• Published 15th Apr 2014
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An Extended Holiday - Commander_Pensword

Adventure, Mayhem, Magic of unknown origins, and talking colorful Ponies. All being unrelated events have brought three friends together into the wildest holiday that anyone could imagine.

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50 - Going Gold

Extended Holiday
Ch 50: Going Gold
Act 5

“Good morning, guys,” Grif said, looking to Hammer Strike and Pensword across their breakfast table.

“Mornin’,” Hammer replied.

Pensword smiled. “Good morning.” Today would be the day he brought his life mate and daughter home and he couldn’t wait. “This, today is a special day.” he paused. “Oh, and by the way, the Dream Clan is splitting into two. They are requesting some land to settle in nearby so they can visit as family. I hope you do not mind that I already agreed to their request.”

“I’ll have to adjust the plans around where they choose,” Hammer replied. “But aside from that, I’m cool with it.”

“Umm… yeah I’m not going to be around all week,” Grif said. “So could one of you guys check up on the compound construction? You know, make sure my architect isn’t adding additional rooms and stuff to land we don’t have?”

“Well,” Pensword started only to pause as a scroll appeared in the middle of the table. Hammer Strike picked it up before handing it over to the pegasus, who opened it and sighed. “Nevermind ... I am being dragged in front of the Solar Court to answer to their demands for why I gave Luna a city without their permission.” He paused. “Maybe I can scare some of those Gryphon delegates from the Empire again,” he said, smiling. “That means that I will have to present Moon River as my heir to the Solar Court, then the Lunar Court. I am definitely going to be gone for the next two weeks at the very least. So will Lunar Fang.” He put a hoof to his chin. “Though, if needed, you can ask the Gryphon Slayers to help watch over the compound.”

“And I’m headed to Canterlot to meet the gryphons coming for the negotiations about Gryphonia’s place in the Equestrian games,” Grif said.

Pensword paused and looked to Hammer Strike with a mischievous smile on his muzzle. An ear flicked twice.

“No,” Hammer Strike responded flatly.

“So, Gryphon Slayers it is?” Pensword replied to Hammer Strike’s no.

“Yep,” Hammer replied.

“Well, if we have nothing more to discuss, I think I shall be leaving to gather my family and catch the train to Canterlot. I shall see you all in two weeks. Sooner in your case, Grif.”

“Alright.” Grif nodded. “Hopefully this won’t be as painful as it promises to be.”

Pensword stood on the platform grinning as he swayed to a sound only he could hear. “Train’s coming,” He commented. “I think it is the Canterlot Special this time.”

Lunar Fang chuckled, playfully bouncing the baby. “Dear, I think you’re worrying the other passengers.”

“What? You can not hear-” he was interrupted by the faint whistle of a steam train as it dispersed through the air around them.

“Deep breaths, Pensword. Deep breaths,” a familiar voice spoke.

“Why?” Pensword asked. “I love getting to travel by train. That reminds me, I need to talk the Railway into building a spur out to New Unity. It will allow more supplies and building materials. Not to mention getting talks going for a short line to haul the stones from the quarry too.”

Grif was shadowed by an older, uptight looking gryphon male in formal armor bearing the insignia of the emperor. A crossbow lay mounted on his back while a saber and dagger belt hung around his waist. “Because you’re getting over excited again and your laugh is starting to bother ponies,” Grif said. “Just calm down, okay?”

“Okay, Okay,” Pensword muttered with a grumpy expression before noticing the other Gryphon. “Oh,” He said, his voice guarded. “I take it you come from the Empire?” His eyes narrowed in suspicion before he turned to look back down the tracks.

“This is Coal Feather Jacius, formerly the herald of the darkflight clan, which was recently wiped out. He has been sent to serve as my assistant until this mess is over with,” Grif said, rolling his eyes.

“The emperor has afforded you a great opportunity. You should approach it with more reverence,” Coal Feather scolded.

“So, Grif, where are your siblings?” Pensword asked. “You know, Tall Oak and Little Willow?”

“Willow is helping the Apple family and Tall Oak seems to want to have words with Big Macintosh about something. I suspect the two things are linked, but I got no proof at the moment,” Grif explained.

Pensword smiled. “Well, that is news indeed.” He turned to nuzzle his daughter as she cooed at him and he returned the affections in kind. To anypony that didn’t know Pensword personally, such actions would seem intensely out of character for the battle ridden hero of the Third Gryphon War. He just kept smiling despite the looks. After all, babies, no matter what the species, always seem to have that effect on adults. He looked up as the train puffing into the station assaulted their senses with it’s piercing whistle, radiant heat, and the scent of burning coal. Pensword looked like Scootaloo after an afternoon in the candy store. “I love trains.”

Grif smiled as he walked down the halls of Canterlot Castle. Celestia had been very generous in letting him hold his “meetings” here, and fortunately he didn’t need to start anything till tomorrow. There were currently a good many gryphons from different areas all over the castle. Thanks to his new red gryphon hoodie, which covered most of his chest, no one was able to identify him by his unusual green plumage.

He carefully analyzed the halls and those around him, trying to make sure nothing suspicious was going on when his eye caught sight of a somewhat petite gryphoness contemplating one of the stained glass windows. She was small, but her body showed clear signs of athleticism. Her feathers were a deep dark blue while her fur seemed more of a light powdery blue. She wore neither fancy dress nor the gaudy adornments he had noticed on most of the other gryphonesses arriving. And seeing her now, standing out in such a stuck up crowd made him curious. She was clearly a maid or some sort; perhaps a servant to one of the emperor’s cousins. But what was her story?

“Bonjour?” he called out as he slowly approached. Phrench seemed like a safer bet for the moment.

“Bonjour,” she replied in return. “Do you speak this language?” She asked in Equis, looking a little nervous.

“Oh, yes, of course. I wasn’t sure if some of the new gryphons were fluent or not,” he replied. “I’ve been in Canterlot for so long, my Gryphic has a horrible accent.” He smiled sheepishly at her. “And I have certainly never seen a gryphoness like you around.”

“Well,” She blushed. “I prefer my own path and try to live up to the expectations that were set out by Empress Warbeak. Though it is nice to find another who is able to speak Equis. It is rude not to speak the language of a host nation, is it not?”

“Yes, this is true. I hope then, that you will forgive my rudeness. You may call me Odis,” he said, thinking of the name as quickly as he could. “May I assume you are here with the emperor's delegation? Oh, and may I also have your name?”

“I am Swift Feather. You might have heard of me. I am currently in the running to represent the Gryphons in the upcoming Equestrian Games.” She smiled. Grif could hear the pride in her voice at holding such a status.

“Ah, that is quite an honor indeed. You must be quite a skilled flyer. I am sorry to say I have been traveling a lot lately and the news from the empire is not easy to get,” he said. “But I shall make a note to look up your status,” he said, allowing himself a little laugh and a sly aside. “It is good to meet a real gryphon and not some stupid peacock trying to prove how impressive they are.”

She blushed as she hid a beak behind a wing before blinking in quick succession. “Oh my, I just remembered. I have to be at a meet soon. I ... I would like to speak with you again. When are you free? That is, if you are willing to meet.”

“Unfortunately, my daytime hours are taken by some rather pressing appointments,” Grif noted, trying his best not to lie directly. “However, as it so happens, there is a coffee shop in Canterlot that brews the finest cup in a hundred leagues. Perhaps we could talk more over a cup tomorrow night?” he asked. “Donut Joes, say 6:30?”

“Make it seven and it’s a date,” she said, smiling cryptically. “It is not often it feels like it is I making the first move,” She admitted.

Grif took her talons and raised them before placing a gentle kiss. “Then a date it is,” he said. It was a bit hard for him, but he and Shrial had discussed this already. If the blade feathers were to be a fully recognised clan then this would be necessary. “Until tomorrow, my lady. Parting is such sweet sorrow.” He smiled, releasing her talons.

Swif Feather raised a feathered eyebrow and looked at him before smiling and walking away. Her hips swayed behind her as her tail flicked teasingly through the air. Based on what the warrior had said, this Gryphon was likely one of the clanless looking for a place in this mysterious new Bladefeather Clan. She could hardly wait to learn more.

Hammer Strike ceased his work on the anvil as Blast Shield opened the door, seemingly trying to get his attention. “Yes?” Hammer asked.

“Steel Weaver, Storm Hammer, and Wrought Iron have returned from their trip to Canterlot, sir,” Blast announced.

“Finally done with the check up, are they?” He gave a small smirk. “Only took them a month or so. Lead them here. I’m sure they don’t know the layout just yet.”

“Yes, sir,” Blast said as he left.

A few minutes later Storm Hammer and Steel Weaver entered the forge, each carrying bags with equipment and other miscellaneous tools.

“So how was the trip?” Hammer questioned.

Storm Hammer shook her mane a little in annoyance. “Wrought Iron was rather focused on the schedule, but other than that it was a good trip. My replacement is not as good as I had hoped, but they should be getting the necessary experience. Who would have thought meeting a human would land me here,” She said, gazing contemplatively into the fires of the forge.

“Well, lass, they were a bit pinched tae find two smiths quite as good as us,” Steel Weaver said, laughing. “But it seems the place dinnae fall tae pieces while we were gone. So nothing tae complain about.”

“Sounds about accurate.” Hammer nodded. “How does it feel to be back?”

“To be honest, I want to look at the Alicorn forges. Can you imagine what we could do for the troops if we could find the original alicorn weapon molds?” Storm Hammer asked, smiling. “We also brought the right coal this time.” She beamed as she looked back to the door. “Well, I’m off to explore the rest of the forges. Also, did you know you have a pipe organ in one of the sub basements?”

“Yeah,” Hammer replied. “Hooked up to something, but I haven’t checked yet.”

“So then, should ah go down and see what they’re gonna be needin’ us tae make for this wee little cottage of yours?” Steel Weaver asked.

“Not sure. I’ve been at work for awhile.” Hammer shrugged.

Storm Hammer screeched to a halt. “How much did you make?” She asked flatly.

“Check the back room.”

Storm Hammer looked to Steel Weaver uncertainly before moving to the back room. “Might as well check on our way out.” She stopped before the door and turned to face the smith master. “Uh, milord, just what did you do with Princess Celestia to cause the whole capital to shake?”

Hammer Strike smirked.

Grif sat patiently at the counter as he picked at a donut. He had made a point of arriving early simply to ask Joe and a few of the regulars who would recognise him to use his other name for the evening, or if they happened to see him with a blue gryphoness. He waited as casually as he could, idly spinning his stiletto in his talons and failing at whistling a song. A line of customers waited over by the glass display case, eying the sweets in question as they awaited their turn to order.

Grif groaned as he recalled the day’s events. Gwendolin Tempest Beak, an ornery puffed up noble, had been a near insufferable bore as she spoke all about her superior bloodline and her incredible talents, including the glorious gift of nail buffing and what she called intelligence gathering. Grif rolled his eyes. Half of her so called intelligence had been nothing but idle gossip. He’d zoned out half way through the conversation and was only alerted to when he was supposed to respond by a guard idly tapping his hoof.

After facing an endless supply of the same thing with ladies ranging anywhere from red to pink to white, he left the room exhausted and did nothing else for the remainder of the day. His mind needed a rest after all the fancy dresses and asides of disgust at the “clanless dogs” and “uncivilized equines.” He nearly ripped one particular daughter of the sixth kingdom’s nobility in half when Coal Feather wisely called the meeting to a halt as he lay a restraining hand on the warrior. But now, that was in the past. Now, as he awaited the arrival of Swift Feather, he felt invigorated. The time would soon be at hand for some real stimulating conversation.

Swift Feather crashed through the door, a ball of wet feathers only just beginning to dry. Thanks to her speedy flight, no doubt. Grif nodded to himself as he theorized what could have caused such a state of disarray in the lady. Most likely her meet had run late, requiring her to take a hasty shower before dashing for all she was worth to get here. He smiled and waved invitingly towards her.

“I am so sorry. Coach was drilling us today,” she said, turning to Pony Joe. “One cup, please. Black.” Joe simply nodded and went to prepare the order. “So how were your appointments?” she asked

“Boring beyond belief. It was just me listening to some nobles spout off about themselves and how great they are and this and that,” Grif said as he rolled up his sleeve, returning the stiletto to it’s arm sheath. Swift Feather winced as she noted the scars on his arm. “You’re a mercenary then? Or perhaps a soldier?” she asked.

“Warrior, actually. Hand trained by my father since I could walk.”

“Wow.” Swift Feathers eye’s widened. “Not many like that anymore. I thought they died out after the empire was pushed out of the stampede grounds 400 years ago.”

Grif shrugged. “There are still a few of us around,” he said casually as Joe brought Swift Feather’s order. He flashed Grif a wink as he refilled his cup.

“Not a bad date tonight, ody. What are you doing taking a lady like that to a place like this?” he chuckled.

Swift Feather and Grif both blushed.“Well aside from the fact you make the best coffee I’ve had anywhere, it’s probably the fact that there isn’t a restaurant in this city I could get into in time. Heck, even the hot carrot vendors need a three week reservation.”

“Oh, I’m pretty sure Grif could have gotten you a table if you asked him,” Joe said teasingly as he nudged the warrior.

“Grif Bladefeather? So you work for the Bladefeather Clan, then.” Swift Feather said.

Grif shrugged. “I believe in what they are going to do”

“And what, pray tell, is that?” she asked, her interest peaked. “Lots of gryphons have tried to start clans in Equestria before. It just leads to more clanless.”

“That's the beauty of it,” Grif said, laughing. “Bladefeather is going to be a clan for the clanless. It’s going to bring in all gryphons who are willing to come together peacefully under one roof. All will be welcome. ‘One for all and all for one.’ That’s what Bladefeather keeps saying.”

“And what is Grif Bladefeather like?”

“Just a big stupid bag of wind,” Grif said as he smiled down at his coffee. “A gryphon who refuses to know his place and ends up reaching for glory when he could be helping others.” He sighed a bit. “Honestly, I think he survived the wars more by luck than skill…” any further words where drowned out as Joe stomped on the counter.

“Now you know that isn’t true, Odis. Grif’s a good fighter. Hay, he got attacked in here one time by one of those black feathers, beat him good before finishing him. Didn’t get a scratch on him. And then afterwards his biggest concern was making sure he compensated me for damages.” Pony Joe laughed. “Overpaid me, too.”

“Probably cause you’re the only one who can make a good cup of coffee,” Grif said, joining Joe’s laughter as he lifted his mug.

“So has Grif ever told you any stories about the war?” Swift Feather asked.

“Not me personally,” Joe said as his eyes shifted to Grif. “But Odis here has heard a few from him.”

“Really? Can you share a few with me?” She asked, turning to face “Odis.”

“Well… I don’t really want to be telling another warrior’s war stories,” Grif said, “but how about I tell you some funny stuff I’ve seen around Canterlot?” he asked.

The gryphoness relented, albeit reluctantly. Over the next few hours the couple laughed and swapped funny stories about their lives. Joe informed them he was closing up and this caused Grif to check his pocket watch. “Well, it’s getting late.” Grif sighed “I’d hate to get you in trouble with your coach.”

Swift Feather nodded. “It’s been fun. Think we could meet up again? Tomorrow maybe?”

“Well I’m busy all day again, but maybe we can stroll through the gardens? Around the same time?”

“It’s a date.” she smiled before walking off, swaying her back as before. But was it just Grif, or did she seem to adding a little more to that sashay?

Pensword took a deep breath as he stood in the gardens watching the rising moon. He paused and stiffened as he heard the distinct clack of talon and claw on gravel. He was thankful Lunar Fang and Moon River were resting in their quarters. He’d hate to have his wife trying to restrain him when he noticed unusual behavior in a “guest.” Nearby, a large grey male gryphon was walking through the gardens, his beak held high in the air.

Pensword moved quickly, maintaining line of sight as he shifted to a defensive stance. He would not openly engage a Gryphon, at least not unprovoked. The gryphon stopped suddenly, turned it’s head and saw him. With a glare he turned away, moving further into the garden. Pensword remained where he was. He did not trust himself to speak after such a close encounter. A moment later he heard the distinct sound of wing beats. Leaping into action, Pensword flew into the air, ready to confront whatever enemy might oppose him. He raised a hoof to strike as he spun in midair to face the assailant. A brown bat stared at him, confused as it flapped its leathery wings. The creature tilted it’s head, uncertain what to make of the pony before it.

Pensword looked at the bat, sighed and turned his head as he hovered towards the tower. “I might as well turn in,” he muttered, thinking how foolish he had been. Tomorrow he would meet with the nobles.

“You’re telling me that we have another visitor? That’s the fourth one this week requesting an audience or my attention for something.” Hammer said, sighing as he looked on Tower. “Well, let’s get this over with. Who is it today?”

“Rarity, sir.”

Hammer Strike hummed for a moment. “I wonder what she is visiting for. ... Go ahead and bring her up.” Tower saluted and left immediately. Placing his quill back into its inkwell on his desk, Hammer placed a hoof on his neck as he stretched. He sighed in relief as a series of soft pops occurred.

After a few minutes Blast opened the door, leading Rarity inside before he closed it again. It seemed the brothers were trying to add a little variety by switching back and forth.

“Hello, Rarity. How are things?” Hammer asked.

“Everythings fine, darling. And you?” Rarity asked.

“Just finished some more paperwork. I’m a bit ahead for the time being, which is great,” He replied, smiling faintly. “So, what brings you over?”

“Well, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo are going on a camping trip with Applejack and Applebloom. Unfortunately, Sweetie has roped me into going along as well. I’d feel much better if I knew we had a big, strong fighter there to protect us,” she said, shuffling her hooves on the ground and giving her best flirtatious eye flicker.

“Uh...” Hammer Strike started. “I mean, I’m free…” He continued. “...When is it?”

“In a few hours.” Rarity responded

“I’ll, uh, see what I can get from here and head to Ponyville for the rest of my supplies,” he said. “If you wait a moment I can head back with you after I grab some of my stuff and give out some orders.”

“Oh, Hammer Strike, thank you so much!” Rarity smiled as she turned to leave. “Oh,” she started, twirling around at the door. “One more thing. Rainbow Dash said we would be gone for about three days.”

“Alright. I’ll meet you at the front gate after I grab my things,” Hammer replied as he stood up. Rarity nodded bashfully and made her way down the halls and out of sight. As hammer went to his armory to gather supplies, his ear twitched and he smiled. Rarity’s squeal of joy could be heard echoing faintly through the drafty castle.

Pensword paced in the hallway as he looked to his life mate. “Lunar Fang, I need to tell you. I do plan on teaching our daughter the customs of the Thestrals. However, the nobles here will need to hear that we shall honor the traditions of Canterlot.” He smiled pleadingly. “So please be understanding.” He looked at a blank spot by an adjacent wall and bowed respectfully. “Thank you, Gramma,” he muttered before turning and stealing a kiss on Lunar Fang’s cheek.

“I’ll try,” Lunar Fang responded, nuzzling him back.

“Thank you. I am sorry I cannot speak about the Thestral conditions, as that could go over poorly with the noble houses. I am afraid that Baron Blueblood was right about one thing. House purges likely will happen should the news get out too soon.”

A smaller, more bookish pony stepped out into the hall as he peered at the couple. “Master Pensword? The court is ready for you, sir.”

“Thank you.” Pensword turned to face the door and sighed heavily. “Wish me luck,” he said as he clip clopped into the chamber. As he looked upon the new house of Lords for the first time, he smiled faintly, admiring the architecture. The chamber had been hollowed out for the court to allow maximum oratory capacity. The space was richly decorated with stained glass windows filtering the sunlight into the golden halls. White fluted pillars trimmed with gold and filled with veins of quartz and other semiprecious stones lined the walls, acting as supports as well as decorations. A long circle of tables similar to the senate of the United States that he recalled from his human half stood in a great semicircle. Great tapestries hung from the walls behind these seats, each woven with the symbol of the great houses of Equestria. Beneath each of these the lords and ladies of the kingdom sat, awaiting the call to order as they whispered to one another. All eyes were on Pensword as he stepped forward to where Princess Luna stood expectantly. She smiled warmly as he approached with Lunar Fang and foal in tow. Then she motioned to her side as the warriors and their new child joined her on the stand, attentive and ready for whatever was to come. Pensword’s acute ears swiveled as he picked up on the idle conversation between the lords and ladies.

“Just look at this. I don’t know about you, Blueblood, but if it comes down to a vote, I have no intention of acknowledging this mule as a member of the aristocracy,” a high pitched voice said.

“Don’t be so quick to judge, Lady Prancis. This may yet yield some … interesting opportunities.” Any chances for further conversation were cut off as the royal Equestrian gavel rang out across the room. In a flash of sunlight, Celestia appeared, smiling at her sister and her two trusted friends.

“Greetings, Sister, Pensword, Lunar Fang. Greetings to you all. Today, a special meeting of the House of Lords has been called to commemorate the induction of the Thestral people as a whole into our herd and our kingdom as equal citizens. I have already spoken to you of my Sister’s plans and received your approval. For this, we both thank you. However, now we must ask you to be prepared for the full consequences of that choice. As a part of the Thestral ponies joining our community, it is only right that they have nobility to rule them, even as we have nobility here to aid in the rule of the Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies. As such, it is time that you were introduced to Equestria’s newest lord and his heir,” Celestia said, smiling as she nodded to her sister and stepped away from the spotlight.

Pensword stepped forward, but deferred to Princess Luna. It was a small sign of respect, but something that sent silent tremors through the room as they saw the halfling outright waiting for permission from both sisters before speaking. His loyalty could not be questioned here, for he followed the protocols of a loyal subject. Luna stepped forward, joining with the commander. She smiled encouragingly at him before turning to face the gathered house.

“Fillies and Gentlecolts of the court, it is my great pleasure to present the Grand duke of Y’s, Commander Moonkissed Pensword Hurricane, his wife, Duchess Lunar Fang, and his newly born daughter, Moon River. I trust that you will show him the same respect that you would show any other of your peers,” Luna said, smiling as she gestured to Pensword.

Pensword stepped forward and gave a salute and a bow to Princess Luna, then to Princess Celestia. He turned and faced the court while Lunar Fang placed their daughter on the ground for all to see. He looked at the group of nobles, unsure of what would happen next. Would there be some kind of symbolic questioning? A rite of passage for new nobles? He would soon find out.

After giving orders to Blast and Tower Shield on what they were to do, as well as gathering his own items into a saddlebag, Hammer Strike found himself walking towards the front gate to New Unity where Rarity stood waiting, her attention on something else he could not see.

“Sorry for the delay,” He said. “Had to reassure Tower and Blast that they could handle things here.” He chuckled lightly.

Rarity finished up her string of movements as she sparred with her imaginary opponent. Her lessons with Grif had visibly started paying off in the form of fluid, graceful movements that complimented both the rapier and the hoof holding it. With a spin she slid it back into its sheath before turning. “Oh my. I see someone is trying a new fashion today,” Rarity said.

Hammer glanced at his outfit for a second, a simple black jacket and red shirt underneath, before he shrugged. “I figured for a camping trip I would wear something more casual.”

“It certainly suits you.” Rarity smiled. “So, you have everything you need then? I must say the way you and Grif walk around I’d figured that sword was growing out of your back.”

“Even I like some variety with weapons,” he replied with a smirk. “For a camping trip, I don’t think I will require my sword or hammer.”

“Of course, with luck we shant need weapons at all,” Rarity said, smiling as she fluttered her eyelashes. “To Ponyville then?”

“Certainly. I still have to grab a few things from the stores around Ponyville, which shouldn’t be much of a problem.”

With that said they began their journey through the Everfree Forest towards Ponyville. It didn’t take too long before they arrived near the edge of town. Having talked the whole way, the trip didn’t seem long at all.

“I’ve got to get my things from the boutique. Should Sweetie Belle and I meet you somewhere?” Rarity said.

“Where will you be headed after you get Sweetie Belle?” Hammer asked. “It shouldn’t take me that long to gather what I need.”

“Sweet Apple Acres.”

“I’ll meet you there, then. I just need to head to a few stores…” He paused as he patted his jacket. “And make a trip to the bank. I forgot to grab some bits.”

Pensword, Lunar Fang, and their daughter, Moon River, all sat on a cloth laid out with picnic food as they ate in the Canterlot Gardens. Pensword’s sword of office lay at his side glinting playfully in the moonlight next to the books Lunar Fang and he had been reading. Though at the moment a far more pressing matter held their attention as they stood cooing over their daughter. Moon River giggled and waved her hooves in the air as her parents tickled her.

“Well aren't you three a sight,” a familiar voice spoke up as the sound of swooping wings flapped overhead.

Pensword looked up, his guard raised as he searched for the source of the voice.

Grif, looking somewhat exhausted, smiled at the three happily. “It’s nice to see someone I can just talk to.”

“What’s wrong?” Lunar Fang asked as she moved over to give Grif a seat. “Care for some Vampire Fruit Bat?”

“Ooh, thanks.” Grif smiled taking a piece from the platter next to the now empty wicker basket. “The emperor's…. cousins, are from Tartarus,” Grif said, groaning and shuddering simultaneously.

Pensword raised an eyebrow. “Grif… I saw Hell from the Emperor. Are they really as bad as they were back then?”

“The last three hours were conversations on how the Hardbeak clan has the best wingtips in the Southern Kingdom. They’re brown. The same brown as hundreds of thousands of other gryphons out there.”

Pensword paused, then he began to laugh. “Grif, is that,” Lunar Fang slowly joined in, trying to stifle her giggles as Moon River added a cooing laugh of her own. “That,” Pensword tried to speak again. “Sorry. But compared to our past that is both boring and hilarious at the same time.”

Lunar Fang’s eyes twinkled. “When this week is over, in Thestral communities, nothing is sweeter than the first laugh of a newborn Thestral. Since you made her laugh, according to Thestra tradition, you now get to sit on her right as her guest of honor when next we meet.”

“Well, at least she’s happy.” Grif smiled at the foal. “Keep that up, River. There are enough grumps and worry worts in the world. You keep being happy.” He gently tickled her stomach, eliciting yet another series of giggles. She paused a moment before hiccupping. Then she closed her eyes cross eyed as she hiccuped again. Lunar Fang quickly took the foal in her hooves and began to pat her back.

“Grif Is there anything I can do to help with this ‘problem?’” Pensword asked with a frown.

“Well it’s not all bad.” Grif smiled distantly. “The nights have been… spectacular,” he said, grinning idly.

“Oh?” Lunar Fang replied with a knowing smile. “What’s going on? Or is that some Gryphon state secret?” She smirked at Grif, then gave a small nicker of a laugh.

“I met one of the imperial athletes and we may have been seeing each other nights,” Grif said. “But it’s likely to crash and burn.”

Pensword raised a wing in objection. “Grif, I thought that very thing and look what happened.” he moved a hoof to point to Lunar Fang and Moon River. “You, at least, are trying. That is what matters. And who knows? You may find something out of it. Just don’t give up because the walls are too thick… takes time.”

“I totally lied about my identity and made ‘Grif’ look like a total stereotypical gryphon war hero while acting like his servant. Literally everything she knows about who I am is a lie.” Grif groaned, smacking his forehead with a taloned hand.

“That is rather crazy,” Lunar Fang admitted. “Still, you better tell her the truth before the week is over. See how it goes. Just let her know about your real station. If she really likes you, she’ll understand and accept you. If she doesn’t, then she’s not worth your time.”

“Lunar’s right. You are acting like yourself. You just put yourself under another name. She shouldn’t mind.” Pensword frowned. “Just be careful.” His left ear twitched. “I hear more Gryphon Wing Beats. Expecting any company soon?”

“Probably my assistant to go over my schedule for tomorrow and my meeting with yet another gryphoness too high on herself to care about the rest of the world.” Grif sighed. “Thanks for the fruit bat, guys. Wish me luck,” he said, turning to the foal and giving her belly another tickle. “And you be a good girl for me, River. Okay?”

She giggled, then yawned as she lay against her mother’s neck, making all present smile while Pensword stood. “If you need any Pony insights, by all means, I have three Dream Clan members here that would love to stand guard.” He chuckled. “It will also get them out of our manes for a while.” He sighed. “I just do not know what the future will hold. The Nobles have mixed feelings about Lunar Fang and I being the face of Luna’s new court. But they should hopefully get over it.”

“Well, Pensword, you have the support of a princess. Two, actually. So in all honesty, just ignore them. They're technically, morally, and socially beneath you.” Grif shrugged as he moved to leave. “And honestly, if they don’t like it, they can settle it on the sparring field.”

“Oh, I am sure we will,” Lunar Fang responded. “Thank you for the kind words.” She put a wing on her life mate’s head. “You know him. Always looking for some way to avoid battle first.” Her face darkened. “But get him past that point and Faust help you.”

Grif smirked as he kicked off. “Faust help anyone who pushes us that far.”

“Sorry about that. Trip to the bank took a bit longer than expected,” Hammer Strike said as he walked up to the group. A new bag sat atop his back in addition to the two he already had at his sides.

“Doesn’t that seem a might much there, sugarcube?” Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow.

Hammer Strike shrugged. “Doesn’t bother me. It’s just a few extra things anyways.”

“Well, now that we’re all here, I guess we can get goin’,” Applejack said.

Noticing a wagon next to Sweetie Belle and Rarity, Hammer stepped up to the hitch. “How about you let me pull that?” he asked as he eyed the wagon again.

“Are you sure?” Rarity asked

“I’m sure Sweetie Belle would be happier,” he said as he looked at her. “Right?”

“Definitely.” Sweetie nodded her head.

One short wagon hitching later, Hammer looked to the group once again. “So, when do we head off?”

“Wait, what about Rainbow Dash?” scootaloo asked, concerned.

“She’ll be meeting us at our first campsite,” Rarity said.

Hammer Strike remained quiet as he pulled the wagon with ease. He kept his thoughts to himself, mulling over ideas while keeping track of where everypony in the group was. Inevitably, his train of thought led him to the chapters in the book that he had yet to translate as well as his thoughts on his next project. Though a certain filly seemed to derail that train from time to time when he looked back at her.

The group wandered on as they followed Applejack in silence. Occasionally the silence would be broken by a few snippets of conversation between Rarity and Hammer, and some questions from Sweetie Belle about some guard friends and the work on fixing up the old castle.

“Applejack, darling, are we there yet?” Rarity asked for what seemed like the thousandth time.

“The last thousand times you asked the answers been no…. this time it’s actually yes!” Applejack said, relieved as she motioned to the clearing ahead. Just then a Rainbow blur flew by overhead. “There’s Rainbow Dash now,” she said as the blur in question slam kicked through four surprisingly thick trees before flying by, dropping several logs on the ground. Then the blur entered the nearby stream, exiting without slowing. Rainbow flew in a circle as she dropped the rocks from the stream bed, forming a rudimentary fire pit.

‘I’ll give that a seven,” Hammer Strike commented in a strange accent.

Scootaloo attempted to walk up and speak to Rainbow Dash only to trip up. she groaned a bit. “Hi, Rainbow Dash,” she said, setting her hooves behind her head while attempting to act casual. “What’s up?”

“What took you guys so long?” Rainbow asked.

“Oh, you know, walking,” Hammer replied simply.

“Some of us didn’t pack as light as the rest.” Applejack casually glanced at Rarity’s wagon. “So we were held up a little.” Over the next hour Applejack, Applebloom, and Rainbow Dash set up two tents. Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle unloaded several pieces of luggage while Rarity took down a book with a pull cord. Setting it down in a large, relatively clear space, she pulled the cord to reveal a large self constructing tent. A few feet away, Hammer Strike had set up an average tent for himself.

Pensword listened to his hooves clip clop down the stone hallway, his eyes intent as he searched the doors. At last, he sighed in frustration and simply opened a door to the right. Dust floated in the air in a large cloud, indicating the room had neet seen use in quite some time.

“Perfect,” he said. He turned to the two Thestral guards who had been shadowing him. “Guard this door with your lives,” he commanded. “Do not let even Princess Celestia herself into this room if she asks.” He walked into the room, shut, and locked the door before moving to the table. He blew away the dust and pulled up an old padded chair before pulling out a pouch he’d been carrying around his neck. Opening the item in question, he began removing the documents he had been studying, mainly treaties of Equestria with the other nations around her. Lastly, he pulled out his personal copy of the treaty from the Third Gryphon War. Slowly, he uncapped the scroll case and tipped the document out to read, spreading it out between the other treaties. He paused as he read a paragraph before moving his eyes to another treaty he had read this morning, quickly finding the line he wanted. Then he jumped to another treaty with Gryphonia, one that had come later than the Third Gryphon War. He moved back to the his treaty, then to the later one, shifting back and forth. He returned to the Treaty with his name on it. The more he read, the more he grew nervous.

“This isn’t possible.” He turned and slammed the door open.

“You!” he shouted, startling an Earth Pony guard in solar armor. “I need you to find Grif right this instant. I don’t care what your patrol is, I am demanding that as Commander of Equestrian Armed Forces. Find Grif and tell him this word. Armageddon.” It was interesting that the Equestrians adopted only a few Dragon words. This happened to be one of them. The pony stood there, gawking. “Well, don’t stand there. MOVE!” He heard the armor and hoofs clattering as the guard hurried down a hallway before he turned to shut the door. He stopped mid-swing and turned to face one of his guards. “Find me a map of the world, along with a map of Equestria’s colonies on the Zebrican continent. I also want a map of Gryphon colonies around the world.” With that order given, he moved back into the room and shut the door, locking it once more. He moved to his pouch. “Guess I get to see if I can use this misspeak crystal to hide the coming conversation.”

Grif took another slurp of his tea as the gryphoness across prattled on. Two days, Grif reminded himself. Just two more days and this entire stupid mess could be over with. Shrilan Featherbright the Third went on and on and on about her bloodline and their greatness during the last great gryphon revolution. He was sure he was going to lose his mind when a knock came from the door. Thanking whichever supreme being had decided on this mercy, Grif made for the door, opening it hastily.

“Yes?” he asked.

A nervous white Earth Pony in Solar armor shook a little as he spoke the words. “I am to tell you this word from Commander Pensword, direct orders. Armageddon.” Grif immediately snapped to attention.

“Thank you, soldier. Back to your duties,” Grif ordered. The guard nodded, gulping before racing off down the hall. Grif did his best to suppress a smile. “I’m sorry, milady, but we’re going to have to cut this short. Something beyond important has come up and I must be off.” Without waiting for a response Grif took to the air and barreled.

The gryphoness sat back and huffed at being so rudely abandoned. She looked to take it out on the guard that had been tending to Grif, only to find herself completely alone. An angry shriek echoed from the castle window, causing more than a few ponies to cringe in their posts.

Grif found Pensword only because of the four guards in the hallway. All of whom were Thestral, and judging by his quick eyes, of the Dream Clan. Also they were expecting him as they let him barrel down the hallway. He found the door flanked by two guards.

“No one within ten paces of this door, gentlecolts.” He nodded respectfully to them as he opened it. “Keep up the good work,” he added before entering the room. He saw Pensword dressed in his Ursa Minor robe as he looked upon maps that he had tacked to the wall. He also noticed a shimmer at the windows and the moment he entered the room a crystal in the middle of the table turned from red to green. He noticed an ear flicked towards the door before turning back to the wall.

“Read the paragraphs on the parchment nearest you,” Pensword commanded grimly. “I copied them word for word from the treaties. If you wish, you can compare them with the originals I have at the other end of the table.” He moved purposefully to another map. Grif realized he had been looking at a world map and now had shifted to a map with a few different colors on it. He glimpsed the title. Gryphon Colonies in the South Alicorn Ocean.

"Should Gryphonia breach upon the sovereign grounds of the diarchy or the adjacent monarchy of the crystal empire or attack these two nations then the sun shall set ablaze all of the southern fields rendering them ash and Gryphonia should expect no aid for the ensuing famine." Grif looked it over again. "Okay, that’s eerily specific."

“Yes. Please read the most recent statement of Equestrian response should Zebrica be invaded. Follow that by reading the most recent diplomatic document to Gryphonia. Notice something missing from those two events, something important,” Pensword replied. He moved to another map. This one showed Equestrian Colonies around the South Dragon Sea.

“The southern fields, Equestria’s main threat for them not to attack Equestria, isn’t on here,” Grif said “It’s only the military support should they attack Zebrica. Which means Gryphonia could attack them in self defense.”

“Yes,” Pensword responded, finally turning to look at Grif. “Speak with as much candid thoughts as you want. Any who might try to eavesdrop, even from my own clan, will hear a misdirected conversation about something else. Now. Question. What might Gryphonia do should they learn about this loophole? Not the Emperor. He seems to see us as agents of revenge and change against the evils of the old Empire. But what of the remaining Kings? Or those that hold land under the Kings?”

“... We have to handle this without telling anyone. We need to take this before Daedalus himself.” Grif put his palm to his forehead.

“What about Celestia? Should we inform her?” he asked flatly. Grif knew that tone well. Pensword was bracing for a conflict.

“As great as her diplomacy is, this seems more a covert operation, my friend.”

Pensword cracked a thin smile. “Then we are agreed. Still, how do we get ahold of Daedalus? We cannot just go over and kidnap him to talk to him.” After a moment in thought, he face hoofed. “I am suddenly reminded of National Treasure 2."

Grif pulled out a map of Gryphonia from a pouch at his side and unraveled it. “Unfortunately, we have two options. Convince Celestia to hold a large, elaborate, and expensive meeting with Daedalus, or go to Gryphilheim itself,” Grif said, pointing to the city that was the Gryphon seat of power.

“Which is right in the center of the land mass,” Pensword muttered darkly. “I would rather not have the elaborate meeting. While it would be fun to see Celestia pay for parts of it out of her own account, there are just too many ears that could get the information to the Kings that could allow them to go to war and gain precious resource sites. And once conquered, they could sit under their control for years during the peace conferences.” He frowned. “I shall not have any more grievances over any future wars. The best bet is to head to Gryphilhiem itself.”

“So we just need to cross five days worth of highly hostile territory to a city full of people who would love to see us dead.” Grif said, smirking. “Sounds like a party.”

Pensword looked at the map and blinked. He paused and looked up to Grif. “Well, this may sound random, but listen fully. I got the full flags finished so we could retire the original war colors we captured to a war museum. However, we could pack up these new unworn flags as a ‘gift of goodwill’ to return to those that are still connected to it. Especially the Emperor’s Talon. He looked to Grif. “How much can that buy us in protected movement through the land?”

“We could get in.” Grif nodded “It’s getting out that would be the trick. Still, I think I have an idea of how to do that as well.” He smiled “We’ll just need two chests of gold.”

Pensword looked at Grif, curious. “Why two?”

“Because, Pensword, two will get us a nice small ship. Something us and a few guards can handle.” He smiled at his friend. “Gryphilheim’s largest export is airships.”

“Ah… and we add it to New Unity’s military’s arsenal.” He nodded. “That sounds good. You planning to bring any others? I hate to say this, but I have to leave Lunar Fang and Moon River behind. The other Gryphon Slayers will be coming with, though. What escort could be better than the very legion that struck fear into the hearts of Gryphons the world over? … Better make it three chests of gold.”

“We can only have a symbolic guard for a clan leader. Ten, maybe fifteen gryphons. That’s about it. I’ll leave shrial behind to keep an eye on the family and take Thalia with me.”

“Very well. Just do not do anything rash. Though if you are going to marry Shiral, do it before we leave.” He smiled. “Or else make it the very first thing you do once you return. With how adventure finds us, I think it only fair that you take the next step.”

“We cannot run into this blindly,” Grif noted. “We need to talk with Hammer Strike and our soldiers and other staff. We can’t let a single detail go unconsidered here.”

“Agreed. This is going to be our most intense and hopefully well planned campaign. May Faust guide our hoofsteps for the coming future.”

“I actually have an engagement to prepare for,” Grif noted, checking his pocket watch. “I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

“Very well.” Pensword responded before he frowned. “May this week do you better then this news might have given.”

“You know, if you wanted, I could have started the fire with relative ease,” Hammer Strike commented as he looked to the orange glow in the pit.

“How? You're not carrying anything,” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

The hue of the fire shifted for a brief moment to blue before changing back. “Just a little bit of control over fire,” Hammer responded.

“Well that must be more useful than a cider press on a hot day,” Applejack said.

“Especially when it comes to entering areas of extreme temperature,” He replied.

“So then, who’s up for a scary story?” Rainbow Dash asked as she smiled sinisterly.

“That depends. will it even be scary?” Hammer asked with a smirk.

“Puh-lease. I got the scariest stories ever!” Rainbow Dash chuckled darkly.

“I’ll believe it when I hear it,” Hammer Strike replied in a flat tone.

Rainbow started her story with a slow pace, carefully timing her emphasis. Over the next 15 minutes she spun her tail carefully, making sure to keep everyone's attention as she rose and fell in volume, sometimes shouting, sometimes uttering a little more than a whisper. The CMC members hung on her story with anticipation, falling into the expected roles easily as they gasped in surprise, leaned closer in suspense, and shrieked in shock. “And so, they say you can still hear the olden pony moving through the forest, asking ‘where's my rusty horse shoe?”

“Spooky,” Hammer replied with a hint of sarcasm.

“Yeah yeah.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

Applejack and Rarity each took their sisters and headed for their tents.

“You’re not scared, are you?” Rainbow teased Scootaloo.

“Me? Scared? No way!” Scootaloo chuckled nervously as they headed for their tent. Rainbow looked at Hammer Strike somewhat confused.

“What are you going to be doing for the next few hours?” she asked.

“If you’re all going to sleep, then nothing, for the entire night.” He shrugged.

“Well … go ahead and enjoy yourself, I guess.” Rainbow rolled her eyes as she and scootaloo entered their tent.

“Not like I get much conversation in anyways,” he muttered to himself before sighing. “Like usual.”

Pensword paused at the door for the guest quarters. He took a breath before pushing the door open to reveal a grandly decorated front room. However, he was not paying that much attention to the furnishings this time. He needed to find his mate. “Lunar Fang?” he called out, “Thestral?” He called again after going through two rooms and not seeing her.

Lunar Fang looked up from a nearby couch where she currently lay with moon river in her hooves. “Yes, human?” she called back.

“Dear…” he began. Her brows furrowed as she looked on his face. I flowed down his back. She knew. “I ... found a loophole in the treaties, and… the only way to solve it, without tipping this off to any Gryphons, is to return the brand new reproduction flags to those that legally can accept them as we travel toward the capital to um … meet with the current Gryphon Emperor.” He coughed as he scuffed a hoof on the floor while Moon River sighed.

“You are aware the Gryphons still want you dead, yes?” she asked.

“Which is why the flags will buy us time. As long as we have those, we will have immunity. The Gryphons will not risk bringing harm to something so valuable to their culture. Still, either Grif and I travel this path, or we just stand by and wait till some scholar spurred by our return decides to look into the old treaties and realizes Celestia’s almighty sun beam won’t be usable in war if they attack another ally and then us while we are honoring another treaty.” Lunar Fang’s eyes wandered to the glowing stone around her husband’s neck. “My dear Lunar Fang. What do you see as the right course of action?” he asked, looking at her with worry in his eyes.

“I’m not sure there is anything we’d call a ‘right course,’” Lunar Fang spoke after considering everything. “Just what is the necessary course. And as much as I hate to admit it, it seems the necessary course takes you away from me.”

He blinked. “Wait, you are saying that, and not I?” he asked in disbelief. Then he smiled, shaking his head. “Of course you know already.” He chuckled before moving in to nuzzle his mate. I am sorry, my dear, my little Thestral. But you should know that I love you and I want our dear Moon River growing up without fear of an invasion.” He sighed. “But I would love to have thy help in the planning of the trip, if I may.”

“When do you leave?”

“Not for a while. We have to plan this a lot better than some of the other events, especially better than the changeling invasion.” He paused and blinked, shaking his head. “That feels like ages ago now.”

“For us, it was over a millenia ago.” she said, smiling back at him.

“Very true. And may we never see them again. They were the first enemies I ever met, and frankly, they almost killed me.” He shook his head to clear it of the memories. “My Thestral? Can I ask a question?”

“You can ask me anything.”

“What would ... what would have happened if I did die in that battle? Would you have buried me Pegasus, Earth Pony, Unicorn, or in some other manner?” He held up a wing. “In fifth grade I wrote out a last will and testament, I am not joking. The happy days were the days where I could take those sealed documents and shred them when I knew I was going to live a long time after the surgeries.” He paused, furrowing his brow. “What happened to my last will I wrote here anyway?”

“I honestly don’t know,” she admitted.

Pensword paused. “Sorry, dear. I just, I am in one of those moods again. We came so close to dying in that event. Shawn most of all. I thought he really did die a few times back there.” He shook his head. “Wow, the things you remember. I will have to show you this video if we ever go back. It’s all about humans.” He stepped forward hesitantly, his eyes suddenly looking very vulnerable “Can, can I join you on the couch and snuggle?”

“Of course.” she smiled warmly, moving aside to make room for him.

Pensword smiled as he climbed onto the couch and nuzzled his life mate. Then he leaned his head against her neck and sighed. “Dear, I have to say, tell me where I would be the day I landed in Princess Celestia’s garden, that I would do all this,” he said, motioning around the room with a hoof. “And I would have called you all insane.” He frowned. “Now. Now I just hope my family will understand just where my home is.” He smiled as he nuzzled her again. “That is wherever you and I shall live.”

“What is your home like? You speak about your nation, but never your home,” Lunar Fang said curiously.

Pensword paused, a little taken aback at her question. “So, finally asking about my home, eh?” He leaned into her neck a little, then sighed. “I come from a big family,” he admitted. “My mother and father, my grandparents passed away two years before I arrived in Equestria,” He paused and whinnied a little. “I miss my grand uncle. He and his brother, my grandfather, are my heros. They taught me my sense of duty and love of nation.” He leaned away. “I miss them. I hope I can see them again.” He smiled, “I have so many stories about my family and hometown. Any more questions?”

“What was the area like? What did you enjoy doing?”

“My home? Well, we had a semi river flowing through our area. We lived a few miles north of the third largest city in the state. The area is beautiful all year long. The town is historic. Downtown we have a drug store, a mercantile store, the Town Hall (that’s been in the same building since it was built out of the stone from a quarry near the city in eighteen hundred and eighty eight), the police station, which has been around since eighteen ninety, and two fire stations, the historic one with some museum trucks and the new station finished in nineteen hundred and eighty six.” Pensword laughed. “As for what I loved doing? Why, taking visible tourists and leading impromptu history tours of the Downtown. I got so good at it the mayor made me an official city appointed historian. I also loved putting my brother into the original jail house for three hours after he wrecked one of my model ships. That is a story in and of itself for how I could do that.” He stared out into the room, his eyes distant as memories of home welled up inside of him.

“Tell me.” Lunar smiled, gently stroking his mane with a hoof “We have some time yet. And it seems we’ve never gotten to just sit and talk.”

“Okay, okay. Well, in 1988 the mayor and police chief of the town realized that some of the laws, if we were to take them seriously, would cause the entire town to spend at least a day in the local jail. They also did not want to lose the right to hold their own law breakers in their own city jail. So, they came up with a fund raiser and a means to turn the jail into a tourist attraction. For a dollar an hour you can put yourself or a friend or family member behind the historic bars. Let’s see. I put my brother in jail for breaking my models, and my mother after three years followed through on her threat about my talking about the Titanic. I got three hours in the dungeon, or basement cells.” He laughed at the memory. “When you and I return, I think my aunt is going to follow through with four hours of jail time. She swore she’d do that to anyone who eloped in the family and I eloped with you in technicality.” He sighed. “I just wish Mountainside Falls was still, well, standing. Would have been nice to have family meet family.”

“You still have me and River,” she said gently.

“Yep, and I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and sound. Which includes traveling into the heart of an enemy I do not know anymore.”

Shrial sat before Kalima as the old one reached for a small wooden box etched with gold. The leg had healed nicely and Nurse Red Heart had finally given permission for her to check out of the hospital and return to New Unity.

“Old one … what’s in the box?” Shrial asked.

“A gift for you to wear on your wedding day,” Kalima said, smiling. A golden orange glow emanated from the container as she opened the ornately carved lid. “My mate hunted these for me to give to our children when their time came to marry. Seeing as Grif has adopted me as his mother, it seems only appropriate that I present this to my future daughter in law.” Ever so carefully, Kalima reached in with her talons, retracting them to reveal a beautiful orange feather edged with gold trimming.

“Is that-?”

“A phoenix feather, yes. Very rare and very valuable. I do not know the tradition in your time, but back in my day, for a gryphoness to wear one to the wedding promised great fortune, enduring beauty, and much posterity. I wish you to take this, Shrial, and to keep it with you always as a reminder of who you are. We are family now.”


“No buts, no excuses, child.” She chuckled then. “Humor an old bird, won’t you?” And with a speed belying her age, Kalima immediately wove a golden thread through the feather’s base, effectively tying it in place before knotting it around the young warrior’s neck. “Now you have a new beginning. It’s a good start for the bridal necklace.”

Shrial did not know what to say. The feather felt warm and light against her chest, glowing dimly to accent the red of her own feathers.

“And so the thread of fate begins to be bound, even as you two shall be forever on the winds.”

Shrial brought a taloned hand up to her chest, careful not to mar this priceless gift. “... Thank you, Kalima.” And then Shrial did something she had never done before. She went up and hugged the old bird. “Thank you,” she whispered as the stubborn tears fell. The old one’s look was distant as she gazed ahead. A light and playful breeze came in from the south, smelling of fresh mountain dew, green grass, and wildflowers. She smiled then and nodded her head as she returned the affections in kind.

“Come now, child. We have a wedding to plan.”

“Thanks again for coming to this.” Grif looked at Pensword and Lunar Fang. “I’m actually a little nervous right now.”

Pensword raised an eyebrow. “What is making you nervous?” He asked as he looked around the garden. It would be dark soon. “Sorry,” he added a moment later. “Just a little on edge. I am getting used to Gryphons around New Unity, but I am still struggling to forgive them for what happened a thousand years ago,” he said as they moved towards a dining room already prepped for dinner.

Lunar Fang smiled as she hummed a little tune. “Also, thank you for trusting us with whatever it is you are wanting to show or tell us tonight.”

“One side of me was only prepared to have to do this kinda thing once. The other didn’t figure I’d ever have an opportunity to do this, so it’s kinda canceling out into nerves,” Grif said. “So you guys remember. My name is Odis and I am one of Grif’s servants. We have that covered?”

“Of course, Odis,” Lunar Fang replied with a sly smile. “However, Pensword might have some trouble,” she said, chuckling as she took a sidelong glance at her mate.

“I will call you Odis, but you better be prepared for a little bit of a cold air. I do not like any Gryphons from the Imperial Lands,” Pensword responded truthfully. “I shall see what happens as this meeting continues.”

Lunar Fang smiled and kissed the base of Pensword’s ear before turning to Grif, or “Odis.” “Just make sure to be the one to explain why you have two ponies in your company tonight.”

A knock at the door signalled the guest’s arrival. Grif took a few deep breaths before making his way to the door and opening it for the blue gryphoness. “Hello, Swift Feather,” he greeted her.

She smiled and inclined her head towards him. “Odis, how are you doing?” She looked, confused at the ponies who stood behind him. “I didn’t know we were going to have guests.”

“Yes, well Grif was busy so he asked me if I’d entertain Duke Pensword and Duchess Lunar Fang tonight,” Grif said, with a gesture to each Pony respectively.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you” Lunar Fang said as she bowed her head.

Pensword gave a curt nod, his muzzle and face crunched in a thoughtful manner. “I have heard that name before.” He shook his head, trying to smile. “I am sorry to have imposed upon a date, but last minute events.”

“I hope you don’t mind,” Grif said sheepishly.

“Well, it is odd, but I guess I can’t really refuse now,” Swift Feather said, laughing nervously. “I’d rather not anger the new Lunar Court. But to answer your question, Milord, Swift Feather is a rather popular name in the Empire. She was a famous revolutionary; one of the first to advocate Gryphoness rights. Without gryphons like her, the empire never would have been able to finish the changes your friend Grif started.”

Grif pulled a chair out for her. “I’ve managed to get the chefs to prepare a fresh boar caught yesterday morning. I hope you don’t mind pork,” Grif said, looking around the table.

Pensword followed Grif’s example, making way for Lunar Fang with a respectable bow. “Well, I do not see a problem. Do you, my dear?” he asked her.

“Pork sounds fine,” Lunar Fang nodded as Grif raised the tray coverings revealing the cooked boar as well as a salad, mashed potatoes, and even a bit of hot gravy.

“It smells delicious, Odis. I can hardly wait to taste it,” Swift Feather said, licking her beak in anticipation.

“I believe it would be most appropriate to offer to your wife first,” Grif said, nodding to Pensword. “She needs to replace lost calories, after all.” He gave Lunar Fang a wink as he cut into the boar, placing a few cuts on her plate before serving Pensword, then Swift Feather, and lastly himself.

“I think between Pensword and Grif I get enough special treatment already.” Lunar Fang laughed, then looked to Swift Feather. “Grif is the godfather to our newborn. He takes the title quiet seriously, you see.”

“As any gryphon should. I’m sure she’ll be well taken care of. From what Odis has told me, Grif took the whole guard from New Unity to try to get into Ponyville at one point, isn’t that right?”

Pensword’s eyes widened. “Word spreads fast,” he muttered. “But yes, we pretty much did that. Seems we just had to wait.” He shook his head, blushing. “Still, how I acted there was not something I am thinking was the best course of action. I acted rashly and without a plan. Even great Commanders make mistakes when judgement is clouded.”

“What you did, you did out of love. Any true warrior would have done the same. I don’t care what other gryphons may think of you, Commander Pensword. You’ve certainly earned my respect, for what little that’s worth,” Swift Feather said as she ladled some gravy onto her boar.

“So odis has mentioned that you are an athlete,” Lunar Fang said, breaking the silence. “I take it you will be representing Gryphonia in the games?”

“Yeah. I’m a flyer. Aerial relay to be precise,” Swift Feather said, immediately brightening. “I love sports of any kind normally, but there’s just something special about the air for me. I can never get enough.”

“I’ve heard the gryphons’ aerial relay team is quite good. And apparently your fencer, Alegorio Grindtalon, is the favorite to win in the fencing tournament.” Lunar Fang laughed. “Though I suppose we can’t call it a fair test of skill with odis here out of the spotlight.” Lunar Fang smiled at Grif and nodded. “Few ponies or gryphons could match his wit with the sword.”

Pensword slowly nodded. “I was hoping to ask Grif if I could use Odis to help teach his God Daughter when she is older.”

Grif looked down at his food. “Well, I’m not that good,” he said. “Surely nothing to the duchess here. I’ve heard she can swing the blade quite well herself.”

“I can handle myself, yes. But i don’t have the raw skill that comes from being taught in the old ways. There is nothing quite like the old touch in swordplay.”

“And I was denied that full training due to my mixed heritage,” Pensword said with a sigh. “Still, I think with the skill in this room, it could be a most interesting time comparing notes.”

“I would love to be able to see that one day. I’m not too bad with the blade myself. And it’s always fun to spar with someone new,” Swift Feather said, smiling.

Pensword brightened for the first time in the conversation. “Oh? Well, how about against somepony skilled with the wing blade?” He asked, eyebrow raised as he stared her down.

“Is that an invitation or a challenge, Duke Pensword?” Swift Feather asked, mirroring the pegasus with an added smirk of amusement as she lay her beak on her hands.

“A little of both. I think I should convey that Commander Pensword is not afraid of Gryphons,” Pensword responded, knowing full well that he would be heading into Gryphonia later on. It never hurt to start rebuilding a reputation.

“I never thought you were. But I certainly wouldn’t mind. A sparring session always helps to loosen me up after a long, stressful day. What do you say to around eight o clock?”

“That is only if Odis approves. I do not wish to take away from his time with a fair chick as yourself,” he responded with a chuckle, trying to tease the two. “I understand that the training course will take you out of Canterlot about the same time Grif will be taking Odis out as well. Maybe if you end up near Ponyville in the future you could call on us?”

“I’ll be back for the games if you’d prefer to delay it. I won’t hold it against you,” She said, winking.

“Actually, tomorrow I was hoping I could cook for you,” Grif told her. “I won’t be able to see you again on the day after as I’ll be leaving Canterlot soon after Grif’s final meeting. And … well, I’d like to make the last night special,” he said, blushing for the first time in a long time.

“Special, you say? Hmm. Now that does sound interesting. Any preparations I’d need to make for it?” She asked, hitting Odis with a playful stare.

“Just show up.” He smiled. “Everything else will fall into place.”

Hammer Strike lifted his head once again, looking away from the campfire, which now burned blue as he kept it going. He made sure to keep alert, taking in their surroundings with military precision before he sighed and continued thinking to himself. At least until he heard someone moving around in one of the tents.

Scootaloo walked into the blue light, frightened and very tired. The filly didn’t even notice him at first.

“You’re up late,” Hammer Strike commented as he looked at her. “What’s got you up?”

Scootaloo jumped in surprise. “Nothing!” she said quickly.

“It certainly doesn’t seem like nothing,” He said, looking at her with a raised brow before he shrugged. “But if you won’t tell me I won’t bother you about it.”

Scootaloo sat quietly for a few minutes before letting out a heavy sigh. “You won’t tell Rainbow Dash will you?”

“I’ll keep quiet about it,” He responded with a small smirk.

“... I’m having nightmares.” Scootaloo sighed, ashamed as she stared into the flames.

“The stories getting to you?” He questioned. “Or is something else on your mind?”

“The stories. I keep seeing the Olden Pony.”

“The Olden Pony, in search of an aged horseshoe,” he said before shaking his head. “Scary stories. Tools meant to strike fear into the hearts of children, and sometimes used to make them clean up their ways, depending on who you ask.” Giving a quick glance at Scootaloo Hammer looked back to the fire and willed it to expand a little, warming up the clearing and dispelling the shadows.

“What's it like not being afraid?” Scootaloo asked.

“What do you mean?”

“You're never afraid of anything. What's it like?”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” Hammer replied. “Everyone has fears. Everyone is afraid of something. I just don’t fear stories that are nothing but fiction.”

“You're afraid of something?” she asked

“I fear things I have no control over. But I can’t do anything about that. So I deal with it in any way I can. I feared losing my friends to beings stronger than us. To counter that fear I work hard to ensure I can stand up to whatever it is.” He gave her a small smile. “Everyone has fear. Even if they won’t admit it.”

“Even Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo asked, her eyes wide.

“Even her,” Hammer replied. “But it’s what we do about those fears that define us. Whether we lock up, scared of it, or if we work towards standing up to it instead.”

“That makes a lot of sense.”

“So what do you plan to do? Be afraid of a story, or stand up to a nightmare and be victorious?”

“I…” the filly was interrupted by a yawn. “I think I’m going to sleep,” she said, smiling at him. “Thank you.”

“No problem. It’s what I’m here for.” He chuckled lightly as he let the fire die down, the light dimming with it. “Rest easy. You still have plenty of hours before day.”

Grif looked over everything again, double checking the suit Rarity had made for him some time ago to make certain there would be no sign of his trademark chest feathers. The design was a fairly simple one, just a regular black suit with a deep red shirt beneath it complimented by a black tie.

Carefully, he looked over the lay of the table, making sure it was still even and the food beneath the covers was hot and ready to go. The week had been a mixture of boring days of gryphonesses who were either too stuck on their own self image or too afraid of conflict to interest him, and wonderful nights with Swift Feather. Admittedly their relationship was moving a lot faster then he would have prefered, but he was enjoying it. It had been a week since they met and they had been together every night. They walked through the gardens, talked about her sports careers and battles he had been in. She was a very interesting gryphoness. Not competitive to the point of being aggressive, but at the same point she had kept her views and opinions clear, even holding her own against Grif on several occasions in debate. He hated to admit it, but he was smitten.

Sadly, tomorrow, after meeting with this ‘Lady Swift Feather Stormtalon,’ he’d be catching the late train back to Ponyville and then on to New Unity. He couldn’t afford to be away for much longer. So he had decided to make tonight special. Lunar Fang had managed to get him connected with some fine venison from a night guard and Celestia had allowed him to set the table up in the more private part of the gardens. All that remained was to wait for the gryphoness in question to appear.

Swift Feather walked into the gardens and right away Grif could see that she had barely made it on time for their date as she stood there, breathless. She paused, taking a moment to regain her composure before she smiled towards Grif. “I promised I’d make it. And a gryphoness never goes back on her word. Sorry if I’m not in the best gear. Practice got out late again so I had to fly straight over.” Her expression remained neutral as she eyed the gryphon with an analytical gaze.

Grif smiled as he got up and moved to the other side, sliding the seat away for her. “Sometimes we must make sacrifices in life. The choice is not always the easiest. You're speaking to a gryphon who has had to decide who lives and who dies. Between being here on time and being dolled up, you chose to be here on time; and I respect that.” He gestured to the seat with an inviting smile.

Swift feather returned it with one of her own as she sat down, tilting her head to the side. “Decides who lives and who dies? So, I finally learn more about your mysterious position with the new clan. I’m guessing you’re a Mercenary. Do you hunt Black Tips who defy the laws?”

“As I said, I am a warrior,” Grif said. “A mercenary still receives general training. They also fight for the power of the almighty beak, or bit. I fight because my code tells me it’s right,” he said as he took his own seat. “I’ll be happy to discuss it while we eat.”

“Very well,” she replied as she picked up a fork and started on the appetizer in front of her. “I’d rather not be asking all the questions. Do you have any for me?” She asked, a playful glint shining in her eyes, daring the warrior on.

“I’d like to know a little more about your family,” he admitted. “And possibly how your sports career started,” he said as he began to feast on his own appetizer. But a gentlebird always offers about himself before requesting information”

“Of course. I guess a trade is fair then?” She asked with a smile, wanting to dig a little deeper into this mysterious Gryphon. It was almost like a game, a thrill akin to tracking down prey. She liked that. “Well, my family and my track work go talon in talon. I started the track career to rebel against my family and their business.”

Grif nodded. “They didn’t appreciate your devotion to the teachings of the empress?” he asked taking a bite of his food.

She smiled a little. “You could say that. Still, after I started winning medals and trophies they started to sing a different tune.” She sighed. “I don’t know which is worse. Them hating the idea of me in sports, or trying to use it towards their own ends in business. I’d rather not say what they do just yet,” she said, looking down at her plate as she flipped a tiny sausage with her fork.

“I see.” Grif nodded. “As for myself, well, much like our culture many years ago, war has been my life. Battles wherever I am needed for whoever I would call my lord at the time. I only encountered the Bladefeather clan after Grif’s recent return. I actually did a fair share of battle during the changeling invasion,” he said, eying her carefully. Things were getting a little too close to home, so he changed tactics. “You must have quite the ability for the emperor to choose you,” he said before taking a sip of his drink. He’d managed to find a reasonably weak raspberry cordial for himself and both a red and white wine for Swift Feather as tradition dictated.

She slowly sipped the white wine as she looked over her meal. The appetizer was nearly finished and it would soon be time to start on the main course. Odis’ guard was down. Time for another question. “Where do you come from?” she asked. “You know I hail from the main Gryphonian Landmass to the East, but I know nothing of your own origins.”

“I was actually born in the Northern Isles,” he admitted. “Or rather, that’s where I remember being. I never knew my mother.” He shrugged. “My father died when I was just out of my fledgling years. As I said to you at Pony Joe’s, my father trained me for combat since I could walk. The knife, the bow, and the blade.”

She frowned. “I’m sorry to hear that. Though from what I can see, your father taught you well before he passed.”

“I’d like to think so. Saved me a bunch of times on the battlefield. Quality over quantity, as they say.” Grif smiled “So have you dallied in combat at all, or simply atheletics? Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” he added.

“Oh, I can outfly and air punch any Gryphon or Gryphoness that tries to tango with me,” She replied with a smirk. “I’ve had a little weapon training, but not much compared to what you know.”

“Few gryphons these days can say they’ve been as well trained. … I’m sorry this is going to be our last night together for a while,” he said solemnly.

“Yes, I know. I am having to travel. After tomorrow my training will take me away from you, although I hope that we can at least exchange notes after my last meet? Say about Six? If you don’t mind meeting me in the Castle, there’s … something I need to tell you.”

“There is something I should come clean about as well,” he admitted as they finished the main course. He got to his feet and approached, moving to kiss her talon again.

She smirked, and with the kind of timing only a female well skilled in the art could manage, she lifted his beak up at the last moment to share a far more intimate kiss.

Grif felt the shock as their beaks met, but quickly accepted it. The two embraced for a prolonged moment before he finally tore away to get some air. “Thank you,” he said, looking down at her. “No matter what happens, I’m going to keep that kiss close to my heart.”

She smiled. “As will I.” As she got up to leave she casually brushed his stomach with a wing, leaving him yet again with that same gentle teasing. Grif let out a pleased sigh as he watched her go. It took him a full quarter of an hour before he finally shook his head free and turned to begin cleaning up the remnants of the evening meal.

The next morning Grif sat in the room he had been given to meet with the emperor's cousins. For the past week he had been bored by each and every noble gryphoness, who were in truth not that different from pony nobles; all stuffed shirts and swelled heads. He sighed as he sat on the plush chair wearing the fancy military suit that had been Rarity’s one demand for making him the other designs without added flair. He sipped his coffee as he waited for the last lady gryphoness to arrive so he could get the torture over with once and for all.

“Now presenting Gryphoness Swift Feather.” A guard announced the first test in Grif’s game. To see their reactions to being announced with just their name without their titles. A moment later, dressed in a dress and looking more than a little out of place, Swift Feather walked into the room. She paused and looked at Grif.

Grif found his voice caught in his throat “Swift … Feather?” he asked.

“Odis? What are you doing…” her eyes widened as it clicked. “You’re Grif?” She asked in shock. She paused and blushed. “You are not who I expected you to be.”

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t want to have you either fawning over me or trying to kill me based on my name. I take it you are Swift Feather Stormtalon, last of the Stormtalon Clan, and the emperor's ninth cousin?”

“That is correct,” She replied. “Also, Storm Feather, athlete of the Gryphons and captain of the Air Relay team trying out for the Equestrian Games.” Yet again the pride flashed at the title she had earned for herself, rather than the one she had been born into. She blushed violently. “Well, ask the questions. We should stick to decorium even if we might have an inkling of where it leads already.”

“To Tartarus with decorum,” Grif said. “I’ve had seven days of your relatives and other gryphonesses shoving decorum down my throat,” he said, turning to the wall. “It’s cool. You can go,” he said as a changeling dropped from the wall and changed into a pegasus stallion before heading out the window. “A friend. He’s here to help me keep my head. I promise I’ll explain it later. Just don’t question it, okay?”

“What is a clan leader without a few secrets?” She asked, shrugging. “So… if we are throwing decorum out the window, where do we proceed? I believe we have done a little courtship already.”

“Well, this is a surprise.” Grif smiled as he pulled out a parchment. “It doesn’t have to be an unpleasant one. Your cousin gets the blood tie he wanted, I’m guessing you get your parents off your back, and I am sure I can adjust the terms on this contract so as not to interfere with your career. That is, if you are not adverse to the idea…?” he looked at her questioning with his blue eyes.

“Well I wouldn’t mind having the wedding after the games. Sounds like a nice way to retire to the local Equestrian circuit. And I have no objections to you. So the question now is what do we do with a whole afternoon if we’re already finished with the meeting?”

“Well, after we get this betrothal agreement taken care of,” he said, rolling his eyes with a groan. “Paperwork. We’ll technically be engaged. Actually, there is one more thing we have to talk about. You realise I’m starting a clan and clan law says I need to… have at least three gryphonesses to create three separate bloodlines. Is this going to bother you? Honestly, I can promise you will never be last in my heart. I would not guarantee you would be first as I hope to hold all three equal if possible, but I can assure you will never be less than any other gryphoness.”

She smiled. “I’ll make sure never to have a cub when the others do. Let’s just say I prepared for this. I just didn’t expect you would take the feelings of all the females into account. You’re definitely one in a million, Grif.”

“Then,” Grif smiled as he quickly drew up the agreement. It would only need to be in gryphic due to the consensual nature of it. He signed it with a flourish before offering her the pen. “Well then, Swift Feather, will you marry me?” he asked, smiling.

She took the pen, signed her name with a flourish and took Grif in for a passionate kiss. “Does that answer your question?”

Grif smiled, leaning in to reciprocate. “Perhaps we should move this into the adjoining room?” he asked.

“I concur,” She replied with a giggle.

As Swift Feather walked off into the next room Grif smiled before grabbing another piece of parchment and writing something. Taking a cord, he hung a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door and the contract on the table. Then, entering the room himself, the two would not be seen again till late that night.

… Signing In …

[Omni Kitsune April 22nd 2014 6:03 P.M.]: “Hey Otter, I’m back from the mission. Hit me up with a note sometime when you get on.”


[Omni Kitsune April 22nd 2014 6:06 P.M.]: “Hey Taze, what’s up? Just wanted to let you know I’m back. I missed you guys alot. Send me a note when you get on, okay?”

[Omni Kitsune April 22nd 2014 6:36 P.M.]: “Hey Shawn, what’s up? … I can’t seem to contact the others. Is everything going alright? Send me a note when you get on. Oh yeah, I’m back from the mission now. :P Can’t wait to have fun with you guys again.

Omni frowned on his bed as he stared at his new computer. An identical bed lay to his right with a desk attached to the wall waiting between. The fan ran overhead, causing a slight air current to flow through the room as he gazed around his new apartment. His blonde hair was cut short, thinning at the top as he lay a hand on his stomach, pondering what could have happened to his friends with furrowed eyebrows. This was not the reunion he was expecting. Continuing to wonder, he stared into his reflection on the screen, watching his light blue eyes. They always fascinated him. One day they seemed darker, another lighter. And they always seemed to have flecks of gold hidden somewhere inside.

“What was God thinking when he made me?” he wondered, then laughed as he pulled up another chat.

[Omni Kitsune April 22nd 2014 6:40 P.M.]: Hey, Ryu. Guess who’s back.

[Ryu April 22nd 2014 6:41 P.M.]: ATTACKLES! We missed you.

[Omni Kitsune April 22nd 2014 6:41 P.M.]: Heehee. So I noticed. What’s up?

[Ryu April 22nd 2014 6:42 P.M.]: Nothin’ much. We had to break the group up though. :(

[Omni Kitsune April 22nd 2014 6:43 P.M.]: YOU WHAT?! :O

[Ryu April 22nd 2014 6:43 P.M.]: It’s not what you think.

[Omni Kitsune April 22nd 2014 6:46 P.M.]: What happened?

[Ryu April 22nd 2014 6:47 P.M.]: … Taze and Vulpix just … up and left. shrugs

[Omni Kitsune April 22nd 2014 6:47 P.M.]: What do you mean “just up and left?”

[Ryu April 22nd 2014 6:48 P.M.]: They’re gone. Stopped coming on about six months after you left. They had a hand in just about every story we were working on. So without them, we didn’t really have much choice.

[Omni Kitsune April 22nd 2014 6:48 P.M.]: … I gotta go.

[Ryu April 22nd 2014 6:49 P.M.]: Omni, wait. :( Whats wrong?

[Omni Kitsune April 22nd 2014 6:50 P.M.]: I didn’t spend over twelve months in the field praying for you guys just for it all to go to waste. I’m finding them. End of story. Tell Wrath I say hi. Night Ryu.

With that typed and sent, Omni signed out, immediately reaching to the desk on his right for his cell phone. Flicking open the screen to the touch pad, he skillfully navigated the menu to his contacts list, scrolling down until he highlighted the name “MATTHEW.” With a decisive press of the button, the phone started ringing for all of one second before a voice picked up.


“Vulpix! Thank goodness you’re-”

“You’ve reached the personal voice mailbox of Matthew Conner, I am currently unavailable to take your phone call, so please leave your name, number, and a brief message so I can get back in touch with you as quickly as possible. Have a good day. Good bye.” The machine picked up from there, going through the usual rhetoric of how to leave a phone number, etc. Groaning, Omni rolled his eyes as he waited patiently for the beep.

“Hey, Vulpix. What’s up? It’s Omni calling. Just wanted to make sure everything’s doing alright for you. I just got back from my mission and I heard about what happened with you leaving the group suddenly. Is everything alright? Give me a call when you get this, okay? I want to catch up. I guess I’ll see you when I see you. Bye.” Omni sighed, then tried Taze’s number. A dud once again, albeit with a much more entertaining voicemail.

“Hey, this is Taze. If you don’t know who that is then you got the wrong number. If you don’t know what to do, WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING? Anyway, I’ll get back to you… eventually.” Following the beep, Omni spoke once again. finding it a bit strange Taze’s voice mail had room for a message. Before he’d left, Taze hadn’t checked his mail in over a year, let alone cleaned it out.

“Hey Taze, it’s Omni. Just calling to let ya know I’m back. Ryu tells me you’ve been gone a long time. Just wanted to make sure everything’s okay. Call me,” he said, finishing up with yet another sigh as he severed the connection.

Last, he tried for Shawn, not really expecting much better though.

“Hello, this is Shawn. I’ve either let my phone die, or I’m busy at the moment. I’ll try to listen to your message as soon as possible.” Omni once again left a message, then plopped back on to his bed.

“Guys, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, I hope you’re all safe and happy.” He sighed, stood up, then got to his knees. Folding his arms on his bed, he began to pray as tears fell on his sheets and clung to his glasses. “... please watch over my friends. Let them be well. And please, let me talk with them soon.”

Author's Note:

This is American_Brony here, and I want to thank all our readers for the wonderful loyalty and words, it is amazing as we are celebrating Chapter 50, and a year and a month now of how long this story has been online.

I want to say Thank you, and that the Question and Answers will be published later this week. Knocks on Wood Still, Thank you for your encouragements, and here's to another great batch of chapters. I can say this... we have a lot yet to write. I personally have no clue as to how long this story will be, chapter or word length.

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