• Member Since 24th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Monday

Wise Cracker

Just some guy, riding out his time.


The stars are right, and Orion's Belt is about to sag. That can only mean one thing.

Discord's mom is coming to visit him and lecture him about his life choices, delivering a millennium worth of grief over breakfast tea.

But not to worry: Fluttershy will there for him, for moral support, specifically by pretending to be the girlfriend his mother has wanted him to get since time immemorial. Of course, such a ruse requires giving her phenomenal fey powers, as well as a little bit of preparation in Ponyville.

This can only end well.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 5 )

Of course singing fixes everything. It's My Little Pony.


And all's well that ends well.

that was really cool! I wish I could see how Fluttershy's fey form looked

I can't promise anything, but never say never. This was written in a period (a still ongoing one, in fact) where making art became a more solid interest, but not one I could find a good workflow for. If I do ever make art of Flutter-Fey, I'd probably do it in 3D, or at least sketch out the proportions in 3D. But it'd be from scratch, though, SFM models aren't fit for that purpose.

Anyway, glad you liked it! 'Twas a blast to write, especially in some areas.

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