• Published 19th Apr 2013
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MLP Time Loops - Saphroneth

Twilight Sparkle has been here before. In fact, she's been here so often she's thoroughly bored. Time Loop stories for Equestria.

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MLP Loops 172

172.1 (Vinylshadow)

Twilight paused in reading her book as five knocks sounded on her door. She didn't understand why ponies knocked on her door, the Library was a public place, after all.

Sighing, she marked her place and opened the door.

"Hello Lyra...Lyra, Lyra, Lyra, and Lyra..." she said, already feeling the headache coming on. Five identical turquoise unicorns stood outside wearing identical sheepish grins. "Lemme guess, you want an explanation?"




"Without fail."


Four Lyras looked at a fifth and Twilight arched an eyebrow.

"Aaanyway..." she said, "I'm guessing each of you is one of Lyra's personalities...but rather than your own unique bodies, you've simply been copied into Lyra's body..."

She blinked then asked warily, "Do each of you have the others' voices in your heads?"

The five mares exchanged glances.


"Roger roger."


"Fo' shizzle."

"Beyond a doubt."

Twilight's eye twitched.

In the Crystal Empire, Cadence pricked her ears as a howl of frustration pierced through the howling blizzard and into the recesses of Cadence's palace.

"I know that sound. That's the sound of a very upset unicorn..."

Shining lifted his head off her barrel and squinted, pricking his ears. "Huh...you're right. Those sure were the days, hm?"

Cadence grinned and nuzzled him. "Sneaking kisses when she wasn't looking? Oh yes..." she purred, wrapping her hooves around him and snuggling close.

172.2 (wildrook)

Twilight blinked as she and her friends listened to Cheese Sandwich's rambling as Pinkie had asked the question involving his life's story.

So far, she couldn't make heads or tails out of his story as the story was mostly disjointed. It started from Pinkie's Surprise Party for Maud, then it mentioned something about a bait shop, then a disdain for sauerkraut. Something about being force-fed for...twenty-seven years? She kind of stopped paying attention when Dash got confused at the number of molecules on AK Yearling's plot ("Off by three?" Dash asked herself).

Spike was about to ask a question, but noticed Pinkie Pie listening intently...or what looked like it. They could never tell with her as they were hearing about the airship flight from hell (The albanian mares with high body odor, the young foal throwing up repeatedly, the flight running out of soda and salted peanuts, and the in-flight movie about a giant dome starring the Flim-Flam Brothers) not to mention the crash he survived, which Trixie would confirm to be slightly impossible ("Oh, the Equinity!" says Rarity before getting the couch out).

Then he got to the part about the disfigured pony with the seagull haircut and sole nostril at the Heart's Warming Inn fighting over a lucky snorkel. Applejack was more confused at the fight itself. She's not one for fancy mathematics like her brother, but didn't a degree need to be required in order to take out an appendix and to give a colon irrigation? ("Oh, my," Fluttershy muttered).

When it got to the part about the donut shop with no donuts, Spike wondered what kind of cruel joke was played on him. The answer came when Cheese Sandwich was given a box of one dozen starved crazed weasels, which made Fluttershy be the one to faint. The screaming he did was not helping the situation. It did show that he had love for a short time, although it was hard to tell whether or not they met a painter pony in one of the previous loops. Still, what kind of divorce involved membership to a record company? ("Ah know Svengallop's not a nice stallion," Applejack muttered, "but isn't that overreactin?")

However, things started to come to a point after mentioning that he got a part-time job at a Hayburger Joint, but putting out a grease fire with his face? Twilight wondered what kind of surgeon would make his face scar-less. Then it took a turn for a dark when he mentioned how he couldn't understand sarcasm and actually cut someone's hooves off with a chainsaw. Then the anecdote came up where when told somepony hadn't had a bite in three days, he bit their jugular vein (Once again, Rarity fainted).

"Anyways, um..." Cheese Sandwich said, spacing out for a bit. "Where was I? I kind of lost my train of thought." He then looked at his listeners as they were in various states of facial expressions. "Well, I guess this is a roundabout way of saying it. The whole point I'm trying to make here is... I! HATE! SAUERKRAUT!"

Twilight face-hooved at that while the others (sans Pinkie) were dazed and confused by the time the Heartsong ended.

"Eleven minutes and twenty-three seconds," Spike muttered, taking a quill and writing the record down. "Cheese Sandwich has us beat..."

"That's your life story?" Twilight asked him. "The timeline was all over the place...and all of that was due to having a diet of Sauerkraut?"

"Of course," Pinkie Pie replied. "When fed one thing for too long, you tend to go a little nuts." Applejack nodded, remembering her visit with the Pie Family.

172.3 (Masterweaver)

Riley blinked Awake, glancing around her room. "Okay guys, what's the plan for this loop?" she whispered under her breath.

Hold on, mysterious voice, we're still getting our loop memories—

The young girl winced and clutched her head as the sound of hundreds of marbles reverberated through it. If she could have thought through the haze, she might have questioned the whole 'mysterious voice' comment.

Thankfully, though, the headache went away as quickly as it came.

...okay, I can get us being emotional avatars in another consciousness, a voice only she could hear groused. But why am I Sadness?

Process of elimination, I think. Sweetroll as Joy and Seapony as Anger is obvious, then Thief as Disgust because sometimes science is just creepy, and really a pony wouldn't be good for Fear so I wound up with that.

"Um... hello?"

There's that voice again... The new voice gasped. Wait—Riley?! Can you hear us?!

Riley rolled her eyes. "I'm the loop anchor. Welcome to my mind, I guess. Who are you?"

Oh! I can take this one! The eager voice was accompanied by a sudden burst of amusement; probably whoever was replacing Joy. Hi, we're all Lyra Heartstrings! Well, kind of sort of. I'm Sweetroll, and then there's Pony and Seapony and Human and TheifScientistMiscellaneousOriginal. I'm taking Joy, Pony's sadness, Seapony's anger—

"I heard you talking before. I think I can get that... hold on. You're all Lyra?"

Disassociative Loop Identity Disorder, came the voice with a twinge of sass. I accidentally broke my loop with a mirror and a time machine, so when I was activated I got a lot more loop memories than usual every loop. After a while, I made these guys to sort through it all—

Quick question, interjected a sour tone. Do we have to act like our emotion all the time? Because I'm feeling a compulsion to mope, which just isn't me...

"No, you can be whoever you want to be. But whenever you touch the console, I feel the appropriate emotion."

Wait, hold on, a nervous voice asked. Are you saying that we're responsible for your mental health?!

"...pretty much, yeah."

Well shoo-be-featherin'-do. You're screwed.

Oh come on, you two! chirped... Sweetroll, right. Having a little bit of crazy is perfectly healthy—!

Whoa, hey, why are you banging on the keys?! demanded... the one with a lot of names.

I just want her to be happy with us! I mean we're going to be stuck here for a full loop...

Riley's growing grin was suddenly replaced by an annoyed frown. Well, don't force it. Just... act naturally, okay Sweetroll? Sorry about that Riley.

"You may want to get your own hand off the console," the young girl replied.

Wha-OH! Her annoyance vanished. Sorry about that. We're not used to having a jungian psychology setup...

172.4 (Vinylshadow)

Fate has been cruel and order unkind
How can I have sent you away?
The blame was my own; the punishment, yours
The harmony's silent today

Celestia blinked Awake and found herself looking up at the familiar visage of the Mare in the Moon. Bringing a hoof to her eye, she wiped away the gathered tears and smiled a little as she heard her sister's voice, carried by the moonlight coating Equestria in its gentle glow.

How my deeds pain me as time stretches long
How could I have hurt them this way?
So rest easy now, my punishment’s mine
The weight of my crimes are my own

Luna found herself on the surface of her beloved moon, looking up at the familiar planet of Equus. She wiped the crystal tears that decorated her face and smiled as her sister's warm voice wrapped around her.

But into the stillness I'll bring you a song
And I will your company keep
Till your tired eyes and my lullabies
Have carried you softly to sleep

Celestia let the Heartsong flow out of her, shaping her magic as she held the moon in her magic. She could feel her sister on the surface, free of the taint that had touched her all those decades ago and she wished she could control the length of the banishment, but it seemed to be hard-coded into the Loop at a thousand years. Either sister could break it, but it wasn't always a surefire way and crashes were common.

But into that stillness you brought me your song
With your voice my company kept
For your tired eyes and sweet lullabies
In exile I pay you my debt

Luna sighed softly, closing her eyes, enjoying the distant touch of the sun's warmth. Every time she felt the sun on her coat, it reminded her of how the sisters would spend their childhood nights cuddled together, reading through old tomes and learning about history and magic.

Once did a pony who shone like the sun
Look out on her kingdom and sigh
She smiled and said, "Surely, there is no pony
So lovely and so well beloved as I"

Celestia grimaced. It varied from Loop to Loop. Sometimes she was a heartless tyrannical ruler, forcing her ponies to love in love and harmony according to her rule. Every Equestrian Looper loathed them and whenever they told Celestia about those kinds of Loops, Celestia congratulated them if they managed to end her reign or slap some sense into her.

Once did a pony who gleamed like the moon
Look out on her kingdom and sigh
Dejected she cried, “Surely there is no pony
“Who loves me, or finds any love in my night.”

Luna frowned. She knew every race on Equestria enjoyed her nights. It was the fact most of them didn't realize there was a Princess of the Night that sometimes irritated her, but she had grown used to it over the Loops. She had thousands of friends to talk with, share stories and swap things with.

So great was her reign and so brilliant her glory
That long was the shadow she cast
Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved
And grew only darker as days and nights passed

Celestia closed her eyes and focused of memories of her sister. From foals, to fillies, to mares, to Princesses...they had done everything together. Sometimes they fought — it was nearly impossible not to, with siblings — but they were rarely serious. After...that incident, Luna had let darkness into her heart.

So great was her pain, she rose in rebellion
Against those who cared for her most
She let the Nightmare fall on those she ruled
And threatened to grip them in permanent cold

Luna closed her eyes, clad in her sister's magic embrace. She let out a soft sigh and let her mind wander. She loved her sister, no doubt about it, yet there had been times she had rubbed her coat the wrong way and Luna had distanced herself, trying to find a balance.

Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine
And rest now in moonlight's embrace
Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth
Through cloud, and through sky, and through space

Celestia opened her eyes and stared at her sister, who stepped forward and the two sisters shared a nuzzle.

Lullay, dear Tia, good night sister mine
Rest now in starlight’s embrace
May this cool lullaby reach you in dreams
And ease you your passage of days

Luna opened her eyes and stared at her sister. Stepping forward, the younger sister gave her elder a nuzzle.

Carry the peace and the coolness of night
And carry my sorrow in kind
Luna, you're loved so much more than you know
May troubles be far from your mind
And forgive me for being so blind

May my apologies find you this night
And may my sorrow in kind
Tia, you loved me much more than I knew
Forgive me for being so blind

Celestia stroked over Luna's coat, murmuring tenderly to her, as only a sister could do and she felt the young Alicorn relax.

Soon did that pony take notice that others
Did not give her sister her due
And neither had she loved her as she deserved
She watched as her sister's unhappiness grew

Soon did her sister do what was demanded
And gave to the Moonlight her due
Breaking the Harmony, she saved her ponies
And banished her, as a wise ruler must do

Luna felt Celestia stroke over her and she leaned into her touch, as only a sister could do and she felt the stress leave her body.

But such is the way of the limelight, it sweetly
Takes hold of the mind of its host
And that foolish pony did nothing to stop
The destruction of one who had needed her most

Such is the weight of the crown that we wear, sister,
Duties we always uphold;
May you forgive me that foolishness mine
And live on with no burden upon your soul

Celestia wasn't entirely sure about the Nightmare. Sometimes it was Luna's feelings given form, others it was a parasite that fed on and magnified negative emotions. Both were things she despised — Nyx being the sole exception — and the Loops where she replaced Nightmare Moon were ones she detested, since she hated being reminded of her own flaws.

The years now before us, fearful and unknown
I never imagined I'd face them on my own
May these thousand winters, swiftly pass, I pray
I love you; I miss you, all these miles away

The space now before us, empty and forlorn
I never imagined we’d face them all alone
May these sunless seasons swiftly pass, I pray
I love you, I miss you, all these miles away

Celestia murmured three simple words to her sister, ones that came from the core of her very being, words that never grew old and withered.

May all your dreams be sweet tonight
Safe upon your bed of moonlight
And know not of sadness, pain, or care
And when I dream, I'll fly away and meet you there

May all your dreams be sweet tonight
Safe upon that bed above the lights
And know not of heartache, fear, nor gloom
And when I dream, I’ll fly away to meet you soon

Hearing those three words from her sister, Luna smiled and looked up into the face she adored with a smile and answered with two of her own.

"I love you."

"I know."

172.5 (Evilhumour)

"It's Hearth's Warming Eve, Lemon, so why can't you just enjoy it with me?" Nyx pouted up at her finacé who had his forelegs wrapped around her. He was wearing the itchy sweater that Velvet made him and the joke antlers that Nyx had placed on his head after putting it on. Nyx gracefully wore the Fenris styled hairband along with the wolf and pony pattern sweater that Lemon swore he made for her. She was inclined to believe him as she stared at her engagement ring fondly before remembering that she was cross at Lemon for being a party pooper.

"It's just that I am not really religious in that way, you know?" Lemon rubbed his chin against her head, causing the mare to blush a bit. "I mean, I have seen countless Santas, Krampuses, the whole shebang— Jack Frost and I even have a little score to settle ever since he started that planetary snowball war on Fenris," Lemon huffed, blowing air into her ears, causing her to giggle. "But even with my long looping experience, I just can't really shake off my Imperial roots of not believing in gods and religi—"

Lemon stopped speaking and stared straight at the window, frowning and making subtle movements to get up. "Did you hear that Nyxie?"

"Yeah," Nyx nodded her head, nuzzling against Lemon's muscular barrel to keep him in place. "Probably some animal in the bushes—”

There was a loud THUD on the roof of the cottage they were in, soon followed by loud scraping and then a horrendous crash. Both ponies sprang to their hooves and ran outside to find a rather large earth pony in a red suit, face down in the snow.

"Oh my spruce Lemon, that's Santa Hooves and he's dead on our lawn and it's your fault!" Nyx started to shout, causing Lemon to snap his head at her.

"Wait, how is this my fault?!" Lemon shouted back, leaning down to check for a pulse, only to find a faint one. Without wasting any time, Lemon lifted the pony off the ground and moved back inside the cottage.

"I told you to clean off the roof so Santa would have a safe landing and you said you did and you lied to me!!!" Nyx shout caused the windows to rattle, her wings flapping furiously in the cold winter air.

"I thought you were kidding, Nyxie, when you said it was for Santa!" Lemon placed the pony on the couch they were just sitting on and then started to pace. "Okay, I've got an idea of how to fix all of this!"

"Oh?" Nyx asked as she used her magic to put the gifts back into the sack.

"Time travel spell; we go back in time and warn Santa about the roof!" It was not the best of plans, but it was the first one to come to Lemon's mind and he latched to it desperately.

Nyx peeked over her fiancé’s shoulder at the injured pony and guilt made her mind agree to the somewhat reckless idea rather than the much more sensible idea of just healing the large pony.

With a quick spell, Nyx sent herself and Lemon back into the past to save Santa.

Unfortunately, they were a bit off the ground when Nyx sent them into the past... and directly in front of him.

As they landed in the bush, they both watched in mute horror as they startled the poor stallion off the roof.

As they watched themselves panic a bit, Lemon turned his head slowly to Nyx and saw she had a massive grin on her face.

"What now Nyx?" he whispered to her, waiting until they teleported back into the past to speak louder.

"You know what we've got to do now Lemon?" she said with some excitement in her voice.

"What are you thin—No, I love you with all my heart but there is no way I am doing—"

"Please?" she asked, widening her eyes and making them twinkle a bit, causing Lemon to fold in an instant.

"Fiiiiiiine, but you cannot tell anyone that I going to do this, okay?"

"It's a deal!" Nyx said as they teleported into the past, leaving the two to move more freely. Nyx grabbed the sack of toys, Lemon closed the door to their cottage and ascend to his alicorn form. Nyx then used her magic to create a sled and tied it around Lemon's neck.

"Ready?" Lemon asked, with a grin emerging on his face.

"Ready, my trusty reindeer!" Nyx shouted back, laughter escaping her mouth as the two took off to save Hearth's Warming Eve, with a stallion in a cottage smiling to himself, crossing off a very special gift delivery before going back to Yggdrasil proper. It was his time in the sun after all and he had a lot more stops to make.

172.6 (Evilhumour)

"Little Mother, I am both mentally a fully grown adult and fully capable of staying up past the setting of the moon," Lemon certainly did not pout but it was sure like it. "So I do believe that I can stay—"

"Lemon," Fluttershy said sternly, wrapping a wing around her little colt. "Shhh," She then began to hum a few bars, causing Lemon's ears to twitch as he fought to stay awake, but his younger body was already giving in with his eyelids becoming heavy and his heartbeat slowing down. "You go out adventuring out tomorrow, but tonight is a school night. So it's time for you to go to—" She blinked, looking down at Lemon who was already fast asleep.

With a gentle smile on her face, she lifted her son up onto her back and carried him off to his bed.

A simple loop like this was a real treat for her, she mused as she placed Lemon into his bed and tucked him in.

Looking as Freki and Geri hopped onto the bed and curled up near Lemon's face, Fluttershy bit a soft chuckle as she blew out the candle and closed the door.

172.7 (DrTempo and kingofsouls) [Kingdom Hearts/MLP]

Sunset Awoke during a class. She'd been at Canterlot High for so many Loops she could do the classwork in her sleep. One time, she literally had done just that. Considering how boring this teacher was, she was tempted to do it again.

“We have new students joining us at CHS,” the teacher said. Next to her stood the students in question. The trio consisted of a dark brown skinned boy with brown hair; a second boy who looked younger than the first; he had green skin and blond hair that clashed with his skin; and a girl who had blue skin and light blue hair. They waved hello to their new classmates “Allow me to introduce Earth Shaker, Wayward Wind and Rainfall. They just moved into town, so please help them feel at home.”

The three took their seats soon after. Wayward Wind sat next to Sunset, while Earth Shaker and Rainfall found a pair of seats in the back.

”Hey,” he said, extending a hand towards Sunset.

“Hey yourself,” Sunset said back; in her mind, she already had an idea as to who these new students were. “So, new in town?”

“Just moved in today,” came the answer. “I'm looking forward to seeing everything here.”

“I've lived here for a while.” Sunset laughed mentally; when she meant 'a while', it was actually about thousands of years at least. “I could show you and your two friends around. Maybe after school?”

“That sounds great.” Wayward Wind smiled.

“Glad to hear it, Ventus.”

Wayward Wind's, Earth Shaker's, and Rainfall's jaws dropped, their mouths dangling for all to see.

“How did she..?” wondered Earth Shaker.

Before he could finish asking, Sunset cut him off. "Meet me on the soccer field at lunch. I'll explain there."

At the soccer field, the trio were curious. Ven asked, "How did you know our..."

Sunset summoned her Keyblade, and Rainfall—or rather, Aqua—facepalmed. "Oh yeah. Mickey told us about you."

Sunset smiled. It was nice to hear her old friend remembered her after all these years.

"Glad to see you three are Looping. I did always want to meet you," Sunset explained and added, "Since we're here, how about a sparring session? I'll only use my abilities from your Branch, and you can fight however you want. If you guys knock me out, you win. If I knock you three out, or you yield, I win."

Terra chuckled. "You're dealing with three Keyblade Masters, Sunset."

At this, Sunset raised an eyebrow.

Aqua replied, "Terra managed to pass the Mark of Mastery soon after we first Awoke. And Ven actually impressed Eraqus enough to take the Mark of Mastery with me and Terra one Loop."

Sunset shrugged. "Makes sense, considering how skilled Ventus was during that last battle." She breathed in and grinned. "Okay...LET'S DANCE!"

The four warriors summoned their Keyblades; as Sunset waited for her opponents to strike, she felt like something was targeting her.

"Oh crap..." And then the first attack was launched. A barrage of blasts flew towards Sunset as she braced herself for the onslaught.

The trio, having fired their ultimate Shotlocks, watched as the smoke cleared. They were shocked to see Sunset still standing, not even a scratch on her.

Dusting her clothes off, she smirked. "My turn. METEOR!"

Aqua quickly formed a barrier, blocking the spell. Then, just as the barrier fell, Terra charged right at Sunset and used his Ars Solum attack. Sunset readied her Keyblade and parried the flurry of blows, the blades striking against each other with lightning speed. With the final strike, he leapt backwards to avoid a counter of Sunset's. Just as Sunset readied herself to chase him, Ventus leapt in, unleashing an Ars Arcanum combo. Sunset dodged—the blade just missing her—turned her Keyblade into a whip, and aimed her strike for Aqua. The mage-knight did not react in time; the whip coiled around her leg and trapped her. Ven growled, his priorites shifting.

"Hey Sunset! FAITH!"

Sunset had to dodge out of the way of the mighty blast of light as it approached her, which caused her to have to let go of Aqua's leg and return her Keyblade to its normal form. The mage responded with a Seeker Mine spell, but to her surprise, Sunset managed to deftly dodge the homing attack. However, with Sunset distracted, Terra leapt at Sunset, intending to finish the fight with one mighty strike. The attack apparently hit home; Terra smirked.

Unluckily for him, Sunset managed to block it with her bare hands, which left him utterly shocked at the feat of strength. Terra was tossed away, hitting the ground. As he shook off the dirt, a clearly angry Ven, his face having a really mad look on it, used a Tornado spell, only for Sunset to dodge that as well, the attack eventually fading away. By now, the trio were getting annoyed at how things were going; every attack they had used was countered or blocked. Terra slammed his fist into the ground, not happy that they were being so easily defeated.

Sunset yawned, saying, "That all you got?"

Aqua soon realized, We can't just attack. She'll dodge or counter. She's just too experienced.

Terra wasn't one to give up, and as Sunset landed a Meteor Crash attack on Ven—who ended up getting hit by the rain of meteors and knocked off his feet—he decided to end this.
"DARK HAZE!" He surrounded himself with darkness and charged right at Sunset, hoping to land the strike that'd end this duel.

However, Sunset saw the attack coming and blocked Terra's attack with ease. As he was hit with a counterattack, Aqua frowned at his choice of attack; even now, after they had Awoken, Aqua was still worried about Terra overusing the power of darkness. In response, Terra shrugged, saying, "Ok, I got frustrated."

Sunset had taken this moment to set up a big attack. Darkness surrounded her, and she yelled, "DARK AURA!"

The trio quickly got out of the way of an onslaught of attacks as Sunset charged at them several times; she ended by slamming into the ground, dark energy flowing around her. The trio were knocked back by the attack, all three having taken a lot of damage.

The trio healed their injuries, and realized it was all or nothing. As if enacting an unspoken plan, the trio yelled out together, "MEGA FLARE!"

Sunset barely summoned a barrier in time, but the attack still did a lot of damage when the three powerful fire spells left a large flame in the blast zone.

Nothing a Curaga spell couldn't heal, though, which Sunset cast after the flames disappeared. As the healing spell ended, Sunset looked at her opponents only to see they had dispelled their Keyblades. Terra frowned, looking unhappy with the result, and said, "We yield."

As the trio caught their breath, Sunset offered them a Mega-Potion. Ven grabbed it, saying, "Thanks. I admit we stood no chance."

Sunset smiled. "I've been Looping for millennia. Heck, my long series of Fused Loops when I began Looping put me in in many Branches that emphasized battle. I had to become skilled."

Aqua frowned. "Did all that fighting affect you?"

Sunset smirked. "I enjoy a good fight, true. But I haven't lost sight of the values of Equestria. I've always believed that people can change and become better people. But I also know that some people just won't listen."

Terra nodded in agreement. "Like Xehanort." Clenching his teeth, he took a breath. "Sorry. Considering what he's done.."

Sunset shrugged. "Well then, how about some training? I've wanted a chance to learn the techniques you guys have."

Aqua laughed. "Don't expect us to go easy on you, Sunset."

"I won't go easy on you, either."

172.8 (KrisOverstreet, Masterweaver)

"No, you DON'T have DLID!" Breaking News shouted. "Your baseline is stable, for crying out loud!"

"Okay, one, I've got enough personal distance from the Anchor that my personal background does flex quite a bit," Lyra replied with a growl. "TWO, I get an overload of loop memories every time I Wake Up. So yes, I do have DLID, and honestly I'm kind of insulted that you say I don't!"

"Oh, really? REALLY? Well I'm insulted that you're using my condition and pretending it justifies your... your weirdness!" the yellow unicorn cried, pushing her glaring face into Lyra's. "Do you know how much I suffer because of it? How, how hard it is to know your place when the whole world can't decide?!" Tears streamed down her raging face. "And here you are, with your fake multiple personalities and a stable relationship, and... and you... you just...!"

Lyra took a breath, shutting her eyes. "Okay... Okay. Okay, I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... I don't take your condition lightly, and I don't take my condition lightly, even if I seem a bit... silly, at times, about it." She put a hoof on the other pony's shoulder. "Look, April... I get that you're the one that pretty much everyone references when they talk about Disassociative Loop Identity Disorder. I understand that you feel like a case study at times, and... that's very stressful, both because it implies you're an authority on the subject and that you're, uh..."


"Okay, see, that word applies more to me than to you," Lyra joked. "Since I actually almost literally broke my own history. But, yeah, the whole people looking at you with that mixture of pity and caution..." She sighed, waving a hoof. "Let's just say my human obsession doesn't usually net me many friends."

Breaking News, elsewhere known as April O'Neil, sagged to the floor. "It's... it's worse when they come from the turtles. From loopers. I know it probably doesn't happen as often as I think, but I've seen it..."


The two of the sat in the empty room for a few moments, each looking at their forehooves with their own thoughts.



"Disassociative Loop Identity Disorder Baseline." Lyra shared a look with her. "Ordinary psychological syndromes tend to have multiple manifestations, or be on a scale. Why not DLID? You have DLID-B, and I have... uh... DLID-P, for Personal History."

April snorted. "Wouldn't that be DLID-PH?"

"Nah, PH is for DLID caused by drugs." She looked at the blanks stare. "You know, because the pH scale defines acidity, and acid is slang... for... okay, the joke fell flat, I get it."

"It's not so funny when one of your punishment Loops has the whole universe revolving around telling kids not to do drugs," April grumbled. "Seriously, it's like you can't walk a block without finding a kid about to take a hit or something. And you get this overwhelming compulsion to spout an anti-drugs platitude every three sentences or so." The newshorse shuddered with memory.

Lyra stepped over and pressed herself comfortingly against April. "Need a drink?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah," April replied unironically.

172.9 (Masterweaver)

"Now kids," Berry preached to the audience, "you all came here expecting me to tell you not to do drugs."

She took a sip of her sherry.

"But I've just ingested alcohol," she pointed out with a wide grin, "so instead I'm going to say 'never do drugs without an expert's advice, permission, or monitoring!' Because that's really a lot less stupid."

"BRAVO!" cried the director, standing up and clapping rapidly. "BRAVISSIMO! OLÉ, ENCORADA! MAGNIFIQUIS!"

"I dunno, Discord." The camerafilly stopped rolling. "I mean, it's funny, but too blunt. Mama, you want to rewrite for an expanded version?"

Berry shrugged. "Well, I am trying to get the message across to your age bracket. Give me five minutes."

172.10 (Masterweaver)

"Excuse me, are you the current matriarch and or patriarch of the Hooffields and or the McColts?"

Mama Hooffield gave the brown pony a glare. "What, do I look like a stallion?"

"Sorry, paperwork regulation." Ivory Scroll waved her parchment, neatly sidestepping a bronze teapot. "There was this whole mess a while back, but you really don't want me to go into the details.

"Hmph. Yeah, sure, I'm the Hooffield Matriarch. What's it to ya?"

"Well, I am here on behalf of the princess herself. She wishes me to inform you that her and her retinue are arriving next week."

"Really?" The old mare stuck a pumpkin in a massive slingshot. "For what?"

"Why, to take a vacation in her summer home, of course."

Mama Hooffield jolted, her hooves slipping and releasing the pumpkin early. "Her summer WHAT?!"

"Her summer home," Ivory repeated, tapping her parchment. "That is why she granted the Hooffields and the McColts this land in the first place, they agreed to construct and maintain a home fit for her majesty where she could relax away from the pressures of court."

"This is the first I'm hearing of it!"

"Really?" Ivory Scroll peered at her. "Well, that's really a shame. The contract was signed roughly two hundred and seventy five years ago." She pulled a large scroll from her saddlebags. "Her majesty was kind enough to provide me with a copy."

Mama Hooffield waved at her clanmates. "ALRIGHT EVERYPONY, STAND DOWN FOR A MOMENT! Got something I need to check." With an annoyed grumble, she trotted over. "I swear, if this is some sort of McColt prank... Gimme that."

Ivory Scroll allowed the document to be swiped out of her hoof, watching calmly as she ran her eyes over the wording.

"...'failure to deliver will result in the incarceration of employed parties...?' What the hay?"

"Incarceration means you'll be thrown in the dungeon—"

"I know what it means," the matriarch growled. "It's just... what, we build this summer home in a week or we get locked up?"

"And stock it with food," Ivory added. "Since this is a bit short notice, the princess and her retinue are bringing their own toiletries and whatnot."

Mama Hooffield looked from her, to the scroll, to the other hill, to her. A slow, horrified comprehension began to dawn. "This real?"

"It has the backing of the princess, yes."

"...oh my Celestia." She sat on her haunches. "A week. A week to get a summer home up."

Ivory glanced across the valley. "Well... you've gotten part of it up, anyway." She nodded towards the McColt fortress.


The matriarch paused.

"...not actually... the princess lodgings," she finished awkwardly. "It's, uh, for us. The Hooffields and... and the McColts." The word was all but spat out. "If'n you'll excuse me, I need to talk to my... business... partner."

Ivory watched her steel herself and begin her march. "I'll need that scroll back before I go!"

172.11 (kingofsouls)


"Hey Sadness?"

"Yes Joy?"

"Got a quick question. Why is Riley a pony?"

“That is a good question Joy. Riley, why are you a pony?”

“No idea.” Laughed Riley, or Hockey Mind was she was told her name was in this loop. Everywhere around her, there were ponies. Some were pegasi, some unicorns, and some regular ponies like herself. What drew Riley's attention was the coloring, colors running the gamut no normal horse could ever be, and the marks on their flanks. A quick check through her memory told her that the marks were called Cutie Marks, each one representing an individual's special talent. Taking a quick look at her own flank, Riley saw her mark considered of a hockey stick with five circles in a line parallel to it, with the colors being yellow, blue, red, green, and purple in that order.

Riley never considered herself a pony person, but then again she never thought she would be a mage drawing mana from the land itself. “Gotta say, it's pretty interesting though.”


“It sure is!” Joy then bounded off, jumping here and there in a fit of joy. “Oh, this is going to be so exciting! This is the first time we've ever been a pony and I want to see everything in this Loop!”

Sadness rolled her eyes, a sly smile on her face. Leave it to Joy to see the bright side of Looping every time she was Awake. “Hey Joy, I have a question.”

“Yes Sadness?”

“Why is Riley a pony, but we're not?”

That stopped Joy in mid leap, frozen in midair. “Huh.” Joy then floated gently down to the ground like a leaf. “That is a good question.”

Wait, you guys look the same?”

Sadness did a quick scan of the room, eyeing Anger reading the Mind Reader, Disgust fussing with her nails, and Fear trying his best to look brave. They all looked the same, unchanged in any way. “Guess we do.”

Huh. That's...”

“Weird, right?” Joy rushed in, rebounding back from the quick case of wondering why she wasn't equine. “It's almost as weird as...”

As if on cue, a large gasp was heard throughout Headquarters with such magnitude that Headquarters started to violently shake.


Looping had prepared Riley for many unexpected things. Zombies, the Tri-State Area, an annoyed internet critic, and easily a dozen more random encounters that Riley could recall right here and now.

But there were somethings you just could not prepare for. The pink pony with three balloons for a mark let loose a long gasp that was equal parts surprise and equal parts shock was one of them. The pony then landed and a split second later raced into the horizon, a trail of pony shaped dust left in her wake.


Riley just stood there, trying to comprehend the randomness. “...Let's just send a Ping out and see where to go next, okay?”

Sound great to me.”


Twilight opened the front door, revealing whom had knocked: A young earth Pony with a yellow coat and brown mane. "Hi, and welcome to the Golden Oaks Library. How can I help you?"

"I'm looking for somebody." She replied.

Twilight responded with a warm smile. "Visiting Looper?"

"Wow, that was fast."

Riley was just as impressed as Joy was. "How did you know?"

"You used somebody instead of somepony." Twilight explained. She welcomed Riley in, her horn glowing as a teapot and cups hovered out of the kitchen. "That means this is your first time in Equestria, isn't it?"

"Sure is. I'm Riley Andersen. I'm the Anchor where I come from."

"Twilight Sparkle, and I am also an Anchor. " In a poof of magic, a table appeared and the teapot and cups gently sat themselves onto it. Riley followed suit, sitting on a nearby cushion.

Though she seemed to be lost in thought. "So...have any plans?"

Riley did not answer. 'Riley?"

That snapped her out of her moment of distraction. "Oh? Uh, did you say something?"

"I was wondering if you had any plans this Loop."

"Oh. Well, Joy wants to see the world, and Sadness would like to read some of the books here." Riley answered. "As for me, I kinda want to do a little of both."


"Oh. They're my emotions." Riley replied with a straight face. "They're Looping with me. Joy and Sadness are Awake, but the others aren't."

"Sounds a lot like the Postal Dude."

"I...don't think I met him."

"I haven't."

"I haven't either, and that makes me a little sad."

"Trust me, you not missing much." snarked the unicorn. "Anyway, since this is your first time here, Equestria is a sanctuary loop."

This was the first time Riley heard that term before when describing a Loop.

"Me and my friends try to have our Loop be one where visitors can relax after a stressful loop." explained Twilight.

"That actually describes my Loop. Not a lot happens besides my family and I moving to San Francisco, except when Joy is Unawake."


"It’s true you know."

"Well Riley could have been a little more gentle."

"Nah, you did good."

Joy just sighed in resignation. "Thanks Anger.'"

"That bad?" asked Twilight.

Riley suddenly looked very nervous. "We...don't like talking about the weirder ones."

"That's the Loops for you." Twilight took a sip of tea, the brew untouched until that moment. "Anyway, tonight is when Nightmare Moon returns from her banishment from the moon, and it's a tradition to let visitors handle taking her on. You wanna try?"

"One second." Riley asked. She then turned her thoughts inward. "What do you guys think?"

"I think it's a trap. I have no idea what any of you, Joy, Sadness and this crazy unicorn are talking about and trust me, this is bad news."

"Oh, live a little Fear! We got this! Riley has magic, and she's pretty good with it.

"I am not convinced."

"Fear is right," Disgust piped up. "We're a little overwhelmed with this Looping business. Heck, are we even supposed to be talking to Riley in the first place?"

"Doesn't seem to stop those two," Anger huffed.

"Uh...do you know I can hear you, right?"

These was an eerie silence in Riley's head. "Well that got awkward..."

"You think?"

Riley heard sadness sigh for the blue emotion poke up. "We're gonna need a little time to calm him down Riley."

"Thanks for the offer Twilight, but I think we'll sit this one out." Riley explained, fear obvious in her tone. "Fear gets afraid and right now he's probably mashing the panic button like his life depends on it."


Well, you know where to find me if you change your mind." Twilight explained. "Oh, and before I forget, you might want to expect my friend Pinkie Pie dropping in."

"Oh? Why?"

Pinkie Pie suddenly shot out of the bookshelves, books falling like leaves. "TWILIGHT!" The pink party pony proclaimed, grabbing Twilight's head and staring into her eyes. "There's a new pony in Ponyville and I need to set up the secret welcome party for her so please don't tell her about the secret party because then it won't be a secret anymore! Kay thanks, bye!"

Pinkie Pie then raced out of the library via jumping out the window, Riley stunned in confusion. Twilight on the other hand was unfazed. "Oh, just a hunch."


Riley had to admit, Pinkie Pie's reputation was well-earned. Even unAwake, the mare threw an incredible party—doubly so when Twilight gave her a small list of loopers to invite.

"...so I suppose I'd actually be closer to Luna's Anger if it came down to it," Nyx commented, "although I only say that because Tanty here would obviously be her Disgust. Disgust is the self-loathing emotion, I think..."

"How does she work without you in her mind, though? I know that when I first experimented with externalizing my emotions, there were..." Riley bit her lip. "There were side effects..."

"Well, we're not strictly speaking emotional constructs. Nightmare Moon is either an external corrupting force or an insane persona constructed by rage, and Tanty is explicitly an artificial construct meant for self punishment. Obviously we've both rejected our initial roles, although Tanty here sometimes needs a little spritzing—"

"HEEEEEEEEEY!" A green unicorn jumped through the door, grinning widely. "Riley! Remember me?"

"Wait..." Sadness said suspiciously.

"Is that...?!" Joy asked warily.

"Lyra Heartstrings?!" Riley cried out.

"Yeppers kiddo! All five of us in one fancy package." She stuck out a hoof. "Good to meet you in the flesh."

There was a moment of silence.

Then Sadness and Joy both began yelling.







The filly winced. "Er... give me a moment, I need to calm down my emotions..."

"Oooooooh." Lyra pulled back her hoof with a nod. "Yeah, tell them we did our best—actually, hit us up for a telepathic conference later," she amended. "It'd be cool to compare notes."

172.12 (Masterweaver)

"Okay everypony," Twilight said with a wide grin, "I've gathered you here for a very, very good reason. Recently, I had a near-hub loop... and I managed to purchase something very, very special."

The other ponies glanced at each other.

"Well, don't keep us in suspense darling." Rarity leaned forward. "What did you get?"

"Fillies and gentledrake.... BEHOLD!" Twilight produced a metal octagon with a flourish.

Spike rose a claw. "Is that a film-reel case?"

"It is, INDEED, a film reel case. But the film reel within is very special, very precious, and very, very incredible." Twilight Sparkle rotated the case around so that its label could be seen. "May I present to you, the long awaited addition to one of the most foundational hub-world sagas.... STAR WARS EPISODE VEE EYE EYE: THE FORCE AWAKENS!"

Gasps resounded through the room. Fluttershy held her hooves up. "Oh my... how did you get your hooves on that?!"

"It wasn't easy," Twilight admitted. "I had to spend a pretty penny and smarm my way into the right circles. I mean I could have just stolen it," she admitted, "teleport spell and all, but I wanted to go to the effort. Seemed fairer to the makers. BUT IN THE END! I got this new film, just for us." She paused. "...well, I may have watched it myself first. For reasons. But only once! Pinkie, you don't seem that enthusiastic."

"Yeah, sorry... it's just I think I looped into the expansion this is based on. I know living something's not the same as watching a movie and Luke had been through it a couple of times before, but..." Pinkie shook her head. "Look, I'm not going to spoil anything for the rest of you girls but there was this one idiot who really didn't understand the Dark Side."

Rainbow Dash frowned. "Um... Pinkie? You're a sith lord."

"I know! I'm an expert! And this guy took it the completely wrong way!"

"Be that as it may," Twilight managed, "if Luke was Awake and not running Baseline there could be a number of differences in the movie. Especially if you were helping him."

"Yeah.... okay, set it up." Pinkie grinned. "Who knows, the movie might be awesome!"

172.13 (Gym Quirk)

"...First Age only happens once every thousand or so loops," Olórin said as he led the lavender alicorn past the gardens of Lórien. "The vast majority of baseline loop starts are split between roping Bilbo into the Erebor trip, and setting up for his eleventy-first birthday party."

Undomë Tintila, sister of Nahar (known elsewhere in the multiverse as "Twiley", "Her Highness, the Princess of Friendship", "Egghead", "That meddling do-gooder pony", etc.) nodded as they made their way to the base of the mound of Ezellohar in the mingled gold and silver light of the two trees at its summit. "And this loop started after the Great Music, so we're stuck with Melkor in his baseline form then?" she asked.

"Alas, yes," the wizard-in-waiting said as they started up one of the paths that led to the top of the hill. "I try to mitigate the damage as best I can, but there's only so much just one mid-level maia can do, loop-augmented abilities or not. Anyway, you are welcome to treat this loop as a vacation. Ah, here we are," he announced as they approached the summit. "This is the reason why I was anticipating your Awakening."

At the crown of the wide hill were two trees, one glowing with golden light, the other silver. However, unlike the depictions she'd heard from tales told in Rivendell, or read from the Hub sources, they were not the slender graceful beings from elven song, but considerably more substantial.

They were both nearly identical mature oak trees of many yards girth. The arrangement of the branches was very familiar to any being who had spent any substantial amount of time in Ponyville. If one looked carefully, one could make out patterns in the bark that brought to mind windows and even a door. Twilight felt her left ear start to twitch.

"When I saw what Yavanna had wrought, I was fairly certain it would only be a matter of time before you showed up," said the maia, offering a comforting pat on the alicorn's shoulder. The equestrian Anchor produced a small holorecorder from her pocket and documented the sight for the next time she could have a word with Sleipnir.

"Gandalf? Are you aware of the speculation on how Yggdrasil, independent of the admins, has its own, rather twisted sense of humor?" asked Twilight, whose right eye had started its own counterpoint rhythm. "I'm adding this to the pile of supporting evidence." She felt a low burning anger start to build. "If Oromë decides on an expedition to capture Melkor, I think I'll tag along to go Ungoliant hunting," she added in a calm detached tone that fooled no one. "Actually, scratch that. I'll go on my own," she decided, pulling several implements of destruction from her Pocket for inspection, starting with a standard Seapony Diplomatic Liaison Package and working up from there.

"Um...Twilight?" asked Gandalf with growing concern.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Would you like to go with me?" she asked as she contemplated a set of the Elements of Harmony. "Using these solo can be very tricky, and there isn't any moon to send her to yet, so there's also that problem..."

"When I suggested that you might blow off some steam..."

"Having friends along to help use them also makes them more effective. I don't suppose you could think of a few more people around here who might be interested..."

"I fear I may have to insist..."

The alicorn paused and took a breath, schooling her expression into something a bit less disturbing. "Don't worry. I won't crash the loop, and I'll try to limit the property damage. I suppose I should prepare an apology letter to the Valar before I leave."

"Just a small problem with that," observed the maia. "Writing usually doesn't get invented until the Elves awaken, and we've got a fair amount of time before then."

Twilight just stared at him.

Author's Note:

172.1: Pentalyra.
172.3: Yeah, this one was obvious.
172.4: It's nice to have a song now and again.
172.5: Time To Save Hearth's Warming. I think.
172.10: You Don't Do That.
172.11: And this was basically inevitable too.
172.12: Metacritic.
172.13: Poor, poor Twilight.

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