• Published 23rd Dec 2012
  • 67,118 Views, 2,681 Comments

Winter Bells - Pen Stroke

Can Nyx find acceptance with her extended family during Hearth's Warming, or will she find the holiday hymns are filled with nothing but hollow promises?

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Winter Bells

Preread, Edited, and Reviewed By

Batty Gloom, Illustrious Q, Municipal Engines, Cloudhammer, Wraithguard, Kohta Izumi, Kirk Heller


Part of a side-story miniseries known as "In The Family" for the story Past Sins

- The stories of the miniseries -


Chapter 4



The next morning, Twilight and Shining waited outside their parent’s bedroom door, worried frowns on their faces. Velvet had been almost hysterical when they got her back home from the banquet. She was listing off all the things they would have to sell when they lost the house because of her. And she did this despite the fact that she and Night Light had paid off their house mortgage years before. The house was theirs, and Night Light earned enough for them to keep up with living expenses and taxes.

But trying to convince Velvet of that was like trying to convince a snake to grow legs and riverdance.

The door to the bedroom opened, Night Light slipped out, and then he pulled the door shut behind him. “She didn’t get to sleep until past midnight,” he said before yawning. “But I finally got her calmed down. A cup of tea and the family photo album. It works every time she’s in a spiral like that.

“But,” he continued, “she’s not going to be up for doing much today, which means we need to make sure everything that needs to be done gets done. Twilight, you know where your mother likes to keep her to-do list. Can you go check it and see what we need to do to be ready for tomorrow?”

Twilight nodded, quickly turned, and walked away while Shining turned to look at the bedroom door. “I’ve never seen mom this bad before.”

“She had a spiral like this before you were born,” Night Light said as he stood with his son. “She was so worried about being a mother for the first time. She was panicking because she was sure she’d be a bad mother, you grow up hating her, then you’d join a gang and end up getting locked up for five to ten years.

“But, yes, it’s been awhile since she’s had one this bad,” Night Light admitted as he turned. Shining followed, and soon the pair were walking back downstairs side by side. “But finishing this book is really getting to her. I think she’s afraid it’s the end of her career. You know her, she’s always wanted to write a real bestseller, one that everypony talks about, but time and again her books fall short. And I’m not saying we’re not thankful for all the success she’s had. It’s because of that we were able to make a good home for you and Twilight. Your mother has just always wanted to write that one book that everypony would talk about, and, after years of trying and failing, I think she’s starting to think she isn’t bestseller material. ”

Night Light put on a smile. “But don’t you worry about your mother too much. Give her some time to rest and recuperate and she’ll be back on her hooves, bossing us around like the world will end if we don’t get everything done. Now come on, let’s get some breakfast before your sister finds Velvet’s to-do list.”


♪ The fire of friendship lives in our hearts ♪

♫ As long as it burns we shall not drift apart ♫

♪ We’ll turn the seasons, welcome each year ♪

♫ Together we'll face them without fear (we'll never fear) ♫

♪ For as long as we have friends at our side ♪

♫ We can take what comes all in stride ♫

♪ Earth ponies build and reap what they sow ♪

♫ While unicorns craft with a magical glow ♫

♪ Pegasi steward the skies high up above ♪

♫ Equestria lives by our care and our love (our care and love) ♫

♪ While different in form our spirits are one ♪

♫ a circle of friends that never will be undone. ♫

♪ The fire of friendship lives in our hearts ♪

♫ As long as it burns we cannot drift apart ♫

♪ Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few ♪

♫ Laughter and singing will see us through (will see us through) ♫

♪ We are a circle of pony friends ♪

♫ A circle of friends we'll be to the very end ♫

Cadance, Shining, Night Light, and Twilight joined in the applause for the bell choir who were performing at the center of the Canterlot Market. The ponies had combined their voices with the ringing of numerous bells in a spectrum of sizes, creating a rich harmony of music that filled every inch of the market. It had been a beautiful performance, and each member of the family chipped in a few bits to the bell choir’s donation bucket. The performance, after all, was being done as a charity for the less fortunate of Canterlot.

The quartet then turned and made their way into the market. They were on a simple mission, to complete Velvet’s to-do list. The list that would ensure the following day, Hearth’s Warming eve, would go off without a hitch. They had already accomplished some of the tasks. They had picked up another extension for their dining table, which would make it long enough to fit everypony. They had also purchased a whole new set of plates and glasses along with some festive napkins. Now, they were moving onto to the biggest one on the list, which was what had brought them to the Canterlot Market.

They had to go grocery shopping.

With Twilight’s friends arriving from Ponyville the next morning, Velvet had planned a large holiday luncheon. It would be the most ponies the family had ever crammed into the home. That, however, was a trademark of the season, having way too many family members and friends stuffed into a single room.

“Okay, once we’re done grocery shopping all we have to do is pick up the pies mom ordered from the bakery and we’ll be all set,” Twilight said. She finished reviewing the checklist and tucked it back into her saddlebags as a smile spread across her lips. “Mom is going to be so happy when she sees we got everything taken care of.”

“Twilight, you wouldn’t mind if we stopped for lunch too, would you?” Cadance asked with a bit of an embarrassed smile. “All this walking has made me hungry.”

Twilight chuckled a little and nodded. “Sure, we can grab something while we’re here at the market and eat it at the tables by the bell choir. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I wouldn’t mind having the chance to sit and listen to them a little longer. They were making such beautiful music.”

“Oh come on, Twilight, you can admit it,” Cadance said teasingly. “You just want to hear them sing Frosty the Snowpony.”

“I do not,” Twilight protested, though the blush on her cheeks said otherwise.

“I don’t know, Twilie,” Shining said as he shifted a little. He was tasked with carrying the new plates and glasses they had bought, which wasn’t the lightest of loads. “Shouldn’t we try to get back as quickly as we can? We did leave Spike alone with Nyx back at the house.”

“Shining, Spike isn’t the little baby dragon he used to be. True, he’s not really old enough to plan a bachelor party, but he’s old enough to keep an eye on Nyx while we’re gone. After all, he foalsits her regularly in Ponyville when I need to run errands.” Twilight laughed and shook her head in disbelief. “I still don’t know what Celestia was thinking when she asked Spike to plan your bachelor party.”

“And besides, your mother is there as well,” Night Light pointed out. “She may be recovering from a spiral, but if something goes wrong she’ll hop right out of bed to help them. I promise.”

Shining huffed, but nodded his head in agreement and focused on his part of the grocery list. The faster they shopped the sooner they could eat. The sooner they could eat the sooner they could leave. The sooner they left the sooner they would get back.

And the sooner they got back the sooner they’d be able to make sure Nyx hadn’t done something to Spike or Velvet.


Velvet laid back in bed, eyes following the subtle brushstrokes left behind from when they had painted the ceiling. Next to her lay the family photo album and an emptied cup of tea, both from the night before. Night Light hadn’t been able to calm her down until after midnight, and even then she hadn’t really gotten to sleep until about three. After that, she awoke from two nightmares, one at five and another at seven. The first had been a nightmare of being buried beneath books. The second having everything, home and family, taken away because Print Press took away her contract. After those dreams, she hadn’t been able to fall asleep again for another hour.

It was almost a near perfect checklist for the worst night’s sleep she had endured in decades.

She had finally awoken of her own accord at approximately eleven but had not yet found the motivation to get out of bed. She let her gaze wander to the clock that sat on the nearby dresser drawers. It was almost noon, half the day already wasted. She’d never be able to finish her to-do list in time. Twilight’s friends would arrive and find the table bare. They’d all have to go out to some cheap fast-food place for their Hearth’s Warming Eve lunch. Then Twilight’s friends would stop liking her and she’d lose all confidence in the lessons of friendship she had been learning. Celestia would then disown Twilight as a student. Then Discord or somepony else would come and—


Velvet’s mind popped out of its spiral. She sat up in bed just a little and looked to the door as it slowly cracked open. For a moment she tensed, seeing a pair of serpentine eyes peek in on her from the dark hallway. But then she was able to relax once more when she heard Nyx’s familiar voice come from the hallway.

“Velvet, Spike and I made lunch. Do you want some?”

At first, Velvet was going to turn Nyx away. Her stomach, however, rebelled against her mind at that moment and gave a loud, pleading grumble. Velvet blushed a little and set her hooves on her belly, trying to quiet its pleas. But the damage was already done. Nyx had taken a step into the room, revealing she had a tray resting on her back. It was simple; sandwiches and a glass of water, but it did look good.

“Yes,” Velvet said, finally admitting defeat to her stomach. “Please, just bring it over here.”

Nyx nodded, nudging the door open a little further before carrying the tray to Velvet’s bedside. Velvet, in turn, gently levitated the family photo album further down onto the bed and set her empty cup of tea on the night stand. She then picked the tray up from Nyx’s back and set it down beside her on the bed.

“They’re lettuce and celery sandwiches with cucumber,” Nyx said with a smile. “Spike said they’re your favorite.”

Velvet gently picked up the first of the two sandwiches, spreading the bread apart and smiling. “He even cut the cucumbers the long way, like sandwich pickles... just how I like.” Velvet closed up the sandwich and took her first bite. She could taste just a hint of ranch dressing beneath the lettuce as well, spread thinly like a sheet of frost on the bottom loaf of bread. Yep, Spike remembered exactly how she liked her sandwiches. The little dragon had always been such a wonderful helper, wanting only to make her smile.

Still, as Velvet opened her mouth to take her second bite, she glanced to the side. She saw Nyx was just standing there, watching her eat. “Nyx, dear, what are you doing?” Velvet couldn’t help but ask.

“Spike wanted me to bring the dishes back down when you’re done so he can clean them.”

“Well... okay,” Velvet said, opening her mouth again to take a second bite. But, still, she was unable too. There was just something slightly unsettling about having somepony watch you eat, chew, swallow, and dribble crumbs because the bread had been dragonfire toasted.

“Nyx,” Velvet finally said, “maybe you could do something besides watch me eat. Like...” Velvet glanced around the room, trying to find something to distract the young filly. Her eyes then settled on the one thing that was both at easy access and would provide a good distraction.

“How about you look at this?” Velvet said, levitating the family photo album into the air.

Nyx smiled and, with a strong bound, jumped up onto the bed. Velvet had to momentarily panic and grab the glass of water, which threatened to fall over from the force of Nyx’s landing. Still, Nyx was oblivious to the mess she had almost created. She was just smiling up at the photo album, an eager look in her eyes. “You have one too?!”

“What do you mean?” Velvet asked as she gently set the glass of water back down on the tray.

“A scrapbook! Twilight showed me the one you made for her. Does this one have pieces of Spike’s egg in it like hers?”

Velvet chuckled a little as she floated the book closer to her end of the bed. “No, Nyx, but that’s because this isn’t a scrapbook. This is our family’s photo album. We only use this book for pictures. I keep a scrapbook for everypony else, but only really special pictures get in here.”

Velvet picked her glass of water off the lunch tray again before motioning for Nyx to come closer. And, as Velvet predicted, Nyx bounded down the bed, sending shockwaves through the mattress that would have likely tipped the glass over. Still, Nyx soon settled in next to Velvet, sitting on one of the pillows at the head of the bed while Velvet suspended the photo album in her magic.

Velvet turned to the first page, using a hoof to point out a single picture where Night Light was on bended knee, presenting Velvet with the engagement ring. “My mother kept an album like this her whole life. It had so many pictures in it, but she always kept this first picture slot empty. It was always meant for the picture she could never have, a picture from the night my father proposed to her.

“And while I don’t remember doing it, either I or my mother must have told Night Light that story.” Velvet smiled as she gingerly touched the age photo. “Yes, he had to have heard it from one of us, because the night he proposed, he made sure a photographer was there. He then bought this album for me and put the picture in this first space. It was like being asked to marry him all over again.” Velvet let her hoof linger on the photo for just a little longer before pulling it back. She then gently turned the page and pointed to another photo.

“This here is Night Light’s and my wedding day. He was so handsome in his tuxedo, even if his bowtie kept going crooked. I swear, I still think he was doing it on purpose, just so I would get close enough for him to steal a kiss.” Velvet picked up one of the sandwiches and took a bite, chewing gently as she let Nyx look over the photos.

“Where was the wedding?” Nyx asked as she began to notice a constant theme to the pictures’ background. “It looks like you’re all standing outside.”

“Well, we were,” Velvet said. “We had our wedding at the Waterfall Garden. It’s a park right next to where the largest of Canterlot’s waterfalls pours over the edge of the city. It has one of the most beautiful views in all of Equestria. Maybe not as fancy as having the wedding in Canterlot Castle, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”

Velvet took another bite of her sandwich as she turned the page. She then chewed and swallowed quickly before pointing to another picture. “This was Night Light and my first apartment together. It was such a little place, I don’t know how we lived there for as long as we did. But it was the best we could afford. I was still trying to get published at the time, so he was the only one making any real money.

“Oh, and this is a picture from when we first moved to this house,” Velvet said as she pointed to another picture. “We thought we were moving into a mansion after living in that small apartment for so long, but... well, we needed the room to grow.”

“What do you mean?” Nyx asked.

“Well, take a closer look at that picture,” Velvet said, pointing to herself. “Do you notice anything?”

Nyx titled her head to the side. “Is it that you have a silly mane cut?” she asked, pointing at Velvet’s very large, poofy mane that looked almost like a bee’s hive.

Velvet laughed and nodded. “Well, yes, but a lot of mares were wearing their manes in a bouffant back then. No, do you notice that little bulge I have in my tummy? That bulge was Shining Armor.”

A bright smile of understand burst onto Nyx’s face. “You were pregnant!”

“Yes, I was,” Velvet said as she took another bite of her sandwich. It, however, was only a small bite, that way she could keep speaking. “Oh, I was so worried back then. I don’t know if I could have gotten through it all without Night Light. He’s so cool and calm under pressure. It’s one of the reasons I married him. But still, you’d be surprised just how fast eleven months can go by.”

With another turn of the page, Nyx’s eyes went wide as she looked at the first picture in disbelief. “Is that really Shining Armor?”

Velvet nodded, a motherly smile on her lips as she looked at the picture. She looked horrible in the picture. She looked exhausted and her mane was a wreck, but what else can one expect of a mare who had just given birth? Still, resting in her forehooves, curled up against her chest, was a little white foal. “Yep, that’s him right after he was born. And, if we turn a few pages...”

A few flicks of magic, and Velvet reached the page she was looking for. The page started with a picture of Shining Armor and Night Light going camping, but Velvet instead focused Nyx’s attention on the fourth picture on the page. Velvet, once more, looked horrible, but there was something in the picture with her. A small little foal with a lavender coat and purple mane.

Nyx’s eyes were wide as dinner plates. She was transfixed by the picture. “Is that... is that really?”

“Yes, that’s Twilight,” Velvet said, a warm smile on her face. “Hard to believe, isn’t it?”

Nyx could only nod her head as Velvet turn the page of the album. The pictures on the next page featured a number of other memories from when Twilight was young. One where she was being held by her older brother, Shining. One where she had made a mess of herself eating mashed carrots. Another, when she was a little older, when she was about to head off to magical kindergarten. Then there was one where Twilight was looking out from the interior of what could best be described as a fort made of books.

“Hey, look, it’s Smarty Pants!” Nyx cheered, pointing at a photo of Twilight holding up Smarty Pants for the first time.

Velvet cocked an eyebrow as she turned to look at Nyx. “You know about Smarty Pants?”

“Yeah, Twilight gave her to me!” Nyx said.

Velvet made no effort to hide her shock as her jaw dropped open. “She did?!”

“Well, actually, she didn’t just give her to me,” Nyx admitted anxiously. “I found Smarty Pants in a chest at the library when I was putting something away, and Twilight told me about her. And I knew Twilight didn’t want me to touch Smarty Pants after that, but... but I wanted to play with her. So, after Twilight tucked me into bed, I took Smarty Pants out of the chest. I only meant to play with her for a little bit, but then I... I kind of fell asleep.”

Nyx’s smile then regained its strength as she looked up at Velvet. “But the next morning, Twilight said I could keep her!” Nyx then blushed a little. “Oops, I mean mom said I could keep her.”

“Mom?” Velvet echoed, her mind trying to wrap it’s way around the thought.

Nyx nodded, looking back at the photo album. “Yeah, Twilight’s been asking me to call her that ever since the adoption was finalized. And I know she’s my mom. She’s the best mom in the world, but, since she found me, I’ve always called her Twilight. And...”

“It feels kind of weird to call her something else, doesn’t it?” Velvet said, to which Nyx replied with a nod.

“I know what that’s like,” Velvet said as she rested a hoof on Nyx’s shoulder. “Night Light’s mother wanted me to start calling her mom right after our wedding, even though she was technically just my mother-in-law. But... the thing is, she didn’t do it for herself. She didn’t do it because she liked being called mom. No, she did it to make me feel welcome, to feel like I was really a part of Night Light’s side of the family.”

“So do you call her mom?” Nyx asked.

Velvet shook her head as a small chuckle escaped her lips. “Nope, to this day I still use her real name, but that’s okay, because I know she still thinks of me like a real daughter, not just a daughter-in-law.”

Nyx’s smile widened at this as she leaned into Velvet a little, getting more comfortable as the pair resumed looking at the photo album. Still, as Velvet turned the page, Nyx glanced up at her. “Um... Twilight says I should call you grandma or grandmother, but I won’t if you don’t want me to.”

Velvet tensed a little. Truthfully, she and Night Light had, for months, been in agreement about Nyx. They both felt Twilight was too young to be taking care of a filly. There was also no ignoring the amount of metaphorical baggage Nyx came with. The shadow of what she had done was something that would hang over Nyx for decades if not centuries to come, and it would burden whoever took care of her.

And, to Velvet, it also felt like Twilight had done things out of order. A pony is to meet a nice stallion first, then date, then date some more, then get engaged, then live together for a while to see if things are going to work, then get married, and only then are they supposed to raise children. That was the order, that’s the way it was supposed to go. It was as simple as an ordered checklist, and Velvet knew her daughter was capable of following a checklist.

But Twilight had given Smarty Pants away, something Velvet thought would never happen. She herself had tried to give Smarty Pants away before. She had tried to donate the toy to a good charity when Twilight stopped playing with her, but Twilight didn’t allow it. And, after that, Twilight took Smarty Pants and kept the toy in her room at Celestia’s school, just to be sure nopony gave her away.

Yet, Twilight had given Smarty Pants to Nyx, and it was a gesture that spoke volumes.

“You know what, Nyx? You can call me grandma if you want,” Velvet said as she hooked a hoof around the little filly’s back and gently hugged her. She then turned her attention back to the photo album, turning a few pages. “Here, let me show you a picture from Twilight’s first Nightmare Night. She dressed up as a book and was just so cute.”


“Spike, Nyx, we’re back!” Twilight shouted into the house as she, Cadance, Night Light, and Shining came in from the cold, weighed down by their heavy ladened saddlebags.

“How did it go?” Spike called back from the kitchen.

“Great! We got everything off mom’s list.”

As if drawn out by the mention of her name, Velvet poked her head out of the kitchen door. A bright smile then flashed onto her face as she quickly trotted up to her daughter. “Oh, thank you! I was so worried I’d never be able to get around to everything on that list after my late start this afternoon. Now, did you get the right kind of peanut butter for stuffing the celery, Twilight? It has to be chunky, otherwise those little raisins won’t look like ants on a log.”

“M-mom?” Twilight stuttered. “W-what are you doing out of bed?”

“Oh, come now,” Velvet said as she began to rummage through Twilight’s saddlebags. “You honestly didn’t expect me to spend the whole day lying in bed, did you?”

“Yes,” Twilight, Night Light, and Shining all said in unision.

Velvet winced then blushed as a small smile crept onto her face. “Okay, I’ll admit, I probably wouldn’t have been able to get going on my own. But when Nyx brought me the lunch Spike had made, I ended up showing her the photo album. It was just the thing to cheer me right up.” Velvet then turned and shouted back towards the kitchen. “Nyx, clear the table!”

“Okay Grandma!”

A smile burst onto Twilight’s face as a hopeful ring entered her voice. “Mom, does that mean?”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Twilight,” Velvet said firmly as she lowered her voice. “I still agree with your father, but...” Velvet let a small smile creep onto her lips. “But she is a sweet filly and I didn’t see any harm in making her feel welcome as long as she is part of our family.

“Now,” Velvet barked before quickly turning on her hooves, “we need to get everything put away, especially the groceries. So come, march those flanks into the kitchen. Hup one. Hup two. Hup three.”

Twilight and Cadance shared a giggle while Night Light rolled his eyes. Velvet was back to normal, running the house like putting away the groceries quickly would somehow save Equestria. Shining, however, didn’t share in the giggles of his sister and wife. No, his brow furrowed and his jaw clenched as the hairs on the back of his neck began to stand on end.

“Come on, Shining. We need to wash those new plates before we put them away,” Velvet called from the kitchen.

“Sorry, I was just wiping my hooves,” he called back before stepping forward towards the kitchen while forcing a smile onto his face.


“Here, mom, let me get that for you,”

“Shining, enough,” Velvet said, waving off her son as she lifted a few clean plates and put them in a cupboard. “You’ve been hovering over me ever since you got home. I’m fine, really.”

“Are you sure? You aren’t feeling dizzy or not yourself?”

“Shining, I am fine,” Velvet said firmly again as she picked up a tray ladened with cookies and mugs filled with hot chocolate. “And I appreciate all the help in the kitchen, really, but I’m not a senile old mare who’s going to drop everything because she forgot she was carrying something with her magic. If anypony needs your help, it’s your father,” she said as she began to walk towards the kitchen door. “He’s still fussing over the fireplace and he won’t stop until somepony tells him the logs look perfect.”

Shining nodded and followed a few steps behind his mother. The rest of the family was gathered around the living room, wrapped in cozy blankets. Twilight sat with Nyx and Spike in one small chair. Cadance sat on the couch, keeping a space warm for her and Shining to share. And Night Light was at the fireplace, focused on carefully assembling and stacking the logs in the fireplace.

“Why hasn’t he lit the fire yet?” Nyx asked as she, Spike, and Twilight continued to watch Night Light work.

“He’s still working on getting the logs stacked right,” Twilight answered.

“But how hard can it be to stack logs?”

“Very hard, Nyx,” Night Light answered, not taking his eyes off what he was doing. “The perfect Hearth’s Warming fire is a tradition from my side of the family. If the logs aren’t stacked right the fire won’t be warm enough, or it may not be bright enough, or we’ll be able to see parts of the wood. No, the perfect Hearth’s Warming fire looks like a magical fire, burning out of thin air as it hides the logs from view.”

“So how much longer is it going to be?” Spike asked as he shivered a little. “My scales are freezing.”

“Not much longer. Ten... fifteen minutes, tops. Now, Shining, get over here and hold this log up for me.”

Spike groaned and retreated further into the blanket as Shining walked up beside his father, holding a few logs in place while Night Light carefully packed and spread the kindling.

“Hey, Twilight, can we go burn that little log I got while we wait?” Nyx asked.

“That’s not a bad idea,” Twilight said as she and Nyx got up from the chair. “We are going to be at the pageant tomorrow night and the princesses’ holiday party the next day. So this is probably the best time. Run up stairs and get it. I’ll grab our coats and meet you at the back door.”

Nyx nodded and was soon scampering up the stairs to retrieve the small, thin piece of wood. At the same time, Twilight began to get into her coat while looking back at the rest of her family. “Anypony want to join us?”

“No way, I’m cold enough as it is,” Spike said as he cocooned himself in the blanket that was left on the chair.

“Nope, we have to get this fire ready,” Night Light said. “Shining, move that just a little... there we go, now hold it there.”

“I think I’d rather just sit here and get off my hooves for a bit, if you don’t mind,” Velvet said before taking a ginger sip of her hot chocolate, testing the temperature.

“What about you, Cadance?” Twilight asked as she slipped on a boot.

Cadance nodded as she rose from her seat. “Sure, sounds nice.”

“Are you sure?” Shining asked, glancing away from the fireplace. “It’s cold outside.”

“Yes, I’m sure. I haven’t seen Canterlot at night since the wedding, and getting a little cold will make snuggling on the couch with you in front of the fire even better.” Cadance levitated her coat out of the closet while, at the same time, grabbing a cookie off the tray Velvet had brought from the kitchen. “Just call us when you are ready to light the fire.”


A puff of steam curled up from Twilight’s mouth as she stood in front of the family’s old charcoal grill. Nyx was standing back with Cadance in the shallow blanket of snow, waiting for the promised warm fire. The log Nyx had picked out from Lumber Jack’s emporium sat where the charcoal was supposed to go, and Twilight had removed the metal bars you were supposed to cook food on. Now, the grill was nothing more than a high standing, metal fire pit.

“Okay, here we go,” Twilight said as she took a few steps back. A small pop of magic from her horn, and the log was wrapped in warm, crimson flames. But, soon after starting to burn, the flames began to change color. Most of the flames turned white while some became a bright, festive red.

Nyx and Cadance came up behind Twilight, all of them drawing close to the fire and enjoying the warmth on their faces. “It’s a nice fire,” Cadance commented as she watched the streaks of red curl and mix with the white. She then took in a deep breath, smiling as a fresh, minty scent flowed in through her nostrils. “It even smells nice. Kind of like a candy cane.”

“That’s why I picked it,” Nyx said. “It reminds me of a piece of candy Twist gave me when I really needed it.”

“What do you mea—” Twilight began to ask, only to see Nyx snap her head to one side and focus her ears forward.

“Did you hear something?”

Cadance and Twilight looked in the same direction as Nyx, ears standing erect as they listened closely. The yard was still, a smooth blanket of snow. There were a few mounds here and there where the snow had drifted into a pile, but otherwise it was pristine.

“Wait, I think I hear it too,” Cadance said as she began to smile. She turned her head and tilted it up a little. “It sounds like bells.”

Twilight nodded and pointed with a hoof. “It must be coming from the bell tower at the castle. Those are the biggest and loudest bells in all of Canterlot. I bet they’ve started playing carols, like they do every year.” Twilight smiled and nodded a second time. “Yeah, can you hear it? They’re playing the Hearth’s Warming carol. The fire of friendship lives in our hearts. As long as it burns we shall not drift apart!

Cadance giggled as she lowered her head down to Nyx’s level. She spoke into the filly’s ear, but loud enough to be sure Twilight heard as well. “Twilight has a thing for bells.”

“I do not have a thing for bells,” Twilight defend. “A ‘thing for bells’ would imply I have an unhealthy or unnatural obsession with them. No, I enjoy bells, particularly around this time of year.”

“Why’s that?” Nyx asked.

“To me, bells represent the spirit of the season,” Twilight said as she smiled, closed her eyes, and tilted her head back so she could hear the music more easily. “A single bell ringing doesn’t make music. It’s only when a bunch of different kinds of bells, big and small, come together that they can make music. They play the carols, and it’s like the sky and wind are singing along.

“It’s just like the hearth warming legend,” Twilight continued. “Not one kind of pony could have made this kingdom. It was only when all three tribes worked together that Equestria was born. Different kinds, big and small, coming together to face adversity in the name of peace and harmony.”

“That and it’s about the only instrument you know how to play,” Cadance teased.

“I can play other things,” Twilight protested as she scowled in the direction of her old foalsitter.

“Really? Name something else.”

“I can sing.”

“Doesn’t count.”

“I can play the triangle too,” Twilight said.

Cadance rolled her eyes as a small chuckle escaped her lips. “Okay, Twilight, whatever you say.” Nyx joined in the giggles as well, and soon Twilight was pulled in as well as she realized how silly she was acting. The trio shared the laugh before going back to watching the candy conifer burn and listening to the ringing of the bells on the wind.

“Girls!” Night Light called. “We’re ready!”

Twilight looked over her shoulder and shouted, “Okay, we’re coming!”

“Go ahead and take Nyx inside, I’ll put out the fire,” Cadance said.

“You sure?”

“Yeah, it will only take a minute.”

Twilight didn’t need to be told twice. She and Nyx quickly retreated back into the warm house. At the same time, Cadance approached the grill, pondering a moment how best to put out the fire. In the end, she settled on using a bit of magic. She wrapped the log and its flames in an airtight bubble, and then waited patiently as the fire burned through its supply of oxygen. Soon, only glowing embers remained, and Cadance nodded in satisfaction before she closed the lid of the grill and jogged back inside the house.


Night Light sniffed at his mug of hot chocolate, drawing in the sweet aroma before he looked out over the rest of his family. The perfectly stacked, yet unlit, fireplace was waiting for a small spark. Still, before that, Night Light cleared his voice and began speaking with a smile. The fire could not be lit without a speech.

“For those who don’t know, a tradition that’s been passed down from my father and my grandfather is that on the night before Hearth’s Warming Eve, the family comes together to light a traditional Hearth’s Warming fire. A fire we enjoy on this peaceful night before all the festivities, pageants, and parties we’ll be enjoying over the next few days.”

“And this year, I’m glad to welcome two new ponies to our home for this tradition. First, my son’s beautiful and caring wife. Many know her only as Princess Mi Amora Cadenza. But we know her as Cadance, the best foal sitter and best daughter-in-law this family could have ever asked for.”

“Hear hear!” Spike shouted as Cadance blushed and nuzzled into Shining Armor’s neck. He, in turn, smiled and planted the gentlest of kisses on her forehead while everypony else looked on with smiles.

“I’m also happy to welcome Nyx,” Night Light said, looking over in the filly’s direction. “She gave us all... quite the scare earlier this year, but Hearth’s Warming is a time to forgive and forget. It’s a time for earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi, and alicorns to come together in the spirit of harmony. So let us all come together, warm our stomachs with hot chocolate, warm our hooves with this fire, and warm our hearts with friendship and harmony. Cheers!”

“Cheers!” everypony said back to Night Light as they lifted their mugs of hot chocolate. At the same time Night Light turned and, with a flick of his horn, set a small fire spell at the heart of his carefully stacked logs. The fire grew quickly, and, as the wood began to burn, the amber flames began to turn a festive pink, perfectly mimicking the fabled fire of friendship from the Hearth’s Warming story.

“Beautiful as always, Night Light,” Velvet said as her husband sat down beside her on the couch and the pair snuggled beneath a blanket together.

“Thank you honey,” he said before giving her a gentle kiss. The family then settled in to enjoy a cozy evening by the fire. The hot chocolate was sweet and warm in their mouths and the cookies were a delight. Nothing needed to be said. No games needed to be played. It was a time to just sit, relax, and rest.

That is, until, Night Light glanced up and saw a tower of pink fire in their backyard.


“Go ahead and take Nyx inside, I’ll put out the fire.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, it will only take a minute.”

Cadance suffocated the fire a few moments later and, with a small thunk, pulled the door to the house shut behind her. The backyard of the house became still. The only sound was the distant ringing of bells, until there was a shifting sound. A crunching and cracking of snow being crushed under hoof began to dance on the wind. Then, from beneath the blanket of snow in the back yard, a pair mounds began to rise up.

Column pushed a hoof up through the snow and quickly crawled back to the surface. He shook off the snow that stuck to him. Every inch of his body was protected from the cold by winter clothes. Jacket, snowpants, boots, ski mask, and goggles made him look like a pony about to face the tundra’s of the frozen north. Column wasn’t alone either. The other mound of snow that had begun to rise up in the backyard was Quick Snap. He was dressed similarly, though with the addition of wing mittens.

“That was close,” Column whispered as he began to move slowly towards the family’s house. He then chuckled, looking back at the snow as he cast his magic across it. The hoofprints he was leaving began to pop back up, as if the snow had never been stepped on. “By Celestia, I love it when it snows.”

“You know what I would love? Hot chocolate. A gallon of it!” Quick Snap complained as he ruffled his mitten covered wings. “Sweet Luna, I got snow in my coat!”

“Shhhh,” Column said, looking back over his shoulder and glaring at Quick Snap. “You want to blow our cover?”

“Yes!” Quick Snap snapped quietly. “Column, we’ve been out here for hours and we had to dive into the snow when those mares came out. For what? We haven’t learned anything new about that filly.”

“Didn’t you hear them? Weren't you listening?”

“No, I wasn’t. I kind of had snow in my ears.”

“The filly’s name is Nyx,” Column stressed, a smile on his face. “And when a reporter has a name, he can do research. We can check the school registries for Ponyville. We can check the government logs for publicly filed documents. Oh, I can dig up so much dirt!”

“Then let’s go do that, in a nice warm office,” Quick Snap said as he tromped up beside Column

“We will, in a bit,” Column assured as he continued to move towards house. “I want to listen into what they’re saying for a little longer.”

Quick Snap groaned, but knew he wasn’t going to win the argument. Column had already cast an eavesdropping spell and was standing by the back door as he listened to the family. This left the half-frozen Quick Snap to his own devices, and, after shivering in the snow for a few moments, his eyes were drawn to the grill.

Trotting over, Quick Snap saw the piece of wood the three mares had been burning. It was still largely intact and he could see some still glowing embers. It was a blessing, and Quick Snap gingerly flapped his wings over the little log. The embers glowed brighter with each flap, and, with a triumphant smile, Quick Snap got the fire burning again.

“Oh, sweet warmth,” he whispered as he held his hooves to the fire, only for the log to suddenly be levitated out of the grill.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” Column snapped as he held the burning wood in his magic.

“Trying to prevent myself from getting frostbite!”

“Quick Snap, you idiot, they’ll see the light!”

“Then I’ll move the grill away from the windows! Come on, Column,” Quick Snap begged. “I can’t feel my wings!”

“You are still such a newbie! No, I’m putting this fire out right now!” He said as he turned and hucked the piece of wood over his shoulder. He had been aiming for a deep bank of snow in the yard, intending to douse the small log and ensure Quick Snap couldn’t relight it.

But, instead of sinking into the snow, the log bounced with a metallic thunk. The divot in the snow, left behind by the log, revealed a metal bar. The log had bounced off a lawn chair that had been left to suffer in the elements and that had gotten buried in snow. And that one bounce sent the log flying towards something else in the yard.

The stack of firewood the family had bought for Hearth’s Warming.

The small log fell at the foot of the logs and rolled beneath the tarp that had been placed over the logs to keep them dry. The tarp was the ignition. The material it was made of was good for keeping moisture away from the logs, but it was also flammable. The tarp caught fire with a flash, and it wasn’t long before the intense flames began to spread to the logs the tarp had been protecting.

The fire shifted color from a brilliant orange to a perfect Hearth’s Warming pink, and the flames began to stretch higher and higher as the fire burned hotter and hotter.

The door to the house slammed open, making Quick Snap and Column jump. The first pony out the door was Night Light, who was looking on in panic as his jaw hung agape. He ran straight towards the fire, his panicked eyes locked on the flames. The cacophony of hoofsteps coming out the house’s back door made it clear the rest of the family wasn’t far behind.

In the moment of panic, Column grabbed Quick Snap in his magic and darted around the far side of the house. They ran while he cast a spell behind them, causing their tracks into the snow to pop back up. They left no trace and were gone within moments, leaving the family to clean up the mess they had created.


Questions, Comments, Concerns?


My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic © Hasbro

I do not own the intellectual properties this fan-fiction is based on.


Author's Note:

I'd like to offer special thanks to Stainless Steel Fox on the Canterlot forums. I went searching for an extended version of the Hearth's Warming Carol, found his, and used it as a base to build the one seen in the chapter. You can see his original at the link below.
