• Member Since 9th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


I am a self proclaimed horror and dark fantasy fic writer. You want darkness, death, and despair? You've come to the right place. Also an eternal Twilight Sparkle and avid Lovecraft fan.


I'd do just about anything to help my faithful assistant and dearest friend with his problems, but this time I may be out of my depth. Something's wrong with Spike... very wrong, and I'm not sure I can fix it on my own. I don't know what's going on, but I'm worried about him. Some of the things he's been saying lately... they scare me.

I'm afraid for him... and I think I might be afraid of him.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 70 )

This has potential It will be interesting to where this goes.

I've heard of recurring nightmares, and have even had a few in the past, but this?

When I was a kid, I use to get a recurring nightmare where I was attacked by a killer toilet. No, seriously, I'm not joking. It had giant pointy teeth and chased after me and everything. It would always play out the same way, but I'd just wake up at different points of the dream.

I finally managed to stop them when after the half dozen or so times I had the nightmare, when for some reason this time around I actually realised I was dreaming. I tried to wake myself up by forcing my eyes open as wide as possible, and lo and behold, I woke up and never had that nightmare again. I'm pretty sure that's the only time I ever lucid dreamed in my life. I think I was 7 or 8 at the time.

the premise alone has me invested in seeing where this goes,

Whatever will happen to Life is Magic? I've been wanting another chapter of that for a while.

It's still there and still active, just like all of my stories (save the completed and that one on an actual hiatus). Haven't updated a few of my stories in awhile but I haven't forgotten them either.

Ohhh boy always excited when you put out a new horror, looking forward to this!

"Nonono, that's not it either," Spike interjects. He raises his claws to his temples, rubbing them softly for a moment before letting out a resigned sigh, "it's just... the dreams seem so... eerie when I'm having them, but when I think about actually telling you about them, it just seems silly."

That's dreams for ya. They make sense until you try to think about WHY they make sense.

I found this story in a particular group, and was about to ask why, when I found that you, the author put it there...

I am intrigued. Please, do go on...

Which group may I ask, because I did misclick on one of the subgroups but I can't remember which one.

Ah, yeah, that's definitely supposed to be there...

Damn. That's some creepy shit! Good job.:pinkiecrazy:

My theory is Twilight is overeacting which is the "cat's" actual plan.

Plenty of creatures feed off of paranoia after all.

I'm sure she'll send a letter to Luna eventually, but I have a feeling when she does it'll be far too late.

Wait a sec twilight can't keep a secret to save her life...is twilight the one who's dreaming?

Theory: The "cat" was in Twilight's mind first and got Spike suspicious about her. Now, it switched to Spike to get Twilight suspicious.

The paranoia is REAL! You truly are the Pony Lovecraft.

red text is never good, it might already have claimed spike.

RUN!!! The words are on the left margin! That's not Spike! That's not Spike!

What reader says! If someone speaks in italics RUN!

This has been far more interesting than I thought it would be

RIP Applejack, you played a minor role.

don't worry about Applejack. She was getting kinda curious while we were talking, so I kept her busy for you.

Welp, she's dead, Jim.

Geez you are good at creating twists that no one would expect

*Edited* what I thought happen might not have happened.


need these confirmed, can't trust red text 100%

Otherreality mind monster... Is Twi remembering, or is it making new memories?

Wait, hold up, slam it in reverse, what the f:yay:k did pinkie do!!!

you know you've ****ed up when pinkamena diane pie shows up in a dark fic.

Naturally, I tell Spike that I'm not hiding anything—not that I can think of at any rate. He watches me intently, searching my face and evidently not liking what he sees. In a way I can't blame him; his accusation catches me completely off guard and for a long moment I'm speechless. I have no deep secrets I've kept from Spike or anypony else, but the look on my face probably conveys otherwise.

We gon need some psychoanalysis on this Twilight... there must be a some sort of therapy spell!

Besides that, what a great read so far. We getting that build up boy!

Oh boy! What a ride so far! I’m enthralled by our wonderful horrors and beautiful descriptions. Although... now I wonder what Pinkie Pie has to do with this... I’m invested! Keep up the great writing!

I loved it! Thanks for the story!

great story, I really had a good time thinking about how such a being would be and I came up with an idea for a story (I know I will never write it but I thought the idea was good and I prefer to publish it here in the hope that someone make her say nothing and forget me), imagine that this (or a similar creature) goes to a planet and tries to convince the protagonist to join them and this one so that the entity does not consume its world makes a bet, if the entity sends it to a universe with a large temporal difference (for example that 1 year in that universe would be 1 minute in the universe of the proagonist) the protagonist agrees to look for an alternative source to deposit the knowledge of the entity and if at some time he gets a source that works the entity undertakes to change its method of obtaining knowledge (being a passive or active observer but without adding anyone who does not want to join). The protagonist will go to the universe with a basic knowledge of him and has the ability to communicate with the entity and request the knowledge he deems necessary, but it must be taken into account that an individual can only store a certain amount of knowledge, if the protagonist dies or does not meet the deadline both universes will be consumed by the entity
PD: the solution that occurred to me was to build a storage machine the size of a planet and constantly expanding

I cant believe it took me this long to realize it was gorefield the whole time...


I'm following a story featuring Hermaeus Mora currently, so it immediately came to mind as I finished this.
Your story was definitely more horror-focused though! :twilightoops:
Great story, as usual.

"Spells don't work, Twilight."

Bullets won't work Jon.

That dreadful tension... the grotesque imagery. The twists! The turns! What a tale to behold! Another great story mate! Although... I wonder why with all that knowledge they can't make themselves a bit more friendly ya know? It's hard to convince ponies with the whole 'interdimensional demon of horror' thing going on. Get some good PR! Get a makeover! You'd think there'd be at least ONE agent in there willing to get some good rep going... Ah well, at the end of time we can wonder an even greater question.

Is the loss of the individual autonomy worth all the knowledge of the universe? Is it even worth all the effort to know everything? We consider it such a great boon but truly... would we come to a worse conclusion? Would the thundering drums of truth's army frighten us more than inspire? What even is knowledge's worth if not learned through some means and not handed on a silver platter (of trillions of minds).

The answer: If I bloody well knew I wouldn't be askin' eh?
Great story mate, can't wait to divulge in many more tales of grimdark woe!

"Spells don't work, Twilight."

It’s gorefield but pinkie pie :twilightoops::derpyderp1:

It’s is a gorefield story almost if pinkie pie had looked like gorefield that would be better

Hallo! Here's a review for your story!

I know you submitted this like, 2 months ago but hey, better late than never, right? :twilightsheepish:

God I love everything you write idk how you do it, but you're always able to draw me in and make me feel like I'm actually in the story, going through the emotions that the characters do. You're able to bring across a sense of unease through the stylistic choices you make. You're able to use literary devices to show instead of tell. When you want to make the audience feel tense, you change up the diction without telling the audience to feel uncomfortable or you change the forgetting of the text in an almost unnoticeable way so that the mind can see the difference and make the audience feel uncomfortable without consciously knowing why. I have a lot more I want to talk about but I'm lazy and I don't want to have to write this in essay format (of course unless you want a 2 page double space essay on how you're a great writer). If you published anything, I would buy the first book.

That's probably one of the most heartfelt things anyone's said about my writing. I know I'm not the best writer out there and I do have some stories I wish were written better, I am fairly confident in my writing skills over all and I appreciate that you enjoy what I put out there so much. At the risk of sap and cliche, it's incredibly motivating to hear that and helps me to keep doing what I do, so thanks. :pinkiesmile:

If it doesn't, then I might k—


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