• Published 15th Apr 2014
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An Extended Holiday - Commander_Pensword

Adventure, Mayhem, Magic of unknown origins, and talking colorful Ponies. All being unrelated events have brought three friends together into the wildest holiday that anyone could imagine.

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49 - Magic Duel

Extended Holiday
Ch 49: Magic Duel
Act 5

Grif sighed deeply as he sat behind his make shift desk. Thalia’s mother was thankfully recovering well. Magic potion or no, it would be a good few days before she was on her feet again. Still, Grif had been somewhat tense about the conversation he was about to have. Thalia had seen her mother wearing his colors and his symbol. There were a hundred different ways she could have taken the sight. Very few of them were positive. He patiently waited for the knock.

Surprisingly, that’s exactly what he got. There were no shrieks of pain, no battle cries, no steel on steel, and no insults yelled at the top of her lungs. All that came was a simple “Can I come in?”

“Please,” Grif said, gesturing to the seat in front of his desk.

“You wished to see me?” Thalia asked, noting the two notches embedded in the wood with a quizzical look.

“To start: when we first met I was…. inexcusably short with you.” Grif sighed. “And I’d like to extend my apologies.”

Thalia stared at Grif, her expression one of shock. Then she snapped out of it. “What are you, stupid? I was the short one. I tried to take your life. Twice. If anyone should be apologizing here, it’s me.”

“You overestimate your stand in the situation,” Grif said with a hint of a smile. “I was never in any real danger from you. I’ve fought more skilled warriors with less on my person before. My father brought me up in the old ways of combat. Though that’s not to say you’re an unskilled fighter.” Grif smiled. “But how about we simply put the matter to rest and start over?”

Thalia considered the gryphon for a moment, eying his muscled frame as she recalled the skill and prowess he had demonstrated, as well as the animosity. It was almost as if he embodied the very best and worst elements of the Gryphon race all in one. Was this what it meant to be a battle born? “A generous offer. I would be a fool not to accept.” Thalia smirked as she sat back on her chair, a playful glint in her eye.

“Now I’m sure you’ve already noticed your mother as well as a good number of your allies currently wear my colors,” Grif said. “So go ahead, say what you will. Vent, accuse. No harm will come to you for your actions here.”

“I didn’t come here to do anything so foolish. I did enough of that with your friend, Zecora. And even then it wasn’t much. Let’s just say that Zebra is a great deal wiser than some may think at first glance. Things aren’t always what they seem. That is one of the many lessons I learned on that little quest. I have considered your offer rather carefully with the others and with my own mother. She trusts you. And you command the loyalty of many a pony as well as gryphons. That is no easy task. It bespeaks the honor of their leader. We have wandered from land to land and place to place, eeking out a miserable existence, more often than not dying in the process. You offer our people a chance to reclaim what, for many of us, was wrongfully taken. We’re already at odds with the empire. So why not join the greatest thorn in those puffed up canaries’ sides and kill two birds with one stone?”

“Well, I am that,” he said, laughing loudly. “Except maybe for Luna. They still shake when they talk to her. But understand, I don’t want you walking around this fortress as my underling,” Grif said, sitting back.

Thalia eyed him warily. “And just what exactly do you intent to do with my service should I truly accept your offer?

“Service ... service is probably the wrong term.” He shook a little. “While you were away your mother and I have talked a great deal. She has told me a little about her life, and plans to continue as well. She would have told more, but her leg would not allow. And she has since insisted you be present to hear the rest. She has shared with me wisdom of our people, for what wisdom there was, and she has helped my fiancè in preparing for a wedding that is at least somewhat in line with our culture. She will be joining the Bladefathers as a wise one; an elder who holds as much authority as though she were my own mother. As such, I would like you to join the blade feathers as my equal ... my sister. That is, if you would agree to that.”

Thalia looked at Grif, confused. Why would he make such a gracious offer? What could be his intent? DId he wish to help keep her pride intact? Was he insulting her? Was he sincere? “... I’ll need some time to think about it,” she said at last, breaking the silence that hung over the air.

“I can respect that.” Grif nodded. “The fort is open to you. Get some food and some rest after your journey. You can visit the armory or one of the smiths to get a proper weapon. Your father’s axes seem as though they are ready for retirement,” he said, noting the condition of the blades and the deterioration of the handles. “And I’d hate to see you lose something with such value to you as well as your mother.”

Thalia nodded grimly and rose from the floor. “My thanks. I should have my decision for you by the time our contract is ended.”

“Tomorrow evening, then.” Grif smiled. “Now I must head out myself. Shrial has been asking me to go over colors ‘cause apparently dying the pinion feathers a week before the wedding is traditional. Not sure how you dye black, but I’m sure she’ll have a way.”

“Until tomorrow then,” Thalia said as she made her way out of the office. “And um … tell your fiance that I’m sorry for what I said earlier. She is clearly skilled with the bow, and her love for you is fierce. You won’t find a mate like her just anywhere. Make sure to take good care of her.”

“I know that much. Took a massive war for me to find her, and at that time she was amongst the enemy.” Grif rose to his feet and headed for the door as well. “At the time she was meeker than a mouse. It was horrible what the empire did to females back then.”

“You know, Grif, I think I can finally see why so many girls would sell their souls to be your mate. Such courtesy and chivalry is a rare thing to find in today’s world.” With that, Thalia left, strolling down the corridor as she pondered her choice.

Pensword paused in the middle of the courtyard, his teeth on edge. For a moment he wanted to go back, grab his armor, pull out his sword, and start fighting. He managed to reign in the impulse at the last moment, taking a deep breath. He didn’t like being on edge, but it was just so hard to relax with all these gryphons around. It had been a few days since the ambush and he had half a mind to start hunting down the stragglers, just to teach them a lesson. However, doing so would take him away from the construction and from his life mate. He couldn’t risk anything happening to her when the baby was this close to being born.

He had all of a second or two of warning before all Tartarus broke loose. A cacophony of sound and squawks erupted around him as hiding places were vacated. He was literally surrounded on all sides as a wall of Gryphons climbed one on top of the other to try and get a look at him as a cacophony of questions assaulted his ears. Pensword froze for all of a second before shifting immediately to a defensive stance. “Stay back,” he cried, more than a little nervous. “Please… please, one at a time. One at a time.” He could feel the panic and anger welling up inside him as he flashed back to the night he lost his family. The healing may have begun, but the scars still ran deep. He trembled where he stood, trying to maintain his calm.

“Are you really the commander Pensword? The same Pensword who breached Fort Triumph and claimed it without casualties?” one of the younger gryphons asked, his white crest was just starting to show signs of plumage as golden primaries speckled the edges.

Silence. Sweet, blissful silence filled the courtyard. The youngling’s question had quieted all others as row upon row of wide eyes stared. It seemed as if the castle itself were holding its breath, awaiting his answer. Pensword swallowed, darting his eyes back and forth as the cubs continued to stare. In a sense, they reminded him of the CMC and the other foals when story time had come round. Using that image to bolster him, he took a calming breath, then answered. “Yes. I took Fort Triumph. I am the one who breached its walls and claimed it.”

“What was the war like?” another one asked. This child had a full coat of purple feathers complimenting a deep blue crest.

“Brutal. The events that took place then are something that cannot be told to you just yet. I know it has been said before, but when you have grown older and wiser in the art of war I will be willing to say more.”

“Why do you have fangs?” Another voice asked. Pensword could not even tell where they were coming from anymore as more gryphons continued to gather round. Parents giggled as they watched from afar while the little ones continued their surprise attack interview. It wasn’t every day you could catch the mighty commander of Equestria’s forces off guard.

“Because I am half Thestral,” He replied. “What? You thought I was a pure blooded Pegasus?” He asked them in return with a light chuckle. Maybe these gryphons weren’t so bad after all.

“My mamma said you fought hard because you were hurting. She didn’t look too happy when she said it.” a particularly young cub said, confusion clearly written on her face. “Where did you get hurt?”

“Your mother is a wise Gryphoness,” Pensword muttered. This question had caught him unawares. He paused a moment, looking to the sky as a tear streamed down his cheek. “... I got hurt here,” He said, putting a hoof to his head. “And here.” He placed the hoof over his heart. “Black Tips.” The gryphons cringed at the name. Some grimaced. Others looked upset. Some adults held their heads down in shame. The reaction itself had a bit of a positive impact on the mournful pegasus. This was good. It seemed the children knew, at least to an extent, how cruel the Black Tips could be. He would have to change the story a little, make it a small white lie instead. He did not wish to hurt these children. “They’ve faced enough of that already,” Matthew’s voice echoed in his brain.

“They did something that I am still struggling to forgive. I fought because my own sense of honor demanded retribution.” He slowly sat down. “Part of that retribution involved the capture of Fort Triumph.”

“My dad said if Gryphons had any sense they would have gotten rid of the empire long ago,” another piped up. “He said it makes us weak.”

“Then who would lead you?” He asked. “Getting rid of something is good when it is a hinderance and is causing harm, but what would you replace it with? Otherwise anything could fill that vacuum. And sometimes what fills the void is worse than what was there before. Remember that, little ones.” Pensword smiled. Maybe not all gryphons were so bad after all.

Hammer Strike closed the book and dropped his quill. He had just finished translating another chapter mentally and was going to write it out later. Albeit without some of the darker parts and references to cut chapters. Sighing to himself he looked over his desk, noting the small pile of official documents that required his attention. They weren’t going to be needed or another month or so. And he could always just push it until another day seeing how it bored him senseless. He pushed the pile away momentarily, then pulled it back again. But then again, it was always good to get things out of the way…

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by someone knocking at his door. “Yes?” He called out.

“Sir,” Tower Shield said as he opened the door. “All six of the Elements have arrived in New Unity and are requesting an audience with you. Should I send them up?”

Looking back towards the pile of paperwork, Hammer Strike blinked a few times before looking back to Tower. “Sure. Send them up,” He replied, pushing the pile to the edge of his desk. It would seem that fate had intervened for him this time.

“Right away,” Tower said, saluting as he exited the room and closing the door behind him. After a few short minutes the door opened again with Blast Shield leading Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy into the room.

“You know, I could have sworn Tower said he would go get them,” Hammer said. Blast simply shrugged as he exited the room. A smile tugged at the edge of Hammer Strike’s lips. The were finally starting to learn.

“So, how’s it going?” Hammer asked the group as he gestured the chairs.

“Pretty unusual for an office to have so many chairs, ain’t it?” Applejack asked as they each took a seat.

Hammer shrugged. “Special occasions.”

“Well, anyway, we can see you’ve been doing a lot with the old castle lately,” Twilight said. “It looks like there’s been a lot of restoration since our last visit here.”

“A lot has gone on. But I don’t think you all came here for small talk. Especially since all of you are here in my study at once,” Hammer Strike replied, his expression turning flat as he eyed them with a brooding stare. “So what’s the reason?”

“Well…” Twilight started.

“What the hay was that with you and the princesses?” Rainbow Dash interrupted, blasting past decorum in her usual style.

“Sparring. Though in Celestia’s case, retraining,” he replied with a casual shrug.

“Don’t you think it was a little… extreme?” Rainbow asked again.

“Extreme? You’re asking me about extreme, Rainbow?” Hammer strike said with a raised eyebrow. “I used to spar with them using real weapons when they were foals. We only stopped when the other either had another task they had to do because it was going on for too long, or if the other was too exhausted.”

“Just how old are you?” Rainbow asked.

“Depends on how you look at it. In one way, I’m older than Celestia and Luna. In another way, I’m not. I’ve lost track of the years.”

“Wow. Older than Celestia and Luna? You must be a bajillion years old!” Pinkie said

“Sure. We’ll go with that,” he replied with a small grin.

“So what’s your connection with the princesses?” Twilight asked.

“I was their caretaker, though I still watch over them now.”

“When did you meet them?”

“Can’t answer that yet. You’ll have to ask them for that one.”

“So, that explains Princess Celestia in your own way of speaking, but what is this that Fancy Pants and some of my contacts in Canterlot said about you and Luna fighting an outright battle?” Rarity asked.

“Battle? That was another sparring match. We didn’t even go full out.. Otherwise we might have taken Canterlot with us.” He said, chuckling.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy epped, looking shocked at the idea of losing Canterlot. “I hope you didn’t hurt them.”

“We moved the spar out of the city. Around, I believe, ten miles away before it got too dangerous.”

“So are Grif and Pensword some ancient caretakers too, or is it just you?” Applejack asked.

“Their history, even from Celestia and Luna’s point of view, started years before the third gryphon war, in which they grew up with their families. I found them and restored their memories, then disappeared after the war towards the Crystal Empire only to be lost with it. So no. Just me, it appears.”

“That must have been strange spending all that time alone,” Applejack said.

“I spent thirty seven years inside a golem to ensure I didn’t age. Golems of that time didn’t sleep,” He replied. “I lost some of my memories, and learned so much. All to get Pensword and Grif back. Should I have to do something like that again, I will continue to work. I’ve gotten used to the silence.”

“That’s not healthy,” Twilight noted. “Going so long without sleep could seriously damage your psyche.”

“You say that as though I was perfectly fine to begin with.”

“Wait, but golems don’t carry physical injuries onto the body of the pony controlling them, so how did you get injured?” Twilight asked

“I left the golem after retrieving Pensword and Grif before the war and rested for the first time in thirty six years. After some time into the war, I was captured by a traitor to Unity and locked in a Gryphon fortress where I was tortured every day for a month,” He replied with a sigh. “That’s where the injuries mostly come from.’

“Wait,” Rainbow Dash shouted with as she took to the air. “Did you say traitor?”


“Did you find them and kick their flank?” Rainbow Dash followed up looking at Hammer Strike with a glare. “Did you find out who did that and-”

“Rainbow Dash!” Applejack called out, pulling the pegasus down by her tail. “Hold your stampeding cattle off a little. You should let him answer.”

“Oh, I found him…” Hammer Strike started as he snorted, steam exiting in his breath. “Promethean Flame, House Flame. Sentenced Guilty and his noble ranking stripped, his house burned to the ground. Ironic, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Oh my,” Rarity gasped politely. “That is Ironic.”

Twilight Sparkle looked pensive. “House Flame, House Flame… I read about them at some point. Still, to think that some pony would betray Equestria. What gets me is that you are THE Hammer Strike. The only Earth Pony noble in Unity, and as some of the history books stated, favored highly by the Princesses.”

“I’m surprised you even heard of them, considering we agreed to keep his name out of history,” Hammer replied.

“Well duh she knows,” Rainbow Dash bragged. “She’s an egghead. She practically grew up in the canterlot archives.”

“As I stated, out of history,” Hammer repeated.

“To be erased from history … that must be a horrifying thought,” Rarity said soberly.

“When you do what he had done…” Hammer started before he sighed. “A long list of crimes. We’ll leave it at that.”

“What were the cakes like back then?” Pinkie Pie asked suddenly. The others looked at her strangely. “What? I wanted to see if he would answer anything we asked.”

“They were just like cakes,” he replied with a smirk.

“Very interesting,” Pinkie responded, stroking her chin.

“Well, we should be heading back.” Twilight nodded to her friends. “We need to start getting Ponyville ready for the ambassadors from Saddle Arabia.”

“Oh boy, ambassadors are always amusing,” Hammer replied sarcastically.

“Princess Celestia’s asked me to put together some entertainment for them.”

“Good luck with that.”

Epona moved slowly along the road. The last of her belongings lay stowed away in the cart behind her with Link and Zelda sleeping soundly in the back. She walked with a light step and little worry. The road had been quiet since Hammer Strike’s expedition to tame the forest. Without much thought she made her way across the fork when she accidentally brushed against a cloaked figure running in the opposite direction.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she said, turning to the stranger.

An angry red glow shone from inside the hood as menacing eyes glared out at her. “Not as sorry as you will be,” a feminine voice growled as she continued on. When she had reached the other side of the wagon, a blue horn glowing red poked out as a red bolt of magic fired at the wagon where the two foals slept. Epona cried out, trying to unhitch herself, but there was no time.

“Link! Zelda!” She shrieked. Time suddenly seemed to slow down around her as the bolt’s speed reduced to a snail’s pace. A light golden glow sparked at the wagon’s side, pulsing as it grew stronger and stronger. Then another spark joined in, and yet another as a golden veil formed around the cart and its entrance. With a bright flash of light, three golden triangles materialized forming a shield as the barrier sprung from it. Time returned to normal as the red bolt crashed angrily into the golden barrier. There was a bright flash. Epona raised a hoof to shield her eyes from the glare. When it passed, she lowered it only to gasp. The bolt, along with the mysterious barrier, had vanished without a trace. The cloaked figure let out a frustrated growl before turning and stomping toward Ponyville, singeing the ground with every step.

Breathing heavily, Epona quickly unhitched herself and rushed to the rear of the wagon. Tearing back the flap, she looked to make sure the young ones were safe. Both slept soundly, unbothered by the strange events that had just taken place. From her point of view, Epona could not see the three golden triangles as they faded from Link’s flank, nor the strangely shaped triangle with wings extending from it on Zelda’s as it too faded. With a relieved sigh the mare hitched herself back up and hurried towards New Unity, putting as much distance as she could between herself and the mysterious cloaked figure. Hammer Strike needed to be told of this immediately.

Pensword paced the halls of Ponyville General Hospital. It had been, biologically speaking, almost ten months since he and Lunar Fang conceived their first born. Now thanks to those Black Tip imposters, she was going into labor a month early. He was worried, but if fate was as kind to him, as it was to his parents, He would soon be a father. After all, he was born two months early as a human. He paused as he looked up from the hallway. “You can come in now, Commander Pensword. Congratulations, it’s a girl.” One thing that surprised him about Equestrian birthing was that the mares did it alone, and only after the birth would the father be allowed in, most likely a holdover from equine instincts or something. He was not sure. Still, he was grinning from ear to ear as he made his way to the door. For now, the war, the deaths, the blood, all paled to utter insignificance in the face of the newborn foal he would soon be meeting for the first time. He poked his head into the room, smiling as he trotted in.

He could see Lunar Fang holding a small Thestral with closed eyes as both dozed. His daughter’s coat was a light blue grey coloration with bat wings of the same color webbing held close to her body. Her mane and tail were a glossy black, yet he could just perceive a few silver streaks cascading like a brook reflecting the moonlight. He tried to think what that meant. It had been a while since he pondered his tribe’s teachings. Silver streaks. Ah yes, that’s right. She was a Moon Tear Theastral. He recalled his grandmother’s stories about how these were children that were given to special parents. The mane and tail were streaked with the tears of the moon due how precious she held them in her sight. His grin widened as he thought about it. He knew a little more about genetics and the role they played in this outcome, but the story itself was beautiful. He sighed and looked at the room. At this moment in time, for this one second, he felt that he was right where he needed to be. This was where he belonged.

“Dear?” He started as he saw his life mate’s eyes open. She peered at him with a dreamy smile of contentment. “I forgot one of the bags. It has some important things for Thestral traditions with a new born, let alone the firstborn of your house. Can … well that is to say, you need to go back and retrieve it.”

“Consider it done, my little Thestral,” he whispered as he nuzzled her head before he repeated the action in his daughter’s mane. “We can name her then as well?”

Lunar Fang nodded with a smile that sent Pensword’s heart soaring, along with her words. “Of course, my little human.” Lunar Fang responded with a smirk. Pensword continued holding that same goofy smile. He performed a swift about face and immediately began to trot to the doors of the hospital. As soon as he was outside he took to the air and flew hard and past towards New Unity. The morning sun blazed brightly in the sky, casting a golden sheen upon his snow white mane as he raced for home.

Passing over the border of the everfree, Pensword screeched to a halt as his ear twitched. He heard a very distinct scream followed immediately by the sound of magic being cast. A bright red flash filled the skies. Then, all was silent. He spun around, his heart racing. There in the distance he could see a giant blue dome glinting in the morning sun.

“No,” he gasped. In a dash that would even give Rainbow a run for her money, Pensword rushed the dome. At the very last second, he performed a roundhouse kick, ready to buck the force right out of that field. A jarring jolt vibrated his very frame as he made impact before being flung backwards. Shaking his head to clear it, he looked back once again. He had not left so much as a scratch. A light tingling sensation ran through his frame as he pondered what to do. His fears spiked further as his mouth opened in horror. Dark clouds wee forming over and around the town, giving the impression of gloom and despair. He glared at the dome, ready to go for another round before he paused.

“Not like this,” Matthew’s voice echoed in his mind. “We need to prepare.” Pensword growled, ready to rebuke his human side until he recalled his training. As much as he hated to admit it, his human side was right. Letting out a full throated winny, he reared in the air before turning around and dashing for the castle. He needed his armor and weapons. And more importantly, he needed help. The Gryphon Slayers would be able to figure out what to do. With a final glare back and tears in his eyes, Pensword exclaimed.

“I’ll be back for you, Lunar Fang. I swear it.”

“Rook?” Grif called from his office. He had been left to some paperwork that apparently needed to be done soon. Hammer Strike should have been seeing to it, but he had vanished suddenly. And as his proxy, it had been left to Grif.

“Yes sir?” Black Rook responded, still a little shocked over the changes that had taken over Grif and Taze. It was now almost a surprise to wonder who they would see next, Human or Gryphon at the desk. He stood hovering at the doorway to the slightly more furnished office, a worried expression on his face.

“A. Has pensword returned yet? He said he’d let me know as soon as it was okay to visit Lunar Fang and the new foal. And B, why do I hear hurried hooves and clanking metal? Are we under attack?” Grif asked, hoping to Faust and the winds that chrysalis and her entire hive were outside the walls. Anything to get him away from this paperwork.

“That’s just it, sir.” Black Rook replied, hesitantly rubbing a foreleg against the other. “The Gryphon Slayers are donning full battle armor and combat gear. And they’ve taken their standard from the flag yard. But there’s no enemy in the forest, nor the air. Worse still, I haven’t seen head nor tail of Pensword yet. I’m worried though. His armor and wing blades are missing, along with Lexington, Concord, and his crossbow.”

Grif took in the details he had just been presented with military clarity. Pensword was not a pony for sudden and irrational military exercises. That was more his own thing. Nor was Pensword one to take all his weapons with him unless something was wrong. Obviously his friend was having some sort of crisis. Grif’s eyes dilated as the inevitable conclusion came. His godbaby was in danger.

“Call the rohirrim,” Grif shouted rather suddenly as he got to his feet. “Gather the family. I want every able bodied pair of talons or hooves fully armed and ready to march in fifteen minutes. Anyone late gets left behind and stuck with latrine duty for the next ten years. Do I make myself clear, captain?” Grif said.

“Sir,” He saluted with a questioning tone, hovering for a second longer.

“Now, Rook!” That was all Black Rook needed. He bolted like cerberus was on his tail and was soon out of sight, sounding the alarm as he went. A Moment Later Pensword raced past the open door as if chasing time itself. Grif caught the expression in his eyes, confirming his suspicions. In mere moments, he was airborne, racing to catch his friend.

“What is it?” he shouted. “Whose head’s going to roll?” he managed to ask, more quietly as he matched his friend’s speed in the air.

“I don’t know,” Pensword yelled as he flew out of the hallway and took to the air where the newest members of the Gryphon Slayers and the Old guard mingled forming up in the air and on the ground. “A thrice blasted dome is over the entire town like a snowglobe and storm clouds are forming inside over the city. I was to get a forgotten bag for a ceremony, so I got out of range before it fell. But now... “ He looked to the direction of Ponyville. “I shouldn’t have left. I should have gotten Derpy or somepony else to get them.” He looked around, his gaze fierce as he eyed up his men. “Full March. Our destination is the boundary of Everfree and Ponyville. If anything gets in the way, deal with it.”

“Sir!” came the collective shout as the forces mobilized, turning to face the main gate and bridge as they began their march. It was at that moment Epona entered the courtyard of New Unity. She flinched as she eyed the small army, ready for war and marching right for her. She stopped, mouth agape as they bore down on her. She trembled where she stood, uncertain what to do.

“I’m going with you,” Grif said. “I’ll throw freaking tartarus at it if that’s what’s necessary.”

Pensword smiled and nodded. “Leave your future mate behind. Heavens above knows we need one level headed warrior to protect this piece of land from attack.” He nodded to the others who were already moving. “See you at the wall. You will soon see what I mean.” Grif cocked an eyebrow as he noticed the trebuchet being hauled by a platoon of Earth Ponies. Hammer Strike had designed and built these monsters with Twilight’s help. Hopefully they would be enough to breach whatever barrier Pensword saw. As the ponies continued their advance and staging parties, they parted around Epona and her little cart, giving her the opportunity to pass through into the safety of the castle without coming to harm.

With a rumble Grif’s troops began to assemble in the courtyard next to what remained Pensword’s. The last few months of physical training was starting to show as the stallions and mares rumbled into position, their dusty armor strapped tightly. A large group of gryphons bearing the Bladefeather crest assembled in the air above them. “Everything I have is at your disposal, Pensword”

Pensword landed on the ground while all gathered around him. “Right. I want two squads of fast flyers to advance and take land for a siege camp. I don’t care if you are Gryphon or Pony right now. I need fast flyers.” He paused. “Second, all other flyers shall remain and act as air support for the ground marchers and Siege workers. No ifs ands or buts. You stay with those men. You do not go off for personal glory. You are to stay and protect the bombers.” He paused and smiled. “Siege workers, you are the bombers for this mission. That is to be your code name. Flyers, You are Speeders. Support, you are Red Tails.” He saw the looks of annoyance. Most likely from a lack of understanding. “It is a name for a group of of men who were in the minds of one of the aliens. They served for their nation and not personal glory.” He paused. “Regular fighters, you are Bricks.”

“Remember, gentlemen, there is a foal in ponyville who is my god daughter,” Grif looked at the gryphons. “That makes her family and that makes her part of this clan. Let’s show them what happens when they mess with our family.” Grif’s speech seemed to appease the annoyed gryphons. This wasn’t simply foolish support, this was personal. Grif drew his swords with a flourish. “On the commander’s order, assume your positions. Fast flyers to forward group, heavy fliers to support group.” The gryphons moved to obey, their gaze resolute. Grif gestured to the pegasus with his saber, acknowledging the order was Pensword’s.

“Tally ho!” Pensword roared as he took off. Grif soon joined him in the air. “Grif… when we get back, I am going to tell them the story of the Tuskegee Airmen. Under their protection we lost zero bombers.”

“That can wait,” Grif said. “You still need to introduce me to my goddaughter.” With that said the gryphon put on an extra burst of speed.

“You shall, you shall.” Pensword replied. “If I have my way, you shall see your goddaughter by day’s end. And, oh she is one of the most beautiful foals you ever did see.” He said, cracking a brief smile before it was gone. “Whoever is responsible for this shall feel my wrath.”

Hammer Strike paused in his writing as he looked around the room. “It got a lot quieter around here…” He muttered to himself before someone knocked on his door.

“Yes?” He called out.

“Sir,” Tower said as he walked in. “A mare named Epona is here requesting you.”

“Well, today has been full of visits…” He said aloud. “Go ahead and tell her I’ll be down shortly.”

Tower nodded as he exited the room, closing the door behind him.

Hammer Strike hummed to himself as he finished his sentence on the page and put his quill down. “Not even four paragraphs in…” He muttered as he stood up from his chair and headed out the door. When he reached the courtyard, there stood Epona, her covered cart behind her.

“Hello Epona. I hope your journey was uneventful,” He said aloud as he walked over to her.

“Most of it.” She yawned. “Something weird happened just outside Ponyville though.”

“Weird things tend to happen at Ponyville. What happened this time?”

“I accidentally brushed this mare who was heading into town and when I apologized she got all angry and tried to throw a spell at me. I guess something I had in the cart activated to stop it, but i couldn’t tell what it was. Some weird triangle thing.”

“Was it golden?”

“How did you know?”

“Oh, you know, random guess,” He replied. “Might have been a protective spell on one of the objects in the cart that you forgot had it.”

“Probably. I still haven’t catalogued everything. Anyway, what was with all the soldiers leaving?” Epona asked.

“That would explain why it suddenly got so quiet around here,” Hammer Strike muttered as he looked around. Then he shrugged. “Unsure. I wasn’t alerted to anything.”

“It looked like they took two thirds of the ponies in the fort and a good chunk of the gryphons as well.”

“I’m sure it can be dealt with without my presence. I mean, it’s not like they took the big guns.”

“... They had a trebuchet.”

Hammer Strike paused for a second. “Well, they took one of the big guns…” He said with a hum. “I’m sure they can deal with it. If they need help they’ll call for me.”

“So where can I set everything up?” Epona asked, her fears alleviated for the time being.

“Over here.” He said, pointing to a building with an open shop window. “You can work on setting up shop later. I’ll lead you towards your place of residence until we are ready to work on the districts which will contain residencies for commercial and industry. At least depending on how things go. Whenever you are ready.”

Grif charged the dome again. Over the last several hours they had rained down arrows, shot stones point blank with a trebuchet, and beaten the magic dome with every physical action they could contrive. And yet, despite their best efforts, the dome had yet to gain so much as a crack for their troubles. Black Rook and Silver Spear had taken it upon themselves to issue orders for setting up a siege camp as both their commanders relentlessly attacked the dome.

“Yes. That’s right. Destroy yourselves to amuse The Great and Powerful Trixie!” Behind the dome the blue unicorn sat on her large golden wheeless chariot smirking at the battered and beaten pegasus/thestral hybrid and his gryphon companion.

Pensword just laughed. “The Great and Powerful Trixie,” he made sure to roll the r like she did. “Does not know who she is facing. I once camped in front of a fort for three weeks. I am patient and I shall get what I want. Let’s see how long you are amused by us standing here.”

“I brought down the Gryphon evokers when I was their captive,” Grif growled as he charged again. Small wisps of wind blew around him. “Their magic couldn’t stop me and neither will this.” He brought both pommels of his new swords down as hard as he could manage onto the magical substance only to be rebounded like a rubber ball. The blue unicorn laughed louder seeing the mighty heroes of Equestria thrown about like mere play toys. Pensword moved to help his friend to his paws and talons.

“That laugh is starting to get on my nerves,” he said.

“I’m going back for the cannons,” Grif said with a fierce glare at the wicked self proclaimed ruler of Ponyville.

“I’ll stay and keep fighting. If anything, at least it should hopefully distract her from trying to do anything to you,” Pensword whispered back as he turned to the Trebuchet. “Load another boulder! Keep up those volleys! Archers, prepare a full volley as well. Unicorns, magic spells to launch. Target one spot, everypony.” He quickly moved to the dome and marked a spot near the top with a large X using some chalk he kept handy. “Let’s try this!” he yelled as he rose higher into the air. Trixie jerked a little as beads of sweat started to form.

“Come on you foals, move! Someone is trying to mess with the dome on the other side.” She smiled menacingly, her amulet glowing as red as her eyes. “Trixie, while amused, shall have to return to watch you fail in breaking through some other time. Ta-ta,” she said, laughing all the while as two smaller ponies pulled as hard as they could, gradually plowing through the dirt as they pulled the wheelless carriage along.

Grif flew off in the direction of new unity while Pensword renewed his attack. Trixie soon returned, mumbling something about beavers and their stupidity and how she would outlaw them when she had the chance as her next official proclamation. She now rode in a much larger golden wagon sans wheels. A pair of whips hovered in the air above the poor shaking ponies hitched to her wagon. Pensword’s eyes narrowed. Crimes against Ponykind would be added to her list of offenses soon enough. Letting loose a warcry, the bombardment resumed. Trixie’s laughter continued shortly after as the barrage maintained zero effect, her horn glowing all the while.

“Grif!” Hammer Strike called out. “Tell me what in the world is going on. You have taken experimental equipment and over half of the troops and I haven’t gotten so much as a note to explain.” Grif screeched to a halt, realizing his mistake and quickly moved to rectify it, cocking his head back and forth between the pony lord and the troops scrambling.

“You remember how Pensword’s foal was being born today?” Grif asked, then turned to the ponies who were swarming around the castle with a brigade of gryphons. “Take that balista too! We could use all the firepower we can get!”

“Tell me what is happening at Ponyville,” Hammer demanded, pulling Grif’s beak to face him as he stared the gryphon down.

Grif snarled, using a mocking tone of voice. “‘The Great and Powerful Trixie’ returned to ponyville with some ‘alicorn amulet’ or something like that. It’s pumped her fire power a few hundred times and currently what's keeping Pensword from Lunar Fang and the new foal is a giant dome of solid magic we’ve been battering for over six hours.”

“Then take the cannons and get it down quick. Just be sure to aim at a less habitable place. I’ve been performing some tests with them and I’d rather nopony got hurt.”

“Don’t worry. We’re at least two miles from the nearest inhabited buildings. At worst we build carrot top a new shed,” Grif said. Then he barked another order. “Four ponies to a wagon! We need to move these as fast as possible!” Grif looked to Hammerstrike. “Shrial’s in the tower if you need anything.”

“Considering she hasn’t said a thing to me in ages, I doubt we’ll have any real conversation.”

“Sorry, but not much I can do about that. Present problem first,” Grif noted as the wagons began to move.

“Just finish the job and get back. I dislike the lack of forces around here.”

“You have a manticore. I think between the two of you, you could conquer a small nation, nevermind defend one fortress,” Grif said. “Assuming all goes well I’ll be back late tonight,” he said before turning to head off.

“Have fun with that,” Hammer Strike said as he made his way back inside.

The dome was still in tact. And Lunar Fang was still trapped inside with the foal. Once more Pensword glared, attacking savagely with his wings as he uttered a guttural roar. Trixie continued to laugh, mocking him. Growling, he turned to his troops. “Return to Camp,” he ordered. “We regroup now and find out what is going on.” His tail swished in anger as he stormed away, doing his best to ignore Trixie’s laughter as she gloated over her power and supposed victory. “Foolish foal,” Pensword hissed under his voice. “Know you not that a victory is not won till the enemy routes?” He paused and turned once more to give the red eyed trixie the evil eye. “I have yet begun to fight. I shall breach that dome, and when I do, you shall have Tartarus on your doorstep.” He growled before turning around and zooming into his command tent.

“Are you alright, sir?” Silver Spear asked his commander.

“No,” Pensword growled, his eye twitching. “My life mate and daughter are in the hospital under the rule of some crazed lunatic and I am stuck out here, unable to protect them. What kind of father, husband, am I if I am not by their side to protect them? I fought and destroyed Fort Triumph, claimed Fort Lunar Fang, led and decided the movements of the armies during the Third Gryphon War. Yet I cannot break through a simple dome. And on top of that, I cannot reach High Chieftess Luna.”

“Sir, no pony was prepared for this. You’ve brought the might of an army to save them and are throwing every resource you have at it. You’re a good father and husband. We will work this out. But you need to keep calm, sir. You’re our leader and we need you right now,” Silver Spear said, trying to sound comforting.

“Thank you,” Pensword muttered, then let loose a wry smile. “And to think, a couple of months ago you were thinking of quitting due to our crazy antics. Now look at you. You have grown to be a good leader and a good teacher for those of the Gryphon Slayers who came with me from the past. Thank you. Tell me, did you ever think being in the Guard would be this interesting?” He asked, trying to make the smile a little wider. It wasn’t working, so he dropped it. Silver Spear could tell that Pensword was trying to distract himself for now, so he played along.

“In all honesty, sir, I didn’t expect my life to be this exciting. A few months ago I was some noble brat whose father had him declared unfit simply so he could say his brave son attempted to join the guard. I’d never dreamed of being here, serving the ponies I’ve met. To tell you the truth, I couldn’t imagine a better life than this, sir.”

“Well, just be sure to eventually settle down. And for Celestia’s sake, make sure to keep your options open. Who knows? You might find a nice Thestral to marry from one of the new Noble houses in Filly De Y.” Pensword said in a playful tone. Silver Spear smirked. It may have been a distraction, but it was nice to be treated more as a comrade rather than a cadet. “Still, I want a report on how our attacks are doing,” Pensword said, returning to business once again. “And if any Unicorns come our way, see if they know any magic. If we’re lucky, maybe we can overpower the dome, or at the very least get a magic user who’s competent enough to scan the dome and find a weakness.” He jumped as the earth trembled. Peeking out his tent, he saw Grif flying in with more weapons. “What? What was that?” he asked. “Did, did Trixie just let something in and out again?”

“Aparently the beavers have finally gotten to her,” Grif said. “She lifted the dome up to let them out.” He held a taloned hand up as Pensword’s mouth opened. “Already checked. It was a temporary hole. Had some men try to dig out the seam but they couldn’t find it.” Grif pointed to a hole nearby. “Cannons are here, but it will take a good hour to set them up. in the meantime I’m taking some gryphons with me. I want to test and see if attacking this dome from multiple extremes gets us anywhere.”

“Go for it. We can use more rocks, if needed, to try and help,” Pensword replied, happy at the news. He paused seeing the other troops. “Did we pull all our troops out of New Unity?” he asked with an eye twitch. Then a creepy sort of smile came over his face. “Yeah, when we are done, I am so going to put her on trial in New Unity… If Ponyville does not.” He closed his eyes, sighing happily, then frowned. “Oh fine. … Doesn’t. There, are you happy now Matthew?” he asked in a low murmur that only Grif could hear. “Doesn’t ask to put her on trial first.”

“I honestly don’t care if Ponyville decides to or not,” Grif said. “I’ll play any card I need to to get us jurisdiction. Send up a flare when the cannons are prepped,” he said, turning to his gryphons. “You four head north. You four take scout. And you three follow me to the east. Thalia’s in charge until my return,” Grif instructed. “Move out.”.

Pensword returned to look at the dome. He began to pace a little, worried. Trixie had vanished again off to the center of town. His eyes inevitably roamed towards the hospital where his life mate would be. With a look of determination, he returned to the task at hand. “Thestrals, begin mining operations. Dig down and try to probe for a weakness,” he ordered before returning to the siege camp. Something was not right. Something about the blue pony had changed, but what was it? What was so different?

Doctor Strange, a Unicorn, looked up from his desk as he had been looking over the supplies for his patients. Based on a healthy portion for everypony, by his reckoning they had enough supplies to last a good two months without worry about a shortage. He saw the door knob twist and swing open as two unicorns opened the door. Protests clearly rang down the hall after them. “Snip, Snails, what are you doing here?”

The two grinned widely as they moved to either side of the door and bowed, creating a pathway to the good doctor’s desk. “Now announcing,” Snips started.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie!” Snails finished as purple smoke billowed into the office.

Doctor Strange stood up with a flat expression on his muzzle, awaiting their guest.

Trixie walked in with an air of superiority. “Hello, doctor. The Great and Powerful Trixie has deemed it appropriate to dazzle you with her presence in hopes her beauty may inspire your patients to feel better.”

Doctor Strange blinked and frowned. “I do appreciate your kind offer, Lady Trixie. However, now might not be the best time for the patients and staff. Tomorrow morning would be a much more convenient.” He smiled, easily seeing the signs of the temper tantrum on its way. He’d treated enough patients to know how to deal with such outbursts, and waited calmly for the wave he knew would soon come crashing down. Wisely, he deicded to make the first move, preventing the power hungry unicorn attempting a rebuke. “After all,” he said placatingly. “If they see you as a bright eyed morning Unicorn, would it not be better for your subjects than if they saw you during a time that most are being given pain medication? It might mess with their minds and dilute the grandeur of your most glorious self, giving them a false impression of the marvelous beauty and leadership that is The Great and Powerful Trixie.” He knew he was walking a fine line. He had to help Rarity and a few others from the earlier coup attempt. If he could keep her out of the hospital, it would be the best.

Trixie squinted, her eyes deep in thought as her amulet continued to glow a deep red. “Hmm… Trixie supposes you have a point. Very well, doctor. Trixie shall return first thing in the morning.”

“We shall anxiously await your glorious return, oh wondrous ruler.” Doctor Strange bowed in respect. “Now, I am sure you have some other places you would like to visit that require your radiant presence.”

“Of course. But first Trixie will be sure to brighten up the place for you.” The unicorn’s horn flared an ugly red as various awards and degrees were replaced with pictures and posters in her exact likeness.

The doctor’s smile was strained as Trixie left the room. When she had finally gone he sat down and sighed. “At least they were authorized duplicates,” He muttered. Having learned the unpredictable nature of practicing in Ponyville, most doctors had taken to displaying second hand copies of their degrees and awards for fear of destruction by what had commonly come to be known as a “Ponyville Event.” He waited a few more minutes before pushing an intercom button. “Nurse Redheart, could you come into my office please?”

“Yes, doct-. what in celestia’s name happened here?” the nurse asked as the door closed behind her.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie came for a visit. She is going to come in the morning to cheer up the patients.” He put a hoof to his nose. “I only wonder what will happen when Princess Celestia and Princess Luna arrive with the Saddle Arabian delegates later tonight.” He paused and looked at Nurse Redheart directly. “What is the status on our patients? Has anypony realized what’s happened yet?”

“Lunar Fang has been trying to use military statute 724 to make us release her so she can forcibly have the dome lowered herself,” Red Heart said. “She’s been at it for hours. Fortunately, this isn’t a military hospital so the normal statutes don’t apply.”

“Have you asked her how she is going to get it to drop? Please also remind her that she has a foal to look after first. If anything will keep her bound to this hospital, it will be maternal instinct,” he said as put a hoof to his temple. “Nurse Redheart. How did you even know what seven two four says? Or did she state it verbatim?”

“She did, but I knew about it before from when Pensword was in the hospital. Well, in the waiting room anyways. He was reading them aloud.”

“Ah,” Doctor Strange replied. “Then we might have to stall. Keep her busy and talking. Anything. But at all costs, we cannot let her leave.” He closed his eyes. “I fear what Trixie might do if she meets an actual member of the military in the town, let alone a Thestral. Who knows what that amulet would do or cause her to do.”

“Not to mention we can’t let her near a newborn with how she’s treated the foals so far,” Red Heart noted.

“What do you mean?” It seemed Doctor Strange had missed some information. “What did she do?”

When she first came into town she melded Snips’ and Snail’s horns together. And later, with Twilight, she used aging spells.”

“That is most certainly not good. Has she done anything else to any of the other foals?” He asked with concern. “It seems she fixed them, at least.”

“Nothing’s been reported yet, but I’d rather not put a baby near that volatile monster,” Red Heart said vehemently.

“Very well. We’ll place the maternity ward on lockdown,” Doctor Strange said. Then he sighed. “We should pray to Faust that things work out.”

“Okay, that’s it.” Hammer Strike sighed as he put his quill down. “All night and day, and I still hear the cannon shots.”

The cannons had started thundering as soon as they had been prepared and hadn’t stopped since. It had been a very loud night for everyone as the barrage continued unbroken. El Fluffy looked at Hammer Strike questioningly.

“Rawr?” he asked.

“It’s time to lend a helping… hoof,” He said after a pause. “Fluffy, front gate,” He said as he moved away from his desk. “Still don’t even know how you fit through the door…” He muttered the side comment as he stopped himself from thinking on it. Most likely this would have something along the lines of Pinkie Pie; and that would only lead to more headaches. Instead, he occupied his mind with what he would be wearing as he headed towards his personal armory.

“Rawr.” The manticore shrugged before going back to sleep.

Hammer Strike made his way to the armory and back out in a quick fashion. He bore no armor, but rather carried some of his more recent weapons and a few other miscellaneous objects that he deemed… testable. “Tower, Blast,” He called out to the brothers as he walked past them again. “Let’s go.”

“Sir!” they responded, following dutifully behind.

Thankfully the trip through the forest had little to no interruptions as they made their way towards Ponyville. Three hours later the trio found themselves amongst the others as they continued their assault on the magic dome that surrounded the little town.

“Hammer Strike!” Grif called as he stumbled over. “Glad you could make it. We’ve made progress,” the gryphon said proudly. “A three inch crack! It took more power than I can guess, but it’s breaking.”

“Not quick enough,” Hammer replied. “I’ve brought some of my own gear to help with this,” he said, shifting some of the tools on his back.

“If anyone can get anywhere, it’ll probably be you. Hey, Pensword! Hammer Strike’s here! Give everyone some rest!” Grif shouted.

Pensword looked up from his table and glared at Grif. “I shall not rest till Lunar Fang and I are reunited.”

“And then she’ll slit my throat cause you're exhausted. Just take a minute, Pensword,” Grif sighed, shaking his head.

“Fine… Two minutes.” Pensword said gruffly as he sat down on the ground and glared at the dome. If looks were magic, he would have decimated the barrier and the whole town with it.

Hammer Strike shifted some of the tools off his back except for the first item he wanted to test, a large warhammer that he had brought with him from the war, one of his personal favorites. “Where’s a good spot to start?” He asked aloud.

Pensword pointed to a spot where the ground was scarred and torn from the assault. “How about there? You can see the ground, so it should be usable.”

“Let’s see how it goes,” Hammer replied, shifting the warhammer slightly as he walked over to the spot. Ponies immediately parted, making way for the legendary lord as they muttered amongst themselves. “Got to start somewhere, I guess,” Hammer said softly to himself as he moved the warhammer into his hooves.

Taking a deep breath, Hammer Strike raised the weapon in his hooves. In one swift motion he brought it crashing down on the dome. For a moment, all was silent as the shockwaves carried out from the hammer. Then a soft resonating tone rose from a gentle lull to a mighty ring as the ripples suddenly came flowing violently back. A crack of thunder emanated from the spot as a cloud of dust blew through the camp. Tables, chairs, and ponies alike were blown off their legs and hooves respectively. As the dust settled, tents and campfires lay in disarray while embers and papers sifted slowly down like snowfall. Thestrals and pegasi alike panted as they hovered in the air, coughing from the cloud of debris. A few feet from the dome, Hammer Strike stood, his expression blank as he looked down at his hammer. The handle was bent at a ninety degree angle, the steel glowing red at the point of impact. Blast and Tower both stared wide eyed at their Lord while the rest of the regiments gawked open mouthed. For many, this was the first time they had seen the legendary strength of Celestia’s Ghost in action.

“Well that kinda stings,” Grif said, pointing to the dome which now had several spidering cracks across it’s surface.

“Welp,” Hammer said as he tossed the warhammer aside. It fell with a massive clatter, leaving an imprint in the soft spring dirt. “That was a good test.”

Pensword was on his back with his hooves flailing a little in the air before he began to smile. “FIre at will! Fire at the cracks!” he ordered, giggling madly with excitement. Progress at last.

“Pensword, he just did several times the damage we did in one shot and we’ve been working since before noon yesterday. Maybe we should let Hammer Strike keep going for a bit longer?” Grif suggested.

Pensword rolled over to his hooves and looked around seeing the damage and frowned. “You might be right. We will have to repair the camp.” He looked at the others. “Well, don’t just stand around there. This camp is in shambles. Get those cannons returned to the proper orientation! Get the Trebuchet back upright! I want this base fixed yesterday!”

“I’m still disappointed that you both used up the experimental explosive rounds.” Hammer frowned. “I hadn’t tested them yet.”

“I thought we were using grape shot?” Grif asked, looking to Pensword for confirmation. The Pegasus nodded.

“You didn’t grab the experimental rounds?” Hammer Strike asked, pausing.

“We have explosive rounds?” Pensword asked in shock.

“You're experimenting with things that can literally unmake us. I generally stay away from your experiments. You mean to tell me there is explosive ammo?” Grif asked.

“...No…” Hammer Strike replied after a moment.

“Anyway lets stop talking about this. We got a foal and a mare to save,” Grif said.

“What about the entire town of ponies currently being held hostage?” Black Rook asked

“Semantics.” Grif rolled his eyes before turning to Hammer Strike “What's next?”

“Depends. Next tool on the list, or skip the list and go right to the extremely dangerous explosive stuff?”

“Which is going to get us in there before Pensword gives himself an aneurysm?” Grif asked.

Hammer Strike simply pulled out a small yellow crystal that radiated energy and showed it to Grif with a raised brow and a small smirk.

“Are you going to do a Mr. Torque?” Grif asked. Then he backed off as Hammer hit him with his serious stare. “Okay then … I’ll start getting everyone to move back.” He strolled over to pensword, his expression grim. “Pensword get everyone back past the tree line. Don’t worry about the cannons and stuff. That can be rebought. Everyone needs to be out of the range.”

Pensword raised a wing, ready to voice his objections before he caught site of the crystal in Hammer Strike’s hoof. “... Is that?” Grif nodded. Pensword dropped his wing and immediately began barking orders. “Fall back! Fall back! Grab your kits, gear, and anything sentimental you have and get back to the tree line on the double!” he turned to look at Grif. “Give us twenty minutes and we will be out of range.”

Twenty minutes later the camp had been broken down. The only things left were the cannons and Trebuchet. Other than that, a few stray pots and pans strewed across the ash covered field. Those could be replaced.

“Clear!” Pensword shouted after tallying up their numbers. Grif stood next to him, watching and waiting as Hammer Strike pulled the crystal from his pocket once more. A roll of tape hung on his other hoof as he prepared to make the attachment.

“Well, here goes nothing,” he said flatly as he moved to pull some of the tape off the roll. He paused a moment as his ears twitched. His brows furrowed. “... What-?” A pinprick of light slowly grew in the sky as a rumbling filled the air. The clouds parted to reveal a streak of yellow and red flame blazing towards the dome. Nanoseconds later, the ground shook, causing trees to fall as yet another loud crack filled the air. Then with the sound of shattering crystal, yet another explosion blasted outwards in a miniature blue mushroom cloud. Coughing, Pensword and Grif slowly made their way forward, not sure what they would find. As they drew closer, they could just make out the silhouette of a flapping flag. Or so they thought. There Hammer Strike stood, tape in one hoof, crystal in the other as he stared flatly where the barrier once had been. A depressed line marked where Trixie’s spell had held. Whatever that ball of fire had been, it destroyed the shield. A pillar of smoke rose up in the distance. Hammer Strike dusted off his jacket, looked to the smoke, then back to the crystal.

“Well… Darn.”

Grif leapt into action. “Unicorns, I want wards all over this place. Keep going till a mage can’t hold a tea cup in levitation a thousand years from now. You, squad, go let Twilight know the dome has been breached. The rest of you spread out and render aid, but don’t get in Trixie’s way yet. Pensword…” Grif said, drawing his scimitars. “We got a doctor’s appointment.” His keen eyes only just made out the retreating form of a pegasus with wings blades flying low over the land towards the hospital. Without a word Grif took to the air and followed after Pensword.

“And if you two fill out these forms I will personally see that any crimes she has committed against the patients here are added to the charges against her,” Grif said, handing the papers to the doctor and the nurses. “I’m sorry we couldn’t arrive sooner.”

Doctor Strange just smiled. “Not a problem. Though I have to say, I wish your friends wouldn’t race around the corridors. They’re almost as bad as Rainbow Dash is in the air,” he said, pausing as he adjusted his glasses. “Just who are they?” He asked as he signed the document.

“That’s Commander Moonkissed Pensword Hurricane,” Grif said, his tone carrying a bit of a dark note. “He’s been separated from his wife and newborn for almost 24 hours. I think he’s entitled to a little hasty action, doctor.”

“Oh…” He sighed. “Maybe now I won’t be given so many military orders from Moonshade.” He shook his head. “Did you know Nurse Redheart gave up trying to disarm her? She turned anything that she could risk into something to defend her child.” He sighed again. “Hopefully he’ll be able to talk some sense into her.”

“Doctor I have full respect that you're a doctor, and thus, an educated stallion. But you obviously have never been around parents and their children a lot, let alone Thestrals, and one of Lunas most dangerous soldiers to boot. Sir, your town was just taken by a tyrant who was volatile and known for tantrums on an incredible scale. Currently, you are lucky your hospital wasn’t turned into some sort of rebel base. I’d have given you and your nurse another hour before you lost control at the most. You see, what I’m trying to get at here, doctor, is that you are an educated stallion of medicine. And I respect that. But you will regard all three of the ponies involved with due respect or you and I will have problems.” Grif looked into the doctors eye’s with a predatory gleam. “And you do not want to have problems with me. Got it?”

“What problems?” The Doctor replied, unfazed. “Thank you for your advice, though. I’ll make sure to keep that in mind with future Thestral patients. Though hopefully we won’t have to deal with another invasion so soon.” He paused and took a moment to rise from his desk, levitating the documents as he walked round to face the gryphon. As he did so Grif caught a look of the good doctor’s cutie mark. A gold circle shone brightly, surrounding a great red gem. It reminded Grif of something semi forgotten laying just at the edges of his foggy memory. “I could have handled it,” Strange said, tapping lightly on his horn as the documents rolled themselves up and landed in Grif’s hand.

“You’re hilarious,” Grif said. “Compared to a changeling you’re about as dangerous to as a baby all swaddled in a blanket. I’ve seen what that mare is capable of, doctor. You and your hospital staff are very fortunate the dome was broken. Now I am going to go comfort my friends and hopefully meet my god daughter for the first time. You have patients who need care and a few wounded warriors from the siege weaponry who will be in within the hour. You’d best prepare.” Grif stashed the papers carefully before turning and heading after Pensword.

Doctor Strange could only smirk before he used his magic, matching his blue eyes to pick up a clipboard and clip clop away. After a while he let out a small chuckle. “I am reminded once more why I settled here. The bizarre is normal.” He entered his office, turning around. “Nurse Redheart, please tell my secretary to clear my schedule. I have some operations I will be performing later when the victorious armies arrive for healing.” He did not wait for an answer before closing the door behind him as he fully entered his office.

Grif arrived at the room just in time to see Pensword hastily packing some things that he could not get a good look at into a duffel he’d carried with him from the camp. Pensword smiled as he turned around to greet his friend.

“I am happy that took a while with the doctor. We just finished with the Thestral ceremony. Come, come meet Moon River, your new Goddaughter, and the first of the house of Pen to be born to continue the line.” he dropped his voice and switched to Draconic. “Also, the first of the line of Conner from the eldest son of my father.” Grif smiled.

“Getting a little rusty there, Pensword,” he whispered back before turning his attention to the mare and her new foal. His little godchild. Grif approached slowly and carefully, worried his appearance might frighten the newborn foal. He did his best to smile, fortunately remembering not to open his beak. “Hello there, little River.” He smiled as he held a claw out to gently brush her side. “This right here makes it all worth it.”

Moon River yawned as she opened her eyes, revealing a rose tulip red as she blinked and looked at Grif. True to the form of a curious newborn, Grif found that the child did not cry but moved a hoof out to touch the claw with a tilt of her head while making a small noise.

Pensword just smiled. “You are right, my friend. This, all we have gone through, just to reach this point, is all worth it.” He leaned in and nuzzled his daughter with a warm smile. “Yes you are, you are my precious Moon River. Yes you are,” He said, reverting to baby talk as he gazed into her eyes..

“Remember river, if there’s a monster, you just need to tell me and I’ll beat him up,” Grif said. “I’m here for you whenever, no matter what happens.” Grifs voice was soft as he spoke. “No matter what, you're going to be happy. That’s my promise to you.” With a smile Grif reached into his bag and gently retrieved something. “Now, I’m not the craftsman that Hammer Strike is, but I’ve done a fair share of whittling in my time.” He smiled as he pulled out a small wooden figurine of a gryphon. The shape was rough, but the wood had been smoothed carefully so there would be no rough edges. He gently placed it next to her. “This is Icarus. He’s going to stay with you so you're not alone at night.” Grif beamed as the little foal smiled, just for a moment. Then she yawned, blinked a few times, and snuggling back to sleep. Pensword smiled and pointed to the door as Lunar Fang dozed again in her bed. He moved to kiss the foal once more before they departed.

Grif tip toed out the door as carefully as possible, moving across the floor like a lion stalking the hunt. They exited the room and closed it behind them. “Congratulations.” Grif smiled at pensword. “You are one lucky guy. You know that?”

The expression on Pensword’s muzzle said it all before a small smirk took it over. “Why?” he asked. Grif started a moment before he noticed the playful glint in his old friend’s eye. They both laughed. “After all, Grif, we need to be ready for that word, you know.” Still, despite the laughter, Grif could tell his friend wanted an answer.

“Why are you lucky?” Grif asked. “Cause you have them. You have something you were told you wouldn’t have. That’s why you’re lucky. Why did it happen to you? Who cares? it happened. That’s what you focus on.” Grif pantomimed carefully. “Eyes forward, move ahead, and be happy with every day you earn.”

Pensword stepped up and hugged his friend. “Thank you for that. I do plan on moving forward. Hopefully they won’t be calling me in front of Congress anytime soon. After all, they wouldn’t be able to touch me as a citizen here.” He frowned suddenly, shaking his head. “Not even a year and look how… entrenched we have become in this world.” He paused a beat and pondered, putting a hoof to his chin. “I guess I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Grif hugged pensword back. “Now come, my friend,” he said, letting go. “We’ve got a unicorn to take into military custody.”

Penswords eyes narrowed. “Agreed. I am looking forward to the coming event. She will stand trial for her actions.”

“Yes.” Grif nodded with a predatory glare. “She will.” With that he turned smartly to the door and headed for it. His paws were heavy on the floor and his claws left small scuffs on the tiles, but he didn’t care. Pensword and Lunar Fang were his family. And no one got away with hurting his family.

A few minutes later they found themselves about where the impact site of what hit the dome. “Hammer Strike? What was it? What hit the dome?” Pensword shouted as he stopped a distance away. Heat still radiated from the crater, making it impossible for all save the smith lord himself to get close.

There was no verbal response as Hammer Strike threw the object out of the hole. It bounced a few times before rolling to a stop at their feet. A charred blackened head looked back up at them, its fake button eyes seemingly wide with terror.

“Well…” Grif said, reaching into his bag. “I guess we can classify this under…” he pulled out his orange pointy sunglasses and slid them on in one motion “Tactical Hammer Strike.”

“YEAH!” Bulk Biceps called in the distance.

“So,” Hammer Strike called from the hole as he made his way up. “Found out where that finally went.”

“Should we place this in your shop as a memento?” Pensword asked with a raised eyebrow. “Because, well, how are we going to explain all this?”

“Explain it as a plan set in motion before we even knew we needed a plan,” Hammer replied with a mysterious voice and a shrug.

“Well, I can live with that,” Grif said as he put the sunglasses away. “Now how about we go arrest a pony, Shawn?”

Hammer Strike simply shrugged in response. “Did you find where she was?”

“Twilight should be finished with her by now,” Grif said.

“Good.” Pensword muttered darkly.

Pensword looked to Grif on one side of him and to Hammer Strike on the other as they watched from the sidelines away from the stand where Princess Celestia, High Chieftess Luna, and the Saddle Arabian delegates stood while Twilight performed a feat of animal juggling. He looked back to Grif. “I cannot believe Twilight shot us down on Trixie’s punishment. And now Trixie’s just helping with the show? Where is the justice in that? Now we have to wait for it to finish before we deal with her,” Pensword muttered. Despite his enjoyment of the show, he was far from happy about the whole affair.

“I don’t care,” Grif growled. “Once the show is done we’re arresting her. You still have that Lunar permit and if Celestia tries to delay us, we can take her under the Bladefeathers’ jurisdiction for judgement by Lord Hammer Strike. She is going to stand trial. I don’t care if I have to take her to Zebrica to do it. It’s going to happen.”

“I think we can work on something. I talked to some of the residents, including the Mayor, and I learned an interesting fact. She worked on a Rock Farm. Pinkie Pie somehow knew what I was looking for and confirmed the farm in question was in fact her family’s rock farm.” He paused for a moment. “Maybe she can help with the rocks at the quarry. We need somepony who’s knowledgeable on the subject. And if she really can be sorry, it may be good for the camp’s morale,” Pensword replied.

“It’s your call,” Grif said. “You are technically the most wronged out of the three of us.”

“We put her on trial first and hold a hearing. After that, we shall see. I will let the courts decide. I will not allow myself to be all three as I was in the war,” he said, taking a deep breath as the memory of his actions resurfaced. “Let the town decide,” he said again.

As the scene went on, Grif’s claws drew back his bow the minute Trixie’s horn lit up, relaxing only slightly when her magic joined with Twilight's to help with the final trick. Trixie and twilight seemed to interact for a few minutes and then Grif caught trixies horn light up a second time. He had already pulled back and fired as the smoke cloud erupted. When it cleared it revealed Trixie still very much alive, pinned to the ground by a large arrow that had wedged itself in her cape. A startled gasp ran through the crowds and the murmuring began. Grif looked to hammerstrike and Pensword, then signaled with a head jerk. The time had come to act.

Pensword quickly moved forward, or started, to when Princess Celestia’s magic enveloped the arrow and pulled it from the cap. “My friends, she called as she stepped from the stage followed by the delegates from Saddle Arabia. “While this might be acceptable from your times in the past, we do not go scaring the lives of ponies in Equestria for wrongdoing.”

The princess’ look was indecipherable as she gazed upon the warriors of old. With a nod of her head, however, her guards did form up around Trixie, making sure she had no avenue available for escape.

“With all due respect, your highness, the accused moved to flea. I moved to incapacitate. I was within my rights,” Grif said.

The male delegate raised a hoof slightly. “I do say, this is rather entertaining. Is this also part of the show? Pray tell, by what crimes is this Unicorn accused of that should prevent fleeing from such a wonderful performance?”

Grif looked to Pensword, his brow raised in an unspoken question. Pensword gave a small nod, consenting before deciding to add a few words of his own. “You might be a little more civil than I feel at the moment.” He turned to look at Trixie. With that, Grif cleared his throat and proceeded with his narration.

“Yesterday, just before noon with the use of a forbidden dark magical artifact, this unicorn proceeded to annex the township of Ponyville. She also forced dame Twilight Sparkle into a magical duel. When Twilight failed, this criminal proceeded to banish twilight from the township. She endangered the life of several mares and stallions, including one Pinkamena Diane Pie, who had her very mouth removed from her muzzle, disabling her from the life sustaining act of eating and drinking during the duration of this event. She also has several assault charges being pressed by parents in regards to foals. Under orders by princess Luna, she has been exempted from the charge of high treason due to the amulet’s corrupting effects. However, Lord Hammer Strike has been granted the authority to apprehend Trixie Lulamoon to be tried and sentenced within New Unity by the authority of Princess Luna,” Grif said, presenting a scroll to Celestia. “I’m sure you’ll find everything is in proper order, your highness.”

“What I am curious about,” Princess Celestia said in her famous motherly tone. “Is why you are prosecuting in New Unity. Surely the citizens of Ponyville would have a higher authority to prosecute this case, seeing as the events in question occurred within their own town borders.” She returned to reading the scroll while, thankfully, the guards had kept most of the onlookers from approaching the stand.

“Mayor Mare considered the situation ‘above her pay grade,’ I believe the term was,” Luna chimed in. “As ponyville lacks a proper garrison or access to proper criminal housing facilities, I felt Hammer Strike would be a prudent substitute.”

“If I may?” The Saddle Arabian Stallion interjected as he tossed his sandy mane. “I could not help but notice the expressions of two of the three here, and it feels like there is another reason that might be a more personal touch. On behalf of our nation, we ask,” he said as he looked Grif in the eyes without so much as a twitch. “What was it she did that grieved you so personally?” He narrowed his eyes. “You speak for your friends and your lord. So answer me truthfully.”

Celestia looked more than a little surprised at this reaction as she laughed a little nervously as she prayed fervently to Faust that nothing dangerous would come about from this sudden confrontation.

“Commander Moonkissed Pensword Hurricane over there,” Grif said, gesturing to his friend. “Should have been celebrating his daughter’s birth yesterday. She was born only just before noon. The commander left the town to retrieve some items for a Thestral traditional ritual and was forced to spend the next 24 hours and then some under high duress. Being that his daughter is also my goddaughter, I take what happened very close to heart,” Grif answered honestly and unabashed. “Fear not, sir. She is to receive neither capital nor marshal punishment for her actions. But justice demands some service for what she has done.”

The diplomat stared pensively into the Gryphon’s eyes as he processed the claim, then gave a brief nod. “Very well, I am satisfied.” The Stallion replied and turned to Princess Celestia. “I will not tell you how to run your own nation, as you don’t tell our Sultan how to run ours,” he paused. “However, it seems that this matter is all well in hoof. Now, you mentioned this Lord of a neighboring land that, as you put it, ‘we simply must meet?’” he asked as he returned to his companion’s side. The purple horse smiled gently and nodded gracefully towards the gryphon and his companions before she whispered into the other diplomat’s ear. He blushed, his cheeks changing from a light brown to a deep red as Luna stepped forward.

“While this would be fun, I think I shall speak with these two about the coming trial and service,” She replied with a smile. “Besides, I too would meet this new foal of the house of Pen.”

“Then I shall go tell pensword that I will take the prisoner to her escort and he can introduce you. She is quite the sight,” Grif said as he walked towards the comander. Trixie seemed a little hesitant as the gryphon motioned for her to move forward, but complied.

Pensword saluted with a small smile at the thought of introducing Luna to his daughter. He waited for Trixie to be secured before bowing to Princess Celestia and the delegates. “If you would excuse us, your excellency,” he said. “Right this way, High Chieftess.”

“Tower, Blast,” Grif nodded towards the two. “This is the formerly Great and Powerful Trixie. Until further notice you are to be her armed escort. You are not to let her leave your side until she is within New Unity’s holding cells,” Grif said. Both stallions nodded, their looks grave.

“Wait!” the familiar voice of twilight carried over from behind Grif.

“Twilight, I know you think she’s innocent but the law has rules and they need to be followed,” Grif said.

“Can I at least speak to her before you cart her off for who knows how long?” she asked

Grif sighed but nodded. “You can have a few minutes. But these guys need to get going soon.” The gryphon stalked off as tower and blast shield remained close by. Twilight looked at trixie.

“Trixie … I just wanted to say… I’m sorry too,” Twilight said.

“You're sorry? What do you have to be sorry for? Trixie is the one who made her mistakes,” trixie said. “And Trixie will be the one to answer for them. It’s time Trixie made something better of herself.”

“No. I mean I’m sorry that your first visit to ponyville was so hostile. I’m sorry for what happened with the ursa minor and for showing you up in front of everyone. I never meant for that. I was just trying to help. When this all blows over, I was kind of hoping that maybe, possibly, we could be friends.”

Trixie smiled at Twilight “You are truly a one in a million mare, Twilight Sparkle. Trixie would very much like to be your friend. Please, don’t be afraid to keep in touch.” The mare looked to the armed guards and nodded.“Trixie thinks she may need the distraction in the near future.” The two mares smiled at each other for a moment before embracing in a hug. As they separated, Tower Shield moved in to inform Trixie it was time to head to New Unity.

“Farewell, Twilight Sparkle. Until next time.” Trixie waved as she followed the soldiers.

“Goodbye …. my friend.” Twilight waved back.

Celestia had been very determined for Hammer Strike to meet the delegates. He was about to head back to New Unity when the princess called out to him.

“Ah, there you are Hammer Strike.” Celestia smiled in an almost evil way as she caught the fleeing lord. “Just the one I wanted to see.”

“For the reason of?”

“The delegates from Saddle Arabia were very interested to meet with you personally.” She chuckled, turning to the delegates. “This is Lord Hammer Strike. He was a teacher to me and Luna when we greatly needed one.”

The male delegate bowed his head. “Great Djinn of fire, it is an honor to finally meet you. Our land was in excitement when your pupil of the state told us you had returned from a long journey.” He raised his head and smiled before losing it. “Are you not pleased to be together once more with your student?”

“With everything she has accomplished within Equestria you must be very proud,” the mare delegate said, nodding.

“I am happy. I simply do not show emotion well,” Hammer explained. “Lasting through the years and keeping Equestria on its path, I would call that a great accomplishment.”

“Our Sultan wished that a gift be given to you,” the mare said, pulling a cloth covered object from under her saddle. “It is one of our peoples’ artifacts of Solomane.”

Hammer Strike accepted the gift with a thanks before unwrapping it slightly to glimpse what it was.

In the cloth lay a sheathed dagger, finely crafted. The sheath itself was of hard black leather overlaid with gold at the top and the bottom while the handle had a gold pommel and a scarlet wrapped handle. on the cross guard sat a large red ruby that was hot to the touch.

“I think I know where to place this,” Hammer Strike said.

“What do you have there, Hammer Strike?” Celestia asked, noting the package on his back.

“Go ahead and take a look. I think you might find it amusing,” He replied.

Celestia cautiously took the package and opened it. “Is this what I think it is?”

“Yep, finally came back from orbit,” he replied simply.

The delegates looked at Celestia with wide eyes. The princess simply smiled in reply. “It’s a personal matter. I can’t discuss it at this time,” she said, placing the package back on Hammer Strike’s back.

“Understandable,” the male Saddle Arabian replied. “I am wondering though. Would you care to join us for some tea with Princess Celestia at her student’s abode tonight before you return to your duties in New Unity.”

“Unless something comes to take me away, that sounds delightful,” Hammer replied.

Author's Note:


A few things happened between last chapter and this one going live.

I went to my brother's graduation, had a few hiccups in writing schedules.

Finally, we have two things to announce.

First: Holiday Milestone With this link, we are a year old on the site as of a week or so ago. Second part to this. We will be holding till this Friday a question and Answer session open to not just the writers and editors, but the characters as well.

Second: We have also been blessed with our own TVTropes page,it is a little bare at the moment, but you can add to it if you have an account. I hope you all do not mind the little promotion here, but we are a little proud we have a page now. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/AnExtendedHoliday

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