• Member Since 16th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Midnight Moon

Artists can make pictures. Writers can make worlds.


For as long as recorded history, Necromancy, the Magic Art of the Dead, has been forbidden. Everypony that dared to learn it was corrupted, and had to be either killed or banished beyond Equestria. Every book pertaining to it was destroyed. Everything having to do with it was shunned and reviled.

When The Great and Powerful Trixie, searching for the means to defeat Twilight Sparkle, learns this forbidden art, it soon becomes clear that Twilight, too, must become a Necromancer, lest Trixie destroy Equestria as we know it. Hunted by her teacher and mentor, Princess Celestia, and most of her friends locked away in Canterlot for their own safety, she has only herself and her one remaining friend, Spike, to rely on as she struggles to keep her sanity intact while avoiding the undead hordes that will never stop hunting her and the society that has come to revile her very existence. As she delves deeper into this dark art, she will learn more about the nature of magic then ever before, as she realizes that there are bigger threats out there then the dead.

Cover image belongs to CrappyUnicorn of Deviantart.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 51 )

A Good idea, but to me, this seems like it was the schematics for
an advanced peice of technology say like...
a personal super computer and those schematics were
dropped in front of a two year old.

An hour or so later, its got crayon and spittle
all over it and it might as well be cannon fodder.

Great idea, it was just executed poorly.

There is no emotional impact or back story to the initial discovery
of Necromancy by Trixie and if there was, well its very very difficult to stick
back story into a thousand or so words.

Sorry mate, this didn't have enough effort or thought put into it


This looks interesting so far. Take care with the unveiling of Necromancy within the story, you have your work cut out for you to make it seem dark enough to basically have a kill order for any who even start to learn it. Also with giving the reader enough of a reason for Twilight's decision to start learning it considering how much she tends to panic at the mere thought of dissapointing Celestia. If you can handle those two events properly, I see this becoming a very interesting story. Good luck. :pinkiehappy:

Hey, another necromancer pony story. Hopefully, it'll be as good as "Flutterlich" is!

this might be good
but all i can say is

Life is change, chaos, filth and suffering.
Death is peace, order, everlasting beauty.”

It's going well thus far, though I'm surprised Twilight didn't at least make a token preparation in case of zombies. I guess exhaustion can sap your initiative like nobody's business.

I look forward to seeing how necromancy has altered Trixie, both mentally and physically.

This looks promising. I wait patiently for more :eeyup:.

I cant imagine Mr. and Mrs Cake trying to be heroic....seriously I cant :twilightoops:


Not even to save their foals? Is something wrong with you?


i said "i cant imagine Mr and Mrs Cake trying to be heroic"
not "I cant imagine Mr and Mrs Cake ARE trying to be heroic"
....see the difference?


Yes, but that doesn't change my point.

... Okay, maybe I have a more active imagination than most, but seriously, it's part of being a parent. Let's agree to leave it at that.

And so the first named victims were taken.

Trixie will pay for this effrontery to existence... to mock death itself... Someone release the draconeques! (so I can't spell that bloodie word... so sue me!) :pinkiecrazy:

like the story, you have a very 'straight to the point' kind of writing, but it doesnt feel rushed. looking forward to more! :pinkiehappy:

do you mind if i add this story to a couple of groups?


Go right ahead. I'm no longer on as much as I should be, sadly, but I'm always happy to see my fellow bronies enjoy my writing :twilightsmile:.

over the past week i seem to have forgotten which groups i had in mind, so im gonna get to that as soon as i re-read it quickly tomorrow!:pinkiehappy:

Sh....Sh... shi-...
-the following has been censored into something appropriate for MLP-

well, they're screwed over.

At least Discord isn't responsible for this... in fact none of the original MLP villains really fit.

Great chapter, there were quit a few grammatical mistakes though, I will post a full report of my findings tommorrow.:twilightsmile:

unless you count trixie as a villain, since its most likely that she somehow awakened the the dude in the crystal which probably were some kind of necromancer. whom of course wants control over equestria...:pinkiehappy:

531091 Eh, it was worth a shot.



but seriously cool story :P

I Like where this stories heading and do hope you update soon... :twilightsheepish:

'Kill for justice, Die for harmony.'
'Kill for chaos, Die for Discord.'

All of [Spike and] Twilight’s friends came to have some fun with her [them].

I really can't condone this idea that the mane six are only Twilight's friends but not Spike's.

Well, here's hoping for as much interaction as possible between Spike and Trixie! There isn't enough of it.

So Big Mac's dead? Huh, never thought i'dd see the day...
Damn, what can I say? Trixie being an idiot and Big Mac being a bigger idiot.

This looks interesting indeed, putting it into read later!

I am unsure of how to react.
Trixie is SUCH A CLICHÉ Necromancer, Take over the world with the help of demons and the dead? Bah.

“What about Twilight, and Pinkie, and Rarity?”

And their families, I hope she means. I find it a little disturbing that Twilight would be a stronger presence in Fluttershy's mind than Spike when one takes into account how excited she was upon meeting him and how unhindered her affection was in "Just for Sidekicks".

So did Spike just disappear or what? You'd think his fire breath, thick scales, and gem-crushing jaws would be something he would want to use against the hoard, yet he isn't fighting, nor is he even mentioned. Did he accidentally sneeze and mail himself to Celestia in between chapters?

Nice to have give them a little time to breathe.

I'm probably done here. Much as I love the fact that Spike and Twilight are the focus characters, my main reason for starting this was to see some interaction between Spike and Trixie. But since she's a deranged murderer, there probably won't be much comical friction between them, let alone bonding.

Instresting fic i'll keep an eye on this. :trixieshiftright:

I want more.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

Wonderbolts? Lame. Pinkie got Gandalf!

Keep it down! The zombies are dead, not deaf!

3437179 I wouldn't worry about him. So far we've only seen pony zombies, and he's covered in dragon scales, one of the hardest substances known to fiction. Not to mention the fire breath.

In my opinion necromancy isn't worth it. An army of golems would be just as effective if not more so, and use less energy. But there's just something for the fear factor of having your fallen comrades get back up and start attacking you that destroys moral in any mortal army. Not to mention the corruption that takes the user.

3426038 Really, Trixie isn't herself anymore. Necromancy essentially fills the user with a desire to grow the horde at all costs. The caster isn't anymore alive than their undead armies. (On the internet, I am Merlin. Text role playing in random places is the best!)

When does Twilight do necromancy
thats what i came for

The step from revenge to believing she was the next ruler seems a bit out of place here I'd either add exposition or just drop this as it isn't needed until later

But otherwise a fine chapter thus far!


Why are you not on the rock farm?......a-anyways!

This chapter was very well put together but I get the feeling that you exclude a few of the more memorable moments and focus on the storyline and while this is by no means a bad thing it seems a bit too closed in and sets off my tinglers.

Good chapter keep it up!


Hmm.....can you say that you've meat a cake?!?! Bahahaha......I'm sorry.

All in all this is a fine chapter but I somehow felt like I knew they were going to give themselves to stall the zombies when the moaning came so not that much of a shock.

It's a good chapter but fell a bit flat in terms of sadness and suspense.

Keep on keeping on


There we go! I like the cut of your jibs

This is a chapter I like!
Warrior Rarity is awesome.
But anyways the emotional impact of the cakes doing what they did seemed a bit too fleeting to pinkie who apparently adored them as a second set of parents so ill withhold my comments until later on if I see no residual sorrow from her on this matter but overall a good chapter if only a tad rushed.

God damnit the ponies seem so cold and uncaring for anyone who isn't the mane 6 and CMC.

Fuck you Big mac I loved you you glorious obscenely country bastard.....*sniffles*

Good chapter.

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