The Hunter Guardian of Equestria

by Kitsune_Kenshi

First published

A man-made Yautja warrior was teleported to Equestria.

Subject 0976, or known as Apex, is a man-made Yautja, he is made to replace soldiers in US Army. Apex was made from many predators DNAs, including the Yautjas they caught and killed from the past years. But when a experiment went wrong, Apex escaped the facility. After an intense fight, Apex was blown up by a bomb. When he woke up again, this warrior found himself in the magical land of Equestria, but our favorite ponies and their new made friends were fighting Storm King's army in Canterlot. Apex can either choose to ignore this, or to help them...

Prologue: Escape

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Classified Research Base, somewhere in USA
Subject 0967
Status: Alive
Gender: Male

Apex opened his eyes, all he could see were the serious faces of the US officers and the agents, not to mention some scientists. The Experimental subject tried to stretch his arms, but it was tied to the titanium chains. Apex glanced and searched his areas, it was a white room, with tons of security cameras all over the room. Everyone that enters the room wore a suit that separated them completely from the air in the lab. Why? Because this subject is a man-made Yautja.

Yes, the alien species, but it's man-made. Over time, many original Yautjas came onto Earth for a hunting party, humans would capture them, or kill them. Their gears would be brought to this lab. The US Governments and the Military decided to create a war machine that can replace the soldiers, to decrease causalities. While they create this thing, they also have to be very careful. Because Apex is literally a living killing machine. Once he learned how to use the weapons, then it'd be hell let loose.

To prevent Apex from betraying them, the agents placed him in this titanium room to be watched, recorded, and to controlled. Meanwhile, they would try to brainwash him to be absolutely loyal to USA, which can be a tough challenge. Everyday, two or three agents would get badly wounded by this wild beast, and the others would have to knock Apex out. It's really hard to teach a rampaging killing machine about loyalty.

Jackson McArthur, just a normal scientist, had a different idea. Instead of training Apex to become a cold-blooded, merciless killer, how about turning him into... Something else? Like a guardian? Jackson joined this project only wanted to make the world a better place, not to put it more into chaos by creating some highly intelligent killing machine. So when Apex is created, Jackson secretly placed a Positive emotion DNA into Apex's spinal cord. this Positive DNA contains positive emotions like Kindness, Generosity, Loyalty to those who makes right chooses, Honesty, Encouraging, happiness, and protective. Little does Jackson know, all these emotions mixed together is similar to the Elements of Harmony in another world...

This secret DNA is programmed by Jackson himself to stay hidden so the other Agents won't find out. And this DNA can only be activated when it is necessary.

The only human Apex ever talked to was a young man name Jackson. Unlike the others, Jackson was the exact opposite of Violence, he is a kindred man and always positive. At first, Apex was very aggressive, but after spending times a lot with Jackson, this killing machine started to learn humanity from this young man.

Overtime, Jackson taught Apex how to read, write, and talk in English. Of course these were done in secret. Jackson also shared his personal information with the reformed Apex, about his family, his story, and many hilarious jokes. Slowly, Apex began to question his origin, the reason why he's created. But Jackson would always change subject or to ignore it.

Soon, the agent also found out that Jackson is the only human who can talk to Apex without losing a arm or a leg. So they forced Jackson to do awful experiment to Apex, if he denies it, then Jackson's family would be at risk. Through these painful days, Apex began to grow hatred and anger in humans, especially that night. The night they killed Jackson in front of him.

It was 6:30 PM, another turn for an experiment. This time, the agents want to test Apex for his humanity. To be a killing machine, you must have no emotions, no mercy, and no humanity. Apex was in his testing room, with Jackson in front of him.

"What?! I can't kill you!" Apex argued.

"Apex, this isn't a choice..." Jackson said, "You must survive."

Yup, the experiment is to let Apex kill his only friend: Jackson McArthur. There's two reasons: the first reason is to test Apex's sense in humanity, the second is to kill Jackson so he won't interrupt the tests in the future. Because the Government noticed that Apex's attitude has changed, from aggressive to... somewhat friendly? War Machine don't have God damn emotions!!!

"Subject 0967, we order you to take down your prey." An agent said in a blank tone, "Or we'll make you."

"Go fuck yourselves!" Apex roared, Jackson taught him not only humanity, but also a few defensive words and cusses.

"Agent 001 and 002, go for takedown." the agent who commanded Apex suddenly said to his walkie. Suddenly, two blank faced agents entered the room with an assault rifle in their hands. They pointed at Jackson.

"Your final warning, Subject 0967. Take down or be taken down." He said in a cold voice.

"I. Said. Go. Fuck. Yourselves."


Two bullet holes formed on Jackson's chest as he slowly collapsed onto the floor. Apex's brain had stopped spinning, he doesn't really remembered what happened after Jackson's death. But he did remember breaking arms and bones. The agents were killed instantly as Apex went rampaging. The entire base was in a lock down situation.

After killing the agents, Apex grabbed their rifles and rammed the door opened. A bunch of armed guards lined up their guns on him. But they're slow to react, Apex has the reaction 10 times faster than a human being. Which means he can dodge bullets. Just a few seconds later, the armed squadron were completely wiped out. This isn't even a fair fight!

The door opened as another column of soldiers came in, they fired mercilessly at Apex. But as a test subject mixed with every single Yautja that ever came to Earth, its skin were hard as diamonds. Bullets ricocheted off him, grenade shards... well just wasted on him. Apex fired the rifles he snatched, as a highly intelligent creature, he learned how to use human weapons in just 1 minute. Immediately five soldiers were shot and killed. While the others turned and ran in horror. But unfortunately, Apex dashed up to them in incredible speed and broke their necks in a single snap.

Apex kicked the door opened, he found himself in a weaponry research room. He looked to the objects in the glasses and found exactly what he's looking for: The Predator Killer suit.


Outside the main entrance, the entire platoon of guards and armed forces lined up in defensive formation. Five tanks had their guns pointed at the entrance, AH-64s were circling the facility. They have the entire lab cornered. As soon as Apex steps out, rain of bullets, shells, and rockets will greet him.

"Stay Sharp boys," the captain reminded his team, "this bitch is an insane hybrid of all the Predators. One mistake and we'll-----" he never get to finish his sentence, because a bright, hot, blue beam shot him in the face and blow his head into pieces, brains, blood, and bones shattered everywhere. He was shot by the Plasma Cannon.

"SHIT!!!! OPEN FIRE!!!" The commander yelled as soldiers, tanks, and the helicopters fired in union, covering Apex in fire and smoke, showering him with metal shards.

After about 3 minutes, the hell fire stopped as the smoke began to clear. As expected, Apex is still breathing, but what shocked the soldiers is that there's barely any scratch on his skin. Apex's eyes glowed from the mask. Two giant cannons were out stretched from his back, red aiming laser beams locked the tanks. The Plasma Cannons fired.

Two plasma beams reached the tanks before anyone could react. The five M1A2s were shredded like papers. Their turrets flown high up before falling down.

Bullets were ineffective to Apex, it only annoyed and ticked him. Apex got out a Shuriken and activated it. Six sharpened blades snapped out from the core. Apex locked six targets and threw it out. The shuriken flew in a perfect oval path and slashed through the humans, cutting their heads off.

Apex knew he should run, this is just wasting time.

He unwrapped a smoke grenade he got from a dead soldier and pulled the pin, he then threw it between him and the soldiers. A large cloud of smoke formed in the crowds causing them to cough and suffocate. Using this distraction, Apex activated his cloak and hop into the forest.


Apex swing through the trees, running fast as possible from that lab. He had enough with humans. ]

Suddenly, he heard a distant scream coming from above, a F-16 flew by, it vanished into the clouds. The scream got closer and louder, then Apex realized what it is. Napalms.


The entire forest was sat on fire. Another Napalm landed right next to him, the shock wave threw him against a tree. A rock hit his head, Apex crushed on the floor. This is the end. He thought as darkness overwhelmed him.

Little did he knew, a massive storm cloud was forming above him. A blue bright lighting bolt shot down and landed directly on him. Apex blacked out before he could scream. Then, the lighting and the storm cloud disappeared. Apex, too, vanished without a trace...

Chapter 1: Common Enemy

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Apex slowly came to, he opened his eyes. His bio-mask scanning for his location, but the result was quite shocking. Region Unknown is what the bio-mask said. The hell? Apex was confused, the bio-mask was built with the knowledge of every part in the Milky Way Galaxy, and beyond. But now, he's in this... forest and his bio-mask couldn't find his location! This could mean one thing: Apex is not on Earth anymore.

Apex stood up, the armor is not weighting him down, but it's a bit uncomfortable. He scanned the plants, but the bio-mask has no idea what it is. Yup, not on Earth anymore, he thought. Suddenly, he heard a scrambling noise behind the bushes. Immediately Apex activated his wrist blades and the plasma cannon. A moment later, a small white bunny hopped out. Apex sighed in relief. But what intersected him the most is that this bunny is squeaking at him while pointing at the edge of the forest. He is trying to tell Apex something.

"What is it little one?" he asked, the bunny waved at him before bouncing forward. Apex shrugged and followed. Suddenly, he smacked his own head, " Huh! I'm stupid, I could just activate my translator!" Then, Apex clicked a few times on his gauntlet. He glanced at the bunny, who's squeaking at him. But what Apex heard from the mask is, "Com' on stranger! You're the only one I found armed! My master and her friends are in danger! Hurry!"

"Your master?" Apex cocked his head, "You want me to... help some creatures I don't even know?"

"Ugh!!! Just stop talking an d follow me!" the bunny rolled his eyes and continued to hop forward.

Huh! That was something. Apex thought as he lunged forward, catching up with the bunny.

Not long later, Apex and the bunny arrived at the edge of the forest, the bunny pointed over the mountains. Apex looked to where he's pointing, he zoomed in using the bio-mask and saw things he did not expected to see.

There's five colorful ponies, a cat like figure, a yellow... hippogriff? He had every detail of mythological creatures in his bio-mask, so it's no surprise he knew some of them. They're fighting a column of.... weird looking creatures with white furs, black skins, a mask, and armor. They're armed.

Immediately, the positive DNA encouraged him to help those creatures, but the other side of Apex is saying, Bruh are you really going to help these.... creatures you don't even know and fight a battle that's not even yours? He could abandon them and leave them to rot, but the positive DNA Jackson put on him won't allow this to happen.

"So? Are you gonna help, or what?" the bunny asked.

"Alright I'll go little one." Apex said.

"I have a name; Name's Angel. And you are..." the bunny asked.

"Subject 0967, but call me Apex." the man-made predator replied.

"Strange name, but who cares. Com' on!" Angel said as he hopped forward towards the castle. But Apex grabbed him.

"Your way of traveling is too slow, mine, is ten times faster." Apex then activated his rocket boosters and flew into the air, he activated the cloak so nobody--- nopony in this case, could see them.

"I'M AFARID OF HEIGHTS!!!!" Angel screamed.

"Get use to it, we're gonna travel like this a lot." Apex said. As he gets closer to the castle, he spotted a strange amount of energy coming from the throne room. Hmm... What could cause that much of energy? He thought, but it was cut short as he landed on a roof of a house, still cloaked. He scanned the black armored creatures again.

"What are you waiting for?" Angel asked.

"I need to scout them first, it's what a hunter usually do." Apex said.

"You're a what now?"

"Shh! I'm scanning them."

In the bio-mask he could see serval heat-sources, but mostly from those armored creatures, since their weapons can generate lighting. Suddenly, the yellow hippogriff he saw earlier was shot down by a bolt of lighting, she screamed as she fell onto the ground hard. The black armored creatures came forward, spear pointed at her. Lighting bolts begin to charge up.

Apex won't allow innocent death under his sight.

The creature was about to kill the hippogriff princess when suddenly, three red dots appeared on his chest.

Before the others could react, a sudden explosion and the Storm Creature had a large hole in his chest. He fell to his death.

“What the?!" The other one cried. He heard strange noises coming from the roof top, he looked up and saw the last thing he ever saw in his life. A bright blue beam coming at him... Soon, all three Storm Creatures that attacked the hippogriff were dead.

The last remaining Storm Creatures formed a defensive formation, but them against a high-tech killing machine? It's not even a fight, more like slaughter. A pair of blade stabbed a Storm creature through his head, then, to every creature's horror, it was ripped off.

The other Storm Guards fled in horror, but they didn't last too long. Because a shuriken flew in and sliced them in half.

The hippogriff was stunned. She was both horrified and shocked. But when her gaze fixed on those Guards's corpse, she threw up. It's no surprise, they're killed in such violence ways, she've never seen such brutal kills in her life.

Suddenly, she heard someone coming, but when she turned, she saw nothing. Until she heard a deep, metallic voice.

"There's no need to be scared, you're safe now."

That made the hippogriff jumped. Behind her, a blurry figure begin to form, small blue crackles of lighting surrounded the blur, as the figure became more clear, the hippogriff's eyes widened.

It was.... A creature that stands in two legs, buff and muscular. It's wearing some sort of armor with weird tubes going around it. It wore a mask, so the hippogriff couldn't see any expressions. His claws were dripping blood from the dad storm guards, and both first has a strange looking blade. It cocked his head, studying the hippogriff. A bunny was on his shoulder. It squeaked something.

"Angel's asking if you saw his master," he translated, " his master's name is... Fluttershy."

"You... You can understand animals?" the hippogriff asked, surprised.

"With my translation device, yes I can." But he frowned at the confused expression the hippogriff had on her face. "I'm gonna explain later, what are these... black armored creatures?"

"These are the called the storm guards, they work for the Storm king, the enemy we're dealing with right now. Princess Twilight was trapped in the throne room. The storm king has the staff of Sacanas, he's very dangerous." the hippogriff explained.

"Storm King? Hmm... he sounds like a tough guy. I like tough guys." Apex said, which confused the hippogriff more.

"But I will help you. Now, lead the way miss... uh... what's your name?" Apex asked.

"I'm Princess Skystar, but jus call me Skystar." the hippogriff princess said.

"My name is subject 0967, call me Apex for short. I'll explain everything later." The Predator said when he saw Skystar's questioning face. The princess nodded before taking off towards the throne room.

"Storm King... Let see whatcha got..." Apex muttered as he glanced at the throne room. If he was right, Storm King sounds like a challenging opponent to beat. As the hybrid of every Yautja, part f Apex always seeks for new challenges, since the Predators kills stronger preys to gain glory.

"Your skull is mine." Apex had a grin under his mask as he activated the rocket booster to catch up to Skystar. For now, both the Predator and the heroes have a common enemy. But... once their enemy's down, what will happen?

Chapter 2: Trusts and Doubt

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Outside the throne chamber, Twilight was lying on the ground, pieces of the broken cage scattered around her. The Storm King was shooting lighting bolts at Tempest, just not long ago, Storm King betrayed Tempest and attempted to kill her, the raging broken-horn pony realized that everything Storm King told her was a set up. The two fought, but clearly Tempest is no match for the magic of every princesses. She was blasted by a bolt and went crashing through the ruins.

"I'm so done with your pony stuff, this ENDS now!" Storm King bellowed as he raised his staff, the pointy crystal was charged with deadly magic bolts, Twilight closed her eyes, waiting for the end.

But before Storm King could stab her, a strange red dot appeared on his chest armor, he glanced at it curiously. Then, out of nowhere, a bright blue beam shot him and send him flying across the room. Twilight heard the noise and opened her eyes, only shocked and surprised to find Skystar and another... creature landed beside her.

"Are you okay princess?" Skystar asked as she helped her friend up.

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks Skystar," her gaze fixed on the massive creature stood beside her. "Who's that?"

" Oh no worry he's a friend. He saved my life while I was fighting the guards." Skystar said.

"Skystar, I want you to get your friend to safety," the creature suddenly spoke, which surprised Twilight, "I'll handle the Storm King."

"He... He can talk?" Twilight stammered.

"Yes, he can, now let's go before things gets nasty." Skystar said as she and Twilight flew away, she saw what Apex did to the guards, so it is better off giving her friends a warning.


The Storm King scrambled out of the piles of rocks that buried him. He shook the dust off him, his eyes in rage. He grabbed the staff of Sacanas and glanced around to find his attacker. But he saw nothing.


"Right here." a deep, cold, deadly voice suddenly spoke behind Storm King, before he could react, a pair of blade pierced through his leg. The Storm King grunted in agony as he was grabbed in the neck and thrown into the wall. Then, the attacker showed it self.

Storm King gulped. This creature was at least 11 feet tall, strange armor was wore by him. A weird yet creepy mask was on its face. Its eyes flashed in red. Then, a pari of blade was fired from his wrist. It begin to walks towards him.

Each step felt like he was stomping his heart, Storm King was scared for the first time in his life. This creature is unlike anything he encountered.

"Who... Who the hay are you?" he asked, stammered.

"Ugly Motherf***ker." it answered.

Then, it stabbed Storm King in his stomach. Storm King spit blood as he was lifted up like a toy. The creature was very strong. Storm King knew hw heavy himself is, but this creature was waving him around as if he was a feather; or an animal waiting to be butchered.

The creature then threw Storm King onto the ground, he then got a spear from his back. The creature waved it, immediately more long sharp edges extended from each edge. The creature raised his spear, pointing at the Storm King's head.

But Storm King quickly calmed himself down. His eyes fixed on the creature's legs, without hesitation he kicked him in the ankle. But to Storm King's surprise and shock, he broke his own ankle. The creature's leg was literally made of steel. It chuckled darkly.

"Pathetic fool."

Then he stabbed Storm King by the head and ripped it clean off, including the spine.


Skystar reunited with the mane six at the bottom of the castle, Twilight was asking Skystar about that mysterious creature, since she made the first contact.

"So you're saying he can go invisible without using magic?" twilight asked, clearly becoming an egghead, like what rainbow Dash would say.

"From what I saw, yeah. He just clicked on this weird thing on his wrist that flashes lights and poof! He's gone." Skystar said, trying to make sense.

"Weird, indeed very weird..." Twilight muttered, but her thought was interrupted by a scream of pain and agony from the top floor. It's clearly Storm King's. Skystar was expecting this, but the mane 6 and their friends wasn't.

Then, a loud, unknown roar was heard. It was so loud and frightening, everyone flinched, even Skystar. Before anyone can react, a large figure landed in front of them with a head in its grip. Storm King's head.

"Apex! You... You killed Storm King?" Skystar asked in disbelief.

"Hmph, you mean this head... not even worth fighting. Weak as shit." Apex scoffed as he threw the dead king's head aside.

"Who... What are you?" Twilight asked, still terrified of this creature who just killed a powerful villain.

"No need to be scared, I don't bite. Not when it's unnecessary." it said.

"Whoa it talks?" Rainbow dash asked.

"Girls I think it's rude to not introduce ourselves first, second you girls are confusing him." Skystar interjected.

"Yes, of course, my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, these are my friends: Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Captain Celeano, Capper, and you already knew, Skystar." Twilight said.

"I'm Subject 0967, call me Apex." The Predator spoke through his bio-mask.

"Weird name." Rainbow Dash said, Twilight glared at her. But Apex remained calm.

"No, it's okay." he said.

"Um... guys, I don't think this is a good time to talk." Spike said, nudging Twilight as he points towards an army of Storm Guards. But Apex just simply chuckled darkly.

"No need to move my friends," he said while unleashing his weapons, "they're just toys."

Then, he opened fire.

Tons and tons of guards were been wiped out by his Plasmacasters and Plasma Gun Howitzer. The Shuriken flew through the crowd, cutting off heads, slicing them in halves, and harvesting the Storm Guards. Apex tossed a few grenades and Pulse mines into the crowd, blowing them into pieces. Finally, after he used up all his energy in the Plasma weapons, Apex charged into the remaining guards, slaughtering them using his wrist blade and combi stick.

The mane 6 and their friends stared in complete shock. Never in their lives have they seen some creature this powerful. It's literally one against an army!

On the top of the throne chamber, Tempest also witnessed everything, she was also in complete shock and frightened. Though Tempest can be violence and mad sometimes, but she never saw anyone this brutal before. Now she's really scared. Not to mention this Apex creature killed the Storm King in a single blow! The one that contains the magic of every princesses!

Finally, the slaughter is over, not a single living Storm Guard were standing. All dead, limbs, heads, organs, and blood scattered everywhere. Surprisingly, no wounds were spotted on Apex.

"You... You... You just..." Rainbow stammered.

"Why did you killed all of them?!" Fluttershy said, tears started to form up, "Not all of them were bad!"

Apex tiled his head in confusion, "They tried to kill you." he asked, "Don't you guys hated them for what they've done?"

"Everycreature deserved a second chance." Twilight sighed.

"Well, to me, none of these bastards." Apex shrugged, "Besides, I was created for killing."

"WHAT?!" Now Apex was covering his ears from all the shouting.

"Here, let me explain----" but Apex was cut short when he saw a dark purple mare with a broken horn dashed into the forest behind him.

"Tempest!" Rainbow yelled, "She's running away!"

"Do you want me to hunt her down?" Apex asked.

"I'm not sure..." Twilight said.

Apex frowned, but no-one saw that since he's waring a mask. "Are you doubting my hunting skills?"

"No! It just, you might kill her."

Apex was about to say something when Skystar suddenly shouted, while pointing at the edge of the forest. "Look! There's a platoon of Storm Guards! They're following Tempest!"

"All right let's go get them!" rainbow Dash said as she prepared to fly, but was pulled down by Apex.

"No, leave them be," he explained, "let them gain some force, then I'll hunt them down one by one."

"You think killing is... Fun?!" Applejack took a few steps back.

"At leas let them die in an honorable way." Apex said, "And no, I don't kill unless its necessary."


After this, the mane six freed the princesses and returned the magic back to Equestria. Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadence learned about Apex from Twilight, and she introduced them to the Predator.

"Can I ask what are these gears you carries?" Celestia asked.

"These, your majesties, are my weapons I used to hunt down my preys." Apex said.

"So you're a hunter?" Luna asked.

"Indeed, we kill our preys and take their skull as a trophy. But that only happen if our opponent is worthy to fight off. Or in my way, destroying a skull of the ones that seemed strong, but weak inside. Like the Storm King." Apex explained, but the Princesses slightly winced at the taking their skulls part.

"One last thing, do you always wears that mask?" Cadence asked.

"Yes, I wore the mask for too reason. First, it allows me to see in seven types of visions. Second, I don't want to frighten you all." Apex said.

"But you might have to take it off one day for some reason." Celestia said.

"Fine, but please, don't judge." Apex sighed as he removed the tubes connecting to his mask. Then, he took it off, revealing his face.

The mane six gasped, so did the Princesses as they took a step back. Apex sighed, he knew this is coming.

"Don't worry, we won't judge," Celestia seemed to know what he's thinking, "after all, you saved my student, her friends, and our lives. You have our thanks."

"I can't possibly leave all of you helpless, it's one of my code; help those that cannot defend themselves." Apex said.

Soon, they adjusted Apex and slowly accepted him, however, there's one mare who wouldn't take it.

While the others talks excitingly, a certain dark blue Alicorn is in the shadow. Luna. From the moment she saw his face, she doubted this monster. From what she'd heard from Twilight; this Apex murdered an entire army. What if one day he turns against them? It'd be hell for them. Luna was watching, but unamused.

I still don't trust you, monster, she thought, and one day... you might take over Equestria... and have our heads on your claws...

Unnoticed by them, a pair of blue eyes were looking at them from the forest.

Tempest is struggling, should I surrender and join them? No! They'll never accept me. But if I don't... that hunter creature is going to butcher us all....

She sighed. Welp, here goes nothing... Clearly Tempest wanted to live... and most importantly, to have friends. She walked out of the woods, towards the mane 6.

Chapter 3: Adopting

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Tempest wasn't sure if she can survive this night, no with that giant monster around, but it's worth a try. She took a deep breath before walking out. This startled the Mane 6 and their friends. She immediately raised her hooves, "No! I surrender! Please don't kill----" she couldn't finish that sentence because Apex came to immediate action and grabbed her neck, lifting her up.

"What is your purpose?!" he snarled, "Cuz I'm not taking any tricks."

"Apex! Put her down!" Twilight cried.

Hearing Twilight, Apex glared at Tempest before dropping her onto the floor. Tempest is still recovering from that sudden outburst, her hooves shaking violently.

She saw Twilight and collapsed onto the floor, her voice trembled in fear, "P... Please h...Have mer... mercy on m... me princess..."

Apex's wrist blades were out, glaring at the terrified pony, but he met Twilight's soft glance. He sighed and deactivated his blades. "Fine, but if you're planning anything to harm her, you'll deal with me." Apex warned.

Tempest nodded, still shaking, but not as violent as before. Something seemed strange about this so called "Apex" creature; he's completely loyal to the mane 6 and there friends, especially to Twilight. It's like he has multi-personalities.

"So what are we gonna do with her?" Apex asked.

"If she's truly sorry for what she've done, then just give her a chance of reformation." Twilight said.

"Whatever you say."


5 weeks since the defeat of storm king and his minions, Tempest is slowly being accepted, she did not make Apex and Twilight regret their decision. Apex apologized to her about his violent actions that they, Tempest forgave him swiftly, they became very good friends and hunting buddies. Apex was introduce to the ponies by Twilight; at first they're scared by Apex's face and his actions, but as time moved on, they, too, accepted him.

Princess Celestia found a problem still going on with Apex: his appearance. Not that she's judging him, but it just that his face is a bit too much, especially for the fillies and colts. So she'd decided to call in Apex, for a small change.

A hour later, the door of the throne room opened, Apex walked in with no guards blocking him. At first, the royal guards were aware of him, but later, they gained interest in his gears. Apex's generous DNA came in, he let thsoe ponies took in his technologies for research and practice. Now they're armed with plasma weapons instead of spears and swords. Apex also became their coach for physical training and weapon training, Shining Armor is, too, one of his best friends. In time, he became trusty enough to enter the castle and the throne room without being escorted.

'Your majesty, you called?" Apex asked with a small bow.

Celestia chuckled, "Just Celestia is fine." Apex nodded.

"Anyway, I see you've made some friends in ponyville," she said, "however, I do see a small problem."

"What is it?" Apex asked.

"Not to be rude, but... Your appearance is a bit too much for most ponies." Celestia said.

"Yeah... I figured that..."

" So, Apex, do you prefer a small swift of change?"

Apex thought about it, as long as he keep his mask on, everything is normal. But once he takes it off, things get a lot harder. The only fillies that were brave enough to talk to him were the Cutie Mark Crusaders, which he'd learned that they're Applebloom, Applejack's sister, Sweetie Belle, Rarity's sister, and Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash's top fan and an adopted sister of her. So maybe a new look would be fine.

"Of course," Apex said, "if it make things easier, uh... one question; it won't hurt that much will it?"

The Princess of the Dawn chuckled, "No it won't."

Apex nodded, then Celestia's horn began to glow in bright golden light, blinding everyone. It covered Apex as it started to transform. Apex's claws became hooves, his body began to shrink in size, his armor still covering him, but looked way cooler than before. His small yellow eyes turned big as a pony's, and his hairs came shorter. His jaw began to form a regular pony's muzzle, the best part is that he can still stand on his back hooves. When the light faded, Apex studied his new look.

For a brief moment he couldn't find the correct word to describe his new body. Then, one word crept in his mind, Awesome!


(Apex POV)

Over the past few days, Rainbow Dash would usually come around and ask me to show her how to use my weapons; she argued that she could sue it one day to protect her friends, which I found it reasonable, wrist blades and disc are more than enough for her. There's a limited amount of Royal Guards who uses plasma weapons, I cannot let those plasma weapons fall onto the wrong hands--- Or hooves, these ponies are way too peaceful to use any deadly weapons that can destroy a tank in one single shot. Plus some them were stuck on how to activated plasma casters, so... ya know.

But since I'm a carnivore, I asked Fluttershy for permission to hunt, which she hesitated at first, but agreed fro me to hunt, without killing any sapient animals; luckily, fishes are not included. Still sometimes she would follow to me keep an eye out, took her a few days to get use to my brutal hunting style.

Princess Twilight on the other hand, has been very intersected in my species, though I never met one personally, but the memories of the past Predators that had been on Earth were planted in my DNA, so I could tell a bit to her. Though she's not amused by the fact that Predators viewed killing and hunting as entertainment, but she is fascinated by the technologies. She asked me to introduce some of my safe technologies to Equestria, which I figured out it would be the cloak and my bio-mask.

I explained to her that clocking isn't actually turning invisible, just bending the light sources so the light coming from myself wouldn't be reflected in their eyes, so basically, cloaking just bends the light to not get seen. The bio-mask was a bit difficult to explain, it contains many visors like thermal visor, Anti-Xeno visor, UV visor, X-Ray visor, Optical visor, and Scientific visor (Used to scan another creature, like the one used by the Ultimate Predator in the movie). Took me a while to explain the details to Twilight, but bookworm managed to figure some of them out. Must say, I'm quite impressed.

Tempest Shadow, or now known as Fizzlepop Berrytwist, asked me for her to join my hunt as well, though I was still bit suspicious of her, but if Twilight trusted her, then maybe I could give it a try. Turns out I did not regret my decision, Fizzlepop is actually not bad as I thought, she can be damn serious sometimes, even a bit sweet. Last time we're cornered by a herd of Timberwolves, thought I managed to wipe them out, one of them nearly bit my wrist off. I was able to recover from it, but that's teh first time I've seen Fizzlepop cried... What does the human called it again? ... Ah yes, tough love. I saw many potential in her during our huntings, and she's loyal to Equestria, so I guess she can be the first pony to use my gears... For good.

I'm currently at the Royal Guards training field, teaching Captain Shining Armor the use of Plasma Caster, I designed this one, it's now well fitted onto a Pony's back, it can also auto-aim. Wherever the user's head points, the Plasma Caster would follow the direction, and all you need to do is to command it mentally to fire.

With another plasma shot fired, another dummy is down, blown to shreds. Shining Armor slightly flinched at the explosion.

"Still needs some times to get use to the effect." He said while taking off the shoulder cannon while stretching his back a bit, say, I need to decrease the weight a bit.

"You did well captain, hitting a target 1,000 meters away is enough for a beginner." I said, reaching over the Plasma caster, carefully taking it apart, checked the systems, and reassembled it back together. Shining Armor, though haven't master the Plasma weapons yet, is extremely good at melee combat, he's using the wrist blade I brought from the research lab back on Earth, it used to belong to another Yautja known as Scar. Using wrist blade on quadrupedal is difficult for some others, I'm included, so teaching Shining to stand in his bipedal form is on my list.

We were training until I spotted something coming from the skies above, it looked kind of familiar, hold on, why is there a huge letter 'W'...

My eyes widened at the realization.


"Apex, what's the ma-" I cut him off.

"GO NOW! YA WNAT YOUR SISTER TO LIVE OR NOT?!" He bolted toward the castle. The dropship- dropships, began to appear in teh horizon. That forces I knew too familiar, fire of hatred burned within me.

Wayland Yutani, that old bastard...

But on the other hand, if they DARE to lay a hand on my friends, I will make DAMN sure that they'll regret their arrival.

Let the hunt begin.