• Published 3rd Mar 2024
  • 116 Views, 4 Comments

A horribly bad happenstance! Bad Guy has returned! - WiltedBloom2013

A myth over recently uncovered, how will the CMC react to having to be heroes of Equestria from monsters that haven't existed before?

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Prologue:Bad Guy's second chance

Eric was standing in front of a defeated Bad Guy, Natalie, Good Guy, and someone else are all standing behind Eric. "So, I have lost again, even with the Cloak of Infinite Power?" Bad Guy said as he was kicked by Eric, who was also using Warrior Healing on his allies, frankly... Bad Guy thought it was a very odd skill, like, seriously cutting your allies to heal them? What was Brendan thinking making that skill for Eric? What Bad Guy thought didn't matter in the end, as he was slowly, very slowly, recovering from his beatdown at the hands of Eric and Friends. As the Cloak was restoring his strength, Bad Guy used what little power he recovered to teleport anyway in a dark portal, disappearing into the dark pathway to Brendan knows where!

Bad Guy looked around after he was awakened, finding a strange horse-like creature with wings and a horn, it was a dark navy blue with a starry mane that appeared to flow even with the absence of wind. He approached the strange creature and thought, that looks like something that I might want in my troupe, just to stop those pesky "heroes".

The strange creature stopped Bad Guy before he could get to close, "Welcome Bad Guy, I am pleased that you finally arrived. I hope my appearance isn't misleading, despite how cute I look... I VERY MUCH want to cover Equestria in eternal night, but now need a little help," The mare, yes it was a mare, knew Bad Guy was without any idea of what the mare wanted but still knew the general reasoning for asking for Bad Guy, "So, you want a fellow Villain to help you with this goal to cover this Equestria in eternal night? Well, I have my own idea, and that's for me to take over the universe and sit as it's sole ruler, but I guess giving you some form of assistance isn't uncalled for. Before we begin, my name is Bad Guy, what's your fellow villain?" Bad Guy stuck his hand out awaiting the mare's response, which he got not long after, "I am Nightmare Moon, the Alicorn of the Moon, and for us to truly help each other, we need to go over how we will, so I'll start with what I know.

You will need to free me from this dark and dreadful prison with a vessel of some sort, and you need some information on how to become powerful there, because you aren't native. In Equestria, there are 6 ponies that wield what could be considered a superweapon known as the Elements of Harmony, they are the 'national heroes,' also called the Mane 6. Those 6 stopped me before by forcing me out of a princess, the one called Luna. Princess Luna isn't the only princess, however, one of the Mane 6 is one, just from what I could gauge from her base magic prowess," Nightmare Moon finished letting Bad Guy absorb the information, even going as far as to write the information down just to be careful. Bad Guy looked at his notes and was ready to explain his side of the deal, "So, Nightmare Moon, this Luna is powerful I can guess," Nightmare Moon nodded, "Well, that is good to know, next, for my part, I can give you a blank vessel for you to alter and have you guide a part of my troupe, using your magic to benefit the army in more than just basic damage, and I can get rid of this 'Mane 6' for you, maybe even make them fight for me. Of course, telling you my entire plan isn't something I want to do as it would mean that if you were beaten and forced to tell them everything you knew, then I wouldn't have the element of surprise, now would I?" Nightmare Moon nodded, "So, whatever is relevant at the part we are at will be given, no more, no less," However Nightmare Moon was now confused, and decided to voice it, "BUT WHY?!?! THIS MAKES NO CELESTIA DAMNED SENSE!" Celestia, must be the God of Equestria, got it Bad Guy thought while Nightmare Moon ranted about how many flaws that plan has and why it is such a terrible idea, "...AND YET YOU STILL WANT TO GO WITH IT!?!? WHY YOU CELESTIA DAMNED MORRON?!?!" Nightmare Moon finished her rant.

"Well, do you think I am new to the scene, because I am not, one time I made the mistake of telling one of my guardian enemies the entire plan and my enemy, which were a bunch of children at the time, but you, from what I can pick up from the surroundings, were sealed in the moon with this Luna character as your vessel for 1000 years, meaning I have more experience than you miss Nightmare Moon, so... you got a problem with my plan with that in mind?" Bad Guy said and Nightmare Moon did slightly realize that he was right but wouldn't admit it. Nightmare Moon, however, had one major flaw to point out now, "What if another hero or team of heroes appears to stop us?" to which Bad Guy looked at her, and grinned

"We'll did with that problem when the time comes!" Bad Guy said as he started for Equestria in a dark portal, Nightmare Moon entering his body as a passenger.

The first thing Bad Guy realized when he exited the portal was that he wasn't in any condition to move, he could barely keep his eyes open. The second thing he realized was that he was far from alone, a little filly, yellow coat, red mane, big pink bow that might be counted as an accessory, was nearby and, based on her facial expression and mouthing, was calling to her friends to get him some help. Heh, these little ones are too good for their own good, Bad Guy thought to himself as a white Unicorn filly with a pink and purple mane arrived with a Orange Pegasus with a purple, no wait bright magenta, mane and wings much to small to carry it into the sky. Maybe when I am much more recovered, will I keep an eye of these three, they might be my next opponent after all. Bad Guy lost went out cold after that thought.

Bad Guy awoke in a hospital bed with the three fillies and 6 mares in the room, Bad Guy looked across the room to see a mirror, he was a basic pony with a green mane held in a similar style to his hair, a dark green coat and red eyes. Looking at the flanks of the nearby mares showed that they all had a mark on it, while the fillies didn't, he tried to look at his own and got a somewhat clear look at it, a slime coiled by a snake eating a hornet. It's clear to me what it represents, my ability to control monsters, the Slime is me from before I freed Brendan that day, the Hornet is the first fight against DanTDM back in Lava land, and the Snake is me as of now... this should be interesting, Bad Guy thought as he looked at his flank mark, when he looked out the window he saw it was night out, Bad Guy thought back to his chat with Nightmare Moon, how she mentioned being the Alicorn of the Moon and how she had Princess Luna as a vessel, If I had to guess, this Princess Luna has the power to control the Moon, so she made it night time, Bad Guy reasoned as he looked over to the purple coated pony, wings and a horn, another Alicorn, that is the one that Nightmare Moon warned me about, I guess the "Alicorn" race is locked to royalty, meaning that this "Celestia" character could be an Alicorn too, maybe the Alicorn of Alicorns, princess of princesses Bad Guy looked at the fillies... and smirked.

We'll just have to see what these fillies might be able to do, even without U.I.

Author's Note:

A new story... WOO HOO! This one is going to certainly be top priority as this is a much more story heavy story, not much in terms of "Slice-of-Life" moments. Bad Guy has finally arisen in Equestria, he will certainly not be alone. To clear stuff up, Bad Guy didn't hear Nightmare Moon say his name in the first line she spoke, Nightmare Moon's body is still trapped in the dark and dreadful prison, but her soul is ready for a vessel to move the body over, and yes, Bad Guy doesn't know any of the Mane 6, doesn't know the terminology for Earth Ponies, and most certainly doesn't know that Bucking is used instead of Fucking... this is pleasant already, isn't it?

ON A LIGHTER NOTE:Bad Guy's defeat as finally been completed for the world he is from, but will this truly be the end for us? No, in fact, Act 1:Ponyville, will be where we learn of his for sure real intentions!