Rarity and the Pip-Boy

by Zubric

First published

Rarity finds a strange device when collecting gems and decides to keep it. It's rather handy too.

While on a typical gem hunt with Spike, Rarity uncovers a strange alien device that turns out to be rather handy once you know how to use it.

No, this is not a Fallout Equestria crossover. Just Rarity has a pip-boy.


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In the gem caves near Ponyville, a soft rhythmic smack of a pickaxe filled the mostly quiet cavern as Rarity chipped away into a wall to dislodge the precious gemstones within. Each one that was knocked free was promptly placed into a large basket. Spike, of course, had been invited to come along being a great help in carrying the cargo, but also for being good company as Rarity worked. As another few gems were loaded, Rarity turned back to look at Spike. “So, you were saying something about Big Mac and a critical roll?”

Spike’s smile couldn’t be any wider as he spoke. “Well, I’d set up this massive final battle,” he started staring around the cave with just Rarity's horn light to provide illumination. He thrust his fists side to side. “There we are rolling kill after kill cutting down the army like a scythe to a wheat field. “

Rarity nodded as she listened chipping away another patch of rock revealing the cluster to sparkle in her light. “Ooh, that sounds like quite an exciting adventure.”

Spike snapped his claws. “Yeah. Well near the end Mac had beaten the boss down to his last few hit points. He swings his axe and you’ll never guess what happened.”

Rarity swung her pick against the wall once more with a small dust cloud falling around her as some small cracks spread up the wall like spiderwebs. “Hmm, perhaps he missed?”

“Nope, he hit already, but the boss was left with just one point left.,” Spike said with a chuckle.

“Oh h-'' Rarity was cut off as the dust caused her to build up a sneeze. The glow around her horn intensified rapidly just as she unleashed her sneeze. Her pickaxe propelled by the burst of magic went flying impacting the wall with a loud thud causing a strong reverberation to rock the cavern. The two backed up to the other side of the cave as the spider web cracks rapidly spread, the crackles seeming as loud as thunder in their ears. Within seconds a title wave of dust was launched into the air as the wall collapsed. Spike and Rarity coughed blinded by the dust cloud until Rarity’s horn lit up and broke through the haze. Once the dust settled and the two caught their breath, they noticed the collapse had revealed a small chamber beyond.

Rarity wiped her brow, her eyes staring peering into the hole with relief. “Goodness, it’s a good thing only one wall came down.”

Spike nodded his claw held to his chest feeling his heart still racing. “Yeah, that was close.” Curiously the two wandered closer to the opening catching sight of light pouring down from above. Upon a closer look, they saw it was coming from a shaft that rose upwards to the surface with vegetation coiling around the walls on its way down. The chamber’s ceiling resembled the shape of a large upside-down bowl with the hightest point about three ponies lengths high.

After only a few steps inside, Rarity suddenly shrieked as she spotted a skeleton covered partly by some leaves. The stallion’s head was cracked and glancing up the shaft gave a pretty clear idea of how the earth pony had died. The mare winced back. “Oh, Celestia. I didn’t expect to see a corpse today.” Despite the haunting sight before her, her eyes couldn’t help but stare at the faded blue jumpsuit with yellow highlights that had once adorned the body but was now in tatters. She squinted as she spotted something that looked like a number printed on the back, but with how decayed it had become, it was impossible to tell what it had once been.

“Oh, poor guy,” Spike remarked, shocked by what was before him. Seeing a corpse was much different in person than in a tabletop game. His eyes were soon drawn to something reflecting light off the stallion’s left foreleg. “Hey, what’s that?” He moved closer to investigate lifting the leg upwards to look.

Rarity's face scrunched being appalled. “Spike it’s rather uncouth to mess with somepony’s remains. This isn’t one of your games.”

“But look! There’s something around his leg,” Spike said as he carefully pulled the device off the skeletal remains. “Wonder what it is.”

Spike returned to Rarity’s side holding up the device so she could see it properly. Her fine eye for detail noticed it was about the size of a large envelope and a little clunky. The outer metal frame was a light brown with a single electron tube sticking out one side. On its left were a few knobs with small markings. A glassey black screen occupied the center, surprisingly still in good shape even after the long fall it had taken. “Well, whatever it is, it looks well built. Perhaps Twilight’s expertise will know what this is. She’s good with artifacts, after all.” As the fashionista grasped the device in her magic the tube began to sputter before fully coming to life with a soft orange glow. A small fan could be heard turning on alongside the screen flickering alive as text soon appeared. “My, I’ve never seen anything like this. I wonder what no signal means?”

Spike shrugged, glancing at the corpse once more and winced. “Let’s get out of here, it’s starting to creep me out.”

After having buried the body under some rocks, the two made their way back to town with their spoils. “I wonder how that stallion ended up in that cave. Wish I could have seen his attire when it wasn’t so faded. Blue and yellow do complement each other. “Rarity remarked looking back at her saddlebag where the device was tucked away. “I’ve never seen an outfit like it before.”

“Maybe that thing will tell us somehow?” Spike replied between bites of a gemstone.

Rarity nodded as they entered the castle Spike hurrying along down the hallway to get Twilight. It was only mere moments before the two cand back to the lobby.

“Hey Rarity, Spike said you found something?” Twilight asked as she watched her friend open her saddlebag.

“Indeed,” Rarity levitated out the device in her magic once more making it turn on. “Perhaps you could help us?”

Twilight moved closer staring at the metal frame. “Hmm doesn’t look like anything I’ve seen before. Let’s take a closer look “ Gesturing with her hoof, she led the two along to a large side room full of the many science gizmos Twilight had re-acquired after the library had blown up. Books and other assorted things were placed about the room as well. The group swiftly moved to the long main table on the back wall Rarity setting the device upon it.

Spike was the first to speak. “We found it around the stallion’s leg.”

“Ah, that explains the leather strap on the bottom.” Twilight observed staring at the faintly glowing screen. “I suppose one of us should try it on to see what happens. I think you should wear it Rarity., it already has your magic signature on it.”

Rarity looked at the machine hesitantly being apprehensive. After all, it had been on a corpse not long ago. “I suppose that makes sense. Very well.” Adjusting the straps, she slowly brought the device up to her left foreleg before looping the Buckle around to the other side and clipping the latch in place. The two others had their eyes on her as the screen flickered before coming to life the fan spinning as it awoke. After a few clicking sounds from the magic tech inside, the screen showed off the silhouette of a mare. Rarity soon realized it was supposed to be her as she easily recognized the stats that appeared on the side including heart rate and weight. “Oh, is it one of those fancy medical devices?”

Twilight rubbed her chin. “Perhaps but what could the dials be for. There are even little words at the top in boxes.”

Half an hour flew on by as Rarity and Twilight slowly figured out how to navigate on the strange device soon finding a section with notes and found one entry that seemed important. Rarity raised an eyebrow. “I guess this thing is called a Pip-Boy? What an odd name for it.”

“Doesn’t sound like an acronym. “ Spike added in watching as Rarity scrolled using the knobs.

“If nothing else, I can use it as an Audio journal at the least.”

Dressing Room on the Go

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“No no, this simply will not do,” Rarity swooned as her hoof rubbed the cleaning cloth across the Pip-Boy’s metallic frame. After the rush of discovery and curiosity had warned off, Rarity’ natural fashionista mindset had kicked in. The drab brown metal and gaudy leather straps were clashing horribly with her coat. This, of course, could not stand as she rubbed at it with some cleaning alcohol to try and make it shiny. However, due to how long it had been sitting in that dusty cave, the metal natural shine was lost. Dropping the rag, she tapped her chin trying to figure out how to bedazzle her new toy. She’d need more than just gem dust to make this work and she was far more used to fabric then dealing with metal.

Taking a short break, she moved over to the pile of mail on her work table floating up a few to start organizing it. “Let’s see, bill, bill, oh Fashion Canterlot Monthly, and,” she paused, her eyes scanning the colourful advent. “Oh! Idea!” Grabbing the Pip-boy, Rarity quickly hurried out with a smile. “I know just the place.”

After a quick stop by a local metal workshop, Rarity re-entered the establishment a few hours later smiling as a charcoal black stallion at the counter smiled. “Heya Miss Rarity, right on time she just finished drying.”

“That’s good to hear, Metal Press. I’m sure you did a fine job with it.”

Metal Press went into the back of his workshop soon returning with the device. “Did the paint job you wanted, this sure looks like some fancy new radio thingy. Never seen something quite like it. But metal is metal.” He said carefully peeling off the protective film he put over the components.

Rarity set her bits down and took a look at his handy work. The old faded paint had been removed and replaced with a soft white shine similar to her coat with the knobs coloured with purple. As per request, a light sprinkle of gem dust had been applied to it too. Floating it up in her magic, Rarity took out the brand new black faux leather buckle and reattached it to the bottom of the Pip-Boy. Once she finished she turned it around admiring the three diamond pattern on the top of the device. She suddenly heard a soft jingle of a bell coming from the screen as words appeared.

“Quest complete: Pimp my Ride”

Rarity blinked confused, having not expected that, although the little art that accompanied it was nice. Casually slipping the machine back on her foreleg, lifting it to eye level to admire it some more. It was still surprising how light this device was despite its apparent bulk; her fine eye admired the craftsmanship that had gone into the pip-boy every function clear and concise. Her foreleg reached up to feel the flat top where her mark sat soon finding a small panel she could press down. With a soft click the top slide up like a trunk revealing a small chamber with something inside.

“ I didn’t know that thing had one of them, fancy cassette players.” Metal Press remarked as Rarity carefully slid out the orange cassette.

“Oh is that what it is?” Rarity asked, unfamiliar to the relatively new technology. She had only ever seen records up to this point. “How does it work?” She flipped the small cartridge in her magic noticing the small print labelling it as Alien invaders.

Metal leaned over the counter. “Not too sure myself. I think you insert it right side up and lock the top back into place.”

“Very well, let’s give it a try.“ With the same careful care she’d give to a delicate stitch, she slipped the cassette back into its holster and gently shut the lid with another soft click. After a brief moment, sounds of somethings spinning within the machine was hurt before the screen flickered and changed to a screen with the site of a cartoonish pixel spaceship hovering overhead with the text alien invasion on the screen as well. On the bottom was another text with Start printed and blinking. “What is this?” She asked, turning her leg so the stallion could see it.

“Well, what do you know. It looks like one of those arcade games but on your leg.” Metal Press remarked. “Heard the colts and fillies talk about them but only I've only seen them briefly when I was passing by the arcade.”

“A game you say?” Rarity tilted her head as she used the controls to push the Start button. The screen blinked before showing the screen with several green triangles like objects in neat rows moving slowly back and forth on the top of the screen while an inverted V was on the bottom. The fashionista was too surprised to act in time to avoid the first ship to fire down at the player object and watched as it got destroyed. The mare blushed slightly as she wiggled the controls finding out how to move the object around and fire back. After a few more failures, Rarity managed to get a hang of it simply wanting to try to win this game, or at least try too.

After another attempt, she managed to win and smile. “Well, that was interesting. Although, it’s really not my thing.” she shrugged finding out how to close the game before heading back to her shop. Once home, she moved to her workroom and took a seat to look at the screen some more. Scrolling through the menu she stopped at “ Inventory” and saw it was still blank. She peered up and looked around at all her stock. “How odd. I’m clearly within reach of my inventory but it’s still blank.” While attempting to use some of the detective skills she’d learned from the novels she’d read, the mare idly floated out the red hat she had made to match Shadow Spade’s costume, setting it upon her head. As she did so, the screen blinked before something appeared on the list along with a small hat icon flashing on top of a pony model. “Hmm, detective hat?” She reached up taking off her hat watching the item disappear from the list.

While not being as curious as Twilight might have been, Rarity still loved a good mystery. “As Twilight would say, this requires some testing.” Getting up from her seat, she quickly made her way over to her closet and brought out her embroidered white saddlebag and slipped it on. Glancing back at the Pip-Boy, it was easy to see the new small number that had appeared on the readout.


The fashionista raised a hoof to her chin. “Hmm, I wonder what this could mean?” Further testing out her thoughts, she grabbed another one of her hats and was surprised to see other numbers but this time it was floating in her peripheral vision. “Oh, are those weight measurements?” She proceeded to place the hat into her bag watching as the screen was updated. Continuing, she placed a few sunglasses inside and carefully folded up a dress before putting it inside as well. The curious thing of course was that the dress fit inside her saddlebag without causing the outside to flex.

“Interesting,” Rarity said, loading a few more dresses into her bag always seeming to find space for them. The screen now consisted of a list of about 30 odd items. It even kept track of the bits she’d put into her saddlebag. Each dress has a unique name many of which matched what Rarity labelled them as in her catalogue. She waves off the coincidence as simply being something to do with magic. Muttering yo herald she looked at the screen closer. “Now let’s see what this equip button does.”

Upon selecting a dress, she pushed the little knob inwards feeling a tingle surround her body. She felt the familiar feeling of clothes and turned her head to look letting out a faint gasp. The dress was now on her as if she put in on herself with her saddlebag still on top. Pushing the knob once more made it disappear, and upon checking she found it was back in her bag.

Seeing how instant the costume change was, Rarity rolled an idea around in her head. Well not being a prankster herself, she did on occasion like to pull a little trick here or there. “Oh I can just imagine the look on their faces,” she remarked with a slight giggle. Even more convenient to her plan, she found that she could group some items together requiring only one press of the button to put them on.

Wearing a yellow sun hat and glasses, Rarity made her way along down the street humming happily. On occasion, she’d pause and swap items when nopony was looking. Many would blink and tilt their heads confused, questioning if they had seen what they had seen. Others just shrugged while Rarity let out small chuckles. After a short time, she spotted Rainbow Dash flying along idly. “Oh yoo hoo, Rainbow,” Rarity called upwards quickly attracted the pegasus’s attention.

Rainbow flew down landing with a soft puff of dust. “Hey Rarity, what’s up?” she asked with her eyes slowly focusing on the Pip-Boy rather than what Rarity was wearing. She pointed towards the device. “Hey what’s that?”

Rarity held up her hoof. “Oh, this? I just found it while I was out collecting gems. It’s very useful.” She explained preparing herself for if Rainbow looked away.

“Really huh, so like treasure hunting like Daring Do does.”

Rarity rubbed her neck. “Well, I wouldn’t ball it that exactly. Spike and I found it on a corpse.“ she said mentally reminding herself to let Mayor Mare know about the body. It deserved a proper burial.

Rainbow wings flapped. “Wow, that’s exactly what happens in the last Daring Do book. So what’s it do anyway.” She glanced away for a moment to check her surroundings and looked back just as Rarity had picked a new outfit. The pegasus blinked. “Huh wait you weren’t wearing a red jacket a second ago.”

“Wasn’t I?” Rarity said slyly.

Rainbow shook her head. “No, I’m pretty sure it was a yellow hat when I first spotted you.”

Rarity bit her lip a bit, having momentarily forgotten about Rainbow’s ability for taking in detail when flying. “Well, you know me, darling, always one for fashion.”

Rainbow opened her mouth to retort but at that moment some dust caused her to have a short sneezing fit. When it subsided she looked back at Rarity seeing she changed again. “Huh, how did you do that so fast?”

“Do what Rainbow? I was always wearing this sundress. Perhaps it was just a trick of the light?” She said, almost slipping into a giggle when Rainbow's face scrunched. “Well.anyway given the fact I just got it. I’m still figuring out all its bells and whistles.”

Rainbow shook her head before looking at the metal device. “Yeah just don’t let Twilight take it apart. Hehe, you might not get it back.” With that, the mare took to the air once more “Catch You later Rarity”

Rarity waved goodbye as her friend darted away and waited till she out of sight before letting out a soft giggle. “Oh, that was some good fun.”

As she trotted further along in her walk, she failed to notice another message on the screen.

Quest Complete: Master Of Disguise

Fast Travel

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It was the next day as Rarity sat in the train heading for Canterlot with a trunk full of a new line for Canterlot Carousel. The fashionista has oddly come to wearing the Pip-Boy like one would a watch. Even when sewing it didn’t seem to get in the way. Plus it did have a built-in clock as she had discovered. It could even be used to set alarms too.

As the landscape passes by outside the window, Rarity sets down her sketchbook for a moment staring down at the device. Scrolling through the top menus she spotted one at the very end she hadn't noticed before the tab was simply called Radio which was rather self-explanatory. Navigating to it, she watched the scene change to a list once more seeing others greyed out while others are bold. “Clarity 109? I think that Canterlot station if I'm not mistaken.” Rarity said to herself as she selected it.

A surprisingly crisp stallion voice was soon heard. “And now Buck Burlap with sports.” Rarity gasped at just how clear the signal was. She’d commonly seen radios in shops and the like, but she’d never imagined she would have a portable one. Ponies started to look her way as some classic music played after the sports news was done with. They too were surprised by the sound.

Rarity felt a tad sheepish but let the radio play as she resumed her sketch work. She was so focused on her work that she failed to notice another message in the corner of her eye telling her she discovered Canterlot.

The bell above the door happily rang as Rarity entered her shop Sassy Saddles being quick to come and greet her. “Rarity so good to see you again. What new wonders have you brought?” Sassy asked, eying the trunk as it floated inside.

Rarity smiles with pride. “Oh just the new Fall line with autumn colours.” She said setting the trunk down. “It’s sure to be the talk of the town.”

“Oh there is no doubt about that,” Sassy remarked before gesturing to Rarity’s leg and like many others saw the strange metal object. “Oh Rarity, what is that you’re wearing? Is it a new sort of watch?”

Rarity lifted up her leg proudly displaying the main screen of the Pipboy. “Not exactly, I honestly have no idea who made it. I found it while gem collecting and well I’ve found it quite useful in just a few short hours I’ve had it for.” Slipping over to the trunk, she pulls out one the elegant blue long hem dress and slipped it into her saddlebag. “Watch this,” Rarity said looking down at her device and moments later was wearing the dress. “Tada.”

“Bust my buttons, that is some tool you have there. I’ve seen you dress up quickly before, but never instantly. That must come in handy.”

“I did pull off a delightful little prank the other day with it,” Rarity added, once turning on the radio allowing the soft piano sounds to flow through the shop.

“Oh a portable radio as well, is there no end to what that thing can do?”

Rarity began taking out the various clothes as she replied slipping them onto each blank ponyquin. “I'm sure there are more surprises, I just have to keep fiddling with it.” After a very productive half an hour, the fashionista took a glance out the window. “So, shall we go out to get lunch?”

Along the way down the street, Rarity paused at one intersection having an unfortunate brain fart forgetting which way restaurant row was. In an attempt to recall her memory, she found herself scrolling through the menu until she thankfully spotted a map section. “Oh thank goodness.” Opening it up, she saw the rather smooth yet crude map layout each business seemed to have its own icon. Finding that if she focused her magic in just the right way, she could scroll around the map as if dragging it around. Sassy, of course, would have easily told her it was just to her right down a few blocks but had been watching Rarity navigate her new device to comment. Once Rarity found her way Rarity pointed. “Ah, that way. How embarrassing of me to forget. Come The Tasty Treat is a great spot to dine.”

After her duty at the shop was done with Rarity, she spent the next hour shopping before heading back to Ponyville. She listened to the news talking about the latest geological find. Something Rarity was sure was due to a certain adventurous pegasus.

Upon returning home, Rarity began to check over her things gasping as a realization hit her. One package was missing. The one meant for Sweetie Belle. “Oh how could I forget that at the shop. Her birthday is tomorrow and she’ll be over in an hour or so,“ she swooned. “Even if I hadn’t been on the last train, there would be no way I’d make it in time.” Her eyes gazed down at the Pip-Boy the screen continently enough still on the map mode. Her hoof rubs the top. “Don’t suppose you can help?” She asked, feeling a little silly talking to Inanimate object. Pushing the main knob in as she fiddled with it, the screen has a new message appear.

Fast Travel to Canterlot. Yes No.

Rarity blinked. “What?” It took her a second to notice she had the screen cantered over Canterlot. “What’s Fast Travel?” Not having any other ideas at the moment, she pressed the knob again to indicate yes.

For a split moment Rarity felt static ripple up her coat before she vanished with a soft pop. A second later the mare re-appeared on the steps of The Canterlot train station. She stumbled a bit from the sudden teleport and looked around with her jaw dropping. She’d never teleported by herself before and it was still as disorientating as when Twilight would do it to them. “Did I just teleport all this way?” She lifted the Pip-Boy up and smiled. “Seems you’ve come in handy once again.” Waiting no more time, she hurried along back to Canterlot Carousel as fast as she could.

Sassy, who was just about to close up, was surprised as Rarity cane in the front door. “Rarity? But I thought you left on the train.”

Rarity scanned the room. “Oh, I did. But how I’m back to pick up Sweetie’s present I forgot.”

Sassy horn glows as her magic floated over said box. ”My I didn’t know you could teleport Rarity.”

Taking the box in her own magic, Rarity waves her hoof. “I normally can’t but with this device I sure can. Isn’t that lovely.”

“I can imagine you’d use it to visit all your shops in a single day.” Sassy replied. “Can you get back the same way you came?”

“I do assume so.” She navigated on the device a bit, finding all she had to do to get back was to move the view over Ponyville and repeat what she did before. “Bye for now, Sassy” With that, she teleported away.

The mare soon appeared with a short flash in front of Ponyville town hall a little confused that it wasn’t the train station. She skipped some with glee. “Oh it worked.” Hurrying back to her home, she was greeted at the door by Sweetie Belle as she came in.

“Rarity there you are. You told me to meet you here but when I came you weren’t around.”

Rarity smiled. “Oh sorry Sweetie, I was just picking up your present I forgot.” She said, floating the gift wrapped box to her sister. “Happy birthday!” As her sister tore into her present Rarity’s smile only got bigger her hoof idly patting the Pip-Boy.


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The next day at Sweetie Belle’s birthday party, Rarity was happily chatting with her friends telling them of her tale.

“So there I was worried sick I wouldn’t be able to give Sweetie her present when my handy device gave me an option to Fast Travel.” Rarity explained, taking a moment to sip some punch.

“What’s Fast Travel?” Pinkie asked, “is it like when Dash zips about doing tricks and dives.” She demonstrated by twisting her body about making exaggerated hoof gestures.

“Well no, but I soon found out it was more of a long-distance teleport of sorts. One moment I was inside my shop, the next I was standing in front of Canterlot’s Train Station.” Rarity said. “I returned much the same way simply selecting Ponyville.”

“Wow Rarity, that's amazing. You must let me examine it more. Who knows what we could learn.” Twilight said, a sparkle in her eye.

Spike rolled his eyes. “You said the same thing when you took apart your mom’s gramophone in Canterlot.”

“Hey, I would have figured out how to put it back together eventually!” Twilight retorted a blush radiating across her cheeks. “I Just needed the right book.”

“Yeah tell that to the old radio,” Spike retorted with a smirk.

Rarity hoof covered the Pip-Boy idly as she chuckled a bit. “Well, I’m sure there are ways to study it without taking it apart I’m sure.” Finishing her drink, she then turned her attention to Applejack. “Oh Applejack, could I ask of you for a small favour.”

Applejack adjusted her hat turning to look at Rarity with a smile. “What ya need Rarity? I’m happy to help.”

“Oh it’s nothing really, I’d just like you to help model something for a client roughly your size.” Rarity said checking the time. “Perhaps in an hour, it shouldn’t take long.”

Applejack rubbed her neck. “Well, I suppose I can. Still not into froufrou outfits. But if ya need the help I’ll do it.”


The bell jingled as Applejack strolled into Rarity shop seeing the fashionista adjusting some of her dress models. “Hey Rarity, I’m here.”

“Thank you again darling for coming, would you like some tea or coffee before we start?” Rarity offered as the two head deeper in the shop toward the full body mirror platform.

“Nah, I”m good. So what’s the outfit ya needed me to try on?” Applejack asked, climbing up onto the stage.

Rarity went to a rack shuffling thing around as she spoke. “It’s nothing frilly, quite the opposite in fact.” She said, pulling out a black business suit with red trim. She slipped it onto the farm mare, some part of it still hanging loose needing their adjustments.

“Oh a suit, never worn one of those.” Applejack said looking it over.

“Oh, the client is also a farmer too. She just needed a nice suit for when she goes into the city.” Rarity added. “You do look quite dapper too.”

Applejack blushed faintly as she looked at her reflection indeed having to agree with her friend that she did look quite nice. “Guess ya right I suppose.”

Rarity proceeded to float over a large pincushion with several needles along with a few small spools of thread. Threading a fresh line of twine into the eye, the mare set her red glasses on. Now just hold still.” At that moment, the world seemed to slow around the fashionista with the appearance of a blue aura around Applejack. As her eyes scanned over the farm mare’s form, she saw several numbers floating in her vision. Upon a closer looked she recognized them as body measurements. The needle was now floating just above where she was about to start a stitch with a faint blue line of light running along where she needed to insert. In the next moment, the needle raced down weaving in and out with such precision that only magic could provide finishing the stitch in less than a few seconds without missing a beat.

All of this had felt like half a minute for Rarity, however, for Applejack it was much different. The mare had just enough time to brace after Rarity’s words and was quick to notice the faint glow of her friend’s eyes before the needle went flying. By the time she had finished tightening her muscles, the first stitch was already done. “Wow Rarity, how’d ya do that so fast?”

Rarity shook her head a bit, recovering from her daze. Her horn still glowed with the needle posed at the next stitch. “I-I’m not too sure. I just felt this tingle and I was more focused.” She leaned closer and eye the stitch. “I saw your measurements too.” Finding the stitch was good, she pulled back and looked down at the Pip-Boy. “Perhaps it was a new feature of the Pip-Boy.” she smiled.

Applejack winced. “Well be careful, I don’t want to get pricked by super fast needles.” She shivered at the thought.

Rarity scoffed waving her hoof. “I know what I’m doing Applejack, relax.”

“If you’re sure, I was worried for a moment ya were under another curse like that book Spike gave you.” Applejack replied, standing up straight.

“Oh goodness, don’t remind me of that.” Rarity gasped wincing a bit before she lined up her needle up the next spot. It took a few seconds for her to find a way to mentally activate the special ability, but once she did she followed the drawn line needle sliding and swooping as if in slow motion. This process continued three more times before Rarity finished the readjustments. A job that would have taken an hour was done in the span of ten minutes. “All done,” Rarity said looking at the clock with surprise.

Applejack glanced as well. “That sure was quick, was there anythin else ya needed help with?” she offered as Rarity took the suit off with care.

“Well if you are offering, I do need a few other dresses fitted. And it’s so much easier on a living model than a ponyquin.” Rarity said peering down at her Pip-Boy once again.

The farm mare’s cheeks flush at the offer. “Uh, I’m not really into them fancy dresses.”

Rarity got closer with her mind full of the possibilities.” But think about it, with this new ability I can finish work orders much faster. “But, I suppose if I can use one of my dress models as usual.”

Applejack thought about it for a second. “Well, I guess I can help until the end of the hour.”

“Splendid, this should not take long at all.” Rarity said with delight as she floated over the next garment. Just as she was about to slip it onto her friend, she saw Pinkie Pie bounced in with a smile. “Oh Pinkie, what brings you here?”

PInkie blew into a noisemaker before she spoke. “Oh just wanted to know if you’ll be up for a snowball fight?”

“Snowball fight? But it’s not even Winter yet.” Rarity replied.

“Oh, it will be in the jump cut.” PInkie beamed. “Level Up!”

It was a week after winter had come to Ponyville, as the Cutie Mark Crusaders had convinced their sisters into having some fun. In the open field sat two large snow forts. Pinkie had helped set them up too. She waved as they came into the field.

Sweetie beamed at her sister wearing a pair of cute purple boots. “It feels like forever since we had such fun.”

Rarity patted her sister’s head. “Oh come now, it hasn’t been that long.” She waved her hoof towards the field. In fact, with how handy the Pip-Boy had been she’d indeed found more free time in her schedule. The device reflected the sunlight as she moved her hoof around. Even the boots she wore were because they apparently gave her more agility, or at least, that’s what Pip-Boy said. Even though she was unsure of what that fully meant.

“So should we do sisters vs sisters, or mix it up?” Applejack asked testing out the snow with her hoof.

“No way we should do crusaders vs sisters, we’d get creamed,” Scootaloo said.

“I call going with Rarity!” Sweetie chimed in clinging to Rarity’s leg.

Of course, Scootaloo went with Rainbow Dash leaving Apples to choose. After a second, the sisters decided to face off against each other as the groups headed to each fort.

Once in position, Sweetie Belle peeked her head out and shouted. “Okay Go!” And thus, the snowballs began to fly laughter filling the air.

Rarity wasn’t the best at sports and thus wasn’t the best at dodging snowballs, but she did do her best laughing along with everypony else. As the battle went on the fashion mare focused more and more on hitting her targets. During which, the strange slow-mo ability triggered as she was able to pinpoint where Rainbow and Apple Bloom were and where to fire. Her first few shots missed, but each consecutive shot seemed to get closer. It wasn’t long until Rainbow was hit three times in a row twice in the head and once in the side.

Sweetie cheered as she watched her sister's rapid-fire action, the snowballs firing off as soon as they were properly formed. “Wooh, what a shot!”

Rarity smirked as Rainbow fell onto her back from the impact. “Haha, what’ fun.” She high hoofed her sister. “I do love my new accessory.”