, his wing gently pressing down against her as the rest of the Wonderbolts worked to help Silver.

“Alright, on three…” Fire spoke up, bobbing his head as he began a countdown to keep Misty on rhythm with them. “One… Two… Three!”

The four of them began lifting Silver very slowly.

“RRGGHHH!!!” Silver grunted the instant they began, all of them flinching and freezing, gritting their teeth as they felt him cringe and watched him breath heavily. Silver’s good eye slowly opened, the eyelids only parting just enough for him to see through. His eye shifted up and down, back and forth, getting a good view of what was going on around him.

The look in his eye said it all… he wanted badly to make some sort of sarcastic comment or tell them to just get on with it, but he had gotten to a point where rest was the only message his brain was sending.

Lightning looked up at Fire, their eyes meeting for a moment before they exchanged a brief nod.

“Alright, let’s keep going…” Fire said reluctantly. “Slowly… slowly…” They continued picking Silver up, eventually getting him in a position where his painful reactions weren’t quite as harsh, but it was a gruesome sight for the rest nonetheless. After getting Silver up, Blaze and Surprise trotted over to the other side of Calm, ready to reach out and balance Silver as they moved him up over and onto Calm’s back.

It was a long, rough process, but eventually they had Silver placed on Calm’s back as comfortably as they could manage. With the task complete, they all took a moment to reach out and touch Silver softly, each one of them offering words of encouragement and acknowledgement and letting Silver know they were keeping him in their thoughts. Dash slipped out from under Soarin’s wing, moving forward with Storm, Squall, and Matteo to do the same. Soarin followed right behind Dash, Air Mach slowly limping his way up to him as well as Spitfire remained behind, watching with pride at how the others showed great respect for Silver.

Spitfire tipped her head and blinked as she noticed only one pony not gathering with the rest. Fleetfoot was sitting slightly behind them all. Something looked off about her. It was also strange because while her suit looked absolutely mangled, torn, and ruined, her body didn’t look too damaged. How did her suit get so messed up without her having visible injuries of matching severity? She didn’t have a long enough window to examine her further though. The Wonderbolts all stepped back as the other three members of squad Zero came together, Shine taking a moment to speak to them as they prepped for takeoff.

Spitfire took the opportunity to look over the others and assess them. She wanted to get to Fleetfoot, but the others were just as beaten up. They still had a mission to complete, and she would take as many Wonderbolts as possible… but only if they were ready, able, and capable of going on.

And one pony for sure didn’t look like he fit that description.

“Air Mach,” Spitfire spoke up as she trotted forward and stopped in front of him. Air Mach was in the middle of sitting down as she approached. The moment he heard his name, he forced himself to stand upright and tried to suppress any signs of struggling… but he failed miserably. His suit was heavily torn up, much like Fleetfoot’s but the gaps in his revealed several nasty bruises and other wounds. He looked more beat up than any of them, leading Spitfire to believe he had likely tried leaping at Nightshade by himself at some point and paid the price. Spitfire felt the answer was obvious, but she asked anyway to let him get a word in. “Can you fly?” she asked.

“HA!” he smiled while pointing upwards. “CAN I FLY?! What kind of question is… oh… ow… ah…” he suddenly shivered and his arm fell right down at his side, his wings twitched furiously as he lowered himself down onto his plot and cringed. “Cramp… cramp, cramp, cramp, ow, ow, ow…”

“I’ll take that as a no,” Spitfire answered for him. He clearly didn’t like it, releasing a heavy sigh.

“Damn it…” he cursed, grumbling quietly to himself. Air Mach was tough as nails and prided himself on ignoring pain, but he finally met his match. There was no way he was going to continue on with them. Spitfire decided to make the call for him, but took quick note of the rest first, her eyes landing specifically on Blaze and High Winds. The two of them and Rainbow Dash were the only ones still close to Silver. After quickly thinking it over, Spitfire decided it would be best for them.

“Blaze, High Winds,” she called to them, both of them taking a moment or two to finally pry their eyes away from Silver and look towards Spitfire. Spitfire waved a hoof at them before pointing at Air Mach. “I want you two to do me a favor, grab Air Mach here and follow behind Squad Zero. Once you’re back at the Nimbus, and Air Mach has the help he needs, I want you two to stay by Silver’s side. Got it?”

There was a brief pause as the two mares simply stared for a moment before replying.

“Yes, ma’am…” they answered together in a less than jubilant tone. It was clear where they wanted to be, and Spitfire was willing to grant them that, but the same thing could be said for somepony else…

Dash was still staring at Silver. She pulled her eyes away once upon hearing the order for Blaze and High Winds, but went right back to Silver as she thought over what the two other mares had been told.

Dash… wanted to stay with Silver.

“I’ll come too,” she decided as she took a step towards Silver. But…

“No,” Spitfire’s voice stopped her dead in her tracks. She froze, wanting to retort, but said nothing as Spitfire slowly approached from behind. “I know why you want to Dash… but that’s all I'm willing to spare right now. I want the rest of you with me until we figure out our next move.”

“But…” Dash bit her lip and shut her eyes tight. it came down to a fight between her feelings, and her duty. She didn’t want to leave Silver’s side, not for a single moment, but there was also much to be done and she couldn’t just walk away from it.


Dash’s ears stood up and her eyes shot open wide as the raspy voice came from nearby. Her eyes immediately landed on Silver atop Calm’s back. Calm was looking over his shoulder and the rest of Squad Zero had leaned over upon hearing him speak as well.

“S-Silver?!” Dash stepped right up to him, reaching a hoof up to Calm’s back, but stopping as she saw Silver’s head turned and his good eye trained on her. Despite the weakened look he wore all over, there was a certain stern air rising forth from his gaze.

“Do… as the captain… says…” Silver sputtered, taking heavy, wheezing breaths. “I’ll be waiting… at the Nimbus…” he moved his head back and forth once, failing to shake it. “I’m not… going… anywhere…”

Dash gritted her teeth as she watched him struggle, it was almost too much for her to bear. But it was still Silver. And any order, request, or suggestion from Silver was something she would always follow no matter what. It had become second nature to her, and especially now, after what he put on the line for her and all of them, there was NO WAY she was going to say no to him.

“Alright…” Dash nodded, reaching up and gently touching a hoof to Silver’s shoulder and gave it an even gentler squeeze. “I’ll come find you the moment I get back… okay?” she reassured him.

Silver simply gave a nod in response. A reply that was more than enough for her because she wanted him to rest and save his strength.

Soarin watched as Dash stepped back and Calm slowly rose up off the ground, standing up while holding Silver steady. Soarin let Dash and Silver have their moment, waiting patiently and looking around at the others. He glanced towards Spitfire, still curious about what had driven such a sharp change in her behavior. She was currently speaking with the other Wonderbolts and had just finished talking to Blaze and High Winds as they prepared to take off with Air Mach in tow.

Soarin flinched and blinked as Spitfire suddenly turned away and looked directly at him. Soarin wanted to avert his eyes, but her look of concern prevented him. He watched as Spitfire looked back at Air Mach briefly before turning back to Soarin and making her way over.

Soarin knew exactly what was coming, and based on what he had just pulled, sneaking out and defying orders, he didn’t see any real argument he could give to plead his case. He sighed heavily and grunted as Spitfire stopped right in front of him.

“You don’t have to say it,” Soarin said while shaking his head and looking away from her. “I’ll head back too…” he said in a slightly defeated tone. It hurt his pride to cave so easily, but again, he had no right to defend himself after such an inexcusable blunder.

“No,” Spitfire replied simply and quickly. Soarin blinked rapidly before turning his head back to her.

“Huh?” He tipped his head curiously as Spitfire shook her head.

“I want you here. I’m still not sure how many of us are going to be at my disposal. I just wanted to check on you. From what I saw, you were trapped before you could do any fighting… are you unhurt?”

Soarin was speechless. He definitely wanted an explanation when the opportunity presented itself.

“Uh… yeah, I’m fine… I was violated a little, but did not engage in any combat,” he explained, but he could see Spitfire looking directly at the fake horn. “Yes, I know… a little piece chipped off of it, but otherwise I’m fine…”

“Alright,” Spitfire nodded without any argument, but quickly noticed the odd look Soarin was giving her. “What?”

“Er… nothing,” Soarin shook his head. “I’m just surprised you’re, you know… okay with me being here after…” he reached a hoof up and let it sway back and forth, trying to indicate their quarrels without actually bringing them up.

“We’ll talk about that later,” Spitfire acknowledged him, but it sounded more sincere than it did stern. “Be ready, once I have the others on their way and I get a better idea of how everypony else fares, we’re going to continue on to meet the Lunar Guard,” she said as she pointed at him and turned away.

Soarin had nothing. Spitfire was… well, it wasn’t fair to say she was acting ‘differently.’ In fact, she was acting more like she usually did before the pressure of the current conflict was thrust down upon her shoulders. What had caused her to turn back around so quickly? Despite his curiosity, it didn’t matter how. It was simply uplifting and refreshing. The bottomless pit of stress that Spitfire seemed to be in throughout was clearly taking an extreme toll on her. As her best friend, it had been hard for Soarin to watch, not to mention it was negatively affecting him and the rest as well. He hoped it wasn’t just spur of the moment… because he knew Spitfire… and if she was back to her old self, it would be an enormous boon for all of them.

Soarin turned and looked to Dash as she finally stepped back from Silver, giving the departing Wonderbolts space as Spitfire moved up between all of them and began looking around, getting her bearings. Soarin quickly shifted and walked up to Dash. He didn’t say a word to her, but the moment she saw him by her side she learned over and pressed her cheek into his shoulder.

“Ah, this way,” Spitfire pointed. “That’s the direction we came from, follow it, fly high, and stay alert, you’ll eventually find the Nimbus. It’s hard to miss. The canyon we landed in is easily the biggest one in the area.”

As Spitfire explained the path to the departing groups, Soarin kept his focus on Dash, draping his arm over her back and rubbing her opposite shoulder. Dash’s eyes were fixed on Silver and didn’t leave him, even once Calm started moving.

“Get going!” Spitfire encouraged as Squad Zero took flight. Blaze and High Winds followed right behind, supporting Air Mach with one of them above and one of them below him as they lifted off.

Dash’s eyes remained locked on squad Zero, staying on them even as Spitfire turned and walked back towards them, passing by Soarin and Dash while giving them a brief glance. She said nothing, giving Dash all the time she needed to keep an eye on her mentor until the departing groups were gone from sight.

Even when they were all gone from view, Dash still stared out into the distance for another moment or two. Soarin blinked and looked down as he felt an extra, gentle pressure on his hoof he had over her. She had reached up and was giving it a light squeeze.

Dash took a deep breath, finally pulling her eyes away and glancing up at Soarin for a moment, the two simply staring into each other’s eyes as if Soarin’s eyes were now the only source of immediate comfort for her. But Dash didn’t let the moment completely consume her. Silver was taken care of for the time being. Now it was time to refocus and await Spitfire’s orders.

“Fleetfoot?” Spitfire’s voice met both of their ears as they turned to join with the rest. “Where did Fleetfoot go?”

The two of them turned around to see Spitfire looking back and forth between Squad Three and Foxtrot. Just as Spitfire’s words suggested, she was not among the others gathered. Dash looked around as well. In fact, she was hoping she found Fleetfoot first, because based on what she had witnessed during the encounter with Nightshade… Fleetfoot was likely distancing herself for a reason.

Dash blinked and leaned to look by Soarin, spotting Fleetfoot sitting with her back turned to the rest, off to the right and slightly hidden behind a rock. She was still wearing what remained of her completely ripped and mangled suit, pulling on a loose piece of the spandex gently with one of her hooves. Spitfire had still not seen her yet, walking among the other Wonderbolts and looking completely in the wrong direction as they started looking as well.

“Oh, there she is,” Soarin suddenly spoke up while pointing and turning. Dash immediately sprang into action. She hopped out and placed herself in front of him, reaching a hoof and touching to his chest. Soarin stopped and looked down at her as she stood in his way.

“No, let me go,” she suggested.

“Huh? Why?” Soarin asked while tipping his head. “She’s my friend too, you know.”

“I know, but…” Dash shook her head. “Just trust me.”

Soarin looked at her carefully as he shifted his eyes to Fleetfoot again.

“Actually,” Dash continued while leaning to look towards the rest of the Wonderbolts and Spitfire. “Keep Spitfire busy for me, will you?”

“Okay… what’s this about?” Soarin narrowed his eyes, clearly demanding an answer since it involved one of his close friends. Dash pouted and glared at him.

“This is for HER sake, not some secret between us,” Dash put her hoof down. “Now go distract Spitfire.” She pressed, but Soarin didn’t budge. So she took a different approach, she softened her eyes, let her ears flop down, and gave him a sad look. “Please?”

“SNRK…” Soarin immediately snorted and puffed his cheeks out. “Okay… because of that utterly failed attempt to sway me with cuteness, I’ll do it.”

“Hey!” Dash huffed as Soarin patted her on the head.

“Face it Dash, I know you too well, now go. I’ll do what I can, but I’ll make no promises. You know how Spitfire is,” he finished, ruffled her mane, and turned to make his way towards and hopefully stall Spitfire.

“Jackass…” Dash grumbled with a smirk as she reached up and smoothed out her mane before turning and moving towards Fleetfoot.

She took a deep breath and centered her thoughts on what she was about to address. There was nothing to smile about with it, so she got her chuckles from Soarin out of her system before getting serious. Fleetfoot was likely to be scarred by the… ‘experience’ Nightshade gave her for a long time to come. As the only pony who witnessed it and heard everything said, Dash felt a strong responsibility to do whatever she could to support her. Fleetfoot was one of the few elites that she always felt comfortable and casual around despite rank, a friend before a superior officer. It was time to be that friend for her.

She slowly approached, but didn’t sneak or lighten her steps, she wanted Fleetfoot to be aware somepony was approaching. She wasn’t sure what she was going to say or do exactly, but just being there for her would be a good start. A good way to handle it would be to let Fleetfoot speak first to make sure she was willing to do so. Then from there she could decide if it was necessary to offer any words of comfort or if she just needed a friend’s presence to listen.

Dash took another deep breath and readied to call her name quietly.


Dash flinched as Spitfire’s voice shouted from nearby. Dash cringed as she watched Fleetfoot visibly twitch and release a very high pitched, nearly inaudible squeak and she disappeared completely behind the rock. Dash glanced to her left to see Spitfire moving quickly towards Fleetfoot, not even noticing Dash as she trotted towards her.

Dash’s ears flattened out as she looked further to her left to see Soarin slowing down and stopping while gritting his teeth and wincing. He turned his eyes towards Dash, meeting her stare of disapproval. He just shook his head and shrugged, more or less admitting that he instantly failed to do exactly what Dash asked him to do.

Spitfire, completely unaware of why Fleetfoot was acting the way she was acting, moved all the way around the rock. She stopped in front of her and looked down, slightly bewildered at why Fleetfoot was sitting down and hunched over in a way that looked incredibly weak and hesitant.

“Are… you okay, Fleet?” she asked. Fleetfoot didn’t answer. She just stared up at Spitfire with wide, slightly traumatized eyes. Spitfire blinked, tipping her head slightly. “How are you faring?” she continued, hoping for an answer and hoping to get the ball rolling on their task. “Are you able to fly?”

Dash bit her lip as she continued towards the two of them, noticing how much the situation was already deteriorating. Spitfire was completely oblivious and Fleetfoot wasn’t going to answer… she had to save her.

Fleetfoot, as Dash predicted, didn’t say a word. She just kept staring up at Spitfire for several moments. As Dash grew closer she noticed Fleetfoot began looking down at Spitfire’s body too, moving her eyes over it a few times before returning her eyes to Spitfire’s face and pulling her head back, looking ashamed while releasing a muffled, closed-mouth sound that resembled a wail.

At that point it was beyond clear to Spitfire that something wasn’t right. It was written all over Spitfire’s face, which prompted Dash to pick up her pace before it could go any further. Spitfire was completely unaware that she was inadvertently part of what was bothering Fleetfoot.

“Fleet…?” Spitfire asked as she stepped forward, furrowing her brow as Fleetfoot started looking at her body again. “What’s wrong?” Spitfire looked down at her chest, wondering what had Fleetfoot so interested.

“Spitfire! Er… Captain!” Dash called out as she finally reached them. Spitfire took a moment before she turned her head towards Dash. She watched as Dash swiftly stepped in front of her, putting herself between her and Fleetfoot while holding up a hoof and giving her a slightly awkward look. “You… Um…” she was shooting from the hip, looking for anything that might convince Spitfire to back off.

“What happened to her?” Spitfire asked with concern as she tried to look around Dash, but she shifted to prevent her while opening her wings. “Rainbow Dash…” she said her name with a flat, stern tone. Dash swallowed and shook her head, finding only one word that could really describe the situation.

“Nightshade,” Dash said before shutting her mouth and holding her breath. Spitfire blinked and lifted an eyebrow.

“Elaborate please,” Spitfire ordered, but they both flinched as Fleetfoot released another helpless noise.

“She… uh…” Dash slammed her eyes shut. “She…” she paused took a breath. “Please, Captain. Not now, give her some space… please?” Dash asked. Her voice filled with worry for the shivering mare behind her. “Nightshade… did something pretty traumatic to her that I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want to talk about.”

“And how are you exempted from leaving her alone?” Spitfire pressed, immediately picking out what Dash’s intentions were while making it very clear she wanted to know what was wrong with her friend and if she could help.

“Because I’m the only one who saw it happen,” Dash quickly explained, Spitfire’s stern glare immediately lightening as she blinked. “Nightshade exposed something… very personal and—” Dash suddenly felt a rough tug on her tail. She looked over her shoulder to see Fleetfoot had grabbed it and was hugging it, hiding her face in it as she shuddered.

“I don’t think she wants to share it… So let me handle this?” Dash suggested.

Spitfire looked over Dash down at Fleetfoot as she clutched Dash’s tail, hugging it like a foal would cling to a blanket or stuffed animal. Fleetfoot was hiding from her. While it hurt a little bit, the fact that she wasn’t trying to avoid Dash confirmed her claim that she saw it… and that Fleetfoot didn’t want to share or confide in anypony else. Spitfire sighed looking down at the ground for a moment before moving her eyes back to Dash. Her eyes were filled with great concern, but she put together what was happening and nodded.

“Alright…” she agreed reluctantly, placing a hoof on Dash’s shoulder. “I’ll leave it to you.”

Dash frowned as she heard the clear tone of disappointment in Spitfire’s voice. Spitfire turned and walked away, moving back towards the rest. Dash could see Soarin looking over as well, but she expected and trusted Soarin to mind his own business here. She knew he was likely just as concerned about Fleetfoot, but…

“Mrrrrph…” Fleetfoot released another noise, this time muffled by Dash’s tail.

Dash was certain that only she had a shot of comforting her… after all, she had witnessed something she knew Fleetfoot didn’t want her to see… and heard things she didn’t want her to know.

Now that she finally secured privacy, Dash slowly turned around, bending her body so that she wouldn’t pull her tail out of Fleetfoot’s grip. But the moment she turned, she yelped as Fleetfoot sprang up and grabbed her by the shoulders.

“Yikes!” Dash reacted as Fleetfoot got right in her face with an absolutely mortified expression, pressed her nose against Dash’s and lightly shook her as her pupils grew wide into pleading eyes.

“Dash…” she spoke, her voice squeaky and broken as small droplets just short of tears appeared in the corners of her eyes. “Please… please… please, please, please, pleasepleasePLEEEEEEEEEEASE promise me that you will NEVER tell anypony about what Nightshade did to me!” she begged Dash with a look of extreme desperation taking over her face. A face that was usually happy, silly, bubbly, sly, or full of harmless mischief. It absolutely killed Dash to see Fleetfoot looking so off key.

“Fleet…” Dash reached up and placed her hooves on Fleetfoot’s arm, pushing her away from her face lightly. But Fleetfoot started shaking her head roughly.

PLEASE!!!!!!!” she repeated, her voice sounding choked up. “I don’t…” she sniffled. “I don’t want them to know… It’s already bad enough that you know… so, please?”

Rainbow Dash was really stricken by how hard Fleetfoot was fighting to keep what happened under wraps. Dash had dealt with personal, private struggles herself… things she wished to keep away from the eyes and ears of others… but they were the kind of things that if they were found out by some close to her, she knew they would listen and try to understand. Fleetfoot showed no such confidence in that scenario. It seemed that what she felt she had to hide carried a tremendous personal weight. So much so that she didn’t even trust her closest friends to be friendly and fair about it.

But this was all about her body? Not being an imposing figure? About not being strong enough? About being the small one in the leading squad?

Those were things that Dash felt could be easily solved with simple and honest positive encouragement, but that was only if those were HER problems. She didn’t know how Fleetfoot’s mind worked. It was strange that a pony known all over Equestria for her sleek body and sex appeal had issues with said body and looks in a way. But based on what Dash witnessed… it was for unconventional reasons. It seemed that Fleetfoot clearly had an idea in her head of what she felt was important for the position she held and worked hard for, but felt ashamed for not being satisfied with what she had already accomplished and been known for as if ambition and humility were crashing into one another and creating a strong uncertainty. She was unable to criticize herself and seek out efforts to improve how she wanted because she didn’t want to look like she was ignoring what she did have…

Or at least something like that. Thinking about it was making Dash’s brain hurt because it was much more complicated than she could possibly imagine without explanation or insight.

But if she was going to get anything out of Fleetfoot, she had to lead with comfort. She reached around Fleetfoot and pulled her into a hug.

“I promise I won’t, okay? URK!” Dash grunted as Fleetfoot immediately hugged her back, but squeezed her as hard as she could in the process. “Fleet… a little tight there…” she sputtered as she tapped Fleetfoot’s back.

“I’m so sorry…” Fleetfoot suddenly apologized. “You must think I’m so selfish…”

Dash frowned as Fleetfoot almost instantly confirmed one of her speculations. If she led with that, then what others would think about it was a large part of it all.

“Fleet…” Dash pushed Fleetfoot off of her to hold her at arm’s length and look her directly in the eyes. “I don’t think anything differently of you. You are allowed to have personal problems,” she clarified her indifference and quickly shifted the subject to show what she was really concerned about. “I’m not worried at all about what I heard, I’m more worried about what I saw,” she looked down at Fleetfoot’s body. “Nightshade literally forced your body to change its shape radically… I’m not even going to try to imagine how painful it must’ve felt… please, tell me how you are feeling. Are you doing better or does it still really hurt?” she pressed her concern for Fleetfoot’s wellbeing, hoping to soften Fleetfoot’s defenses and get her to open up. But she wouldn’t pressure her. There would be NO forcing of the matter.

Fleetfoot pulled away from Dash, shifting backwards out of her reach. She looked away from Dash averting her eyes and tipping her head down a little. She reached a hoof over to her opposite arm and rubbed it gently as her ears flopped down, the motion of her hoof pushing against a tattered flap of torn spandex that still clung to her arm.

“I’m… fine…” she answered quietly and very unconvincingly. Dash didn’t believe it for a second. There was no way she was fine after… that.

“Are you?” Dash asked, not moving or making any motions towards her, just asking while keeping her tone quiet and welcoming. “Fleet, please forget about the other stuff for a moment, your health is more important to me. So please be honest…”

Fleetfoot took a long, deep breath and released an equally long sigh as she shivered, gripping her opposite arm tightly.

“Well, my body feels… stretched out…” she said with long pauses in between before slamming her eyes shut and dropping her hoof down from her arm. “OKAY! It… it really hurts,” she reached both arms up and hugged herself tightly while tipping down slightly. “Everything stings. My body feels like it’s been turned inside out and back again. It’s not the kind of pain I’m used to, it’s different, it’s lingering, it’s constant, even when I’m at rest… I… it… it’s probably not even all there yet. There’s still a lot of numbness all over and new aching pains flaring up all over the place. I’m sure I won’t be moving much come tomorrow, the soreness is going to be unbelievable…” she sniffled and shook her head. “I’ll manage…” she repeated despite the very negative description… and without sounding any more convincing. “But…” she added in a very hushed tone, instantly shutting her mouth and opening her eyes, her pupils shrinking as if she had just made a grave mistake. There was no way Dash couldn’t have noticed the swift change in her expression.

“But what?” she asked, feeling a little stupid right after because she felt like she was pressing, but if Fleetfoot had something she wanted to say, she would say it.

“But it… wasn’t…” Fleetfoot struggled. Dash tipped her head, making the effort to hold back anything until Fleetfoot had her chance to put the right words to whatever it was. But in the end she failed to get it out, instead mumbling quietly with her head hanging.

“What?” Dash asked, not hearing her clearly at all.

“It…” Fleetfoot squeezed herself tighter as she once again, couldn’t find any octave higher than a mumble. Dash remained in her spot, waiting patiently, but in the end Fleetfoot couldn’t do it. She shook her head quickly. “I don’t want to talk about it right now.” She declared, pulling back from the issue. But that was alright.

“Then we don’t have to,” Dash agreed out of respect for Fleetfoot’s feelings. “And again,” she stepped towards her. “Don’t worry about anything I saw or heard. I promise I won’t tell a soul, but you don’t have to feel bad about it. We all have our personal insecurities, I’m definitely no exception.”

Fleetfoot shook her head harder.

“But mine are so selfish and stupid—EEP!” Fleetfoot squeaked as Dash lightly bopped her on the head with her hoof.

“STOP,” she said sternly as Fleetfoot looked up with wide, teary eyes and scrunched her face up. Dash rested a hoof on her shoulder. “I’m not going to judge you. That’s FINAL. Okay?” she flashed a warm smile. “And only I saw it, I’m not telling anyone else. So please, don’t worry about it… but…”

Fleetfoot squeaked and lowered herself a little, stopping just short of curling up, but Dash followed her, keeping her hoof on her shoulder.

“But,” Dash continued. “If you ever want somepony to talk to, I’m all ears, alright? That goes for your troubles, anything that just happened here, or anything else you ever want to get off your chest. You told me you were a friend I could count on back when Soarin and I had our little argument… I hope you still think that so I can repay the favor.”

Fleetfoot’s ears flopped down as she slowly reached forward and gave Dash a hug, resting her chin on her shoulder. It was much less sudden and much more gently this time, so Dash gladly returned it, embracing Fleetfoot as she felt her shiver lightly.

“Thanks, Dashie. I—EEEEEEEEEEEK!

Dash flinched and blinked as Fleetfoot suddenly shrieked, pulled herself out of the hug and lowered herself down in front of Dash, poking her nose into her chest.

“Fleet? What’s wrong?” Dash asked as she stared in confusion. Was she… hiding?

“Is everything okay over here?” Soarin’s voice suddenly came from behind Dash. Dash immediately flattened her brow and folded her ears back. She turned while keeping herself in a position for Fleetfoot to remain mostly hidden. She fixed her flat gaze of disapproval towards Soarin. He stopped two paces from them and tipped his head, lifting an eyebrow as he received the look.

“Nothing,” Dash said sternly while angling her eyes into a slight glare. “Absolutely nothing, now shoo,” she ordered while waving her hoof towards him. Soarin tipped to the right, catching a glimpse of Fleetfoot hiding behind Dash for a moment before Dash also tipped to block his view again.

“It doesn’t look like nothing,” he said with a huff, obviously wanting to know what was wrong with his friend to the point where he was ignoring her earlier pleas. Dash sharpened her glare further.

“Mare talk, not for stallions.” She was sending every possible signal for him to back off, but he was being stubborn. Soarin just lifted an eyebrow in response while giving Dash a slight pout. “Soarin,” Dash smiled, but it was purposely forced. “I already told you to let me handle it. You failed to stop Spitfire from coming over here and now you failed again by ignoring my request. That’s a double fail, now I suggest you not make it a triple fail… don’t make me come over there and kick you, I will.”

“Pfff…” Soarin puffed his cheeks out, finding Dash’s incredibly blunt words to be amusing, but he still didn’t move. Dash released an exasperated sigh and reached a hoof up to rub her forehead.

“Triple fail it is,” she slowly shook her head back and forth before looking back up at Soarin with a more serious, concerned expression. “Look, Soarin. I know you’re worried about her, but… this isn’t any of your business… so, please?”

Soarin listened to her carefully, tipping a little to get another glance at Fleetfoot. She was shivering and he could hear her whimpering very quietly. Soarin frowned, sighed, and looked away.

“Alright, Sorry for being pushy… I’m just worried about her.”

“Wait, what? That’s a problem…” Spitfire’s voice came from nearby, pulling all of their attention away towards her.

Spitfire was standing in front of Fire Streak and the rest of Squad Three as Storm, Squall, and Matteo listened in nearby. Something didn’t look right, both Fire and Spitfire had a look of realization on their faces… and not the good kind.

Soarin took another brief look towards Dash and Fleetfoot before turning and moving towards the group to see what the problem was.

Now alone again, Dash decided it was time to bring Fleetfoot back into the here and now. They were not in the clear yet, depending on Spitfire’s orders. She turned and tapped her on the shoulder gently.

“Come on,” she said with a smile as Fleetfoot looked up at her, sitting up fully now that Soarin was gone. “We still have work to do.”

Fleetfoot stared at her for a few moments before sniffling loudly, wiping her eyes, and nodding. Her face wasn’t completely devoid of her current emotions, but she acknowledged anyway. Dash helped he stand up, and after she did, Fleetfoot reached up and grabbed the remaining tatters of her suit mask. She pulled it off and dropped it on the ground.

“Might as well… this suit is done for anyway…” she said as she looked back at the ripped, torn, and stretched out remains of her suit. Dash waited patiently and watched as Fleetfoot reached down and removed what was left of the suit, shimmying her limbs out and pulling pieces over her head, letting each of them drop to the ground. Dash looked down at the pile of destroyed Wonderbolt spandex, wincing as she recalled the horrific sight of Fleetfoot’s body being manipulated and expanded, her muscles growing against their will and pushing the suit past its limits until it rest upon her in pieces with stressed seams and torn edges. Dash couldn’t even begin to fathom how much physical and emotional pain Fleetfoot was experiencing right now, but the fact that she was willing to go on for the time being was a testament to her toughness that she seemed unwilling to acknowledge. As Fleetfoot said, Dash was more than sure the pain was still catching up to Fleetfoot. Dash recalled how sore her muscles felt for a day or two after a serious workout, that feeling was bound to be tenfold for Fleetfoot in the coming days. Not to mention she’d probably be less than emotionally stable.

As Fleetfoot dropped the last pieces of her suit, she took several deep breaths and tried to compose herself. There was a very visible wobble and shudder in her limbs. But it was hard to tell if it was emotional stress, physical stress from the pain, or a mixture of both. Dash likely wouldn’t know because Fleetfoot was clearly trying to suck it up.

“Oh!” Dash blinked as she watched Fleetfoot. Fleetfoot was without her suit, but… she didn’t have to go completely without gear. Dash reached to her neck, grabbed the goggles and pulled them off of her head, reaching them towards Fleetfoot. “These are yours…” she offered, remembering she used them after they were dropped. Fleetfoot stared at them for a moment, her ears drooping down. Dash suddenly winced, realizing that the whole reason she had Fleetfoot’s goggles were because Nightshade had seductively removed them from her face and dropped them nearby before she… worked her magic on Fleetfoot. But Fleetfoot closed her eyes and took another long breath.

“Thanks…” she said as she reached forward, grabbed the goggles and slipped them over her head, letting them dangle around her neck. It was hard to see Fleetfoot so down and shaken, but it was inspiring to see her make the effort to move on. Dash had no doubt she wouldn’t be the same for a while, but she’d be there for her. Fleetfoot would do the same if the situation were flipped around.

With Fleetfoot back on her hooves and with some of her troubled feelings vented, the two of them turned, following behind Soarin to see what the commotion with Spitfire and Fire Streak was about.

“It’s gone?” Spitfire said as they made their way over, both of them stopping beside Soarin, but Fleetfoot strategically placing herself so Dash was in between them.

“Well… I mean, I was holding it when we were first attacked. I must have dropped it then…” Fire Streak explained shamefully as he rubbed the back of his head.

Dash blinked as she absorbed everything being said. Soarin nudged her.

“What are they talking about?” Soarin asked while leaning his head down towards her. Dash suddenly perked up.

“Oh… the map…” her jaw hug slightly agape as the revelation hit her as well. They were kind of… relying on that to find their way to the Lunar Guard.

“It could be anywhere around here… or destroyed, I completely lost track of it,” Fire Streak continued as he glanced over his shoulder at his three squad mates, looking first at Surprise and his twin brother. “Have you two, uh… seen the map anywhere?”

“Nope…” Surprise immediately replied while holding a very fake, worried smile.

“Was I supposed to be looking?” Lightning asked as he scratched his plot. Fire flattened his brow as if he was hoping he’d get a little help. He turned to Misty and made a few motions that were not part of the sign language, but indicated the map by making unfolding motions in front of his face while looking at her with questioning eyes.

Misty caught on, blinked, and shook her head.

Fire’s ears drooped down as he turned back to Spitfire while biting his lower lip, at a loss for words. Spitfire quickly shook her head.

“Don’t dwell on it, Fire. You were pulled into combat. Frankly, I’d be more surprised if you somehow managed to hold onto that thing the whole time,” she chuckled, but then looked away and down at the ground. “But this is a problem…” she said as she looked over everypony, glancing over her shoulder at Dash, Soarin, and Fleetfoot, and also looking over to where Descent and the Renegades were gathered and waiting nearby. “I know the general direction of the meeting spot, but the problem isn’t finding it, the problem is Captain P.L. and the guards themselves. Knowing them, if they see us looking or searching for them, they may get suspicious. The paranoid idiots…” she trailed off with a quiet growl.

“So what are we going to do?” Fire asked as he stepped up.

Spitfire reached up and rubbed her chin as she pondered, humming to herself continuously.

“Hmmmmmmmm…” she kept going as she turned and looked around at the others again. “Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…” she parted her lips to reveal her gritted teeth. It wasn’t a good sign. She looked stumped and clawing for ideas.

As Dash watched Spitfire turn in circles, hum, and ponder their options… something else suddenly caught her eye.

Misty Fly was blinking and twitching as if something was bothering her. Then her ears suddenly twitched and she looked up.

Purely out of curiosity and reflex, Dash looked up too…

And didn’t even have time to yelp…

As Twister crashed right on top of her, freefalling from above without even using his wings.

“GAH!” Dash grunted loudly as she was painfully forced the ground, drawing everypony’s attention over to her. The moment Twister had flattened Dash to the ground, he sprang upwards with a loud SPROING and flailed while screaming wildly and arcing back down, landing in the middle of all of them headfirst, his head going right through the rocky ground and getting stuck in it. His body remained stiff and upright for a moment, shaking back and forth and making a loud springy noise similar to a door stopper being forcibly flicked repeatedly.

When his body finally stopped shaking, it slowly lowered to the ground while making a whoopee cushion cheer.

Everypony just stared at him in complete silence.

“Uh…” Spitfire was the first to make a sound, if one could even call it that. But she was quickly overshadowed as Dash released a very loud, angry growl, pushed herself up from the ground, and stomped over to Twister. She reached down and grabbed him by the legs, yanking on his body until his head finally popped out of the ground. There was a comical amount of whiplash that followed, sending both him and Dash backwards and to the ground, Dash on her back With Twister sitting on top of her while swaying back and forth.

Dash immediately pushed him off, making him fall forwards and face first, but before he could pull anything else, Dash got up, grabbed him by the neck, hoisted him up and turned him around.

He was smiling very wide with his eyes pointed in opposite directions, almost all of his teeth were missing, his goggles were broken, his nose was bent, his mane looked like it got in a fight with a blender and lost, and his suit mask was horribly ripped up. He released a long, low squeak as Dash glared at him.

“Gravity… you are a HARSH mistress!” he said in a silly tone.

“TWISTER!” Dash yelled angrily in his face as she held him up. Twister suddenly shook his head so fast that his head became a blur. When he stopped his head was replaced with Soarin’s. Dash’s eyes went wide and she pulled her neck back. Twister blinked.

“Oh, WHOOPSIE!” he giggled as he shook his head incredibly fast again, his own head returning when he stopped, completely devoid of any damage, goggles, suit, teeth, and all. “HOI!” he yelled loudly as his facial features suddenly slid away from his face and floated beside his head. But Dash was NOT amused, anypony else nearby backing away slightly as they watched her growl and glare. Dash reached over, grabbed his facial features and slammed them back onto his face, causing his head to tip backwards with a limp neck.

“WHERE… THE HELL… DID YOU GO?!” she asked while forcing his head up and snarling right into his face.

“Baltimare, for a convention. I got Ashleigh Ball’s autograph!” he answered while bouncing his eyebrows rapidly and pointing to a signature of an odd name across his chest. Everypony else aside from Squall and Matteo all glanced back and forth as they wondered what the hell they were watching. Surprise was behind Lightning Streak, peeking over his back while wearing protective goggles and earmuffs.

“Twister,” Dash’s expression turned from angry to flat and unamused. “I’m going to shake you now. And I’m not going to stop shaking you until you tell me where you were.” Before Twister could give any response, Dash grabbed him by the shoulders and began shaking him hard. Twister released several uneven garbled giggles that sounded like a clown laughing while being electrified as he shook.

When Dash stopped shaking him, Twister suddenly had a bright red hat with an M in the middle of it on his head and a thick black moustache under his nose.

“The Mushroom Kingdom! Woohoo!” he said with a strange accent.

Dash shook him again. Upon stopping, Twister’s ears had become twice as large and pointed and he wore a green pointed hat that hung down behind his head.

“Hyrule! HYAH! HYAH!”

Dash shook him.

When she stopped, his head was completely covered with a red helmet that had a blue visor.

“Zebes! Come by later and I’ll give ya the SKREW attack!”

Dash shook him.

After she stopped, Twister had a red and white hat on and balanced a red and white ball in one of his hooves. A mouse that had yellow fur sat on his shoulders.

“Kanto!” he chucked the ball towards Matteo and bounced it right off his beak, making him squawk in surprise.

“RGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!” Dash shook him even harder, and when she stopped he was back to normal.

“Okay, okay, ya got me!” he wailed dramatically while letting his head lean back, but then he whipped it forward and pressed his nose against Dash’s, his nose releasing a loud HONK. “I was recording some video about ponies and doors!” he said with a snicker.

“TWISTER!!!!!!!!!!” Dash yelled in his face as loud as she could, his whole body and mane flailing backwards like he was getting blasted by strong winds.

But before she could go any further, a set of talons rested down on her shoulder.

“Rainbow Dash… stop,” Matteo suggested as Dash simply let go of Twister and let him fall into a heap on the ground.

“Rgghhhh…” she growled, knowing more or less what Matteo was going to say, but she wanted to let off some steam about Twister regardless.

“I really don’t think he would have made much of a difference against Nightshade,” Matteo continued.

Dash, reluctantly, had to agree. She stared down at Twister as he sat in front of her, his body contorting and springing back and forth while making accordion noises. Matteo had a valid point. Twister’s antics had only consistently worked on one pony, Ruin. And they only seemed to work because Ruin was the same… only not as crazy as Twister. Ruin employed the same tactics, but seemed to be just attached to reality enough for Twister to overpower him… which said something towards how off the chain Twister was.

The truth of the matter was that Twister’s antics had not always worked on the Shadowbolts, so chances are he would have just ended up in the same bind as the rest of them had he stayed.

But that most certainly did NOT let him off the hook. Dash shot Twister a very sharp glare as he stopped bouncing back and forth and looked right back at her with the most absurdly cute puppy dog eyes imaginable.

“Wherever the hell he went…” Dash spoke up again. “He disappeared on us while we were in danger and could have used the assistance… I’m pretty sure that’s NOT how Wonderbolts are supposed to operate!” she leaned forward, pressing her nose to Twister’s doing her best Silver Lining flight instructor impression as she glared and growled in his face. “Well?!” Dash yelled as Spitfire started walking towards her, likely to get control of the situation and get back to the important task at hand. But before she could reach them, Twister’s lips curled into a smile so wide that it almost detached from his face. Dash only growled louder. “What do you have to say for yourself?!”

“I found the map.”

Everypony froze and went dead silent as Twister suddenly pulled away from Dash… and held a folded piece of paper up in front of him. Dash’s pupils shrank.


Dash couldn’t find the words as Twister leaned towards her and bounced his eyebrows rapidly, one of them dethatching and launching towards the sky.

Spitfire immediately started moving again, taking two more steps before she reached over the top of Twister and grabbed the paper. But as she tried to lift it out of his hoof, Twister lifted up with it, his hoof stuck to it. Spitfire flattened her brow and gave the paper one shake. It caused Twister to launch off of it and crash against the ground while making the sound of a brick being thrown through a window. Spitfire lifted an eyebrow as she looked down at him. Twister was curled up into a ball with his face barely visible next to his plot. He was holding a cassette tape player that was making the continuous glass crashing noise. He slowwwwwwwwwly reached over and hit the ‘stop’ button on the player while grinning creepily up at her, his missing eyebrow floating down from above and reattaching in a raised position.

“Right…” Spitfire said with a long sigh. “Well then,” she took the paper in both of her hooves and slowly unfolded it and turned it over. She blinked several times and nodded. “Well… this is definitely the map we drew up back at the Nimbus,” she said as she glanced at Twister, who was lying in a hammock between two rocks with sunglasses and a mixed drink. Spitfire rolled her eyes and turned towards Fire Streak. “Fire, here. This is it, right?” She handed the map to him. Fire quickly turned it around and looked it over.

“Huh, yes, this is it. And we were…” he paused as he narrowed his eyes and moved them about the map. “We were right here when we got attacked.” He looked up from the map and looked around the surrounding area for any indications of their previous flight path. “Yes, yes… we’re still near the path.”

“Good,” Spitfire nodded. She looked back towards Twister, but had to turn further to see him now sitting beside a still very shocked and bewildered Rainbow Dash. He was sitting with a big smile on his face and a halo floating over his head. Spitfire flattened her brow… again.

The full extent of the details eluded her, but from what she saw and heard, she assumed Twister vanished during the fight with Nightshade, his complete lack of injuries and suit in pristine condition were enough to tell her that. On the flip side… he did just recover the map for them. It certainly didn’t make up for what appeared to be desertion, but it at least allowed them to continue. If it were anypony else, Spitfire would accuse them of desertion, but Twister? She didn’t know him as well as Dash’s squad did, but she knew one thing… that he was crazier and more random than Surprise. So she was willing to look at it from a different perspective. She also agreed with Matteo in doubting he would have made much of a difference against Nightshade.

So everything else aside… They lost the map, he found it. Considering what they were trying to accomplish, that was good enough for her for now.

“I don’t know all the details,” Spitfire began while still looking towards Twister. “But thanks for bringing us the map and—” she paused as she blinked and he disappeared. She immediately looked down to see Twister below her, completely clasped to her right arm while still looking at her with the innocent smile, but with his tongue sticking out between his teeth.

Spitfire didn’t flinch or recline in any way. She just stared down for a moment before she picked up her hoof in attempt to pull it free, but he rose with it, remaining attached to her. She shook it a few times but Twister didn’t budge, and he made squeak toy noises as he shook. Spitfire sighed through her nostrils and glanced up at Dash.

Rainbow Dash snorted.

“Matty?” she said without looking at Matteo. He slowly stood up from his spot and nodded.

“Gladly,” he said with an almost eager tone as he approached Spitfire and locked his eyes on Twister. He reached up his right arm and balled his talons. Spitfire held still as Matteo brought his arm down, slamming his talons down over the top of Twister’s head…. really hard. Twister ripped free of Spitfire’s arm, but as Matteo followed through with his intentionally violent strike, Twister was suddenly attached to HIS arm instead. “Oh, for the love of…” Matteo growled as he stepped back and began shaking his arm roughly to no avail as Twister made sounds that resembled a hot tea kettle in a paint mixer.

“Alright then!” Spitfire turned away and let Matteo deal with Twister as Dash, Storm, and Squall approached to assist. She stepped back towards the rest of the Wonderbolts, opening her mouth to call out orders, but she suddenly stopped before doing so. Soarin, Fleetfoot, and Squad Three all stared at her, waiting. Surprise even had her hooves up ready to translate for Misty. But Spitfire went no further. She closed her mouth and a look of concern appeared on her face as she examined each one of them carefully. They all looked very tired. She glanced over her shoulder as well to see Dash, Storm, and Squall had all already given up on removing Twister from Matteo, including Matteo himself as they all sat, looking too exhausted to try.

“Hmmm…” Spitfire hummed as she continued to look them all over. “Shouldn’t get ahead of myself here…” she mumbled quietly to herself.

“Spitfire,” Descent’s voice came from behind her, but she didn’t look. He trotted up beside her and waited for her to respond, but she didn’t. He cleared his throat loudly in a second attempt, but she still didn’t look at him, at least not for a moment. Descent scrunched his face angrily, but before he could vent said anger, Spitfire finally looked at him and blinked.

“Sorry, just give me a second,” she said free of the sharp tone she usually took with him. Descent’s face quickly returned to normal as he tipped his head curiously. “Everypony, come in for a second,” Spitfire suddenly beckoned all of the remaining Wonderbolts.

Descent waited patiently as Spitfire moved away from him towards the Wonderbolts, all of them doing as they were told. Spitfire observed the curious looks she was getting, but she could see through them. They’re appearances said it all. With the exception of Soarin and Twister, everypony looked incredibly tired and very beaten up. There was barely a full, undamaged suit among them, putting several wounds and nasty bruises on display. She also observed how they moved. There were clear signs of uneven steps, limps, twitching muscles and subtle wincing in their faces.

They had a mission to complete, but not before she completed her first duty as their captain.

Ensuring their well-being.

With everypony huddled up and close to her, she looked into every pair of eyes while wearing a stern, yet concerned expression.

“Everypony, please listen to me,” she began, a lead off statement that was unique to them as opposed to the usual ‘everypony listen up!’ The number of things that seemed different about Spitfire just kept piling up. “I’m going to be completely straightforward. I would prefer as many of you to continue on with me as possible. But…” she paused as her eyes scanned over them all again. “I want it to be your choice. I’m not the one who just took a beating of a lifetime and I’m sure some of you are in some serious pain right now.” She had already ordered Air Mach to return, but the extent of his injuries and pain were front and center. She wanted the rest to make an honest assessment of themselves. “There is no guarantee that the remaining path to the Lunar Guard will be without peril. So, please… if you are not confident you are able to go on or if you are in need of assistance or attention, please head back to the Nimbus,” she appealed, moving her eyes between Fleetfoot, Squad Three, and Squad Foxtrot, understanding that Soarin had not engaged. “This isn’t an order, this is a request,” she added on the end.

Fire Streak looked down at the map in his hoof before glancing back at the others. His eyes landed on Surprise as she finished translating the orders to Misty Fly. Misty’s eyes widened for a moment before narrowing into a glare. She sharply turned her head towards Spitfire with a hard pout and made her way over with a subtle limp in her steps, pushing Lightning Streak aside.

“Misty?” Spitfire reacted reflexively her eyes widening slightly as Misty Fly placed herself right in front of Spitfire and roughly shook her head back and forth.

“Heh… well…” Fire spoke up, pausing for a moment as Lightning Streak stumbled and fell over on his side. “If Misty is staying put… then so are the rest of us,” he said with a light chuckle. She had it worse than all of us,” he explained as he turned and helped Surprise pick Lightning Streak up off the ground. “Squad Three has been roughed up, but we’ll tough it out,” Fire spoke for his squad with a smile, Lightning and Surprise both standing beside Misty and nodding. Spitfire just smiled in response before turning to Foxtrot, her eyes landing right on Dash. “I want all of you to be honest as well,” Spitfire said before any of them could respond, but Dash immediately stepped up and pointed at Soarin.

“If he’s going, I’m going,” she pressed without hesitation. Spitfire glanced at Soarin, who just shrugged. Spitfire furrowed her brow.

“Rainbow Dash, please carefully consider how your body feels,” she implored, but Dash only shook her head.

“If he dies I die, so it doesn’t really make a difference how my body feels, does it? I’m going where he goes,” she firmly made clear. Spitfire lifted an eyebrow, but she couldn’t hold back a grin.

“Still not listening to me, huh? Alright, you’re in. What about—”

“I go where my captain goes,” Matteo cut Spitfire off, feeding off Dash’s light case of defiance.

“You bet that goes for me too,” Storm added as he stepped up beside Dash, glancing past Spitfire at Descent for a moment and giving his father a nod. “I mean… she’s technically not my captain, but… er, you get what I mean,” Storm added awkwardly, realizing his blunder after trying to sound hard and serious.

“I’ve got nothing better to do,” Squall grunted as he remained behind Dash. Dash blew a single breath upward, making her mane bounce before making a light, backwards head motion.

“That means he’s coming, and Twister didn’t do jack-shit, so I’m taking him along whether he likes it or not,” Dash finished while glancing at Matteo’s arm. Twister was still attached to it, but somehow had turned upside-down.

“Very well,” Spitfire acknowledged them all, taking a moment before turning to one last pony.


“Fleet…” Spitfire spoke quietly as she laid eyes on her. Fleetfoot flinched, blinking as if she wasn’t fully paying attention. She turned and looked into Spitfire’s eyes, immediately leaning back slightly. Spitfire shook her head. “I think you should go back,” she quickly gave her opinion. Fleetfoot’s eyes widened slightly, but otherwise she gave no other reaction. “I don’t know what happened, but I don’t want you to push yourself… so please?”

Fleetfoot looked away from her, locking eyes with Dash. There was no exchange between the two of them, but as Fleetfoot slowly looked back at Spitfire, her eyes passing Soarin once as well, they suddenly narrowed and she shook her head.

“No,” Fleetfoot answered.

“Fleet?” Spitfire blinked in surprise.

“I’m coming along,” she stated somewhat firmly. Spitfire glanced over at Dash for a moment, before refocusing her concern on Fleetfoot.

“Are you sure?” Spitfire asked her, stepping up and placing a hoof on her shoulder.

“Yes, I need to,” she explained with little detail. Her voice was shaky, it sounded far from determined, but Spitfire was going to stick to her words. She would not force anypony’s decision here… but she made a mental note to keep an eye on Fleetfoot. She didn’t know what was going on, but she’d look out for her regardless.

“Alright…” she gave a nod, agreeing despite sounding reluctant. She turned back to look at all of them. “Looks like everypony’s coming along then.”

The Wonderbolts all nodded as Spitfire finished, but Fire still looked a little uncertain.

“But Captain… what are we going to do about—”

“Excuse me,” Descent stepped over and in front of Fire.

“Hey!” Fire flinched and huffed as Descent cut him off, but Descent completely ignored him.

“That wasn’t very nice,” Spitfire lifted an eyebrow as she leaned over to look at Fire behind him, but Descent shook his head.

“I don’t care, I was tired of you pushing me aside,” Descent grunted a clear tone of frustration in his voice. “I want to touch base with you to I can get the Renegades on their way, so humor me before you do any more sappy hoof holding.”

Spitfire shifted which eyebrow was up as Descent’s tone and manner seemed way off, noticeably so. Something was clearly bothering him, and it wasn’t really a mystery what. So she let it be and honored his request.

“Okay, go ahead,” she encouraged him without a hint of dissatisfaction towards his behavior.

“Our presence will not be helpful. The Lunar Guard has mistrusted us from the beginning. So instead, we will do some scouting and return to the Nimbus. You are confident your Wonderbolts are able to make the trip?” he asked while glancing up at them, taking note of how beaten up they all looked.

“It is their choice to make to come along. If they believe they are capable I am not going to dissuade them,” Spitfire answered without a smidgen of doubt. Descent furrowed his brow.

“That’s sounds rather irresponsible,” he commented.

“Nopony asked you for your opinion, Descent. I trust them to be honest with me as much as I trust them to understand the situation and make a good judgment. They say they are able, so as their captain, I will lead them. Do what you will with the Renegades, we’ll return with the Lunar Guard in tow as soon as we can.”

Descent didn’t move as she finished, scrunching his face as he looked at her carefully. Spitfire tipped her head a little.

“Yes?” she asked, sensing a question.

“Tell me, how do you intend to convince Captain P.L. without Silver Lining?” he questioned. Fire Streak grumbled behind him.

“That’s what I was going to ask…” he said under his breath as he tapped his hoof from behind Descent. Spitfire shook her head quickly as if she was anticipating the question.

“That’s easy,” she began. “I’m going to do what I probably should have done in the first place. I’m going to walk right up to him and convince him myself. As Captain of the Wonderbolts, it’s my duty to speak on our behalf…” she paused and sighed as she looked off in the direction the rest of the ponies departed moments ago. “Had I considered that duty before all of this… I probably could have spared Silver a lot of pain,” she looked back at Descent and shook her head again. “But what’s happened has happened, and my blunders have already had consequences. I will take control right here and now and make my appeal to Captain P.L. directly. It’s not going to be easy, but it’s my responsibility.”

“Hmph…” Descent simply grunted in response, his tail flipping and nearly swatting Fire Streak in the face behind him. “Good luck with that… he’s a real charmer.”

“It’s not the first time I’ve faced him down. Believe me, I know he’s going to be stubborn,” Spitfire winked at Descent, pointing at him right after. “And when I get back I’ll talk to you about what Flashwind said to me. It’s something I think you should hear too.”

“Oh, joy…” Descent snorted loudly while rolling his eyes. He turned to leave without another word, but stopped when his eyes locked in the direction Nightshade disappeared in. He stared for several moments, his expression softening just long enough for Spitfire to notice.

“How about you?” she suddenly asked. Descent blinked, but didn’t look at her.

“What about me?” he asked with a very quiet snarl.

“Is everything alright with you?” she elaborated. Descent sharply turned his eyes towards her and glared.

“What do YOU care?” he snapped at her, a silence extending between them right after with the Wonderbolts and Renegades both looking on as their Captains stared at each other. Spitfire didn’t say another word on the subject. She just gave him a nod.

“I’ll see you back at the Nimbus,” she said calmly as she turned and moved back towards the Wonderbolts. Descent’s eyes widened and his face softened again as Spitfire turned away. She had let it go, sensing that he was frustrated. Not wanting to go any further, Descent also let it be, turning back to the Renegades, approaching Starry and Lightning Dust while twirling a hoof in the air.

“Everypony get loose!” Spitfire called to them as she walked past Dash. Dash kept her eyes on her as she moved towards Squad Three, Soarin, and Fleetfoot. “Take your time, make sure your wings aren’t cramping up. I want this to go as smoothly as possible!”

Dash moved her eyes to Fleetfoot for a moment, easily noticing the way her posture still radiated a lack of confidence. She wasn’t sure if Fleetfoot was forcing herself to come along or if she was trying to fight back against the anxiety. Either way, she was coming along. Dash made a mental note to keep an eye on her in case she needed the support. She didn’t care if Fleetfoot was one of the highest ranking Wonderbolts, she was currently vulnerable, very vulnerable, and as her friend she would act if necessary.

But at the moment, that could wait… because Dash had to make sure she was ready to go.

Doing as she was told, Dash slowly stood up. Her legs felt a little wobbly. It didn’t surprise her. A mixture of Nightshade beating the crap out of her and her pain receptors being lit on fire by the torturing aura would do that. Two of her legs were worse than the others, one in front and one in the back, they were covered by the suit at the moment, but she was certain there were some nasty bruises upon them. In general she felt very drained, roughly about a third of her usual energy. She blamed that on the aura, they were under that spell for at least fifteen to twenty minutes, maybe even more. The constant pain was definitely something that could tire one out. The rest of her body was no better. There were sharp pains here and there. Her shoulders felt like they had been ripped off and put back in place. She had taken several harsh body blows, and the icing on the cake was the two places Nightshade had… well… bitten her on the right side of her neck where the shoulder connected and on her lower lip, which was slightly swollen on the inside as a result. She had no doubt she was going to wake up the next morning feeling like she had been run over by the crystal express. It was probably going to feel like that for more than a few days.

But honestly? How the rest of the body felt was beside the point. It was her wings that mattered. She had put more strain on her wings during this encounter than she had in almost all of her previous battles combined. That mixed with the beating she took and how she ended it with a Sonic Blast-off… she had to make sure she hadn’t completely broken herself. She held her breath as she slowly started opening her wings. She had been keeping them still since the fighting ended as a matter of comfort, but it was time to assess them.

“Hrg…” Dash growled quietly as her right wing had a little bit of difficulty. Her left wing smoothly opened all the way, but her right wing shook as it got halfway and slowed way down. “Come on…” Dash grunted as she put in extra effort. She flinched as a loud POP came from it before it fully opened. “OH! Ow…” she cringed as she shivered. “Dammit…” she sighed as she started moving it around, little clicks could be heard coming from the joint as she did. She hadn’t felt that in a while… and she was almost surprised that she had. She had had problems with her right wing joint back during the Wonderbolt tryouts. The stress she put on it over the course of those three days was similar to how hard she pushed it here. Over the course of time after the tryouts, they had ample rest and recovery time in between harsh training, at least for the muscles and joints, in between the fighting. Her right wing was feeling stiff again, but she was confident it wouldn’t keep her from at least flying. She exhaled as she began moving both of her wings around, her left moving without trouble, but her right clicking quietly with each pass.

That was going to be annoying… She was going to need some help from Bliss when she got back… or maybe one of her assistants, Bliss was going to be busy with Silver, Wave Chill, and the other Shadowbolts… okay, who was she kidding, she felt bad thinking this way, but she only wanted Bliss to focus on Silver. The others could wait, they had to. She wanted Silver to get all the attention he needed, no less. But Bliss would make it work… she hoped. Luna was handling the crystal stricken ponies… so Bliss would be able to take care of Silver… right?

Dash shook her head out and refocused. Her mind was wandering. She felt alright, or at least good enough to fly. She decided to check on the others in her squad as she turned and looked towards them. They were all up and checking themselves, all just about as beaten up as Dash. The lingering pain was showing in their posture and how they held themselves. All except for Twister, obviously, who was spinning on his head like a top around all four of them.

Dash ignored Twister as she looked them over, but noticed something. Squall and Matteo were completely occupied with testing how their bodies felt, but Storm looked distracted. He was moving about half as much as the other two, and kept looking up and away from them all.

Curiosity killed the Dash. She glanced over her shoulder to try and follow Storm’s eyes, and she was not surprised to see that Storm was looking towards Descent, watching in small intervals as his father spoke to the Renegades and got them ready to leave. She heard a sigh from Storm, bringing her focus back to him as he went about checking his wings, pulling a loosened feather free before preening them back into place. Sensing that his focus was off, Dash decided to go check on him, walking towards him slowly. She was doing her best to push aside her worry for Silver to keep her mind on what they still had to do. Storm had to do the same.

“Hey,” Dash called to him as she approached. Storm didn’t react for about three seconds. He finally flinched, blinked, and looked at Dash.

“Sorry, what?” he asked. Dash lifted an eyebrow and snickered.

“I didn’t say anything yet,” she pointed out as Storm’s ears flopped down and he sighed. “What’s up? You look like something is bothering you.” Dash got straight to the point, quietly sending a message that she was both curious and willing to help. Storm had gotten used to it, picking up on it quickly, but his answer was not so straightforward.

“I… well…” he failed to start. It didn’t sound like he was dodging the subject, more like he was trying to find the right words for it. Dash didn’t need a full explanation. She knew who he was thinking about. She just wanted to know what was on his mind about it. She waited patiently as he thought over it all. “You probably already know,” he suddenly said as Dash glanced over her shoulder again.


“Yeah…” Storm nodded as she looked back at him. “My father and everything that just happened… I can’t stop thinking about it,” he said as he sat down and opened and closed his wings a few times. “I mean… you were not exaggerating one bit about Nightshade. Despite knowing about her already, nothing could have prepared me for that,” he explained as he looked away from Descent and towards Dash.

“I did the best I could, but she’s not that easy to describe,” Dash agreed as Storm looked back at Descent.

“I believed every word you said, but… Before this I had also asked my dad about her and…” Storm took a deep breath and exhaled. “The way he described her was completely different. He only said good things about her, his words held so much admiration, respect, and… even some care. Yet, we faced her… I came this close to believing he wasn’t talking about the same pony. But then when she looked at me…”

Storm paused and simply stared at Descent. Dash looked back and forth between the two of them while recalling the moment that Nightshade picked up Storm, looked into his eyes, and freaked out.

“Her reaction… the way she pulled away so suddenly, then she said ‘you’re not him,’” Storm continued. “I wasn’t sure what to think of it at first, but then when my dad showed up and Nightshade completely broke down…”

“There’s got to be a connection there… I mean, have you looked in a mirror lately? You and Descent couldn’t have more identical eyes,” Dash pointed out as he paused, but Storm was lost in his thoughts.

“There’s something there, there is truth to his words. The way my father called out to her, the way he ran up to her, the way he collapsed when he thought she was dead… it really was the Nightshade he was talking about.” Storm looked back at Dash, his eyes filled with concern. “He can’t hide it… My dad isn’t the most expressive around others, but after seeing all of that, I know he’s probably very troubled right now. But I don’t know what to do… if I should go confront him and tell him what happened before he arrived, or if I should leave it be… oh…” Storm looked up over Dash. “Well, guess I know the answer now…”

Dash looked over her shoulder to see Descent take off with the Renegades all following behind.

“I doubt I would have confronted him right now anyway…” Storm finished while sighing. Dash shook her head.

“Had I known Descent was your dad at the time, I probably would have told you what he told us about her,” Dash spoke up, recalling her story to her Squad and Storm came before the Renegades appeared to assist them. “Honestly, I didn’t even consider it. I was willing to believe Descent, but until now I had never seen any sign that the Nightshade he always talked about existed. The way she reacted to him was…” Dash trailed off because she couldn’t find the words to it.

A pony who was basically the object of her nightmares turned into a scared little filly when her old comrade arrived and confronted her, acting and showing uncontrolled emotions in a way she had yet to witness. Silver’s break down of her was one thing, but he only exposed some things beneath the surface and got under her skin. Descent’s arrival made her change completely, like buried feelings and fears came pouring out.

There was definitely a lot going on that they didn’t know about. Was Descent the reason Nightshade had remained hidden? Was she afraid to face him? Starry too? Was she still holding onto the special connection that Descent had described?

Everything was becoming so complicated. Scratch that, everything was already complicated. Now it was just getting more complicated. Every time they found answers, it seemed more questions spread out from them. First evidence of dissent within the Shadowbolt ranks through Moon, now Nightshade’s strange behavior… what the HELL was going on?

“Shit…” Dash suddenly reached up and rapped a hoof against the side of her head. Storm blinked and looked towards her.


“I came over here to hear you out and help you get focused, but it backfired and I’m thinking too much too…” Dash shook her head and chuckled awkwardly. Storm chuckled along with her before taking a slow, long breath.

“Let’s forget about it for now. I want to know what’s on my father’s mind, but really, we should focus. If we don’t get to the Crystal Empire, none of us are getting any answers,” Storm suggested.

“Wow, you turned it right around on me,” Dash smirked as she turned to check on Matteo and Squall sitting nearby. She couldn’t see Twister anywhere, but she had a feeling he was sneaking around, waiting to pull a prank. She took a step back to make sure Storm was included as she checked on them. “So guys… how are you all holding up?” she asked, drawing Matteo and Squall’s attention to her as well.

Matteo was the first to speak up as he folded his wings and sat down, but not without wincing as one of his back legs shuddered.

“I’m… fine…” he said, pausing in between to grimace.

“I guess I’m alright,” Storm relayed as he turned to face all of them as well.

“Hmph…” Squall only grunted as he remained standing but looked away. Dash kept her eyes on Squall for a moment while furrowing her brow.

“Squall is that a yes or n—”

“I CAN’T FEEL MY BODY!!!!!” Twister yelled as he popped up in front of Dash and started repeatedly punching himself in the face.

Dash casually lifted up a hoof and pushed Twister aside, sending him tumbling away.

“Well,” Dash said as she took a breath and stepped towards Matteo and Squall. “We survived, somehow. But there you go. That’s Nightshade.”

“Hmph,” Squall grunted again. Dash lifted an eyebrow at him but didn’t get a chance to say anything.

“She is truly fearsome,” Matteo spoke up as he shook his body out, his feathers and fur puffing up for a moment before naturally smoothing into place. “It was like fighting a demon. I’ve never felt so overwhelmed by an opponent before.”

“Hmph…” Squall grunted again. Dash flattened her brow as she looked towards him.

“Okay Squall, are you going to say something or just keep grunting?” she asked him before anypony else, particularly Twister, could cut her off.

“Nnnnnngh…” Squall groaned as he shook his head, cringed, and shut his eyes.

“If I’m reading him correctly,” Storm began from behind Dash. “Then for once I think we wholly agree on something. Everything we just talked about aside… she was… disturbing…”

“Hmph…” Squall grunted again.

“Something seemed to be amiss between her and your father,” Matteo spoke up, earning a nod in return from Storm.

“Dash and I were just talking about that,” Storm explained. “She completely caved in when my dad appeared, it was almost like she was seeing a monster… something she wanted to get away from or… I don’t even know,” Storm ended with a sigh as his ears flopped down.

“Hmph…” Squall grunted.

“Strong ties perhaps?” Matteo pondered out loud, echoing things Dash and Storm had already touched on. Dash quickly realized they were getting off focus again, but it was actually hard to stay focused when such an intriguing and mysterious subject was looming above them. “Nightshade was your father’s former captain, no?” Matteo asked.

“Hmph…” Squall grunted.

Not only Dash, but Matteo and Storm also looked towards Squall with mixed flat and curious expressions.

“Whaaaaaaaat…?” Squall slurred as he continued to cringe. Dash lifted her brow.

“Squall, are you okay?” she asked.

“She creeped the living HELL out of me, okay?” he admitted while gritting his teeth and glaring at them. He grumbled to himself and looked away as if embarrassed to admit it, even though all of them pretty much felt the same way. “Don’t think I’ve ever been more creeped out or disturbed in my life…” he added.

Twister suddenly popped up in front of him, his goggles shifting down around his neck without even touching them as he opened his eyes wide and leaned right into Squall’s face.

“IS THAT A CHALLENGE?!” he yelled. Squall scowled at him.

“No, piss off.”

“Down Twister,” Dash stepped up, placed a hoof over his head, and smushed him all the way to the ground. “You’re in time out for not helping,” she talked down to him as he managed to shift and look up at her with fake teary eyes.


“Everypony ready over here?” Spitfire’s voice suddenly interrupted them. They all looked up towards her, except for Twister who kept bawling like a foal beneath Dash’s hoof and flailing his arms. Without taking a single look at Twister, Dash glanced at Matteo and Storm, both of them giving her a nod. She looked towards Squall, hoping the same. It took him a moment or two, but he nodded as well.

“We’re a little bit shaken,” Dash began as she turned back to Spitfire. “But we’re ready and able to fly, ma’am.”

Spitfire looked between all of them carefully before glancing down at Twister on the ground. He was now gnawing on Dash’s arm while making growling noises like a small dog. She lifted an eyebrow for a moment before looking back up at Dash.

“Alright then,” she acknowledged while making a head motion towards the rest of the Wonderbolts. “Line up, we’re going to get moving.” She turned and started walking back towards the others. “Let’s get moving everypony! We need to get this all wrapped up by nightfall! Let’s go!”

Soarin’s ears perked up as Spitfire gave the order. He immediately fell in line as Spitfire approached and touched base with Fire Streak.

“You’re in charge of navigation, Fire,” she spoke as she motioned for Squad Three to take the lead.

“Yes, ma’am!” Fire dutifully replied as Spitfire backed up and took a spot beside Soarin.

“Let’s go, let’s go!” Spitfire encouraged as Fleetfoot placed herself behind them and Foxtrot brought up the rear.

As Soarin waited for the order to take off, he couldn’t help but notice how long it was taking. But it didn’t take him long to figure it out, he was the only one who had not taken a beating after all. He watched the shaky movements of Squad Three in front of him, glancing back and observing the same from Fleetfoot and Foxtrot, and even a little from Spitfire as well. Everypony looked banged up, barely a full, clean flight suit among them. Fleetfoot had completely shed hers. Well, it wasn’t like his was perfect, he still hadn’t picked up a new suit since a control panel fell on him on the Nimbus bridge. Despite his suit though, he was ready to go and full of energy. But this was likely going to be a slow paced flight. Where did all of HIS energy come from? It was more than just being in better physical condition. Maybe he was having a little high from not being held down for the first time in, well, he couldn’t remember the last time Spitfire gave him free reign to decide whether or not to go on a mission.

He glanced down at Spitfire as she waited patiently, allowing the rest plenty of time to get themselves ready and situated.

“Lead on when ready, Fire,” Spitfire spoke up. “And don’t push yourself. Take it slow if you need to. We have more than enough time.”

“What happened to before nightfall?” Lightning Streak spoke up ahead of her in a slightly sarcastic manner.

“If it’s really going to take you that long to fly a few miles then I’m putting you on a diet,” Spitfire shot back at him as Surprise snickered.

“Fair enough,” Lightning shrugged as Fire looked over the map, checking on Misty Fly beside him before looking back at Spitfire.

“Alright, everypony set?” Fire asked, earning a quick nod from all of them. “Let’s be off then.”

Soarin focused forward, easily keeping pace with them as they all spread their wings and slowly took to the air. His ears were filled with several painful or stressful grunts as the Wonderbolts forced their battered bodies into flight. They started moving, picking up the pace slightly, but never picking up much speed all together. Soarin instinctively wanted to push himself harder, but he held himself back for the sake of the rest.

The situation was almost a little amusing for him… for once he was the only one not currently having problems. Despite its severely damaged state, his horn was being quite calm at the moment. He was worried when the small chip popped off of it, but he had no negative reaction overall… yet.

He found his natural instincts welling up within him. The fact that he was the only one in good physical condition brought forth his protective reflexes. He knew Spitfire didn’t want him along despite her giving him the choice for once, but now that he was along, he felt it was for the best all together. Spitfire seemed confident that they’d be without resistance, something that he felt too considering the leader of their opposition just ran away scared, but despite that he felt it was his duty to watch over them. They were all beaten and hurt, he was not… so on the off chance they ran into trouble, it would be up to him to protect them.

Soarin was now in full lookout mode. He kept his pace in following Fire Streak, but constantly glanced back and forth as they re-entered the canyons and moved about the surrounding cliff walls. He also looked back several times as well to check on Dash and her squad… but mostly Dash. It got to a point where Dash noticed and kept giving him odd looks every time he looked back.

But something else drew Soarin’s attention as he looked back for the eighth or so time. Fleetfoot was doing a rather lousy job of staying in their lined up formation. Or was it intentional? She was flying perfectly in pace with the rest, it just looked like she was trying to… distance herself from the others? He really wanted to know what the little talk Fleetfoot and Dash had was all about, but he doubted another attempt would be met warmly based on how the first attempt went. Fleetfoot also had a tendency to act strange when things were really bothering her… so maybe she’d open up later, he didn’t know for sure.

Soarin looked back at Dash again, and this time she stuck her tongue out at him while glaring. Soarin smirked, knowing it was more than likely she knew exactly what he was doing. She had been subjected to a lot of his protective tendencies after all. He blinked and looked past Dash for a second as some antics behind her caught his eye.

Twister was not flying, instead he was riding on Matteo’s back while wearing a cowboy hat and swinging a lasso in his teeth. He suddenly threw the lasso out. The rope fit perfectly over Squall’s head and tightening down around Squall’s chest. Squall just growled when he saw the rope, and quickly shifted far out of formation wide to the right. Twister was yanked off of Matteo and began flailing as he was dragged through the air behind Squall.

Soarin glanced back at Dash as the scene played out behind her, but she simply flattened her brow and rolled her eyes.

All was normal.

As Soarin refocused forward and Fire led them over the top of a canyon and towards another one, Soarin turned his attention to Spitfire. They were simply following Fire for now with plenty of visibility as the sun was only beginning to set. Perhaps he had a moment to ask her about what was going on. Particularly what had prompted such a sharp change in her demeanor before arrival?

It didn’t take Spitfire long to notice that Soarin was eyeballing her as he flew beside her.

“Yes?” she asked as she turned her head towards him. Soarin didn’t mince words he got right to the point.

“So what went on at the compound? How did you end up flying out here all by yourself?” While the second question wasn’t quite as important to him, it did seem quite strange for Spitfire to take such an action considering their situation.

“Flashwind,” Spitfire replied simply as she looked back forward. Soarin blinked.

“What about Flashwind?”

“Well…” Spitfire glanced upwards. “We had a little… talk,” she said with an interesting tone. It almost sounded a little awkward. It was very noticeable.

“Doesn’t sound like you enjoyed it,” Soarin commented while lifting an eyebrow, but Spitfire quickly shook her head.

“No… no,” she glanced at him again. “It’s not what you think… It was just a bit embarrassing considering I had just gotten done railing on Descent for telling me I was doing things wrong… only to have Flashwind do the exact same thing… in a way…” Spitfire sighed. “She took a much different approach and boy, was it effective.”

Soarin watched Spitfire carefully as she smirked, chuckled, and shook her head lightly. He waited for her to elaborate, but she suddenly looked towards him.

“First, I want to apologize to you,” she suddenly offered. Soarin’s eyes went wide and he blinked several times. “I shouldn’t have brought up what you said to the whole force. I knew you were just lost in the moment and worried about Rainbow Dash. I was also lost in the moment when I repeated it to assert myself. It was unnecessary, I shouldn’t have done that.” Her tone was clear and very sincere. Soarin was almost speechless.

But now that she had apologized, he suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to do the same. Spitfire had said it herself… there was no one pony at fault in this situation. They had all been blundering left and right. Soarin took a deep breath, his ears flopping down as he looked towards the ground below.

“Honestly…” he began with a shameful tone. “I should be apologizing too. It doesn’t matter what you did. I disobeyed your orders and flew out on my own. I saw a vision of Dash in trouble, but I decided to sneak out instead of gather help,” he paused, not expecting a reply. Here too, there was no one pony to blame since it was Spitfire’s actions that led to him not trusting she would help. “In fact…” Soarin started again, but then his ears pointed up and he gasped quietly. He had almost completely forgotten about something… rather awful he did before he left. “Aw, hell…” he cursed to himself.

“Hm?” Spitfire hummed, lifting an eyebrow as she looked him over. Soarin shook his head, sighing in shame, again.

“I owe one of our recruits a BIG TIME apology when I get back too…” he explained without going into detail. Spitfire was curious.

“What did you…” she trailed off and blinked. “Wait, was it Little Star by chance?” she asked, Soarin flinching the moment the name was mentioned.

“Er… yes,” Soarin gritted his teeth and averted his eyes. Spitfire stared at him for a moment, but looked back forward instead of pressing for him to elaborate. Soarin kept his eyes averted. “How did you know?” he asked as he glanced back over. Spitfire only shook her head.

“It doesn’t matter right now. Do what you believe you have to do,” she suggested as she took a quick breath and exhaled while focusing. “There is no basis or reason for us to look at everything that went wrong and point a hoof at a specific cause of it all. There are too many of us at fault here. If anypony is to take the blame, it should be me since I lost control of not only myself, but everypony else…” she glanced at Soarin. “But blaming myself won’t help either. Everything went to hell in a hoof-basket faster than anyone could react and we’ve taken a huge blow because of it. It’s time for us to take a long look at ourselves, refocus, and start anew…”

Soarin listened to her words carefully, very interested in what prompted all of this as he had been from the moment she arrived. It made him realize they had strayed off-topic. So he took the chance to get back on the rails.

“So… what exactly did Flashwind say?” he asked. He had seen Spitfire and Descent argue… it never was a productive or useful process between the two. What did Flashwind do differently?

“Like I said,” Spitfire quickly and almost eagerly began. “Her approach was entirely different. She started in a similar way to Descent, asserting herself and even physically dragging me off against my will, but once we had privacy, she sat me down and… we just talked. The first thing she did was make it crystal clear that she didn’t want to lecture me and then from there she completely softened up. She wanted to know what was on my mind, why I was making certain choices and decisions, and what was driving those choices. Her tone was very welcoming, I was skeptical about her claim against lecturing me at first, but she genuinely gave me the impression that she was trying to reach out, to connect with me as somepony who was once in my hooves as a lead captain. I never got verbal confirmation it was her intention, but if it was, it worked perfectly because… well, I pretty much unloaded all of my thoughts and feelings. Everything about the situation, everything about the Shadowbolts, everything we were dealing with between the Wonderbolts and the Renegades… Luna and Discord… Wave… You… all of it.”

Soarin listened intently as she went on, watching as she paused and thought to herself for a few moments.

“I let it all out and didn’t leave a single detail behind,” Spitfire continued. “And she listened. She never interrupted. She never tried to stop me and tell me I was wrong. She simply sat there and listened to me. And when I was done, we sat quietly for a few moments, looking at each other in silence for at least a minute. It felt so refreshing to get it all out of my system. It was a moment of relief. But then she asked me one question. And only one question,” Spitfire turned her head and looked right at Soarin. “She asked… ‘Does it feel right?’”

Spitfire paused, looking back forward as they pitched and turned within the canyons. Soarin said nothing, taking the same stance Flashwind had, he wanted to hear all of it without interruption.

“The answer was simple and right in front of me,” Spitfire went on. “No… it didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel right at all. NOTHING felt right. Cruel realization hit me like a back-winged slap to the face… Realization that I had absolutely no control over the current situation, or anything for that matter. Not even myself. I instantly began wondering how it all crashed and burned so hard. I felt so… stupid. I had literally just led a gung-ho, unorthodox, yet confident charge against the Shadowbolts to rescue Wave Chill that put every single one of us on a much needed victory high. Then… the moment Wave’s crystal infection appeared, I let it topple and crash right back down as if the hard won victory had never happened and I dragged everypony else down with me. It showed just how little control I had over myself and how little I was aware of the effect my emotional stability had on the whole force. Then it all just started spiraling downward further and further. My focus was thrown way off, my actions caused my comrades to be thrown off, and my decisions started being heavily influenced by outside forces, friend and enemy alike. Looking back, I’m so ashamed of how I let my emotions overwhelm me so easily, despite all the effort I had put into training them and keeping them in check before this recent conflict began. I was also not taking care to think of how the rest of you felt. Being aware of the emotional state of the Wonderbolts at all times is something I’ve always pitched as a cornerstone of my ethical and moral code as the captain… I certainly wasn’t practicing what I preach. Everything was just plain wrong… and I told Flashwind that’s how I felt.”

Spitfire paused again, taking another long breath and exhaling.

“So… I asked her what I should do. And she, being the wise, perceptive former captain that she is, pointed out that it was entirely up to me. Clever mare… I was so quick to ask her even though outside influence was making it all go wrong.” Spitfire chuckled. “She didn’t tell me what to do, but she offered a suggestion as my former captain whom I respected greatly when we were younger. She suggested I do something she used to urge me to do all the time when you and I were still recruits. She told me to simply… go for a flight. To clear my mind… to relax… and to refocus on what I felt had to be done… what I truly believed was important instead of being caught in a web of chaos that never seemed to end while constantly influencing my actions.”

“She told you to leave?” Soarin finally spoke up, surprised.

“I know,” Spitfire nodded. “I told her it was out of the question, but she immediately pointed out that I either consider her suggestion, or go walk right back into what was causing all my problems. So again, I asked myself what I felt was right, and I immediately chose to follow her advice. So I went for it. I slipped out and went flying on my own to clear my head. I wasn’t worried about running into Shadowbolts. I trusted Descent’s scouting report and it’s not like I’m incapable of holding my own. In the end… it was the right choice because the quiet surroundings, the gentle breeze in my mane, and the relaxed pace of my wings helped me think… and ultimately figure everything out. Then by chance I ran into Blaze flying as fast as she could and… you know the rest.”

She ended, Soarin keeping her eyes on her for several moments as he thought it all over. He released a single chuckle, drawing a smirk from Spitfire.

“What?” she asked with a smile.

“Remind me to thank Flashwind later for kicking your ass and getting out here to save us,” he said in a light hearted manner as Spitfire rolled her eyes.

“Heh, I dunno, Soarin. I’d sooner thank whoever tipped off Descent that I was gone. Nightshade had my number… I wasn’t going to win.”

“She had all of our numbers…” Soarin added with a grunt. “We may have survived, but… this isn’t going to help morale. She took all of us on so easily, we didn’t stand a chance. We can never match her.”

“Not necessarily,” Spitfire quickly interjected, drawing a curious glance from Soarin.

“Hm?” Soarin hummed while lifting an eyebrow.

“I’ll explain later,” Spitfire pointed at him. “There’s nothing we can do about Silver. Whether he lives or dies, he’s out of the fight completely. Not having him around will be a blow to morale, but… Taking on Nightshade may not be as difficult as you think. But like I said, I’ll explain later, it’s something everypony needs to hear.”

Soarin eyed her carefully, but shrugged and gave her a half-hearted salute.

“You’re the boss,” he said jokingly.

“Oh, stop that,” Spitfire chuckled as the two looked forward and kept up in formation. Soarin was about to make a personal check on Dash, but there was one last thing on his mind.

“So…” he spoke up, getting Spitfire’s attention once again. “I’m just wondering… After all we went through and everything with… you know…” he pointed at his horn. “Why are you suddenly okay with me coming along?” he asked, even though she had already given him somewhat of an explanation. But now that it was more of a personal conversation, he was curious what she would say.

“Because you’re my first commander, a pony I trust, and my best friend. Do I need more reasons?” she stated. Soarin blinked in surprise, but smiled warmly in return. Spitfire snickered as she shook her head. “Is that enough sap for you? Not that I could ever match the sap levels between you and your little Rainbow.”

“Eh… Maybe I could use a little more…” Soarin joked while shifting forwards a little. Spitfire stifled a few laughs while puffing up her cheeks.

“Alright, let’s get serious now… focus,” she ordered, pointing at Soarin before looking forwards at Squad Three again.

With that taken care of, and his curiosity pretty much completely satisfied, Soarin glanced over his shoulder at Dash, shifting himself backwards and taking care to keep his distance from Fleetfoot for her sake as he moved back.

“Hey,” Soarin said simply as he formed up beside Rainbow Dash.

“H-hey…” she replied a little shakily, but smiled even though she was clearly straining herself a little. Soarin immediately noticed her slight struggle with flight, something the rest were showcasing as well. He felt bad that he hadn’t checked on her sooner. Dash gave him an odd look as she noticed him looking her up and down. “What?” she asked with a brief giggle, followed by another grunt.

“How are you doing?” Soarin immediately asked. “Aside from… the obvious, I mean,” he clarified while gritting his teeth and tipping his head to the side awkwardly. Dash sighed as her ears flopped down.

“Which obvious?” she asked with a less than enthusiastic tone.

“Which?” Soarin blinked but then quickly put it together. “Oh…” He was referring to Nightshade… but of course, she was thinking about Silver too.

“Aside from my right wing bothering me a little, physically I’m doing somewhat fine, but everything else? No,” Dash shook her head. “I’m not doing too well right now. But it’s not like I have time to let it get me down,” she explained, but try as she might, she knew she wasn’t going to convince Soarin that her mind wasn’t elsewhere. Soarin sighed as he looked back forward, keeping pace side by side with her.

“I’m sorry I got tricked so easily,” he apologized. “If I hadn’t fallen for such an obvious trap I could have defended you…”

“Honestly, I’m a little glad you weren’t given the chance,” Dash said in a tone that sounded conflicted. “I’ve no doubt you would have made a difference against Nightshade, but…” she glanced over and up at his horn. “Who knows what would have happened…”

Soarin glanced up at the horn as well. He reached a hoof up and gently touched it to the surface. The moment it made contact he felt a very faint tingle of pain and dizziness, but he felt around until his hoof slipped over the small chipped piece that popped off when he was trying to rip free of the prison. It was very small, but just large enough to feel it.

“I guess you’re right,” Soarin sighed as he removed his hoof from the horn and looked down. “But still… I could have helped Silver. I could have split the burden… even if he lives he’s probably never going to be the same…” Soarin instantly shut his mouth as he heard Dash exhale.

Nice one… Dash was feeling down and Silver was part of it. Way to bring it up and remind her just how bad the situation with Silver was. He frantically tried to shift the subject.

“How are your friends holding up?” he asked as he glanced back at Storm and the rest of Squad Foxtrot. Soarin kept his eyes on them for a moment as he noticed Twister still flailing from the rope he had lassoed Squall with. Twister was now wrapped up in the rope himself. He started bouncing back and forth, unwrapping and wrapping again like a yoyo.

“They’re shaken, but managing,” Dash replied without glancing back. She flattened her brow as Twister started making all sorts of strange noises. “One of them deserves to be shaken a lot more though…” Dash grumbled with a faint growl, drawing Soarin’s attention to the miffed glare on her face.

“I take it Twister did one of his disappearing acts in the middle of the fight?” he asked, trying to keep the subject away from Silver.

“He did it before the fight even started,” Dash said with a grunt and a pout as she kept staring forward. “And I’m really starting to lose my patience him. I’ve gotten used to his antics and this is something he’s pulled a lot already, but this was NOT the time… we could have used his help, as little as it may have been.” Dash snorted and shook her head. “He’s not off the hook, but I doubt I’m going to get any kind of explanation out of him. Nothing is worse than constantly having to deal with a moron that keeps getting away with being a moron…” Dash kept grumbling, earning a smirk from Soarin, but he felt like this was somewhat backfiring too.

First he brought up Silver… and made her sad. Then he brought up Twister… and made her angry. Okay, third time’s the charm, he was going to avoid another ‘triple fail.’ There was one other thing to talk about, and this would, hopefully, be different because it equally affected them both.


Soarin took a moment to look back at Storm Front, wondering how much he knew about Nightshade, being Descent’s son and all.

“Did you ever mention Nightshade to them before?” Soarin asked, shifting the subject as he looked back at Dash. It seemed to do the trick. Dash’s face went from angry to serious as she looked down in thought.

“Yeah, they know. When we were in Cloudsdale I told them at the hotel the night before the show,” she explained.

“So they already knew…”

“But being told about Nightshade and experiencing Nightshade are two entirely different things,” Dash added with a wince and a shudder. Soarin grimaced and nodded.

“God I couldn’t agree more…” he said as he looked back forward.

They remained silent for a moment, both thinking about Nightshade as they continued on.

“Up and over!” Fire yelled back, all of them pitching up and over the top of a cliff wall. “Stay low!” he yelled as they glided along the ground towards the next canyon, keeping up their previous planned procedures despite their assumption that they were in the clear.

“So this is the third time,” Soarin voiced his thoughts and trailed off.

“Huh?” Dash looked towards him.

“Sorry, just thinking out loud,” Soarin shook his head, but turned to look at her anyway. “The third time we’ve faced off against Nightshade…” he kept speaking his mind. Technically, it was the fourth, but the second and third were so close together between their capture and release that it seemed like one large battle. “The other two times we’ve crossed paths… they seem so long ago. To be honest, with everything that’s happened over such a short time, I had almost completely forgotten about them, and her.”

“I sure haven’t,” Dash said with a shiver. “But then again, she hasn’t violated you as much as me.”

“No doubt…” Soarin winced as he watched Dash visibly react to simply thinking about Nightshade. “Though… this time. It’s making me wonder.”


“Things were a lot different this time. The circumstances are completely different with the Renegades being involved. Did you see the way she acted when Descent and Starry showed up?” he asked rhetorically. “It really got me thinking… Remember when Descent confronted us in the Shadowbolt Fortress before letting us go?”

“Gosh, how could I forget… that was the most terrifying day of my life,” Dash recalled.

“What happened between them here reminded me of what Descent told us… about him, Starry, and Nightshade. How he described their connection, their trust, and their bond. Descent ran towards her like he was trying to save her… and she…” he trailed off as he thought it all over.

“Hmmm…” Dash hummed. “You don’t think…”

“Think what?”

“I mean, something that’s been loosely on my mind since Nightshade showed up out of nowhere and beat the living crap out of us,” Dash began. “And it made me think even more once Spitfire showed up. You saw her and Spitfire fight… she only tried about half as hard against all of us before facing Spitfire. She is RIDICULOUSLY powerful… but that’s just it,” she turned and looked at Soarin. “If she’s so strong and so powerful, then why hasn’t she come out and attacked us sooner? Why send the commanders and the other Shadowbolts after us? Also… Descent and Starry said themselves that they never encountered her when they were carrying out Luna’s orders during the tryouts. Descent was just as unaware of her as we were.”

Soarin kept his eyes on her as she finished explaining, thinking over what she said and everything he saw before Nightshade retreated. It was one of the strangest scenes he had ever seen and didn’t fit anything they knew about Nightshade. It was almost as if the sight of Descent and Starry terrified her… it even brought her to tears! But what kind of tears? Without actually being in Nightshade’s head, there was no way they’d know.

But based on what he had seen and how it all played out, Soarin felt there was one believable conclusion.

“Do you think…” he began as he kept looking at Dash, drawing her eyes to his. “Do you think Nightshade has been hiding from Descent and Starry?”

Dash and Soarin just stared at each other, no answer floating between the two of them, but the question was definitely one worth asking. The more and more they learned about the Shadowbolts, the more they wondered if there was something really wrong going on within their ranks on many different levels. Were the Wonderbolts the only victims in this conflict?

But if that was the case… what was driving them? It had to be more complicated than just the crystals. They knew of some background figure possibly calling the shots, but they had nothing, no facts or insight. At this point it had been all about survival. Hopefully they’d get some answers soon.

“There!” Fire yelled as they flew over the top of a new canyon and pointed down into it. Both Soarin and Dash looked forward and then down to see a vast, deep, wide open canyon below them with several large formations jutting out from the cliff walls and all the way down. Fire, however, was pointing towards a very large rock overhang that was near the center and extended very far out like a natural solid canopy. It was hard to see from their current angle, but it looked like there was a large cavern beneath. “That must be it!” Fire yelled back to the rest.

“Everypony prepare to descend!” Spitfire ordered as everypony who had shifted returned to formation, even Fleetfoot. Twister didn’t stop his antics, but nopony expected him too.

“There, let’s land there,” Spitfire pointed as they evened out, gliding beneath the large overhang and immediately being covered by the overhead shade. The area was very wide open, at least fifty yards from entryway to the opposite cliff wall, but they couldn’t see the end of it, the lack of light cutting off visibility about halfway into the cavern. The overhang above them was roughly twenty yards tall, maybe slightly more, visibility of the ceiling cut off even earlier.

In short, it was dark, and hard to see, the only light coming from the edge of the massive rock formation that led back out into the vast canyon.

With Spitfire and Fire Streak in the lead, the Wonderbolts came in for a landing… but it wasn’t the most graceful approach. Soarin landed just fine, Spitfire’s post battle stiffness didn’t bother her too much, but the rest had sloppy landings. Dash and Surprise both landed and buckled immediately, falling forwards onto their chests. Fleetfoot and Lightning Streak both hit the ground a little hard, stumbling as they landed and running into those in front of them.

“Whoa, there…” Soarin immediately reached down, helping Dash up as the others received assistance as well. It was hard to watch, but nopony could possibly blame any of them after the beat down they took. It was already a wonder that they were able to fly, some of them struggling greatly from the moment they took off.

“Well… this is it,” Fire spoke up as Misty Fly and Lightning Streak helped up Surprise behind him. He looked back down at the map and nodded. “Should be, at least.”

Spitfire stepped away from the Wonderbolts as they gathered themselves and looked around, squinting, but failing to see very far into the darkness ahead of them. The others approached and joined her once they were all back on their hooves, a few limping.

“Yep,” Spitfire nodded as she looked up at the dark shadows extending up the ceiling. “This definitely looks like the kind of place thestrals would prefer…”

“Mmmnnnnnnnggggnnnnn…” a low, quiet groan came from behind her. Spitfire looked back, leaning to see past Soarin, who was also looking behind him. Fleetfoot was crouched down behind him, looking very uncomfortable.

“You alright back there?” Soarin asked.

“No…” Fleetfoot replied with a squeak. Soarin blinked, but then remembered.

“Oh, right,” he said with a light chuckle.

“It’s not funny…” Fleetfoot gave a lackluster defense. “They have sharp teeth…”

Rainbow Dash was standing right behind Fleetfoot, examining her body language carefully. The others seemed fine, but she certainly had a dislike for Luna’s guards. Dash herself had had little contact with them. She had never actually had a personal conversation with one either so she wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Aside from what Silver had told her and little bits she had heard here and there about their rather fierce, wild nature, she knew nothing.

“They’re probably around here somewhere, let’s look around,” Spitfire ordered as they began moving. Dash kept up behind, but was forced to stop for a spell as it took Fleetfoot a few moments to gather herself. They moved further in, getting darker every step of the way, but the light from the open end was just enough so they could see.

As they walked, Dash glanced back at her squad, shifting her pace so she backed up and walked among them.

“Have any of you guys ever met a bat pony before?” she asked them casually.

“No,” Storm and Squall immediately answered at the exact same time.

“Are those the ones with the gills and fins?” Twister asked while popping up beside Dash, but she didn’t even look at him.

“I have read of the thestrals,” Matteo spoke up, catching Dash’s attention. “Just never met one.”

“Oh? What do you know?” Dash asked curiously as Twister sat down on her back with a box of popcorn, but again was completely ignored.

“My father once told me stories about encountering them, but aside from that, they also fought alongside the griffons in the last war with the drakes. Back before I left for Canterlot, I spent a lot of my free time in the Grand Griffon Gallery. They have complete records of past battles and wars.”

Matteo paused as a snicker came from nearby. But it wasn’t Twister. He looked past Twister to see Storm holding a hoof over his mouth, desperately trying to stifle laughter. Matteo pulled his goggles down and glared at him.

“Find something amusing?” he asked with a snort.

“No… sorry…” Storm grinned while waving a hoof. “Just… I mean… ‘Grand Griffon Gallery?’” he asked as he tried to hold in more laughter, earning a snicker from Dash as well. Matteo flattened his brow and sighed as he looked forward.

“Is it amusing that I like to read archives?” he asked flatly.

“Uh…” Storm blinked. “That’s not what I’m laughing at…” he explained as Matteo looked back at him. Squall grunted and shook his head.

“What kind of name is that for an archive?” Squall pointed out since the point was eluding Matteo. Matteo exhaled loudly as he finally caught on.

“I didn’t name it…” he grumbled with a snort.

“OO! OO!” Twister bounced off of Dash’s back and onto his. “CAN I RENAME IT?!”

“No,” Dash said as she grabbed Twister’s tail and yanked him off Matteo’s back. Twister crashed to the ground and Squall purposely shifted over to step on Twister as he passed, Twister releasing a loud squeaky toy sound as he was trodden on. “I haven’t had much interaction with them at all,” Dash continued on, trying to bring her point back. “What do you know about them?” She reposed her question.

“THE GREAT GOOFY GOOBER?!” Twister popped up between them while holding a guitar and strumming it so hard while puckering his lips that all the string snapped at once. With one swipe of his arm, Matteo batted Twister aside.

“The records are mainly of battles, but there were a few bits and pieces describing them that I found intriguing. They are a very rare species of pony, mostly unseen by most of the pony population. They tend to stay away from cities and large concentrations of the pony population, as many of their natural instincts are very disconnected from civilized society. They are nocturnal, which goes without saying. Seeing one out and about in the middle of the day is a very rare occurrence.”

“GOOD GRACIOUS GONZALES?!” Twister popped up while wearing a wrestling mask, but was instantly pile-driven by some invisible force. Nopony paid any mind.

“Disconnected from civilized society?” Squall spoke up from behind. “Sounds kind of like you griffons if you ask me.”

“Squall…” Dash said as she looked back at him with a disapproving pout.

“I saw that one coming,” Matteo said while rolling his eyes.

“Well,” Dash shrugged. “They sound a little intimidating, but the Wonderbolts seem to be okay with them…” she paused while looking straight ahead of her at Fleetfoot. “Well, most of them at least. I just hope we can convince them without Silver…”

“GOING GOING GONE?!” Twister yelled, popping up with a baseball cap and bat, pointing up towards the ceiling at an angle. Squall growled loudly.

“God, SHUT UP!” he yelled, flinching as Twister instantly turned and pressed his face directly into Squall’s.

“NO U!” Twister yelled back as he started bopping his forehead against Squall’s.

“Boys, stop it,” Dash said flatly. Twister turned to face her.

“NO-MRPH!” Twister was muffled before he could repeat himself as Storm reached over and shoved his hoof right into Twister’s mouth.

“Thank you,” Dash said simply as they kept walking behind the Wonderbolts. She blinked as they suddenly came to a stop. Dash leaned up and over, glancing past Soarin to see Spitfire looking at Fire Streak as he pulled the map back out.

Dash suddenly realized… If they were in the right place, they would have surely seen the Lunar Guard by now… this wasn’t good.

“Bro…” Lightning Streak spoke up amongst the silence while glancing at his brother. “You sure we’re in the right place?” he asked as he shifted up beside Fire Streak. Fire rubbed his bottom lip along his teeth as he opened the map again and squinted as he tried to get a clear look at it in the dark. He blinked as Surprise suddenly popped up beside him holding a flashlight, shining it on the map. Fire only glanced at her before looking back at the map, not even bothering asking.

“They should be…” Fire trailed off for a moment as his eyes darted about the map. “They should definitely be right here. I know I’m reading the map correctly… Unless there happens to be more rock formations like this… which is highly unlikely.”

“Yo, lemme see that,” Lightning reached for the map, but Fire quickly pulled it away as he grunted in frustration. “Hey, c’mon…” Lightning tried to reach over, but Fire kept it away, Surprise releasing a squeak as she got wedged and squished between the two of them.

“Brother, if I’M mistaken, I doubt you’ll fare any better,” Fire said bluntly.

“Why ya gotta be like that?” Lightning asked while rolling his eyes and reaching for the map again as Surprise dropped the flashlight and it turned off.

“That’s enough you two,” Spitfire spoke up, the brothers stepping away and letting Surprise free. “Let’s not jump to any conclusions until we are sure. Keep looking,” she ordered to everypony as she glanced over her shoulder. Her eyes landed on Fleetfoot, who was still looking hesitant and somewhat hiding behind Soarin. “Fleetfoot, relax. You’re not going to get bitten again.”

“Oh, that’s reassuring,” Fleetfoot shot back quietly while shivering. “Besides, it’s more than that. They creep me out in general,” she explained as she shook her head. “You know they like to hide in the dark and pop up out of nowhere, I bet that’s exactly what they’re doing.”

Spitfire sighed as she looked back forward, but the now freed Surprise shifted backwards and pressed against Fleetfoot’s side while giving her a smile.

“Aw, you gotta think positive, Fleety!” Surprise said with an oddly cheerful tone considering what they all just went through, but she was probably forcing it just for Fleetfoot’s sake. “They’re a little freaky, but the batties are our friends!” she kept going, earning odd looks from everypony else as she looked up towards the darkness hiding the ceiling above them. “I’m sure once we find ‘em it’ll be hugs and fun all arou—EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!!!!

Everypony flinched as Surprise suddenly shrieked at the top of her lungs. They all looked towards her, noticing that she was frozen in place, jaw nearly unhinged as her neck was stuck back and her eyes as wide as possible as they looked above them.

Everypony else instantly looked up. Several gasps sounding among them as they all were met with a rather chilling sight.

Yellow, glowing lights…

All in pairs.

They weren’t just dots either. They were shaped like glaring eyes.

“Uh…” Soarin gulped. “I think… we found them…”

The surrounding area that was once silent was suddenly filled with the sounds of hissing and screeching that started quiet and slowly grew in volume. The yellow eyes began darting all about, loud echoing noises of quick, leathery wing flaps filling the air as bursts and gusts of wind rushed against the Wonderbolts.

The Wonderbolts were soon forced together, wincing and shielding themselves as they felt pressure from the passing wakes of what felt and sound like hundreds of pairs of wings beating very close by, the yellow lights shooting and zipping about as the hissing and screeching sounded like it was literally right beside them.

“AAAIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!” Fleetfoot screamed as she latched herself to Soarin’s leg and nearly knocked him over. But while the rest were trying to keep their hooves, Spitfire stood firmly and stepped forward.

“STOP!” she yelled loudly in the most commanding voice she could muster. “I SAID STOP!” she yelled again, flinching as she felt the presence of the hidden ponies whisking by. She was about to yell again, but a VERY strong gust of wind suddenly slammed into her. “RGH!” She grunted as she was forced several steps backwards, running plot-first into Fire Streak.

The moment she was pushed back into the pack with the rest of them, the passing gusts and blasts of wind suddenly ceased.

Everypony slowly looked up, Soarin removing his wings from over Rainbow Dash and Fleetfoot as the other larger Wonderbolts did the same after shielding the smaller.

“Oh man…” Lightning Streak remarked as everypony looked around… right into the glowing, yellow eyes of hundreds of thestrals surrounding them. They were barely visible in the dark shadows, their purple armor and dark fur colors ranging from black, dark grey, dark blue, and dark purple, all helping them blend in. But their yellow eyes shined brightly, reflecting the very little light coming from far behind them and causing the whole area to sport a faint yellow tint.

They had completely flanked the Wonderbolts, all glaring as they leaned forward as if daring any of them to try and make a move. They hissed, snarled, and bared their sharp fangs, imposing their presence on the Wonderbolts like trapped prey.

The Wonderbolts, while mostly remaining vigilant and poised, didn’t move a muscle. They came all the way out here to meet with these very ponies, but after this welcome… was this not a well thought out decision? Twister suddenly released a high pitched scream while sitting on top of Matteo’s head. Matteo quickly grabbed Twister by the head in his talons and slammed Twister face first to the ground to shut him up, showing that even the stoic griffon was on edge in the face of such unfamiliar circumstances.

“ENOUGH!” Spitfire suddenly yelled, causing everypony else to flinch. It only seemed to anger the thestrals as they only snarled and hissed louder while all taking a step forwards. But Spitfire didn’t flinch or give an inch as she growled right back at them. “WE’RE THE WONDERBOLTS!” she yelled, which again only seemed to make the situation worse, some of the thestrals now just inches away and hissing into the faces of a few of them.

“Captain… they don’t seem to care…” Fire Streak stated as he leaned away from a thestral showing off his fangs, keeping a wing over Misty even though she was the only other pony aside from Spitfire glaring back at the thestrals.


A very deep voice suddenly yelled from somewhere behind all of the thestrals.

The Wonderbolts all blinked in surprise as the thestrals instantly all stopped growling and hissing and took a few steps backwards. They kept glaring at the Wonderbolts, but they had given them space and stopped trying to intimidate them… all on a single word.

Dash looked up as she pushed herself out from beneath Soarin’s wing, looking around as she tried to find the source of the voice. It was the deepest voice she had ever heard, around the same octave as Matteo, but without the griffon accent.

Based on the immediate reaction of the Lunar Guard, Dash had no doubts towards who the voice belonged to.

A few of the thestrals to their left suddenly began hissing again, but a loud THUMP of a hoof striking the ground caused every single one of them to flinch, and the small number that hissed again shut right up.

Dash’s eyes widened as something appeared in the shadows behind the thestrals that stood directly in front of them.

Another pair of glowing lights… but they weren’t the same. They were at least two to three heads higher than any of the Lunar Guards… but they weren’t yellow.

They were red.

Spitfire growled quietly as the pair of red lights appeared, but she didn’t move. Dash watched from right behind her and Soarin as the thestrals in front of them slowly parted, creating a path in their ranks.

The sound of hooves quietly made itself known in the silence surrounding them all, a heavy clip-clop that bounced and echoed off every nearby surface.

Dash’s eyes widened in a mixture of fear and awe… as a very… VERY large thestral stepped out of the shadows and into view. He was easily the size of Descent, maybe a little larger, but his appearance in general was much different compared to the other thestrals.

He was completely covered from head to hoof in a full suit of grey armor. Its design patterns were similar to the purple armor the rest of the guard wore, only it had no openings, armor plating covering his legs and neck, and a closed full helm completely covering his head with small slits for his eyes and a vented grate near his mouth. Very little of his body was exposed, but what Dash could see surprised her.

White fur stuck out from the joints in his leg plating, a snow-white tail hung down behind him, white thestral ears, one of which was missing a large chunk, were sticking up from the full helmet, and a pair of very large, white, bat wings rested at his sides. White? Dash had never seen a thestral that hadn't had very dark colored fur. Then again, that wasn’t the only thing that was different… since instead of glowing yellow eyes, a pair of glowing red eyes peered down at them from between the tiny eye-slits of his armored helmet.

Dash had no doubt about it… this had to be—

“Captain P.L.” Spitfire spoke up as the rest of the Wonderbolts stared at him with a wide variety of varied expressions and reactions. For some it seemed like the first time ever seeing him. “Tell your soldiers to stand down, I do not appreciate—

“You have exactly one minute to convince me you are the real Wonderbolts,” he abruptly cut her off, his deep voice given a strong, metallic echo by the confines of his helmet as his eyes continued to glow from within.

Dash closed her mouth to stifle a quiet yelp of surprise as she and the rest of the Wonderbolts flinched, but Spitfire just gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes.

“Alright, you listen to me, P.” she began as she took a step towards him and pointed right at his face. “You know EXACTLY who I am! Spitfire! Captain of the Wonderbolts! And we most certainly don’t have time for your paranoia!” she stated firmly, keeping her presence firm and determined to not mince words.

“That will be up to me,” P.L.’s voice echoed. “Forty-five seconds left.”

Spitfire stopped growling and instead huffed as she got right to the point.

“Princess Luna sent out her signal to you this morning,” she explained, thinking it would be more than enough, but P.L. shook his head.

“And you’re late,” he pointed out without a moment of hesitation.

“We had to FIGHT our way here, you know!” Spitfire threw a hoof out and motioned to both herself and the battle damaged Wonderbolts.

“And where is my Liege?” he asked, never waiting more than a second to speak after Spitfire.

“We…” Spitfire sighed while grumbling. “We ran into some trouble, if you didn’t notice the first time I said it,” she said while waving her hoof at the rest of the Wonderbolts again. “In fact, we wouldn't have made it if it were not for Luna making an effort to save us all at her own expense. She’s in our infirmary recovering as we speak.”

“How convenient. Thirty seconds,” P.L. said simply in response. The thestrals suddenly began snarling and hissing again, edging forwards as their captain’s countdown reached the halfway mark, but P.L. suddenly threw his large wings out, a loud burst of wind erupting from them and bouncing off the surrounding walls. The thestrals all pulled back again and held themselves in check as P.L. refolded his wings.

Spitfire didn’t say anything else for a moment, growling to herself as she contemplated what to say. Soarin edged forward and stopped right behind her.

“Spitfire… what are we going to do? Fight them? That’s not gonna help at all, but that looks like where we’re going…” he spoke with concern. Spitfire didn’t even look at him though as she lifted up a hoof and slammed it down, emulating the same hoof slam that P.L. had used the best she could in another attempt to assert herself.

“For Celestia’s sake, P.!” she pointed at him. “Cut out the crap! How many times have we met and spoken in the past year?!” while her voice was firm, the choice of words sounded desperate and the Wonderbolts easily noticed. But then again, what Spitfire had already said was all they had to go on. She was clearly confident it would be all she needed to say… and was banking on it working. If P.L. didn’t believe them yet, there was little hope of anything else working.

“Fifteen seconds,” P.L. said stoically as he lifted up a hoof and made one circular motion with it. On cue, the rest of the guards began growling and hissing again, edging forwards towards the Wonderbolts.

Things were not looking good.

Dash had her hooves set firmly and defensively even though Soarin still had his wing over her. Under normal circumstances she’d be scolding him for being overprotective, but she was too concerned about what would happen after fifteen more seconds to care.

“Well this is nice…” Storm commented as the thestrals slowly closed in, forcing the Wonderbolts to all bunch together again.

“I swear,” Squall growled. “If one of these dickheads touches me, I’m beating their helmet in.”

“Easy Squall…” Dash said back to him as she tried, and failed to slip out from beneath Soarin’s wing. The situation was far from in control, but she didn’t want any of her squadmates to do anything stupid.

“Ten seconds,” P.L. said as he started turning around and facing away from them.

“It seems we’re in for another confrontation…” Matteo said with a grunt as he glared down at the thestrals hissing at him while bearing their fangs. Twister pushed up just enough from Matteo’s talons to scream again, but was promptly pressed right back down.

Dash gritted her teeth as she frantically looked around at the Wonderbolts. They all looked completely stumped. Spitfire used everything at their disposal to convince P.L. but she still couldn’t get through to him. She made it clear she was going to speak on behalf of them all as the captain… but apparently that wasn’t good enough for P.L. either.

When Luna said that her guards didn’t trust anypony, she wasn’t kidding! No wonder Descent didn’t come along with them. If the Lunar Guard was this paranoid, the Renegades may have been attacked on the spot. Was P.L. already stretching his willingness to listen because they were the Wonderbolts?

Dash blinked. Something dawned on her.

Wait… the Wonderbolts… P.L. gave them a chance…

Nothing Spitfire was saying was convincing him… but what about everything Silver had just told her before Nightshade attacked them?


“Five seconds,” P.L. said as he now had his back turned to them. He lifted up his hoof to make another motion, holding it in place until the final seconds counted down.

“DAMMIT, P!” Spitfire yelled, slamming her eyes shut.

It was now or never, Dash took the chance, and made her move.

She ripped free from beneath Soarin’s wing, pushed herself past Fleetfoot, Misty Fly, and Fire Streak, before finally reaching forward and shoving herself past Spitfire.

“Dash?!” Soarin yelled, gasping in horror as she galloped right towards P.L. The rest of the Wonderbolts all turned, their eyes widening as the thestrals immediately turned and dove at her.

“GAH!” Dash yelled as multiple guards grabbed hold of her and roughly threw her to the ground. Dash struggled to get free, but the guards began kicking her while she was held down.

“RAINBOW DASH!” Spitfire yelled in alarm as she tried to rush forward, but was instantly caught by three thestrals and restrained.

“GRH! ARGH!” Dash grunted and gasped as the thestrals beat her.

“STOP IT!” Soarin yelled as his eyes and horn began to glow.

Dash’s ears perked up as she heard Soarin yell, accompanied by her heartbeat quickening. Determined to act before any fighting began and before Soarin decided to do anything rash or have a magic episode… she forced her head up and glared towards Captain P.L. as he completely ignored what was happening and readied to give the rest of his soldiers the signal to attack.

“BLIZZARD STRIKE!” she yelled, grunting as she was kicked again. “SILVER LINING!” she added before one of the guards put a hoof to her head and forced it down to the ground.

P.L. froze in place, his hoof not budging as he held it in the air.

“HOLD!” he suddenly yelled out at the top of his lungs.

The thestrals all flinched and immediately ceased movement. Those focused on the Wonderbolts all took a step back and those brutally subduing Dash all instantly stopped. While they followed the order without question, all of them had shifted their eyes from the Wonderbolts to their captain.

P.L. slowly turned back, stopping hallway around and turning his head to look at Rainbow Dash, his glowing red eyes focusing on her from beneath the full helmet.

“You owe Silver Lining!” Dash yelled as she tried to yank herself free. The thestrals had stopped hitting and kicking her, but they were still holding her against the ground.

P.L. didn’t move for a moment, but eventually fully turned, squaring his body to Dash. Dash shook her head free of the hoof holding her chin to the ground. She glared up at P.L. as he stared back down at her from a few yards away. She held the glare as harshly and firmly as she could muster.

“Let her up,” P.L. suddenly ordered. The thestrals holding Dash down all blinked in surprise, hesitating to follow his word for the first time since they showed up. “NOW!” P.L. shouted at them as they hesitated. The thestrals instantly released her and backed themselves away into the crowd of guards.

Dash huffed as she slowly pushed herself up off the ground. She was miffed. Her body was already stiff and achy enough and now the Lunar Guards decided to give her a few more body blows. She faced P.L. waiting to see what happened before she said anything else.

Dash waited… but then watched as P.L. slowly reached a hoof up and grabbed the side of his helmet. Dash gulped, but held firm as P.L. slowly pushed on it and removed it.

Her eyes widened slightly and her heart jumped, but it wasn’t because of Soarin. It was a… mixture of reactions.

P.L. whipped his head back and forth as he freed it from the confines of his helmet before he opened his eyes and refocused on Dash. His appearance was… stunning. His face was aged, hardened, and covered with some nasty scars that looked to be caused by something with very sharp claws. His mane was long, smooth, and pure white, hanging down behind his neck. Upon seeing his white tail along with the other parts of him that were visible, and the red eyes, Dash had wondered. But now it was clear. He was albino. He stared down at Dash with his red eyes held in a constant, serious gaze as if sizing her up. He was easily one of the most intimidating ponies Dash had ever met… which was one half of her reaction. The other half? Despite his demeanor, Dash could not deny that he was incredibly attractive. He looked to be as old as Silver, but he definitely aged more gracefully than him.

Dash was brought back to the present as P.L. slammed his helmet down to the ground, a move that made everypony, the thestrals included, flinch in surprise. Leaving his helmet behind him, he slowly walked forward until he was standing a yard from Dash. He narrowed his eyes and snorted.

“I’m listening,” he spoke, his deep octave voice filled with a hint of annoyance. “But my patience wears thin. Choose your words carefully…” He narrowed his eyes. “Because if you fail to satisfy me… you’re dead.” He threatened.

Behind them, Spitfire ground her teeth together and started leaning forward, but stopped when Soarin reached forward and grabbed her by the shoulder. She turned her head and glared at him, but Soarin only shook his head, the blue light slowly fading from his eyes.

“Spitfire, let’s see what happens,” he suggested, voicing his curiosity towards Dash’s bold approach. She was naturally a bit head-strong, but the Dash he knew wouldn’t make a move like this without something in mind… and considering she had long been under Silver’s wing, there had to be something.

“Hmmm…” Spitfire hum as she softened her glare, but before she turned around, both she and Soarin perked up… something that sounded like a high pitched, quiet squeal was coming from behind them. Both Soarin and Spitfire looked back to see Fleetfoot and Surprise both staring wide eyed with their wings open and their faces absolutely covered in bright red blushes. “Fleet? Surprise?” Spitfire blinked as Fire and Lightning Streak both turned to look as well. Misty was standing beside them too, she was biting her lower lip, but she kept her wings under control and was not blushing… much. Storm, Squall, and Matteo all looked over as well in confusion.

“What’s gotten into you?” Soarin asked.

“He’s… so… sexy…” Fleetfoot stumbled over her words as she reached up a hoof and fanned herself, her wings jittering. Spitfire stared at her awkwardly.

“Who…? Oh…” Spitfire immediately flattened her brow as she glanced back at the standoff between Dash and P.L. “I take it you’ve never seen him with his helmet off before… but, really? Seriously, ladies?” she sighed in frustration. That explained why Misty was not reacting, she had seen P.L. helmetless before, but Fleetfoot and Surprise had not. However, considering the situation, this was hardly the time to be swooning. “Stop that and pay attention,” Spitfire said in a hushed but harsh tone. It wasn’t that she disagreed with them… it just was NOT the time. “You do realize that they are threatening to kill us?”

“I think I’m in heaven already…” Fleetfoot cooed. All trace of her previous demeanor gone for the moment as if she was never severely hurt or ever afraid of thestrals.

“Take me now!” Surprise giggled as she leaned and draped herself over Fleetfoot’s back and sighed. Spitfire rolled her eyes and looked back forwards, Fire, Lightning, and Soarin all doing the same to pay attention where the rest of the mares were struggling.

Ignoring the odd swoon spell going on behind him, Soarin watched carefully, still very curious and interested in what Dash was going to do. The two were still just staring at each other. If she had a plan as he expected, he hoped she wasn’t hesitating, because P.L. looked just as short on patience as he claimed to be.

Dash, to be completely honest with herself, was a little scared. She wasn’t showing it, but P.L.’s threat to kill her if she didn’t deliver had rattled her a bit. But from the get go, she was keeping one thought in her mind, ‘how would Silver go about this?’

He certainly wouldn’t be afraid. No, not one bit. He would look P.L. directly in the eye with equal strength and show absolutely no fear.

Silver wasn’t here… he had been removed from the equation. But that didn’t mean his presence was gone. SHE… was there. And she was determined to fill the hooves of her teacher.

Dash took a deep breath and mirrored P.L.’s actions. She reached up and removed her hood, putting nothing in between their faces besides the empty space in the middle. She stepped forward a little to show that she was willing to do so and glared up into his eyes as he waited for her answer.

“Griffon-Drake War,” Dash began, keeping her voice solid and firm. “Sky Skimmer Mountain Range. Il Corvo Fortress. The Battle of Talon Peak.”

P.L.’s eyes twitched. His glare softened, but only a little.

“Silver Lining and Blizzard Strike were with you and fought beside you when the drakes launched a surprise attack on the fortress. During the battle, you were caught in the middle of several drakes after jumping headlong into their formation on the second pass…” as she spoke, one of P.L.’s eyes opened slightly wider. “You were on the verge of being overpowered, but Silver threw a volley of lightning your way, right into the pack of drakes around you. It gave you an opening to break free.” She paused, allowing it to sink in, but P.L. still said nothing. So she went on. “Afterward, Blizzard Strike forced you to thank Silver for helping you, and you said you owed him one.”

As Dash finished, everything went silent. Every pair of eyes, both Wonderbolt and thestral went to P.L. Even the mares had broken from their dreamy spell once Dash had started talking.

P.L. suddenly narrowed his eyes, bared his teeth and released a quiet, low growl. But he only did so for a moment, his face returning to normal. His eyes were still hard and serious, but there was a glint of curiosity within them.

“You…” he finally spoke. “Your name?”

“Rainbow Dash,” Dash replied without hesitation as she kept her glaring eyes trained on him.

For a moment, P.L. didn’t say another word, his eyes were moving very subtly, looking Dash over from head to hoof.

“How do you know about all that?” he asked. Dash’s ears twitched, but she knew exactly how to reply.

“He told me about it. Silver Lining is my mentor.”

P.L lifted an eyebrow as he continued to look her up and down. He then looked up and around at all of them.

“Where is he now?” he asked, a question that Dash was prepared to answer after Spitfire’s failure to convince him about Luna’s whereabouts.

“Silver just sacrificed everything to save us all from certain death. He stood in harm’s way for our sake and just barely escaped with his life. He is being transported back to our compound as we speak,” Dash paused and gave a single nod. “If not for him… we would have never even made it here.” She finished and waited for a reply, but didn’t get one. P.L. looked skeptical. Dash narrowed her glare further and snorted. “If you don’t believe me, you are more than welcome to come and see for yourself. Then you can see we’re telling the truth about Luna too.”

The way Dash had said it came naturally, but to the ears of the rest of the elite Wonderbolts, she had no idea how much she had just sounded like Silver. P.L.’s glare returned, telegraphing that he was not thrilled. But he never got the chance, Dash kept going. Something about the way P.L. was reacting was lighting a fire within her. She was reading something from him that was failing to reach the others. She felt in control of the situation… and the way P.L. was reacting reminded her of the way others with authority or power reacted to Silver.

“Look,” she took another step. The thestrals reacted, a few of them hissing, but none of them making any moves as P.L. stood still. “Either you come with us and find out for yourself if I’m telling the truth…” Dash motioned to the Wonderbolts. “Or you can kill us, go home, and try to sleep at night knowing you may have left the leader you swear allegiance to behind to die. It’s your choice.”

All eyes went to P.L. again as his red eyes remained locked on Dash. His face scrunched, one of his eyes twitching subtly. Was he… considering it?

“Tell me,” he spoke up again. “If you are really Silver Lining’s student… and he has told you of me…” P.L. scrunched his face further. “What… else… has he said?” he asked in a strangely awkward tone that sounded very different compared to his speech patterns up to this point.

Dash opened her mouth to speak… but she stopped herself as she thought carefully.

She was about to echo Silver’s praise of P.L. where he described just how skilled and strong he was… but then something told her that wouldn’t work. If she were to be convincing about Silver Lining to somepony who knew him well…

“That you’re a dumbass,” Dash said while somehow holding a straight face.

“DASH!” Spitfire yelled in shock from behind her, all the thestrals turning and glaring at her while hissing and snarling. But P.L…. only blinked.

“That you tend to get yourself into situations that you can’t win all the time because you’re bat-shit insane. That you have poor judgment, you always bite off more than you can chew, and, I quote, ‘I swear the bastard does it on purpose.’”

Dash held herself firm as she finished, ignoring the growling, hissing, and snarling being aimed at her by the rest of the thestrals, but eventually they quieted down as they slowly realized their captain… was not saying anything in his defense.

Then P.L. looked up into the air, closed his eyes, took a breath… and released a long, loud exhale.

“That is… truly something Silver would say…” He opened his eyes and turned around, saying nothing for a few moments as all the thestrals watched him. He started muttering to himself, a mixture of barely audible sounds, words, and grumbles, shaking his head a lot before he turned back around to face Rainbow Dash. The two locked eyes again for a short moment before P.L. released a loud snort. He looked back and forth at all of his soldiers and opened his right wing. The moment he did every single thestral squared up, facing him directly and standing attention. “LUNAR GUARDS!” he yelled. “Everypony line up rank and file! Prepare for immediate departure! We are going to follow them!”

While none of the thestrals broke rank or moved from their spot, the looks upon all of their faces were of shock and disbelief that the faceguards of their open helmets could not hide. P.L. growled and slammed a hoof down on the ground, creating a loud, resonating BOOM that shook the entire cavern.

“NOW!!!!!!!!!!” he yelled at them.

Without another word, the thestrals began somewhat organizing themselves, moving away from the Wonderbolts and gathering together into a bustling group behind P.L.

The moment Dash realized that she had successfully swayed P.L., a tremendous wave of relief crashed into her. He legs wobbled and she felt a little light headed, but she fought back against it, making sure she stayed perfectly firm while upfront. Still… her chest absolutely swelled with pride as she watched P.L. direct his soldiers.

She really wished that Silver could have seen all of that.

Soarin and Spitfire approached from behind Dash as P.L. finished pointing about and moved to grab his helmet. Dash noticed Spitfire first, looking to her right to see her captain as Spitfire gave her a mixed look of intrigue and approval. Dash smiled back, but perked up and quickly looked to her left as Soarin brushed up against her side.

But before any words could be spoken, they’re attention was drawn back to P.L. as the metallic sound of him dislodging his helmet from the rocky ground echoed throughout the cavern. They kept their eyes on him as he looked at his helmet for a moment, before turning to face them while holding onto it. He stepped up to the three of them and glared.

“I’m not yet entirely convinced…” he began and snorted. “So we will be watching your every move. If one of you so much as us breathes without us seeing it, I’m ordering my soldiers to turn on you.” He made himself very clear, earning a glare from Soarin, but an eye roll from Spitfire.

“Sheesh P, don’t hug me too fast or anything.” Spitfire said sarcastically as she looked between Dash and P.L. “Tell me… how did she do it, huh? You're willing to listen to a recruit but not the captain?” she asked, growing annoyed with the overly paranoid approach of the Lunar Guard. She found no shame in what had just occurred, but she was curious.

P.L. averted his eyes, exhaling through his nose, the air hissing through his nostrils as he grunted and shook his head lightly. He suddenly turned his head back and glared at Dash.

“The way she speaks… the way she confronted me and was brutally honest…” he released a quiet growl and looked away again. “It was just like… THEM…” he snorted loudly and bared his teeth a little. “Just like Blizzard and Silver. And that irritates me…” he explained as he grunted and looked down at his helmet, holding it out in front of him. “But that’s not all… I have NEVER told anypony about that embarrassing blunder of mine… and how I owe my life to Silver Lining. And Silver is not a pony that goes around telling everypony or gloating about things like that, so if she knows…” He glanced at Dash again for a brief moment, but said no more on the topic. He spun his helmet around and slipped it back over his head. When it was back in place, he turned to face them with his red eyes glowing through the small slits. “A knight never forgets his debts…” he began, his voice regaining the metallic echo caused by his helmet. “They are almost as important to one as their service to the very liege they swear their life to. My debt to Silver is one I’ve yet repay.” He paused and looked away from them. “If he really is at your compound… then it’s about time I kept my word.”

Dash, Soarin, and Spitfire absorbed everything he said, Spitfire taking a breath of relief as she grinned towards him.

“Thank you,” she said in earnest, but P.L. shook his head.

“Save your thanks,” he shot back sharply. “We will be watching you… and should you be lying about my Liege… all bets will be off. If not for the painfully accurate recount of… an old friend… I would not have even considered this.”

Without another word, he turned and walked away into the crowd of thestrals as they followed his orders, readying themselves for takeoff.

Dash released a long relieved breath, placing a hoof over her heart as it thumped rapidly. It was nothing being caused by Soarin, but she was really nervous throughout all of that. To have it all turn out positive was amazing, it made her feel good, really good… like she had made a major difference.

“Dash,” Spitfire spoke up, drawing her attention to her captain. Spitfire flashed a bright smile while nodding. “You gave me a heart attack there, but… nicely done. I honestly, didn’t know what to do,” she said with a chuckle. Dash felt her heart swell again, like it might just leap out of her chest. Having the approval of Spitfire made her feel giddy no matter how many times or under what circumstances it happened. She smiled back, but found blood rushing to her face too as the compliment sunk in.

“Heh… aw shucks…” Dash glanced away as she giggled quietly to herself. She took a breath to compose herself, not letting it go to her head. “I just…” she swallowed and looked back towards Spitfire. “I just did what Silver would have done… that’s all.”

“Ha!” Soarin let out a single guffaw behind her as he placed a hoof on her shoulder. “You sure did, I almost screamed when you called him a dumbass. But hey, it worked.”

Dash shared a laugh with the two of them before looking back and forth and releasing another sigh of relief.

“To be honest, we’re lucky… Silver literally just told me about all that when we were flying. All right before Nightshade attacked,” Dash explained.

“Well, I’m sure glad he did,” Spitfire nodded as she put her hoof on Dash’s other shoulder. “And nice delivery,” she said with a joking sarcasm. “You scared me too, but… it worked so I can’t complain.” She gave Dash’s shoulder a solid pat. “Good work, now let’s get moving here,” she said as she turned away and walked back towards the rest, shouting orders to them.

Soarin stayed by Dash’s side, gently brushing his hoof back and forth on her shoulder, getting her to look at him again. She looked right into a smarmy smirk.

“Oh? I don’t know if I like that look you’re giving me,” Dash said with playful sarcasm, still feeling up in the clouds from the mixture of her success and the praise from their lead captain. Soarin chuckled as he tipped his head slightly.

“I dunno about you…” he began while narrowing his eyes to complete the smarm. “But that was pretty badass. It’s like you’re trying to be or something,” he joked while nudging her with his wing. Dash smirked right back at him, seeing his smarm and raising him double.

“Trying? Please,” Dash opened her wings and swung her plot around to bump it into his side, swishing her tail up and brushing it along his flank. “I don’t have to try. You DO know who you’re talking to, right?”

“Oh, of course,” Soarin snickered while putting his wing over her head and ruffling her mane.

“Hey!” Dash giggled as she reached up and swiped at his wing.

“Alright lovebirds, let’s get going!” Spitfire yelled to them as she passed by on her way to speak with P.L.

Soarin watched Spitfire go by as Dash pulled his wing down and playfully bit down on it while growling. Soarin chuckled before reaching up a hoof and tapping it on her forehead.

“Okay, time to focus,” he said as she willingly released his wing. “Go check on your squad,” he encouraged. He paused as Dash pouted at him, but suddenly smiled before shifting towards him and planting a peck on his cheek. She turned and whipped her tail in his face before trotting off towards her squad before he could ‘fight back’.

Leaving her chuckling stallion behind, Dash made her way towards Foxtrot. Matteo, Storm, and Squall all turned to her as she approached. Storm was smiling as she drew close, as was Matteo, well in his own way. Squall wasn’t smiling, but he wasn’t quite wearing his scowl either. She couldn’t quite read it, but that was nothing new. Twister wasn’t under Matteo’s talons anymore, but she had no doubt he was right nearby.

“Now that…” Storm spoke up and pointed at her as she stopped in front of them. “Was cool,” he commented with a wink. Dash smirked and shrugged.

“Heh, what can I say?” she said smoothly, feeling extra casual, finally free from tension for the first time in what felt like years.

“A strong show of courage,” Matteo added while reaching up and balling up his talons before him. “To sway a commanding figure is no small feat.” Dash just lifted an eyebrow as Matteo complimented her in his usual, slightly different manner, but she smiled none the less. She only glanced at Squall for a moment. Now closer she could see what looked like a bit of admiration? It seemed like it anyway, but he didn’t say anything, and she didn’t expect him to. The thought was enough for her though, it wasn’t often Squall gave any form of a compliment.

“Seriously, you were staring that freaky bat down!” Storm complimented again while laughing. “That was awesome!” he yelled as Matteo nodded beside him in agreement.

“Quite inspiring,” the griffon added while keeping his enthusiasm much more under control compared to Storm.

It was happening again. Dash was reveling in feeling like a badass, but the praise was making her blush again, she could feel it. She quickly looked away while putting a wing up over her face.

“O-okay guys,” she stuttered slightly while chuckling. “I know I’m great, but… sheesh stop it, you’re making me blush…”

She flinched as Twister’s face suddenly popped through the feathers of her wing. He reached forward and grabbed her cheeks.

“LOOK AT HER WITTLE BLUSHY CHEEKS!” Twister said in a high pitched, squealy tone while pinching Dash’s cheeks and pulling on them. Dash immediately flattened her brow and grabbed one of Twister’s arms to stop the pulling… but he didn’t let go.

“Twister… you have exactly five seconds to let go of my face,” she threatened.

“NU.” Twister said back while bouncing his eyebrows up and down in an uneven pattern. Dash snorted and began her count down.








Dash swung her arm around, catching Twister by the neck and pulling him into a headlock, ripping his hooves from her face in the process. Twister began flailing and wailing as she held onto him tight.

“BUT YOU SAID FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he cried out comically as his wings started flapping and held his body up in the air while Dash hung onto him.

“Come on guys,” Dash looked towards the other three and nodded with a smile. “Let’s get moving.”

As Dash turned and moved towards the elites with her squadmates in tow… and one unruly one in her grasp, she thought about everything that had just happened in what was beginning to feel like the longest day of her life.

The flight and narrow escape of the Nimbus…

The heated disagreements and exchanges…

Nightshade appearing and literally leveling them all…

Silver sacrificing himself and just barely surviving…

Spitfire showing up just in the nick of time and putting her battle prowess on display…

The revelations about Nightshade, Descent, and Starry…

It had been one horrible, painful, or confusing experience after another. It was such a huge relief to have something go RIGHT, even if it was in the form of another scare at first.

And to top it off? The day wasn’t even over yet. She still wasn’t resting easy on the subject of Silver. Until she got back and got a rundown on his condition from Bliss, she was not going to feel full relief.

Their success here in regards to the Lunar Guard, while great, was not going to negate everything else that happened either. Nightshade and the Shadowbolts had really worked them over. Most of the top tier elites would no doubt be out of commission or barely half full strength as they pushed on towards the Crystal Empire. They had the Lunar Guard on their side now, or at least they would once they saw Luna, but that hardly replaced the top tier elites. Dash could only hope… that their new allies would be up to the task and would be the difference make that pushed them through to their destination.

They still had a rough road ahead.

---To Be Continued---

Author's Note:

Art in this chapter by Foxena and Penumbra.

And the thestrals have finally arrived. Was really excited to reveal P.L. An albino thestral, a true pony of the night as harsh light and sunlight are actually harmful to him, hence why he wears that full suit of enchanted armor. I've been waiting SO LONG to reveal him because i felt he was one of the coolest character's i've ever designed... and Foxena sure did him justice. Although i admit, i wasn't going to add the part about him being super handsome at first, but after i teased that image of him to a certain follower of mine and she swooned something fierce... i decided it would be a fun touch :rainbowlaugh:

Quite the move by Dash, Silver was taken out of the picture, and despite Spitfire's willingness to step forward, it took the student of Silver, using his own blunt words to convince P.L.

This is gonna get interesting ;D

What does P.L. stand for? Oh you may find out soon :moustache:

Fleetfoot isn't doing too well, yeah her instincts kicked in when P.L. showed up, but believe me, she's not going to be doing too well.

And it looks like Flashwind mentally kicked SPitfire's ass and helped get her back on track... now hopefully she can keep it that way.

Oh and for those of you who didnt see the blog i posted, what Twister said about recording a video about doors... He actually did have a cameo in this collaboration video (Skip to 8:09):

Once again, i apologize for how long it took to get this chapter out, i dont intend to make a habit of it, but i there wasnt much i could do about it. Sometimes life gets in the way.

Already 4000 words into chapter 133, so hopefully it wont be as long of a wait for the next :twilightsmile:

Thanks for reading! i hope you enjoyed!

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