• Published 29th Jan 2013
  • 8,272 Views, 378 Comments

Melting Snow - Storm butt

Life isn't interesting for Caramel, as nothing interesting ever happens. Friends were rare. By that he means rarely a reality. He had adjusted to this routine and reached a somewhat comfortable spot in life. Then along came Big Macintosh.

  • ...

Hearth's Warming Eve

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It belongs to The Hub, Hasbro, Studio B, and Lauren Faust. I do not own any of these characters in any way or how, nor do I claim ownership to the pony franchise. These characters are simply my toys.
"Time flies when... well you know the rest.”
Melting Snow
Chapter 7: Hearth's Warming Eve

"I don't understand why you're so nervous."

Caramel let a whinny loose from his lips at the words from his brother, daring to give a mild glare at the other through the mirror's reflection. However his frown was short lived, for his belly was turning with excitement at the moment, a kind of excitement he hadn't felt in quite some time. His frown flipped, turning into a small grin as he brought his hoof up to ruffle his mane.

"I-I guess I'm just... really happy." The tan stallion admitted, looking away from the mirror, avoiding the way Sage was rolling his eyes. It was a tad rare for the small pony to be so bluntly honest.

Caramel felt his damp mane, the steam from the bathroom still rolling out of the door from his quick shower. "Do you think I need to brush my mane or anything... we aren't going anywhere that nice. Oh, what about a vest, you think he'd like that?"

"How should I know?" Sage asked, lifting a brow along with tilting his head to the side. "From what I saw, Mac isn't going to do anything to doll himself up like you are." The unicorn bit the inside of his cheek, swallowing some saliva that had been building for quite some time. "Look, the only reason I'm letting you go outside right after recovering from a cold is that I know you wouldn't forgive me for a long time if I didn't... but can you at least let me go over everything again?"

"Sage..." Caramel's voice had annoyance on the surface, however underneath that face there was something that sounded almost tired as he looked at the other. "We've been through this four times today, and it's only three..."

"About that... are you sure you should be getting ready this early? Don't ponies normally eat a big dinner this time of year?" Sage asked, cocking up his brow.

Caramel nodded his head up an down, ignoring Sage who was standing in the open doorway of the bathroom as he began to adjust his mane to appear natural, yet still worked on. "Yeah, I guess other's do... but Big Mac told me that he and his family usually eat a big dinner early, and just don't eat anything the rest of the day."

Sage shook his head in the reflection of the mirror, more than likely trying to get his mind back on track to what was important, to him at least. "Never mind about that." He spoke, frowning as his lips moved without any sound. Perhaps he was thinking about what to say.

"I'll wear my scarf the entire time." Caramel said, watching in the reflection as Sage looked confused.

"Yeah, that and you need to come home straight away if you start to feel sick... at all. Have Mac carry you again or something." Sage said, watching as Caramel blushed at those words.

"I-It's not like I asked him to do that." Caramel mumbled, moving his hoof down from his mane to the sink, turning on the water and letting it soak his hoof. He splashed water on his face, hoping it would cause his blush to die down. "He forced me into that one..."

"Whatever, I'm not going to be home tonight, so you have to make sure you don't get anything more than a little cold, if you get too sick you'll have to wait until morning for me to be of any help." Sage spoke, his voice as serious as the first time he had spoken those words today. "Okay Cara?"

Caramel sighed, biting on his lip briefly out of his mild frustration. "I get it, Sage. I'm not a little colt anymore."

Sage chuckled out loud, stepping forward to lean on his brother's back, using his hoof to mess of the other's mane as he gave him a brief hug from behind. "I know, I know..." He said. "I'm not trying to make your life hell on Equestria, I just don't want you getting yourself into any trouble you can't handle."

The tan stallion tried to shrug off his brother, but Sage wasn't budging. "You're acting weird..."

"You're the one acting weird." Sage spoke, a smile on his face. "You've been really happy this past month... I don't think I've seen you smile so much as when you talk about Big Mac." The unicorn briefly rested his face on Caramel's shoulder, looking in the mirror. "I used to have to treat you like a little foal just to make you laugh..."

"What are you talking abo-" Caramel was cut off as he felt Sage's hooves dig into his belly and begin feeling around. An unexpected snort came up from somewhere deep in Caramel's throat as he giggled helplessly at his brother's command, his upper legs pinned to his sides. He was trapped in the cage that was his brother's arms, Sage's revealing his new way to torture and interrogate his brother.

"S-Sage, s-stop it!" Caramel whined through his helpless giggling. The more he tried to fight, the more his brother poked and teased his chubby belly.

"Are you going to be careful tonight?" The evil unicorn asked, smirking in the mirror so Caramel would see. "No frolicking through the snow without anything warm on? No staying out and getting drunk until you vomit your stomach out?"

"F-Frolicking, whahahat the heck?" Caramel asked. "O-Ok.... OKAY!" The tan stallion snapped, gasping at the sudden release of his brother's torturous grip. He near collapsed to the ground, only managing to catch himself by grabbing the edge of the sink, still giggling quietly.

He could see out of the corner of his eye Sage back up quickly, so not to be subjected to the same treatment, for he knew Caramel was physically stronger than him.

"Well, I'll leave you to your dolling." The unicorn teased, closing the door with his magic before trotting away.

Caramel frowned as Sage left, rubbing his now sensitive belly. He couldn't remember the last time Sage had done something as childish as tickle him...

"What was that about?"


Big Macintosh quietly rubbed his belly with one hoof, feeling the gentle roar as he gave off an expression that could only be discomfort as he placed his plate in the sink, the running water grazing his hoof. He released a long winded sigh from his throat as he shook his head, looking away from the food his two sister's were currently packaging for storage. The hay, apples, and veggies seemed to be quietly calling him the more he looked.

"What's wrong Mac?" Apple Bloom's high pitched filly voice asked, looking over to her brother with her amber eyes. "Are ya still hungry?"

"Ah told ya that servin' was way smaller than what ya normally 'ave." Applejack said, giving her brother a wink as she spoke again. "Watchin' that slim model figure of yers Ah see."

His sister began to walk over to the fridge with a a back full of packaged food, giving her brother's side an unneeded flick with her tail, sticking out her tongue as she opened the fridge with her hoof, peering inside before setting the food down neatly near the bottom.

"Ah told ya," Big Mac began, glaring at his sister as he began rubbing the spot where his sister has flicked him as if she had hit him. "Ah won't be 'ere t'night, and Ah'm sure Cara'd feel all self conscious if Ah weren't eatin' nothin'"

"Ah still don't understand why yer goin' at night, it isn't like anything opens up besides the bars..." Applejack opened her eyes, suddenly smiling slyly at her brother. "Gonna go get yerself a treat t'night?"

"'Course not." Big Macintosh spoke, maintaining his blank expression without blushing as he began to run water under his hooves, washing his own plate. It didn't make sense for him to be embarrassed, it wasn't like what Applejack was asking was true. "Less ponies are 'round at night, it just makes sense."

Apple Bloom walked over to her brother, beginning to swerve between his legs. He looked down at her, feeling her mane gently tickle his belly as she went back and forth. It wouldn't be long before she wasn't able to do this anymore. He began to wonder what she was going to do once she could no longer duck under him when her emotions were getting the better of her.

"Big Mac, you and Caramel are spending the entire day together, right?" She asked, looking up at him with curiosity.

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh spoke, looking down at his sister as he cocked up his brow at her. "Somethin' botherin' ya 'bout it Sugar Cube?"

Apple Bloom shook her head back and forth, her bow bouncing along with her head. "N-No... but Ah was just wonderin'... are ya two goin' on a date?"

Big Macintosh began to feel a blush form on his face, his mouth opening to reply, telling her he wasn't... but the words just wouldn't come out. He quickly closed his mouth, turning back to the slowly filling sink as his hooves quietly trembled for a mere moment before he got himself under control once more.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack snapped. "Ya know it ain't like that, yer brother ain't a Coltcuddler!"

The way his sister spat out the word "coltcuddler" made the red steed uneasy. It wasn't as if she were stating a general fact that she knew to be true, her tone sounded as if she were denying her brother was some kind of criminal. The steed wondered if she had always been so strong about this word and the way she apparently thought it was meant to be used in. Had he ever thought like that? He couldn't really remember a time where he had seen two mares or two stallion walking side by side and felt anything but normal. None of those things ever seemed all that important to him on either side, so he didn't let it bother him.

"Right, Big Macintosh?"

Big Mac looked up with a confused look on his face as he looked over to Applejack. She seemed to have asked him something that he had been too deep in thought to hear.

"Land sake Mac, Ah could scream at ya sometimes and Ah swear ya wouldn't hear me." Applejack rolled her eyes in frustration. "Ah said ta tell our sister ta stop teasin' ya like that."

"Ah wasn't teasin' him!" Apple Bloom defended herself, looking up at her brother and then to her sister, her eyes showing hurt. "And ya always tease him! At dinner they kep-"

"Yer lucky Granny's upstairs and not here ta hear that, she'd of thrown a fit even at the suggestion." Applejack said, closing the door to the fridge with a tad more force than needed as she cut off her sister's words. "Look, just apologize ta yer brother and we can finish puttin' this food away."

"But Ah..."

As soon as Big Macintosh thought he could grasp his voice once more, he heard a knocking at the door that made him jump. Everybody's voices went silent for a few moments, the only noise heard was Big Macintosh ceasing the flow of water from the sink, flicking his hooves free of water.

"A-Ah'll get it..." Apple Bloom said, her voice on the verge of tears as she tried to free herself of the situation.

"Honestly, that filly..."

Big Macintosh chose to ignore his sister, his blush finally fading as he walked slowly over to the door, watching Apple Bloom open it before he had gotten to it himself.

"Oh, hello Apple..."

Caramel's voice began to trail off. As the red steed got closer to the two, he could see a confused look on the tan stallion's face. For good reason too, Apple Bloom was looking away from the stallion, giving her best to try and fight back the tears.

"Is, is something wrong?" Caramel asked, his crystal blue eyes giving off a worried look as he glanced to Big Macintosh.

The red steed shook his head. He quietly turned back to Apple Bloom, gently patting her on the head in an attempt to comfort her. She seemed to take it well, blinking away the tears as she finally looked up at the two, trying her best to give a small smile of thanks.

Big Macintosh nodded, turning back to the door and swiping his red and black scarf along with a pouch full of jingling bits off of the counter, trying the scarf around his neck quickly.

"See ya'll later!" He called back, not waiting for a reply before exiting the house, feeling a sudden weight off his chest the moment the door closed behind him, the icy wind filling his lungs.

"Did... I interrupt some family thing?" Caramel asked, his tone attempting to mask his worry.

Big Macintosh shook his head. "No, it was just a little misunder..." He trailed off, shaking his head. "No, not that, it was just a disagreement."

"A-Alright." Caramel spoke, his worried expression loosening. "S-So do you wanna go on before it get's dark?"

The red steed nodded, smiling softly as he gently pressed his body against Caramel's before he began to walk forward, snow crunching underneath his hooves as he regrettably pulled away from his friend's warm touch.

"Let's go, Sugar Cube."


Big Macintosh brought back his hoof, his eyes narrowing as he tried his best to focus on the colorful spheres before him, pinned up against the wall no more than ten feet away. His hoof felt shaky as he stuck his tongue out, focusing as best as he could as he took in a deep breath, throwing the dart in his hoof with a quick flick of his wrist, watching it fly forward.

The steed closed his eyes when he realized there was not going to be any kind of satisfying pop, only a pitiful thud as the dart managed to avoid any of the balloons on the wall, sinking itself into the wall, trying to embed itself to hide it's own shame.

"Oh, shame there sonny." The older stallion behind the counter of the darts said, giving off an amused chuckle. "What do ya say? Give it another shot fer a bit?"

"N-No thank ya." Big Macintosh spoke softly, turning away to face Caramel, who he could tell had a similar smile on his face as the stallion behind the counter despite his mouth being hidden behind his large scarf. The steed put a hoof behind his head, avoiding Caramel's eyes as his ears tinted a light pink.

"I'm guessing this is why you don't normally come here with Apple Bloom anymore?" Caramel teased as he began to walk forward, nodding his head for Big Macintosh to follow him as they continued down the snow covered square of Ponyville.

Big Macintosh didn't respond, just looked away from his friend in embarrassment, deciding to look at the colorful vendors and game around them. It seemed to have grown since the last time he was here, at least four or five more stands were set up, making the entire place seem even more crowded despite the lack of any real crowd wandering around under the twilight sky.

"C'mon, Mac," Caramel spoke, stopping to let Big Macintosh catch up to him, his scarf moving over his hidden mouth, making his words slightly muffled while still being audible. "That's only the third game you tried out. I'm sure there's one in this whole place you can get a prize at."

"Ah wish ah was just able ta buy them." Big Macintosh sighed, his face turning into a frown as he looked downward briefly, kicking his hoof lightly against the snow. "Ah just wanted ta surprise Apple Bloom with one of those stuffed animals..."

The steed could feel Caramel bump into him playfully, forcing a smile on his face as he looked over to the tan stallion, happy the other was trying to cheer him up.

"We came here to have fun, right?" Caramel asked, cocking his head to the side as he pulled away from the other, raising his hoof to lower his scarf. "This is my first time coming here, let's not get hung up on stupid dart throwing games. Why don't we go and get something to eat and then look around some, I'm sure they have more than games here."

"That sounds nice." Big Macintosh nodded his head, his chest feeling a little lighter from the previous weight it had. "What do ya want ta eat?"

"Something unhealthy." Caramel spoke with a grin wider than he normally put on, his eyes lighting up at the words. "It's just plain stupid to come to a fair and eat a salad, don't you think?"

"That's what Applejack usually says." The stallion laughed, quietly of course. "But Ah suppose nopony ain't gonna fight that reasonin'." The steed looked around as he finished speaking, eyes widening as he saw a food stand that seemed to see an assortment of junk food.

"Let's go, partner." Big Mac said, nodding his head as he began to walk once more, hooves crunching the snow beneath his body.

"Want me to pay for this? After all it was..." Caramel began rummaging through his saddle bag before he was able to finish, however Big Macintosh put a hoof on the other's.

"Ah'm the one who asked ya ta come here, ah'll pay fer it."

"O-Oh..." Caramel said, his voice shaky as he spoke, slowly removing his hoof from his saddle bag, seeming sad for a brief moment. "A-Alright then."

The transaction was rather quick as they reached the food vendor, who had an assortment of cotton candy, funnel cakes, and caramel apples, the two bought their own respected foods, Caramel a funnel cake and Big Mac a caramel apple. They quickly found a spot not far from the stand, one on a bench underneath a statue of Princess Celesta.

"I don't think Ah've ever eaten any caramel." Big Mac spoke, giving the tan stallion a smile, glad to have a giggle in return. He placed the apple to his mouth, licking the sweet brown substance with his tongue, not wanting to take a bit of something that might very well make him vomit.

"I've never been a fan of it... weird as that sounds." Caramel ripped off a piece of his funnel cake, placing it in his mouth as he watched Big Macintosh. "It's too sticky for me, it gets all over my teeth." The stallion grinned, showing his teeth with a giggle.

Big Macintosh took a bite of the apple, realizing instantly that the maker of the sweet had used a gala apple, giving it more of a sweet nature than he thought it would. He licked his lips when he swallowed it, slurping up the remains. "Taste's fine on apples."

The tan stallion was about to reply when suddenly the entire square seemed to brighten considerably, briefly blinding him as he covered his eyes with a hoof. He was quickly able to see once more, and when he did he realized that all around the block small lights had been hung up, now shining brightly to welcome anypony willing to come to the festival.

"I didn't realize it was getting this late." Caramel spoke, watching his breath turn to mist before his eyes. The twilight sky had vanished and was now slowly blinking it's stars into place. "I'm surprised there aren't many clouds tonight..."

"It probably isn't that late, maybe 6:30 at the most." The steed said, looking up with Caramel. "And 'bout the clouds, Ah'm guessin' they didn't want any accidents causin' trouble fer this thing we got goin' here." Big Mac said, looking around Ponyville Square. "That and a lot of things happen t'night 'round Equestria that ponies just don't wanna miss out on. It'll probably snow double tomorrow..."

"You know a lot about the weather." Caramel murmured, glancing away from the dark sky and to his friend. "Is that something working on a farm does to a pony? Makes them Equestria's greatest weather pony?"

Big Macintosh laughed at that remark as he shook his head, his laughter giving Caramel a small warm feeling in his chest. "Not a weather pony, just somepony who likes to work when it's warmer. The weather doesn't change much year to year, it's easy to keep track of."

The tan stallion smiled at his friend, taking another bite of his food as he turned to watch a mare and a stallion around his age walk side by side, pointing to all the different things the square had to offer. "Maybe you can tell me day's we can get together from now on, meeting during the winter isn't exactly good for my health, y'know."

Caramel watched the steed nod out of the corner of his eye, he was about to continue the conversation before his words were interrupted by a rather loud ringing from behind the statue. He let it distract him, getting off the bench to look around the stone sculpture, seeing a large weight fall down from a large poll with a bell on the top. He watched as the muscle bound pony handling the game brush off his hoof in the snow, seeming to be getting bored with nopony coming to his stand. His eyes darted to the sign in front, it simply stated. "Test your strength."

"You could win that one." Caramel pointed out to a confused looking steed. He watched as Big Mac simply had to turn around, looking under the stone Celestia's legs at the game for himself.

"Think so?"

"Yeah, your muscles look really nice on..." Caramel trailed off, suddenly blushing at the compliment he was about to give. He quickly rethought his sentence. "Y-You look strong."

Thankfully the steed chose not to bring attention to Caramel's near slip up, instead he quickly ate the last bite of his apple, throwing the core and stick into a nearby trash can. He walked by Caramel, shooting the other a quick smile before letting his face turn blank, quickly trotting up to the stand as he looked at the weight sitting on the button he had to smash. It looked to be around fifteen or twenty pounds.

"Well hey there big guy, you look like somepony ready to test his strength? Will you be the first pony tonight to hit the bell besides yours truly?" The brown stallion asked, flexing the muscles in his legs. "I'm gonna take a wild guess and say your friend there isn't the one challenging me?"

Big Macintosh glanced behind him, realizing that Caramel had followed him, staying a good five paces behind him. "Nope, just me." He said, turning back to the other with a blank expression on his face.

"C-C'mon Big Mac, I bet you can k-knock that bell right off!" Caramel seemed to cheer quietly, trying to look away from the muscle bound pony before them. The steed nodded, deciding that Caramel still wasn't used to being himself around ponies other than him.

"That'll be two bits, just walk up to the bell and smash your hoof down on the button, let's see if those muscles of yours are just for show!"

The earth pony nodded, tossing some bits in the other's hooves as he walked up to the item he had to smash. His blank expression briefly frowned, realizing he was unable to use his back hooves to slam against the object. However he simply shrugged, lifting his hoof as he stood over the device, taking a deep breath before bringing it down in a mighty smash, not having enough time to look up as he heard the ring of the bell sound around him.

"Well, you didn't exactly knock it off like you little friend here said you would, but you're the first pony today able to hit the bell!" The stallion said, grabbing a decently sized stuffed animal and tossing it to the steed, who caught it with ease.

"How 'bout you little guy, wanna see if you can hit it?" The stallion asked, directing his attention to Caramel with a chuckle.

"N-No, I-I'd just embarrass myself." Caramel nervously chuckled. "M-My leg's are like grass..."

Big Mac trotted over to Caramel, nodding for them to quickly leave. The other didn't fight, walking side by side with the other. "Told you you'd win one, what is it?" The earth pony asked when the two were out of earshot of the stallion.

"Ah think it's just a lion." The steed spoke, the stuffed animal sitting comfortably on his back, taking up about half of it.. "I thought the big ones were just fer show... don't they normally give ya a small one?"

"I think so." Caramel said, suddenly looking down. "But, you deserved it for being that strong. Y-Your legs are real bulky already, b-but I didn't know they flexed like that when you use them for strength... I-I bet it took a long time to get them like that. I-I mean they're as solid as bricks. T-They look good is what I'm trying to..." The stallion continued rambling on about the steed's muscles.

"Ah've never really thought about it." Big Macintosh looked towards the other, seeing his ears turn pink. "Applejack has muscles too... she just isn't as obvious about it..."

"I-I'm kind of jealous... you can probably afford to eat things like that apple all the time... Sage keeps telling me that if I wasn't always throwing up I'd be a real tubby." The stallion began to feel his round belly, poking at how plump it felt.

The steed watched as Caramel poked his belly, watching as his pudgy belly jiggled ever so slightly. "It suits ya." He spoke, nodding his head. "It isn't like it's noticeable... besides, it's kind of cu-" He paused a long time, knowing his blush was noticeable. Caramel was looking up at him waiting for the rest of the sentence, not seeming to hear the beginning of the word.

This night seemed to be filled of tongue slipping.

"It looks alright, d-do ya want this lion?" The steed asked, quickly changing the subject as he nodded behind him.

"I thought... that was for Apple Bloom." Caramel spoke in a confused tone, both by Big Mac changing the subject to rapidly and by the offering.

The red steed shook his head. "Ah realized that I'm actually havin' fun t'night... and havin' my little sister keep somethin' like this won't make me remember it." He said, looking over to Caramel. "When ah come over, ah can see it and remember t'night."

Caramel gave Big Mac a grin. "A-Alright... b-but you go on carryin' it, it looks heavy... and I'd just look silly trying to keep it up. Let's at least go visit a few more stands before going home, alright?"

Big Macintosh nodded his head, unable to hide how happy he felt by Caramel accepting his gift. "Alright, a few more stands then we'll high tail it home."

"Sounds like a plan."


"It's probably really late now." Caramel spoke, looking up at the sky as he let his backside slouch onto the cool bench. "Luna's moon is shining real bright now, isn't it?"

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh spoke, sitting down next to the stallion before setting down the lion in between the two as he slouched over, letting out a sigh. His legs felt as if they were throbbing, they had been out for quite some time. He began to rub his lower legs with one hoof, tightening his scarf with the other.

Big Macintosh let his mind wander back to the past few hours, all the food, games, and late night shows they had seen, watching all their lights dim out one by one as they had fun together. "It's gotta be at least nine, if not later." He spoke, letting a whinny out.

"Yeah..." Caramel spoke with mild interest, noticing how considerably darker it was with all the stands closed; only the lights around the square were shining. There were no longer any traces of amber sky that came with twilight. He looked down, tightening his scarf in a similar manor to Big Macintosh. "Tonight was... really fun." He admitted, fiddling with his hooves. "I-I always say that when we're together though..."

Caramel nodded, looking at the snow under the bench. He frowned for a moment before drawing his expression to a blank. "I could barely talk to you when we met though. I stuttered all the time."

"Ya still stutter." Mac smiled.

"Shut up!" Caramel whined with a giggle in his tone. He pushed Mac's chest but Mac simply chuckled in reply.

"I don't understand how ponies like your sister open up so easily to others."

"Neither do ah... Applejack'll tell anypony her life story if they're willin' ta listen." Big Macintosh put a hoof behind his head, slowly rubbing his mane. "It's strange trying to be around her in public... she's always shouting and talking to her friends when ah just stand in the background." He sighed loudly, slouching even further. "Ah don't talk to anypony that often... if ah can get something across in a yes or no Ah’ll do it."

"Me too." Caramel said, looking over to his friend with blue eyes filled with understanding. "The only pony I normally talk to is Sage, and even then he's hardly around. I normally don't want to trouble ponies with my issues."

"Ya don't trouble me at all." The steed spoke up. "Ah told ya, friends do this fer each other."

"I know, I know." Caramel laughed quietly, putting out his hoof to stop Big Macintosh from continuing. As he lowered it, the smile remained plastered to his face. "Thinking back... we haven't known each other for a long time."

"A lot's happened since then." Big Macintosh spoke. "Ponies can grow close in a short time."

"I think of it the opposite." Caramel said, looking at the lion to avoid Big Macintosh's eyes. "I don't think a lot has really happened... just a lot of little things. But all those little things... I can still remember every moment. I couldn't even tell you what I ate for breakfast this morning, but for some reason I can remember stupid things... l-like you like Black coffee because your dad drunk it like that... and I-I still feel embarrassed by you carrying me through the town to get me home."

Caramel gripped the lion tightly. "I think without this lion, I'd still remember how you won it and how... amazing you looked doing it... I-I know it sounds stupid but..." The tan stallion lowered his ears briefly. "You're my best friend... I've only known you for two months but I don't think of anypony else the way I do you..." The stallion moved his hoof to under his scarf, gently massaging his neck by moving his hoof in small circles.

Big Macintosh didn't know what exactly to say, the singing ponies in the background were the only noise still being heard besides the sound of their own breathing. He briefly considered putting his hoof on Caramel's own, but decided against it as he looked up at the moon. It really was shining bright tonight...

"C-C'mon, don't let me say something like that and go silent... you make me feel like I-I'm being a complete idiot."

The steed could feel Caramel's hoof lightly punch his shoulder, and out of the corner of his eye he watched the other's hoof get caught on the scarf, watching it become untangled from his neck and fall on the lion. He began to grumble, fumbling his shaky hooves to grab the scarf.

Big Macintosh reached down his own hoof, taking the green and white scarf away from Caramel's fumbling hooves. He watched the other look down in embarrassment, hiding his face as Big Macintosh placed the scarf around the other's neck, having to lean over to wrap it correctly.

"Caramel... yer one of the only friend's ah've had in a long time... yer very special ta me." He used his hoof to lift Caramel's chin, giving the scarf a tight not so it wouldn't fall off again. "My best friend..." Big Macintosh was about to let go of the scarf before he looked up, staring straight into Caramel's wide blue eyes. His face was about five or six inches from the other's, able to see the blush on his face, see the emotions running in those eyes.

His breath suddenly caught itself in his throat. Big Macintosh forgot for those few moments exactly how to breathe properly, almost jealous as Caramel's warm breath tickled his chin. Caramel wasn't showing much emotion, he didn't look away like he normally did when his cheeks looked like this. Now that Big Mac got a good look at his rosy face... it looked rather cute like this.

"Friends..." Mac mumbled. He frowned for just a second. "That don't... sound quite right."

Caramel had no reply.

After what felt like an eternity of frozen silence, Big Macintosh took a quick breath, almost as if he were about to plunge into the depths of the ocean. He pulled on the other's scarf, bringing Caramel's face closer to his own as he closed his eyes.

Big Macintosh could feel Caramel's lips soft press against his own rough ones, locking into place as if it were part of a jigsaw puzzle. Big Macintosh waited until he was positive Caramel wasn't going to pull away to be slightly more rough, tugging at the scarf to pull the other closer to him. The scent the other was giving off was indescribable; however it gave the steed a sense of both exhilaration and contentment that he hadn't felt in his entire life.

There was warmth in the kiss that he didn't expect. The spark of kissing mares that he normally felt was now a roaring fire spreading heat throughout his entire body despite the freezing weather in the air around them. He felt as though he was going to freeze into a solid block of ice when he was forced to move away. A gasp of air that he wasn't even aware he needed was thrown into his body without warning, his chest heaving as it beat like a drum.

Big Macintosh realized his body was trembling as he released Caramel's scarf, the taste of Caramel's lips in his mouth causing his heart rate to only gain force rather than die down. He was about to speak before his eyes focused, realizing Caramel seemed to be frozen in place, almost as if the air around them had frozen his body solid.

"S-Sugar Cube?" The red earth pony asked, wondering briefly if he had somehow managed to break the stallion.

Caramel suddenly blinked, looking downward as he reached up a hoof to feel his lips, brushing against them with wide eyes shining in the moonlight.

"Y-You... kissed me." He whispered.

"W-Was that... wrong?" Big Mac asked, his voice trembling in a way it had never done before. He wondered if he had done something horribly wrong.

Caramel shook his head quickly, still in shock as he took a shaky breath. However he didn't have time to get it under control before a pair of large legs wrapped themselves around him, his nose pressing against fluffy red fur as he looked over Big Macintosh's shoulder. He took note of the way the steed smelled like apples as he raised his own trembling legs. It was proving rather difficult to say a single word.

Mac hugged him without warning, his hold tight like a bears. He kissed Caramel's cheek without even thinking and chuckled until it became a laugh. He swayed back and forth a bit, but kept himself quiet after that.

Caramel smiled, one that he wasn't able to control as he looked up at Big Macintosh. "I-I'm happy too" He spoke softly; reaching out a hoof to put on his best friend's chest, feeling the heartbeat that near matched his own. Many emotions were running through him; however excitement and joy seemed to stick out far more than the others. It was still hard to express just how he was feeling... but he hoped the goofy grin across his face made up for it.

"H-Hey Mac..."

"Yeah?" Big Macintosh asked with a rather loud sense of eagerness behind it, almost as if he were afraid to upset Caramel.

Caramel looked down, holding Big Mac's hoof in his own shakily as he tried his best to put his emotions in place. He was trembling, but it wasn't out of fear or worry, for now he felt peaceful. He wasn't able to think about what would come from this, only the pure joy he felt at this very moment.

"T-Tonight has been a really fun night."