• Published 22nd Jan 2013
  • 42,323 Views, 2,893 Comments

The Monster in the Twilight - Georg

Twilight Sparkle’s brilliant mind was gone, burned away by her own power when she nearly destroyed Canterlot twelve years ago. Now there is a monster prowling the Everfree. And it is starting to remember what true power felt like.

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Dear Princess Luna - Letters from a Little Princess Monster

Letters From a Little Princess Monster
Dear Princess Luna

Monster curled up by the fire, a quill held with great care as she contemplated a piece of beautifully smooth paper. The world she had been reborn into was so filled with both terrifying and wonderful things that it overwhelmed her mind in a flurry of half-remembered thoughts and chaotic new experiences. Tomorrow her friends were going to take her into town, in the sunlight, and it made her nervous enough she could not sleep.

A faint snore came from behind her as Spike changed positions in his own slumber. He was so close to the fire that warmed mom’s caldron that his tail was keeping the embers from spilling out across the floor. The little dragon was just one of the new friends she had begun to make since her new life had begun, and the rest of her friends lay curled up nearby with little whistling snores of their own, in particular a two-part pegasus harmony from Featherweight and Scootaloo. The potion room felt crowded with all of them in it at once, as well as mom and tallgrass huddled together speaking in low tones about the spirits and herbs in a shadowy corner. She had lived alone with mom for nearly her entire life, and now having so many other ponies in her life, as well as a dragon, scared her just a little. Being surrounded by strange ponies probably scared the dark princess more, and now that the moon had risen, she would be even more afraid.

Trixie had written a letter to the white pony Celestia to share what she was learning in town, although when Spike read it out loud for errors before using his flaming breath to send it, they sounded a lot more like complaints than sharing. The dark pony Luna had been so afraid about many of the same things she was, so maybe if Monster were to share her fears and joys with Luna, they would both be able to face their new lives with more courage.

Dunking just the very tip of her quill into the ink, Monster stuck her tongue out of the corner of her mouth in concentration and began to write.

dear princess luna…

The story continues in Letters From a Little Princess Monster.

With the help of their friends and close relatives, Princess Luna and Twilight Sparkle adjust to their new positions in the fun and occasionally frightening world into which they have been reborn.

Comments ( 189 )

You clever little shit.

What a good way to get around the 'No new chapters just to say 'hey there's a sequel' rule :rainbowlaugh:


Considering I would have had no idea about the new story without this, screw that stupid, retarded rule.

3440352 Agreed completely. The really stupid part of that business is that there is a feature where you can write a blog post so that everyone who favorited the story will be notified, but that feature doesn't work and there's no word on when they'll get it fixed. And in the meanwhile, they've left us no other way to get the word out. It's just maddeningly stupid.

3440401 It's NEVER worked.

Bravo on getting around that dumb rule. Further bravo for continuing this story!

No, it did work at one point. I remember occasionally getting stuff from authors I didn't watch that were marked with something along the lines of 'because you favourited [story]...' But then it just, stopped working.

I totally squeed like a little girl. And bravo for getting around that rule. Very clever. After all, this chapter DOES contain content relevant to the story! :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by nemryn deleted Nov 4th, 2013

Umm when I click the sequel link I just get a white screan with the text "Dont ban kaidann!!11!11!!" can anyone explain this?

To whomever is responsible; It's quite irritating to have a story hijacked by some protest.
I want to read stories, not be assaulted by text.

Comment posted by kingtiger666 deleted Nov 4th, 2013

3442416 3442435 Hm, that's weird. I changed my password just to make sure there's not something weird going on, and I double checked the link in "Edit" to make sure it was right, and even clicked the link afterwards, and everything seems to be OK. I'll have to drop a note to Knightly and see if a squirrel got loosed in the machinery. Seems to be that time of year for transformer explosions. Looks like there was an attempt to hack the site, but the admins have it all fixed now. Whew.

Shouldn't she be referring to herself as Twilight now?

3441868 Regardless, it was shit.

3446615 For purely practical purposes. This question has been asked a few times, and the answer is simple: If she were to call him Floyd or something, every time Spike is referenced, I would have to add a line or two to remind the reader "Floyd=Spike" or they would get confused. It's a little like calling a rabbit a meep. Far better to simply let Spike be himself, only a little more greedy and selfish (much like his "sister").
3444686 I've mentioned before that this fic has a huge cast. 6 little ponies, 6 big ponies, Zecora, Tallgrass, Cadence and Shining Armor, Luna, Celestia, Nightmare Moon, and Chrysalis. The main focus is supposed to be on Twilight, so every time I go to a supporting character, I lose focus.

Well, this was certainly amazing and have all of my love forever for this story :pinkiehappy:

3447111 I see, makes sense. After all, a lot of stuff was developed for war...

Well, I think that is the reader's fault for not remembering that Spike has been renamed. If you stated it at the start, then the reader should always remember it. If they don't, then you can't really do much about it.

I just finished reading this whole story in one go. Roughly two hours and 45 minutes. Not a new record by any means for me, but still impressive for 96k words.

I had plans for this afternoon, and those went out the window after chapter two. Georg, this story was amazing. Honestly, i've not read a non-one shot 'complete' story in quite a while. These chapters just flew by, in some cases literally. I only stopped reading once, to pull up 'Daylight's End' when those lyrics rolled right along. I nearly finished that chapter in two minutes.

Georg, I thank you for writing this. Definitely one of the best stories i've read in a while.

Wow, this story is great. I hope the sequel is as good.

3452367 I challenge you to read one of the massice 800k+ stories that are out there in 2 days or less! I did it once. It was glorious, although I was really tired afterwards.

3453532 Yeah, I've considered putting that in this TV Tropes page, but it's still not overkill enough.
3452367 You're welcome. Liking the sequel?
3451335 Um. How do I say this. If you're old enough, read this for education the role estrus plays in the reproductive cycles of cartoon hooved ungulates.
3449949 Equestria has one of the finest war machines ever developed. Their Strategic Pudding Delivery system is the terror of their enemies, and the central core of the Royal Guard is the 104th Heavy Custard Battalion, who's motto is "We're in the thick of it now, boys!" The development of food-based weaponry is the mainstay of the economy, supporting everything from the Blancmange Bombardment Unit, to the Cupcake Cannon divisions, with enough carbohydrate and sugar-based weaponry stockpiled to withstand a siege of three years duration, and that's without eating the ammunition.

Already done. Knocked out Fallout: Equestria when i first joined the fandom about a year ago. Spent a weekend (~30 hours of one, anyways) on it, and its up past 600k. I also found Blue Angel (770k words) and knocked it out back when it was 700k in three days, ~40 hours.

Haven't started on it yet, but i will be shortly.

3455779 Wow nice, I read Blue Angel as it updated, so it was easier for me. Still working through Fallout: Equestria right now. Have you read Man Of War? That one's pretty long, and not a bad read either.

It's one of the 150+ fics sitting my read later list, (Down from 200, so i've made progress!) and will get to it eventually. It's been sitting there awhile. I bet it has settled down with a nice oneshot, bought a house, and had several kids together.

3458039 Hmm, I suppose you could say that. The author is insane though, I think it's barely halfway done according to the author's notes.

So i see from its description. The largest fic i've read, to date, would have to be Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons. Which as of like chapter 35 was larger than the original FoE. It's at chapter 61 now, and as of chapter 55 is past 1.15m. That was six chapters ago, so probably 1.25 to 1.3m isn't a bad estimate, putting it twice the original FoE's wordcount. Hell if i know if it's nearing the end, i've not read it since chapter 58.

3457953 Yeah, but they have a Twilight, just like the Avengers had a Hulk against the army Loki borrowed and we all know how that worked out...

I thought it was a penis, but then I also thought, "Naw, that is too borderline. He wouldn't try something as gaudy as that."


It seems I was mistaken. You, sir, have balls.

Not to mention nuclear arms' effectiveness are measured relative to masses of TNT.
In short, Twilight made enough explosive to equal out to the destructive force of a HYDROGEN BOMB.

Okay. Georg. I have something extremely blunt and probably hurtful to say that you NEED to hear.
Stop fanboying to Pen Stroke.
If anything, they should get their head out of their arse, read this, and learn how to write a real story.
You, my friend, inhabit a space on the coveted list of "Vera's Favorite Authors."
And by that I don't mean writers from this site.
This shit right here, nigga?
This is standing shoulder to shoulder with A Clockwork Orange, and Brave New World.
You did things to my emotions and thoughts with your words that have not been done since Clarke, Heinlein, Bradbury and Vonnegut.
You're an amazing author, and more people need to know it. If you don't manage to write and publish something "real" that will challenge conventional thinking in the same way as Stranger In A Strange Land and become as iconic and widely-known as 2001: A Space Odyssey....
It will mean that truly Humanity has no hope left, no love and light and appreciation for worthwhile reading materials left to it. And that's sad.

3473363 True. Not even space travel is really a technology that they might want to have, one of the reasons for fear of ...repercussions.

3473729 Just because something is used in conversation doesn't make it right. It was born from ignorance, and I refuse to acknowledge that the one is technically acceptable. Am I being pigheaded, old-fashioned and stubborn? Yeah. Do I care? No. I saw an error, so I pointed it out. It's up to you to chose to change it or leave it. Either way, at least I brought it to your attention.

a great read I have only one small problem I know why the writer did it and it works so its no big deal but I would of liked it if she had not ben reborn and was able to be with mac. mostly because who could she be with now? snip? snail? applebloom? but any how only a small thing that can be over looked as she was given a new chance at life and that seams to be the better trade off then a simple booty call

It all makes sense in retrospect, but I didn't think that he was actually that shameless.


Twilight is basically a regular animal due to her broken mind, and, in the animal kingdom, there is no such thing as shame.

I was talking about "he," as in the author. XD


:facehoof: well, now i feel like an idiot


Twilight Velvet and Night Light, although never referred to by name in the story, know that their Twilight Sparkle is alive if nothing else from what their son and royal daughter-in-law say when they return from the Everfree every month or two. What they really care about is if she is sane, and although they've been waiting twelve years to see her, they are not about to rip her away from the only mother she can really remember, in particular if it endangers that newfound sanity. Now they may be foolish enough to invite Twilight and her friends up to their Canterlot home for a few days, once she feels up to it, but that is a disaster movie of another color. "Hey Mom! We found somepony in the statue garden up at the castle! Can he stay the night? He's a little weird, but fun!"

This is literally all implicit. There wasn't a single shred of evidence based on the story that proves this to be so. I can agree with you on the top part, but this part is just your rationalization that was never put into the story. I would have been more inclined to believe you if this were in the story.

YOU'RE RIGHT! I didn't even have this avatar when I posted that. Thanks for pointing it out! I had a good laugh at my past self's words.

It sounds like Twilight was just to OP, and beside, Twilight took control over the situation at peek of her power, and it was a dangerous gamble. How can she repeat it with ease after not having any memories from her harsh events?

Right now she was reborn as innocent alicorn filly, not an OP driven by power battle mage.

3671151 Please note this is the official story, or at least the story that the newspapers ran. Monster needed time to heal her mind and get used to the real world as Twilight, so her little friends (and Trixie) put together a story for the newspapers as described in the sequel to give her that time. And it's about as accurate as most newspaper stories...

Trixie reached under her hat and tossed a copy of the Foal Free Press onto the table, landing face up with the headline “Nightmare Moon Defeated! Princess Luna Freed!” blaring out in a huge headline across the front, and a picture of the two alicorns(*) in question side-by-side beneath.
“B-but...” stammered Linchpin, pointing one hoof at the paper like it concealed a vicious spider, or, worse, an uncontrolled press story. “What about our talking points?”
“Celestia’s Secret Student Unveiled,” said Sincerity, turning the page to look at a blurry photograph of a unicorn mare with a huge question mark stamped on top of it. “Trained in an undisclosed location by a Zebrican shaman, selected at foalhood to act as a secret agent for the Princess… The only thing they don’t claim is that she’s secretly a Neighponese Ninja.”
“Page four,” said Trixie. “But it’s only a rumor. Although I really like the part about her living on a volcanic island with giant robots that shoot laser beams out of their eyes.”

In the meantime, Twilight Sparkle, n.e. Monster, is learning how to rejoin society, meet her real parents, and avoid returning to her feral nature while living in Ponyville as a little alicorn filly in Letters From a Little Princess Monster. (and I got a plug in for the sequel, how's that?)

Thank you.

That was a very enjoyable read. Not nearly as sad as I was afraid it could be, and quite relatable. The whole idea of two underpowered sets of bearers instead of one extra-powerful was very interesting indeed, not to mention quite creative (if a little under-developed in later chapters) changelings thread, and of course my favorite type of Luna: sincere-sneaky.

I can agree with the other poster who said the ending was lacking a bit - not in means of action, because the events and fights were just as tense as they should be, but - the chapters written from perspective of Monster, with running emotions, fear and shame burning, these made about the most powerful parts, eclipsing even the most tense action pieces. I got used to them and was really looking forward to them. When they became rare near the ending, giving way to adventure and even plain slapstick, I expected the void after them to be filled with a really powerful, single one. And it never came - we never saw the ending from perspective of Monster, we never really felt what the filly alicorn feels.

I guess the entire "Letters..." currently fulfills that role, but it is a separate story after all. THIS one didn't really get the final closure of its most powerful thread...

3676512 Point taken. However, realize that the story is effectively over at the end of Chapter 31, done in Luna/Celestia/Trixie's POV intentionally, because after 29 (Monster's sacrifice), she's exhausted, despondent, and weak. Chapters 32+33 are for tying up the loose ends of Luna/Celestia's relationship, Trixie's change of heart, and the ultimate disposition of Monster and Zecora, all of which she has nothing to do with. She has her friends, and all the adults are doing that adult stuff. Her last action is to give Miss Smarty Pants to Luna and go off to play. I considered glossing over it and just closing out after 31, but that left a ragged bleeding edge on the story that I didn't like. So yeah, the tail goes on a little longer than I really like, but I can't cut it down and make it better, only shorter and less understood. (and with all the flack I've caught over Twilight's parents, I want it understood :)

Bravo, bravo. There is a selective number of stories that I call my absolute favorite. Past sins, five score, and Hope to name a few. And now, I can say without a doubt, that this is one of my favorites. Good show.

You know what this continuity needs? Fanart. I'm having trouble properly visualizing Twilight. I'm stuck between three versions in my head: random splotches of color all over, Lady Rainicorn style from Adventure Time, and the colors going horizontally along her body in blending rings.

4025427 ya love them mini cartoons they have really cute :pinkiehappy:


I misspelled it. :facehoof: Feral Twilight, Ferallight

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