• Published 9th Jun 2013
  • 26,803 Views, 1,554 Comments

All Hail The Dark Lord - RainbowBob

Darth Vader, one of the most insidious villains in the entire galaxy, ends up in Equestria of all places. With no support from the Empire, this Sith Lord needs to find a way off the planet. Or he could take over it. Either one works.

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Chapter 6: Evil's Impatience

An air of disturbing silence fell over the small town of Ponyville. Most of the ponies were crowded at town hall, leaving the streets empty and the rest of the town deserted. No lights shown in the windows, and the only movement seen was the gentle fall of snowflakes and the occasional gust of cold wind.

Now a new movement arose from the sleepiness of the abandoned streets. A figure dressed in a black so dark it seemed to suck all the light around it like a black hole. Its footfalls crushed the snow beneath its boot as its angry stride seemed to give off an invisible shroud of foreboding and rage in its wake.

And following this strange creature was a much smaller, and generally more cute being. Equine, purple, along with a horn and wings; it was every little girl’s fantasy come true. Plus, the title of princess sweetened that fantasy up a bit too.

“Lord Vader, please, slow down!” Twilight begged, really wishing she had worn something warmer now. It felt like it dropped a few degrees as the night went on. “You don’t even know where the mechanic’s shop is at!”

“Then you’ll show me,” Vader said, turning around to face the alicorn princess. His cape flapped menacingly in the breeze, the light from a nearby lamppost illuminating the shadows of his mask to further amplify the appearance of a skull.

Twilight stopped in her tracks, shuddering slightly at his disturbing visage. “Ugh, is your face even real? You never blink or anything like that.”

“No. Now, enough questions. Lead me to this mechanic’s shop,” he ordered, his patience on thin ice and threatening to break if prolonged any longer.

“It’s down there, near the Ponyville train station,” she said, pointing her hoof in the distance at a lone building near to a set of train tracks. “It’s mainly used for working on the trains that pass through Ponyville, and the occasional spot of help from the locals.”

“What is this planet’s technology level?” he asked, walking quickly to the two story building with a large wrench over the front door. Probably a sign of some sort.

Twilight tilted her head. “Technological level? What do you mean?”

Vader felt like sighing. They didn’t even know about the different technological developments of planets. He already threw out the possibility of this planet being of the Space level; when the civilization had the means to use hyperspace travel, droids, colonize other planets, sophisticated technology and highly efficient industry. All factors at the moment pointed to a “no” on that regard.

He also had serious doubts on this planet being at an Information level either. Whereas here the planet had a global community marked by quick processing and distribution of information due to sophisticated technology, along with the beginnings of droid technology and in-system space travel. At least there was the possibility of this planet having an Atomic level of technology. Then he had a good chance, since they’d have a grasp of space travel and advanced alloys and plastic for his ship’s repairs.

There was always the chance that this planet was at an Industrial level, which meant their main use of technological advancement would be through electrical means and mass production. Vader shuddered to think if this planet was still stuck in the Feudal level of all places. Tools made by simplistic factories with plain manufactured goods. And if it was Stone level, he could kiss his chances at getting off this rock right away.

“Do you have droids?” he asked, testing the waters of their advancement.

“What’s a droid?” she asked, curiosity sparking in her eyes now that he was finally speaking to her.

“What about hyperspace travel?”

“Uh... I don’t know that one either.”


Twilight perked up. “Ooh, you mean like a laser gun?”

“Yes,” Vader answered, hopeful for a moment. “Do you have any?”

“Nope. But I read a bunch of science fiction, and I always found them really neat.” She smiled wide. “Actually, if you happen to know how they work or wish to share some of the technical aspects of their design, I’d greatly appreciate it. I know you have to get your ship fixed, but there’s so much I can learn from you.”

Her smile was wasted, for Vader had left her in the dust as he arrived at the mechanic's shop first. Twilight gave an irritable growl, but nonetheless walked to his side at the front door. All the lights were out, and it was clearly evident that nopony was awake inside. The large closed sign also pointed that out.

“The shop is closed. Pretty sure the owner Monkey Wrench is asleep. He was only at the festival at the beginning for a bit, if I recall.” Twilight hesitantly raised her hoof, prepared to knock. “I don’t know if he’d appreciate being woken this late at night. He does have to get up early for work tomorrow.”

Vader didn’t wait for her, already slamming on the door with his fist. A large dent in the wood can clearly be seen after only a few hits.

“What?” a voice shouted from deep in the building. “Who in Celestia’s name is knocking on my front door this time of night?” A few curses and a grunt followed this proclamation, as a pair of hooves could be heard arriving at the door from inside.

“I swear, if it’s another one of you ‘Luna Witnesses’ then just get the hell outta here! I don’t want your book and I don’t care if ‘Luna is the all seeing goddess of magic’. You can just kiss my–-” A dark green coated unicorn stallion with a disheveled mane of gray hair opened the door, his words cut off when he caught sight of Vader.

The Dark Lord inspected the stallion, whose jaw was currently hanging wide open in disbelief. “I need repairs. If you do not provide them, you won’t have an ass to kiss.”

“Well, this party blows,” Dash noted, leaning against a lamppost. She wasn’t that far off, as the entire crowd of ponies that were earlier enjoying the festivities were doing nothing of the sort at the moment.

When Vader had first appeared to them, most of the ponies wanted nothing to do with the tall, imposing alien. Avoidance was at an all time high as many townsponies creeped away and generally tried not to stick too close to the alien.

While the majority were wise to stick to their gut instincts about the Dark Lord, a few still were actually curious about his presence. Wasn’t every day a visitor from outer space–-even an unintentional one–-arrives in Ponyville of all places. Though a new disaster sprung up in the town every once in a while, they always had the fortune of being solved in thirty minutes or less. How this new event will be handled is still unknown.

“Now Dash, be respectful. It’s still Princess Luna’s night,” Applejack reminded her, glaring at the pegasus.

Rainbow merely rolled her eyes, the thin lips of her face forming a disgruntled frown. “Hey, I’m just speaking the truth, Miss Honesty. If it wasn’t for Dork Vader, we’d still have a pretty rad party going on.”

“Maybe if ya tried to help lighten the mood like Pinkie Pie, things could be goin’ better.” The farmer pony pointed to the pink mare, who was currently throwing confetti and blowing on party horns in an attempt to liven the crowd.

Unfortunately for her, not many ponies were listening. The main topic was still the mysterious figure that just arrived. Who was he? Why was he encased in armor? What was up with his breathing? And did he have any tentacles or extra eyes?

“How can anypony lighten the mood once that guy arrives?” Dash said, huffing in annoyance. “Don’t know why we’re even helping him.”

“Because it’s the right thing to do,” Rarity said, feeling comfortable and warm in her coat. Better than Rainbow Dash just wearing a beanie hat and Applejack with her usual stetson and scarf. “How would you feel if you suddenly entered a strange world unlike your own? I’d be greatly appreciative if the locals lended me a hoof. Or hand. Maybe even a claw or tentacle while we’re at it.”

“Okay, okay, I gotcha,” Dash interrupted her. “But he just gives me the creeps. And I know he gives you the creeps too.”

“Just because someone is creepy, doesn’t mean they're necessarily evil,” Rarity began. “It could just be his cultural differences. Maybe his species enjoys wearing all black with capes. Tacky as that may be.”

“Well... what about his weirdo breathing thing?” Dash asked, holding her hoof to her mouth and breathing in and out deeply to try and intimidate Vader’s respirator sounds. “How exactly is that cultural?”

“Ooh, I know!” Pinkie yelled, appearing right above Rainbow’s shoulder, causing the pegasus to shoot off into the air in sudden fright. “It could be because he’s wearing a space helmet.”

“That would explain why his face looks all weird. Could be a mask,” Applejack agreed.

Rainbow Dash growled and landed back to the ground, an embarrassed blush forming on her cheeks. It didn’t help that none of her friends were listening to her. And she made some valid points too! Couldn’t they see that this Vader guy was bad news?

“So we can assume he can’t breathe our air. Big whoop,” Rainbow said, grimacing. “I still think we shouldn’t trust a word he says.”

“Perhaps,” a voice spoke behind Dash. Yet again she nearly took off soaring in the air, but instead she gave a girlish squeal and hightailed it a few paces before she realized it was Princess Luna speaking to her.

“Dangit, will you guys please stop sneaking up on me like that?” Rainbow asked, an even more noticeable blush on her face.

Luna giggled for a moment, trying her best to hide her chuckles behind her hoof. “I apologize, but Rainbow Dash does make a good point.”

“See, even the princess agrees with me that he can’t be trusted!” she yelled triumphantly to her friends.

“Not exactly.”

Rainbow’s enthusiasm dropped as her ears perked downward. “But princess, you yourself said there was something wrong about him! Like an evil air hanging around him!”

“I didn’t use the word evil, Rainbow Dash. Just... unsettling.” Luna shook her head dejectedly and stared off into the massed crowd, the hushed whispers of Vader reaching her ears.

“What’s the difference? You’re the princess. You can just banish him to the moon if you want,” Rainbow said.

Luna sighed. “No, I cannot transport him or anypony else to the moon. Only my sister was able to do that, and only because of the Elements’ help. I will not be banishing based just on a bad hunch.”


“No,” Luna commanded, her tone taking on an icy approach that froze Rainbow’s lips from speaking further. “While your accusations are noted, that’s all they are. We can accuse Vader all we want, but without further evidence or proof I cannot willingly harm him in any way, unless he’s the instigator.”

Rainbow Dash wanted to argue further. But she knew it was worthless trying to argue with a princess, her better. All she could do was keep an eye on him and make sure Vader didn’t do anything villainous while he was staying in Ponyville.

Luna’s expression took on a softer tone as she stared up at the night sky. “But he certainly has me enthralled by his presence here. Often times I would look up at the vastness of space and wonder if there were other worlds like our own. Populated by creatures similar to us. And looks like I was right... sort of.”

“Well, Twi certainly seems interested in him,” Applejack noted, hoping to steer the conversation to a lighter subject.

“Wouldn’t be surprised if she was jotting down notes on every aspect on him as we speak,” Rarity said, chuckling slightly.

“I wonder how the whole ‘get repairs’ thing is going for them?” Pinkie wondered, tapping her chin thoughtfully. “I bet they’re having a wonderful time!”

“Please, for the love of Celestia, don’t kill me!” Monkey Wrench begged, laying down on his forelegs and bowing before Vader. His body shivered in pure terror. “I wanna live! Live I say!”

“Mr. Wrench, Lord Vader here isn’t going to kill you,” Twilight explained, facehoofing. “He just needs some help.”

“... Seriously?” the stallion asked, peeking up to stare at the large, black-cad bipedal. “I thought he was gonna eat me or something.”

“No, don’t be silly. Lord Vader doesn’t eat ponies.” Twilight beamed at Vader with a hope-filled smile that what she just said was true.

Vader just continued to breathe, his mechanical breaths creeping Monkey Wrench out to no end. “He don’t speak much, does he?” Wrench asked, backing away slightly.

“I require your assistance,” Vader said, his voice an imposing presence that almost seemed physical. The air itself hummed when he spoke, a wisp of shadow trailing from his mouth and icing over anyone’s heart nearby him. A shiver passed down Monkey Wrench’s spine, but he passed this over at being out in the open without any proper clothing for this type of weather.

“Well... what type of assistance, um... Mister Vader?” Wrench asked, managing to sweat even in the current temperature.

“Lord Vader doesn’t like to be called Mister,” Twilight whispered to him, glancing up at the Dark Lord.

Vader felt sickened. Not only was he actually asking for help from these primitive ingrates, they couldn’t even say his title right half the time. Once again he had to snuff that overwhelming urge to kill these pathetic creatures for wasting his time.

While he was relatively known for killing for human mistakes, Vader used those he murdered as an example of what the Empire expects out of all those under its control. Perfection. If you didn’t do your job right, then you lost the right to live. It made work-related accidents low, but insubordination executions high. Regardless, it all balanced out in the end.

As much as Vader wanted to needlessly slaughter these ponies, he knew he still needed their assistance. No matter how much the dark side willed him, he ignored it. The dark side didn’t control him, he controlled it! He’ll use its power as he pleases, not be used. Besides, he had enough self control not to murder them and instead use them to his full advantage. There was more tact to being a Sith Lord than just being powerful in the dark side. Some manipulation and diplomatic skills were also thrown in there. How else could Palpatine have taken over the galaxy?

“What I need are repairs for my starship. Do you have the necessary materials I require to fix it?” he asked.

“Um, I’ve never repaired a starship before,” Monkey Wrench replied nervously, fearful to what the alien’s reaction be.

“You will not touch my ship,” Vader said, not trusting them to work on a vessel he’ll need to travel through the vacuum of space. Plus, he had no idea how they could even use tools when they had no fingers to hold them. “I just need the materials to repair my own.”

“Oh, gotcha. Yeah, no problem. I have tons of spare parts.”

Vader demanded for a sheet of parchment and a writing utensil, which the unicorn quickly complied to bring. It was primitive to him, but it would have to make do. He scrawled out a list of raw materials and parts that would be the basis of his repairs until he needed more specifics, his robotic arm writing with perfect and clear penmanship to avoid the trouble of having to clarify anything on it. He handed back the parchment and the mechanic looked it over.

Vader turned his back and walked off back to the center of town, calling back to them without bother to look over his shoulder, “Bring the parts and materials to the center of town, near the town square.”

“Um, how exactly will I be paid?” Monkey Wrench asked, definitely not looking forward to lugging around a bunch of very heavy materials at this time of night and weather.

“Don’t worry. I got this all covered,” Twilight assured him. Well, she didn’t exactly have this covered, since she didn’t technically have free range of the funds of the Equestrian treasury. But she was sure Celestia wouldn’t mind this bill for a visitor from another world. Especially if she can compensate it with more information about himself and his technology.

Monkey Wrench shrugged, but complied and got ready to prepare his wagon to transport the materials.

Glad that that part of the task was complete, Twilight ran back to Vader, whose much longer legs were putting him at a distance with her. Reminding herself to mention to him it was rude to leave your host behind in the dust, she finally caught up with him. “So, Lord Vader, what now?”

“I get my ship,” he answered, sticking to the ‘short, sweet and requiring as little communication as possible’ dialogue he was well known for.

“All the way from the Everfree Forest? You’ll need some help with that,” Twilight noted, casting him a friendly smile. “Lucky for you, you have a princess and the Element of Magic right here!”

“No. You will make sure my parts get to the town square accordingly,” he replied, like he was ordering around another stormtrooper at his command.

“B-but, that’s unfair!” she cried out, disappointed she wasn’t going to accompany him and ask more questions. “I’m a princess! Plus, how are you going to move that entire ship by yourself?”

Vader laughed, or gave his best attempt at one. The guttural rasps of his respirator still creeped her out to no end, and his laughter only made it worse. Vader stared down at her, his expression unclear as always from behind his mask. “You underestimate the power of the dark side.”