• Published 23rd Jul 2021
  • 1,321 Views, 58 Comments

Chaotic Equestria Girls 2: Journeys into Perim - Roboman3000

The gang are back and ready to explore more the world of chaotic.

  • ...

Chapter 10 New World, Same Trouble Part One

The Forest of Life

Tom and the other girls make it to the forest. They ported to a nearby waterfall, the girls were amazed by the sight of everything and walked toward the river. Twilight drops her arm in the water, Rarity looks at her reflection through the water and Fluttershy picks up some flowers near the river. "Tom, this place is beautiful." Twilight exclaimed as she pulled her arm out.

"Thanks Twi. Come on, we're going to meet some of the OverWorlders that live here." Tom said, motioned, the three followed him and they did so. But before they were out of sight, Clump and Fume ported right behind them. They spotted the four going in the forest and sneakily followed.

The group went deep into the forest but after a few minutes they couldn't find any creatures. "Tom, you said there are supposed to be Overworld creatures living here right?" Twilight began to ask, "Why have we hadn't running into any of them?"

"Yeah, good point." Tom agrees as he pulls out his scanner and uses its Proximity Detector mode to find any nearby creatures, but... "Huh? That's strange."

"What's wrong Tom?" Rarity asked.

"According to my scanner, we’re surrounded by four creatures." Tom stated as his detector showed four dots on the left, right, top and bottom. "But I don't see anything."

"Maybe it broke?" Twilight suggests.

"No, it's working just fine, I just don't know what’s going on," Tom scratched his head as he and the girls were trying to figure out what was going on, but behind them a root from a tree like-figure started to move slowly toward them.

Somewhere else in The Mipedim Oasis

Pinkie, Sarah, Applejack and Peyton are marching through the desert. "I can't wait to see Zhade and the others again!" Pinkie claims.

"I hear that, Pinks!" Peyton wraps his arm around Pinkie's neck, "We can hang out with them as soon we get our scans of Hunter's Perimeter!" He exclaims and Pinkie cheers for this as both of them start to pump each other up.

Sarah looks at them with an angry expression. "Hey Peyton!" She shouted, "Don't forget, after we get Pinkie's scans we headed to Mount Pillar so Applejack can get her Danian scans!" She reminds them but the two act like they didn't hear her. Sarah let out an annoyed groan "It's like listening to Peyton in stereo."

"Ah know, it's frustratin'." Applejack agrees, equally annoyed.

Sarah then asked her, "How can you stand it?"

Applejack stops and thinks about it, "I just remember things would be pretty boring without her." She stated.

Sarah ponders on Applejack's word, "Guess you have a point." And she agrees, feeling the same with Peyton. As the four continue make their way to Hunter's Perimeter, the previous Dragon Pack members pursue them from behind

"Ok, now what? How are we supposed to ruin their scan quest and get my scanner back?" Vex question, more worried for his scanner.

"Yeah, that was a really dumb idea from you!" Baff said.

"Hey, it's not my fault Ubliqun didn't attack them!"

"Yeah but it still was a stupid way for you to lose your scanner!" Baff argued back, "How would that even work, the scanner hit him from the back!"

Vex just replied with a snarl but then, Vex saw something from the distance and waved to Baff, "Hey, look here."

Baff walks over to Vex's spot, "Already, what is it?" He asked, annoyed. Vex pointed at it. "Wait, is that?" He turned to Vex and he nodded, "I thought all of them were locked up by now?"

h"Yeah," Vex agreed but he got an idea and turned to Baff with a grin.

Baff saw it and quickly knew what he was thinking. Vex let out a sigh and agreed, "Fine but we’re going to hit it at the front." The two Dragon Pack members went over to the spot for their next plan.

Underworld Colosseum

The three UnderWorld chaotic players were walking out of the Colosseum after getting some creature scans with H'earring following them. Rainbow was cheering in joy, "Man, Chaor was so cool! I can't believe he thought we were awesome!" She exclaimed.

"You know he was mostly talking to your red hair friend." H'earring pointed out to her.

"Yeah, but it was still cool meeting him." Rainbow stated.

Kaz crosses his arms. "Yeah, great," He grump.

Seeing Kaz's attitude, H'earring asks him. "What's up with you?"

"I don't get it. I worked so hard to get on Chaor's good side and Rainbow Dash and Sunset gets it instantly." Kaz explained.

"You're not jealous of Sunset?"

Kaz let out a sigh, "Not really. I mean, Chaor is bound to like anyone Van Bloot calls an enemy." He stated.

"Point taken. " H'earring simply reply. Then, he noticed Sunset lagged behind them. He moved closer to her, "What's wrong with you?" He asked.

Sunset trembled a bit, looked at H'earring and answered him, "It's just, meeting the real Chaor was intense."

Hearing this, Kaz and Rainbow Dash turn around, "What? Were you terrified of Chaor?" Rainbow jokingly asked Sunset and she nodded, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

"But you've been him before in drome matches!" Kaz Pointed.

"Yeah, but being him and looking at the real thing are completely different." Sunset exclaimed, embarrassed.

The group continued their way to Ulmar's lab and unaware to them, Garble and Fizzle, the two Dragon Packs, were still following them. They make it to Ulmar's lab which was a large castle, Kaz steps forward and knocks on the door. "Ulmar! Are you home!?" Kaz calls him.

Then, the door slowly opened showing a small creature but a bit larger than H'earring. He wears a white lab coat, red eyes, green skin, metal hands, and has his brain sticking out of his head. "Hey Ulmar," H'earring wave to him.

The creature named Ulmar’s expression turned to anger when he saw Kaz, "You again Human!?" He growled and turned to H'earring, "And H'earring." said, deadpan.

"Umm, yeah, we were wondering if you let our new friends scan some of your battlegears?" Kaz pointed back at Sunset and Rainbow who waved to him, nervous.

"What!? No way! Every time you come to my lab it always ends in ruin!" Ulmar retorted in rage.

"Yeah but those times were an accident." Kaz holds out his hands in defense. 'And mostly your own fault.' He mentions it in his head.

"Still no!"

"Come on man! Let us get battlegears!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"Please Ulmar?" Kaz beg.

"No way, never! Get lost!" Ulmar was about to smash the door, until...

"Hang on," H'earing stop him, "You're not keeping us out cause you hiding another dangerous experiment, are you?" Ulmar froze when H'earing said that. "Chaor's still upset with you for the Gigantroper incident." He was getting nervous and H'earing smirk, "Well then, I guess I just report this to Chaor."

H'earing turn around to leave. "NO!" But Ulmar shouted to stop them,"Fine, no touching, just get your scans and get out of here." He walked back inside.

Everyone smile at being able to scan the battlegears, "Great job H'earing!" Kaz patted the small Underworlders as the two went in.

"Let's go, Sunset!" Rainbow waves to her and she nodded, then the girls entered. But, as the door slowly closed, it was stopped by a foot sticking out.

The Hunter's Perimeter

They have finally reached the place. "Alright Pinks, all we need to do is climb to the top." Peyton explains to Pinkie right next to her.

"Why? Can we just scan it from here?" Pinkie asked.

"That's because, if we scan the top of Hunter's Perimeter and use it in the battledromes, we have a good bird eye view in matches!" Peyton exclaimed to her, "Ok, now all we need is a grappling hook and some ropes to get up there." Then, out of nowhere Pinkie holds out the exact objects they need. Peyton was surprised at first but, "Just what we need! Awesome Pinks!" He responded.

The two began to use the grappling hook and ropes to get to the top. And, far away from Hunter's Perimeter, Sarah and Applejack were sitting around waiting for the two mipedian players. "So, how long do you think it will take?" Applejack asked Sarah.

"Knowing those two, who know." Sarah simply answered, "But once they finish, we can head to Mount Pillar and get you some Danian scans."

Applejack stood up, "Let me know when they’re done." And began to walk around with her eyes closed and arms behind her head. She didn't get that far until she opened her eyes and saw something coming toward her with a sand trail behind it. Seeing this, Applejack panics and runs from it. "Sarah!" She yells to Sarah, she turns to see Applejack running away from something chasing her. "Help! Run!" Applejack screamed. Sarah looked closely from the distance and saw the thing that was after them was a huge angler fish like creature. When the two ran in Sarah's direction, she got up and ran with Applejack away from the angler fish creature. "What is that?" Applejack question while running.

"It's a M'arrillian!" Sarah answered her, "And it looks like the one that used to roman the oasis!"

"Ah thought all of those M'arrillian were locked up already, Why this one out!?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know. But, why is it chasing us!" Sarah scream as the two still try to escape the M'arrillian.

Far away, hiding behind two boulders were Baff and Vex who were snickering seeing the M'arrillian chasing the two girls. "Man, it totally works! I still can't believe it." Baff stated trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah, it was hard to make it look like the rocks were coming from those four idiots and not being seen. But, It was worth it!" Vex bursts out laughing and the two continue watching the M'arrillian following Applejack and Sarah toward Hunter's Perimeter where their other friends are at.

Underworld City, Ulmar's Lab

Ulmar lead the three chaotic players and H'earring to his Battlegear sets. Rainbow was amazed seeing all the Battlegears. "Just scan them and leave." Ulmar exclaim but expression change when he saw Rainbow Dash holding one of his battlegear that was gun-like one, "But don't touch any of them!" He angrily yells but nobody listen to him, he then let out a exasperated sigh. "Never mind," And left to a another room, catching H'earring's attention.

"This is awesome! The Pyroblaster, I can't believe I'm holding the real deal!" Rainbow start playful swing around with it, "I wonder how it work... " She asked before pushing the trigger and the Pyroblaster starting shooting out fire that almost hit her friends until she drop it and it stop. Both Kaz and Sunset glare at Rainbow for what just happen, she could only let out, "Opps,"

Sunset rolled her eyes at this and spotted a battlegear on the floor, It was a bronze object with twin serpents on each side. When Sunset picks it up, she accidentally activates and it spews out fire around itself, making it look like a shield. Sunset freaks out and throws it down, as she drops it the flame turns off. "What was that!?" Sunset question while panting.

Kaz picks it up and looks at it closer, "It's the Dragon Pulse!" He exclaimed.

"No Way!" Rainbow said as she took the battlegear from Kaz, "In the game this thing gets you a huge courage boost!" She took out her scanner, "Yup, this will be my first battlegear scan!" She points her scanner at the battlegear then the scanner glows on it until the Dragon Pulse card version appears on the scanner screen. "Best battlegear scan here!" Rainbow stated until Sunset said.

"Kaz, what’s this one?" She asked Kaz, pointed at a bazooka-like battlegear.

"It's the Destructozooka!" Kaz explained, excited.

"Please tell me this one doesn't shoot fire too?" Sunset asked, worried.

"It does, and a few other elements. In battle you can choose which elements you want for your creature." Kaz stated which got the attention of Rainbow Dash.

"Really?" Sunset hold up her code scanner, "Then, I just take a scan." And she start scanning the Destructozooka.

And Kaz does the same with his own scanner, "Me too. The one I scanned before wasn't working well, plus I didn't have the time to understand how it worked before using it in a drome match." Then, the Destructozooka card appears on both of their scanners.

"Why did you use it in drome match before learning how it works?" Sunset asked.

Kaz turns away and scratches the back of his head nervously. "Long story," His only reply.

"Whoa!" Rainbow simply moves right next to the battlegear, "Now that's a battlegear!" She pointed her code scanner at it. "Time to make this number two!" She stated with a big grin but when she tried scanning it, her code scanner screen glowed red with a beeping noise."What?" She tries again but it won't scan it, Rainbow starts getting annoyed by this. "Why can't I scan it?!" She bellows.

"Sorry Rainbow, but unless you port back to chaotic, our code scanner can only scan one type of card while we're in Perim. You already scan the Dragon Pulse." Kaz answered to her.

"You're kidding? Fine, give me a second, I'll head back and scan that Destructozooka!" Rainbow fumbled with her scanner a bit and was getting ready to port back.

H'earring slowly open the door to the room Ulmar went into, the three saw this. "What are you doing?" Sunset asked.

"Just curious to see what old Ulmar is up to." H'earring finally opens the door.

"Are you kidding? You know how Ulmar gets when we mess with him, he will destroy you!" Kaz warns the UnderWorlder.

"Yeah but, Chaor wants to make sure nothing like the Gigantroper incident happens again. Plus, if he finds out Ulmar was up to something like that again and I was aware of it, he will destroy both of us." H'earring claim and went into the room. With no choice, Kaz ran after him and the girls followed suit but, unknown to anyone the two Dragon pack members Garble and Fizzle were right behind them.

The room led to a stairway down, once everyone reached the bottom, they saw Ulmar working on a desktop controller and right in front of him was a huge black mirror on the wall, connected to two conductor rods on each side with a white crystal ball at the center. "Here goes nothing," Umlar said to himself as he pulled down the lever then the crystal ball started glowing and sending energy to the two conductor rods. Electric energy starts coming from the rods and blasts that energy at the mirror. When it finishes, a huge pink energy starts to appear on the mirror and swirls around it, it continues and a hole begins to open then it shows the city. "It's working!" Ulmar exclaims as he moves away from the controller and walks close to the mirror. "It's finally working!" He screams in joy.

"And what's it supposed to be?" A voice questions him, Ulmar's eyes go wide and he turns around to see the voice came from H'earring with Kaz, Sunset and Rainbow Dash behind him.

"H'earing!" Ulmar starts to panic seeing the four, "What are you doing down here!" He questions him looking angry.

"Never mind that, I just want to know what that machine of yours is doing?" H'earing demand.

"None of your business, shrimp! Now leave!" Ulmar tries to get H'earing and the others to leave.

H'earring was getting annoyed but then turned around and said, "Okay, I'll just tell Chaor about this." And begin to walk off.

"Wait, Stop!" Ulmar motioned him to not leave and let out another defeated sigh, "Fine I tell you," He began to explain. "In short term, this is a gateway portal to another plane of existence."

Everyone was frozen and shouted, "What?!" At hearing this.

"So, this could lead you to another world?" Sunset asked, worried.

"Not really another world. a plane of existence, like a world between our worlds. Think of it like if you have two rooms blocked from each other and in the middle of them is another room with two doors on each side that can lead you to the other room." Ulmar continued, "On my trip to Ovalar Peak location, I discovered those energy waves that with the right power can over a portal to this plane. But after countless numbers of failed experiments, I almost gave up until." He stopped and pointed at the crystal rock. "I found this near the Everrain and the power from that crystal makes it possible to open the plane." He finishes explaining.

Kaz, Rainbow and Sunset look closely at the portal in awe, "So what are you planning on doing if you can go to this plane?" Rainbow asked Ulmar.

"Well, with the possibility of other worlds, means new territories for the UnderWorld!" Ulmar said, proudly.

"Wait, so you planning on invading and taking over?" Sunset questioned in shock and Ulmar nodded. "You can't! This place might have people who have their own lives they living. You can't do this to them!" Sunset protest.

"Plus, if there are other creatures, Chaor wouldn't like the idea of having more enemies." H'earring pointed out.

Rainbow turns toward Ulmar, "Say Ulmar, by any chance can we go in?" She asked, pointing at Kaz, Sunset and herself.

"What?!" Everyone in the room shouted.

"Come on, we will be the first players to get some scans on whatever is in there." She stated.

"No way," Ulmar refuses, "Right now the portal is letting us see the other world, I'm still not sure it's stable enough to go in and out yet."

"What? But, I really want to go in." Rainbow whined, Sunset and Kaz patted her shoulders in comfort.

"Then let me help you with that!" Garble's voice echoes through the room as he and Fizzle appear. The two move quickly, Garble grabs a hold on the three Underworld players and pushes them toward the mirror portal. Once they make contact, the energy pulls them in.

Once that happens, Fizzle kicks the white crystal off making the mirror lose its power and the portal disappear. "Kaz!" H'earring called to him in worry but all of them were gone.

Deep in The Forest of Life"?

Tom, Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy continue moving deeper into the forest but they aren't able to spot any creatures around. And notice the forest looking more green with the strange roots. Rarity falls to her knees. "Can we please take a break? My ankles are starting to hurt." She whined.

"Come on Rarity, we've only been at this for an hour," Tom said to her.

"An hour is way too long!" Rarity cries out much to her friends' annoyance.

Tom was starting to get worried at this point. "I don't get it, where is everyone?" He tries to call out to them, "Owis! Dractyl! Deenha! Julip! Heck, I even take Yokkis at this point!" But he got no response.

Fluttershy was nervous about the situation, and her nervousness increased when she heard something move behind her. And when a vine hit her at the back of her head, she let out a scream, catching her friends' attention. They all turn to see Fluttershy shaking while holding the vine that hit her. "I'm sorry, I thought it was something else." She weakly apologizes.

Tom turns to the group, "Alright guys, this is starting to look bad, we need to port back to Kiru City and report this to Maxxor." He stated.

"But, you said that Maxxor may not be in the city." Twilight reminds him.

"There's still some other Overworld warriors that can help." Tom quickly pulled out his scanner, "Anyway, we need to leave." He said to the group. But behind them, another vine appears but this one is moving on its own with some glowing eyes in the shadow. The vine strikes and moves toward Fluttershy. She turned around and seeing this, Fluttershy could only let out another scream.

Author's Note:

If you don't know, the angler fish M'arrillian is Ablop, the M'arrillian Saand and Peyton befriended in Elementary Season 3 Episode 11.

The Proximity Detector Mode was use by Tom and Kaz in A Gigantic Mission Season 3 Episode 8.

I know in the show, when you try scanning same type of card again your original one get delete, unless you lock in the scan like Peyton and Sarah did in Colosseum Showdown Season 2 Episode 4. I just wanted to explain only scan one type of card at a time thing plus I thought it would be funny to see Rainbow Dash wanting the Destructozooka scan.

A mention to how Kaz use the Destructozooka in Scavenger Scan Season 1 Episode 17.

The reason I had Tom call Deenha is the same reason I added her in Chapter 9 of Chaotic: Equestria Girls, she my favorite. And Julip is a creature from AllanTheGymLeader on DeviantArt.