• Published 9th Jun 2013
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All Hail The Dark Lord - RainbowBob

Darth Vader, one of the most insidious villains in the entire galaxy, ends up in Equestria of all places. With no support from the Empire, this Sith Lord needs to find a way off the planet. Or he could take over it. Either one works.

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Chapter 7: Qualms Of Darkness

Vader was starting to regret letting that line about “the power of the dark side” slip by. Now it was all Twilight could talk about. He was extremely tempted to try a mind trick on her to get her to shut up like he did with the pegasus, but he had his doubts.

During his time walking with her, he’d been judging her every movement, every action, and most importantly, trying to get a reading of her power in the Force. All Force-sensitive beings had some handle on the tricky nature of the Force, but some were more adept than others.

Already he could tell the differences between their races. The horned ones seemed to have the greatest amount of sensitivity and direct link to the Force, and an easy way to see when they’re using it was the odd glow that illuminated from their horns. This was obviously their source of power. How strange that most Jedi and Sith use their hands to direct their focus of the Force, while these unicorns used a horn. Vader’s best guess was that the Force directly influenced their evolutionary process, culminating into an additional body part from their forehead.

As for the pegasi, their link to the Force seems to lie in their ability to fly. Their wings were too small and feeble to actually obtain flight normally with the planet’s gravity, but the Force allowed them to propel their bodies through the air. Perhaps a form of force push? Or maybe even using force grip on themselves?

That left the ponies without wings or horns last. A race with only mild force sensitivity at best, and no real finesse of control he could sense. Probably an evolutionary debunk. Most likely they were the lowest of the low for all the races, forced to follow their more powerful higher ups. Though Vader hadn’t seen any chance at that since his arrival, so it could be that things were different on this planet.

But it would have to be the unicorn/pegasus hybrids like Twilight and Luna that he was most interested in. Twilight herself expelled a high possibility of the higher powers of the Force, and was most likely an expert in some of its aspects. Already he could tell that the Force was strong in her. Whether she knew how to properly wield was still up to the question.

Better yet, were they dark side adept, or followers of the light?

“So, is the dark side a religious order you’re part of?” Twilight asked, hoping the closer she got to the answer the more willing he would be to talk.

Vader continued what he had been doing for the past five minutes and ignored her best he could, frustrated that no matter how much he quickened his stride she always followed by his side. What he really wanted to do was strangle her throat until the only words she spoke were in the form of blood. But he kept his inhibitions about him, reliant on his own steady fast thinking and indomitable will to resist those temptations.

“Actually, are you part of any religion at all?” she said, looking away quickly in embarrassment. “Not that you have to talk about it if you’re uncomfortable about it. I’m just curious is all. You know... about your culture.”

He just met her question with another stonewall answer, which was nothing at all.

Slowly Twilight’s anger had been building since she first interacted with Vader. First there was the fact he was needlessly rude to others. Then he had to ignore her completely until she proved useful to her. Did he not know any manners at all? Actually... did aliens even have manners?

Her next question was left unsaid as she realized they had arrived back at town square once more. The large crowd of ponies from before had dwindled slightly in size, but still had enough onlookers nearby to gaze upon the alien visitor. Along with more who snapped a couple of pictures.

Well, this was useful yet annoying insight Vader. If they had cameras, that meant they had some means of mass communications. Perhaps even daily news and a media of some sort.

“Hey, how was the trip?” Pinkie Pie excitedly asked, zipping towards the two at a breakneck speed. Maybe Vader was wrong about the regular ponies being useless. Increased speed seemed to be a trait they had, or at least Pinkie had.

“We convinced the mechanic to supply us with materials,” Twilight explained. “He’ll be bringing them to the square shortly. Lord Vader here will bring his ship back here as well.”

“Ya’ll going back to the Everfree Forest?” Applejack asked. “And at this time of night too?”

“Yeah... I do think the morning would be a better time,” Twilight agreed, glancing up at Vader. “Does that seem better to yo–-”

“No,” he answered back quickly, crossing his arms over his chest module. “I refuse to stay here any longer than I can. Better to get my ship back and repaired as soon as possible.”

“But you can’t possibly be thinking about heading into Everfree Forest this late at night by yourself?” Twilight asked, generally concerned for his safety. It wouldn’t sit well with her if a new visitor from outer space got killed while in her hooves. “There are way too many dangerous animals roaming that forest at night.”

“That is none of your concern,” Vader said, irritably blinking his eyes as more cameras flashed from the crowd. Ponies had gotten more confident so near him, and see him more as a sideshow freak than the Dark Lord of the Sith. A mistake they shall gravely rue.

“It is my concern when you can get hurt,” Twilight said, glaring at the crowd of phototakers. Sooner or later real photographers for big name newspaper and magazine sources will drop by town at this rate. An alien spacecraft landing with a living being still intact was sure to make headlines.

Actually, dealing with the media was going to be a major hassle on her part. Of course they’d want to interview Vader. Scientists everywhere would want to study him and his technology. Not to mention the international community once other nations found out. This was going to be a whole heap of trouble that she’ll most likely be held accountable of, since she did find him in the first place.

He made a sound very similar to a hmph–-though it was hard to tell since it could have been him coughing for all she knew–-and turned his back to the mare. “I do not require your assistance.”

That was the last straw for Twilight. She could take his constant ignoring her, not answering her questions, his rude and often times creepy remarks. But when she was willing to help him out and he flat out refuses and says he doesn’t need her? That was it.

“Listen here, Vader!” Twilight said, dropping his title of Lord since it was really annoying and pretentious to say all the time. “I’m trying to help you out of the goodness of my heart and because you’re a new visitor to Equestria. But how do you act? Like a selfish jerk who thinks he’s so much better than everypony else. Well listen here, buster, I don’t care if you’re from another planet or some type of Darth or Lord or whatever other title you give yourself! You do not treat me or my friends like we’re trash! Understand?”

Vader stood completely still, even his breathing silent as an icy cold wind traveled through the square. He turned back to her, his very appearance sucking out all the light around him. The air grew colder than it already was, all illumination seemingly darkening nearby his body. It was if he was casting a shadow that spread farther and farther and absorbed everything in its presence.

The Dark Lord was smiling behind his mask, though one could not tell. He had felt it. It was but a spark, but it was still there. Anger, hatred, rage, all manifesting into the Force that she possessed. While it wasn’t exactly the dark side, it was something. Something he could certainly use to his advantage when the moment arrived. She had potential, that much he was certain of.

“I do not require your assistance,” Vader said, each of his words laced with the weight of what felt like thousands of tons of ice. Twilight actually cowered slightly, her limbs feeling heavy as her heart thudded faster in her chest. It was like she was being squeezed by his very words, the force behind them so dark and expansive that it was impossible to measure. “Is that understood?”

Another flash from a camera nearby made Vader’s left eye twitch in frustration. Glancing only through his peripheral vision he lifted up his hand, grabbing the errant photographer’s camera with the Force. With a quick motion of his open hand to a fist, the camera was destroyed in a satisfying crunch. The pieces fell to the ground, an immediate circle of empty space forming around it as ponies screamed and avoided the broken camera.

Twilight stood shivering, her legs rooted to the ground as if ice had frozen over her hooves. With a shaky voice she managed to reply, “Y-yes.” She glanced nervously at the wrecked camera. How had he been able to use magic like that. Was this the dark side he was talking about?

He nodded his head, satisfied with her answer. While he didn’t influence the Force on her in any direct way, he had opened up the dark side locked within him. A common trick both Jedi and Sith learned was to hide their powers from others, calling the Force within them. This made it so other Force-sensitive beings could not sense their presence. It was pretty difficult to sneak up or hide when your very power made you a large and visible target with anyone who had a basic understanding of the Force.

But with these ponies, they put no effort into hiding or masking their abilities. Soon enough he will be able to grasp their power and influence over the Force just by being near them. Making this even easier was the fact their horns expunged their use over the Force in a glow. If that wasn’t a more obvious indication one of them was using the Force, then he didn't know what was.

Luna arched one eyebrow from her far off position from the crowd. She had not been expecting Vader to have any latent magical abilities. Though she supposed with aliens you couldn’t be too careful. Underestimating him would be a mistake.

Vader was thinking the same. He had already sensed the presence of the other princess. Stronger than even Twilight. Probably older and wiser as well. Not to mention more... insidious.

It was light, only a linger such as a shadow, but he could feel its presence nonetheless. Trailing her every movement and breath was a double, a shadow of herself that clinged to her body. While unseen to the eye, the Force made it very clear and visible to any wielder. It was the dark side no doubt, though here it was different. Here it was much more personal.

It mixed with her very essence, a cancer like substance that clung to her soul. Unlike Vader who shaped and controlled the dark side for his own treacherous ways, for her it was much more than a tool. It was a part of her, right down to her very being. Small it may be, but there was still the chance to corrupt her later.

“Good. I will return with my ship shortly.” And with that he ended the conversation, the crowd dejected over him threatening them, Twilight flabbergasted at what just happened, and Luna simply watching Vader with an observing eye. Though none would have guessed that Fluttershy of all ponies would be the one to tug at the Sith’s cape.

With a sidewards glare Vader inspected the tiny pegasus mare. So pitifully small and weak. While she had high will, her focus was easily broken and her mind feeble. Trembling beneath his imposing stare, she managed to stutter out, “I-I would like to come a-along, th-that is, if y-you d-don’t mind?”

“Unacceptable,” was Vader’s only answer, not bothering to waste more of his breath with her as he walked forward to depart.

Breathing in and out slowly, she shook her head and stood her ground firmly. “Well... I don’t care! I’m going to make sure you hurt no other animals while in the forest!”

Vader gave no indication about what he thought, or whether he even cared. Narrowing her eyes, Fluttershy frowned but nonetheless levitated off the ground and flew to where the Dark Lord was departing.

Rainbow Dash glared at Vader’s backside, not content to see one of her friends walk through a dark and forbidding forest alone with that guy. “Hey Fluttershy, wait up! I’m tagging along!”

“Just what do ya think yer doin’?” Applejack asked, holding Rainbow back with a foreleg extended in her way. “I know yer just gonna stir up a whole mess of trouble with the alien if yer left alone with him.”

“Well, we just can’t leave him alone with Fluttershy! Who knows what he’ll do!” Dash pointed out, gritting her teeth to her friend and pushing aside her foreleg.

“Oh please, Rainbow Dash. You’re still not going on about not trusting him, are you?” Rarity asked with a roll of her eyes, growing quite tired of Dash’s mistrust of strangers.

“Do you trust him alone with Fluttershy in the Everfree Forest in the middle of the night?” Dash asked her with more venom than she meant backing up her words. “After seeing what he did to those manticores?”

“I, um... well...” Rarity sighed and held a hoof to her temple. “No, I suppose not. He still is a stranger, after all. And a rather bizarre one at that, pardon my manners.”

“Yeah, thought so.” Dash turned back to where Vader walked with Fluttershy on his trail in the distance, intent to catch up with the pair. That is, until Applejack grabbed ahold of her tail in between her teeth.

“Dangit AJ, what’s your deal with biting on my tail?” Rainbow Dash shouted over her shoulder at the blonde haired mare. “Do you like staring at my ass or something?”

“Wh-what? No way!” Applejack replied hastily, blushing up a storm as she spit her friend’s tail out of her mouth. “I just don’t want ya chargin’ headstrong like ya always. Remember with that dragon?”

“Oh come on! He’s way smaller than a dragon!”

Applejack sighed, shaking her head. “Don’t matter, Dash. We may have already screwed up first contact with another species far enough. No need to ruin our chances any longer.”

“I’m not just going to leave him alone with Fluttershy!” Dash replied harshly, stomping her hoof down in a sign of her dedication to her friend.

“I know. That’s why I’m taggin’ along with ya’ll,” Applejack said, the beginnings of a smile on her face.

“Wait, what?” Rainbow Dash asked, her jaw hanging open sligtly as Applejack nonchalantly trotted on by.

“Ya heard me! Somepony’s has to make sure ya don’t make a fool outta yourself and doom this entire planet to an alien invasion,” the mare laughed, making her way towards Vader and Fluttershy.

Rolling her eyes, Dash looked over at Rarity. “Hey Rarity, wanna come with too?”

“Oh, terribly sorry darling, but I do think Twilight here could use my help.” Rarity jerked her head to where the newly appointed alicorn princess was incoherently muttering about ‘magic’ this and ‘dark side’ that, along with ‘no horn, no horn’ thrown in the mix as well. Along with the telltale sign of her hair fritzing out and her left eye twitching, Rainbow Dash knew she didn’t want to stick around long.

“Y-yeah, good idea. Let me just go see if Pinkie Pie wants to join in.”

“Um, Rainbow Dash, that may not be the best of ideas,” Rarity whispered to her friend, glancing over to where Pinkie was currently telling knock-knock jokes to Princess Luna. It seems a thousand years of inactivity had left the princess sorely lacking in the ‘having a sense of humor’ department, and Pinkie was trying her best to help Luna understand the current ages’s jokes. “Pinkie can get a bit... strange at times. Do you really want to agitate Vader further with her company?”

Actually, she made a fair point. While egging on the tall, dressed in all black weirdo wasn’t that big of a deal to Rainbow Dash, if Vader lost his cool because of Pinkie, it’ll be all four of them left alone in the forest with him. And judging by Vader’s earlier attitude and remarks, Dash was guessing he was one who had a bad grasp on their temper.

“Yeah, gotcha. Rarity, just stay here with Twi, make sure that whatever parts Vader wanted get delivered, and we’ll see about getting his ship back here.”

“Sounds like a plan. Good luck,” Rarity said, a hopeful smile on her face to try and uplift the current situation. Nodding to her in thanks, Dash flew off, soaring low in the air to catch up with Vader and her friends.

She landed on the ground beside Applejack and Fluttershy, both of whom were keeping a respectable ten feet of space between them and Vader. The much taller bipedal’s footfalls caused him to go at a pace much quicker than the ponies were experienced with, but the three managed to keep up with him.

“Hey, tall, dark and ugly, how exactly are we going to find your ship?” Rainbow called out to Vader after a few minutes, just as they neared the entrance of the forest. It was an intimidating wall of plant life, trees and shrubs along with a healthy cover of snowfall blocking out the sky once you entered.

“The Force will lead me,” was all he bothered to say back, disappearing quickly as the darkness of the forest enveloped him in an instant. Gulping, Fluttershy followed next, catching the other two off guard how she willingly went before them.

“Well Dash, see ya on the other side,” Applejack said to her friend, boldly going forward into the twilight of the Everfree Forest.

Rainbow Dash stood at the entrance, wishing desperately that she had brought a flashlight along. Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, she stared into the imposing darkness and walked forward, not before muttering, “I have a bad feeling about this.”