• Member Since 24th Apr, 2012
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Wise Cracker

Just some guy, riding out his time.


Ocellus is in a bad place.

She was supposed to be making new friends.

She thought she did everything right.

So why does it feel like she did the wrong thing?

Set in the same continuity as The First Prettiest Young Changeling Contest but that story is not required reading. OC's and background plot points from that one should be obvious in this story.

Chapters (1)

Ocellus is struggling with her feelings, new and old, and contemplating just who or what she is, deep down. Now is not a good time for making big decisions.

So naturally, when a beauty contest breaks out in the Hive, the decision is made for her: she gets drafted to participate. Silver lining? If she wins, she might win the affections of the one crush she's had so far.

It's Ocellus versus a bunch of crazy girls who can barely read and take everything out of context.

This can only end well for everyone involved.

Author's note: technically set in the same universe as My Fey Lady, but not a direct sequel, and no prior reading required.

Chapters (4)

It's the day after Shining's coronation, and the newly minted Prince is determined to get the Crystal Empire back in working order.

So, true to form in his family, he has a checklist.

Surely this will all go as smooth as a Crystal Empire road, right?

Chapters (1)

It's been a little while since Scootaloo's parents came by. It's been even longer since she wrote anything in her diary.

Now that the move is over, she finally thinks to get her thoughts in order. Only, her diary isn't where she left it. Did she even pack it during the move? With everything going on, she can't quite remember.

To make matters worse, there's a new kid in town, and he's sleeping in her old room. And he's taking her place, kind of.

Now Scootaloo's going to have find a way to balance her already loaded responsibilities with searching for her diary without letting too many ponies know she even has one in the first place.

Preferably without getting into an accident in the process.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Bastion Goes to Fight Camp

It's been a long time coming.

Chrysalis is finally ready to launch her attack against Equestria. Ponyville is overrun, Canterlot is on the brink. Even Celestia can't help the ponies now. With her new powers, Chrysalis can consume ponies in ways they can't even describe, and with each pony who falls, her army grows stronger.

All she needs in order to win is the secret that Bastion is keeping inside him.

But ponies are a tenacious lot, and little Bastion has some surprisingly powerful allies...

Author's note: if you have any questions about the disabled ratings, and you are new, please refer to this blog post on the subject, and also keep in mind the nature of this story in particular means spoilers in the comments would hurt a lot more than usual. Like, a lot a lot.

This will be the final part of the story series in the same universe as the Trial of Faux Pas.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Claws Scratching on A House of Glass

It's been a rough few weeks for Bastion: misunderstandings, weird dreams, international intrigue with the threat of a changeling Queen looming over him...

So it's decided he needs a little break. He needs to go someplace new, reset himself a little, see how he acts without anyone trying to steer him one way or another. Appropriately enough for the heir to the War Engineer Faux Pas, that place is Fight Camp.

It's not long before he makes some new friends, of course, and learns some new combat tricks.

His new friends, however, may be a league too high for him, and have their own dark pasts to worry about.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Changeling Blood

It's been some time, and little Bastion has grown to enjoy life in Ponyville. Aside from a few nightmares and the occasional buzzing in his head, he's doing well and enjoying life.

All that is threatened, though, when a news article in the foreign press brands the ponies around him as abusive. Now the griffons are sending inspectors to talk to those around him, to make sure he doesn't need to be taken away. Everything he's done so far has to be scrutinised, including the things he doubts. His dreams, his nightmares, everything will be exposed.

Unbeknownst to him, things are shifting behind the scenes, and Princess Celestia is preparing for the unseen threat posed by the still-at-large Chrysalis, even going so far as to call in help from a Unicorn who fell off the grid a long time ago...

Chapters (6)

The stars are right, and Orion's Belt is about to sag. That can only mean one thing.

Discord's mom is coming to visit him and lecture him about his life choices, delivering a millennium worth of grief over breakfast tea.

But not to worry: Fluttershy will there for him, for moral support, specifically by pretending to be the girlfriend his mother has wanted him to get since time immemorial. Of course, such a ruse requires giving her phenomenal fey powers, as well as a little bit of preparation in Ponyville.

This can only end well.

Chapters (5)

It's a new day in the Crystal Empire, and Cadence is sent for a nice, relaxing day of magic practice with the abjuration specialist of the EEA.

It doesn't take long for everyone involved to notice: Cadence is weak. Really weak. Weaker than normal, and in fact weaker than she remembers being.

Have her fighting skills deteriorated over the years, or has something else crippled her combat capabilities?

Did she ever have any in the first place?

Chapters (1)

It is the early days of the settling of Equestria, and the Pillars are off giving chase to one of the monsters attacking pony settlements.

The chase, however, leads them into a temple, one which houses an ancient spirit of change and evolution. They soon learn they are not the only Pillars around, either, as a whole new set has joined them.

The spirit offers them a simple challenge: be entertaining and succeed in its challenges.

A simple affair for the Pillars, especially if there's two sets.

It's not like they have any major differences between them, right?

Written for 'A Most Delightful Ponidox' Contest.

Chapters (5)