Yaks Not Ponies

by Metool Bard

First published

Twilight wants to apologize for nearly starting a war, but does she really have anything to apologize for?

Equestria and Yakyakistan are friends for a thousand moons thanks to the ingenious efforts of Pinkie Pie. However, Twilight still feels guilty about letting everything get out of control like she did. During the party, she approaches Princess Celestia and Prince Rutherford to issue her heartfelt apology in private. But as she soon discovers, she's not the only one who needs to brush up on her diplomacy.

My mini-epilouge to the episode Party Pooped.

Ponies Not Yaks

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"Wow~! T-too strong~! Okay, okay, okay~!"

Twilight Sparkle watched in silence as Prince Rutherford gave Pinkie Pie a big bearhug. Although this was a joyous occasion for Equestria and Yakyakistan, dark thoughts plagued her mind and heart.

I owe Pinkie big time, she thought. Had it not been for her, we would be at war right now. She sighed inwardly. And it would've been my fault. It's times like this when I wonder if I really am worthy of my crown.

She looked over at Princess Celestia, who was watching the same scene. Celestia looked over at Twilight and gave her a wide smile. On the surface, nothing seemed to be bothering her. If anything, she was proud of her young protégé. But Twilight knew better. She saw her mentor's face when Prince Rutherford rescinded his declaration of war. She knew she had some major explaining to do.

And here I thought I was beyond such things once I became a princess, Twilight thought. Old habits die hard, I guess.

She kept these worries to herself as the yaks continued to enjoy the festivities. There was a time and place to voice such opinions, and this wasn't it. She simply forced a smile and tried to enjoy the party to the best of her ability.


As the festivities continued well into the night, Twilight found it harder and harder to hide her feelings. She still managed to have a great time, as it was nearly impossible to be upset during one of Pinkie Pie's parties. But in the back of her mind, her nagging doubts ate away at her resolve. As she fretted over what could've been, she felt a gentle hoof touch her shoulder.

"Is everything okay, Twilight?"

Twilight turned her head to see Celestia hovering over her. She still wore her gentle, serene smile that only served to make Twilight feel worse. Twilight placed a hoof to her chest, took a deep breath, and let it out in a long sigh.

"Princess Celestia, I need to talk to you and Prince Rutherford in private," she said softly. "It's important."

"Of course, of course," said Celestia with a nod. "I was just talking to Prince Rutherford myself. He actually had some interesting things to say about his visit."

Twilight gulped. Oh, horse apples. She already knows. She then cleared her throat. "A-all the more reason I want to discuss this with you."

"I understand," said Celestia sagely. "Come, this way."

She then walked over to Prince Rutherford, who was laughing at one of Pinkie Pie's funny stories. When he had collected himself, he noticed Princess Celestia and tilted his head.

"Sun princess? Why you here when sun not here?" he asked.

Celestia giggled. "It shouldn't be that surprising, Prince Rutherford. I'm allowed to enjoy my sister's night just as she's allowed to enjoy my day. Anyway, could we trouble you for a moment of your time? Princess Twilight here wishes to have a private conversation with us."

Rutherford looked over at Twilight, his face nondescript. "This no take long?"

"It shouldn't," said Celestia.

"But it's really important," Twilight added.

Rutherford pursed his lips and stroked his chin. "If pony friends need to speak, yaks will listen," said he. "That what friends do."

"Just the three of us, actually," said Twilight, taking note of Rutherford's bodyguards.

Rutherford paused for a moment, looking over at Celestia. Celestia gave him a solemn nod, which he returned in kind.

"Me understand," he said, turning to his companions. "Guards, leave us."

The two yaks bowed and obeyed, heading off to mingle with the other ponies. Celestia then led Rutherford and Twilight over to a secluded corner of the plaza, far away from the action.

"Okay, Twilight. We're alone," said Celestia, dipping her voice so that no one else could overhear. "What did you want to speak with us about?"

Twilight placed a hoof to her chest, took in a deep breath, and let it out in a sigh. Here goes nothing.

"Celestia, I'm so, so sorry about what happened," she said, bowing her head in shame.

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Sorry? Twilight, what in Equestria do you have to be sorry for? You and your friends did a great job."

"No, we didn't," said Twilight, shaking her head. "It was a colossal failure until Pinkie saved us at the last minute. No matter what we did, it only served to make the yaks mad. They almost declared war on us, Celestia. I-I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if that happened."

"But it not happen," said Rutherford, sounding a bit confused. "Why purple princess afraid of war? Yaks no go to war with ponies. Yaks and ponies friends for a thousand moons."

"I-I know, I know," said Twilight, biting her lip and averting her gaze. "And I'm very grateful that we're friends, Prince Rutherford. It's just that, well, I should've known better. As a princess, it's my responsibility to make sure foreign diplomats like you feel welcome in our home. I tried to do that, but all I did was insult you and your culture. That shouldn't have happened."

Celestia gave Twilight a wry smile. "No wonder you looked so nervous. Some things never change, do they, my faithful student?"

Twilight looked up and blinked. "Wait, you're not mad at me?"

Celestia shrugged. "I don't see any reason to be mad at you."

"B-but I almost started a war," Twilight whimpered. "If it wasn't for Pinkie, things would've been—"

Celestia raised her hoof and shook her head, cutting across Twilight. "Twilight Sparkle, listen to me. You shouldn't be kicking yourself like this. In all honesty, I don't think you really did anything wrong."

Rutherford perked up, his fur shifting back to reveal his widened eyes. "Sun princess think purple princess not do wrong? Why you say that? She say she give us yak food, and it turn out to be fake pony food!"

"Oh? And is there something wrong with pony food?" Celestia asked coyly.

Rutherford flinched and snorted. "N-no. Pony food good. Very tasty, actually. Just not when it pretend to be yak food."

"See, that's why I'm apologizing, Prince Rutherford," said Twilight. "This whole mess could've been avoided had I actually respected your cultural values."

"Twilight, nopony can blame you for trying," said Celestia. "You didn't blame Pinkie Pie for trying when she failed to bring something back from Yakyakistan, did you?"

"Well, no," Twilight admitted. "If anything, I appreciate how much effort she puts into all her parties."

"Well, the same applies to your diplomatic efforts," said Celestia. "Sure, you may have insulted the yaks by trying to replicate their culture and failing, but that clearly wasn't your intention." She then turned to Rutherford and arched an eyebrow. "If only others could appreciate that the way you appreciate Pinkie Pie."

Rutherford swallowed. "Why you look at me like that, sun princess?"

"Don't pretend that you don't know, Prince Rutherford. You're not stupid," Celestia scolded. "Twilight and her friends were bending over backwards trying to appease you, but all you did was get mad because things weren't 'perfect.' As if anything in this world is perfect."

"But ponies try to trick yaks by making fake yak things," said Rutherford defensively. "Yaks get mad when things fake."

"Then why didn't you just say that to begin with?" inquired Celestia. "It would've saved Twilight and her friends a lot of trouble."

Rutherford blinked in confusion. "Yaks thought ponies understood that. Why else would ponies keep trying to make yak things?"

"Because we thought that's what you wanted," said Twilight.

Rutherford shook his head. "No, purple princess. Yaks no want fake things. Yaks want real things."

"Again, you could've just said that from the start instead of simply declaring war," said Celestia firmly. "Prince Rutherford, we don't blame you for being insulted by our attempts to replicate your culture. We understand now that you value authenticity over all else. By the same token, however, you're supposed to represent Yakyakistan. Equestria may have the responsibility of being your host, but you have the responsibility of being our guest. Ponies do not appreciate it when their hard work is demolished just because it doesn't meet your high standards."

"Then why ponies no get mad at yaks?" asked Rutherford. "Why ponies no declare war on yaks first?"

"Because just like you value authenticity, ponies value friendship," Celestia answered. "Twilight here was just trying to be a good host. It's not her fault that her attempts to befriend you ended up being offensive. And really, it's not your fault for being offended, either. Nevertheless, you must admit that you overreacted."

Rutherford's eyes darted around every which way as he drew in a sharp breath through his teeth. Finally, he let out a great sigh. "Yaks no have other friends for many moons. This first time yaks make long journey to place outside Yakyakistan. Yaks no understand these things like ponies do."

"All the more reason why we extended the olive branch to you," said Celestia. "Isn't that right, Twilight?"

Twilight snapped out of her self-imposed trance and shook herself. "Um, yeah! Th-that's right. Heh heh..."

She then sighed. "Prince Rutherford, I know everything turned out alright in the end, but I still want to apologize for insulting you."

"It okay. Not your fault," said Rutherford, bowing his head. "And me apologize for being bad guest in pony's home. Yaks see now that ponies work really hard to befriend yaks. Yaks just too blind to realize that at first."

"We all make mistakes, Prince Rutherford," said Celestia. "The important thing is that we learn from them and become better creatures."

"Sun princess speaks much wisdom," Rutherford concurred. He then smiled at Twilight. "Me glad we had this conversation, purple princess."

"So am I," said Twilight, breathing a sigh of relief. "I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay, Prince Rutherford."

"Me looking forward to it," said Rutherford jovially. "Ponies great friends."

With that, he gave Twilight a huge hug before bowing to Celestia and returning to the party. After Twilight shook herself and recovered from the ordeal, she turned to Celestia.

"I thought for sure you were going to chastise me for screwing things up," she said.

Celestia chuckled. "Twilight, you must understand. Diplomacy is a very difficult game with a plethora of pitfalls, especially when it comes to other species and cultures. This is the first time you and Prince Rutherford had to engage in such matters; of course you were both bound to make mistakes. The important thing is not that you made them or what could've been, but rather that you learn from the experience and do better next time."

Twilight let out a short laugh of her own. "I guess you're right," she said, giving Celestia a genuine smile. "Thank you for being so understanding, Celestia."

"Of course, Twilight," said Celestia sweetly, nuzzling Twilight with her muzzle. "Come on now. It appears we still have a lot of party to get through, and it's high time you enjoyed it properly."

Twilight nodded and rejoined the festivities. As she let out a content sigh, she felt a great weight tumble from her shoulders.

I may be a princess now, but it appears I still have a lot to learn, she mused.