• Published 23rd Jul 2021
  • 1,321 Views, 58 Comments

Chaotic Equestria Girls 2: Journeys into Perim - Roboman3000

The gang are back and ready to explore more the world of chaotic.

  • ...

Chapter 5 T is for Rarity

"Best luck you guys!" Sunset waves her friends off.

(With Rarity)

Rarity has arrived at the Tirasis Drome, She looks over the orange looking drome and thought to herself that it looks kind of tacky but the door opened and she went in. When she entered the drome, she was amazed by the outside cyber design. "Ok, now this is better. Love the cyber design." Rarity said, then the slot popped up in front of her. "Goodness!" Then the chaotic revolt appeared in front of her.

"Rarity Belle, Chaotic Code Name: Lady Lomma, Step forward and Dock your scanner."

Rarity looks at the slot and then places her scanner in it. When she did, the battle screen appeared. "Not bad, but I prefer a round design." Rarity said.

Then another person appeared, he was a young man with blonde short hair and was wearing a brown jacket. The revolver then announces him.

"FireKing, Step forward and Dock your scanner."

Another slot opens on the other side and the boy places his own scan on it and his own screen appears. Boy looks at Rarity and starts to talk to her. "Wow, I never thought the newbie I be fighting would be a cutie."

Rarity giggling at FireKing's compliment. "My, My. You're quite the bold one, are you. Well, I'm glad my first opponent in chaotic is with you."

FireKing chucked. "Don't think I will let you win just because you're a cute girl."

Rarity nodded, then she got a call on her scanner. Rarity answered and the person on the other line was Tom. "Oh, Tom darling."

"Hey Rares, I am calling to give you some advice. The player you are about to battle uses Underworlders, so many of his attacks will be fire. So, it is best to choose cards to best deal with it."

"Thank you, dear," Rarity thanks Tom, then looks at her battle screen confused. "How do I use this?"

"It's just like online but instead of using a keyboard you use your own hands." Tom stated.

Rarity did what Tom said and used her hand on the blue creature select. She scrolls through until she stops at a antelope-like woman with long hair and wearing a green dress. She then moves that creature to her battlefield. "I choose my Lomma." She whispers to Tom.

"Good choice, next your battlegear." Tom explain as Rarity now scroll to her battlegears, "Go for something like Torrent Krinth or Aqua Shield." Rarity stops at the Torrent Krinth and equips it to her Lomma card. "Ok, next you need a mugic to... "

"Done," Rarity said as she placed her mugic.

"Wait what!? Which mugic did you choose?"

"That's a secret." Rarity places a finger on her lip and wink.

"Okay. Next, choose ten locations that will help Lomma. Since you’re going to be the attacker, you will have the advantage." Rarity loads ten of her location cards in her location randomizer. "Ok, look like you're good to go Rares. I'm going to check on the others, good luck." Tom then hung up.

"Players, lock your decks."

FireKing pushes the red button on his scanner and seeing this Rarity does the same. Both of their battlefields are revealed. The screens show Rarity's Lomma creature and the creature that FireKing had look like cerberus.

"Good heavens! What is that?!" Rarity squeal.

"This is my ace, Cerbie. And be careful, his bite is worse than his bark." FireKing said.

"Lady Lomma, because this is your first battle here you will be the attacker. Activate your location randomizer."

Rarity looked around and spotted the white spinner. She gave it a spin, it landed on a landscape of jagged cliffs, rocky embankments, steep slopes, and water flowing through.

"The location is, Riverlands. Now, Choose your attacking creature and its target."

"My dear Lomma will battle... That Cerbie." Rarity said with a hint of disgust.

"Very well, now, touch your creature card."

Rarity places her hand on Lomma card then her screen disappears. Fireking does the same, then white energy of code wraps around their bodies, and after it's done the two players are replaced. Rarity has transformed into Lomma and Fireking turns into Cerbie.

Lomma looked at herself and her reflection on the floor. "Oh my, I look absolutely gorgeous as Lomma!" She lifted a piece of her dress. "And I love her dress on me." She beams.

Cerbie starts to growl at her, "You look like my new chew toy." His red horn head told her.


"You heard me, Overworlder." His skull head said. "Let's get chaotic!" the third head finish.

"Lomma will battle Cerbie in the Riverlands, let the battle begin."

The Chaotic revolve began to spin like crazy and a growing white flash enveloped the whole room.

Lomma opens her eyes and finds herself on top of a rock cliff in the Riverlands. She was amazed by the beauty of this place. "This is breathtaking, I still can't believe I'm really here." Lomma tries to take a step but trips and ends up falling off the cliff and landing on a brush. Lomma stood up but trip again on the ground. "Ouch!" She groaned, she look back at her hoof legs, "How can a lady move with these?"

Then Cerbie landed right next to her. "You won't have to worry for long." The third head of Cerbie said, "Megaroar!" All the heads unleash a powerful roar attack and Lomma was send flying into the water.

Lomma got out of the water and spit some out. "Well, that was very rude." She stated.

"That's what you get when you fight an Underworlder, little girl." The skull head shot back, "Torrent of Flame!" Cerbie fired a flame attack.

"Torrent of Water!" Lomma uses an attack to make a wall of water to block the fire attack. Then Lomma's body start to glow, "Woah, That feel so good."

Three of Cerbie's heads start growl, "Great, the effect of this location is kicking in." The red horn head stated, but then got an idea. "But this might help, Skeletal Strike!" The three heads shouted, then a three head skeleton came out of Cerbie's body and moved toward Lomma.

"Aah!" Lomma tried to run away from it but the Skeletal Strike attack hit her.

"Flame Orb!" Then Cerbie launches a fireball attack that sends Lomma flying. Cerbie looked at the direction he sent Lomma too, then went off somewhere else.

Lomma landed hard on the forest area of the Riverlands and took heavy damage. "While I've never wanted to indulge in such pity behavior, but that no good barbarian has done it now!" Lomma stated, angrily. But then she is hit by a fire attack on her side, Lomma gets up with a frown and summons her Torrent Krinth battlegear on her wrist. "Alright, where are you?" She asked but got hit from behind.

Back at the port court, Tom, Sunset, and Kaz watched in horror as Lomma kept getting hit. "I don't get it, how is he attacking her? Where even is he?" Sunset asked the two boys.

Tom thought about it and looked toward Kaz. "Kaz, you don't think he knows about it?"

"Know what?" Sunset asked again.

"In the Riverlands, there is a cave that can be used to launch sneak attacks through a waterfall. Tom tried to use it in his match against Klay but he found out about it."

"But this time Rarity has no idea about it, which means Cerbie can attack her all he wants." Tom stated.

"Man, Rarity is suppose to have the advantage in the Riverlands and now it going to be use against her!" Kaz screams and Sunset looks worried as on the battle board Lomma's energy gets lower to 15.

Lomma get knock down from another attack. 'Drat! Where is he attacking from? There have to be a way to find him,' Rarity asked from Lomma mind, then got... 'Idea!' Lomma kneeling down and open her eyes, She stay calm and use her hearing to locate the next attack. Went Cerbie uses another fire attack from behind, lomma is able to avoid it by doing a backflip and fired her own attack. "Fluidmight!" She launch a huge water fist construct toward a nearby waterfall.

Cerbie's eye went wide as the Fluidmight hit and knocked him out of the cave to the underwater ocean which Cerbie now had to swim out of. He makes it back to the surface and has to shake himself dry, then he get blasts a water attack. When Cerbie recovers from that attack, he spotted Lomma who had appeared in front of him. "Hello there Darling, had a nice swim?" She asked, jokingly.

"Mock me all you want, you are still a few attacks away from getting coded." The skull head of Cerbie told her.

"Not for long. Geo Flourish!" Lomma shouted out.

Then from the battle board, Lomma's only mugic counter moves toward her mugic, and as it plays it shines down at Lomma. From the battle board, Lomma's energy rises to 30%.

"Oh it is so on! Rainspears!" Lomma fired mini water arrows at Cerbie which he tried to avoid.

"Blaze Barrage!" Cerbie fired his own attack and Lomma quickly dodge it.

"Neuro Freeze!" Lomma places her hand on the ground and summons a huge block of ice that knocks Cerbie up into the air. "Frost Blight!" Then Lomma fired an ice attack.

"Nexus Fuse!" Cerbie equipped himself with his own battlegear, then the Frost Blight attack hit and send him to the ground, hard.

"Flash Kick!" Lomma uses another attack on him, sending him even further away. "Let this be a lesson on never messing with a lady."

"Don't get cocky Overworlder, this battle isn't over yet. Smokesurge!" Cerbie belching out a cloud of black smoke that covers the entire area. Lomma couldn't find Cerbie in all this smoke. "Earthshape!" Lomma could hear him call out an attack. "Lavalanche!" Then a lava-like attack hit lomma from behind. "Thunder Shout!" Then sonic attack hit her on her left. "Sudden Flare!" Then a fire hit her right.

Lomma listens in really close to Cerbie's footsteps to find out where he is. "Found you, Power Pulse!" Lomma jumped out of the smoke and fired a green energy fists attack at Cerbie sent out of the black smoke. Then Lomma landed right next to him. "No more of your dirty tricks, this ends now." She told him.

"For once you're right, this does end now." Suddenly, Cerbie's Nexus Fuse blows up and Lomma explodes into code.

Rarity appears back in the drome as herself and Cerbie teleport back. Then the Chaotic revolver returned and announced.

"The winner of the match is FireKing."

The white energy returns and wraps itself around Cerbie, changing him back to FireKing. "What? How did he win?" Rarity asked the revolver.

"Your opponent sacrifices his Nexus Fuse to deal enough damage to your energy."

FireKing grabs his scanner from the slot and walks toward Rarity. Rarity however turned around, away from him with her arms crossed, "That was a great battle new girl. For a newbie, you battle out there like a regular." He said to her,

"Don't try to sweet-talk your way out of this, after your behavior in our battle."

"Oh, sorry about that, I sometimes get carried away when I am playing as my Underworlders, especially Cerbie." He apologizes to her but Rarity just huffs at him. "Hey, how about I treat you to lunch?" He offers.

Rarity slowly turns her head. "Well, that's a start. But sadly I have to decline since I am going to be meeting with my friends soon."

"Okay, how about next time then?" He wondered.


"Great, see you then!" He said as he patted her on the back, he got ready to leave but turned back to her, "I really mean it. That was a great match, Welcome to Chaotic." He said with a smile as he left. Rarity was left in the drome looking at his direction with a huge blush.

Author's Note:

Alright, the reason I have Rarity lose this one is to balance the win loss ratio between the girls and to show I not playing favorites with the girls with Overworld.

Rarity's screen name 'Lady Lomma' is the one she has in Equestria Girls: Friendship is Chaotic.

And her commit on the battle board is base on it redesign from season 1 to season 2 & 3.