• Published 29th Jan 2013
  • 8,272 Views, 378 Comments

Melting Snow - Storm butt

Life isn't interesting for Caramel, as nothing interesting ever happens. Friends were rare. By that he means rarely a reality. He had adjusted to this routine and reached a somewhat comfortable spot in life. Then along came Big Macintosh.

  • ...


Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It belongs to The Hub, Hasbro, Studio B, and Lauren Faust. I do not own any of these characters in any way or how, nor do I claim ownership to the pony franchise. These characters are simply my toys.
"There's no reason to pity me.”
Melting Snow
Chapter 4: Pity

Caramel could hear an involuntary squeak come from him followed by his body jumping as he felt a sharp sting insert into his arm. He squeezed his eyes shut, not able to hold back the whimper in his tone as a hoof began to pat his head, rustling his brown mane. While part of him wanted to knock Sage's hoof from his head, a voice was telling him the comfort was at the very least welcome at this moment. He whimpered once more, resisting the urge to tremble.

"C'mon Cara, it isn't that bad." Sage replied, rolling his eyes, removing his hoof from his brother's head. He pulled the shot from his brothers leg, watching as the earth pony quickly reached his hoof over to the spot where it had once been, slapping it down as a shield as he rubbed the small wound.

"S-Shut up..." Caramel stuttered out. "You know I hate this..." He lowered his head, his arm shaking. "H-How many more do I b-bucking need?" His voice was growing smaller with each word as he flicked his eyes to Sage, gnawing down on his lip.

"You have a filthy mouth when you're upset." The unicorn turned away, walking over to the table with a small booklet. "That was... what? The third one?" He mumbled aloud “That was the one for the flu... I think we may need to give you one for..." Caramel simply stared downward at the white tiled floor of the medical room, letting Sage's voice become background noise as he continued to rub his arm. How long had he been sitting here for?

"At least these shots aren't that late..." Sage grumbled, turning back to his brother. "You weren't cooped up for a whole month this time at the very least." The unicorn gave off a yawn, stretching his legs as he walked up to his brother, who was sitting on a small stool. "What do you say? Wanna eat out tonight to celebrate getting better? Are you strong enough yet?" Sage fired off the three questions one after another, expecting his brother to answer them all at once.

"If we did that every time I got better we'd be broke." Caramel answered, his frown deepening. "Besides, I don't know what I'll be able to keep down yet... my fever only broke yesterday..." He murmured the words along, now rubbing his hooves together, feeling the warmth burn his fur.

Sage suddenly lifted his brow. "What's up?" He asked, giving off a concerned chuckle. "You look like you're in another world."

"What?" Caramel snapped his head up, looking around as if confused for a brief moment. His face quickly retreated to the same frown as before. "O-Oh... I just...:" He wasn't quite sure how to finish his sentence, so he simply allowed himself to trail off.

The unicorn blinked, tilting his head. It was only as he opened his mouth to speak that a smile was drawn across his face. "Oh, you miss your new buddy, don't you? Hehe, it's written all over your face."

Caramel twisted his face into a mixture of embarrassment and irritation. "D-Don't call him my buddy." He grumbled, cheeks blushing. "I-I hardly know him."

"Fine," Sage began, his smile turning to a smirk "You miss your crush, don't you?" He words were just begging Caramel to return the comment with provoked anger. As Caramel opened his mouth to retort however, Sage simply chuckled as he reached out his hoof, patting Caramel's head once more with his tongue sticking out, one eye open as he winked at his brother. "I get it; you haven't had a friend in ages, have you?"

Caramel reached up his hoof to remove Sage's own from his head. "You're mean today..." He grumbled. "But I guess you're right... I don't really know how to... act around other ponies..." The earth pony suddenly lifted his head, looking into Sage's eyes. "D-Do you think he's worried about me? Not going to see him in over a week? I-I mean I promised to talk to him more!"

Sage shrugged, putting a hoof to his chin as he thought. "Can't really answer that... never met the stallion. Did you even tell him about...?” Sage paused, looking into Caramel's dodgy blue eyes. "Your... erm... condition?"

Caramel shook his head, keeping his face pointed downward. "He saw me take a few pills... that was about it." The stallion shifted in his seat. "I-It didn't seem all that important at the time. He didn't ask about it... he probably thinks I have allergies or something..."

"Well... you kind of do." Sage murmured, adding his input only to receive a humorless glare from the other. Sage watched his brother run through the hamster wheel in his mind for a few moments before shaking his head. "Look, you just got better, you're still tired, let's just call off the eating out tonight. You can walk home and after I finish up here, I'll grab us some of those daisy salads you like for tonight."

Caramel's expression didn't change as he simply nodded. "That sounds nice..." He mumbled, mostly distant from the situation. He chewed on the inside of his cheek, glancing around impatiently.

"S-So... are we almost done?" He asked.


"C'mon, don't pout all the way home." Big Mac chuckled, hearing his hooves crunch against the snow in an unusual silence considering the situation he had been put into. He looked down at the ground next to him as he continued to pace himself forward through the pathway before him. He let a sympathetic smile slide onto his face as he looked down at his sister's red mane, unable to spot her face. "Even Cutie Mark Crusaders get sick sometimes, ya can try again when yer little friend gets better."

"Tain't fair..." Apple Bloom sighed, frowning in a pout. "We've been waitin' ta try gettin' sled racin' cutie marks for weeks... and my sled just came in..." She paused a moment, grumbling under her breath. "Stupid flu, getting Scootaloo sick on us..." The small filly glanced up at her brother with her crimson eyes. "Do ya think we would have even gotten a cutie mark doin' it? Even just one of us?"

The older stallion gave off a shrug. "Sleddin' is fun either way." He replied, nodding his head. "Ah used ta do it with AJ when she was yer age." He smirked nostalgically, remembering the light feeling he used to get deep in his belly whenever he slipped down a large hill. He chuckled to himself, not caring about the strange way his sister's eyes bored into him.

The red stallion glanced downward at his hooves, watching them make indentations in the snow as he continued forward on the familiar pathway. His smile quickly faded as he returned to his normal emotionless expression. The trees around him were beginning to grow thicker, the same as always.

"Big Mac..." Apple Bloom mumbled, forcing her brother to stop dead in his tracks. Something in the tone of her voice was different than the way it was just a few minutes ago. It wasn't exactly pure terror, just a hint of worry.

"What is it Sugar Cube?" The stallion asked, holding up a brow as he looked down at his little sister.

"Somepony's here." Apple Bloom's worry contained a glimmer of curiosity now. Big Mac followed her gaze, turning his head slowly down the pathway. His eyes widened as he caught the first glimpse of a brown tail slowly flicking in the gentle, icy breeze before it hid between the owners hind legs, covering most of his backside. The tan fur of the stallion as he slowly walked down the path stood out to the white around him. Something in his body triggered as he spotted the stallion, it was only brief... but his chest clenched for a brief moment.

"Apple Bloom?" Big Mac quickly questioned his sister.

"Y-Yes?" The young filly quickly piped up, snapping her head as her brother grasped her attention.

"Can ya walk the rest of the way home by yerself?"

"W-Why?" Apple Bloom quickly spat out. "I-Is something wrong?"

Big Mac shook his head, watching Caramel walk. "He's a friend." He murmured, beginning to get lost in thought. "Ya run ahead, tell Applejack Ah'll be home in three shakes." He watched as Apple Bloom nodded, quickly running ahead as she kicked up snow in her tracks, wanting to quickly go past the stranger so not to be questioned.

Caramel's head shot up as Apple Bloom ran by. He tilted his head as if in question, glancing left and right before finally behind him. He was about forty feet away, but Big Mac could still see his crystal blue eyes light up at the sight of him. He began to walk forward, as did Big Macintosh.

In theory, the two should have met halfway, however for some odd reason Caramel seemed to be walking rather slowly, so it was much closer to three fourths of the way. As they grew closer together, the red steed could notice that Caramel's face looked clearly drained; his breath was heavy, as if he had just gotten done with running for a long distance.

"B-Big Mac." Caramel huffed out, looking up at the other. His eyes showed a mixture of joy, worry, even sadness. Big Mac began to feel a tad self-conscious, only able to keep his blank expression. "I-I'm... er... glad to see you?" It sounded like a question, as if the other wasn't sure what to say.

"What happened to ya?" Big Macintosh asked, looking up and down the stallion's body. Caramel's legs were shaking, and his breath continued to breathe clouds of smoke. He looked down at the ground, showing Big Mac only his parted brown mane.

The other paused for a long time. "I'm sorry..." He mumbled, as if he were a foal who had done something wrong. "I... I know I said I would come see you last week... but I..." He trailed off, biting his lip. He seemed upset, not quite at the point of crying, but upset nonetheless.

"No... Not that, Ah mean..." Big Macintosh found the words speaking for themselves as they spilled from his mouth. He looked down, away from the other, trying to find the right words to speak.

"O-Oh..." Caramel said, glancing at his own body. "I... I do look bad don't I...?” He paused. "I wanted to come... a-and explain why I haven't..." He trailed off again, shaking his head as if mad with himself. "Sorry, I must look like a complete featherbrain right now."

Big Macintosh shook his head. He gave off a warm smile. "Ah'm glad ya did... Ah was gettin' a little worried." The blush that blended into his fur suddenly made the steed feel silly as he brought a hoof to his own cheek to gently brush as his fur.

Caramel's smile grew. "T-That's good... I was afraid you would be mad..." He chuckled with relief. His smile quickly vanished, looking up into Big Mac's eyes as he took a few steps backward.

The red steed shook his head. "Course not..." He hopped his rose cheeks had vanished at this point. "L-Look, s-since you're here now... why not just go and get a coffee or tea now?" He mumbled the proposal.

Caramel's tired face nodded. "O-Okay..." He said. "B-Besides... I think I need to tell you something... when we're someplace warmer though... It's awfully cold out here."


"Caramel?" Big Macintosh asked, pausing his hoofsteps as he realized the crunching of the snow had become rather quiet in a matter of five seconds. He turned his head to look behind him, large green eyes staring at the pony who had fallen several feet behind him. "Are... are ya doin' alright partner? Do ya... wanna lean on me or somethin'?"

Caramel's breath was heavy as he slowly shook his head. His legs were wobbling even worse than before as he glanced upward. The two hadn't even gotten halfway to the cafe at this point, however the tan stallion looked like he was about to collapse. "I..." He began, voice shaking as he fought to catch his breath. "I-I'm sorry M-Mac... I n-need to r-rest for a minute."

The large red steed turned his head back to the pathway before them. As he scanned the area, he found his eyes lighting up as he caught a glimpse of a wooden bench not thirty feet from them. It was next to a large tree that stood alone on the road to town, blanketed in a sheet of snow. He turned back to Caramel, nodding his head for the other to follow him.

The hoofsteps of the other were slow as he attempted to catch up to Big Macintosh, eventually walking beside him at a pace that could only be compared to a tortoise. Big Macintosh simply looked down at the other as they made their way forward, his emerald eyes giving off worry. He didn't want to ask anything quite yet, knowing it would only give Caramel's body more weight at the moment.

When the two finally reached the bench, the way Caramel seated himself down was unlike him. He plopped his body down no different than if he were falling, not even bothering to clear the snow now under his rump. As he hunched his body over he began to heave up air from his lungs.

Big Macintosh turned his eyes from Caramel, unable to look at him for the moment. Instead he turned his attention to the other half of the bench, pressing his large hoof against the snow as he began to clear a seat for himself, revealing the wooden seat below. He gave off a shudder as he planted himself on the seat, the icy wood giving him a chill.

Caramel's breath was still heavy, however he didn't seem to be shaking nearly as much as a few moments prior. Big Macintosh glanced his eyesight over, looking only at Caramel's neck down. He took note that the stallion didn't have his usual green saddle bags on him, much like the day they had first met. He simply had his green and white scarf draped around his neck, nothing else. It was almost as if he weren't prepared to spend such a long time outside.

Big Mac let out a sigh, feeling time pass in bouts of quick and slow progression, and before he knew it, a good five minutes had already passed. The silence that was only accompanied with the slowing breath of the other didn't feel the same as before, it felt heavy, awkward, and desperately needed words to be spoken. The steed shook his head, for the first time in quite a while finding himself growing impatient with the situation at hoof. The irritation wasn't directed at Caramel, or himself, it was simply there.

The red steed suddenly perked up his ears, noticing just how quiet the other had become. His breathing has slowed to a reasonable speed. He started to lift his head to talk to the other. "Feelin' better..."

Big Macintosh's words were cut off as his mouth tasted nothing but hair, a sudden weight falling on his side that caused him to jump. "C-Caramel, what in t-the hay are ya...?" The red earth pony stuttered his words, his face feeling warm despite the icy breeze. It was also the first time in quite a while he found himself flustered.

The tan stallion however did not reply to the other's words. Big Macintosh's eyes widened with surprise as he saw through the parted mane of his friend that his eyes were glued shut, his chest expanding and releasing in a slow and gentle manner. The steed closed his eyes a moment, allowing his face to return to a blank expression.

"Ya were that exhausted?" He asked aloud, knowing full well an answer would not be received. The earth pony let a sigh slip from his body, placing a hoof on Caramel's side as he looked around to assure nopony was watching. He looked back to Caramel, whose body was now placed firmly against his side. He let his hoof slide up to the tan pony's scarf, gently tightening it to his own liking.

"Ya feel a little warm..." The steed murmured to himself, pressing a hoof to Caramel's neck.


Caramel's body heaved a whimper from him as he began to register he was no longer in the land of dreams. His body was no longer light as a feather, for everything around him, even the air, seemed hard. He forced his eyes to stay shut, not wanting to face the world quite yet. His body felt as if it was going through bouts of warm and freezing at the same time, it was a rather unpleasant feeling.

His body was leaning on something, something hard and soft and warm. It actually felt rather pleasant compared to the front half of his body. It took another moment of silence to realize something was brushing from the top of his head down to his cheek, and then repeating the process once more. The motions were soft yet quick.

"Sage..." Caramel mumbled, his throat dry as he spoke, causing hoarse sounding words to spill out. "What the hay are you doing?" He rubbed his face on whatever he was leaning against. It felt hard, stiff, and yet oddly comforting.

"Ya looked cold." A deep voice answered his question.

Caramel snapped open his eyes at the sound of this unexpected voice. The very first thing to register in his blurry vision was a large blob of red and white. As he shook his head, lifting his oddly heavy hoof to rub his eyes, his vision began to clear as he looked upward, seeing Big Mac's poker face look down at him.

"Wha..." It was the only thing Caramel was able to say as he attempted to piece together why he wasn't in his own house, sleeping in his bed or even on the couch. His face was beginning to feel warm once more. His body was leaning against the red steed, the other acting as a blanket from the harsh winds.

"Ah said ya looked cold." Big Macintosh said again. "Ah didn't really know what ta do... didn't have a blanket or anythin', so ah just..." He trailed off, looking downward at the cool snow underneath the bench. "S-Sorry..." He mumbled. "Wasn't much else ta do." He seemed to be embarrassed.

Caramel blinked his eyes, realizing exactly where he was. The memories began to flood back into his mind, causing him to press a hoof against his forehead. "I-I fell asleep?" He asked disbelievingly, his voice still hoarse.

"Eeyup." Big Mac answered. "Fer 'bout twenty minutes." The steed pulled back his hoof from Caramel's face and began to fiddle with it. "Y-Ya were shiverin'... it ain't smart ta fall asleep out here, specially durin' winter." The steed's voice was smaller than usual, he was mumbling instead of his usual assertive voice.

The tan stallion nodded, his face still flushed as he sat up. "I-I'm sorry..." Was the first thing to come out of his mouth. "T-That must have been uncomfortable for you..." He felt like he was still in shock and disbelief about the situation, his body refusing to act frantic no matter how much his mind screamed.

The earth pony gave off a shiver, his back suddenly feeling cold as the winds gave him a few lashes. He could hear Big Macintosh adjust his body so it was facing forward once more. As he glanced behind him, he could see faintly beneath that poker face the steed always had that his eyes looked a little... embarrassed.

"Nopony walked by." Big Mac quickly said, somehow managing to keep his voice calm.

"O-Oh..." Caramel mumbled, turning his body forward, averting his eyesight from Mac's direction. He began to rub his hoof against his upper leg. "B-But still, I must have made you uncomfortable... you could have just put me down on the bench, or woken me up."

Big Macintosh didn't answer him. He simply sat there, making no sounds other than the noises coming from his mouth and nose. Caramel even dared to look over at him, but his face was back to showing no emotion. The tan stallion looked down, holding his breath.

"What... exactly is wrong with you?" The red steed suddenly asked. He must have sensed the way Caramel's body jumped in surprise at the sound of those words, because he quickly rephrased his sentence. "Ah mean... yer fine an all, but ya look so... weak today. Ah got real worried about ya, Cara." The tone in his voice was strange.

Caramel suddenly bit his lip. "I... I um..." He paused briefly, looking down at the snow not far from his body. He blinked a few times, his stomach churning. He could sense knives from Big Macintosh's gaze dig into his side as he struggled to speak. "W-Well," He closed his eyes, opening his mouth just to get it over with. "I-It's a really long word." He said. "It's some really long word that I can't really remember how to say... I mean, what's the point of remembering it if I can't do anything about it” He lowered his head, his breath shaky as he spoke. "I think it was... Immunodeficiency or something like that."

"Immuno... what?" Big Macintosh inquired, raising his brow.

The tan stallion gave a dry, nervous chuckle. "The simple version is... I just get sick a lot." He shook his head, beginning to frown. "The long version is... well, y'know how everypony has an immune system that fights off infections?" He asked, not waiting for a reply. He began to grow quieter in his words. "B-But once in a while, some ponies are born with either really weak immune systems or no immune systems at all. The ones born without them usually die in a few years... maybe even less"

Big Macintosh nodded, his eyes wide as his poker face began to fade. He seemed generally interested in the topic at hoof, nodding after every few words as he bore holes into Caramel's side.

Caramel gave off a smile that could only be described as forced. "Sage usually tells me I'm lucky I was just born with a weak one. He also tells me I'm lucky I even survived for so long, considering we didn't even think about me getting sick all the time until I moved in with him." He paused briefly. "I can't over exert myself though, no running, no hard working chores anymore, I can't even go outside that often. If I do, you saw what happened earlier, I nearly heaved up a lung from breathing so hard."

"What did you do to start breathing like that?" Big Macintosh asked.

"I tried running here... I was just supposed to tell you I was sorry for not being around and then bail. But then you asked me out for coffee and..." He pressed a hoof to his forehead, shrugging his upper legs. "I should have just said no..." He mumbled to himself.

As a sigh escaped his lips, the earth pony glanced over to Big Macintosh, forcing himself to look the other in the eye. Even with a faded poker face, he couldn't tell the emotions going though the stallion other than curiosity. He gulped, feeling the saliva flow over his dried out throat. "Y-Y'know, for a while there I was really excited about moving in with Sage and getting my cutie mark. Since I was so sick all the time, I didn't even get mine until I was twice the age of that little filly who ran by me. People always looked at me like something was wrong with me when I went out in public... but one day it just came to me. I was finally able to do something on my own without anypony's help. I could start making carriages for the royal guards to use, or even armor and weapons to help defend the royal palace... I wondered for a while if I would have made any kind of difference when those changelings attacked."

"Why didn't ya?"

Caramel frowned again. "Too many... fumes. They keep getting me sick whenever I need to a shop and work. I passed out a few times when I was there, that was enough for them to fire me I guess. Plus Sage won't let me go back after he found out..." He let a whinny pass his lips as he hunched over. "I just have to lie in bed and let every little non life threatening disease hit me one after another. If I'm lucky, I'll get a few days where I'm strong enough to walk around. But most of the time I'm swallowing a hoof full of pills a day." He chuckled without emotion before chewing on the inside of his cheek.

"Why... why weren't ya gonna tell me?" Big Macintosh asked, hesitating on his word choice.

Caramel looked over to Big Macintosh, looking into his large, green eyes. "Because... you aren't condescending or anything like that. I don't want you to start pitying me, or being concerned for me if I breathe weird. You treat me like a friend... I don't want you to think of me as a chore to be around or anything."

"But... that's not what a good friend is." Big Macintosh replied, his voice sounding dumbfounded, causing Caramel to look at him with confusion. "Friends don't ignore when their friends are in trouble, or hurting or anything like that. We don't pity them, we try and help them." His voice started to sound irritated as he shook his head in a disapproving manner.

"But... But I..." Caramel trailed off.

"Look, Ah'm yer friend, just because I start askin' if yer okay, or worry if yer cold, or ask ya ta tell me what's wrong, it doesn't mean ah'm pittyin' ya, it means I care enough ta worry in the first place!" Big Macintosh said as if it were obvious. "Ya can be a real dummy sometimes Cara. Don't start thinkin' yer a chore, got it?"

Caramel was silent as he felt his head nod. He didn't bother protesting further, for no sounds would come out of his mouth.

Big Macintosh gave off a smile. "Okay, now let's get you home." He said. The red steed got off the bench, standing on all four hooves as he began to stretch. "Alright, get on." He said, nodding towards his back.

"W-Wait, what?" Caramel asked, his voice higher than he expected it to be when it came out. "W-W-What for?"

The red steed paused, looking at the sky. "For one... ya can hardly walk, and if ya can we won't get ya home before sundown. And two, you're the dummy who walked out here when he should have gotten home to rest, so ya need ta learn a lesson."

"B-But..." Caramel began, only to be greeted with a glare that forced him to look away from Big Macintosh. "I-I'm sure I can walk... I don't need to be carried around like a..." As he was saying this, he attempted to get off the bench. However the moment his hooves hit the surface of the snow his legs suddenly began to feel wobbly. His body began to collapse forward, and he unintentionally grabbed onto Big Macintosh's neck to catch himself.

"Told ya." Big Macintosh said "Yer gettin' sick again, need ta get ya home fast." Giving off a smirk he hopped his body, forcing Caramel's smaller, much lighter one to suddenly bounce on his back. "Now, no complainin', if Apple Bloom and Apple Jack survived this punishment, so can ya."

Caramel gave off a groan of protest. "But I'm your age..." He whimpered. "A-And you have to go through town to even get to my house." He felt his heart beat faster, near begging the other to let him down. He buried his head in the other's mane, thinking to himself about how warm Big Macintosh was, how he wouldn't very much mind this if it were any other situation.

"Too bad." Big Macintosh said, beginning to move his hooves. "If ya did the smart thing and waited till tomorrow, maybe you would be able to stand walk by yourself, and maybe ya wouldn't be sick." He began to pick up his speed, moving in a brisk trot. "Oh, and don't bury yer face in me, ya have to guide me."

"I-I don't like you very much anymore..." Caramel whined. "You know that right?"

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh replied.

"Won't you be embarrassed to be seen like this?"

Big Macintosh paused in his walking for a moment. He put a hoof to his chin and rubbed it for a good five seconds before letting it drop back down to the ground.
