• Published 3rd Mar 2024
  • 116 Views, 4 Comments

A horribly bad happenstance! Bad Guy has returned! - WiltedBloom2013

A myth over recently uncovered, how will the CMC react to having to be heroes of Equestria from monsters that haven't existed before?

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Act 1:Ponyville pt1

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, collectively known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, were going to visit the strange Stallion they helped, one they learned that was named Bad Guy, but they weren't ones to judge, and found something they had never seen before, it was a blue gelatinous creature that surprisingly didn't leave a trail behind it.

They started sprinting towards the hospital to check on Bad Guy, only to find a VERY not good sight, this being that there were those gelatinous creatures again, as well as bats, weird giant wisps, and snakes all throughout the hospital, "Ah, truly repulsively darling!" Rarity said, seemingly from the direction of Bad Guy's room, causing the CMC to start rushing towards it... only to find, Bad Guy, floating, not an ounce of ground below him, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie all collapsed and Rarity on the verge of collapsing, "Well, color me impressed, all of you posed a decent threat, glad to see the scale of my recovery. But sadly, none of you get to stay here. CHIMERA! Come, collect the prizes," Bad Guy said as Rarity finally drops, giving him a good sight of the fillies, and filling the CMC with fear, "And you three, I'll admit that I have gotten close to you, however, you won't last a second against my troupe... see you never, little ones," Bad Guy said as he and the Chimera(A lion looking creature with a Snake for a tail and some bat wings, similar to Manticores in the wings and body) flew off leaving three confused fillies, "Apple Bloom, please tell me we didn't just lose them like that," Scootaloo said while looking at Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle appeared to be on the verge of crying, they didn't have long to think however as one of those gelatinous creatures found them.

"Don't worry, little fillies, just take these gifts from beyond the stars," A voice said as four items fell through the ceiling, a sword, a spear, and a staff were clearly meant as weapons, but there was the fourth object, it seemed like a simple square object, but touching it warranted a warning as it started speaking, "Greetings, I am U.I., your personal A.I. assistant on your quest to stop evil in it's tracks. I would like to know if you need a tutorial on the functions of this unit."

Then a choice popped up, a simple Yes or No choice, they chose yes, though Scootaloo almost selected no, and it started talking again, "Thank you for agreeing to U.I. version 2.5's tutorial, this unit's primary goal is to assist up-and-coming heroes on their quest to defeat enemies like Bad Guy. I am programmed with a pocket dimension in me to store all forms of equipment and items, and to help you equip the equipment you get on the spot outside of combat, if I do detect that you are in combat you must deal with whatever equipment you currently have at that point. I also have a crafting grid installed which will allow for you to create and upgrade items and equipment anywhere as long as you know how! This unit also has no need to be without any form of cosmetic feature meaning if you don't like your armor showing up, just change cosmetics and you will look very different! That is the explanation, shall I go over it again?" Then another Yes or No choice popped up, but everyone immediately selected No to avoid an endless confusion cycle while a creature is here, "Thank you for that, OH WAIT I forgot an important feature, I can give detailed information about enemies and your current status including progress toward next level," the CMC just stared with a "well do it" expression, "Slime, a basic gelatinous creature that consumes without thinking, it is the lowest tier of Bad Guy's troupe and mainly used for Recon," to which the CMC all sighed in relief.

The Slime made some slurping sounds and charged at Apple Bloom, which Apple Bloom barely dodged, then Scootaloo attacked with their spear, making the slime recoil, U.I. then pops out again and says, "Good job user Scootaloo, that attack did 76 damage!" Sweetie Belle followed that with a following attack, destroying the slime as it melted while a small percent congealed into a small gel ball which Apple Bloom picked up.

Slime Gel acquired!

"Alright, that seems to it. This slime seems to have left us a reward it seems," Sweetie Belle says while pointing at the bits that were left behind from the slime's defeat. Though that begs the question, "Say, U.I., why did that Slime drop this gel thin' and some bits?" Apple Bloom asked as U.I. popped into existence with the answer, "Well, user Apple Bloom, Bad Guy has enemies assigned to hold a specific amount of the worlds native currency, which is dropped upon defeat, and all enemies have a special drop that is always earned upon defeat, and some have drops that aren't always dropped but are rarely dropped and these tend to be a ton more helpful than the crafting material items that are always dropped," U.I. stated in it's monotonous voice giving a reaction somewhat expected by the CMC, collective sighs.

"Well, what now?" Apple Bloom asked as U.I. disappeared into whatever world it's from taking the Slime Gel into the inventory. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo asked themselves this question internally before Sweetie Belle said, "Well, we may not like this idea, but... we should go and see if Diamond Tiara is okay, just to ensure she isn't dead," and at this both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo cringed considering Diamond Tiara was their bully simply because all three of the CMC were blank flanks, but they all knew that Sweetie Belle was right, they wouldn't let themselves live it down that Diamond Tiara died when they could have done something about it. But first, they figured that they should clear out the hospital of the monsters.

Bad Guy was staring at a work in progress base with 30 skeleton warriors, who looked like pony skeletons in this world, and some ponies, 6 of them, who were out cold. They were the Mane 6, and all six were trapped in cages. "Well. I'd say that this is the perfect base location, wouldn't you say Skeleton Warrior number 3056?" Bad Guy said before said Skeleton Warrior nodded. Rarity awoke to see Bad Guy give his troupe to speed up in building his lair. "Ah, lookie here, seems that the sleeping Fashionista finally woke up. Ironic, last to fall, but first to rise... You ponies will never stop amazing me," Bad Guy says while walking towards Rarity's cage and pulls out a strange device, "Seems my silence spell still works despite the lack of mana magic, maybe this Thaumic is more closely related to Mana than I first thought. Don't bother trying any magic, it won't work while you have the silenced state. You can still speak however," Bad Guy added while putting up his strange device in a strange saddle bag-like object. "Darling, I must ask, and forgive me for this sort of question, but what is that object on your back? I've never once seen anything like it," Rarity asked to Bad Guy as he finished threating a Chimera to find the Elements of Harmony before Bad Guy beat it to death, Bad Guy turned in her direction after she asked the question, "Well, Lil Miss Rarity, this is a pocket pack, anything put into it is sent into a mini-pocket dimension exclusive to the wearer, it is essentially like a inventory," Bad Guy said, before turning back to his spot where the Chimera from before as reappeared... with the Elements of Harmony in it's mouth.

"This is going to be very fun."

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle attacked a bat that had been on the verge of death and finished the job. "Congrats user Apple Bloom, you leveled up to level 4. You earned a new skill, Earth Shaker," U.I. said when Apple Bloom finished grabbing the bits and drops. The CMC nodded, "Alright U.I., ah need more info on the Earth Shaker skill," Apple Bloom said before U.I. said, "Earth Shaker, 20 MP cost, The user uses their hands or hooves to smack the ground with intense force, creating a giant shockwave! Slightly more powerful than basic attack with a chance to stun," U.I. then disappeared upon saying that. The CMC were quiet for a moment until Scootaloo said, "Ooooookaaaayy... Are we NOT going to talk about the fact that Bloom now has a shockwave skill that can stun enemies for 20 MP?" getting a very prompted nod from the other members of the CMC, "Alright, anyway... We got some stuff from the chests in this place didn't we? If I recall we got something like 165 bits and one new accessory," Scootaloo added, reminding the others of the big ass elephant in the room, "Right, U.I.?" Sweetie Belle asked before U.I. appeared in front of her, "Can you tell us all the accessories we have and what they do?" Sweetie Belle added. "Current equipped accessories: Pink Bow, equipped to user Apple Bloom, gives a slight defense and attack buff(+5 def, +5 atk). Current unequipped accessories: Wonderbolt Headband, A bandana of the famous speedsters, The Wonderbolts, makes the wearer a little faster(+15 spd)" U.I. stated without a hint of emotion as usual. Apple Bloom asked U.I. to equip the Wonderbolt Headband to Scootaloo to which it did.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo left the hospital and started towards Diamond Tiara's house, opening chests and slaying monsters on the way, when they got there... they stopped and thought for a moment, before internally deciding that this was the best choice. Apple Bloom opened the door and saw a sight she never thought she'd ever seen... Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon crowded in a corner facing two monsters, a giant spider and a red version of the Slimes. "HEY! MONSTERS! OVER HERE!" Apple Bloom yelled, "WE'RE YA OPPONENTS! COME GET US!" Apple Bloom finished.

Apple Bloom used Provoke!
Apple Bloom became the center of attention!!!

"U.I., care tah explain the current opponents?" Apple Bloom said as U.I. appeared outta nowhere with Diamond Tiara actually getting surprised. "Spider, a big creature with an acquired taste for meat, it uses it's fangs to inject poison into it's prey to immobilize them," U.I. said, "Slime plus, the admins of the slimes in Bad Guy's army and the more effective variant. You have to have really gotten on Bad Guy's bad side for these to be sent after you on your adventure." The CMC cringed at the idea that they were on Bad Guy's bad side. Scootaloo was the first to attack, or well, not attack but to do something, "Well, if these Slime plus enemies are like slimes, then they might have a thunder weakness, Thunder Affinity!" Scootaloo said as electricity covered the end of her spear.

Scootaloo used Thunder Affinity!
Scootaloo's weapon now has the Thunder element!

"Oh that's actually a good idea Scootaloo, while I'll activate a shield to defend us at least a little," Sweetie Belle said while wrapping her horn in magic activating a shield spell.

Sweetie Belle casts Shield!
The team's defense has been raised slightly!

"Meanwhile, I'll try this new Earth Shaker skill!" Apple Bloom said, "Earth Shaker!"

Apple Bloom used Earth Shaker!
Spider is stunned!
Slime + is stunned!
The enemy took around 105 damage!

Together, they had two stunned enemies and one of the enemies has nearly half health. "Earth Shaker is quite powerful as we thought, mah weapon usually does about 85-95 damage, this dealt 105," Apple Bloom said as Scootaloo charged at the enemy.

Scootaloo attacks!
CRITICAL HIT! Slime + took 250 damage!

"Lucky critical hit," Scootaloo said proud of the crit they got as Sweetie Belle started charging for an attack of her own.

Sweetie Belle attacks!
Spider took 67 damage!

"How much health does the spider have left?" Sweetie Belle asked as U.I. appeared to answer her question, "48 HP remains on the Spider," then proceeded to disappear. "Thanks U.I.," Sweetie Belle said as Apple Bloom at the Spider.

Apple Bloom attacks!
Spider took 94 damage!
Spider has been slain

"Not like this Slime plus will be a problem," Apple Bloom said while avoiding the Slime +'s own attack, in which it sends some of it's slime at her.

Slime + shoots slime at an opponent!
Dodged! Apple Bloom took 0 damage!

Scootaloo started charging an attack, launching it at the Slime +.

Scootaloo attacks!
Slime + took 113 damage!
Scootaloo's Thunder Affinity ran out!

"Ah... dang, I'll have to use Thunder Affinity again," Scootaloo said cursing under her breath, awaiting Sweetie Belle's turn to end. "SWEETIE BELLE! A BASIC ATTACK WILL FINISH THE SLIME PLUS OFF!" Apple Bloom yelled at the top of her lungs giving Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon an idea.

Diamond Tiara attacks!
Slime + took 15 damage!
Silver Spoon attacks!
Slime + took 17 damage!

"That'll teach you for messing with me, you monster!" Diamond Tiara said as the Slime + melted into a Slime Gel and the Spider decayed into a single fang

Spider Fang acquired!

"Alright, that'll do it gals," Apple Bloom said as she looked over to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, "Well, guess ah should thank ya for helping us-" Apple Bloom was interrupted by a Screech coming from upstairs, however she didn't what Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to get hurt so, "You two make sure that everyone leaves this building while we handle whatever's upstairs, got it?" Apple Bloom assured. "No, Silver Spoon, you handle it, I will help handle that thing, it is upstairs, where my bedroom is, and I will fight it with you!" Diamond Tiara asserted. Another object fell through the ceiling with the same voice from before, "Don't worry little filly, they are proud to have you on their team!" Diamond Tiara's item was rather unique, "U.I. could you describe that?" Sweetie Belle asked as U.I. appears and starts it's assigned task. "Basic gun, a basic pistol reshaped for hooves. (+15 atk)" U.I. stated.

The team of four walked up the stairs and found that the monster was in Diamond Tiara's bedroom... "WHAT IN TARNATION!?" Apple Bloom yelled before U.I. popped out and gave a matter-of-fact explanation, "Giant Bat, the leader of Bad Guy's Bats, much stronger than other Bats. When given a chance it's screech and cause others nearby to go deaf making teamwork hard, it is also a sub-guardian!" U.I. finished its explanation and disappeared. Scootaloo started off with Thunder Affinity!

Scootaloo used Thunder Affinity!
Scootaloo's weapon now has the Thunder element!

Sweetie Belle brought up used her shield spell.

Sweetie Belle casts Shield!
The team's defense has been raised slightly!


Apple Bloom used Provoke!
Apple Bloom became the center of attention!!!

And Diamond Tiara attacked by shooting the gun!

Diamond Tiara attacks!
HEADSHOT! Giant Bat took 130 damage!

The Giant Bat rushed to attack Apple Bloom.

Giant Bat attacks!
Missed! Apple Bloom took zero damage!

"Alright, that's turn 1. Now we all start tryin' ta deal as much damage as possible," Apple Bloom said filling Diamond Tiara in on the usual plan of attack. Which is that everyone uses their basic attack until they have to recharge the effects. But Diamond Tiara felt a urge...

Diamond Tiara started charging...

"Umm... what are ya doin' Diamond Tiara?" Apple Bloom asked, but Diamond Tiara didn't budge, "Alright, the rest of us continue as planned!"

Scootaloo attacks!
Giant Bat took 107 damage!
Sweetie Belle attacks!
Giant Bat took 68 damage!
Apple Bloom attacks!
Giant Bat took 93 damage!
Giant Bat attacks
Apple Bloom took 125 damage!

"Gah! Diamond Tiara, whateva you got planned you might want to use it!" Apple Bloom announced to Diamond Tiara.

Diamond Tiara used Super Blast!
Diamond Tiara lost all of their MP
Giant Bat took 398 damage!

"WHAT!?!?!" Everyone turned towards the door where Silver Spoon was watching from afar holding a hammer!

Silver Spoon smashes the enemy's head with her hammer!
Giant Bat took 100 damage!
Giant Bat is stunned!

"Looks like we might have ta bring both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with us," Apple Bloom said as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nodded in agreement.

Scootaloo attacks!
Giant Bat took 106 damage!
Giant Bat is slain!

"Did we... do it?" Diamond Tiara asks with huffs in between some words, "Did we actually beat that beast?" Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all nod. "Congrats users Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, you both leveled up to level four! Scootaloo learned Spear Twirl! Sweetie Belle learned Fire Ball!" Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle felt those names were self explanatory, "Users Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon leveled up to level 3!" Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon felt kinda glad that they leveled up.

Bad Guy finally had a finished base. All six Mane 6 members were awake with Applejack still trying to buck the cage walls. "Listen, I know I shouldn't be the one saying this... but... it clearly isn't doing anything AJ," Rainbow Dash told Applejack as Bad Guy watched on in glee. "Don't tell meh you've given up Rainbow Dash, ya are the most stubborn pony I know... how could ya have given up?" Applejack asked as Rainbow Dash looked at her with tears in her eyes. "Tell me AJ, tell me how we can get out of this Celestia damned situation, all of us have tried everything. Twilight and Rares' magic is sealed, me and Flutters can't mess with the humidity here, and Pinkie can't even Pinkie, what makes you think that you can buck this cage until it breaks, huh?" Rainbow Dash explained, she is right Applejack, those cages are unbreakable, Bad Guy thought as one of his Skeleton Warriors rushed in.

"Sir, Giant Bat has been defeated!" The skeleton Warrior explained. "By?" Bad Guy asked expecting the worst, "Tell me who slayed the Giant Bat?" The Skeleton Warrior gulped somehow and said, "From what I heard, sir, it started with a group of 4 fillies, then after all long forgotten skill was used a fifth one joined the battle. They were a yellow coated, red maned basic filly, a white coated, purple and pink maned unicorn filly, a orange coated, bright magenta maned Pegasus, a pinkish coated, purple maned basic filly, and a grey coated, grey with a white stripe maned, basic filly, sir..." it explained causing Bad Guy to crush his cup, "Did the Yellow coated, red maned one happen to have a big pink bow in her mane?" Bad Guy asked before the Skeleton Warrior nodded in worry.

"YOU IDIOT THOSE FIRST THREE WERE THE ONES I WARNED ABOUT!!! IF YOU WANT TO LIVE GO AND TELL ALL GUARDS TO INCREASE THE POWER OF TROOPS BEING SENT!!!" Bad Guy yelled while shaking the Skeleton Warrior, causing Fluttershy to look with concern, when Bad Guy let go the Skeleton Warrior ran away, only for another thing to interrupt him, this time a succubus, "Sir~! I have someone who wants to see you~!" To which Bad Guy nodded as if to say "let them in."

After the approval was given, a new creature walked in, it appeared to be a cross of an insect and a pony which a pony recognized. "QUEEN CHRYSLIS!?!?" Twilight Sparkle said with notable concern, they both ignored her. "Welcome to my throne room of this lair, I'm Bad Guy. You are?" Bad Guy announced before the Queen of Changelings replied with, "I am QUEEN Chrysalis, and I heard that you have successfully defeated the element bearers, is this a truthful fact?" Bad Guy nodded at Chrysalis' question, "Well, I have a request Bad Guy... I will give you whatever you want if you give me the element bearers." But Bad Guy had a better idea, "How about this, instead of you just getting what you want for little to no price, we work together as partners Queen Chrysalis, you assist my troupe and I turn the element bearers against Equestria and in our favor... isn't that a much better deal Queen Chrysalis?" Which caused Chrysalis to start thinking as some creatures, Man Eaters, came and took the Mane 6 to a separate room. "I'll agree to your... terms Bad Guy. I just hope you know what you are doing..."

"I do, Don't worry! =)"

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Yeah... Ponyville spans two Acts, and all major cities in Equestria will follow this format. Two acts, first one they fight the sub-guardian, second one they work to fight the guardian. And there are just two major cities after this, Cloudsdale and Canterlot, Everfree will have an act, same with some minor cities. See ya!

Next is going over who has what role...
Apple Bloom-Warrior
Sweetie Belle-Mage
Diamond Tiara-Ranger
Silver Spoon-Hammer lord