• Published 22nd Jan 2013
  • 42,327 Views, 2,893 Comments

The Monster in the Twilight - Georg

Twilight Sparkle’s brilliant mind was gone, burned away by her own power when she nearly destroyed Canterlot twelve years ago. Now there is a monster prowling the Everfree. And it is starting to remember what true power felt like.

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Ch. 31 - Sunrise

The Monster in the Twilight

In what had once been a universe of pure light, darkness now tinged parts of the sky, fuzzy blotches of nothingness that devoured the light in an inexorable progression. Soon, there would be nothing but darkness, and the indistinct forms of Twilight and Luna dodged around the growing places where their world was returning to the magic from which it had been built. Without a stationary frame of reference, it was impossible to tell how fast the glowing forms of Twilight and Luna were moving, but it would have been plain to see for any observer that one was lagging behind the other.

“Too far.” Twilight’s voice was weak, and barely carried to the star-filled alicorn form who stayed at her side. The glowing ball of purple sparks faltered in her pursuit, falling behind momentarily until the ethereal form of Luna slowed to match her speed.

“Do not lose hope, Twilight Sparkle.”

The violet light flickering in the weak ball of particles dimmed, and the progress of the two trapped ponies slowed yet again when they skirted another growing blotch of darkness that was consuming their vanishing world. A ragged wisp of purple ripped away into the coiling darkness as they passed, and she staggered in their flight with a soundless scream only for Luna to wrap around her in support while they flew onward.

“Weak.” Even in direct contact, Luna could barely hear her voice, and a ripple passed through her immaterial body as Twilight continued, “Leave me.”


“Can’t see the way out. Slowing you down.” More patches of darkness opened up while they flew together, a deadly maze that only grew more complex as they traveled. Still, Luna flew onward, dodging around the lethal hazards in pursuit of a target only she seemed able to sense.

“I shall not abandon thee, Twilight Sparkle, just as thy friends shall not abandon thee.”

“Or Celestia,” murmured Twilight, secure in Luna’s embrace. “Loyal. Never gave up on you.” The flight of the dark celestial alicorn stuttered for a brief moment as if her starry wings had caught on some unseen obstruction before she continued winging her way through the vanishing light. She flew in silence for a time, swooping between the growing patches of darkness while the world became gradually dimmer and her path grew random. The light of this world was dwindling as her own last night was about to fall, and Luna whispered while flying with Twilight held close.

“Sister, I wish I could but see your light one more time.”


An ocean of fire surrounded where Celestia lay in exhaustion, her corporeal form faded to mere outlines in the constant flow of the solar wind. The barrier that Nightmare Moon had placed around the sun was too strong, wrapped and bulwarked with every trick and flourish that Luna had ever known. Celestia’s heart had broken at the moment Luna had died, vanishing from her perception in the blink of an eye. Consumed by rage, she had thrown herself against the wards of her prison again and again until there was nothing left within her weakened body but sorrow. She would fade, her light becoming one with the carefree lights who flowed and danced on the ever present winds of the sun.

Where once there had been two sisters, there was now only one, and she could not live alone.

The purifying flames of the sun felt welcome in her chest, slowly turning her mortal form to nothingness, removing the pain and sorrow that had been trapped for so long. Piping voices sounded around her, their unearthly language sounding almost comprehensible now that she neared the end. They almost sounded like—


Celestia bolted upright. It was impossible. That was Luna’s voice.

“Tia! Tia!”

Swirls of the glowing wisps spun and danced in her direction, surrounding her in a dizzying blur of pure joy as one individual spark floated down in front of her face.


There was the faintest tinge of violet to the glowing aura that surrounded the wisp as it spun and pranced in front of her with all the ecstasy of a foal finding its mother. Celestia felt her body grow firm again, pulling its mortal essence back to her familiar shape as the rest of the wisps danced around them, mirroring the movements of their dissimilar twin.

“H-have you seen Luna?” asked Celestia.

The wisp stopped dancing, holding itself almost rigidly solid against the solar wind, and a voice emerged from it that she had given up hope of ever hearing again.

“I’m sorry, Tia. Goodbye.”

A jolt passed through Celestia as she stumbled, then flung herself up into the sky in a blaze of fire. Power shimmered in her wake, drawn from the substance of the sun in reckless disregard for anything but speed. Rising higher and faster than she had ever traveled, she could feel her body gather the power, concentrating with one thought, one goal.

Until she struck the wards.

Felt them bend with a crackle of dark fire against her mortal shell.

The popping of spells fracturing.

And she was flung back.

Dark fire danced across Celestia’s skin while she spun down into the blazing sun, her body weakly twitching even as she cast a despairing look at her beloved Equestria still out of reach.

“I’m sorry, Luna.”

“Tia!” Wisps streamed around her falling body, extinguishing the ebon flames that left dark traces on her shining coat. Power coursed into her again as the wisps bore her up, surrounding her with their bodies until she once again struck the wards.

And shattered them like glass.

“Tia! Fly!” shouted the wisps, scattering in her wake as Celestia took wing, streaking through the sky on her way to Equestria and the tiny trace of her sister she could sense. A trace that was fading far faster than she could fly.

She was going to be too late.

The spluttering roar and crackle of vast power being unleashed echoed around the ancient throne room, spraying sparks and threads of fire from the Element of Magic that burned pits and charred lines on the blackened coats of the three ponies standing by the shrinking sphere. Tallgrass winced at each spark that landed on his chitinous back while Zecora simply stood immobile as if the smoldering spots were not worth her attention, but Trixie was getting the worst end of the backlash by far.

Only the smoldering cape across Trixie’s back had managed to protect her from actually catching on fire. Nearly all of her wispy mane had been burned to smoking stubs, and the unmistakable stench of burning hair made her voice rasp while she growled curses and maledictions against the quivering golden circlet on her brow. The shrinking of the golden sphere continued, although possibly slower now, but it had nearly reduced its diameter to a few hooves across, and the light that coursed out of the hole in it only flickered and strobed, never stopping even for a moment.

Twist nuzzled up to Fluttershy’s neck and whispered into her ear, “Do you think Trixie can thave Monthter?”

Keeping a stone pillar between herself and the spray of magical sparks, Fluttershy shook her head and nuzzled Twist in return. Each adult pony had brought one of the little ones behind cover when Trixie had started her seemingly futile attempt to control the shrinking golden sphere with magic and profanity, but in the chaotic confusion, they each had wound up with a different golden-necklaced pony than they expected. Rarity wound Scootaloo’s injured ankle in an improvised bandage, while Applejack stroked the mane of a crying Sweetie Belle, talking to her in a low voice about the pain of loss. Apple Bloom fought with Rainbow Dash, who was holding the little earth pony suspended over the ground and unable to gain traction in order to keep her from running back out to where the swearing unicorn struggled with her difficult task.

It was a heart-rending huddle of miserable ponies who held themselves together for mutual support, although Rarity did try to keep Scootaloo’s ears covered whenever Trixie hit a particularly virulent series of swear words.

The roar of erratic magic dwindled when Trixie finally shouted, “I can’t do it!”

“No!” screamed Scootaloo, jumping away from Rarity’s tearful bandaging and dodging her way over to the smoldering unicorn. “You just gotta do it! You just need to try harder!”

The clatter of many little hooves promptly followed the little pegasus, perhaps a herding instinct from her friends being behind her in the wagon for so many stressful times. They all clustered around Trixie, leaning against her and crying almost incomprehensibly about their lost friend. The adults hurried up, first attempting to pull the little ponies to a safe distance, but changing their minds when they saw the frazzled state Trixie was in.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t,” moaned Trixie, reaching up to remove the Element of Magic. “I failed.” Her hoof encountered another when she touched the tiara, holding it firmly to her head as Zecora turned on Trixie with a soft voice that felt eerie in the echoing room.

“Who are you?”

“You daft old bat,” snapped Trixie, trying to move her hoof to remove the tiara but remaining trapped. “I’m a failure! Just let me go!”

“What about Monster?” sobbed Apple Bloom.

“I don’t care about…”

Trixie trailed off, looking at the concentrated gaze of every pony in the room, both large and small. The glitter of gold and jewels of the Elements of Harmony around the necks of the little ones ripped at her heart with agonizing jealousy. Twilight Sparkle had been a destructive monster, but she had been able to attract not just one, but five little friends to use the ancient weapon. The tiara that Trixie now bore on her own head knew she was not worthy of their trust, and would not even try to join with the rest of the golden parts. It fought her at every turn, and even though Twilight Sparkle had been able to use it alone, that success was going to be the death of the insane purple mare in just a few minutes.

“I don’t…” Her voice dropped to an anguished whisper. “I’m not strong enough.”

“But you’re the Great and Powerful Trixie,” sobbed Twist.

“Yeah, you can do anything!” said Scootaloo. “Except fly.”

“And out-drink Big Mac,” added Pinkie Pie.

“You are an extraordinary talent,” said Rarity tearfully, with a gentle pat to the remains of Trixie’s smoldering cloak in order to put out a persistent ember. “With depths we never realized before.”

“Yeah!” said Rainbow Dash with a punch of one hoof. “You made Nightmare Moon blow up the whole Town Hall!”

“You think this is just a game?” snapped Trixie, pointing at the shrinking sphere. Zecora took the opportunity to tap her gently on the head, speaking even softer.

“This is no game. What is your name?”

“I am… Trixie?” she said, looking with confusion between Zecora and the shrinking sphere, only half the size it had been just a few minutes ago.

“Louder! And prouder!” said Zecora in a voice so soft as to be nearly inaudible.

“Don’t give up,” said Apple Bloom with a fierce nudge that was more like a head-but to the side of the hesitant unicorn.

“She ain’t no quitter,” said Applejack from the other side of Trixie with a similar nudge. “You whip this one and Big Mac will have to get in line to go out with ya.”

“Yeah!” said Sweetie Belle, rearing up to put two hooves gently on her star-and-wand cutie mark and laying her head against the dirty sweat-smeared mare. “My sister says you’re our rolling model. Do it for us!”

Do it for you.

Trixie turned from her audience to once again face the rapidly-shrinking sphere. With a brief grunt, she leaned into her power again, focusing it through the rebellious Element of Magic with a soft hissing noise that splattered sparks around the golden sphere.

“You show ‘em!” cheered Scootaloo.

“Yeah!” added Featherweight, touching his shutter to get a picture before resting a hoof on Trixie’s side. “Kick its flank!”

“More, I implore.” The persistent voice of the zebra touched some deeply-buried reserve of anger in Trixie, and she poured the emotion into her spell.

“I am the Great and Powerful Trixie!” she rasped, wincing as her magic popped and snapped white sparks around the tourmaline gem in the Element, scattering more burning spots down her neck. The surrounding ponies all rested a hoof on her for support while Trixie poured more and more power into her spell, ignoring the flash and roar of feedback that shook the ancient walls.

“Who are you!”

Trixie braced her hooves, leaning into her magic with a snarl of frustration made manifest as the Element of Magic fought from side to side. The roar of magic doubled, and doubled again as her hooves skidded briefly backwards, knocked off-balance by the shaking ground but held firm by her friends. Sparks sprayed in a constant stream, deflected from the huddling ponies around her by a dim chromatic glow flickering from the golden necklaces around each of the young ponies. The light at the end of her horn was too bright to look at now, a brilliant flare that seemed to penetrate the skin of each pony in the room and burn into their hearts.

“I am the Great and Powerful Trixie! Student to Princess Celestia, the Unconquered Sun!”

“Is this your fate?” shouted Zecora over the thunderous roar of magic. “To be too late?”

“No!” The incandescent stream of polychromatic fire pouring into the hole in the golden sphere clashed with the light bursting out, spitting and popping explosively in a cataclysmic tornado-like roar that shook the building and rained down small stones from the ceiling.

“What will ponies say you did today?”

Light had so flooded the room it was impossible to tell the exact location of anypony, a brilliance that seemed solid and just as immobilizing as molten glass. The zebra’s voice resonated through the room, bringing the spark of an unfamiliar feeling to Trixie’s chest when she realized just what was missing.

Relaxation swept across her in a wave as the roar of magic turned into a silent prismatic light, wrapping around the golden sphere and holding it perfectly still. In the quiet, only the sounds of breathing could be heard, and the peaceful voice of Trixie whispering.

“Not me. They will say we saved your daughter.”

Time ceased to hold meaning in the ancient room. It could have been hours or only a few minutes until a thin stream of dust began to pour out of the sphere, sliding through the magic without resistance. It pooled on the stone floor, glittering in reflected light until the last particle had escaped the imprisoning spell and the shape of a pony finished forming. Only then did the magic stop and the sphere dwindle out of existence.

The acrid smoke had dissipated in the light breeze blowing through the shattered windows of the throne room, allowing the distant sounds of birdsong to echo through the ruins. Sunlight streamed through the castle windows, sending brilliantly lit motes of dust drifting through the air in a gentle dance of random winds and highlighting the ponies as they stood up from where they had fallen on the floor as if waking from a dream.

In front of them all was a dark alicorn form, curled on the stone floor with wide teal eyes and panting rapidly, as if she were both frantic to feel air once again and terrified that it might be taken away at any moment. The sunlight glittered in her star-swept mane, which swirled and coiled across the floor in an invisible wind, but all eyes in the room were focused on one of her dark wings.

Which was being held protectively over an unmoving small figure.