• Member Since 9th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I am a self proclaimed horror and dark fantasy fic writer. You want darkness, death, and despair? You've come to the right place. Also an eternal Twilight Sparkle and avid Lovecraft fan.


This story is a sequel to A Process of Elimination

Twilight Sparkle had a secret.

It was a secret that plagued her for years. It was a secret that isolated her. It was a secret that brought her pain, misery, and joy all at once.

It was a secret that gained her the best and only real friend she had ever known.

It was a secret that caused her downfall.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 49 )

Interesting how it's told as well, with no actual dialogue as such. Overall it's a nice little one shot.

Well that was haunting. Thanks, but I don't think I need to see how we got here. I believe you are entirely too good at this.

I wouldn't mind a prequel to this

I am loathe to admit it, but I would love to see the sequel/prequel to this. May Faust have mercy on my soul

Interesting tho i wonder how you would handle a sequel would Twlight and ocatavia be involved? Would it be more a prequel that lead up to this? Or something else entirely?

Nice job on this!
I definitely would be interested in more of this premise. You've been one of my favorite authors to write darker stories recently, and I believe that you could pull it off nicely.
Nice choice on Octavia actually, her stoic and upright demeanor could potentially make her terrifying in a prequel. :twilightsmile: (Music pones are also best pones)

You're quickly becoming one of my favorite authors in this genre.

i would love to be able to read more of this. if you have the time, could you gift us with more?

Gosh... I'm left wondering... I do wanna see what led up to this.

Great storytelling as always by the way! It left me on the edge of my seat!

Thanks for the praise on the story, and my stories in general! :twilightsmile:

It might be awhile before I work on the sequel, but in the meantime you should check out the story that originally inspired me to write this one.

An intriguing story. Hoping to see more of it.

Why do I like this story so much? Every facet of every sentence intrigued me in a sickening way. I love this story. Take my upvote and enjoy insanity!

Please make a backstory.

BTW what does the bold text represent? Is it supposed to be some kind of emphasis or something?

It represents another side of Twilight.

I would actually like to see a more in depth prequel or such to this.

So is it like her extra evil side or her better side? :scootangel:😈

I prefer to think of it as her 'fun' side.

I hope they survive in the sequel.

Read it, loved it.

Really wanna know what happened, or how Octi got into yours.

I liked this. Characters being portrayed as serial murderers or something along those lines have always been a personal favorite of mine. That's one of the reasons why I like Death Note so much, honestly...

well damn this was rather interesting to read. loved the way it would told.

what? seeing them come back from the dead? welli will admit, i had the image of twilights head poping off for some bizare reason but not dieing only being released and escapes with octavias corpse to be brought back by what ever dark magics that let her survive. ... my mind is weird

I meant, right before they die from being hanged, some ponies came and rescued them. Then, they're on the run and escape to outside of Equestria's borders.

Your mind went in an entirely different direction than mine did it seems. Lol

Oooh, now this is interesting.

I like it.


Concise, to the point, and poignant. Possibly a bit rought at spots. I like it.

The only thing is that I kept having flashbacks to the Secret Life of Rarity. It and its sequels taught me that I can both love and hate a story strongly at the same time for the same reasons.

The Secret Life of Rarity and its sequels were some of the first few fics I read on this site that really struck me emotionally, and that I got completely absorbed in, so I have a particular soft spot for the series. While the inspiration for this story lies elsewhere, I hope to write a story (the prequel to this one) that can convey the same emotional impact BronyWriter's Killer Rarity series had on me.

On another note, while I'm talking about it, I'm really hoping he finishes his Killer Applejack story at some point. That seemed like it was going to be an interesting tale.


I'd read quite a few stories that evoked powerful emotions before reading that series but very few hit that deeply and viscerally. I found that level of insight into Rarity's psyche intriguing, disturbing, and extremely uncomfortable. The abhorrence and disgust her actions caused didn't make it any more comfortable.

I love the stories but reading them wore me out emotionally to the point that I just stopped a few chapters into Broken Blossom, and I haven't continued since then. Every time I consider continuing I involuntarily cringe away from the thought. Some day I intend to finish them, but I'll have to, for lack of a better word, brace myself mentally first. "It's time to go over the top, lads. Once more into the breach, my friends, once more into the breach!"

Are you talking about Probitas? I've read what's been posted, but I honestly can't recall any of the actual events in it.

The story that inspired me to write this one was actually called The Itch. I don't think its very well known, but it's another story that casts Twilight in the role of psychotic killer, and just the way the author presents it makes it quite an enthralling read, at least in my opinion. It has an engaging buildup and a spectacular, (or rather horrifying depending on who you ask) payoff.


Hmm, sounds interesting. I'll add it to my list.

Just be aware that story is, and will probably remain, unfinished. Personally, I'm actually satisfied with where it left off, and based on the author's last A/N, I'm not sure I would've enjoyed the direction he'd planned to take the story.


Thank you for the warning, but I'm unfortunately familiar with dead stories. I rarely bother reading them when I stumble across them unless they really grab my attention or they're specifically recommended to me.

Oddly enough, quite a few stories I thought were dead have resurrected in the last six months or so.

Finding an author who writes pony serial killers and mature dark stories (over porn) as their niche is quite the treat. Looks like I'm going to be poking around the prequel too.

Thanks! :twilightsmile:

Hopefully you'll feel the same about the prequel should you decide to read it. :pinkiesmile:

There is indeed a prequel. If you haven't checked it out yet it's right here. Be warned though, it takes a bit to build up.

9192447 A fellow man of culture, I see :duck:

That aside, this was a wonderful little ride, much as I generally dislike any pony story that includes imagery of public executions, for whatever the reason. I'll make sure to check out the prequel, too, thought perhaps it will take me some time to get there. May you have a nice day:twilightsmile:

Plot Twist: This is secretly just another Pinkamena grimdark.

Pinkie is the most popular for grimdark murder/death. Rarity is a personal favorite. But Twilight? Now this I have to read.

Glad to hear you're interested! Just don't expect Twilight to go on a killing spree right out of the gate. The sequel (prequel) starts from when she's a filly and there's no actual murder until she gets to Ponyville. That's said, here's hoping you enjoyed her descent into the twisted mare she becomes later down the line. :twilightsmile:

Honestly I would like to hope not, unless it opens on her in the middle of work and thinking along the lines of [Record scratch] "You might be wondering how I ended up elbow-deep in a mare's intestines."

(Which would make for a dramedy horror I think ;) ) Background is always great to have, before their descent into madness~

Comment posted by jwizard deleted Jun 22nd, 2019

This was quite interesting! Atmospheric without wallowing in it, dark and uncompromising, and yet with a certain heart to it. Good enough to make me want to read the prequel, for sure.

serial killers?
Boy, I was way off in what I was thinking when listening to the story ^^’

A couple of them weren't so lucky as to get away from me in the end. Still, like everypony else, they have nothing to show but hatred, betrayal, and sadness.

Does that inquire that Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie were the ones who survived?

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