Pearly Beloved

by lillytheomegawolf

First published

Bright Mac and Pear Butter, newly married stallion and mare. This story follows the first day after their union.

Bright Mac and Pear Butter, newly married stallion and mare.
This story follows the first day after their union.

The night time wedding leads to cuddles under the stars as they come to terms with the Pear family's exit from Ponyville.

The following day, Pear Butter does her best to settle into her new family. They also have fun getting to know each other more as husband and wife.

A cute and cuddly story with a bit of spice.

Pearly Beloved

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In the grove where apple trees met pear, ribbons were strung between the trees where a wedding had just concluded. Their aisle had buckets of apples and pears to mark the line up to the front where the couple stood before an archway, decorated with flowers and silken drapes. Hay bales and barrels lay around the outer setup with candles to offer soft light to those present. On the apple family side of the aisle stood a table with a wedding cake and some desserts, carefully crafted by Chiffon Swirl. Further away a second table had been set with a small meal. However, the wonderful foods were all forgotten thanks to the outburst of the stallion who had just departed the scene.

With the official documents signed, two earth ponies slowly wandered from the archway, back down the aisle. The pale orange mare was tearful but there was happiness somewhere there amidst the sad. Her decision was made and it was too late to even think about taking it back. As their two witnesses and Mayor Mare clapped them on, they passed between the last bucket of apples and pears and thus came to the end of the little candlelit path. Maria Smith strode down the apple side, her gaze soft. She approached the newlyweds and offered them both a hug. Without a word she withdrew, nodded then began the trek home.

Their friends approached and offered hugs and soft consoling words before they too departed.

Alone under the stars, the couple extinguished the last few candles then embraced once more.


“Yes?” Pear Butter withdrew enough to gaze at her spouse.

“Come. Let me take you to your new home.” A light yellow hoof tenderly wrapped his pale orange wife in a hug.

Pear Butter nuzzled her husband then nodded, wiping her tears on his warm coat. She nodded, too stricken by her father's exit to speak.

Bight Mac slowly led his wife through the back fields of the Apple family farm. After many minutes of peaceful walking, the barn finally came into view and Bright Macintosh came to a halt. Sensing that his precious pear's mind had wandered to unhappy pastures, Bright Mac pulled his wife into a loving embrace and nuzzled her.

Pear Butter blinked back a fresh burst of tears and pecked her husband on the check. Bright Mac ruffled his lover’s mane and gave her another quick nuzzle. They withdrew, their eyes aglow, a light in the darkness for the other. Buttercup nodded, ready to continue once more. The stallion led his mare at a slow pace, circumnavigating the barn till they came to face the front.

Pear Butter paused for a moment to behold the dwelling that would soon be her home. The home of an Apple. The one building in Ponyville that she had been forbidden to ever enter. And here she was, outside, no father or family to call her away. She glanced at her husband who nodded supportively.

Pear Butter took a decisive step forward and suddenly found herself lifted up off the ground by two powerful forehooves. Temporally on his hind legs, Bright Mac nuzzled into the soft creamy tummy, placed a kiss there then lifted his muzzle to grace the surprised face of his wife with a second, longer kiss.

Their kiss ended as Bright Mac’s balance failed and he quickly replanted his hind legs.

Pear Butter giggled, “don’t drop me you goof.”

“Never. You are too precious.” Bright Mac affirmed.

With a delighted smile, Pear Butter lent up and kissed her husband’s snout. “Alright… carry me home, oh husband.”

“Ah shall.” With a final quick kiss, Bright Macintosh carefully placed his mare on the ground then knelt before her.

With a quick curtsey and nuzzle, Pear Butter slipped on top of her husband’s back and wrapped her hooves around his neck. Her chin rested on his hat. Light orange hind legs draped down over his cutie mark, the bight apple seeming to glow under the moonlight. The lithe mare on top was like a very cuddly saddle, perfectly moulded to fit. With a pleased hum, the powerful stallion carefully stood.

Pear Butter, secured on top like the earth pony bride she was, lay at peace. They were married. Despite all her father's words, it felt right. Finally, Pear Butter relaxed. With a delighted grin, Bright Macintosh strode resolutely toward the barn and found the door already open for them.

As they crossed the threshold together, they were met by the steady gaze of Smith. The two mares held each other’s gaze for a moment before the elder nodded.

“Welcome to the family. I guess… I shoulda seen this day coming, the way my son always looked at you.” Maria Smith sighed.

A grin slipped across Bright Mac’s muzzle. “Thanks, Ma.”

“Good night you two.” The green mare simply nodded then wandered off to her room.

With great care, Bright Mac ascended the stairs, passing rooms that harboured the few relatives who were staying to help out on the farm. With a creak, the pale yellow stallion pushed his bedroom door open. He entered then crouched to allow his bride to dismount. Pear Butter slipped off her husband’s back and gave him a peck on the cheek in thanks.

“Ahm gonna need a bigger bed.” Bight Mac commented with a playful gin, trying to lift the still sombre feelings in the air.

Pear Butter nodded, a smile slowly spreading across her face. “I guess we just need to cuddle. Unless you wanna sleep out under the stars tonight.”

“Sleep under the stars with my Buttercup?”

“With my Big derp…” Pear Butter snuck a quick kiss onto her stallion’s chin.

A slow grin illumined Bright Mac’s face. “You know… that sounds like a great idea…”

The strong stallion approached his bed and removed the soft, red blanket with green apples embroidered on it. He threw it over his wife and accidentally buried her. With a giggle and a shake, an orange mane popped out followed by crystal turquoise eyes. As her muzzle escaped the confines of the blanket her lips were met by the pale yellow lips of her lover. They shared a kiss, short and sweet that turned into nose rubs and more nuzzles.

As the warm fuzzy moment faded, the reality of the situation returned, sinking in like a laden cart stuck in a swamp. Pear Butter sighed. “I hope I did the right thing…”

“You did.”

Two earth ponies lay snuggled together under a blanket beneath an apple tree. With the stars above and the moon half hidden behind clouds, it was a rather dark yet peaceful night.

Bright Mac sprawled on his back, Buttercup on his chest, her hindquarters resting against his powerful barrel on the grass. He held her protectively between his forelegs as though any lapse would cause her to vanish. The normally sunny mare clutched her husband back, nuzzling into his neck and laying the occasional kisses under his chin.

With a glance up at the spotty sky, Bright Mac took a moment to admire the way wind rustled the leaves in the tree that towered above. His attention was returned to his mare as her frizzily mane landed on his snout. He grinned and nudged the soft orange fuzz out of the way. Unable to properly reach her face with his lips, the stallion instead opted to ruffle the soft mane with his chin. Bright Mac took deep breaths, making sure to inhale as much of his mare’s scent as he could. After enjoying her scent for a few moments, a bright idea came to mind and he took an extra large breath. With this exhale he tried his best to blow toward her ear.

Sure enough, the tense snuggling mare’s ear gave a flick and she giggled. “Stop that.”

“Naw…” Bright Mac scrunched up his muzzle a bit then blew again.

The ear under assault flicked again and the mare giggled. A light orange hoof impacted with the pale yellow shoulder of her assailant.

Bright Mac gave a laugh, lent forward then licked one then the other of his precious Buttercup’s ears. Pear Butter shrieked like a filly, grabbed the discarded hat and rammed it over the grinning muzzle. Appeased, Pear Butter collapsed back onto the warm, muscle bound frame of her spouse.


Bright Mac laughed as he pulled his hat off then plonked it on top of his mare’s frizzly mane. It bounced up a bit then lay sideways as her mane settled. Buttercup gave a shake and the hat floated peacefully away.

The happy stallion pulled his lover in for a kiss. Pear Butter eagerly met him halfway and began to pour her love into the sweet action. As their tongues broke loose and began to explore the other’s mouth, the eager pear slipped her body up her husband’s frame to better continue the kiss. Bright Mac in turn grinned ecstatically into the kiss. He ruffled the frizzly mane of his mare as his other forehoof held her close. As their passions continued to build and hooves continued to eagerly explore, they rolled onto their sides. Their legs and blanket quickly became entangled as they continued to tussle in the moonlight. The kiss broke with a large gasping breath from both ponies.

They stared at one another in the dark for a few moments as their panting slowly died down. With a loving nuzzle, Bright Mac moved in for another kiss. 

Pear Butter was faster and placed a quick kiss on his snout then withdrew. A giggle escaped the mare as her husband missed his kiss. Bright Mac pouted. 

Pear Butter snuck a quick kiss onto the board snout that scrunched up. She proceeded to place a slow, loving kiss on his cheek. As Buttercup withdrew she felt a strong foreleg wrap around her neck, preventing escape. 

Bright Mac took his time to close the distance once more. The happy stallion laid a series of kisses along his lover’s cheek before meeting her lips. Pear Butter melted into the kiss and snuggled up as close as she could.

As the relaxed, loving kiss dissolved into nuzzles, Pear Butter curled up a bit, trying to keep as close as possible to her lover after countless nights apart.

Bright Mac tried to turn his mare around to make her his little spoon but found something constricting his progress. Strong hooves moved quickly only to discover the problem was the bedsheet they had entangled themselves in.

Pear Butter felt around in the dark, her hooves also confirming their predicament. “I guess some pony got us all tangled up.”

Bright Mac grinned, “guess I have captured mah wife. You cannot escape.”

Pear Butter grinned, “But what happens if I’ve captured you?”

“Then I’ll do this.” Bright Mac wrapped his mare in the best hug he could manage then placed his head protectively over her mane, bringing them closer.

“I like this…” Pear Butter nickered with delight.

As they resumed their snuggles, still entangled, Pear Butter lay at peace. A pale orange forehoof reached up and began to play with her husband’s mane as she nuzzled into his warm neck. “I think I could get used to this…”

“Yeah, me too.”

Bright Mac groaned as sunlight cut at his eyes. What a way to lose out on the most awesome dream ever. The stallion tried to lift a hoof to shield himself from the sun and realized that not only could he not move his forelegs, but his left was filled with faint pins and needles. That was odd…

All of a sudden his unusually warm blanket shifted. The stallion froze.

A dreamy moan broke the bird song and Bright Mac found his blurry vision blocked by a wall of orange.

A very fuzzy orange mane.

“Buttercup?” Bright Mac’s eyes shot wide open. “It- it weren’t no dream?”

“Well…” The young mare paused as she blinked sleepily and gazed lovingly into the green eyes below. “If it weren't for my dad, I might just have thought it was a dream…”

“Oh. Yeah…” Bright Mac felt his heart crash back down to earth. At the sight of his angel’s distress, a yellow hoof wriggled free of the blanket then caressed the soft cheek of the mare who lay on top. “Now don’t be sad. Ah’ promised that I’ll never leave you an’ I won’t.”

“I know… I-” Two light orange hooves rose to ensnare the stallion’s neck. She began to nuzzle into his warm neck. “I just wish mah pa didn’t have to leave.”

Bright Mac shifted to better hold the smaller pony who lay on top of him. “Maybe he didn’t?” 

Pear Butter shook her head. “I know he did. He was set on leaving. Just like his brothers did last week. I’m an apple now anyway…” 

“But, my angel-”

A rather loud sniffle cut the stallion off as Pear Butter buried her face under his chin. A torrent of pain and anguish broke forth. Bright Macintosh did his best to comfort his crying lover as she clutched onto him for dear life. He felt lost as he continued to hold his mare, unsure what else to do but simply hold her. 

Sometime later, the newly wedded couple sat side by side under the apple tree where they had slept. Although eyes were dry, the sombre mood remained. As Bright Mac’s hoof slipped a bit on his wife’s shoulder he anciently slammed into the smaller earth pony. 

Pear Butter found herself suddenly ensnared between her husband’s forelegs, his barrel against her back.


“Don’t be. You klutz.” A giggle escaped the young mare as he rubbed her head. “I like your cuddles. Maybe try next time not to hit the new apple on the head.”

Bright Mac nuzzled the top of his precious pear's head then planted a kiss upon her forehead.

“You know…” Pear Butter spoke up as she nestled into her husband’s warm underside. “I like your hugs… they’re nice and warm.”

With a contented hum, Bright Macintosh settled his chin into the frizzy mane of his lover. “And ah like yours too… I can feel just how much you love me every time.”

Pear Butter giggled. “Yeah. Sometimes I even feel you giving me a bonus surprise… Although I admit, it does feel a little weird against my back.”

Bright Mac blushed and withdrew a little. “Well Ah’ do think you are the most pretty mare I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

“I can tell!” A louder laugh broke from the pale orange mare she pressed herself back up against her husband and eagerly nuzzled back under his chin. “Hey, we’re married now. I think I can get used to a little extra reminder that you love me.”

“More than anything…” Bright Mac added with a lovestruck grin as he wrapped his forehooves around his precious pony.

“You know… since we are alone in this here orchard… you could um… show me… just how much you love me.”

“Really?” Bright Mac tensed, “we ain't ever gone that far before.”

With a tender smile, Pear Butter turned to gaze up into his shining eyes. “Well… Like I say… we’ve done the ceremony. Now comes the final step. Bright Macintosh, I would gladly become one with you.”

Bright Mac took a deep breath, it felt like all the blood had rushed to his head and his nether regions. The world span and all he could properly focus on was the wonderful pony in his forelegs. “I- I love you Buttercup. I’m ready to become one with you too an’ spend the rest of our lives together as a family.”

An excited squee escaped Pear Butter and she knocked her husband over and planted an energetic kiss upon his lips. “I love you too.” 

As the couple rolled around under the trees, they exchanged kisses, playful licks and nuzzles.

“Bright Mac!? Bright Mac? Where the- Oh, there ya are.” Maria Smith paused as she eyed the couple. A knowing smile slipped onto her lips. “Guess I’m giving you both the morning off, huh?”

Straddled atop his mare, Bright Mac felt his cheeks burn. “Well…”

Pear Butter tried to hide her face behind her husband’s muscular foreleg. “Yes please…”

“Well…” The green mare thought for a moment as she eyed the couple. “If you two can hold off rolling in the hay fer five more minutes, I think it would be nice if Mac were to show our new Apple around first.”

The two blushing ponies stumbled to their feet, Bright Mac nodded. “Yes, ma.”

“Actually… take the rest of the day off.”

“What?” Bright Mac gave his mother a confused look.

“I’ll manage the stall.” Granny Smith clarified.

“You don’t want me to help?”

“I’ll get one of yer cousins to help. You two look like you wanna spend some time getting to know each other as husband and wife.” With a dry chuckle, the matron of the farm turned and strode off.

The two blushing ponies shared a look. Pear Butter was quick to nuzzle up close and settled against the warm strode side of her spouse. “If we cuddle for a few more minutes-”

“Then I would love to show you around, proper like.” Bright Mac finished with a nod.

“Then what do you say we find a nice quiet spot and finish our little session?”

“Celebrate with our friends tonight?”

“That gives me a few hours to know my husband better… it will be nice to not be dragged away from you.” 

Bright Mac smiled. “Yeah.” He held out an inviting forehoof.

Pear Butter accepted the gesture and allowed her husband to hoist her to her feet. With a loving nuzzle the couple began meandering toward the barn.

“Well, this is part of our orchard.” Bright Mac began. “And-” he paused as he changed direction away from the barn, toward the forest. “If we keep going this way, it will take you to our zap apples.”

Bright Macintosh strode through the two large doors of his family’s barn, “this here is our barn. We keep our hay, tools and apple stock in here. Nothin’ too special.”

Pear Butter gazed at the baskets to their left, a small stack of apples, ready to sell or eat. To their right, hay bales were stacked high, reaching for the roof. A variety of tools were at the ready close by the hay. A similar enough setup to her pear family barn. She nodded.

The couple wandered through the wide open room. Bright Mac pushed open a door at the opposite side of the barn. “This here leads to the house.”

A pale peach coloured mare strode out of the door and froze at the sight of the pear mare. Bright Mac drew his wife in for a hug. Apple Rose eyed the suddenly timid Pear Butter's cutie mark for a moment. Bright Mac cleared his throat, "this here is Buttercup, mah wife."

"Yeah. I thought my cousin was joking." Apple Rose eyed Bright Mac as if the young stallion had gone insane.

"She's told everypony?"

The pale peach mare nodded. "Yeah, your mom's waiting for you in there by the way."

"Thought she was in town selling apples already?"

Apple Rose shook her head. "Na. I'll be joining Baked Apple to see how many we can sell today."

The newlyweds shared a glance. Bright Mac eyed the living room behind the light mare, "she's okay?"

"Why don't you go see for yourselves?" Apple Rose shot Pear Butter one last stink eye then marched off.

Bright Mac pulled his wife in for a quick hug. "It's okay..."

"Your family hates me..."

Bright Mac shook his head then planted a strong kiss on his wife's nose. "No pony can hate you. They jus' need to get to know you is all..."

Pear Butter nodded. "Let's make sure your mother is okay."


Pear Butter followed her husband into the simple dining room. She gazed around the clean, rustic living space with wonder, taking in the sights of a place she had only ever dreamed of entering with her Bright Mac.

"There ya are."

Pear Butter jumped in shock.

"Are you okay?" Bright Mac quickly wrapped his wife in a hug.

Pear Butter giggled. "I'm not made of glass you know."

"Thank goodness for that." The dry done of the green mare drew the couple's attention.

Maria Smith strode to the dining table and placed a small ornate wooden box in front of her. "Son, do you know what this is?"

Bright Mac shook his head. His eyes wandered to the carved box. It was barely over two hoofs wide but looked as though the pony carving it had spent a great deal of time and effort to fill the sides and top with branches. The trees were laden with many apples. It was then the young stallion noticed there were in fact only two trees on the box and their branches were interlinked.

"This here is the wedding bands of yer pa and I."

The world around Bright Mac froze. "You... had wedding bands?"

Maria Smith smirked. "Well, it is customary."

Suddenly serous, the green mare pushed the box toward the couple. Bright Mac reverently took a step closer, Pear Butter at his side.

Maria Smith rested her hoof upon the old box. "Now that my son is married, I think it's time they were handed down... just like they are supposed to."

"Y-you would give them to us?" Bright Mac asked.

"Even though I was a Pear?" Afraid of what the answer could be, Pear Butter took refuge under her husband's foreleg.

Maria Smith's dislike for the rival family flared up like a roaring fire. With a deep breath, she forced herself to calm down, her hoof still upon the box that bore the family wedding bands. "Don't ever mention that again and you an I may get along jus fine youngun."

Pear Butter gasped. "Y-you think so?"

A green hoof extended and pushed the box to the edge of the table, within reach of the couple. Maria Smith nodded.

Bright Mac and Pear Butter each lifted a forehoof and together they opened the box. Inside lay two silver wedding hoof bands.

Maria Smith strode up to the couple as they continued to admire the wedding bands. "Lift up yer right forelegs for me."

The young couple did as they were bidden. With great care, Maria Smith lifted her old wedding band out and slipped it onto her own hoof for a moment and admired the way the sliver apples etched onto it seemed to glow in the light. The green mare smiled at the way it fitted. "I now pass this onto you-"

"Buttercup." Bright Mac cut in.

Maria Smith smiled. "Buttercup. Welcome to the family." She carefully slid the wedding band onto the pale orange hoof that was offered. "And now for you, my son." Maria Smith lifted the larger band out and slipped it onto her son's right forehoof. "Fit's just like it did your father."

Pear Butter's eyes glistened with happy tears and a smile spread across her muzzle. "Oh thank you!"

Before Maria Smith could react, she found herself ensnared in the combined hug of her daughter in law and son. With a hint of her own liquid pride, Maria Smith placed a kiss on both ponies foreheads.

Tour of the farm over, Bright Macintosh and Pear Butter headed for the woods that bordered the two farms. They stopped by the grove where they had wed. Two forehooves, now with wedding bands, gently pressed against the earth where their seeds lay.

Bright Macintosh allowed his gaze to drift up the pretty light orange hoof, along her barrel and rest on her well toned, flank and cutie mark. One playful wiggle later and the light yellow muzzle flushed a darker shade. His eyes darted to the vibrant gaze of his love.

A giggle escaped Pear Butter. With her husband's eyes upon her own, she began to ogle her stallion.

Unsure what to do with himself, Bright Mac froze promoting more giggles from his precious pony.

Pear Butter snuck closer and brushed up against her muscular stallion's side. She enjoyed the way his powerful form shifted against hers. Buttercup nuzzled up under his chin. With a coy grin, she rubbed herself against his barrel then broke off as she felt his body react. With a flick of her tail, she strode away from the lovestruck stallion to their rock.

Bright Mac gazed, wide eyed after his bride, unable to believe his own eyes. The rest of the world faded away and he took deep breaths to try and ease the rush. He wanted, no.... needed to feel her against himself again. His eyes fixated upon her alluring hindquarters. As she turned to smile back, he caught her eye and hurried to catch up.

Bright Mac captured his lover in a tight hug as they stood before the rock that bore their marks. "We made it..."

The husky tone in his voice surprised them both. But just as he was about to withdraw, Buttercup nuzzled right up and snuck a kiss on his chin. "We did. And you, oh husband... are all mine."

"And Ah' get to say you, oh wife are mine..." Bright Macintosh grinned.

The couple adjusted their cuddle to better accommodate their mouth to mouth transmission of love. Pear Butter placed a forehoof around the hunky shoulder of her lover. Her grip intensified as she poured more and more of her love into the kiss. Their tongues broke loose and they began to vigorously explore each other's mouths with a rapidly building passion.
Bright Mac's forehooves rose and held his precious mare as their heads moved to and fro in a sensual battle of their tongues. Both lover's eyes slid closed as they settled into the pleasure of sharing such intimacy. Feeling sky high and overcome with the torrent of love that was poured out to him, Bright Mac collapsed backward into the grass with a soft thud. The impact failed to break the lip lock and the couple continued to kiss as though it were their last chance to do so.

As she continued to pour out her love, Pear Butter settled her hind hooves on the ground, close to the might apple cutie mark. With the warm wash of air across her muzzle, she realized they had both begun breathing through their nose. She smiled into the kiss. Now there was no reason to stop!
Her eyes fluttered back into action. Buttercup beheld the lovestruck, blissful yellow face with the faintest dusting of freckles on the bridge of his nose. Every fibre of her being called out for more. Pear Butter's heart was quick to agree and she began to grind her barrel against her stallions.

Green eyes shot open.

Pear Butter felt her husband's excitement and withdrew. Her heart fluttered at the dreamy expression on his face.

Bright Mac panted as he giggled like a school filly. "Wow..."

"I- yeah..." Pear Butter agreed, grinning like crazy. "I see that somepony is excited."

"Ah' think my Buttercup is too."

"Oh yeah?" Buttercup batted her eyelashes then leapt off her husband. With a playful flick of her tail to his nose, she headed off, toward the deeper forest, away from the farmland.

Bright Macintosh hastily rose and hurried after his mare. "Ya tease, come back!"

"You gotta catch me first!" With a slight, excited jitter to her step, Pear Butter hurried off.

Bright Mac forced himself to hurry. He felt as though his body were drunk on the love of his Buttercup. It was hard to focus on the world around. He kicked aside some fallen sticks, barely registering the existence of anything his mate.

The lovers ran together toward the woodland, somewhere in the sensible side of Pear Butter's mind she knew they had to get there... Away from prying eyes.
But maybe they could run back to the barn?

Vibrant yellow hooves wrapped around her shoulder. Nuzzles and cheeky kisses were exchanged as the fires inside once again burst into an inferno.

The woods were perfect.

Bright Macintosh hefted his mare up high. Pear Butter squealed like an excited filly and dived in for one, two then three quick, intense kisses. Bright Mac allowed his mate's hind legs to meet the ground. Pear Butter quickly found her balance and with a dainty nose to nose boop, slipped in for a kiss. The ecstatic smile broke forth across Bright Mac's lips once more and he eagerly returned his mare's love. Using his mate for balance, Bright Mac's forehooves were free to explore. He tussled the orange mane with one hoof while the other travelled up and down his precious pony's coat. Pear Butter in return held her protector and lover close.

With ungainly, staggered movements, they continued to progress through the trees. Green and cyan eyes sparkled with love.

Mighty hooves slipped. With a splash, two earth ponies hit the stream. Mirth broke forth as they bathed in each other's love.

"Silly..." Pear Butter giggled. "Somepony wasn't looking where he was going."

"Mmm..." Bright Macintosh's gaze was filled with adoration for the mare who was slowly slipping down his tummy into shallow waters. "Be careful you."

Pear Butter smiled coyly as she continued to slowly slide. "Or what?"

As evening fell, two well groomed earth ponies strode into town side by side. The young couple were both aglow with love. On their right forelegs, they wore the silver apple wedding bands. Their bodies wandered on autopilot toward their destination, their attentions captivated by each other. They could have been in the middle of Canterlot and still not noticed other souls about. Pear Butter and Bright Mac would occasionally bump into each other's flank or indulge in a quick nuzzle. They wandered out of the small backstreet onto the main road, at peace in the moment.

As Buttercup realized there were ponies watching, wide eyed, she giggled and waved at them. Her hoof band glittered in the light of the street lamps. Many eyes followed the band as her hoof fell to the earth once more. Bright Mac pulled his wife into a quick hug, clearly delighted to have her so close in public. The small crowd of ponies quickly got the message. There were a few hoof stomps and several curious ponies approached.

“What are you doing here? I thought your family left town…” Carrot Cake asked.

“I’m an Apple now.” The light orange mare replied plainly.

Whispers broke out through the group of ponies. Many exchanged excited looks.

Bright Mac pulled his wife in for a quick hug. “Eeyup. Buttercup is now my wife.”

A light grey pegasus stallion glanced between both farmers. “Congratulations. Nice going.”

A small pegasus colt rushed out from his father’s side, his dark grey wings out, eyes glowing with curiosity. “So pretty…”

Bright Mac chucked as the little pegasus admired his hoof band. “Eeyup.”

“There you two are!” Burned Oak pushed through the pack of ponies. “All right everypony, give my friends some space.”

Chiffon Swirl plowed through the growing mob, “Quickly. Let’s go. We have a reservation and I don’t want to miss it.” The porch mare turned to lead the couple away and smacked into Carrot Cake.

The stallion shook his head then offered the downed Swirl a hoof up. Chiffon flushed red with embarrassment as she accepted the helping hoof. Carrot Cake gave a cough as he lowered his forehoof and his gaze flickered between the blue mare in his face and the ground.

Excitement flooded Pear Butter as she watched her longtime friend. “Would you like to attend our little celebration too?”

“Who, me?” Carrot Cake stuttered.

Buttercup nodded, “you could even sit next to Chiffon.” 

The mare in question span to face her friend and franticly shook her head.

“Why sure. Would- would that be okay?” The lanky stallion turned his attention to the blue mare.

The clearly nervous Swirl returned her gaze to the light yellow stallion. Her cheeks continued to burn. She could feel the heat of the bystanders' gazes on her like hot fire. She desperately wanted to be enjoying a meal with her friends in peace right now. Desperate to escape the situation, she uttered the first thing that escaped her lips: “S-sure.”

“Great. I mean-” 

The lanky stallion found himself dragged off toward the Hay and Clover by Chiffon Swirl. She was determined to be free of the crowd as quickly as possible.

The newlyweds shared a smile and followed.

Burned Oak fell into step with the couple and gave his friend a knowing look, “you two are glowing. More than normal that is.”

“Yeah…” Buttercup felt her muzzle heat up. “I guess we are.”

“Good going bro.” The dark stallion chucked as he gave his friend a playful shoulder barge.

Bright Mac’s muzzle flushed and he continued to quietly stride toward their destination.

It was late.

Celestia's moon was high in the sky.

And two young adults felt like they could float right up there and join the shining orb in the sky.

Pear Butter nuzzled into her husband's warm coat. Warm fuzzies exploded into the night as he replied in kind. Buttercup eagerly continued.

The newlyweds were so wrapped up in each other that the trip home felt like a brief walk in the park.

In no time at all, they found themselves at the gate to the Apple Farm.

Feeling very alive in the moment, Pear Butter leapt up onto the fence. She sat near the post and was met by her husband as he reared up on his hind legs to hold her steady. "Fancy meeting you here, stud."

Bright Mac chucked and playfully rubbed his nose against the soft snout of his missus. "Yeah. Funny that. Ain't I the lucky one?"

Buttercup giggled as she rested her forehooves on his powerful shoulders. "I think we both are. You were amazing last night by the way. Thank you for standing up for me."

Bright Mac gave his precious mare a quick kiss, his hooves sliding down to rest on her cutie mark. "Taint nothing. I will always be here for you, just like when we were kids... just now we can be together... always."

"No more needing to break that water tower... or the fence. Or pull out weeds for me. We can just... be together." At that moment, a few fireflies floated past, illuminating the trees in the background as well as the lover's faces.

The way his Buttercup glowed, took Bright Mac's breath away. His gaze of wonder was not to be missed. "Yeah... You- Buttercup, you are so beautiful."

With a delighted squee, Buttercup captured his open mouth with a soft kiss. "You know what comes next, handsome?"

"I can guess." Bright Mac grinned playfully back. "Snuggles every night... an' I even get to keep you beside me through the day."

Pear Butter rubbed her nose in circled around her husband's cheek. "Care to share these snuggles you speak of?"

"Eeyup." Bright Macintosh carefully stepped back, his forelegs rose to hold Buttercup's own. The new apple dismounted the fence.

With a bow, Bright Macintosh offered his wife a ride, earth pony bridal style.

Pear Butter slipped onto her husband's back, snuggled up close and closed her eyes. "This is Pearfect. Thank you."

Bright Macintosh giggled. "Oh mah Pearly Beloved... Ah now take thee, home."

"Shush you, that was terrible."

The grinning stallion strode toward the Apple farmhouse. "Naw. Words can't explain just how much I love you. That's all."

"Maybe you should show me."

As the couple arrived at the front door, Bright Mac laid his hoof upon the door frame. "Maybe ah will."

As the door closed, peace fell upon the Apple family farm.

A new kind of peace, due to be disturbed in less than a year's time with the arrival of new life.