• Published 19th Apr 2013
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MLP Time Loops - Saphroneth

Twilight Sparkle has been here before. In fact, she's been here so often she's thoroughly bored. Time Loop stories for Equestria.

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MLP Loops 200

FYI: this chapter is largely one big loop. This big loop is 200.4, and there are none after that.

Do with this information what you will.

200.1 (Vinylshadow)

Rainbow Dash stormed into Big Mac's Bar and ordered a drink.

Taking a seat, she fumed grumpily.

"It helps if you talk about it," Twilight said, sliding into the other side of the booth.

"Last Loop was...weird. Turns out I wasn't the first "Rainbow Dash" my parents had," Rainbow said, setting her mug down. "My parents kept accidentally killing the other ones with their smothering attention and then they almost shot me down during practice and...urgh," Dash said, sipping her drink. "The rest of you are lucky, what with your mostly normal parents. Even Applejack has better parents than I do and they were only recently given canonical details!"

Twilight winced. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

Dash sighed, leaning back. "Meh, it's not an issue. I've been through much worse Variants, such as Austraeoh and Harmony Theory. Compared to those nightmares, this was a walk in the park."

"Did I ever tell you about my Asylum adventures?" Twilight asked.

"Not recently. Why, did something new happen?"

"Well, you see..."

The two mares spent the rest of the Loop swapping stories.

200.2 (Anon e Mouse Jr.)

"...they still have to gloat!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Frowning, Sunset took the yearbook from her friend, and began studying the pictures more closely. Then she noticed something. "Hey, do any of you know who this guy is?"

Rarity took a closer look. "I say," she breathed. "I don't know who he is, but he seems quite handsome, even if he is a Shadowbolt." She gave Sunset an amused look. "Does someone have a crush?"

Sunset's face reddened. "Of course not! But I swear he looks familiar... like somepony I knew from back in Equestria..."

"Here, let me see that." Rainbow Dash took the yearbook and frowned. "You mean that guy?" She pointed right at the student Sunset had seen, and scoffed. "That's Shining Armor. He was captain of the Shadowbolts at the Friendship Games before last. That was the worst defeat they've ever given us, and that's saying something, given how they always beat us."

Sunset snapped her fingers. "I knew it! I thought I recognized him!" She pulled her journal out of her backpack and began to flip through it. "Here! Does he look familiar now?"

The other five students present looked at the journal in surprise. "I didn't know Twilight could send you pictures through this," Fluttershy commented as she studied the photo of the unicorn stallion Sunset had brought up.

"Yeah, we had to do some tweaking on the journal's spell matrices the last time she was here," Sunset said with a smile, remembering that visit fondly - it had been over the winter holidays, and had given her the perfect opportunity to avert the Anon-A-Miss incident that happened every couple of Loops. "Now we don't have to write directly in the journal to communicate - almost anything we want, we can lay between two journal pages and close the book, and it'll scan it into both journals at the same time."

"Cool!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"So, who is this fella, anyway?" Applejack scratched her head as she studied the photo in Sunset's journal. "He does look a lot like that Shining Armor guy..."

"That's because he is Shining Armor. Or at least, the Equestrian version." She smiled. "At some point after I left Equestria, he got appointed Captain of the Royal Guard. Now he's a Prince of the Crystal Empire."

"Prince?!" five voices gasped in shock.

"Whoa nelly," Applejack was the first to speak up once she'd calmed herself. "Now, how does a fellow like that go from Captain of the Guard to a Prince of an entire Empire?"

"Well, he married into the royal family," Sunset explained. "You know about Princess Twilight, but there are three other Princesses - the two oldest are sisters, and then there's Princess Cadance, their adopted niece. She and Shining Armor got married a while back, and not long after, the Crystal Empire returned."

"Returned from where?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"According to Twilight, the Crystal Empire used to be ruled by a Princess Amore. Then, one day, a... very nasty unicorn overthrew her and took over the Empire. He cursed it so that if he was defeated, the entire Empire and all the ponies in it would disappear. Eventually, when he recovered, he and the Empire came back. After Twilight and the rest of her friends helped them defeat the usurper once and for all, Cadance took back the throne, and she and Shining Armor have been ruling there ever since."

"Took... back the throne?" Fluttershy asked, confused.

Sunset nodded. "Cadance is Princess Amore's only known descendent, making her the rightful heir to the Crystal Empire."

The others nodded. "That makes sense," Rainbow Dash finally said. "But still, why would Twilight be sending you his picture?"

"Well..." Sunset blushed. "Cadance was Twilight's favorite foalsitter when she was little. And Shining Armor is her older brother."

The other girls blinked.

"Does... this mean that the Crystal Prep Shining Armor has a Crystal Prep Twilight Sparkle for a little sister?" Pinkie finally asked.

Sunset hesitated, then shrugged. "I don't know for sure, but I'd be willing to bet on it."

"Do you think she'll be coming to Canterlot High with the other Shadowbolts this year?" Fluttershy asked.

"Could be." Sunset looked at her friends. "We'll definitely keep an eye out for her."

And, she added silently to herself, Hopefully we can bring her around and keep her from going Midnight Sparkle this time.

The human world's Twilight, whom she'd affectionately nicknamed Sci-Twi, might not ever start Looping. But as far as Sunset was concerned, she was still a friend... and family. And she would always do what she had to for either one. She smiled at the thought.

Hold on, Sci-Twi. We'll be here for you.

#1927 (Vinylshadow)





Twilight Woke up with a pounding headache and a quick memory check revealed that Nightmare Moon had appeared as usual in Town Hall in Ponyville, but Celestia had intervened.

However, rather than duking it out in a spectacular display of magic and explosions, the two sisters had devolved to childish bickering.

Judging by the intensity of her headache, they'd been at it a while.

Sighing, she magicked up her Squirt Bottle For Bickering Royal Sisters and doused them.

Sputtering in surprise, the sopping sisters stared stupidly at her.

"Now, while I enjoy a good back-and-forth as much as the next pony, could you two do this elsewhere and let these poor ponies go home?"

"It's not like the doors were locked," Celestia said. "They could've left any time."

Blinking, Twilight turned to stare at the crowd of ponies she usually dismissed.

Tables were set up, stacks of bits changed hooves and arguments broke out with alarming frequency.

"...They were betting on you," Twilight said blankly.

"Yes," Nightmare Moon said crossly. "And I'm afraid you just cost many ponies a lot of bits."

She nodded towards one table, where Applejack was gleefully shoveling a small mountain of bits into a cart.

Trotting over, Twilight read the bet Applejack had wagered.

"'Purple unicorn will break up the argument'," Twilight muttered. "At a..." She did a double-take at the bet and stared at Applejack suspiciously.

"Yeah, I'm Awake, sugarcube," the farm mare said with a smirk. "And what better way to raise money than betting on something that's impossible in Baseline."

"You worry me sometimes," Twilight said, shaking her head. "On the bright side, that should cover you for the rest of the Loop."

Applejack shrugged. "I'll have Big Mac run the numbers for me. I lost track around four hundred thousand and eighty-two or thereabouts."

"I'm sure that'll cover the cost of fixing your barn every time it gets destroyed," Twilight said with a smile.

Applejack snorted. "I've made a killing off predicting how your library gets destroyed too, you know."

"I'm aware," Twilight said dryly. "I usually bet against you."

"Hey, you sometimes win," Applejack pointed out.

"Only because it gets destroyed by something neither of us thought," Twilight countered. "Remember the noodles?"

Applejack shuddered and shook herself. "I honestly try it to. I can see why Calvin absolutely refuses to talk about his own Noodle Incident."

"The book he published about it was astounding though," Twilight said. "Topped the Best Seller charts for ten years in a row, I believe."

"I saw the movie."

"Yeah, but that never has a large enough budget to accurately portray the scene in the book," Twilight pointed out.

"Points for tryin' though."

"...We go off on the most bizarre tangents, don't we?" Applejack noted.

"Eh, you get used to it," Twilight said. "Good luck with the rest of the Loop."

"You too."

Twilight turned her attention back to Celestia and Nightmare Moon and found the two encased in tree sap.

"...What'd I miss?" Twilight asked.

"Three fillies crashed through the window, screaming about the end of the world and then a tsunami of tree sap came gushing through," Cloud Kicker said, flicking sap from her wings. "It was kinda awesome."

"I'll take your word for it."

200.4 (BIOS-Pherecydes, DrTempo)

MLP/Kill la Kill: Finding Your Way

"Ahh. This is the life." Sunset Shimmer said with a relaxed yawn, enjoying a drink with Twilight Sparkle as the duo sat at a small table outside Ponyville's local Cafe. Sunset had Woken early enough that she had been able to stay in Equestria for this Loop, though she did make a quick visit to the other world in order to prevent the Sirens from causing trouble. Twilight was reading Sunset's journal of her adventures as they waited for Savoir Fare to bring them their orders, curious about her adventures as she always was whenever they spoke. By all accounts it was a peaceful day, but that soon changed as a loud cry filled the air.

"RAAH!" A cream colored earth pony with a black mane streaked with a single stripe of crimson and carrying a huge pair of scissors charged at Sunset, who deftly dodged as ingrained instincts took over. Twilight ducked as well, more irritated by the inevitable delay in her lunch than by the unexpected attack. Peering up over the edge of the table however she was surprised to see Sunset and the new pony laughing.

"As fast as you were last time we met, Sunset." The unknown mare said with a grin.

Sunset smiled back, and replied, "It's good to see you again, Ryuko!" Twilight facehooved, realizing she should have recognized who it was as soon as she saw the huge pair of scissors being wielded as a sword.

"Actually, I'm going by 'Rending Fiber' this Loop, Sunset. Just enjoying a little peace for a change."

Twilight smiled. "You know, Ryuko, I was just looking over the entry in this journal where Sunset chronicled her time in your home Loop. Sunset, feel up for a story about it? I'm curious about that one."

Sunset chuckled. "Sure. Here's what happened..."

That time around, when I Awoke, I found myself on an aircraft carrier called the 'Naked Sol', which was the HQ of a rebel group called Nudist Beach. And yes, that is the actual name. It was based on the fact that this group was fighting against a threat called 'Life Fibers'...basically, alien parasites that grew in the form of strands and which use clothing as a means to reproduce using whole worlds as fuel.

I was Replacing one of the head hunters for Nudist Beach, I think his name is Tsumugu something, and Soichiro - Ryuko's dad - had ended up training me himself.

According to my memories Soichiro had at one point explained how he faked his death after discovering that Ragyo had used his research to successfully fuse Life Fibers with their daughter. Even worse was the fact that the results weren't good enough for her and she had created some kind of Life-Fiber womb, which he wanted no part of.

He had gone on to found Nudist Beach and following his death had left me the Rending Scissors. More specifically the half that was used to kill him, although he had intended to give me the entire weapon according to his Will.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't upset when I recalled that he had been killed, even if I hadn't met him before Awakening he had still been a wonderful person and I intended to fulfill his wishes by taking down Ragyo and ensuring that the Life Fibers would never be a threat to the world ever again.

As I went through my Loop memories however, I saw something that went against what I knew from my research into this particular Loop during my travels. Namely the fact that Ryuko was publicly known as Ragyo's daughter, and from what my memories showed, she was a cruel person, beating down enemies of the Kiryuins to within an inch of their lives.

I was worried. If this Ryuko was the Awake version, it seemed as if she'd totally snapped. I hoped that wasn't the case, cause if it was, then this situation would probably get a lot worse before it got any better. Hence, when I was assigned to sneak into Honnouji Academy to investigate the Kiryuin's plans, I eagerly accepted the mission

Of course that was easier said than done. With both of the Kiryuin sisters running the Academy it was much more secured than it otherwise might have been. While I could have easily gotten in using a more direct approach, if I wanted to get any information on the situation I knew I would have to infiltrate the Academy quietly which meant I would have to put my stealth skills to use there...

Sunset climbed onto the shore of the island where the Academy was built, removing the scuba gear she had used to swim to the island. To her left was a shipping yard, and it was this which she swiftly made her way towards; specifically the warehouse marked discretely with the familiar symbol of Nudist Beach on its side near the ground.

While she could have used the bridge, she figured she was better safe than sorry; there was no guarantee that Satsuki and her sister didn't have the road bugged to monitor traffic after all and what was the point of stealth if you got caught entering the front door?

As she finished stashing her equipment in the prearranged safe house, the communicator she was carrying started beeping. Moving to an out of the way area where she could watch for eavesdroppers she answered it.

"You there, Banshou?" a man's voice sounded from the device. She felt a brief moment of confusion, before remembering that Banshou was her codename for this mission. Sunset took a moment to check her Loop Memories to place the voice of the person on the other end of the call.

Aikuro Mikisugi, her friend and leader. He had already infiltrated the Academy as a teacher, which made her job a lot easier. Aikuro provided her inside information, and she acted on it. He had trained alongside her under Soichiro, and her Unawake self considered him one of her best friends.

"Yeah, I'm here Aikuro. Just made it in."

"Excellent. You have two mission objectives. First, locate and eliminate the Life Fiber shipments being delivered to the Academy as well as that already inside. Second, destroy the Kamui and capture Satsuki and Ryuko Kiryuin if at all possible. This is meant to be a stealth mission so you're going to want to avoid attention until you've taken out the Life Fibers. However, if you have to fight, do so. Once you have Ryuko and Satsuki captured, contact us, and we'll send a chopper to get you out of there."

Sunset said, "Understood. Commencing mission now."

"Oh, and one more thing. I've taken the liberty of shipping your bike over ahead of you. Since someone decided to go under the bridge instead of across it. Check the back."

Sunset blinked before doing as instructed. Against the far wall was a large object covered by a tarp, which she removed with a sharp pull. The motorcycle thus revealed gleamed in the dim lighting of the warehouse, and Sunset felt a grin tugging at her lips. "Okay, this I can work with."

"I thought you'd like that. I've got to get back before I get noticed, good luck."

Putting away her communicator, Sunset admired the motorcycle for a moment before focusing back on her role.

Reaching into her Pocket she pulled out her Organization XIII cloak along with a voice altering device. Sunset slid the familiar coat on and flipped up the Black Cloak's hood, concealing her face, before looking around. "Everything seems alright." The voice which sounded was not the familiar one she had been born with but instead a deeper, more masculine one. It was odd hearing the voice of 'Ansem' when she spoke, but it would help conceal her identity.

With her disguise in place she turned once more to the motorcycle, the beautiful machine all but begging her to ride it. As a human she lacked the ability to truly cut loose like she could as a pony without using her Loop abilities, but on a motorcycle she could at least pretend that she was back in Equestria.

Rolling the bike to the entrance she took her seat and started the engine, the familiar hum of the motor heating up relaxing her. Without any further hesitation she throttled the engine and roared off into the Honnou City slums. She completely missed the small beeping light concealed near the entrance of the supposed safe-house.

"Hey Satsuki, looks like Houka's camera's caught something."

Looking up from her tea, Satsuki glanced at her sister who was relaxing in her own way, strewn out on the couch gracelessly, while flipping through the monitors. "Its likely Tsumugu. This is approximately the time he should be arriving after all."

Ryuko shook her head. "No looks like someone else. The bikes right, but it looks like he's wearing a Black Coat like that Riku guy Mako told me about. Visiting Looper?"

Satsuki frowned. "Possibly, although there haven't been any Pings. Do you think we'll need to alter the plans?"

Ryuko scratched her chin thoughtfully. "Don't know. I can't even see this guy's face, no idea who it is. He might be willing to help take down Ragyou, or he could end up screwing everything to hell and back. What d'ya say we give him the same greeting you gave me? Set the guys on him, see if he's got the right attitude."

Satsuki smirked. "Very well. We'll see how this progresses and react accordingly. I suppose if nothing else it gives us a reason to get Mother here sooner."

Ryuko grinned and grabbed the half of her Rending Scissor blade which she had taken from Nui after Waking. No way she would let that psycho hold onto her dad's invention. She hadn't even gotten to meet him this Loop, so the blade was all she had to connect her to him. "The sooner we take care of 'mommy dearest' the better."


Sunset had spent a few minutes enjoying the feeling of the wind and the rush of speeding down the street as she allowed far distant memories from what some days felt like nothing but a half-forgotten dream flash through her mind, but soon enough returned to her task; angling her bike towards the towering walls of the Honnouji Academy. About a block from the building itself she parked her ride in a hidden alleyway and began her approach.

Judicious usage of the Umi-sen Ken from her time learning with Ranma ensured that nobody paid her even a first glance, let alone a second, as she moved unnoticed through the open space surrounding the Academy and the edges of the Honnou City slums. Granted it took several times longer to make her way to the wall this way than it would have otherwise, but the anonymity provided by the technique more than made up for it in her mind. She was also careful to keep watch for any stray cameras or motion sensors as she had been taught during her time with Big Boss, so she was as certain as she could be that her progress had gone unnoticed.

Staring up at the wall rising stories above her head Sunset took a breath and gave a chakra enhanced leap to about halfway to the top, before attaching herself to the surface. While to most people the remaining distance would have served as a challenge, Sunset had had the dubious honor of training alongside Rock Lee; who even when Unawake had undertaken more difficult challenges with less advantages than she currently possessed. Thus it was barely a moments effort to climb the rest of the way up.

The area she found herself upon after pulling herself over the edge happened to be covered in a veritable field of flowers and shrubs and she was once more briefly reminded of simpler times as she indulged in the pleasant sight and smell. Even if Naruto's hobby hadn't been gardening and Shinji hadn't asked her to help him take care of Kaji's watermelon patch, Sunset would have been tempted to take the time to just enjoy the scenery. However, as she had a job to do, she instead moved around the planters and to the inner edge of the wall.

Pulling out a pair of binoculars she took a look inside the main building. Other than the typical scenes of students unenthusiastically taking notes, or more frequently sleeping behind their books, there was nothing to really see. Looking around for a few more fruitless minutes, she sighed and prepared to leave. However before she did so, she had to deal with a few unexpected guests. So much for stealth.

Without turning she addressed the group of students who had joined her on the wall. "You know, I was actually trying to avoid attention. You guys are making my job a lot harder."

"Nyeh heh he. Well that's too bad now ain't it. You're trespassing on our sacred flower bed. I am the General Manager of the Gardening Club, Kusanosuke Yaguruma and I don't appreciate unannounced visitors!"

Sunset sighed and rubbed the back of her head, before turning to face the group. "I don't suppose there's any way we can just forget about this and pretend it never happened?"

The Gardening Club responded by watering the plants held in the planter attached to Kusanosuke's Goku Uniform, causing it to grow into a giant multi-headed Venus Fly Trap which greatly resembled the Spiny Piranha Plants she recalled from her time in Mario's Branch. They had the same weakness as well, as demonstrated when Sunset unleashed a Firaga directly into its faces causing it to explode in a shower of flames; knocking those present to the ground, either injured or unconscious.

Staring frightfully up from the ground where he had fallen at the almost demonic silhouette of Sunset walking from out of the blaze, Kusanosuke whimpered. "Wh-what are you? How can you defeat the power of my Two-Star Goku Uniform so easily?!"

Looking sadly at the destroyed foliage for a moment, she turned her gaze to the terrified boy in front of her. "Look, I really am sorry about this. I was trying to avoid this kind of thing in the first place. But you didn't really give me much choice. For what it's worth, I'll make this quick."

Kusanosuke's eyes widened in horror as the monster in front of him pulled out an identical blade to that of Lady Ryuko, save for its red coloration, before he succumbed to blissful darkness.

Sunset blinked before shrugging. "Well, saves me the trouble of knocking him out myself I guess."

Looking around the damaged area full of burning flowers and unconscious students from the 'battle' she sighed before rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Just once I'd like to avoid massive property damage." she muttered to herself. "Might as well have rung the alarm myself. Looks like secrecy is right out the window now."

Turning she leapt over the side of the wall, a series of Flash-steps seeing her safely to the ground before she rushed off to try and avoid the inevitable investigators.

The doors to the sisters' office were thrown open by a large figure wearing a distressed look on his face. "Lady Satsuki, Lady Ryuko! There's an intruder in the Academy!"

"Calm yourself Gamagori, we are well aware of the situation." Satsuki replied serenely from where she stood observing the unmoving signal showing the unknown Looper's position.

Straightening himself with a deep breath the Head of the Student Discipline Committee moved to stand beside his leader. However a brown haired missile quickly shot into his path, causing him to stumble briefly.

"Don't worry Ira, Ryuko and Lady Satsuki are gonna beat this guy in no time. And then we'll all go get something to eat in celebration! Maybe even ice cream! But ice cream makes my head all cold if I eat it too fast so I'll have to remember to go super slow; but not too slow or else it could melt and then it would just be soup." Mako crossed her arms contemplatively and nodded her head authoritively as if imparting words of sacred wisdom to the unenlightened, her unexpected closeness causing Gamagori to take a step back in surprise.

"M-mankanshoku! Cease your rambling, this is an emergency; there is no time for your flights of fantasy!"

"Hah! Lay off you big goof, I like her 'flights of fantasy.'" Ryuko's voice sounded out from the side of the room, where she was busy enjoying a meal before the fight. "Hey Mako, make sure you tell your mom thanks for the food. Her Croquets are the best."

Mako gasped loudly. "Ryuko! Hey, Ryuko! Leave some for me."

Breathing a sigh of relief once the energetic girl had rushed off to fight Lady Ryuko for the last of her mother's 'Mystery Croquets' Gamagori made his way at last to Lady Satsuki's side, where she had continued to stare sternly at the monitor; her hands unwavering atop the hilt of Bakuzan, her gaze unwavering as she paid no mind to the antics of the room's other occupants.

"My Lady, is something the matter?"

"Something troubles me about this intruder. In a matter of minutes they eliminated one of the Two-Star students and managed to infiltrate the Academy itself, and yet for the past five minutes they have made no further moves against any of the other Clubs or students.

"According to our surveillance this person hasn't even left the main courtyard. Is it simple arrogance or something more?"

Gamagori turned to face the monitor where a single red cursor showed the current location of the intruder. "Perhaps they are awaiting reinforcements from Nudist Beach?"

Satsuki gave a minute shake of her head. "Possible, but unlikely. Their forces are not so foolish as to attack us here where we are at our strongest. I suspect there is some factor which I have overlooked, and I fear it may come back to bite us sooner rather than later."

Gamagori frowned, but before he could respond the monitor was overtaken by the image of Iori's sweat covered face. The background of the scene was illuminated by the wavering light of a blazing fire and the cries of the Sewing Club members as they rushed to put out the flames.

"My Lady, as you can see there's been an incident. Although we've been able to save some of the materials we had in storage, I'm afraid to say that we've lost upwards of ninty percent of our current Life Fiber stock."

Satsuki's frown deepened for a moment before she replied, "And your Club Members? Are they injured?"

Iori shook his head. "Thankfully nothing worse than some bruising and light concussions. The perpetrator attacked during our design meeting, when the majority of us were elsewhere."

Satsuki closed her eyes with a sigh of relief. When she opened them again, they all but glowed with focused resolve. "Were you able to finish the improvements I asked for?"

Iori nodded. "Yes. Thankfully they had already been placed into the storage units for you to inspect and were spared from damage."

"Very good, send them to me. Now is as good a time as any to test them."

"Of course My Lady." Iori replied firmly before ending the message.

Turning to face her sister Satsuki gave a sigh. "At the very least it would appear that our intruder is not so uncivilized as to attack indiscriminately."

Ryuko looked up from the ground where Mako sat atop her enjoying her victory, and her food, with a nod. "The real question though is how this guy managed to trick Houka's systems. The second he moved the trackers should have been all over him, but according to them he hasn't gone anywhere in the last ten minutes, let alone gone near Iori's lab."

In one of the hallways a cardboard box was managing to draw absolutely no notice as it moved through the Academy. 'I still don't know how Snake does this so much. It's murder on the knees.'

Satsuki's frown deepened slightly. "Clearly we have underestimated our foes cunning."

Sunset was beginning to get worried. It had been nearly fifteen minutes since she had seen a single person. And while that was excellent for her stealth, it was Tartarus on her nerves. The destruction of the Sewing Club's research facility, while unpleasant, had been necessary. That said, she had still taken care to avoid having to hurt too many of it's members. The fact that her having taken the time to clear the area allowed her to really cut loose was a tactical decision. Really it was. It ensured that a large number of her potential opponents were kept busy trying to salvage the area. It also served as an excellent distraction.

But not this good of one.

She should have seen some kind of response by this point, at the very least someone should have come looking for her. The fact that nothing had happened was starting to get to her as she tried to figure out if she had overlooked something. Which was why it was with a mixed sense of relief and anxiety that she was met by a loud shout upon turning the corner.

"Stop evil-doer! In the name of Ladies Satsuki and Ryuko we will defeat you!" This was accompanied by several poses which would have fit right in among the Ginyu Force, the last of which had the brunette girl who had spoken crouched low to the ground with her arms crossed in front of her face forming an x.

The resulting silence was palpable as Sunset and the four students behind the girl, who Sunset's memories helped her identify as the Elite Four, started blankly at her.

Realizing she was the only one 'in formation' she pouted and turned on her backup. "Guys! You were supposed to do it with me!" She turned to face the pink haired girl in a marching band uniform. "Nonon! Us girls gotta stick together right?"

The pinkette scoffed at that and turned away disinterestedly. "Yeah, not happening underachiever. If you want help with your sentai routine ask someone else."

The white haired boy with a computer attached to his own uniform nodded, his collar somehow opening to reveal his face as he spoke. "Agreed. Now is not the time to be engaging in your frivolous behavior Mako. Why Lady Ryuko insisted on recruiting you I will never understand."

"Ah lay off her will ya Houka. She's got spirit!" A blindfolded teen with a tekken said good-naturedly

Mako turned hopefully to the sword carrying member of the group, her pout growing. "Uzu?"

He grinned and adjusted the cloth over his eyes. "Not gonna work kid."

Mako's eyes watered and her lower lip trembled as she turned to face the tallest of the group. "Ira?"

As the veritable giant averted his gaze while sweating nervously the remaining trio smirked. Houka adjusted his glasses, the lenses flashing off the light. "Three."

Uzu grinned and tapped his shinai against his shoulder. "Two."

"One." Nonon finished with her arms crossed.

As Sunset watched in bemusement Ira Gamagoori gave a sigh and knelt, taking a pose with his arms to the either side near the ground with a blush. Mako cheered and assumed a crane stance behind him with her arms thrown to her sides and her palms facing outwards. While Houka quietly sent video copies to a private server for later blackmail, Uzu made no effort to disguise his amusement. "Man she's got you so far wrapped around her finger you can't even tell which way is up." He managed in between his laughter.

Gamagoori's blush deepened along with his scowl, but he didn't respond. Nonon just smirked, before turning to face Sunset who had been too stunned by the strange interaction to even think of trying to get away.

"Sorry about all that, but as you can see my teammates are idiots. But hey, since you didn't try anything stupid I'll make you a deal." Her grin because much darker. "If you surrender, I promise I'll only break one of your legs. I'll even let you choose which one."

Sunset, having finally recovered from the oddity of Mako's introduction, pretended to think about it for a moment before pulling out her Scissor Blade. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm afraid I'll have to refuse."

Uzu grinned upon noting the distinctive sound of a blade slicing through the air. "Nice sword. It sounds exactly like the one that took my sight." Sunset frowned deeply at this. Had Ryuko really gone so far as to blind the kendoka? If so, then things were worse than she had thought. Uzu continued, unaware of Sunset's thoughts. "Unfortunately we're not here to fight. Lady Satsuki asked us to deliver an invitation." Sunset didn't lower her sword, something Uzu noted with respect, but moved her hooded gaze slightly to the now standing Gamagori in clear interest.

"Ladies Satsuki and Ryuko wish to inform you that there is to be a tournament. If you wish to face them then you'll have to defeat us in combat! There is no point in your needlessly desecrating the Honnouji Academy halls or terrorizing the students. Your behavior is unacceptable!" Gamagori's shouted declaration shook the nearby windows and caused Sunset's Black Coat to be blown back.

Rubbing at her ears, Nonon interrupted. "I got it from here monkey. You're liable to blow a gasket if you keep this up.

"Look, here's the deal. Having you running around the halls is more trouble than it's worth. So in three days you'll get a chance to try and take on Satsuki and Ryuko. Assuming you can beat all of us one-on-one." Turning she began waking away with her baton held behind her back in a carefree manner. She paused in midstep for a moment and turned with a grin to look back at Sunset over her shoulder. "Of course since I'm your first opponent, this will barely even count as a sinfonietta."

With that the musical menace strutted her way down the hallway humming a classical tune which Sunset couldn't place. Mako quickly followed after her. "Hey Nonon! Wait for us!"

Houka nonchalantly adjusted his glasses again. "This should prove most enlightening."

Uzu threw his arm around the silver haired teen with a grin. "C'mon man, just admit you're interested in a good fight like the rest of us." He turned his sightless gaze on Sunset with a serious look. "I don't know where you got that sword, but you better know how to use it. No way I'll let someone who doesn't, hold onto it. You better not lose before I get a chance to fight you, you got that?"

Without waiting for an answer he shoved his hands in his pocket and shuffled off after the other two. Houka gave her an unreadable stare for a few moments before following after him.

Finally only she and Gamagori remained in the hall, his towering figure glowering down at her with his arms crossed. They remained silent for several minutes, simply staring warily at one another, before he spoke. "I don't know who you are, and I don't care. The protection of this school and those within it is my responsibility. So long as I can still stand you will not lay a hand upon them, let alone against Ladies Satsuki and Ryuko.

"However! Your actions during your assault against the Sewing Club have shown that you have at least enough honor not to recklessly attack innocent students. Therefore, I will trust you to leave on your own without my having to accompany you."

"Hey Ira! C'mon, we're waiting on you!" Mako's voice echoed loudly down the hall, the rising tension in the air accompanied by the rising heat in Gamagori's face before he abruptly turned and stiffly marched away.

Only several minutes after they had left did Sunset finally relax. Letting her breath out all at once she leaned against the wall with a dry chuckle. "Okay, well that could have gone better. This wasn't part of the plan. Now what?"

"Yes. I'd like to know that myself."

The second the voice spoke from behind her, Sunset reacted on instinct. In immediate succession she slammed her elbow into the speaker's gut, spun low and knocked him off his feet, leaned into a rising uppercut and finished with a roundhouse which knocked him straight into the wall she had been leaning on.

This occurred in the space of a little more than a second, and as such completely caught her victim by surprise. Only after the deed was done did Sunset recognize the now unconscious person as her undercover leader Aikuro.

However she didn't have the time to dwell on it for long, as the sound of her 'fight' could have easily caught unwanted attention. With a long-suffering sigh she slung her boss over her shoulder and quickly ran for the exit. This was so not her day.

There was something just plain liberating about flying down the road at full throttle with the wind in her hair. However, Sunset mused, the experience was far less enjoyable when accompanied by the unconscious form of her boss/best in-Loop friend roped to her back. She idly made a mental resolution to avoid future repeats of the event as she roared down the back alleys of the Honnou Slums. Eventually however she found herself once more in the warehouse where she had first begun her mission. Carefully covering her bike with the tarp from before she turned to the figure lying on the boxes stored in the back.

Trusting her Loop Memories as her guide for how she should act around her in-Loop friend, she reached forward and unceremoniously rolled Aikuro over onto the ground. He gave a groan and slowly sat up rubbing at his jaw. "Well that was familiar. So I'm guessing that really is you under the getup Banshou?"

Only just now realizing that she had her hood still up, she nodded and pulled it back. "Yeah. It's me."

Aikuro started and gave her a weird look. "What's with the voice? It's a bit disconcerting to hear a man's voice coming from such a pretty face."

Sunset, refusing to be drawn into his typical games, just gestured to her throat. "It's a voice changer. The goal was to avoid being identified."

Aikuro removed his glasses with a flourish and ran his hand through his hair, pushing it back from his face. "Yes, and we can see how well that turned out can't we. So, are you going to turn it off?"

Sunset smirked. "I think it's fine as it is."

Aikuro sighed and turned his hands up in exasperation, in the process causing his shirt to fall back over his shoulders. "Such a shame." Turning he placed his hand on his face dramatically, the evening light shining down and bathing him in a soft glow. "To think that my good friend is so ashamed by her beauty that she would hide it away from the world." He flung his hands out and cocked his hip to the side, his shirt flying open as he did so. "There is no shame in allowing your natural radiance to shine for all the world to see!"

"Keep you're damn clothes on!" Sunset yelled with a blush.

Aikuro blinked and leveled a more serious look at her. "That's a bit counter-intuitive for a group such as ourselves wouldn't you say? We are after all titled Nudist Beach."

"And that means you need to keep stripping at every chance you get?! Save your nudity for when it actually matters damnit!"

With a shrug of his shoulders his shirt was returned to its previous place, although he made no effort to re-button it. "Fair enough I suppose. But back to the point, with your cover completely shot we have another issue to deal with entirely. The whole purpose behind your infiltration was to avoid exactly the situation we find ourselves in now. While you are skilled, even you can't hope to defeat all five of the Kiryuin's Elites."

Sunset had to agree. Limited to her Unawake self's abilities she would have been completely annihilated had she tried to take the Elite Four, er Five head on. However luckily she wasn't limited to solely her Unawake counterpart's skills. And just as conveniently, this provided her with the perfect excuse just waiting for her to take advantage of.

"Not normally no. But if we fight fire with fire then I think we may have a chance." This was said with an intentionally misleading adjustment of her cloak, subtly drawing attention and leading Aikuro to draw the appropriate conclusions. She didn't exactly like lying, especially to someone who was supposed to be her friend, but she had learned a long time ago that any tactic that worked was a good tactic.

And indeed her actions worked as she had expected them to, Aikuro's eyes widening as he looked at her cloak. "You can't be serious, you of all people wearing Life-fibers?! After what happened to your sister?"

Sunset grimaced as previously unnoticed memories of a sister, who looked uncomfortably similar to Twilight, rose in her mind. Apparently her sister had been killed in an accident involving an experiment with Kamui, the same kind that Ryuko and Satsuki possessed. That would have been helpful to know before this point and she cursed herself for not having done enough research before finding herself in this Loop.

However seeing as how she had already come this far, and with Aikuro still expecting an answer, she forced herself past the memories and spoke. "Yeah, well this is a war isn't it? Anything goes."

Aikuro seemed to grow straighter at that, a grin flickering at his lips. "Exactly so. Very well, if that's the case then I suppose the only thing left to do is begin planning for tomorrow. Naturally as part of my inflitration I have gained a good deal of information which will prove invaluable for the coming conflict." Thrusting his arm out he pointed into the distance with a flourish, his shirt flying open once more as he did so while his pants sagged down his waist. "Let us begin!"

"What did I just say about keeping your clothes on?!"

Staring up at the entrance to the Honnouji Academy Sunset hardened her nerves. It had been awhile since the last time she had been in a large fight like the coming battle. Oh sure, she had been in plenty of large-scale fights over the course of some of her previous Loops but she had always had allies to back her up or access to equipment which she didn't have here. It had been at least a decade since she had really had any individual fights that weren't spars or training. And none of those had been for stakes of this level. If Ryoku really was Awake and still willingly helping Ragyo then it was up to her to knock her back into her right mind, or failing that spread the word of the Anchor's corruption and possible MLE tendencies. She really would rather it be the first than the second. Which meant that she couldn't afford to hold back, but that she also had to save enough strength for the final fight with the sisters that she could be sure of her chances of winning.

It was a fine line to walk. How much of her power could she afford to use on the Elite Five? How much could she hold back? Either way she wasn't getting anything accomplished by just standing around, and so with a relaxing breath she entered the Academy. Immediately she was met with the sound of raucous anticipation from the spectating crowd which lined the entire side of the Colosseum-like space courtyard. Oh, that was a dirty trick! Now she had to take care not to harm the students as well, which limited her already reduced options drastically. So much for her energy strikes or AoE attacks.

With a scowl which was hidden by her hood, she observed the area. Directly in the center of the field was a pair of platforms, one which held four of the Elite Five and the other of which was clearly waiting for her. As noted before the surrounding walls were filled with the students who were eagerly awaiting the fight. Additionally there was a giant monitor hanging from the side of the building which switched focus between the Elites, herself and the Sisters. They themselves were atop the Academy roof, Satsuki staring downwards imposingly while next to her Ryuko sat cross-legged with her hand supporting her head as she listened with a grin to Mako who was gesturing energetically as she spoke.

As soon as she entered the arena the sounds within shifted into overdrive, the students buzzing excitedly as the Elites gave her their own individual glances. Ryuko and Satsuki also gave her their own focus, Sunset's hidden gaze meeting their own. Satsuki tapped the sheath of her blade against the ground once, and despite the sound being all but inaudible the area became instantly silent as they waited for her to speak.

"Students of Honnouji Academy! You stand here to bear witness to the glory of the Kiryuin name! This world possesses three fundamental and unchangeable rules; Fear is Freedom, Subjugation is Liberation, Contradiction is Truth! These are the facts which you will all surrender to, you Pigs in Human clothing! This will be the day, this the stage, upon which the lies which you have covered yourself are lain bare! We have in our midst one whom would see my sister and I thrown from the heavens, whom would stand opposed to the might of Honnouji Academy! Well then so be it! If this person desires to stand in the path of judgement then let them fall beneath its weight!"

She turned and looked down at Sunset, with a superior smile.

"Assassin of Nudist Beach, defeat our Elites and I and my sister will face you as you wish."

Sunset met Satsuki's gaze silently for several minutes, before surrendering the silent battle and breaking away to climb the small stairway to the top of the platform. However the moment she had reached the summit there was a furious shaking from the earth and the platform rose into the air rapidly, becoming a towering pillar equal in height to the Academy rooftop. Likewise the secondary platform rose as well, stopping only slightly higher than her own in a subtle show of power which allowed her opponents to gaze down at her. Classic psychological intimidation tactic. Sunset ignored the display and instead retrieved her blade from her back, waiting calmly for her first challenger.

She didn't have to wait long as from her opponents' platform a set of stairs rapidly unfolded, reaching down and connecting to her own and a feminine voice sounded confidently. "Entrance March: Under the Double Eagle!" A line of bugles immediately sounded, followed by a marching drum and a pair of cymbals as Nonon Jakuzure led the Honnouji Marching Band down the stairway in a lively high step. Sunset had an appreciation for classical music herself, and as such she was content to allow the band to perform without interruption.

As Nonon stepped onto the platform the band continued playing as she made her way to stand across from Sunset. "I'm surprised you showed up. Of course you're going to wish you hadn't. Prepare yourself to be pummeled cheerfully, jauntily and utterly one-sidedly."

With that she activated her Goku Uniform. The marching band members willingly surrendered their instruments to the pull of the transformation, the various musical paraphernalia rising from their outstretch hands into the air and swirling in a torrent of iron and brass. This all took but a moment, a fact which Sunset noted as she had every time she saw a transformation sequence. It was a long-standing goal to figure out one day exactly why most transformations appeared momentary from an outside perspective, yet were so drawn out from the view of those directly involved. That however was a task for another time, because when the display had finished Nonon stood encased within an enormous mechanical construct that looked like the lovechild of a speaker system and a tank.

Stepping forward Sunset began to applaud politely. "Under the Double Eagle. A beautiful selection, Wagner I believe."

Nonon gave a smirk. "Oh a fan of classical music are we? How nice, I do appreciate a good audience."

Sunset took a basic stance, her blade held calmly in her hands as she prepared herself. "Of course, every good fight deserves a soundtrack. However while your musical selection was nice, I think Wagner's Götterdämmerung would have been more fitting."

Nonon's eyes narrowed. "Twilght of the Gods, eh? And I suppose that must make you the Hagen to Satsuki's Siegfried then? Oh please, as if you could ever hope to take her on. Or that I'd ever let you!"

Sunset smirked under her hood. Like Ranma had always told her, get your opponent angry and you've already taken the lead. Now she just needed to hold onto it.

"I was gonna go easy on you Intruder. But now I'll show you the true power of my Three Star Symphony Regalia Grave! For my first piece I'll start out strong with the Carmen Overture!"

Instantly Sunset was besieged by a percussive blast which set her teeth on edge and literally blew her away, her feet skidding against the ground as she guarded herself as best she could. Swinging her sword widely to disturb the wave of sound she was quick to retaliate, charging against the massive mechanical apparatus which the pink haired virtuoso directed with a Force Sprint.

Nonon's eyes widened as Sunset seemed to become a blur as she raced towards her, but just as quickly she returned to her previous confidence. "Not bad Intruder, but not good enough! You're not the only one who can go faster, lets raise the tempo a little shall we? Incalzando!"

Immediately the music swelled, growing louder to the point where Sunset thought her eardrums might burst. Accompanying the rise in volume the music simultaneously increased in pacing as Sunset was buffeted by nearly overlapping waves of concussive force.

"Heheheheh, how do you like that hm? You can really get a feel for the music can't you? Of course the tuning seems slightly off, what do you say we sharpen it up a bit?!" With a rapid downswing of her baton she unleashed a torrent of razor edged musical notes which rained down in time to the music blaring from her uniform.

A small part of Sunset's mind idly noted that the notes striking the ground around her were a perfect match for those which were playing, however the majority of her thoughts were focused on avoiding the rain of metal death. Using a combination of Flashstep, Battle Precognition and the Art of Movement she ducked, dodged, weaved and rolled her way around the lethal notation slowly but surely making her way closer to Nonon.

However she wasn't solely limiting herself to defensive actions. Her Scissor Blade swept through the air in front of her like the vengeful hand of a smiting god, while her free hand was carefully making their way through a set of rarely used gestures she had half forgotten from her time Replacing Sakura. Naruto had long since learned every jutsu his Baseline had to offer, including those requiring single handed seals; which Sunset had never been happier to have learned from him than she was now. Having closed the distance between her and Nonon by more than half, she took a deep breath and brought her hand up to her face where she released it in a stream of blazing fire. 'Phoenix Flower Jutsu.' The technique was too far to actually make contact, but then again that wasn't the point.

Nonon recoiled as if struck, her arms reflexively moving to defend her before she had time to think. Sunset used this opportunitiy to give a chakra enhanced leap into the air, coming down with her blade ready. However before she could reach her target, a veritable wall of sound impacted her mid-air as Nonon recovered.

"Alright that does it, now you've gone and pissed me off! Time to take this performance to a new stage!" With that the casing on the back of her LRAD opened, allowing a minor transformation to occur. From the back a set of stabilizers emerged, fitting into place seamlessly. At the same time the panels lining the sides opened to reveal a set of additional speakers which began to sound out loudly, the force of their sonic emissions lifting the massive apparatus into the air.

"Symphony Regalia Presto! What do you think Intruder, impressive isn't it? This is my power, no one else can even hope to hold a baton compared to what I can do!" She paused for a moment and turned a considering gaze to the side where the Kiryuin sisters were watching the battle. "Well, except for Satsuki that is." She paused, before continuing grudgingly. "And I guess her sister too I suppose."

She turned back to face Sunset with a vicious grin. "Now I think its time we turned things up a notch! And since I know you're such a big fan of Wagner I'm sure you'll really appreciate my next piece. Ride of the Valkyries!"

Sunset braced herself just in time for the opening crescendo to give way to the brass section, buffeting her with gale force winds and pounding waves of sonic force. Sunset had had enough, she had lost the initiative way too quickly and it was time to take it back! Staring resolutely upwards at her skybound foe, she gathered her ki and tensed her legs before leaping into the air. Within moments gravity had reached out and demanded that she return to the earth, but the cacophonous sound from Nonon's speakers drowned out its call and Sunset continued to climb higher and higher in defiance of natural order.

Nonon's eyes widened in shock at her rapidly approaching opponent before her teeth clenched and her gaze hardened furiously. "You. You. How dare you! The sky is mine. Now the gloves are coming off... you stinking BITCH!"

Sunset grinned as Nonon's cry briefly drowned out her own music. She recalled something that Ranma had once told her. While it was usually fine to taunt your opponent verbally, sometimes the strongest barbs were silent. With that in mind she slowed her ascent and performed a smooth corkscrew loop which brought her to a lazy rest directly facing the nearly apoplectic maestro.

"That tears it! You wanna go, then fine! Take this!" In time to her roar the topmost panels slid aside and unleashed a barrage of explosive musical staves which converged upon Sunset. A rain of razor edged musical notes and cymbals followed immediately thereafter in a literal attacca. Finally the crescendo came in the form of the launch of multiple clarinet shaped missiles straight towards the disguised Looper. "This is the grande finale! Time to finish this performance with a bang! Symphony Regalia Musical Barrage!" A sustained staccato burst of projected energy leapt forth from the innumerable speakers lining Nonon's uniform, joining the already immense wave of fire-power being directed at the former pony.

Sunset's eyes narrowed as she took in the assortment of artillery headed for her, glancing behind her to where the students watched in awe. She couldn't allow even a single attack to hit her, or worse to get past her and hit the unwary audience. Gritting her teeth she closed her eyes and drew upon even more of her ki and prepared herself. Moments before the wall of attacks reached her she opened her eyes and retaliated. "Meteor Burst!"

Moving in a blur ki blast after ki blast flew from her hands, each one targeting an individual portion of Nonon's strike. Her breathing became strained, her muscles began burning and her Battle Precognition was stretched to the point of breaking as she unleashed her counterattack. With each successful contact there came a small explosion as the two forces met and neutralized each other, the resulting field of flames and smoke completely concealing her from sight within the continuously growing wall of destruction.

Breathing heavily as she observed her handiwork Nonon smirked. "Hah. Too bad Intruder, looks like you just weren't up to the challenge. But don't be too upset, not everyone is suited for the stage."

Eventually the explosions ceased and the smoke slowly began to clear, revealing the empty sky where her opponent had once been. Nonon's smirk blossomed into a full blown grin as she gave a haughty laugh. "And that's that. Oh well, I have to admit I didn't think some random schmuck would put up such a challenge, but in the end I guess it really doesn't matter."

"Funny, I was thinking the same thing. I didn't think this fight would last nearly this long."

Nonon's head turned to face the sky above her so fast she almost thought she was hit. Flying overhead her hooded opponent stared down at her with arms overhead holding the sole remaining missile. "Allow me to show my appreciation by returning one of your lost instruments."

With that the missile was released from it's place in the air and rocketed towards Nonon's stunned form, her eyes twitching as she observed the approaching explosive.

Sunset watched silently as the 'whistle missile' impacted, throwing Nonon to the abandoned arena in a trail of discarded musical debris. Although she was taking pains not to show it, her counterattack had really done a number on her. She wasn't really suited for the use of one of Vegeta's signature techniques and she was paying the price for it now. She wasn't out by a long shot, but she was going to be feeling this later. Assuming there was a later, she still had four other fights to go before she reached the main event. Luckily for her she had a few tricks up her sleeves. Or more specifically in her Pocket.

With ease borne of long-practiced motion she reached into the free space of her Soul and retrieved a single gemstone of step-cut jade filled to overflowing with mana from the Magical Circuits she retained from her time spent Replacing Rin Tohsaka in the Grail War. It wasn't a high quality gem, but it would do the job. Releasing the pent up energy in the jewel it gave a bright glow before crumbling into ash, its task complete. Sunset's previous fatigue had all but disappeared and her breathing was no longer as strained as it had been. She still wasn't one hundred percent, having not had any truly pristine gemstones to work with, but she was more than ready to finish this fight and move onto the next.

Which was just as well because the battered form of the musical pinkette was slowly making her way unsteadily to her feet, holding her head as she stood from the rubble and detritus atop the platform. "Ouch. Dammit, I can't believe she did that. How the hell did I let her get the drop on me?" There was a loud clang as a final gong cymbal crashed down, sounding off of where it touched down; against her head. "Ooowwww!"

Glaring angrily at the traitorous object she turned away, only to find herself staring at her still airborne adversary. "Uhh, heheh. Wait a minute now, just hold it. Since I can't fly anymore shouldn't you come down to challenge me? That's how the cliche works isn't it? You have an unfair advantage!" she protested, throwing her arms out defensively.

Sunset paused. She really shouldn't, this was clearly a trick. She knew it was, she hadn't looked up all the details but she remembered that Nonon wasn't finished just yet. But even still...

Oh horseapples! Her and her damned sense of honor. It was going to be the death of her one of these days. Again.

After several seconds in which she wasn't being pummeled mercilessly, Nonon dared to open one of her eyes; only to stare in surprise at the sight of the cloaked intruder having descended to the ground. Before her stunned eyes, she watched as her obviously mentally challenged enemy patted the dust off of his cloak and settled into a light stance. "Wait, that worked?"

"Unlike some people I don't fight dirty without a good reason. You wanted an even fight, so be it. No flight, just me and my Scissor Blade. You and I both know this fight is over either way."

Nonon's teeth ground together so tightly that the sound was audible. "Are you mocking me?!" she demanded in a furious hiss. "You think this concert is over do you? Well I assure you it isn't over until the last note sounds. Time for my Encore, Symphony Regalia de Capo!"

When the transformation had finished Nonon had abandoned her former outfit design for one slightly more suited to a marching band conductor. "For my final piece I think I'll stick with one of the standards. A little tune known by people the world over, Beethoven's Symphony No.5 'Fate.'"

With a telescoping motion the large cap badge of her shako revealed itself as a sonic cannon and a beam of sonic waves shot from it, threatening to shake the earth itself apart in its wake. Sunset retaliated immediately, adjusting her blade to intercept the attack and direct it around her. Even so the furious roar surrounding her made any clear thoughts all but impossible, throwing her mind into disarray at the onslaught.

"Hahahaha. There, now isn't that so much better? The soundwaves coming from my Goku Uniform resonate with the Life Fibers in your cloak, targeting and manipulating them and causing you damage." she gave a thoughtful look, tapping her finger against her chin in contemplation. "You know I just realized that this whole performance has been missing something. It's been missing a chorus line! C'mon, I wanna hear the sweet sound of your screaming! Heheheheh"

Sunset gave a rictus grin through the pain. Nonon had bought the lie she had been hoping to get across, believing her Black Cloak was infused with Life Fibers. That was good because it meant she still had an ace in the hole. Nonon's Uniform may have affected Life Fibers, but Sunset's abilities were all her. Stabbing the Scissor Blade into the ground before her to continue to divert the blast away from her, she widened her stance before stretching her hands out; both hands above her head with the palms facing towards Nonon and one hand in front of the other with the fingers going in opposite directions.

"Your music is beautiful, I won't deny that. But when you play it, it has no meaning behind it. It's just a bunch of empty chords and notes. When I sing, it comes from the heart. When I play, it comes from the bonds I have with my friends and the people who support me. The connections we share even when we're so very far apart sing in my Soul like an eternal harmony! This is the sound of my heart, the music of my Soul. Masenko-"

She flung her arms forward, a golden orange light like the evening sky shining around her hands. "HA!"

The light in her hands tore away from her at breakneck speed, colliding with Nonon's sonic wave in a blast of force and might; tearing away the ground around them in every direction, literally scouring the topmost layer of the arena to a fine dust. Nonon growled savagely, her grip on her baton tightening until it drew blood. "Oh no you don't. This is MY stage! I refuse to lose to some rank amateur! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

Her anger fueling her attack, the beam widened to three times it's previous area and increased in tempo as it tried to beat back against Sunset's own attack. Sunset just shook her head. "And that's why you're going to lose. You can't see that the stage is meant to be shared. No performance stands on its own, everypo-one has someone who stands beside them helping them to do their best. I didn't figure it out until it was almost too late, but I did figure it out. The is the end!"

Digging deep, Sunset called upon the long cherished memories of a distant time when she had been offered a hoof in friendship even when she didn't deserve it. And of a lifetime she only recalled due to a technicality in which she had deserved it even less. The memories which had helped her endure and grow throughout the many years since then. She grabbed them and held them close to her heart with a smile, and then she unleashed hell.

In an instant her Demon Flash Wave tore through Nonon's attack like a pair of Accidental Signs, her Flat Note weakening Nonon's attack to the point of uselessness. Nonon barely had time to gawk before the attack slammed into her. When the smoke cleared Sunset stood breathing heavily while Nonon lay prone on the ground in the tatters of her Goku Uniform.

However even still the pinkette refused to surrender, attempting to rise on shaking arms to her feet. "I-I'm not... not done yet. I'm still gonna kick your-"

Sunset mercifully used the flat of her blade to send the musician into unconsciousness. "This concert's over."

Turning to stare up towards the watching figures of her next opponents and her eventual targets, Sunset gave a sigh. "But this fight is just getting started."

From where he was sitting Uzu shook his head with a wry grin before standing. "That's what happens when you get overconfident. Should've taken Lady Satsuki up on her offer to use Iori's new uniforms."

Next to him Gamagori seethed as he glared down at the arena, his teeth grinding against each other in frustration. "She should be ashamed of her performance. She let her opponent just waltz in take away her air-superiority! It's UNACCEPTABLE!"

"Perhaps, but the information I managed to collect from her fight is simply fascinating. And rather unexpected as well, I might add. There's more to this would-be assassin than meets the eye." Houka commented, feverishly typing away at his laptop as he analyzed the stream of data on its screen.

Uzu grinned and adjusted his blindfold. "Well luckily for me I'm not limited to just my eyes." He turned to face his two leaders, more specifically the younger; who was laughing at the antics of the final member of their group. "And my sight has never been clearer." Gripping his shinai in his left hand he leisurely made his way down the stairway towards where his opponent stood waiting.

Sunset for her part, was engaging in a moment of Zen meditation and Qigong breathing exercise. Ranma had made it a point to teach her how to prepare herself between fights, and her time in Anakin's and Shirou's Branches had really driven home the point of mindful breathing. Which was good, because if what she remembered about the Athletic Committee Chair was correct she would need to be as focused as possible for the coming battle.

With a final exhalation, Sunset turned to face the kendoka as he came to a stop in front of her. Neither said anything as they silently appraised the other for several moments. Coming to a decision Sunset bowed politely to Uzu before taking three steps back and drew her blade. His grin widening at her actions, Uzu repeated the traditional formalities.

"Oh ho, what's this? So you do have some training after all. I hope you don't mind if I ask where you got it?"

Sunset tilted her head contemplatively, before deciding it couldn't hurt to indulge his curiosity. "I've had a lot of various teachers, some better than others. The one who first taught me a bit of the Way was an... interesting person. You wouldn't know him, but in his home he went by the self-given title of 'The Blue Thunder of Furinkan.'"

Uzu cocked an eyebrow beneath his mask. "Sounds like a bit of a braggart."

Sunset chuckled as she recalled her time as a member of Tatewaki Kuno's Kendo Club. She hoped to meet an Awakened version at some point, but that would be almost as unlikely as Gendo Ikari Waking Up. Yeah, like that would ever happen. "You have no idea. He was a master of the sword, but his mastery of himself wasn't as well developed. I trained with his rival more often than not, but when he wasn't busy proclaiming his own greatness and intent to date with various women he was an excellent teacher."

"And were you one of those women?" Uzu questioned with a knowing grin.

Sunset recoiled as if struck. "Wha?"

Uzu tapped his covered eyes with his free hand. "I may not have the eyes I was born with, but thanks to my training I've more than made up for that with my Shingantsu. Your voice sounds male, but your steps, your scent, your breathing, even the tone of your voice as you speak of your former Sensei tell a different story. I wasn't sure before, but this close I can see the truth as plain as day."

Sunset was quiet for a moment before reaching under her hood and turning off the voice-changer. "Impressive. I heard about your skills before, but hearing and experiencing are two different stories. This isn't going to be as easy as I had hoped."

Uzu threw his head back and laughed. "Easy? Girl, let me tell you something; I don't know what kind of trainers you've had, but I can guarantee I'll be the hardest fight you've ever had! Nonon was alright, but I'm a whole different animal entirely."

"I've fought monkeys before." Sunset quipped with a smirk.

Uzu's grin widened at that, before he entered a basic chudan stance; right foot forward and his shinai leveled evenly with Sunset's throat. "Not a bad come-back. But I've always preferred to let my sword do the talking for me. So if you don't mind, that's enough prefight banter."

Sunset breathed out slowly, before entering her own stance. Holding her blade in a horizontal one-handed high-guard above her head, she bent her knees and widened her stance while moving her free hand across and down in front of her body; which was turned slightly to minimize her profile. It wasn't one she preferred using often due to the mental strain, but one she only used when she needed to end a fight quickly. The most dangerous of all the Seven Forms, Vaapad. While Anakin had been her Master, her saving Windu from Palpatine during Anakin's plan to expose the Stih Lord had given her plenty of time to convince him to teach her the basics of the style he had created. One which relied on the enjoyment of battle; which required absolute control of your own inner darkness; that accepted the darkness of others and used it to her own purpose. This was not a style she wanted to know, but more one she felt she needed to know; something to ensure that she never forgot her past, and that she never repeated it.

Sanageyama cocked his head slightly. "Interesting, I've never encountered a kamae like that before. This'll be fun."

Sunset grinned. Already the rush of adrenaline was building in her mind as she anticipated the fight. Unlike the other Jedi Forms Vaapad fed off of the user's enjoyment of battle, their desire for combat and for victory; something which the Jedi Council disapproved of and had resulted in few Jedi ever learning the style. Thanks to the Loops however, she knew many others had taken the same opportunity she had and learned the Form at the hands of its creator. "At your leave."

Uzu barked another laugh. "Well I'll say this much about this 'Blue Thunder.' at least he taught you the basics. Alright, enough horsing around, here I come!" A bright flash of light emitted from his form as he activated his Goku Uniform, but Sunset never wavered. When the light cleared Uzu stood in a large white, green and gold armored suit which looked like an almost robotic blend of traditional samurai and kendo uniforms. "Blade Regalia Mk.III!"

Without another word the kendoka disappeared, his Goku Uniform's speed rendering him too fast for the eye to see. Luckily for Sunset she had gotten a lot of experience with that kind of thing while training with the Z Fighters and so she was prepared when the first strike came.


The strike to her head was quickly avoided, and then it was her turn. Her body exploded into motion, her blade swinging in every direction almost simultaneously as she countered Uzu's own strikes with her own. Blade met blade in a cacophony of force and the previously solid ground beneath them began to crumble under the weight of their struggle. Disengaging for a moment Sunset gave a Force enhanced spin towards Uzu's back, swiping her blade in the Swift Flank maneuver. Like a hot knife through butter her blade cut through Uzu from the shoulder to waist, splitting him in half.

Immediately afterwards, Sunset spun completely around to block her opponents strike as behind her the afterimage faded away. "TSUKI!"

Sunset gave a spinning leap into the air, avoiding the sharp thrust that would have taken her head off at the neck if it had connected. Without missing a beat Uzu turned to follow her progress through the air unerringly, lowering his stance and sheathing his blade at his side. Susnset's eyes widened as she recognized the Iado position and she kicked off the air in a Flashstep an instant before Uzu's shinai tore through the space she had previously occupied. Breathing heavily Sunset landed in a kneel and pushed off in time to avoid Uzu's next strike.

Uzu pressed forward relentlessly, his shinai slicing through the air so fast it appeared to be in several places simultaneously. Sunset in turn was an indistinguishable blur of kinetic motion, her Scissor Blade blocking and parrying each of Uzu's strikes as fast as possible. Leaps, tumbles, rolls and handsprings kept her just out of Uzu's reach as she surrendered herself to the flow of battle, her mind standing upon the razors edge of control while her body simply moved as she channeled her energy into every attack. And through it all the roar of Uzu's kiai sounded continuously.


Steeling herself Sunset leapt high into the air and sent Uzu back several paces with a Force Push. Standing above the arena, she took a different stance than she had previously. Lowering her center of balance she leaned forward and shot downwards towards where Uzu held his guard awaiting her next move. Drawing upon her training with the Visords from her time as Ichigo's sister, she focused her Spiritual Energy and gripped her blade tightly as she approached Uzu's reach before letting loose her attack with a yell. "Senmaioroshi!" If her attacks had been fast before, now they approached the divine as she delivered a thousand strikes in the time it took her to pass her opponent.

However Uzu had been preparing himself from the moment Sunset took to the sky and had been calmly tightening his focus for her attack. At the same moment she shouted out her attack, he had let loose with his own. "Shingan Tensenzuki!"

The two godspeed attacks clashed in an explosive blast of motion as the two fighters did their level best to strike down their opponent. In the end Uzu's technique succeeded in blocking more than half of Sunset's blows, and what he couldn't prevent was avoided or allowed to deal minimal damage. Despite this Sunset came out of the exchange slightly worse for the ware. She wasn't built for that type of high-speed motion, and her lack of specialization with Spiritual Energy meant that she couldn't make up for the difference as easily. Uzu on the other hand was a master of his craft, and enhanced further by the power of his Goku Uniform. While the cuts stung, they were beneath his notice as he resumed his stance.

However neither fighter was greatly hampered by the minor clash, and so the fight would continue.

"Not half bad. I'm impressed, you definitely know how to wield that sword of yours." Uzu said as he took a more relaxed hasso stance; his left foot forward and his left hand level with the center of his chest, the tsuba near his mouth, and the shinai itself slightly angled over his right shoulder.

Sunset wasn't fooled. Although it looked as though he had lowered his guard, she still vividly recalled the few times she had tried to take advantage of the many apparent openings of that particular stance when training under Tatewaki Kuno. But she wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. (And dear Celestia how she hated that expression.) If Uzu wanted to talk, that was fine by her. All the better to recover her own strength.

"Like I said, I've had some good teachers." She quipped in fond remembrance. "It also helps that I've had a lot more time to practice than you might think." This was added in a mutter beneath her breath, but Uzu picked up on it all the same.

"Very interesting. The tone of your voice suggests there's a story behind that. But I'm not so crude as to ask a lady her age." the Kenshi replied as he shifted once more into his ready stance. "Let's continue. En guarde."

Sunset didn't bother with a verbal response as she resumed her stance. She could feel the surge of battle roaring in her ears; the urge to fight, win, conquer; to dominate her opponent completely so that he would never challenge her again, could never challenge her again. And with a breath, she pushed it aside; banishing the war-cry in her mind with rigorous control as she had been taught. Centered once again, she grinned. "Ready when you are."

Uzu needed no further invitation. As fast as thought itself, his shinai pierced the distance between them with a shout. "TSUKI!"

Sunset was unmoved. "Tell me Uzu, how many arms do you see?"

In the space between one heartbeat and the next, Sunset became a blur of motion. Just as the tentacles of the beast for which it was named, her blade was an unseeable mesh of interwoven strikes; seemingly without purpose or direction, and coming from any and all angles. The Vaapad ready stance was less a single position than it was a weave of constant movement, and as such it was more than a match for the kendoka's thrust attack.

Pulling back in time with his redirected strike, Sanageyama maintained his footing and immediately went on the offense. "MEN! DOU! KOTE! MEN! DOU! KOTE! MEN! DOU! KOTE! MEN! DOU! KOTE!"

Nevertheless, despite his flawless execution, he failed to penetrate the dense web of Sunset's technique. Sunset was not limited to standing in place however, her arms flying as she advanced in staccato bursts of frenzied efforts, only to be pushed back in turn by Uzu's ability to perceive her attacks in a full 360 degrees around him. Every time their blades met, a burst of concussive force was blasted outwards; decimating the surrounding arena grounds and sending a cloud of loose debris and dust into the air.

Protected by his Goku Uniform and unhindered by the decreasing visibility, Uzu pressed forward relentlessly. This was a worthy opponent, one whom he could give his all against; a battle which even his Shingantsu could not see the winner. He had never been happier.

Sunset's Breath Control kept the rising dust from gathering within her lungs; Spiritual Pressure, Ki, Chakra and the Force holding her body intact as she fought far beyond her physical limits; her muscles ached, and her Cloak stuck to her skin with perspiration. But her Soul sang. This was what she lived for, what she yearned for; a battle of blades and skill and clashing wills. It was a magic all its own; entirely unlike that of Equestria or of Friendship. Later she would worry over whether she was changing too much from her time as a Traveling Looper, but right now she couldn't help but just lose herself in the flow of combat.

"Now that's the spirit! Show me everything you have! TSUKI!"

Sunset avoided the attack with the smallest shift of her body necessary, the shinai close enough to brush her Cloak as she advanced. The Assured Strike was a technique which traded power in exchange for a near guaranteed hit, and it was this which she employed now. Another Swift Flank brought her full turn against Uzu's unprotected side and she drew on her Spiritual Energy as she swung her blade. "Hitotsume: Nadegiri!"

Her strike transcended the realm of physical sight, so fast that the shockwave of its passing alone could cleave a building in twain among more powerful Zanjutsu masters. Therefore it was lucky that Uzu wasn't limited to such mundane weaknesses as being able to see physically. In an instant his blade positioned itself in front of Sunset's, his edge blocking the back of her Scissor Blade - because she would never so callously use the razored edge of a blade on an innocent, even one who fought her as an enemy - with a concussive blast which blew apart the cloud of floating debris as if it had never existed.

Uzu whistled appreciatively. "That's one heck of a move you've got there. A normal swordsman would have been sent packing. Did you learn that from the 'Blue Thunder' as well?"

Sunset disengaged with a Force Leap and raised her guard. "Actually that one came from a Shinigami."

"A God of Death huh? You've had some interesting teachers."

Sunset silently agreed with him. He had no idea. However she started as her opponent suddenly released his stance and took a more casual position. "Alright, so here's the deal. Obviously we aren't getting anywhere like this. At this rate we'll be here for hours before one of us manages to take the other down. So how about we try something a little different? One final attack, no holds barred, winner takes all. Standard Kendo rules."

Sunset gaped. This... how was she supposed to... but that didn't...

Shaking her head, she gathered her wits. 'Okay, seems a bit out of character but I can work with this. The more power I can save for the fight against Sastuki and Ryuko the better. If he wants to play it this way, I can do that.'

Relaxing her own stance she cautiously nodded. "I'm a bit out of practice, but alright. So then what, Ippon Shobu?"

Uzu nodded. "Exactly. One hit wins it all. So, what'dya say?"

Breathing deeply Sunset relaxed on the exhale, and gave her answer; not with words but actions. With a small flourish she imitated sheathing her sword at her side and, wordlessly understanding her acceptance to his proposal, without hesitation Uzu repeated te gesture - minus the flourish. In perfect time the two opponents bowed to each other, their gazes - only one of which actually involved sight - never leaving the other's face before taking three steps forward and briefly entering sonkyo; her blade coming to attention leveled directly at Uzu's throat as she crouched on the balls of her feet and rested atop her heels.

Uzu mimicked her actions step for step, the two risng from the crouched ready position and taking five small steps back; their blades never wavering. Then as if given a silent signal the two charged forward with a roared kiai as they prepared their final attacks.

Uzu's blade rose high above his head, and he stamped his foot down hard enough to crater the ground as he struck; his shinai tearing the air around it apart as he brought it down. "Hissatsu: Isshin Zenzanken!"

At the same time Sunset planted her feet firmly on the ground and swung her sword in a devastating strike, one that didn't so much tear the air around her blade as it did pretend it didn't exist. "Hitotsume: Nadegiri!"

The two attacks roared passed each other, their intent focused and sharp as a razors edge, and for a moment the world was silent before a devastating wave of concussive pressure expanded outward from the two fighters; scouring the damaged arena further and forcing the spectators back into their seats as the wave of air and dust blew passed them, leaving them blind to the match's outcome for nearly a minute. Finally however the burst of force passed and the fighters were revealed.

Sunset's blade stood poised less than a hair's breadth from Uzu's side in a indisputable Dou while the kendoka's shinai hovered close enough to the top of her head that it brushed her hood, the very image of a textbook Men. They stood silently, still as statues for a moment before disengaging. Taking three steps back they bowed to each other... and then broke out into laughter.

"Not bad. Not bad at all. I think I wouldn't mind meeting this 'Blue Thunder." Uzu said.

Sunset nodded her head, "Maybe someday you will."

Dismissing his Uniform he sheathed his blade and turned back to face the steps to the platform. "I'll look forward to it. I suppose I can let this one slide, but next time I want a real fight. No holding back, for either of us."

Sunset watched him go, before releasing a sigh of relief. 'Note to self: go easy on the Head Captain's Zanjutsu techniques. My arms feel like wet noodles. And I still have three more fights to go. Joy.' Reaching into her Pocket she pulled out a vial of Invigoration Draught left over from her O.W.L examination. She'd need all the energy she could get to get through the rest of this farce.

"Sanageyama! How do you intend to excuse yourself?!"

Turning nonchalantly to the towering Discipline Commitee Chair he stuck his pinkie in his ear as he spoke. "Calm down . Lady Satsuki needed some information, so I got it for her."

Approaching the chair where his leader sat, Uzu spoke. "Lady Satsuki, you called?"

Satsuki took a sip of her tea before responding. "Yes. My sister and I have reason to believe the Nudist Beach assassin isn't what they appear to be. It may be possible to convince them to join us in our fight against Ragyo." Standing she turned to face the blind kendoka. "However there is much that remains unknown about this person. If we are to attempt to make contact with them, we must be sure they can be trusted. I will not allow a wild beast to join our cause so easily as that. If this person is to be counted among us we first know of their intentions. Better the wolf at your door, than the serpent at your back."

"I see. And you want me to try and discover what kind of person this assassin really is."

Satsuki tilted her head in agreement. "With your Shingantsu your eyes are unclouded by the filth of this world. There is no one who's insight I would trust more than your own."

Uzu fought down the swell of pride he felt at those words and dropped to one knee. "Of course My Lady. You can count on me."

"I already do. Now then, perhaps you will finally take the time to join me for a cup of tea."

Uzu chuckled. "You know the answer to that My Lady. Ever since that day I gave up my sight to try and overcome your sister my senses have been on a whole different level. Even now, I still can't take the heat."

Satsuki smirked at the familiar banter. "A pity."

"It was a risk sure, but I got what I needed. Whatever her goal here is, she isn't planning on killing anyone. There was no murderous intent in her sword."

Gamagori grunted, but acceded to Uzu's explanation. "That may be true, but she is still a threat to this school and to Ladies Satsuki and Ryuko. And all threats are to be eliminated."

"Yeah, sure, whatever. You go do that big guy." Uzu responded lazily as he placed his hands in his pockets and walked away. Gamagori grunted and turned to face the arena with a harsh look. Without looking back he descended the steps.

Resuming his previous sitting position, Uzu prepared to watch the next fight but was interrupted by the presence of Houka. "What do you want?"

Houka pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, catching the light just right, and his collar opened to allow him to speak. "Speaking of 'her,' did it never occur to you to mention the fact that our opponent was female." He demanded irritably.

"What, you too good to fight a chick?" Uzu replied mockingly.

"Not at all. However as a result of this new information, nearly a third of all my predictions have been thrown off by a factor of nearly twelve percent."

"Well then why are you wasting my time when you could be correcting your "predictions?'" Uzu questioned pointedly.

Houka glared silently down at the seated swordsman for several tense seconds, before turning away. "In the future I suggest you mention such details in advance."

"Yeah, I'll do that." Uzu snorted as he turned to watch Gamagori entering the arena. He grinned. 'Alright girl, don't make me regret letting you off so easy. This outta be good.

Sunset bounced lightly on the balls of her feet as she watched Gamagori descend the staircase, keeping her blood flowing and her body prepared. The look on is face as he approached called into mind far too many highschool Loops where she had drawn the principle's attention for one reason or another. Like she had done something wrong. Which was frankly ridiculous to be honest, but try telling that to her brain. It saw a pattern and threw up a thousand memories of similar occasions, and suddenly she was back at Canterlot High. Except she actually cared about the authority figure's judgement, unlike she had during her actual enrollment.

All things considered, it was very much not something she needed to be thinking about right before her match. Residual guilt over her past later, right now she had a fight to deal with. Tightening her grip on the Scissor Blade, she waited silently as Gamagori came to a halt.

Sunset tensed as she prepared for the fight... only to be caught off guard alongside her opponent as the large monitor atop the building suddenly lit up to reveal the magnified face of Mako Mankanshoku. "You can do it Ira! Do your best, and win win win!"

There was silence as both fighters stared blankly at the grinning girl, hands outstretched in a twin v for victory. Sunset could clearly hear the raucous laughter in the distance as Uzu reacted to Mako's encouragement. Gamagori himself sputtered weakly, unable to catch his tongue; before restraining himself.

Straightening, he cleared his throat against his fist and turned back to Mako. "Of course. This is a battle for Ladies Satsuki and Ryuko's honor and for the honor of Honnouji Academy, I could never allow myself to be beaten so easily. Thank you for your words of encouragement Mankanshoku, and rest assured that I will do everything in my power to attain victory."

Mako crossed her arms and nodded sagely. "Right. Believe in the you who believes in yourself," Whipping around she flashed a thumbs up towards Gamagori. "That's how the Elite Five roll!" With that the monitor shut off, leaving the two fighters speechless. Sunset realized she was gaping, and hastily composed herself with a shake of her head. It was a coincidence, it had to be.

Another pointed silence descended for several moments as the two regained their bearings, before Gamagori spoke. "We meet again, assassin of Nudist Beach. But this time there will be no second chances. This time I will crush you! I am Lady Satsuki and Ryuko's living shield and if you want to get to them YOU'LL HAVE TO GO THROUGH ME!" In a burst of light and cloth his Goku Uniform activated, enveloping his entire body like an egyptian mummy. Which for some reason also appeared to be wearing S&M gear.

Sunset briefly ran through her memories of the current Branch, recalling the details of the disciplinarian's abilities. It was admittedly light on details due to the time since she had last looked at it, but it still told her what she needed to know. Whether she attacked or not, either way he would build himself up until he hit his peak and counterattack. So if that was the case, she might as well go on the offensive.

Lowering her center of gravity, she ran her reiryoku through her body, and vanished. A single Flashstep later, she was within Gamagori's personal space; and with a chakra enhanced push, swung her blade into her opponent's side. Where it bounced off with a spark and the sound of scraping metal.

Without wasting a single motion, she spun and unleashed a flurry of strikes against Gamagori; the Scissor Blade proving less than ideal to suit her purposes as it left no mark upon the Goku Uniform. Sensing a change in the flow of action, she jumped back; as the uniform bulged outward rapidly, as if it were a balloon that had been over-inflated.

"Surprised? The surface of my Shackle Regalia is made of a armored fabric, reinforced through specialized methods to make it impervious. If you want to win this battle you'll have to cut through the outer layer and thrust your blade inside."

Sunset couldn't help the immediate reaction on her face, both at the wording of his statement and the idea of stabbing him just to win this fight. She was going to win, she didn't need to murder anyone to do so.

"No offense, but I think I'll pass. If that's what gets you excited, then I'm in no position to judge; but don't expect me to play the seme," she replied. And she felt dirty just knowing about that kind of thing, but as Ranma had explained all those years ago trash-talk didn't care about personal beliefs. Only about results. And judging by the absolute silence from her opponent, the results spoke for themselves.

"How DARE you insinuate such a thing! Have you no shame, that is not a subject for public conversation!" Gamagori roared in outrage.

Sunset shifted her blade slightly. "Hey, I'm not the one in the suit," she pressed with fake nonchalance.

"No, instead you hide your appearance behind a cloak like the criminal you are. And as the Discipline Committee Chair it is my job to bring dangerous felons like you to justice. So now, ACCEPT YOUR PUNISHMENT! THREE STAR GOKU UNIFORM SCOURGE REGALIA!"

Immediately the cloth binding surrounding his body unraveled to reveal the true form of Ira's Goku Uniform, a large suit which she noted looked heavily reminiscent of Ironman's Warmachine armor with spiked vambraces and a large chakram on his back. The former bindings transformed as well, becoming spiked whips which flailed wildly in every direction. Sunset was hard-pressed to avoid being hit by the onslaught, being so close to the attack's epicenter and thus having far less room to maneuver than she noted Houka and Uzu did as they disdainfully avoided the whips that came near them.

Thankfully superhuman speed and reflexes as well as countless years wielding a blade allowed her to weather the storm of the spiked lashes with no worse than a few strikes against her sides and ankles. However Gamagori wasn't limited to his whips; as he proved by retrieving the Chakram from his back, which split into several additional replicas. Nothing Sunset hadn't dealt with before, but it nonetheless raised the stakes quite a bit as she now had to worry about the spiked disks as well as the whipcords striking wildly in all directions.

Eventually however the attack finished and instantly Gamagori's whips reverted their transformation and returned to their previous form as protective bindings.

Ira's attack hadn't dealt more than token damage to her, but she hadn't done any damage at all. Not a good recipe for long term victory; at this rate it would become a battle of death by a million papercuts. Clearly this wasn't working.

"I can do this all day you know. So what's your next move!?" Ira taunted his opponent, confident behind his seemingly impenetrable defense.

Of course Sunset was well aware such a thing didn't exist. No defense was absolute, no guard unbreakable. However, some could soak up a lot more damage than others. A certain seven petal shield, strong as a fortress wall, came to mind. The problem though, was that while she had any number of techniques which could theoretically break through any defense, she hadn't mastered more than a few of them. And most of those weren't a good choice when surrounded by innocents.

From what she had heard, most Loopers eventually settled on one set of skills that they honed to perfection; but that wasn't how she operated. If she had to guess she would say that her specialization was non-specialization. She enjoyed learning, finding new and more interesting things to add to her list of skills. But even with multiple eternities to practice, that still didn't mean she had enough time to perfect them all. Not when the next one was always out there, waiting for her.

But what she lacked in mastery, she more than made up for in sheer variety. She wondered... exactly how much damage could that defense of his actually absorb?

Taking a deep breath, she stood straight and released her stress on the exhale. Lifting her blade she raised it to eye level, placing it vertical with her hand resting on the side. And looked at it. She wasn't anywhere as skilled as the Servant who had taught it to her, but...

Trace On

Judge the concept of creation.

Soichirou pouring his heart into the blade which would be used to free his daughters from his deranged ex-wife.

Visualize the basic structure.

Weaving the Life Fibers into a solid mass, more dense than steel and harder than titanium.

Duplicate component materials.

The inert lifeform waiting for its promised feast, turned against the whole by the will of one man.

Match the original craftsmanship.

Blood, sweat, tears; all shed freely for the impossible dream of freedom.

Sympathize with the experience of its growth.

Taking a young girl into his home, teaching her to fight, to win. Showing her how to turn her anger and pain into an edge as fine as the blade he wielded. And which someday she would as well. Guiding her through harsh lessons until the day his weapon was taken, split apart from it's twin and used to unmake its creator. And being picked up by a brokenhearted girl who had yet to Awaken.

Reproduce the accumulated age.

Seventeen years from design to completion. From its birth underground, to the current moment.

Excel every manufacturing process.

Sunset's Magic Circuits blazed and her prana flowed into her mind, and from there to her hands. Each of which now held an identical blade. But she wasn't done yet. Pushing her magecraft still further, she poured it into both blades; filling every weakness, covering every gap both physical and conceptual. A perfect Reinforcement, its purpose of existence enhance to the absolute maximum. Magecraft could go no higher without stepping into the realm of the True Magics. So she moved away from Magecraft, to a different skill.

Her first encounter with the Straw Hats hadn't taught her much. Her second encounter in a different Loop however, was an entirely different story. Her inner spirit roused at her will, pouring into her body and her blades and enhancing them both. Beneath her cloak her skin took on a solid black tint, much as her blades did the same. Busoshoku Haki: Armament Hardening.

Opening her eyes she set herself in a different stance, one who's basics she had been building on from the moment she first held a sword. A growing combination of every style she had ever learned, however briefly. What Ranma would have called her own personal school of Anything Goes Sword Techniques. And then just to be sure, she pulled on her Fire Chakra and used the Chakra Flow technique to set her blades' edges aglow.

The entire act had taken three seconds.

However that was apparently too long for Gamagori, who rather than waiting for her to attack on his own had pulled out a trick of his own; his wrappings whipping and slapping at him, causing damage to himself which he then turned to his advantage.

"If you won't attack then I'll attack myself. I have my own special techniques for discipline," his uniform bulged rapidly as it took damage, growing in proportion to the power of the attacks being used. "This is my Jijo-Jibaku! SCOURGE REGALIA!"

Once again the Goku Uniform exploded into motion, an impenetrable weave of barbed whips flailing in all directions. Sunset buckled down and tightened her muscles before calling upon another technique she had learned from the future Pirate King's crew. Rokushiki Tekkai. Her body tensed, gaining the durability of reforged steel as the attack beat ineffectually at her before pulling back and returning Gamagori to his bound state.

"Impressive. To have weathered my Scourge Regalia so easily; truly you are to be commended. But how well will you fare when it is your own strength being used against you?" Ira challenged.

Sunset smirked. "Let's find out."

Breaking into a charge, she tore across the distance with a single Flashstep before engaging her attack. Forward slash, backslash, reverse strike, overhead cut, return strike; faster than the eye could follow Sunset delivered countless hundreds of attacks one after another, her arms less a blur of motion than appearing to have vanished entirely. For every swing of her blade Gamagori's Goku Uniform ripped, tore, and frayed as her blade cut into its armored surface.

But all too soon she was forced to break off her attack as the damage was absorbed, and the Uniform swelled. "SCOURGE REGALIA!" Again the whips came, but unlike the last time they tore through the air faster than Sunset could react. The energy of her own efforts turned against her as she was forced to cut her way through the flurry of weaving lashes. Where they made contact with the arena, the stone all but disentegrated; and where they came into contact with her they left immediate bruises. It was all Sunset could do to avoid the onslaught as much as possible until the stolen energy was drained.

Both combatants stared at one another following the exchange, Sunset doing her best to maintain her Breathing, and Ira visibly worse for the wear. However of the two, only Sunset had actually taken any damage; and she was well aware of that fact.

"Your will is admirable, but you lack understanding. You dare challenge Ladies Satsuki and Ryuko, and for what? Some petty excuse of a reason no doubt. You fail to realize that in the end you are as nothing, and it is for that reason that they would never lower themselves to facing you. Whatever trivial fantasies you have are as nothing to their radiant light, and it is why you could never hope to defeat them. Just as you could never hope to defeat ME! I am Honnouji's living shield, my life and my death are of no concern; theirs to do with as they deem fit. What cause do you have that can stand before the might of my convictions?!"

Sunset sighed beneath her cloak. "My reason? To be honest I just want to go home. But that isn't really an option right now, and in the meantime I have things I have to do. Hopefully someday we can meet again under better circumstances, but that day is not today. My reasons are my own, and in the end that's all that there is to say about that."

It was funny, in any other situation she was certain that she and the disciplinarian would have been great friends. But she couldn't take the risk that Ryuko had surrendered to instability, she had to fight.

Gamagori was quiet for several minutes as he considered this, before he responded. "Well said. In the end our words are useless, the only thing that matters now is our will! I am Ira Gamagori, the Discipline Committee Chair of the Honnouji Academy; regardless of your reasoning, there will be only one victor today. I am Ladies Satsuki and Ryuko's shield, and I will crush you! Jijo-Jibaku!"

Rather than move in to attack, Sunset crouched down behind her blades; one impaled in the stone beneath her and the other held horizontally before her. Drawing upon the Tekkai once more she prepared to wait out the storm; and more importantly consider her options. It was clear that her swords weren't doing the trick here. They could do damage, yes; but not quick enough that Gamagori wouldn't be able to build up his attack. And whatever energy she put into her strikes was reflected in the strength of the Scourge Regallia's whips.

What she needed was to deal as much damage as possible in the shortest amount of time. Unfortunately all of the sword techniques she knew that might have actually helped in that area, would be just as likely to take out the audience as it was Gamagori. Which meant she wasn't going to be able to use the Scissor Blade for this fight. Which would have been really nice to know before she wasted so much magic on Projection and Reinforcement!

As the Shackle Regalia reformed around Gamagori, Sunset made her decision and allowed her Projection to fade away. She didn't bother trying to remove the real Scissor Blade from the ground. She would be finishing the rest of this fight unarmed.

Lowering her center of gravity, Sunset tensed herself and prepared herself for her counterattack. Before Gamagori had even had time to realize the change in her tactics she had already closed the gap between them. Drawing upon the Rokushiki once more she pooled her energy into her legs. However rather than rely on the standard techniques she had learned from the Straw Hat Crew, she decided to improvise. She had learned at the feet of another martial artist who specialized in kicks after all, and it would have been a dreadful shame to let Chun-Li Sensei's teachings go to waste...

"Rokushiki Rankakyu: Hyakuretsukyaku!" Balancing on one leg, her other shot upwards towards Gamagoori's upper torso at lightning fast speeds; once, twice, a dozen, a hundred times. Faster than sight, and each kick trailing a blast of sharply compressed air. However she wasn't done yet.

"Kintekishu!" A low kick at faster than sight speed, before flipping around to stand on her other leg as the first shot out in a backwards-facing split-kick to the jaw. "Tenkukyaku!" Finally building upon her momentum she gave a upward crescent roundhouse, then another, and a third; each time with a different foot, and each one driving the bound form of Gamagori higher into the air both from the initial impact and the immediately following compressed blade of air.

She could tell that she was running out of time, and so she immediately launched into the next string of attacks. "Leaf Rising Wind!" Leaning backwards she used her body as a spring to convert the full energy of her kick into upward momentum. As Gamagori was launched yet higher, she pulled her legs in and gave a midair twist so that she landed in a crouch. Upon touchdown she instantly sprang into the air with a chakra enhanced leap, putting her above the momentarily weightless Gamagori at the height of his ascent.

Giving a flip to build momentum she raised her leg above her head and concentrated her chakra into a single point in her heel before bringing it down in an axe kick. "Legendary Heel Drop!"

Upon impact she released the stored chakra, sending Ira plummeting to the ground. Where she would be there to greet him. Getting her feet under her, she kicked off the air as hard as she could sending her rocketing past Gamagori towards the arena. She landed on her hands and rolled with the momentum, falling correctly being the first thing she had ever learned, and came to her feet just in time for Gamagori to come withing striking distance.

"Leaf Whirlwind!" A chakra enhanced flying roundhouse met Gamagori's much reduced defense, followed by crescent kick to the midsection, and then a string of highkicks propelling him back into the air. "Leaf Hurricane!"

Once in position, and really feeling the strain now, Sunset finished the devestating combo attack by flooding her body with Spiritual Energy and she gave a devastating midair switch kick to send him plunging to the arena floor with tremendous force. "Kazaguruma!"

Gamagori hit the arena hard enough to crater the entire surface area, sending up a plume of dust and debris which prevented Sunset from seeing anything as she hit the ground with a short stumble. That had really taken it out of her, and if it hadn't been for the Reinforcement and Armament Haki she had used earlier she wasn't sure if she would have been able to pull off that combo. She certainly never wanted to do it again. She was no Black☆Star or Anakin. They may have made combining various Loop abilities into an artform, but she would have been completely fine with simply getting to learn them; having to use them was just an unfortunate side-effect.

Turning to face the spot where she had sent Gamagori, she waited cautiously. She had long since learned the lesson about 'defeated enemies' and dust clouds. Which was good because when she heard the loud cry of 'SCOURGE REGALIA' she wasn't caught off-guard and was already moving. Unfortunately she had forgotten one important aspect of the Shackle Regalia, namely that whatever energy it stored from any attacks used against it were then used to empower the Scourge Regalia's offense.

The cloud of smoke surrounding her was ripped away as nearly every inch of space was suddenly filled with snapping cords covered in innumerable spikes. The sound of air cracking as they passed through it in a storm of motion was deafening, and the arena floor was reduced to rubble in and instant. "Yes! More! When you attack me it's like you're whipping my heart! And the more you attack me, the stronger I get! This will be the end, I'm going to revoke your independence and mold you into a productive member of society! NOW, PREPARE YOURSELF"

Pulling out his chakrams, they split apart into over a dozen duplicates which he then hurled at Sunset in a constant flow of throw, catch and throw again. With nowhere to go and constant harassment from the spiked weapons, Sunset was forced on the defensive. She didn't have the energy right yet to try and counter the attacks and so she opted for a more submissive solution.

Relaxing all of her muscles completely she went limp and allowed herself to simply float away, slipping loose through every attack like a paper caught in the wind. Kami-e, the Rokushiki paper art for moving around any and all attacks. It wasn't a very easy technique, but it was far less difficult than trying to cut her way through the attacks. And while not much, it did give her the time to recover a bit. Eventually though the energy Gamagori had recycled from her ran out and he reformed the Shackle Regalia, though by this point it was looking mighty ragged; covered in scratches and burns and every edge beginning to fray.

He had been right about one thing, this was the final act. She would make sure of it.

Taking a deep breath, she calmed her mind and allowed all emotion to drain out of her as she focused on her goal. Her Soul was ice. Unseen to her opponent a seal bloomed across her forehead, as she activated one of her lesser used techniques. She wasn't a fan of shortening her lifespan, even if it would reset at the end of the Loop; but the technique came with a powerful incentive. And while she couldn't use more than one of the five she could open without an increase in body temperature messing up her plan...

"First Gate: Gate of Opening. Open!" A burst of chakra surged through her body, releasing the subconscious limits her muscles held to prevent self-damage. But already the micro-tears were healing as the Mitotic Regeneration fulfilled its purpose.

Without hesitation she ran forward, focusing all of her Spiritual Energy into her hands. She circled her opponent, deciding where she should strike and moving inward with every rotation until she was directly in front of him.

"Tessho!' An impossibly powerful palm thrust to the head, before she slid around him in a single smooth action.

"Ikkotsu!" Her fist blurred out of sight, slamming into his back with enough force to create a shockwave of concussive force. "Sokkotsu!" Both fists lashed out directly into his chest, creating a vacuum of sound upon impact; the two attacks hitting almost immediately after one another cancelling out their momentum and trapping Gamagori between an inescapable wall of pressure.

"Yes! I feel it! This pain... Show me more. Give me everything you have!"

Ignoring the frankly disturbing cries of her opponent, she continued her attack from behind. "Kachuu Tenshin Ameguriken!" The chi, chakra, spiritual energy, haki and prana circulating in her body turned her fists into a blur of godlike speed; one hundred, five hundred, a thousand, fifteen hundred times in the span of a few seconds. Already Gamagori's Goku Uniform was approaching its limit, and so she picked up the pace; shifting to the stronger stance of the two Saotome sealed techniques.

"Yama-Sen-Ken: Dokuja Tanketsu Shō!" Her hand roared forward, palm first with fingers curled, striking against Gamagori's chest directly above his heart. Sliding around to his back again, she switched to a more passive stance; her hands striking out multiple times in rapid succession.. "Umi-Sen-Ken: Haku Dato Shin Shō!"

Again from spiraling around to his front she returned to the strong form. Simulating the action of flinging shutters open, her arms flew to the side in a movement so swift that the air itself tore apart, creating a vacuum of sharp blades of air which slammed into his excessively bulging Uniform. "Yama-Sen-Ken: Kishin Raishū Dan!"

There wasn't much time left, and so digging deeper into her reserves she continued her pattern; moving around Gamagori to strike at his back. An immense amount of chakra surged inside her body, and a moment later all of it it was gathered into her fist. Her own take on a certain pinkette's technique from the time she had Replaced her. Her arm ripped forward, actually burning the air around her as she struck; releasing all of the stored chakra in her Seal all at once. "Flame Lily Impact!"

One last rotation put her directly before Gamagori one last time, both of her fists outstretched right in front of her opponent as she launched a devastating shock wave in a forward direction. A burst of power which she had been told had been capable of bypassing the defenses of the Unawake Luffy despite his normal immunity to blunt strikes under normal circumstances, and had caused him massive internal injuries. "Rokushiki Ultimate Technique: Rokuogan!"

Gamagori roared in actual pain, as the wave of energy bypassed his Uniform's surface; largely diminished but still powerful enough to hurt greatly enough that he bit clean through his ball gag. Even so his Uniform, damaged though it was, had still weathered Sunset's and it was all he could do to restrain himself. He began laughing, even as his body ached from the attack. "I told you, this is the end. You did well; no one else has ever managed to cause me so much pain, nor whipped my Goku Uniform into such a ragged state. But this fight is over! SCOURGE REGALIA'

Sunset panted heavily, her body soaked in sweat and her muscles barely refraining from going on strike against her overuse, but she maintained her ice cold calm as Gamagori's Goku Uniform began it's transformation.

"You're right about that. This is over. Anything Goes Martial Arts Finishing Move: Hiryū Shōten Ha Revised - Hado Shoryuken Shōten Ha!" Her ki mixed with her frozen chi as she gave a forward jumping uppercut, cold blue flames of glowing energy erupting along her arm. Upon making contact with Gamagori's revealed form a blinding corona of energy shone forth, carrying him into the air.

Moments later the difference in temperatures between her own cold chi and Ira's hotblooded fighting spirit, combined with the constant spiraling motion of Sunset's attacks drew the pressure differences together and formed into a massive hurricane of rotating energy.

Sunset normally wouldn't have attempted this with so many people nearby, but thankfully they were high enough that the full power of the cyclone she had unleashed wouldn't be able to do more than pull at loose clothing and items; though the fearful screaming of the spectators made it clear that they didn't appreciate that fact. However as she was literally at ground zero, she was taking much more of the brunt of the winds. Luckily she had prepared for that, and as she began to rise from the ground as well she reached out and grabbed ahold of the Scissor Blade; still impaled in the arena where she had left it.

Several tense minutes of stinging winds and whipping cloth passed before, its fuel spent, the hurricane dispersed. From the sky the unconscious figure of Gamagori could be seen plummeting to the earth, his Uniform in tatters as the attack finally proved too much for it to handle. Coming to her feet in a jerk, she took off running and gave a leap into the air; grabbing Gamagori's arm seconds before he passed the side of the arena as her blade dug into the stone floor. With a roar of effort she turned his momentum to her advantage and the two opponents tumbled back over the edge, rolling with the motion until they came to a stop.

Her arms outstretched to the side, Sunset took great heaving breaths as she slowly cooled down from the fight.

Beside her Gamagori stirred. "You saved me."

It was more a statement than a question, but Sunset answered anyway. "Of course. We may be on different sides, but that doesn't mean I'm just going to let you fall to your death," Groaning as she stood, she reached out to offer Gamagori a lift as well. "I'd like to think we could have been friends if things had played out differently."

Gamagori closed his eyes silently, before snorting. Reaching up, he accepted the help. Turning he began walking away. "Perhaps. But there's no point in crying over what ifs and could have beens. You have chosen your path, and you must walk it to its bitter end. And if in the end there are only tears awaiting you, then simply wipe them away with your own hands. Never surrender your resolve," With a simple raised hand in farewell he made his way back up the staircase.

Only once she was sure he had left, did Sunset collapse to the ground. "I don't know how much longer I can keep this up," She gave a sardonic smile. "My body already feels like its on fire and I'm barely half done. Geez."

Reaching into her Pocket she pulled out a thermos. The last of the Water of Life she had left over from her trip to Nerima. Once the drink was finished and she felt closer to normal, she cast a Curaga, and Heatbeat Healing. Exactly fifteen seconds later she felt almost as good as new, and stood again. Like Gamagori had said, she would never give in.

Three down, two left. Nothing would stop her now.

"So, what happened big guy? I thought you were gonna 'eliminate' her," Uzu laughed as Gamagori assumed a cross-legged position on the platform.

"It seems I underestimated her skill,." he replied simply.

Houka pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. "I would think so. I can understand Jakuzure not using her new suit, but I would have thought you were smarter than that. It seems I gave you more credit than you deserved,"

Ira's brow twitched but he didn't rise to the bait. "Nevertheless, she has no hope of victory. Even if by some miracle she can defeat us all, Ladies Satsuki and Ryuko are more than enough of a match for her."

"Yes, about that. I've decided to postpone my match for a bit. I've yet to gather enough information to build a proper strategy for facing her. And Mako was kind enough to agree to take my place instead. Isn't that right Mako?" he asked, turning his Laptop to reveal the newest member of the Student Council.

Mako saluted with a wide grin. "Yep. You can count on me Houka. And don't worry Ira, I know you did your best. I'll make her apologize for hurting you, so you just be sure and get better," She placed her hands, fingers spread, on her temples and scrunched up her cheeks. "I'm sending you super healing waves, so you should be feeling as good as new in no time!"

Ira choked with a red face, and averted his eyes; much to his friends' amusement. "Yes, well. Ahem. Good luck out there Mankanshoku. I don't think we've seen all of her tricks yet, so don't underestimate her, "

"You got it. Mako out!" She gave a pose with her hand held in a sideways v for victory in front of her face and her hand on her hip, and gave a wink before the camera shut off.

"Very well. Let's see what other abilities our mysterious assassin has," Houka pushed his glasses up with his index finger, catching the light just so. "It should prove most enlightening."

"You sure you wanna do this Mako? We can always just say your Uniform ain't up for this kinda fight yet. This chick took out the other three, and they've had a lot more experience using those things. You only started Looping like a hundred Loops ago; that's like what? Two, three Fused Loops tops?" Ryuko asked her girlfriend as Mako shut off the computer.

Mako turned with a confident expression. "I'm totally sure. I'm like super ultra sure, that's how sure I am."

"Well, who are we to argue with that level of certainty," Satsuki quipped with an amused smirk, ignoring her sister's dirty look. "You remember the plans correct?"

Mako nodded, counting off on her fingers. "Yep. Fight her only using things I can explain from the Goku Uniform, try to get her to reveal all of her techniques, don't let her hurt anyone if it turns out she's evil, don't lose unless winning is impossible without special abilities and, uh—" she broke off with a confused look at the sole remaining finger still raised.

"Don't reveal yourself unless the situation drastically calls for it," Satsuki reminded. "If it comes down to being knocked unconscious or non-fatally injured, that is preferable to allowing an unknown to gain critical tactical information on our forces. While we have reason to believe that this person has no intention of causing problems, the fact that she has failed to reveal herself leaves room for doubt."

Ryuko shifted irritably at the thought of Mako being hurt, but nodded agreement. "Whoever she is she ain't talking. And since she's fighting us instead of helping us take down Ragyou she might be one of those 'honorable villains' or some shit. Either way though, whoever she is she's made it so it's either her or us and I choose us."

Mako gave a serious look and crossed her arms with a sagely nod. "Right. Because we're the only us we have, so we should protect the us we are instead of worrying about the her who might be."

Ryuko gave a crooked grin. "Yeah, something like that. So be sure and kick her ass alright?"

"Ma'am yes Ma'am!" Mako replied with a smart salute.

Ryuko's grin took on a sly look. "And one more thing—"

Mako had no time to even look confused before Ryuko pulled her in for a kiss, and by that point she was too busy being happy to bother with confusion.

Breaking off from the lip-lock Ryuko gave a toothy grin. "That was for luck."

Satsuki snorted. "Must you do that every time Mako gets into a fight?"

"You better believe it," Ryuko said with a bark of laughter before pointing at Mako, who was still in a blissful daze. "Besides, it's not like she's complaining and I sure as hell ain't either. And maybe if you decided to pull that stick outta your ass and plant one on pinky she would've done better in her fight."

Satsuki's frown twitched sightly downward. "As I've told you before, whether Nonon and I ever decide to take our relationship beyond friendship is none of your business."

Ryuko pounced readily. "And like I keep saying, that girl's so hot for you she'd probably melt if you even looked at her the right way."

Mako giggled lightheadedly as the two sisters resumed their longstanding debate and made her way over to the edge of the rooftop. Looking over towards where she knew her opponent was, she crouched low and gave a giant leap.

Sunset was carefully taking a mental inventory of her remaining restoratives. She still had a few useful items left over, but by and large she was running lower than she had been for a long time. She made a note to stock up more often, situations like this could have been avoided if she had just thought ahead beforehand. It also didn't help that this was the fourth or fifth Loop in a row where she had gotten involved in one big fight or another but she couldn't just let things happen if she had the ability to help. She didn't want to give her past any more room to haunt her than it already had.

She was drawn from her musings by the sound of a heavy impact from behind her and she reacted instinctively, rolling away and coming up with her blade at the ready. She had been expecting Houka to come down the stairway in front of her, so the sudden sound at her rear had caught her off guard. She was suddenly very glad none of her teachers were there to see her lapse in judgement. However when the brief cloud of dust settled, she relaxed slightly; more curious than worried.

"Mako Mankanshouku? Why are you here?"

Mako grinned widely and placed her hand on her bicep. "The next challenger appears!"

Sunset gaped. "Wait, wait, wait; what? Why would you want to fight me?"

Mako threw her hand into the air, one finger extended. "I will defeat you for Ryuko and Lady Satsuki's dream! Dreams are made to be held onto, like a blanket; protecting you from the bad things. Their dream will show the world the path into tomorrow and light the way for everyone to follow them into the future! And anyone who stands in their way will have to answer to me! Mako Mankanshouku!"

Sunset fought off a headache as she listened to Mako's 'explanation' for wanting to fight. She had assumed, obviously incorrectly, that Mako was just part of the Elites for show. Although in retrospect she had to wonder why the excitable girl was a part of the group at all.

Once again she lamented not having studied up on this Branch as thoroughly as she should have; this would have all been so much easier if she could just remember all the details from the original Baseline. As it was she was running mostly on her in-Loop self's memories to fill in the blanks; and sadly that didn't include anything on Mako beyond her being pulled into the group roughly a year prior for unknown reasons. (Although supposedly the schools financial budgeting had improved noticeably soon after.)

If Ryuko had Awoken at that point; If she had been in her right mind; If she had managed to explain whatever her reasoning was well enough to sway Mako; If Satsuki wasn't Awake; If, If, If, If. Too many possibilities.

Had Ryuko Awakened that long before, then when Sunset herself had Awakened Ragyou should have already been dealt with; especially considering the Variant which they were currently dealing with had Ryuko dealing with Ragyou as a full time guardian and everything she remembered said that the girl would have rather died than accept that for even a minute. So either there was a Stealth Anchor or Ryuko was in a bad way and as the only one available it was up to Sunset to help.

She knew she was letting her mind wander from the problem at hand, but that realization did nothing to help her deal with the fact that she really, really didn't want to hurt the girl shadowboxing in front of her in preparation for a fight Sunset wanted no part of. And she was almost able to convince herself that that had nothing to do with a certain party planner she had memories of hurting horribly, albeit in a much less physical manner.

Finishing her warm-up Mako gave a pose; her arms crossed overhead, palms facing away from each other. Sunset vaguely thought she heard the Hallelujah Chorus playing somewhere in the background.

"Right! Let's go, for Ryuko and Lady Satsuki; for Nonon and Uzu and Ira; for the future! Prepare yourself! Three Star Platinum Regalia GO!" she cried out, the transformation activating and her Goku Uniform changing from it's normal appearance into one which she remembered from her Loop Memories and less clearly from her own research: a black overcoat with matching cap, both lined in gold with red life fiber spikes on her arms, shoulders and the coats sleeves; golden knuckles with her name engraved on them, three red stars on her belt and geta on her feet.

"Okay! I'm ready!" Mako said around the long stemmed reed she was chewing on. "Let's do this!" With that she launched herself at Sunset like a canon shot, preceded by a salvo of missiles from beneath her coat.

Much as Sunset didn't want to be having this fight that didn't mean she intended to just stand around and let her opponent wail on her, and so she quickly dodged the projectiles and raised her blade; just in time to defend herself against Mako's nail-studded baseball bat. "Can't we talk this out? I don't want to fight you!"

Mako narrowed her eyes angrily. "Nuh-uh! You hurt Nonon, Uzu and Ira. You want to hurt Ryuko and Lady Satsuki! I won't let you hurt my friends!" She abruptly stopped trying to force her way past Sunset's defense, falling back and spinning around to behind Sunset where she unleashed a barrage of punches into the small of her back. Sunset exploded.

When the smoke cleared there Mako stood over a human sized doll with a poorly drawn face, and Sunset had retreated to the far side of the arena. Mako frowned and charged her. "Fight me!" She released a swarm of various items from her coat; wrenches, crowbars, hammers, clamps and pliers pelted forward only to be blocked by Sunset's blade.

Planting her feet solidly into the ground, Mako gave a great heave; and only then did Sunset notice the hundreds of Life Fibers in her hand which she immediately realized were connected to the weapons she had thrown at her. Too late to help her however, as the brass items came flying back towards Mako at significantly increased speed. Surprised as she was Sunset didn't quite manage to avoid all of them, but she dodged enough of them that she was able to defend against Mako's flying doublekick aimed at her face.

"I told you already, I don't want to fight you! Why are you even helping them? Don't you know the kind of things they're trying to do? They're a threat to everyone!" Sunset growled, finding it more difficult to justify her unwillingness to hurt girl the who was reminding her less of Pinkie Pie with every passing moment.

"You're wrong!" Mako shouted, "Ryuko and Lady Satsuki are good people. They would never hurt anybody without a reason. You're the one who's a threat! You're the one who's trying to hurt people! I won't let you!" Pulling back her fists she let loose a punishing string of rapid-fire punches, at a speed which caught Sunset off guard. "ORAORAORAORAORAORA"

Sunset had dealt with fast people before, and she was reasonably fast herself; but a good unexpected attack could get past just about any fighter's defense and she was no exception. The strikes slammed into her like a ton of bricks and she had never been more grateful for the extra defense she had placed on her cloak as she was at that moment. It wasn't going to put her out of the running, but damn if it didn't hurt like hell.

Mako finished her combo by pulling back and swinging her bat at her at full force. Sunset managed to place the Scissor Blade in front of her protectively at the last moment and as a result was spared any further damage, and managed to get some space between them at the same time. Mostly because she went flying from the momentum of the swing, which Mako punctuated with a loud shout.


Allowing herself to be carried away by the attack, Sunset reoriented herself mid-flight and kicked off the air to bring her back towards the arena. She rubbed at one of her new bruises gingerly; not bad enough to throw her off her game, but she would pay for it tomorrow if she didn't take care of it later. Glancing back up at her opponent who had crossed her arms and was staring at her imperiously, Sunset mentally tried to readjust her priorities. However every time she came close to resolving to just get over herself and end the fight, she was struck by the memory of what she had done to the pink haired girl and her friends.

She knew intellectually that it honestly shouldn't have bothered her this much this long after, that something that had occurred who even knew how long ago — and not even to her directly other than as a particularly vibrant memory — shouldn't be allowed to define her this late in the game. But then she was reminded of the pony who had treated her like a sister, and the acceptance she had been shown even after that other her had done all those horrible things; and she just couldn't bring herself to not be affected by it.

Or to seriously fight against someone who reminded her so much of the friend she barely really knew. Let alone when she was simply trying to, from her perspective, defend her precious friends.

"I don't want to hurt anyone. They're the ones who decided on this ridiculous competition, not me. I'm only doing what I have to!" Sunset shouted, taking a defensive stance.

"Stop. Lying!" Mako roared, jumping into the air and swinging her bat which exploded as a massive missile tore its way out of the object on a direct course for Sunset.

"Oh come on," Susnet groaned; turning around and moving to avoid the explosive. However just like she had before Mako had attached a string of Life Fibers to the projectile and with a grunt redirected its course to follow after Sunset.

"Take this!" Mako shouted, a nearly constant stream of additional missiles erupting from her coat to follow after Sunset. Like a swarm of locusts they blocked out the sky directly overhead, and as each was connected to a string under Mako's control they were relentless. Sunset wasn't sure if this was an extra trick from the upgrade to Three Star or Mako was just that compatible with Life Fibers, but it was becoming exhausting trying to dodge every explosive being directed at her; and whenever she managed to get a clear look out of the corner of her eye she was able to see that the barrage didn't show any signs of stopping yet.

As cliche as it was, there was only one option; and with a cry of effort Sunset redirected her charge directly at Mako.

Seeing this, Mako cut off the stream of additional missles and directed some of the ones already deployed to protect her from her opponent.

Her time with Big Boss had taught Sunset a lot of things, among them how to deal with explosives; and with the missles no longer targeting her, it was much simpler to use her blade to separate the payload from the rest of the casing without having to deal with the explosion. Her speed with her blade meant that she could do this hundreds of times a second without missing a step, and it was a short journey from there to where Mako was frantically trying to hold Sunset off with her directed attacks.

However this close to Mako, Sunset was able to sever all of the Life Fibers Mako was controlling in a few swings and the missiles careened wildly as they lost direction; exploding against the arena around them or against each other, but none getting close enough to the two girls to strike them directly.

With a last charge, Sunset pinned Mako; her blade embedded in the ground inches away from the top of her cap. Leaning in close she repeated herself tersely. "I. Do not. Want. To Fight."

Mako puffed out her cheeks childishly and turned her gaze away.

"The only reason I'm here is to prevent anyone else from getting hurt. Ryuko is a danger to herself and everyone around her. She took away Uzu's eyes for crying out loud, he said so himself!" Sunset continued, only to be interrupted as Mako managed to squirm her arms free and pose them in an x before her just as the sun appeared from behind the clouds and bathed her in its light.

"That's not what happened at all! That's totally wrong! Ryuko went to Uzu's school and challenged him to a fight. And he was all like 'You and what army girly.' And Ryuko was all 'I don't need an army, I am an army.' and Uzu didn't believe her because she was all by herself and he had a whole bunch of people. But then Ryuko beat up him and everyone with him and told him that he could have won if he looked with his heart but instead he let what she looked like trick him into thinking something that wasn't true, so Uzu got Iori to sew his eyes shut so they couldn't trick him anymore. Now he sees with the power of his heart and everyone knows your heart is the most important thing of all; heart is an awesome power!"

Up where he was sitting, Uzu facepalmed. That was technically what had happened, but it wasn't as sappy as she was making it out to be.

"Oh ho, is that what your doing Monkey? Looking with the power of your heart? How noble." Nonon taunted as she joined the rest of them.

"You're back already? Oh well, the silence was nice while it lasted. I finally had the chance to think without you're constant whining," Uzu shot back, prompting a snort from Nonon.

"Like you even have a brain in that head of yours to think with. So how's our newest member doing against the 'mysterious assassin?'" She replied, diverting the conversation back to the match.

"Surprisingly well. However it's hard to say how much of that is because of Iori's craftsmanship and how much is because her opponent is holding back. For some reason she seems reluctant to use her full strength in this fight. Such a pity, I had hoped to get more useful information from this fight; but sadly it seems I'll have to do some first hand investigation in real time." Houka answered.

"Yeah yeah, whatever nerdlinger. So then this fight is pretty much over huh?" Nonon asked airily.

"It looks that way." Ira responded tersely from where he was sitting; arms crossed and face severe.

Nonon smirked. "What's wrong toad boy, don't like seeing little miss underachiever getting the beat down?"

Ira huffed and remained silent.

Sunset stared blankly at the girl in front of her. Definitely reminded her of Pinkie Pie. Which of course was the whole reason she was having so much trouble with this situation already. She shook her head, trying to get herself back on track, and pointed her blade at Mako.

"Alright, I admit I misunderstood what Uzu said. But that doesn't change the fact that the Life Fibers need to be stopped, and Ryuko isn't doing anything." Mako's eyes widened and she made to opened her mouth to talk, but Sunset didn't want to drag this out any further than it already had been. She didn't want to end up being pushed too far and possibly hurting the girl.

With a swift strike at several pressure points she had learned from Elder Cologne and Doctor Tofu, Mako was out like a light. She'd wake up as good as new, but not for at least an hour or two. Long enough.

Standing with a weary sigh she turned back to the rest of the Elite Five. Rolling her shoulder carefully, she decided she could hold off on healing for one more round. And after that she'd finally get her chance at Ryuko. Sparing a glance at the unconscious girl beside her, she forced down the guilt. Even though it wasn't anything at all like the situation in Canterlot High with Twilight's friends, and although she'd done everything short of forfeiting to avoid hurting Mako; that didn't make it any easier.

She turned a glare at the sisters staring down at her. Ryuko's own glare met hers and Sunset growled. One more fight, just one more.

"Calm yourself sister. Mako is fine, better than she has any right to be all things considered. She knew going in that her opponent was skilled, and she made her choice," Satsuki chided, placing a stern hand on Ryuko's shoulder.

"That's not the point. There was no reason to draw it out like that, if she was that much better than Mako she could have just ended it. That bitch was playing with her the whole time," Ryuko seethed bitterly.

"We cannot know that for sure. There may have been some other reason she allowed the match to progress as it did. We will simply have to ask when it is our turn." Satsuki calmly countered.

Ryuko forced herself to relax and gave a brief chuckle. "What, don't think Houka can beat her?"

Satsuki smirked. "Let us simply say that our visitor likely hasn't shown her hand yet. Houka is quite formidable when he has all the variables, but this opponent may be beyond even his ability to plan against."

Ryuko laughed. "In other words, he's gonna get his ass kicked."

Satsuki simply turned to watch. "We shall see."

Sunset watched guiltily as Ira carried Mako's unconscious form up the stairs which he had descended alongside Houka. He had given her a troubled look, but hadn't seemed too upset by the girls state; even thanking her for going easy on the girl. Sunset didn't feel any better about what she had done despite that, having actually been expecting Ira at least to blame her more for Mako's condition. The understanding had actually made her feel worse about what she had done.

Either way however, she still had things to do. Turning to where Houka was ignoring her in favor of entering some last minute data into his PDA, she frowned. Of all the Elite 4, er 5, she had the least information to work with on Houka. Even taking into account the scraps she recalled from her previous overview before ever Looping in, Houka had demonstrated the least of his skills 'on screen.' Which given the nature of the Loops meant he could be packing any number of unusual Variant abilities. And she had had more than enough high-tech Loops to make her wary of unknown geniuses with 'l33t' computer skills. Especially in combat roles.

Houka took the initiative to speak, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Well then. I must say, it is quite an honor to meet you in person. I find myself rather intrigued by you and your impressive skill-set."

"I can't say the feelings mutual," Sunset responded rudely, trying to egg on her opponent.

However rather than getting upset, Houka merely nodded; placing his hands behind his back and circling around her. "Understandable. We are after all enemies. But I've found that while you can learn much from your allies, the most interesting lessons can only be found by studying one's opponent. And I've learned a good deal from studying you."

Without warning he activated his Goku Uniform, using her intense focus on his movements to catch her off guard with the prismatic effect of the transition and ensuring himself the time to vanish beneath its concealing effects.

His voice sounded from every direction, leaving no definitive evidence of its source. "For instance, I've come to the conclusion that in a straight up fight I would be less than capable of fending off your wide array of eclectic skills. Thus I've decided to avoid the issue entirely."

Sunset was instantly on guard, her blade a blur of constant fury as she assumed her waiting stance again. "So what, you're just going to sneak around like some coward and strike from the shadows?"

Houka chuckled, the sound echoing from nowhere and everywhere. "A coward you say? Perhaps. If it is cowardly to strike only once you are certain of victory then that is as good a title as any. And what of you? Assassin. Why the very word draws to mind images of stealthy intruders in the night. Can you honestly claim to be any better?"

Sunset didn't bother trying to explain the difference between her Awake and Unawake self's actions, instead expanding her senses and trying to locate her opponent; her focus turning inward as she attempted to reach out with the Force. She could feel her own connection to the esoteric energy carried over from her time training under Anakin, and later Master Windu. The midi-clorians in her cells projected a field of Force energy around her, expanding her sense of self more than a hundred fold; but as it was a power foreign to this Branch, and not her area of expertise, it offered her only limited information. Houka had no connection to the Force, no midi-clorians to show up in her senses; thus while she could sense him, it only was an abstract knowledge of his presence nearby; not a specific direction.

Houka's voice sounded from beside her. "Oh? You seem to have gone quiet."

Sunset immediately reacted, swinging her blade out, and cutting lengthwise through her opponent; who disappeared in a flicker of light, revealing himself to be nothing but an afterimage.

The geometric outline of a human figure vaguely reminiscent of the person within appeared to the front of her, and then another on her right, and then still more. They spoke as one, their voices creating an overlapping echo. "Are you perhaps preparing another of your unique skills? I can't help but notice the almost trance like state you seem to have entered. Your respiration emissions have dropped to almost a fraction of what is normally required for normal humans; not even taking into account the extreme amount of physical action you're undertaking. Quite fascinating. I admit to being curious, what exactly are you?"

Sunset didn't bother responding, instead trying to determine which of the images in her range was the real Houka.

The clones moved with eerie synchronicity, placing their outstretched fingers on their foreheads. "You did have even me fooled at first. It simply goes to show how easily the human mind can come to accept the fantastic. Like all the others I assumed you were wearing a Goku Uniform of some sort, but it quickly became apparent that that simply couldn't be the case." They shook they're heads as if attempting to explain an incredibly simple concept to an idiot.

"No, all of the strange and incredible abilities you've demonstrated are completely without the tell-tale bio-rhythmic energies of Life Fibers. Which, against all odds, can only mean they originate from you yourself. So, once more, I ask you: what exactly are you?"

Nonon scoffed, watching the non-fight below them with half an eye. "What the hell is he talking about? Of course she's using Life Fibers, normal humans can't do the kind of crap that chick has been pulling off. Lame brain's scanners must be out of whack."

Without turning away from where he sat with arms crossed, focused on Mako, Uzu snorted. "I wouldn't be so sure about that."

Nonon turned with an incredulous look. "So what? Now you're on his side too? Normal people can't keep up with Goku Uniforms, let alone beat us."

Ira shook his head. "'There are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' I find it highly unlikely that we've seen all that a human being is capable of, with or without Life Fibers. Need I remind you of Ladies Satsuki and Ryuko's own prodigious might, even before forming the Academy."

Turning away with a huff, Nonon changed the subject. "So Monkey, what's taking so long with little miss Underachiever?"

"It's not as simple as you seem to think. I'm no acupuncturist, I barely know half of what was done to the kid. It's lucky none of us were as unprotected as she was or our fights might have been over a lot sooner than they were. It doesn't look like she's in any trouble though, whatever it was. Only thing we can do is let her sleep it off," Uzu replied with a shrug.

Nonon smirked. "Whatever, you just don't want to irritate Lady Ryuko for copping a feel."

"Hey shut up! It's not like that," Uzu yellled, causing Nonon to laugh.

As the two of them bickered, Ira sighed heavily and turned back to the fight. Or the lack of one. Whatever Houka's gameplan was, it didn't lend itself well to an audience. Nevertheless, he was glad it wasn't him down there. Houka unnerved him when he was engrossed in whatever curiosity had caught his attention; and even more when that focus was on him. The way he pried at a person's secrets could be almost as damaging as direct combat.

'Let's see how well you handle it Assassin of Nudist Beach.'

"What is with you?!" Sunset roared as she swiped another of the attacking illusions. It didn't appear to be a speed technique, more like a solid light projection. Whatever it was, it probably wasn't a normal Baseline ability because she couldn't recall anything about it. Which meant it was likely a result of a Variant. Or possibly it wasn't, she had no way of telling and no time to worry about it either.

With the constant suicide tactics they were employing she only really had time to react, and while the Force couldn't tell her where the original was it was more than enough to help her eliminate the duplicates. However because they weren't actually much of a threat on their own, it also meant that she was able to let her body run more or less on autopilot as the Force guided her actions.

"Nothing is 'with me' as you say. I simply wish to determine the source of your abilities. You claim to be human, and yet you are clearly more than that. Your reflexes are superb, your speed is immense, you possess strength and stamina unheard of even among Olympian athletes. And that is completely disregarding the fact which you possess the ability to fly and generate energy projectiles. Without Life Fiber assistance I can't account for these inconsistencies, therefore I have no choice but to continue these simple probing maneuvers."

Sunset grimaced. She hated guys like this. There was nothing wrong with intellectual pursuit for it's own sake, she would be a hypocrite to claim otherwise; but the obsessive scientist types always bugged her. The best way to deal with them in her experience was through raw force, but that was easier said than done at the moment. Once again she cursed the sisters for placing her in the middle of a crowded area where her available area attacks were limited to only the most non-lethal. She had no doubts that her opponents could handle most anything she could dish out, but the civilian students watching from the sidelines was an entirely different story.

She had hoped that some of her other abilities would have allowed her to pinpoint her opponent but unfortunately most of her sense techniques either relied upon a foreign power that wasn't present in this Loop, relied on killing intent which her attacker didn't seem to possess, or she simply wasn't skilled enough in. The closest thing she had found was Mantra Haki, but it couldn't distinguish between the real Houka or the fakes and she didn't have enough mastery of it to detect the original from wherever he was hiding.

"You could always quit messing around and actually show yourself!" she replied, dispatching the last of the attackers and leaving herself the only visible fighter in the arena.

"I suppose I could at that. However the same could be said of you. You hide yourself behind the hood of your cloak, trying to conceal yourself from the world and have the gall to demand that I show myself? And what are you hiding, hm? From your reckless behavior I can only assume you have some pressing reasoning behind your actions. Perhaps a distant trauma from your past which you're attempting to run away from. Or perhaps you're running towards some impossible redemption. What drives you? What purpose do you have here? Or do you even have a purpose at all?"

"SHUT UP!" Sunset drove her blade into the ground beneath her, the full might of the Force powering her swing and a blend of Chakra and Spiritual Energy fueling her body. The floor beneath her cracked, large segments jutting harshly up from their place in a rapidly expanding ring of destruction. Breathing heavily, Sunset looked out over the area; only to be disappointed by the lack of visible opponent.

"Your cardiac levels have risen sharply, and the excess adrenaline in your pheromone levels suggest that I've struck a nerve."

Glaring at the empty arena, Sunset considered her options. She had no idea where her opponent was, she had no idea how to draw him out, and she had no techniques that could strike the area around her without harming the spectators. On the other hand the fight wasn't actually all that difficult at its current pace, being more on par with a light spar than actual combat, so theoretically she could continue fighting for weeks without slowing down more than a little thanks to her Spiritual Energy. But she didn't have that long. She had, at best, another month and a half before the end of the entire Loop and less than a quarter that before the sisters decided to end this little game all at once; and as good as she was, she had no illusions about whether she could handle both sisters and the entire Elite Five all at once.

What she needed was a cunning gambit that would force Houka's hand. A trick that would guarantee that her real opponent would get close enough that she could take him down. A plan so brilliant that it couldn't possibly fail.

With the sound of scraping metal on rock, Sunset stabbed her blade into the broken ground and sat down.

Those watching waited to see what new trick she was preparing, curiosity keeping them on edge of their seats. However as the minutes dragged on it slowly became apparent that this wasn't the set-up for some destructive attack, it was exactly what it appeared to be. Sitting upon the ground with her arms crossed, Sunset did nothing. And she continued to do nothing for several minutes.

"Hmm. Is this some signal of your surrender?"

Sunset elected to remain silent, simply sitting like a statue as the wind rustled her cloak. Her Magic Circuits were working overtime as she Reinforced herself, filling in all the metaphorical and literal cracks running throughout her being with Od. Soon enough she had achieved the epitome of Magical Reinforcement, having removed every imperfection and flaw in her physical body and rendered herself as physically unbreakable as a human body could possibly be. Concentrating her Haki all over her body, she began hardening her skin; a black tint overtaking her beneath her cloak as the energy infused her. Finally she utilized the Rokushiki Tekkai technique, the two other techniques combining to reinforce the third as her impossibly enhanced muscles became dense and rigid. While she was unable to move, she was as close to impervious to harm as she knew how to make herself.

Several of the solid illusionary duplicates formed around the broken field, observing her clinically. "Interesting. You seem to be attempting to provoke a response from me by intentionally leaving yourself vulnerable. I hope you won't hold it against me if I take advantage of your generous offer."

With that the projections attacked, a flurry of fists and feet breaking against her defenses and turning aside just in time for the next strike. Sunset closed her eyes and drowned out the impact, their force lessened but not completely unfelt. Focusing inward, she expanded her senses. The Force guided her mind, flashes of Mantra imbued aura sight flashing across her inner eye moments before each strike. She could feel the lack of emotional depth each of her attackers possessed, the hollow presence in the bubble of Force she provided. Every fighting instinct she had was screaming at her to defend herself, all except the one which determined the Killing Intent of her opponent.

"How disappointing. I had hoped for more data than this. However if you intend to let yourself fall so easily, I suppose it can't be helped. Perhaps this is some penance for whatever crime you're attempting to flee?"

Sunset flinched internally despite herself, nearly losing control of the Haki running through her. It was true in a roundabout way, she was still beating herself up over the past. That other version of herself she remembered being, and she so easily saw herself becoming, had haunted her for hundreds of Loops. Even with the knowledge that it wasn't her, and that it never would be so long as she didn't let it, the guilt didn't go away. Perhaps she was holding onto it for its own sake, one of the few reminders she still had left of her home. It wasn't healthy though, and she really needed to move past that.

Breathing deeply, she focused on the pain of the guilt of her betrayal and anger and allowed the Force to cleanse her of the spectre of the past. The wound wasn't gone, and it likely wouldn't be for at least as many years as it had been bottled up inside her, but it was better. And cleared of some of the inner baggage she had carried around for so long she found herself more clear headed than she had been for a long time; which in turn was reflected by an increase in her perceptive abilities.

A flicker of feeling not her own briefly shone from the edge of her consciousness, and again. Clearing her mind as her opponents continued to strike at her, she focused as strongly as she could on the sensation.

There. Speeding rapidly across the field in a seemingly random but controlled fashion she could almost make out Houka. It wasn't enough however. He wouldn't stay still for more than a fraction of a second before moving off to the next space; clearly anticipating whatever counterattack Sunset might have had available. Occasionally she almost caught him coming close enough to strike out at, but always he would move back out of range and she'd lose him again among the interference of his duplicates.

Her Haki was beginning to wane, slowly becoming less and less powerful and in turn leaving her increasingly vulnerable. The fists and feet of her attackers began making greater headway against her, and each blow chipped away at her Reinforcement as it connected. Like a river in the mountains, her defense was being eaten away by the constant rain of blows, and it wasn't likely to be much longer before she would have to abandon her current tactic.

And still Houka remained out of reach. With a final strike the last of her Haki was spent and soon after her Od ran dry as well. The only thing protecting her now was the Tekkai, and that was no absolute defense.

One particularly harsh kick grazed her ribs and Sunset let out an involuntary grunt. Nothing was broken, a light bruise at worst, but that seemed to be the signal and the attacks began to increase. Just as she was beginning to think that maybe she had miscalculated, she felt it. A brief but sharp sense of Intent, from directly behind her. As Houka's fist made contact with the back of her head, Sunset rolled with the blow; reaching out as she moved and grabbing onto Houka's wrist. With a twist of her body she pulled Houka around in front of her and pinned him to the ground.

"I've got you," she said victoriously.

Houka shifted into the visible spectrum, giving a nod. "Indeed you do. I suppose I simply couldn't resist the opportunity to deal the final blow personally."

Sunset smirked. "Too bad for you. So what are you going to do now that all your psychological attacks are useless?"

Houka tiled his head, before dismissing his Goku Uniform. He smirked. "Quite simple really. I surrender."

Sunset gaped. "What?! After all that, you just quit?"

Houka chuckled condescendingly, somehow looking as if he were the victor despite the situation. "Naturally. I'm rather fond of not being in pain and due to the fact that, as I stated before, I am no match for you in direct combat it is unlikely I would remain thus were I continue to fight. Unlike some I know when I am outmatched. This is not a fight I am prepared to risk everything to win at any cost. Therefore the most reasonable option available to me is to simply admit defeat. As I have just done. So if you would kindly get off of me..."

Sunset stood numbly. She wasn't sure how to feel about this. On the one hand she had won, but on the other she didn't actually feel like the winner; it was all too abrupt, too quick. Like she hadn't really done much of anything this round. Watching as Houka dusted himself off and began entering whatever new information he had gotten from the fight into his PDA as he climbed back up the stairway, she shook herself mentally.

It didn't matter, not really. The point of this had never been to defeat the Elite Fou... Five. Her whole reason for being here was for the next fight. She had done what she had been forced to do, and all that was left now was the final confrontation. Turning her gaze up to the sisters, who stared back down with equal force, she prepared herself.

If the point of this had been to reduce the number of abilities she had available, it had succeeded perfectly. She had no more Haki to spare, her Od was spent, and most of her inventory was out of stock. But she still had her sword and that was all she really needed. This last fight had been exactly the kind of slow, relatively easy fight she needed to rest before the main event, the combination of skills she had used having prevented her taking more than slight bruising from the barrage of attacks and so she was as ready as she could be for what came next.

This was it at last. The end game was in sight.

Stepping to the edge of the platform she and her sister stood on, Satsuki addressed the unknown Looper; her face reflected from the monitors around the arena. "Very well. My Elite stand defeated, and you have earned your victory. As promised, I and my sister will grant you the right to face us in combat. STUDENTS OF HONNOUJI ACADEMY! This is your only warning; should you choose to remain you take your lives in your own hands. Stand now and behold history in the making, or flee; run and hide, seek the illusionary comfort of safety which you cling to so fervently. The decision is yours, you have five minutes."

The monitors clicked off, and immediately the rush began to evacuate.

Stepping into place beside at Satsuki's side as they headed towards the stairs at the back of the platform, Ryuko chuckled. "Getting soft in your old age sis. The old you would have just gone in swords blazing, and it was everyone's own fault if they didn't get out of the way."

Satsuki pursed her lips and sighed. "Perhaps. But the folly of youth is no excuse for similar failings as we progress. There is no reason that I should needlessly endanger the masses under my care and the less parallels between myself and Ragyou the better. Pigs they may be, but I will not deny them the right to choose their own fates."

"Yeah, I hear ya. One of these days you gotta tell me the rest of the details from that shit in Ocean City though."

Satsuki pointedly increased her pace.

Sunset looked around at the empty arena with a sense of relief, an almost literal weight gone from her shoulders as she was at last able to stop worrying about hurting innocents. The platform she had been using to fight had retracted back into the ground after Satsuki's announcement and so it was that she now stood in the nearly barren courtyard of the Honnouji Academy.

The only others present beside herself were the Elite Five to the side; a red-faced Ira being mercilessly teased by Nonon as the still unconscious form of Mako slept hefted over his shoulder, while Uzu rested against the building and Houka messed with his laptop. Abruptly the all snapped to attention, and moments later the two sisters exited the building. Sunset was too far away to hear what was said, but after a quick briefing Satsuki and Ryuko turned and made their way towards her.

Sunset was caught offguard by the dark look which Ryuko sent her way, but regained her focus as she prepared for the fight. Coming to a stop roughly a dozen feet away from her, the co-founders of the Honnouji Academy and Sunset sized one another up.

Ryuko was the first to break the silence. "You're lucky you didn't do anything permanent to Mako, otherwise I'd have to beat your face ten different shades of black and blue," she barked at her. "As it is I'm still gonna kick your ass, but at least you won't spend the next year in a full-body cast."

Sunset actually found herself comforted by the threat. It showed that whatever might have happened to Ryuko, she wasn't completely gone. Which meant that she could still potentially be brought back. A firm determination in mind, she lowered her center of gravity and raised her sword. Unlike the other fights, this one she wouldn't be holding anything back. As such rather than using the Vaapad waiting stance, she chose the first style of swordplay she had ever learned; and the one which she was most practiced in.

Part of the reason she had chosen Vaapad was because of the focus on mastering one's inner darkness. The other was because it was the closest in design to her Keyblade style. Her blade held above her head with one hand, albeit closer to her core than the Jedi form, and her other hand held straight out, rather than swept diagonally across her body, Sunset took a deep breath and twitched her fingers in a beckoning manner.

The two sister's needed no further invitation. Ryuko charged in from the left wielding the other half of the Scissorblade; while Satsuki circled around from the right, Bakuzan held diagonally to her side to allow her to move forward quickly. Forced to divide her attention, Sunset jumped back to get a better view of her opponents.

Which was the exact moment both chose to activate their Kamui.

The glare of the transformations briefly forced her to flinch back, and Ryuko used the opportunity to rush her. Sunset quickly raised her blade to block the attack, and attempted to force Ryuko back. Ryuko obligingly did exactly that, falling backwards onto her back and kicking upwards. Sunset managed to disengage with just enough time to avoid the kick, but was left unprepared as Ryuko adapted Senketsu into his flight mode. The impact of the rocket propulsion hit Sunset like a wall, sending her flying upwards while Ryuko rolled with the momentum; placing one hand on the ground and flipping into the air before flying back into the fight.

At the same time Satsuki had made her own move, attacking from behind while Sunset was still reeling. The protective seals on her Black Coat prevented the blade from striking directly, but it was still enough to send her flying into the air; straight into Ryuko's path. Drawing on her ki she quickly readjusted her course, shooting up into the air. However, before she could make it more than a dozen feet Ryuko's voice sounded out from far too close and she spun on instinct; raising her blade by pure reflex.

"Decapitation Mode!"

Ryuko's half of the Rending Scissors unfolded; once, twice, five times it's normal length and with a roaring cry she swung it in a downward slash which collided into Sunset's defense. She managed to deflect the attack to the side enough that she was able to duck away; only to find herself engaging Satsuki the moment she was free.

Where Ryuko was wild and vicious with her bladework, Satsuki was cold and methodical. Sunset slashed, Satsuki parried; Sunset disengaged, Satsuki advanced; for every technique Sunset attempted, Satsuki preempted her. If Ryuko was fire, then Satsuki was the unfaltering avalanche which threatened to bury her.

It was at times like this she really missed having her horn. Her Keyblade would have sufficed as well, but she wasn't exactly being given a chance to bring it out just right now. Even so, despite the difficulties her human body had using Equestrian magic without a focus she was able to pull off a short-range teleport which put her just out of the sister's reach. Immediately she followed up with a second longer-range teleportation to the center of the field; buying herself a few precious seconds to breathe.

If she were being generous with herself, she could have blamed the current situation on the fights which had come before having weakened her. But part of being a better pony was admitting her own faults. And the fact of the matter was that combined the two sisters were too in sync with one another, too skilled to face at her current skill level in a straight up sword fight. Ryuko was an Anchor after all, with all the experience that entailed. Additionally she had had however many years this Loop to build up a synergy with Satsuki.

And it showed.

Sunset prided herself on her wide variety of skills. She wasn't always the best at whatever ability she had, but she had enough of them that she could be reasonably sure that she had all her bases covered for just about any situation. The downside to that however was that whenever she came up against the people who had honestly and truly mastered their techniques to peak perfection, she was almost always out of her depth. As her available skills increased, that happened less frequently over time but in a situation like this...

Together the two sisters covered every weakpoint the other could conceivably have, and they trusted one another the way a samurai trusted their sword; unhesitatingly, unfalteringly, completely and absolutely. In this battle she wasn't fighting two different people, she was fighting two halves of a single person. She had faced worse odds before, but rarely while alone. Now that she knew what she was up against, what she needed most at the moment was time. Time to figure out how to best approach the rest of the fight, and to form a strategy.

Which meant falling back on the oldest skill in her arsenal, one which had only been reinforced many times over by her various tachers. Banter.

"You're not bad."

Ryuko snorted. "What, you gonna start monologuing now? Like hell, not after that shit you pulled with Mako."

She prepared to rejoin the fight, but pulled up short as Satsuki placed a hand on her shoulder. "Calm yourself Ryuko. Know your enemy, if she wishes to speak it can only serve to better our own chances." She turned a calculating look at Sunset. "No doubt she intends to buy herself time to strategize. But the blade that cuts deepest, cuts both ways."

Ryuko grunted. "You and your philosophy crap. Fine, do what you want. But make it quick; five minutes I'm done waiting." With that she folded her arms and slumped down on the ground, seating herself cross-legged and talking quietly with Senketsu.

Sunset grimaced. Again, she had faced worse odds but five minutes was not much to work with. She was no Ranma or Naruto, her best plans were prepared in advance rather than on the fly. Still, maybe this was for the best. If she could reach Ryuko without having to defeat her first then that was much preferable than the alternative. Rarer by an absolutely overwhelming degree, but infinitely better by far on the few noteworthy occasions that it actually worked.

Taking a chance, she lowered her guard slightly; though not completely, and she prepared herself to teleport again at a moment's notice just in case. Experience had taught her more than her fair share of hard lessons after all; no sense tempting fate now, so close to the finish line. "I'm sorry about what happened with Mako, I didn't want to hurt her. I can tell she isn't really the fighting type."

"Perhaps, but she made her choice. And though my sister puts on a harsh face, it is motivated by concern."

Ryuko just humphed and ignored them.

Sunset gave an involuntary sigh of relief at the confirmation of her own suspicions, prompting a raised eyebrow from Satsuki and a growl from Ryuko.

"What the heck's that sound supposed to mean, huh?"

Sunset shook her head. "It's nothing, I'm just relieved that I'm not too late."

Satsuki's gaze hardened. "Explain."

Focusing her resolve, Sunset did so. This was likely the best chance she could hope for, if this failed then the only other option was the route she had been forced onto by the sister's challenge. Moments like this really made her miss the simplicity of Heartsongs.

"I'm not sure how much Ryuko has told you, so while I'm sure this might sound a little farfetched it's the truth. She, myself and numerous others are trapped in what is for all intents and purposes an eternally repeating time loop."

Ryuko and Satsuki exchanged incredulous looks, a silent conversation passing between them. Oblivious to the interplay, Sunset continued. "Mortal minds aren't meant to handle that kind of strain, and sometimes those that are forced past the breaking point end up in a state of increasingly amoral behavior."

Ryuko gaped while Satsuki pinched the bridge of her nose. "You did this, all of this, because you think my sister has Sakura Syndrome."

"Exactly. That's... wait... You're... but..."

Ryuko facepalmed and climbed to her feet. "For fuck's sake. You gotta be shitting me! Of all the stupid, idiotic—"

"That'll do Ryuko."

"Harebrained ideas I've ever heard!—"


"I swear to Yggdrasil, you've gotta be the most braindead jack—'

"Mimble Wimble!"

Ryuko gagged and shot a dirty look at Satsuki, but Sunset barely noticed as she gaped beneath her Coat at the intricately carved wand in Satsuki's hand, before it vanished into her Pocket. Meeting Satsuki's gaze wordlessly, she was greeted by a hard look.

"Yes. I am Awake."

"But... if.. then why..."

Satsuki furrowed her brow contemptuously. "Ragyou is not so simple a target to find, her whereabouts prior to Tri-City School Raid Trip vary by Loop as does the location of the Kiryuin Manor. When my sister and I Awoke we did as we typically do, following the script as needed to ensure the arrival of that woman at a time and place of our choosing despite the nature of the Variant we found ourselves in. Which we would have willingly explained had you simply Pinged as expected rather than invade my Academy, provoke my students, damage my facilities and make of yourself a dangerous and unknown threat that we had no choice but to deal with. Apparently on a half-formed assumption that you never attempted to verify in any recognizable manner despite countless opportunities to do so. Need I explain my sister's, and my own, irritation?"

Sunset sank to her knees unseeing. It was true, in retrospect it was blatantly obvious what had happened. She had allowed herself to get hung up on a single detail of her Loop Memories and consequently had forgotten to Ping. The entire chain of events that had followed had been a Loop-long trainwreck following the first mistaken decision she had made and the countless smaller decisions she had made afterwards to justify the choice.

All of it, avoidable.

Ryuko stomped roughly over to her, and without warning slugged her in the jaw. Sunset was caught completely off guard by the hit, having zoned out as her mind rearranged her perspective; pointing out all the things in vivid detail that she could have circumvented had she simply thought things through at the beginning. The hit had knocked her hood back and allowed her to hair to fall freely, and she looked up with unfocused eyes at the Anchor and her sister.

"Oh you gotta be shitting me. Ain't she that one chick from the highschool world expansion the Equestrians had a couple hundred Loops back?"

Satsuki shrugged. "I wouldn't know. Unlike you I've yet to return to Equestria recently." Abruptly she stiffened, turning to look behind Sunset. Ryuko followed her gaze and grimaced, spitting to the side.

"Oh wow. You two sure did a number on her huh? That's our Satsuki, always one step ahead. All it took was a few words and she completely lost the will to fight! Ooo, I'm getting all tingly just remembering."

Turning her head, Sunset came face to skirt with a frilly wall of pink. Moments later the image was replaced with the grinning face of a blonde haired girl with a stylized purple eyepatch. Even without her Loop Memories, Sunset recognized the girl. The Grand Couturier, Nui Harime.

"Such a cutie, and look! She has the other half of your daddy's scissors." Pirouetting around she leaned over Ryuko's shoulder, dancing her fingers across the Rending Scissors in her grip. "You're such a meanie Ryuko, taking my toys away like that."

Ryuko snarled and pushed Nui off, causing her to tumble away with a giggle. Edging closer to Satsuki, Ryuko and her sister shared a split-second look. Whatever message had passed between them, it resulted in both of them subtly tensing; Ryuko's grip on her sword tightening to a white knuckled grip while Satsuki's center of gravity lowered in preparation for combat.

This didn't go unnoticed Nui, who's smile widened teasingly. "Oh? Such serious faces!" She pouted cutely. "You're hurting my feelings."

Neither sister elected to answer. Ryuko began to radiate light as she and Senketsu prepared to initiate their Kisaragi transformation, now an unlimited skill after repeatedly absorbing countless Life Fibers during the Loops. Meanwhile Satsuki used Bakuzan to cut her thumb and pressed the bloody digit to the ground which lit up in a massive array that spanned the entire school, a faintly shimmering haze enveloping the sky in a silver tinted dome.

Nui gave an exultant twirl as she gazed up at the sight with awestruck eyes. "Ça alors, how pretty!" She laughed playfully and wagged her finger at them. "You two sure have been naughty, holding out on us like this. Such bad role models for your little sister!"

Ryuko snorted. "Screw off you freaking bitch! Once we're done with you, you're gonna be begging to tell us where Ragyou's hiding her sorry ass!"

Nui clucked her tongue. "Such language Ryuko, not very ladylike at all. You should be more like Satsuki. Isn't that right big sister?"

Satsuki glowered furiously. "Filth such as yourself does not deserve the right to call me by that title. This is the end for you Nui Harime."

"Gracious! You too Satsuki? How rude of you. Guess it's up to me to teach you both some manners." Pulling out a tape measure she whipped it into a lazy spiral overhead like a gymnast's ribbon; though the serrated teeth which emerged from its edge easily put an end to that comparison.


All three girls turned their attention to the still kneeling Sunset, her head bowed and eyes covered by her newly revealed hair. Glancing up momentarily she caught Ryuko and Satsuki's eyes, before prostrating herself.

"Please. This is all my fault, if I hadn't messed up so badly this wouldn't be happening right now. So please, let me make up for it. I know you can take her down on your own, but... let me do it instead. To try and apologize for my mistake."

Nui giggled amusedly, but the sisters were silent for several moments. Just as Sunset was beginning to fear that she had completely ruined any chance of getting along with the two Loopers, Satsuki spoke.

"Very well, you will have your chance. But expect no assistance from either of us, you will succeed or fail here on your own merit. If you should fall, then that is on your own head. But if you should prove victorious, leave her alive long enough for us to get the information we require."

Sunset looked up quickly, nodding agreement.

Ryuko grunted, but gave her a smirk. "Oh and don't die. I still need to kick your ass for what you did to Mako, and if I have to hunt you down in another Loop I'm gonna be extra pissed."

Reaching down, she offered her a hand up; and after a moment Sunset gratefully accepted.

Turning her attention to the Life Fiber hybrid, who wore a mocking smile as she observed the trio curiously, she removed her Black Coat. Mistaken judgements aside, it really had been just as useful as she had expected when she decided to keep it rather than throw it out as Sora said Riku had done. But the time for secrets was over; and if she was going to make up for her screw-up she would do it as Sunset, not the cloaked Assassin of Nudist Beach.

Which also meant it was time to get back to her core. Turning she reached out to Ryuko, the other half of the Rending Scissors gripped in her hand. "This is yours. I'm not worthy of the dream it was designed for."

Ryuko frowned but accepted the blade. "So what are you going to use then?"

Closing her eyes, she stretched out her hand. With a flash of light, where there had been nothing now rested a familiar item; a Keyblade. The comforting weight settling into her grip, Sunset looked back at Ryuko. "The Scissor Blade is your weapon... this is mine."

Hefting it in her hand, she gazed at it almost reverentially. Nothing exceptional by Keyblade standards, the 'blade' was a light brilliant amber; the same as her coat from before the Loops. The guard was of typical design, embossed with the setting sun in relief and the teeth of the key portion of the weapon was an enlarged depiction of her Cutie Mark; as was the Keychain hanging from the pommel. No added weight or extraneous burdens, no hidden meanings or harsh angles; complete in it's simplicity, but with a hidden strength held within.

Sincere and straightforward, the unembellished design was a reflection of herself; the purest essence of who she was and desired to be.

Ryuko quirked an eyebrow. "Huh. After all the other shit you pulled, I shouldn't be surprised; but I didn't peg you for a Keyblade user. So when were you gonna bust this one out?"

Sunset smiled self-deprecatingly. "I was saving it as a trump card, something to catch you off-guard with at the right moment. Obviously that's not necessary, but I can still do some good with it like this. I'm not as informed as I wish I was, how strong is her regeneration?"

Ryuko grinned darkly. "Basic horror movie rules; no heart, no brain. Other than that, go nuts."

Sunset nodded seriously and raised Glimmering Sunset, the light of the sun reflecting off the Keychain. Lowering her center of gravity she focused on her opponent, standing with a cutsie tilt to her head and a wide taunting smile. The first step towards redeeming herself was to end this fight as quickly as possible and take the fight to the true monster she had ignored in her obsessive ignorance.

First Nui, then Ragyou; only then could she absolve herself of the guilt eating at her gut.

Ranma had always told her that the best defense was a good offense, and the best way to figure out an unknown opponent's abilities was to test them herself. The fact that he had taught her this while waking her up by handing her the tail of an angry wolf one random morning had ensured that the lesson wasn't easily forgotten. That had been one of the easier days during her time with the Nerima Anchor. And largely responsible for her seeking saner training from Tatewaki Kuno. Which probably said something in and of itself.

Horrific training methods aside, the lessons she had learned had served her well over the years, and as such she chose to take the initiative in this fight. Though her desire to redeem herself likely played an not insignificant amount in the decision as well if she was being totally honest. Either way, she started the fight with a bang. Or a crash as the case may be.

Rocketing towards Nui, she gathered magic into her Keyblade and brought the weapon down upon the space where Nui stood. The pink terror easily sidestepped the attack, leaving the blade to bite into the ground; erupting into jagged spikes as the impact radiated outward. Immediately afterward however, magically generated meteors pummeled the surrounding area forcing Nui to duck and weave around the projectiles.

"Oh that looks like it would have hurt." she said with a giggle, observing the rubble from Sunset's opening move. With a flick of her wrist she sent her tape measure flying at Sunset, the jagged edge gleaming in the light. Sunset responded by transforming her blade into a pair of pistols and shooting the bladed tool repeatedly with blasts of Darkness.

Nui's eyes widened before a wide grin came over her face and she clapped her hands together excitedly. "That's so cool. You have such a neat toy. What else can it do?"

Sunset smirked. "You wanna see? Sure." Raising the blade into the air, she brought it down in a flash; a wave of icy pillars and spikes erupting from the ground in all directions as she cast Blizzaga. Nui leapt artistically from the various extrusions as they erupted around her, outright pirouetting in one instance as her parasol lightened her fall and allowed her to dance from one point to the other.

She applauded appreciatively. "That's so neat!"

Sunset snorted. "You haven't seen anything yet." Leaping towards her opponent she swung her blade again, unleashing a Dark Firaga with every attack. The blazing fire quickly reduced the ice around them to puddles and removed Nui's options for dodging Sunset's attacks. With a crash, Sunset closed the distance between them and brought her weapon down atop Nui's head; only to be blocked at the last second by Nui's now closed parasol.

"Naughty, naughty. Trying to catch me off guard like that. How shameless."

Sunset chose not to reply with words, instead going on the offensive. Nui however proved to be a surprisingly talented fighter, managing to block the majority of Sunset's attacks and diverting many of the rest to be less damaging than they would otherwise be. She was still no match in direct sword to sword combat for Sunset' but at the current rate of combat it would likely take far too long to edge out a win without going all out, something she couldn't do if she wanted to avoid outright killing Nui before the sisters could get the information they needed.

Sunset decided to take a risk. Disengaging, she transformed her blade again and swung it out at Nui as a whip. The surprised seamstress was caught off guard by the change and was a moment to slow to avoid being caught as the weapon wrapped around her, binding her arms at her sides and biting into her skin slightly.

For a moment a dark look crossed her face, before she smiled coyly. "So forward."

Sunset responded by casting Thundaga. A blast of magically conjured lightning struck down on the bound hybrid, a wave of concussive electrical force expanding outward from the epicenter. The surrounding water from the former Blizzaga conducted the charge, amplifying the attacks effects several fold. Trapped in Sunset's Keyblade Whip, Nui convulsed as the electricity raced through her, her skin scarring from the point of impact as a line of blood dribbled down her lips.

Sunset however was also caught in the blast, the surrounding water carrying the charge through her as well and her connection to Nui through her weapon doing the same. Sunset had the benefit of several different defenses and resistances, but even still the pain caused her to grit her teeth slightly. Even reduced as much as it had been, it still had one hell of a sting.

Which only made it more troubling when Nui began giggling, from within her restraints. "Wow. I'm surprised. That was a really powerful attack." She smiled beatifically. "My~Turn."

Wedging her parasol between her and her bindings she released herself with a twist of her wrist and a twirl. As she spun, hundreds of small copies of her dress fluttered outward on the breeze before transforming into duplicates of herself. "Mon-Mignon Prêt-à-Porter!"

Sunset's eye twitched lightly. It was times like this that made her regret not learning the Shadow Clone Technique when she had had the chance. She hadn't seen the need at the time, and with all the things that tended to happen when she Looped somewhere new she never had the time to ask around for instructions from other Loopers.

Nui gave a slow pirouette, leading into an attitude derriere; her parasol held open above her as she held herself steady on her lead foot with a smile. "En avant, marche!"

Sunset's world became a maze of razor edged measuring tapes and parasols as she hacked her way through the doppelgangers. A dozen bladed whips snapped at her from a distance while equal numbers of close range attacks pressed in on her from every side.

While they lacked the quality of the original, what they lacked in skill they made up for in numbers and Sunset was forced to fall back on the defensive for several moments before she found an opportunity to counter. Sweeping her Keyblade into the air she unleashed a Zero Graviza, a sphere of pure black appearing overhead and drawing all the surrounding clones towards it. The damaging effects of the magical blackhole reduced her opponents to single digits in quick order and Sunset easily dispatched the remaining few shortly after.

"Golly gee. You sure have a lot of tricks." Nui chirped from literally just outside the range of the attack, a single inch forward being enough to have sent her adrift alongside her clones. Sunset replied by casting Stopga and rushing in to attack the time displaced blonde.

At the very last moment however, Nui dodged aside just enough to let Sunset's attack pass her by; jabbing her a few hundred times in the abdomen in response, sending her back at twice the speed she had been moving forward.

Staring upwards in blank shock for a moment, Sunset gaped at the sky before she kipped back up; pointing her Keyblade at Nui warily. "How the heck did you do that?"

Nui tilted her head to the side cutely, humming questioningly. "Do what?" Her eyes sparkled with amusement. "Oh! You mean your silly technique?"

Sunset grimaced, thinking back over what she knew of the Grand Couturier from her brief examination of Ryuko's Baseline Backup. After a moment it hit her as she recalled a brief scene where she had reached across a split screen to play with Satsuki's hair. She had dismissed it as a sight gag, but... maybe?

Looking back over her shoulder cautiously, she called out to the pair watching the fight. "Is she usually a reality warper like this?"

Ryuko snorted. "Yeah, sometimes. Pain in the ass. It varies, though. Looks like you got one on the lower end of the scale. Lucky you," she shouted back. Sunset groaned internally. Looked like Ryuko could hold a grudge. She'd have to make it up to Mako later and hope Ryuko forgave her.

For now though, she had to finish this. It wasn't often that she had dealt with realtiy warpers of any kind, and for that she was both grateful and regretful. The experience would have been useful to have, but the process of getting that experience was more likely than not nightmare worthy. Even so, what she did know was that the best way to deal with them was to keep them too distracted to take control of the board entirely.

Which meant it was time to up her game. By far and away her Keyblade was her preferred skillset. But it was still only one of many. Gathering her recovered ki, she took to the sky; transforming her Keyblade into a bow as she did so and raining a literal storm of Dark arrows downward.

Her Keyblade was a focus. It allowed her to channel her magic in lieu of her horn. It was not however her sole method of doing so, and as she continued to target her frustratingly nimble opponent she took advantage of that and her years of magical studies.

'Aeroga, Homing Fira, Thudaga, Homing Blizzaga,!' Each spell drained her at an increasingly rapid pace as she channeled it into her hand, multitasking on a physically painful level to meld the four techniques into a single attack; and then draining her further by holding them in place rather than casting them immediately. Transforming her Keyblade again, this time into a large cannon, she loaded the magical mixture into it's barrel and focused again.

'Slow, Stop, Stopra, Stopga, Freeze, Blackout, Confuse, Bind!' Rather than melding them, these ones were fired off in immediate succession; all but draining her of her remaining magic. She didn't know whether Nui could negate all of them, some of them or only the time related ones, but anything that bought her a few extra seconds was worth the attempt. And it worked. Although each individual attack clearly worked at less than a fraction of their intended max, together they made up for their individual failings enough that the binding spell struck her reeling target dead on; ensuring that she had a perfect shot lined up.

She fired.

The four elemental magic attacks descended unerringly upon the struggling Nui, their natures chaotically clashing and merging with one another in ways that were visibly unstable and distorted the air it as struck. The ground disintegrated for dozens of feet around the impact. The smoke from the attack hung solid in the air, caught in the field of altered time, and blocked her view of Nui. As a result, Sunset chose to unleash a followup attack; just in case.

Dredging up the last of her magic, she held her reverted Keyblade overhead before slashing downward. "Meteor!" The summoned spacerock slammed down upon the ground hard enough to shake the ground all the way to Honnouji, the earth rippling and then crumbling in it's wake.

It was probably overkill, but it was better safe than sorry.

Finally the dust, smoke and magical projectiles cleared enough to reveal Nui's battered form; bloody, clothes torn, hair in disarray, and coughing violently, she still managed to shakily stand back up. At which point Sunset flashstepped directly in front of her and unleashed every drop of recovered chakra in her body to send her flying with a full body right hook to the solar plexus.

Nui's scream echoed as she flew, before impaling herself at mach one on the spiked walls of the Honnouji Academy. Even still she looked amused, despite her position essentially removing her as a threat for at least however long it took her to remove herself from the wall. "You're so strong! I'm~jealous."

Breathing heavily, Sunset moved to finish the fight; only to stop as a hand laid itself upon her shoulder. Satsuki met her gaze calmly as Sunset turned in surprise. "Enough. I will take things from here."

Nodding, Sunset released a deep breath before straightening. Ryuko chose that moment to smack her on the back hard enough to send her stumbling. "Not bad girl. You did better than I did the first time I ran into her reality twisting bullshit."

"Uh... thanks?"

"It's cool. Anyone that can lay a smackdown on that bitch is okay in my books. Apologize to Mako and we're even." Ryuko said over her shoulder as she followed her sister.

Nodding to herself, Sunset moved into step beside the two Loopers as they made their way to where Nui was pulling herself free. Staring dispassionately upwards at her, Satsuki frowned distastefully.

"Are you going to hurt my feelings too Lady Satsuki?" Nui quipped.

Satsuki's frown deepened, but she said nothing. Instead her eyes began to glow violet and her hair started floating around her in a faint nimbus of energy. "Hypnosis."

Nui blinked, before stiffling a yawn, and then drooped as the psychic attack struck her.

The glow around Satsuki's eyes intensified, and a nonexistent breeze began picking at their surroundings. "Dream Eater." A dark aura enveloped Nui, sinking into her skin. Her head flew back and darkness shone from her eyes and mouth, before flowing back towards Satsuki; who absorbed it as simply as breathing. Then without ceremony the glow faded and the air stilled.

"I know where to find Ragyo. You may dispose of this creature as you wish."

Sunset nodded and gathered her ki into her hands, taking a familiar pose to the two sisters.

"Oh heck yeah, I want in on this." Ryuko cheered, imitating Sunset.

The two gathered energy between their hands for another few seconds, before aiming forwards at the same time; the attacks name sounding out from them both. "Kamehameha!"

Nui's still slumbering form instantly atomized under their combined energy attack, as well as the wall of the Academy and much of the land behind it. Nodding calmly, Satsuki turned away. "Come. We still have work to do. Ragyo is sure to hear of this shortly, now is the time to strike."

Ryuko quickly followed behind her, leaving the ruined battlefield behind them. Sunset took a moment to calm herself, before joining them. One more. Just one more and then it was over.

Staring down at the Kiryuin mansion, Sunset repressed the urge to let out a low whistle. Grandiose hardly did justice to the palatial manse which spread out below them from their vantage point at the top of the cliff-side which bordered the property this Loop. At her side, the two sisters and the recovered Elite Five wearing their MK.III Regalia.

"Ryuko, Senketsu, Mako, Gamagoori, and Uzu you will lead our charge. The floor is arranged in the standard pattern, so it should of no concern to locate the sub-basement where Ragyo houses the Primordial Life-Fiber. I assume you will be absorbing it as is typical?"

Senketsu met Satsuki's gaze with a firm stare. -Of course. I will not allow that woman to harm anyone else, and the Primordial Life-Fiber is too dangerous a weapon to be allowed to remain in her hands any longer than it already has.-

Sunset blinked. 'He can talk? Er, think-speak I guess? I thought only Ryuko was supposed to be able to hear him.' After a moment however, she simply shrugged it off. 'Part of being a Looper I guess.'

Satsuki nodded. "So be it. Nonon, Houka, and our guest will handle Rei Hououmaru and any of Ragyo's thralls while I myself track down Ragyo and ensure there are no unpleasant surprises lying in wait. When you've finished, rendezvous with their group in the main hall and I will join you there shortly. Time is of the essence. Should word of Nui's death reach Ragyo she will no doubt enact her plans in earnest. I doubt I need remind you of the incident."

"Yeah, yeah. I ain't forgotten. C'mon guys, let's do this. Life-Fiber Synchronize, Senketsu Kisaragi!" With a flash of light Ryuko assumed her final battle-dress, immediately followed by the other three; and then they rocketed off down the side of the cliff into the mansion.

Satsuki smirked fondly. "Always so impulsive. Very well. Life-Fiber Override, Junketsu Shinzui." Another flash of light erupted which cleared to reveal Satsuki in her own ultimate transformation, before she too left; pausing only to meet Sunset, Nonon and Houka's gaze with a slight nod.

"Incident?" Sunset questioned to herself.

Houka hummed contemplatively. "Early on in our Looping careers we made the foolhardy mistake of underestimating Nui Harime's progress on the Shinra-Kōketsu. We assumed that having moved early enough we had the upper hand, never suspecting it of having been a Variant. Ragyo responded by donning the Kamui, and releasing the COVERS as a wave of disposable soldiers. While we were thus distracted she activated the Absolute Domination and pressed her advantage by mind-stitching myself and the other member of the Elite Four; then used us to fuel the Cocoon Sphere Genesis. Needless to say it was an unpleasant surprise, and has served as a reminder of our hubris and the need for tactical superiority in all future engagements."

"Huh. You know, that's probably the most I've heard you say at one time in the last dozen Loops mutt. What's up, distracted by the pretty lady?" Nonon said with a smirk.

"Hardly. I simply find it best if all involved are aware of the potential issues which may compromise our mission."

Sunset gaped. "Wait, hold up? You two are both Awake? Since when?"

Nonon snorted. "I Woke Up not long after you handed my Unawake self her ass. Which reminds me, you and I are gonna have ourselves a rematch once this is over. No way in hell I'm just gonna take that sitting down."

Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, Houka nodded. "As for myself, I Awoke during the briefing for this little endeavor."

"Why didn't you Ping?" Sunset asked.

"Why didn't you?" Houka countered. Sunset blushed and averted her gaze. Shrugging Houka continued. "Truthfully there was no need. I informed Ladies Satsuki and Ryuko, and thereafter chose to simply sit back and observe."

"You mean sit around and play on your computer, while Satsuki did all the work." Nonon interjected smugly.

Houka frowned but ignored her. "I admit to being somewhat curious over your reasons for the actions you took. Having gone back over the data gathered immediately before, during and after each of your fights I noted several opportunities to rectify your assumption; and yet it wasn't until your final confrontation with Ladies Satsuki and Ryuko forced you to admit your error that you even acknowledged it had occurred. Perhaps I am somewhat biased, as I am continuously questioning the decisions of both myself and everyone else; I can't help but be curious over why you chose to remain steadfastly ignorant of your own mistake."

Sunset stared awkwardly at the ground as she tried to organize her thoughts. "I guess... I didn't want to question myself. I made a lot of mistakes before I first started Looping, and it's taken a long time for me to confront the choices I made back then. I still haven't really. But when I'm fighting, when I have a goal, it's different. I was trained by some of, if not the, best fighters in all of Yggdrasil. I'm used to being good at this. And most of the time my instincts are pretty spot on, so when I made the assumption I did, when I thought Ryuko might have gone around the bend, I chose to act.

Typically, almost all the choices I usually make in a fight are, not perfect, but reasonable. Because I don't start fights that I don't need to. I can't. Because if I do, then I'm one step closer to being the person who I was; and I can't let that happen. So if I chose to fight, I have to believe I'm fighting for the right reasons, otherwise I'm... not."

Houka nodded to himself. "I see. So much like our own selves, you allowed your hubris to guide your decisions; trusting previous truths to hold true still, despite any contrary evidence you may have uncovered. Just as we allowed ourselves to grow over-confident in our understanding of the Baseline, you did the same with your battle instincts and when confronted by information which may have caused you to question that decision you unconsciously dismissed them."

Sunset rubbed her upper arm uncomfortably. "Yeah, that sounds about right."

"I suppose I can understand that, it is not so dissimilar from our own experiences after all. And, just as in our case, the only option now is to learn from this mistake." Pushing his glasses up to catch the light, he smirked. "I believe Mankanshoku said it best at the end of the Baseline. 'You're present self is better than your past self' indeed."

Sunset chuckled slightly. "Yeah, okay. I can see that. I'll just have to try harder to make sure that's true."

"Geeeeez. Will you two give it a rest already, enough with the saccharine pep-talk crap. We're wasting time here, let's freaking move!" Nonon snapped.

"No need to get yourself all worked up. As usual, I'm two steps ahead of you. While we've been talking, I've mapped out the fastest route to our objectives and disabled the security alarms. We should have no trouble proceeding forward."

Crossing her arms irritably, Nonon humphed. "Whatever, let's go then. Three Star Uniform: Symphony Regalia!"

Houka smirked. "Very well, if you insist. Three Star Uniform: Probe Regalia!"

Together with Houka and Nonon, it had barely taken ten minutes to clear out anyone that could have mounted a defense. The wait staff and employees had been quickly rendered unconscious and been removed from the area, as had the few members of the board which had been gathered for a scheduled meeting. There had been a slight bump in the process when they had run into Hououmaru while finishing the evacuation of the head butler, but Sunset had managed to cut her off and incapacitate her before she had rung the alarm.

Less than fifteen minutes after entering the mansion, they stood guard near the entrance to the main hall; having finished their tasks and now awaiting the others. Five minutes after their arrival, Ryuko's group joined them and two minutes after that Satsuki completed their assemblage.

"All assignments have been met?"

Ryuko nodded. "Yeah, Senketsu Absorbed the Primordial Life-Fiber no problem while these two took care of the COVERS. You find out where Disco-bitch's lurking?"

"Indeed. She's currently preoccupied with an overseas teleconference, and is thus far unaware of our presence. The meeting is scheduled to end in approximately three minutes, at which point we will make our move. Additionally, I located and had Junketsu absorb the incomplete Shinra-Kōketsu. Barring any unforseen defenses or Variant abilities, this should be fast and simple." Satsuki answered, before turning her head. "Sunset."

"Huh? I mean, yes?"

"Despite the less than welcome manner in which you announced yourself, it is nonetheless an unofficial tradition that new guests be given the option to eliminate Ragyo themselves if they so desire. Many Loopers who have Replaced myself of my sister find it to be nearly as cathartic as dealing with an Unawake Gendo. If you wish, you may perform this task yourself."

Sunset paused. On the one hand, Ragyo needed to be taken down; and hard. But on the other...

"I think I'll let you or Ryuko take care of it. You guys would probably appreciate it more than I would."

Ryuko grinned toothily. "Oh heck yeah. I call dibs. Bitch is all mine this Loop."

Satsuki nodded acceptance. "So be it. Houka, if you would be so inclined."

Houka nodded and busied himself with his computer. Moments passed silently as they waited, before Houka looked up. "The meeting has concluded. We can proceed when ready."

Satsuki smirked. "Very well. Ryuko?"

"Like you even gotta ask!" the Anchor roared, rocketing out of the antechamber and into Ragyo's office. Sunset had only enough time to see the completely dumbfounded look on Ragyo's face, before Ryuko's fist tore through it. Her body dropped like a sack of bricks, but Ryuko didn't pause; grabbing her by the front of her jacket and hefting her into the air.

"C'mon bitch, I know you can take more than that!"

The bottom half of Ragyo's face, the only part still present following Ryuko's attack, turned up in a grin; before threads of Life-Fiber unwound from her suit and slowly restitched her head together. "Well, well. This is a surprise. To what do I owe the surprise of this unexpected family reunion?"

Ryuko snorted. "Yeah, no. I ain't playing no stupid ass psyche games. We're here to either kill ya, or shove you into a whole so deep you forget what sunlight looks like."

"Oh? And what reason do you have to justify this betrayal, daughter of mine? I have done nothing to warrant such cruelty." Ragyo replied pleasantly.

"My ass. You and your stupid Life-Fibers are finished. Senketsu here already absorbed your precious Primordial Life-Fiber, and your damn 'Grand Couturier' is a grease stain on the Hounnouji Academy walls. Game over."

Ragyo's gracious manner evaporated, her face turning down in a hateful scowl. "Impossible."

"You keep telling yourself that." Ryuko said with a smirk.

"It's over mother." Satsuki said, striding confidently into the room.

"Satsuki." Ragyo answered in a near hiss. "Truly I have been a poor mother to have raised so disrespectful a child. To think you would defy me this way."

"Yeah, and the hits just keep coming mom." Ryuko spat.

Ragyo's eyes narrowed, before a deranged look came over her face and she began laughing. "Of course. Both my failed daughters come to face me now, thinking themselves victorious. How pitiful. You may have defeated me now, but this is not the end. The Life-Fibers will return to claim this world, it's only a matter of time."

"Yeah, well time's one thing we got plenty of." Ryuko growled, before shoving her Scissorblade into Ragyo's chest; cleaving her heart in half, before dropping the corpse and spitting on it for good measure.

Sunset almost regretted not taking care of this herself after seeing Ryuko's actions, but reminded herself of what the now dead woman had done to them and intended to do to the rest of the planet. Taking a breath to steady herself, she reminded herself that she had seen worse. She jumped however as Ryuko placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Sorry about that. I had a couple bad Loops with her recently, and the shit she pulled on us this one was icing on the cake. Thanks for letting me take the lead on this, I needed that."

Sunset nodded uncertainly. "I get it, it's just a bit... yeah."

Ryuko chuckled. "I hear ya. You ponies aren't usually all that big on the violence," She paused, giving Sunset a wry look, before grinning crookedly. "Though I guess there really is an exception to every rule. You ain't half bad. Which is a good thing, cause you and me still got that rematch to look forward to."

Sunset smiled. That at least they could both agree on.

"After that things were actually pretty peaceful. Satsuki managed to convince Hououmaru to follow her and with the Academy still intact we finished out our year pretty quietly." Sunset finished, taking a drink of her tea.

Ryuko snorted. "'Quiet' she says. As if. We spent the rest of the Loop beating each other's faces in trying to figure out which one of us was the better sword fighter. Obviously I won of course."

"Three out of five is hardly a resounding victory." Sunset countered.

"Still better than your two. Even after you got your keychain, I still whooped your sorry flank up and down Honnouji city."

"Keychain?" Twilight interrupted the light-hearted bickering.

Sunset smiled and pulled out her Keyblade with a flash, and equipped the token in question; a toothpick sized red blade in the shape of half a pair of scissors. The resulting Keyblade was similar in appearance to Ryuko's Scissor Blade, only colored orange and yellow and with her cutie mark where the bolt would normally go. "This here is my Kamui Keyblade. It's actually the last Keyblade I picked up before I finally came home. A reminder that even bad first impressions can still turn out pretty okay as long as you're willing to try and fix things. Good friends can be made even after your worst screw-ups, and every mistake is just a chance to learn something new and improve yourself."

"Gah, you're gonna make my ears bleed if you keep talking like that. C'mon, Discord promised he'd take me Tatzlewurm tag-team wrestling and I need a partner. You in?" Ryuko asked.

Sunset grinned. "Sure. You mind Twilight?"

Twilight smiled and shook her head. "Go ahead, I'm gonna keep reading. There's still a few entries in your journal left after the one just now, I can keep myself busy."

Ryuko shrugged. "Suit yourself. More worm butt to kick for us."

Giggling, Twilight watched Sunset and Ryuko head off before pulling out a set of parchment and a quill. 'Dear Princess Celestia...'

Author's Note:

200.1: It's easier to reference them by external names sometimes.
200.2: Once you get past the "pony" thing, it's merely very unusual.
200.3: Everyone needs a spraybottle.
200.4: Long enough to be a fic, but good luck making it make sense without Loops backing. Consider it a chapter 200 thing I guess.

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