• Published 23rd Dec 2012
  • 67,118 Views, 2,681 Comments

Winter Bells - Pen Stroke

Can Nyx find acceptance with her extended family during Hearth's Warming, or will she find the holiday hymns are filled with nothing but hollow promises?

  • ...

Lies of the Bells

Winter Bells

Preread, Edited, and Reviewed By

Batty Gloom, Illustrious Q, Municipal Engines, Cloudhammer, Wraithguard, Kohta Izumi, Kirk Heller


Part of a side-story miniseries known as "In The Family" for the story Past Sins

- The stories of the miniseries -


Chapter 8

Lies of the Bells


“Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!”

Lumber Jack wore a big grin as the chanting voices surrounded him, mixing with the gulping sound coming from his throat. Then, with a triumphant thud, he slammed the empty mug back onto the table next to his equally empty plate. Cheers rang out, backs were slapped, and bits changed hooves as Lumber Jack bested another pony. But still, his opponent, the son of a fellow tree cutter, continued to try and chug at his hot chocolate. He was just trying to finish and was doing valiantly. He, however, was doomed for failure. He tipped his head too far back, his chair teetered, and soon the young challenger fell to floor, causing a roar of laughter to fill Donut Joe's shop.

And none were laughing louder than Lumber Jack.

“You see, this vhy you don't challenge Lumber Jack, cause Lumber Jack always vins.” He turned and waved his hoof at Donut Joe. “Another round!”

“Sorry, Jack, but that was last call, remember?”

Normally, Donut Joe's shop would have already been closed, like most of the other places in the capital. This, however, was a tradition. All the ponies who sold wood and trees in Canterlot came together for Hearth's Warming Eve. They came to eat donuts, drink hot chocolate, and generally brag about anything and everything they could brag about. They told tall tales of how many trees they had cut down, of the largest tree they had cut down, and of how much money they had made in Canterlot that year. And every year, Donut Joe would keep his doors open just for them, enjoying their company and their generous tips.

But the party had to end sooner or later.

“Ah, you are too good to us Joe. You stay open late, and then stop us before ve make our stomachs burst. Let’s hear it for Donut Joe, best donut maker in Equestria!” Cheers went out in the donut shop for its owner before ponies began to rummage for bits to pay their part of the tab. Lumber Jack would do the same, but he helped the young stallion off the floor first. He then put a hoof around the colt's neck and pointed at one of the older ponies in their rowdy group. “Swift Chop, you got good son here. Good head and strong back, but he needs to learn not to swing at trees that are too big for him. And Lumber Jack, he very thick tree! Isn't that right!?”

Cheers and laughs of agreement filled the donut shop, making Lumber Jack laugh again as the younger stallion pulled himself away and rushed to the bathroom to puke. After that, tabs were paid and the end of year celebration for Equestria's holiday tree and wood suppliers was over. They began to file outside, and at first all walked down the street in a large group, continuing to sing, cheer, and be merry in the chill of the Hearth's Warming Eve night.

But, as they passed intersections, chunks of the group broke off to head down the streets that would take them back to their beds. Eventually, Lumber Jack too had to depart, making a few final jokes before making a left turn as the rest of the group continued down the same street. The chatter of his friends fell away to the calm silence of winter. The only sound to reach Lumber Jack's ears was the sound of his hooves crunching in the snow and gentle rhythm of his own breathing.

He could also hear bells. At first it was the tolling of a local bell tower as it announced the hour. But as the voices of those bells faded, he could hear the melody coming from the bells in towers of Canterlot Castle. They were playing Hearth’s Warming hymns, and Lumber Jack couldn’t help but smile and begin to hum along with the familiar carols. As a heavy set pony, he could never really be light on his feet. He was, however, content to sway his head with the rhythm and just enjoy the calm. Yes, he was big and he was boisterous, but he was also a tree cutter: a stallion of the woods. He knew how to appreciate the quiet, serene melodies, be they the songs of nature at peace or the hymns of his nation's founding.

“Hmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmm hmmm hmmm hm hm hmmmm.”

Turning a corner, Lumber Jack trotted down a street that began to carry him away from the castle and the melody of its bells. It was empty, as many streets were. The snow, however, looked as if it had been recently disturbed. Still, Lumber Jack’s mind dismissed it. There was no reason somepony else wouldn't be out and about, and he began to playful wonder who it could have been. Maybe it was a stallion taking a present to some sweet mare. Maybe it was a father coming home from a long business trip to his family. Maybe it was...


If there had been any other pony out and about, Lumber Jack may not have taken notice of the small yelp of pain. But in the silent solitude of the street, the small sound had stood out enough for him to stop and look down. Next to him were some low-cut, evergreen bushes, which separated a cafe’s patio seating area from the sidewalk. This alone would not have been significant, but Lumber Jack had seen something. He had seen what looked like a tail disappear beneath the shrubbery.

“Vhat is this?” Jack couldn't help but ask himself as he turned and stepped closer to the bushes. He lowered himself down and looked beneath the branches. A pair of eyes, glowing in the light of the street lamps, looked back, but then they were gone. There was a flash of movement, and the black thing was darting around the bushes, trying to escape.

“Oh, come here, kitty, kitty. You don't have to be afraid, kitty, kitty. Lumber Jack vill get you some varm milk.” Lumber Jack’s sweet words stood out in stark contrast to the fact he was tromping through the shrubs in hot pursuit of the furred creature like an Ursa Major through the forest. Still, the thing beneath the bushes was quick and managed to stay ahead of him. It darted and crawled beneath the needles of the evergreens, but Lumber Jack didn't relent. He chased the creature toward the stone wall of a quilting shop that boarded the cafe. And then, when the creature was cornered, he reached his hoof down and hauled it up into the air.

“Ah, you don’t have to be afraid little kitty. Lumber Jack vould never...”

He then looked at the thing, cocking his eyebrows in confusion at the black, struggling filly he was now holding upside down.

“You are not cat.”


It wasn't true! He wasn't right! It wasn't true! He wasn't right! It wasn't true! He wasn't right!

Nyx recited those words to herself over and over again as she ran, trying to deny the tears coming from her eyes and the fear growing in her heart. Hearing that Shining Armor had been keeping secrets hurt. Hearing what he thought she was trying to do to Twilight and the others hurt even more. But nothing hurt more than what he had said about Twilight.

That Twilight only cared for her because of a spell.

It was like the Children of Nightmare all over again. Spell Nexus and all those who followed him respected and admired her because of the blessing, but the moment she removed the spell they all turned their backs on her. They had all left the castle that day, leaving her to return to their lives and families. None of them had truly cared for her. None of them were worried what would happen to her.

That day, not a single soul had stayed at her side.

But that wasn’t true about Twilight. No, it couldn’t be. She wouldn’t believe it. Still, the fear chewed on the back of her mind. What if Shining was right? What if the love and care Twilight had shown was because of a curse that was twisting her mind and her heart? What would happen if that spell was lifted? Would Twilight make her leave?

Like demons from some dark corner of creation, the memories came back. That night... that horrible, horrible night. Nyx screamed for Twilight, but Twilight didn’t stop Celestia. She cried and begged, but Twilight didn’t speak out. She pleaded for the mare she called mother to save her, and she did nothing.

But now, if Shining was right and the spell was lifted, it would be worse. Twilight wouldn’t do nothing. Nyx knew Twilight would actively kick her out. Twilight would be as she had been when under the influence of the Children of Nightmare. She would have those cold, heartless eyes, and would say words that cut deeper than any dagger.

All she wanted, the only thing she ever wanted, was just to stay with Twilight!

The sharp bang of a bell snapped Nyx from her thoughts. She stumbled in the snow covered streets but managed to catch herself before she fell. She gasped deeply, catching the breath she didn’t even knew she had lost, and began to look around. She hadn't been paying attention to where she had been going. She had just been running to run. And now, as she looked around, a sinking feeling began to settle in her stomach. She didn't recognize the street or any of the shops. She had run and run and run, and now... now she didn't know where she was.

Another sharp bell sound made Nyx look up. It wasn't the bells of Canterlot Castle, though she could still hear them playing hymns in the distance. It was, instead, a smaller bell tower chiming out the hour. Still, Nyx began to glare at those bells as if they had been playing along with the bells of the castle, as if they were more members of its tortuous choir.

“A single bell ringing doesn’t make music. It’s only when a bunch of different kinds of bells, big and small, come together that they can make music. They play the carols, and it’s like the sky and wind are singing along.”

“It’s just like the hearth warming legend. Not one kind of pony could have made this kingdom. It was only when all three tribes worked together that Equestria was born. Different kinds, big and small, coming together to face adversity in the name of peace and harmony.”

Twilight's words, from the previous night, only made Nyx angrier. The hymns, the whole season, promised unity between ponies. It promised good times with family and friends. It promised warm reunions, laughter, and joy. It promised peace and harmony and a banishment of hatred.

But all that seemed like a dream that would never come true.

The tears poured down Nyx’s cheeks as she glared at the bell tower, even as it fell silent. She wanted nothing more than to rip every bell out of every tower in Canterlot and throw them over the edge of the city. She wanted to make the last song they sang the cacophony of them hitting the ground below. She wanted to make them stop. She wanted to make them stop singing those songs that promised things she’d never get to have. She wanted to stop them from preaching of happiness she would never get to enjoy unless she brainwashed everypony in Equestria.

She just wanted them to stop.

She began to sink in the snow and lifted her hooves to cover her ears. But, before she could, she began to hear something else. She gasped and looked behind her, ears standing erect. The sound was getting closer, and the louder it grew the more Nyx’s body tensed.

“Hmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmm hmmm hmmm hm hm hmmmm.”

It was somepony humming with the bells, and the pony’s voice was coming from around the corner of the nearby building. Fearing a repeat of what had happened on the stage's catwalks, Nyx scrambled to her hooves. Her first instinct was to run, but the pony was too close. If she just ran down the street, whoever it was would see her.

There was no time to run, she could only hide.

She looked around for someplace to conceal herself, but only saw one option: a row of bushes. She didn't like the hiding spot one bit. It was reminding her too much of the bush in the Everfree Forest where she had begun her short life. She bit her lip, shut her eyes, dove into the embrace of the evergreen shrubs and then fought the urge to jump back out into the street.

She could only hear the humming for a while, but then came the sound of hooves crunching in the snow. They were still getting closer, and, as each step grew louder, it sounded more and more to Nyx like the mouth of some great beast as it chewed on bones. She stayed perfectly still, as if a single movement might give away her hiding place. She didn't dare to breathe, even as her lungs began to burn with a hunger for a fresh breath. Even the smallest peep might alert the nearby pony to her presence. She had to stay quiet. She had to just stay quiet and wait for him to pass. Then she could...


Nyx slapped her hoof over her mouth but it was too late. The pony walking by had stepped on her tail, which had remained exposed outside the bushes, and the sharp spike of pain had made that small yelp escape her mouth. On instinct she reached a hoof back and pulled her tail into the bush with her, but the damage had been done. The pony that had been walking by turned, moved closer, bent down, and then looked beneath the bush.

Their eyes locked for one moment before Nyx bolted. As if she was being chased by the same pony who had ambushed her on the catwalks, she began to run through the underbrush of the shrubs. The pony, however, took chase, stomping through the bushes. She began to panic, began to hyperventilate. She heard the pony say something, but didn't care what it was. She just kept trying to get away.

But the bushes weren't like the catwalk. They didn't loop around, allowing her to keep running from her pursuer. They ended, and Nyx had to skid to a stop to keep herself from running into the solid stone wall at the far end of the shrubbery.

And that was when she felt a hoof grab her hind leg.

She was hauled upward and back into the light of the Canterlot street lamps. Still, she didn’t hesitate a moment. She started to thrash, twist, and flail in the other pony’s grip. She flapped her wings and tried to kick at him. But her attempts at escape were futile. The pony's grip was strong. She couldn't get away, no matter how she tried.

“You are not cat.”

Nyx stopped flailing at those words, spoken by a voice she now recognized. It was Lumber Jack, and for a moment she was happy to see him. He had been nice, if a bit eccentric, when she and Twilight had gone with the rest of the family to his tree lot. But... but now she wasn't in disguise. Now he could see her black coat and her real eyes, and, as she began to fear what he would do, she began to renew her attempts to escape.

“Vhoa now, little one, Lumber Jack is not going to hurt you,” he said, trying to calm her down.

“Just leave me alone!”

Her shout only made Lumber Jack arch his eyebrows further and cock his head to one side. He drew her closer to his face and looked at her with a scrutinizing gaze. “Vait, you are familiar. Yes... yes, I know you. You look different, but Lumber Jack knows that cutie mark and that voice.” He paused for just a moment and gently bounced Nyx, like he was feeling how heavy a melon was at a store. “I also knows your veight. You are... Little Snowflake?”

“That's not my name!” Nyx shouted.

“Yep, you are Little Snowflake,” he said as he carried Nyx back out to the street and set her down on the sidewalk. It was an opportunity Nyx attempted to seize. She tried to turn and run the moment her hooves were on the ground, but Lumber Jack caught her again and once more held her upside down by one of her back legs.

“Now, vhy are you trying to run? Vhy are you outside by yourself in first place? Vhere is Twilight? Does she know vhere you are? She must be vorried sick.”

Nyx’s struggling began to subside as the strength left her legs and tears began to well up in her eyes. “No! She isn’t! Not really! She doesn’t really care because Shining’s right!”

“Vhat!? Lumber Jack saw Twilight. She cares for you like I care for trees,” he said, setting Nyx down again. “Vhat makes you say such things? Vhat is Snowflake talking about?”


“I can’t believe you did this! Have you lost your mind?! Do you realize how many laws you’ve broken!? Do you realize you almost got yourself killed? By the sun and the moon, I never thought you could be this—”

Shining Armor pulled the door to the medical ward shut, muffling the shouts coming from Clear Cut. He had found her on the battlements, using a pair of binoculars to help in the search for Nyx. She hadn’t stayed there for long, though. The moment she understood what Column had done, she galloped to the medical wards as fast as her hooves could carry her. She had then burst into the room and proceeded to whack Column in the back of the head with her hoof.

Then came the shouting, and it wasn’t long after that Shining thought it was best to excuse himself. He cringed at the sound of something crashing inside the medical wards, but he didn’t open the door again. The doctor and nurses were at hoof to keep Clear Cut from knocking any more teeth out of Column’s mouth.

Still, her shouts made Shining cringe as he turned and began to walk away. He wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of her rage, but, at the same time, he’d prefer being shouted at over the cold shoulder he was getting. After Twilight realized Nyx had run off, quick plans were made to search for her. And during those few minutes, Twilight and Cadance had refused to speak with him.

Then again, could he blame them?

“Says the alicorn who can spread love like it’s cheap, chalky, Hearts and Hooves day candy!”

Shining winced and pushed the stupid thing he had said from his mind. He instead focused on the path ahead. He navigated halls, climbed stairs, and eventually reached one of the highest towers, a part of the palace he was very familiar with. During his wedding, Celestia and Luna had taken turns watching the entire city through the telescope mounted to the banister of the tower’s balcony. They had kept a vigilant watch for danger coming from the outside or the streets of the city.

That same balcony was where Shining found Princess Luna, though she wasn’t gazing through the telescope. She was instead standing like a statue with her wings folded and her head tilted slightly back. Her eyes were shut and a gentle light was coming off her horn. She was in the trance of performing some unknown spell, but she opened her eyes once Shining stepped onto the balcony.

“Did you find Clear Cut?”

“Yes. She’s... talking with her brother right now,” Shining said as he came up beside the princess. “Has anypony been able to find Nyx?”

“No,” Luna answered as she turned her head to look at him. “The guard, however, has expanded their search, and Twilight is now attempting to perform a scrying spell at your parent’s home. She is having trouble though. The only item in Canterlot of enough personal significance to Nyx to be viable for a scrying spell is her headband, and it is still buried somewhere in the wreckage of the catwalk.”

Shining turned his body, preparing to head back inside the castle. “I guess that means you want me to go back downstairs and look for it.”

“No,” Luna said as she looked back at Shining. “Some ponies are already clearing the wreckage in search of the headband, and some guards had been dispatched to Ponyville to collect a cape from their home that Twilight is sure will be a viable item for a scrying spell.”

“Then, why did you ask me to come find you, your highness?”

“You are here for two reasons. First, so that you might aid with the search,” Luna answered. She motioned to the balcony's telescope, which had been adjusted down so it was at a height more suitable for the average pony. “Celestia has joined Cadance and Rainbow Dash, wishing to have a more active role in the search. Thus, I’d like you to take her place.”

“And the second?” he asked as he walked to the telescope.

“To ask one question. Why do you doubt me?”

Shining turned away from the banister, a confused frown on his lips. “What do you mean?”

“I guess you haven’t realized it,” Luna said as she sat down gently. “Then allow me to explain. You say Nyx is brainwashing Twilight. You say that she is plotting against Equestria. That she plans to usurp me and my sister through deception and underhanded magic. And yet, Shining Armor, I was the one that put my faith in Nyx. I was the one that gave her a second chance.

“It was also I who oversaw the examinations that ensured the blessing of the Children of Nightmare had been eradicated. I was the one who picked the finest doctors to examine you, your sister, and anyone who had been touched by that poison. I was also the one that drained Nyx of her power, returning her to a filly, and yet you believe she has the magic to perform these advanced acts of brainwashing.”

Luna’s voice was calm and gentle, like a cool evening breeze in summer. Yet there was an unmistakable undercurrent to her words. Princess Luna wasn’t happy, and Shining felt a chill crawl up his spine when she focused her gaze upon him.

“So, let me ask again. Why do you doubt me? What do you know that I don’t? Is there something you have yet to tell me, some piece of evidence you uncovered that you have, to this point, kept to yourself?”

“I...” Shining began, trying to bring forth something he hadn’t told Princess Luna when they were down stairs, working to clear the catwalk. “I don’t have anything else. I just... I know—”

“You do not know, Shining. You think, you believe, but if you knew then you would have hard facts and you would be able to convince me and your sister that what you say is true,” she said. “I had hoped you would see that after interrogating Quick Snap and realizing, for yourself, that Nyx may not have been the one that caused the catwalk collapse.”

“I was wrong about that,” Shining admitted. “That doesn’t mean Twilight hasn’t been brainwashed into caring for Nyx, or that she isn’t planning something. I know it in my gut.”

“Instinct can be a wise thing,” Luna admitted. “It can keep us safe in dangerous situations and can be a guide when our mind doesn’t know what to do. Instinct, however, also sees the world through tinted lenses, coloring our perception of both reality and ourselves.

“Twilight once did the same as you are, Shining. She went with her instincts that Cadance was acting evil, and made her accusations known at the dress rehearsal. And you, my sister, and Twilight’s friends all reacted as any pony would. You didn’t believe her.”

“But Twilight was right, in the end.”

“Yes,” Luna said with a nod. “She was, but let me ask you this, Shining Armor? Would you have been able to forgive her for ruining your and Cadance’s wedding day if she had been wrong? If Cadance had been the real Cadance, if her short temper and foul behavior had only been a result of pre-wedding jitters, and if Twilight had been wrong, would you have been able to ever truly forgive her?”

Luna didn’t wait for an answer, continuing to speak with the same, strong undercurrent in her voice. “This is the danger of making accusations or claims of innocence without hard evidence, Shining Armor. You are gambling, and unlike the ponies who play with cards and dice, you stand to lose much more than just bits if you’re wrong.”

“But aren’t you making the same gamble, believing Nyx is innocent?” Shining asked.

“Maybe I am, but not without solid evidence and testimony. I spoke with the ponies around Nyx and heard of how she saved Ponyville. I was the one to speak with her before handing out judgment and I was the one who drained her of her magic. All these things support Nyx’s innocence. Yes, I may be proven wrong, but right now I am confident in my decision.”

Luna lowered her head down, putting herself at eye level with Shining. “Are you still so sure of yourself, Shining? After finding out about Column’s involvement with the catwalk, after uncovering the true hard evidence for yourself, are you still sure you are right?”

Shining opened his mouth to argue that he was, in fact, as sure as ever, but... the truth was he wasn’t as sure anymore. The theory that had seemed so strong and undeniable on the train ride from the Crystal Empire now seemed almost flimsy. He had blamed so much of what had happened on Nyx, but as Luna had pointed out, the evidence just wasn’t there.

“Your silence says enough,” Luna commented before standing up again. “Still, no matter your doubts or your belief, at the moment it is in all our best interests to find Nyx quickly. Take up your post at the telescope, Shining, and I shall resume my own search as well.”

That was a simple truth Shining couldn’t deny. If he was right, it was important to find Nyx before she could brainwash somepony else. If he was wrong, they needed to find her quickly just because she was an innocent filly out in the cold. So he turned back to the telescope and looked through the eyepiece as Luna shut her eyes and resumed her own spell.


Lumber Jack had removed his flannel, plaid shirt and set it across Nyx’s shoulder. They had taken to sitting on a park bench as Nyx told Jack what happened. At times, Lumber Jack hadn’t been the best listener. More than once he had been reminded of something by what Nyx said and then gone off on a tangent, telling his own story. Nyx wasn’t sure if he was trying to cheer her up or not, but eventually Jack always came back around and would ask her what happened next.

But now she was done. She had told him what she and Rarity had overheard Shining saying, and this time Lumber Jack had no quips or tall tales to tell. He just sat with Nyx, staring at the snow as he tried to wrap his head around what he had been told.

“Shining, he said that?”

Nyx nodded, trying to rub the tears from her cheeks. “He did.”

Lumber Jack shook his head and rose from the bench. He took a few lumbering steps into the street and kept looking at the ground as if he had dropped a key. He looked back at her a few times, opening his mouth as if to say something, but then he’d shake his head and go back to looking at the ground.

And eventually, Nyx couldn’t stand the silence. “Y-you think he’s right, don’t you? He has to be right. Why else would Twilight—”

Lumber Jack turned around quickly and walked back to the bench. “Do not think such things, Little Snowflake.”


“No!” Lumber Jack said, his voice booming with the strength to match his mountainous physique. “I vill admit; I am just a vood cutter. You ask me how to sharpen an ax, I vould tell you one family secret. You ask me how to tell vhat color a tree’s fire will be, I vould tell you to look at the roots and leaves. You ask me how to vrestle a bear, I vould tell you how to pin him in one move. But Lumber Jack is just vood cutter, is just earth pony. I don’t know of these things of magic.

“But do you know vhat else Lumber Jack knows? I know you must not give up hope.” He moved back up to Nyx and reached into a pocket of his shirt, which was still draped across Nyx. He then withdrew two pictures. Both of them were a little worn, with bent corners. One also seemed older than the other, but both were still in good condition.

“I am truly lucky, you know. I have beautiful vife, and vas able to take up my family’s great tradition of vood cutting in Rainbow Range. I vas also blessed by birth of my daughter.” He turned the picture around, letting Nyx see it. It was of Lumber Jack holding a baby pony, who seemed so tiny compared to him.

“She is not big mountain mare like her great grandmother. No, she is smart mare, like my vife. But still, she try to make Lumber Jack so proud. She helped vith vood cutting, tried to continue tradition. But then... then there vas accident.” Lumber Jack turned the picture back around, sighing a little before focusing on the newer of the two photographs. “My little mare, she vas caught beneath a pile of logs. It took hour to get her out and then hour to get her to hospital. Then... then the vaiting. Doctors say ve vaited for four hours but it felt like days.

“My vife and I vaited and vaited and vaited. At one point, doctor even say ve should prepare for vorst. But you know vhat? I did not prepare for vorst. I hoped and believed in my smart little filly. I told my vife that our daughter vould live, vould get good education and find love.”

“But what happened in the end?” Nyx asked.

Lumber Jack smiled, and showed her the second picture. It was of a young mare, wearing graduation robes, smiling with Lumber Jack and another, older mare. “Lumber Jack is truly lucky, for my daughter lived. She got good education. She got good job vith other smart ponies. She make me proud, even if she doesn’t cut vood.

“And maybe she vould have still been okay if Lumber Jack had given up, but I vouldn’t vant to take that chance. And now, Little Snowflake, this is vhere you are. You fear Shining right? Vell, you go tell him to prove it! Then you live everyday as if he never vill! Believe, vith all your heart, that Twilight truly cares, Little Snowflake, and you vill have no regrets.”

Nyx raised her head a little, looking up at Lumber Jack’s puffed out chest and bright, confident smile. And... she couldn’t help but smile a little. That little smile was all Lumber Jack needed to see. In a single swift motion he swooped Nyx up and laughed loudly. He then dropped Nyx on his back, continuing to laugh as he began to walk in the direction of the castle.

“There, you see, hope makes everything better. Now, Little Snowflake, let us get you back to castle. Twilight must be vorried sick.”

“But what about Shining? I... I don’t...”

“Bah, you listen to Lumber Jack. Shining may be fancy unicorn, and Lumber Jack may not know of magic, but you know vhat? I think he dead wrong. Blood brain vashing ponies? Who has heard of that? Only thing I’ve heard of blood doing is staining good vork shirts and binding family together.”

“What do you mean?” Nyx asked.

“Blood is thicker than vater, Little Snowflake. Blood of my father flows in my veins. Blood of my grandfather flows in his veins. And in his veins flowed blood of my great grandmother. Now she vas a voodcutter vho vould put even Lumber Jack to shame. And vhat, I ask you, did cult ponies use in ritual? I tell you vhat you told me. It vas Twilight’s blood. So, Lumber Jack thinks Shining wrong. Lumber Jack thinks that drop of Twilight’s blood is still flowing in your veins.”

Nyx stared at Lumber Jack, her mind needing a moment to process the thought that had just been presented to her. She had not thought of it like that. It was the polar opposite of what Shining feared. Just as the blood could have been used for some dark purpose, the blood may have been an essential ingredient to her new life. What if it was still a part of her? What if she wasn’t just Twilight’s adoptive daughter?

What if she was Twilight’s real daughter?

It... it was such a strange thought, but it began to fill Nyx’s mind like the warmth from a fire filling a cold room. Shining wouldn’t have to be afraid of her anymore if Lumber Jack was right. No pony would ever be able take her away from Twilight ever again. Night Light and Velvet would be her real grandparents, and Cadance would be a real aunt.

To Nyx, in that moment, it just seemed the whole world would be better if she was really Twilight’s daughter.

“Do... do you really think that’s true?” Nyx asked, her voice quivering a little in excitement.

Lumber Jack shrugged. “I do not know. It is vhat makes sense to me, but vhat makes sense to me isn’t always right. You’d need to ask somepony like princesses or Twilight. You vould need to ask somepony vho vould know the answer, like vhen ponies ask me best way to keep logs dry.”

That was true. If she wanted to know for sure, she’d have to ask somepony that knew what the blood did in the ritual. But who would that be? Nyx didn’t think Twilight knew. The princesses might know, but if they did know then they had chosen not to tell anypony. Beyond them, Nyx didn’t really know anypony that knew about the original resurrection spell. No pony except...

“Spell Nexus...”

Lumber Jack stopped and turned his head so he could look at Nyx. “Vhat was that?”

“Spell Nexus!” Nyx jumped down from Lumber Jack’s back. “He made the spell that made me. He knows what the blood was supposed to do. I have to go ask him!” She turned to gallop off, but was quickly caught by Lumber Jack. He hauled her off the ground by one of her hind legs and once more held her upside down in front of his face.

“Vhoa, Little Snowflake! Twilight vould have my head if I did not take you straight back. Do you have idea how vorried she must be?”

“I... maybe... ” Nyx admitted, her ears flattening against her head. Whether it was caused by a spell or not, Twilight had to be worried sick. Nyx could almost picture her, pacing back and forth. She’d be unable to sit still and her mane would be a mess. It was a mental image that tore at Nyx’s heart. She didn’t want to make Twilight worry.

She didn’t even know where Spell Nexus lived. He had been staying at Night Stone Castle when she was queen, and thus she didn’t know where his house was in Canterlot. Still, if she found him, it would answer all the questions. For better or worse, she’d at least know for sure whether or not Shining was right.

She’d know whether or not Twilight was her real mother.

“Please, Lumber Jack” she finally managed to say as she looked up at the burly pony in desperation. “Can you help me find him? You said yourself that, when you have a question, you should ask the pony that knows the answer. Spell Nexus knows what Twilight’s blood did in the spell.”

Lumber Jack knelt down, setting Nyx back down on the ground before lowering himself down so she and he could look at each other face to face. “But is Little Snowflake sure she is ready for answer Spell Nexus has? It may not be answer you vant. You may prove Shining is right.”

Nyx glanced away nervously. She hadn’t thought of that, but... she still wanted to know. She needed to know. And... and Twilight deserved to know. As much as she hated the idea of Twilight not caring for her anymore, she didn’t like the idea of Twilight being under a spell even more. It made her think of how Twilight was after she had saved her from the hangmare’s noose. It reminded her how scared she was she had lost Twilight to a spell.

And it helped her realize how scared Shining Armor had to be.

“Yes, I need to know.”

“All right,” Lumber Jack said as he got back to his hooves. He then grabbed Nyx up again and, with an expert toss, landed her on his back. “Let’s go talk to this Spell Nexus.”

“Thank you,” she said before starting to look around. “So, where should we get started? I know Spell Nexus was the headmaster to Celestia’s School of Gifted Unicorns. So, maybe if we started—”

“Ve go this vay,” Lumber Jack said as he made a turn and started jogging down the street.

“Why this way?” Nyx asked as she scrambled to keep herself from falling off of Lumber Jack’s back.

“Because Lumber Jack sells vood to more than just Little Snowflake’s family. Because Spell Nexus orders vood and tree before season starts, and because I deliver that vood to Spell Nexus’s manor. Ve go this vay, Little Snowflake, because this is the vay to Spell Nexus’s home.”


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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic © Hasbro

I do not own the intellectual properties this fan-fiction is based on.
