• Published 13th Jan 2012
  • 10,108 Views, 223 Comments

My Little Pony: Flesh and Steel - Gyvon

Crossover between FIM and Transformers, starring my original transformer character.

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Chapter 15: One Shall Rise, One Shall Fall

Chapter 15

One Shall Rise, One Shall Fall

LOCATION: Canterlot
TIME: Late Morning

General Lennox groaned as he recovered from the blow. Like the rest of the troops, he had been knocked back by a wall of shadows. He saw his Marines and the Ponies recovering as well, though many were killed when they impacted the ground.

"What happened?" asked General Icewing as he recovered.

General Firebolt had recovered quicker, and was pointing at the Element bearers. "The Elements of Harmony! They failed!"

As he finished that sentence, the six mares seemingly dissolved into a multicolored beams of light, and flowed into the ball of shadow where Gyvon had intercepted Nemesis Prime's attack, where a large blot of darkness remained.

"No they haven't." came a voice. General Lennox turned and was awestruck to see Princess Celestia, still wearing her golden armor, standing before him. Gyvon had sent an image of her with his S.O.S., but it did not do the Sun Princess' beauty justice.

Moments later, a disembodied voice sounded off. This one deep, ancient, powerful.


In a burst of light, the dark blot dissipated, and floating in midair was Gyvon, though his form had changed. His two forward-swept wings had split into six, smaller wings; his thrusters had migrated to his feet, which had been replaced with fire-red hooves. The helmet on his head had been replaced by a seven pointed crown. Long, wire-like hair covered the rest of his scalp. An aura of white light surrounded him as well.

(A/N) I'd switch from light to dark now. It'll make reading the next part a little easier.

For Gyvon, time seemed to slow to a crawl, as there was yet another change that was not evident to anyone else, the presence of six of his friends inside his mind.

'Woah! This is weird.' said Applejack.

'But totally AWESOME!' replied Rainbow Dash.

'Why am I glowing?' asked Gyvon.

'It's the same "glow" that surrounds us when we use the Elements of Harmony.' replied Twilight. 'My best guess is that your body absorbed their power when they were used last.'

'Ooh, what's in this folder? What's '80s hair metal? Who the heck is Stan Bush? asked Pinkie Pie.

'Pinkie! Leave John's personal stuff alone! We're invading his privacy enough as it is.' retorted Rarity.

'Focus, girls. We need a plan?'

'Why not just hit that thing with the power of the Elements?' asked Applejack.

'Won't work. We used them up when we hit John with them.'

'How do you know that?' asked Fluttershy.

'It's how the Elements work. They impart knowledge on their use to the bearers. We still need to defeat Nemesis, though. Any ideas?'

'Why not do it the old fashioned way?'

Time began to speed up from their perspective, and Gyvon launched himself at Nemesis Prime. Flying faster than he had ever flown before, with a rainbow-colored wake, he lashed out at the Cybertronian, connecting with a flying roundhouse kick to the head, the metal pitting where it met jet exhaust. Caught by surprise, Nemesis was knocked off balance and fell face first. Gyvon could practically see the jaws dropping on the ponies in his head.

'Oh my Celestia! When did you get so fast?'

'I'm drawing on your speed here, Dash.'

'Yeah, weren't you paying attention Rainbow?'

Gyvon visualized Rainbow Dash sticking her tongue out at the farmpony, but he had other concerns. Nemesis Prime had recovered swiftly, and growled menacingly at him.

"You insignificant little insect!" he roared as he stood up to his full height. "You may be a Prime, but you are still weaker than me" As he finished, Nemesis Prime dissipated into a dark mist and dissolved into the ground.

'Is... is he running away?'

Gyvon scanned the area, looking for a sign of what the Cybertronian planned. He knew that the battle was far from over. It wasn't long until Pinkie Pie began screaming inside his mind


Gyvon did as Pinkie suggested, narrowly dodging a chunk of rock that came at him from behind. He turned around to see entire chunks of the mountainside calving off. One hovered for a moment before flying off in his direction. Gyvon dodged that one as well, only to be intercepted by another chunk. He closed his eyes and brought his arms up to cover his head.

A notion came over Gyvon, something he'd read in a book weeks ago. He imagined the large stone to stop, and tried to will it to happen. When the rock failed to impact, Gyvon opened his eyes, and saw the stone floating in midair, surrounded by a green aura.

'That wasn't me!'

'Nor I!'

"I think that was me, girls." replied Gyvon, disbelief clearly showing through his voice. In his heads-up display, he could see a gem and star floating in the corner. "Though I think you helped."

'OOH! OOH! You can do magic? That is so cool! Are you a wizard?'

Any further mental discussion was interrupted by even more rocks being launched at Gyvon. He used the one that he had magically stopped to block one of the offending stones, dodged another, and telekinetically deflected another. But even more stones were breaking free of the mountain, more than he could possibly avoid. It took Gyvon a moment to formulate a new plan.

"Screw this!" he yelled and jetted straight up as fast as he could. He stopped and turned when his altimeter read 300 feet. He was out of range of anymore thrown boulders, and Nemesis Prime soon showed himself, appearing in the middle of the new boulder field.

"You think you can run from me?" he roared. Flaring his wings, Nemesis Prime took flight after Gyvon, not noticing the smirk on his prey's face as he fled.

"Filthy insect!" sneered Galvatron as he re-attached his leg. "To think that I made a Prime. ME! Oh the irony is thicker than asphalt."

Galvatron slowly stood up, noting that he was not the only one to recover. Optimus was standing as well, and clutching his axe menacingly. Sideswipe was still recovering, but would still be a problem. What drew his attention, however, was Celestia hovering next to Optimus, murder in her eyes.

Seeing no way to survive another fight, Galvatron chuckled darkly. "Starscream was right." he said. "Cowards do survive." With that statement, he transformed into his jet mode, and flew off away from Canterlot. His battle was over.

'So, do you have a plan here?' asked Rainbow Dash as they flew higher.

'Of course. Once we hit the lower Stratosphere, we stall.'

'Are you INSANE? exclaimed Twilight. 'That thing will clobber us for sure if he catches us!

'He won't have a chance to. However, this may hurt a bit.' replied Gyvon as he extended a blade from his left arm and the fusion cannon, which now had two barrels, from his right.

The number on his altimeter continued to increase. When it read 20km, he back-flipped and stared down Nemesis Prime less than a hundred feet below. Sudden realization dawned on the Cybertronian as Gyvon's blade flashed out. Unable to stop in time, Nemesis Roared out in pain as the blade raked down his chest, leaving a deep scar.

As he fell below the Cybertronian, Gyvon spun around and aimed his fusion cannon at Nemesis Prime. Gritting his teeth, Gyvon fired. The twin barrels of the cannon spat out two blasts of pure energy, hitting their target square on the back. Gyvon brought his freefall to a halt as Nemesis tumbled downwards. He took a moment to re-set his shoulder only to realize that the joint was still firmly in it's socket.

"Well, that's a pleasant surprise."

'What now?'

"Gotta time this just right."

He waited until Nemesis Prime had fallen a good ways before transforming into SU-47 mode and diving full speed at the falling monster.

'Oh, this is gonna be so AWESOME!' squealed Dash as she realized exactly what Gyvon was planning to do.

His speed increased rapidly, passing Mach 2 in moments. Nemesis Prime grew in his vision as they closed the distance at Mach 4. At Mach 5, Gyvon transformed back into his combat mode and slammed into Nemesis Prime as a Sonic Rainboom filled the sky. At that speed, Gyvon barreled through Nemesis Prime cleanly, leaving a large hole in his chest.

The ground approached quickly as he flew downwards, turning at the last minute to avoid cratering the field below. He stopped and landed the Outer Wall and waited for his foe.

'Do...do you think that did it? asked Fluttershy.

'Are you kidding me? We hit him with everything we have, and threw in a Sonic Rainboom for good measure! There's no way he's getting up!!'

To put the lie to Dash's words, the wall under Gyvon exploded, flinging him into the air. Before he could regain control, Gyvon felt a clawed hand grasp him and slam him into the ground. He stared up to see Nemesis Prime's battered form glaring down at him, one hand wrapped around his crystalline sword.

"YOU MISERABLE INSECT!" yelled Nemesis. "You will pay dearly for defying me!" He raised his sword, ready to pierce the foul being that dared to stand up to him.

Nemesis Prime was interrupted, however, by the timely appearance of a pair of A-10 Warthogs from the 'Bridge. With a mighty roar, they unleashed 30mm depleted uranium shells at the great beast. Unable to withstand the sudden onslaught, he staggered backwards, losing his grip on Gyvon and dropping his blade.

The Warthogs were soon joined by mortar shells falling around Nemesis Prime and Optimus launching a blast from his Ion Cannon, followed by Princess Celestia unleashing a ray of pure sunlight from her horn. This managed to knock Nemesis Prime back away from the crater, giving Gyvon a chance to recover.

"That hurt." he grunted as he crawled out of the hole. He was badly damaged, but his self-repair systems were working in overdrive. A butterfly in the corner of his HUD indicated that Fluttershy was somehow coaxing it to work harder.

As he reached the edge, he felt someone grab him by the arm and lift him up.

"C'mon..." said Dinobot as he pulled Gyvon to his feet. "This battle is almost won!"

Gyvon looked around to see Marines and Unicorn Guards swarming the battlefield. They opened fire when they got within range, unleashing bullets, rockets, and arcane fire upon Nemesis Prime, joining the Autobots in the battle. The Warthogs again fired their GAU-8 Avengers, further devastating their target.

"Lead the way." said Gyvon as he and Dinobot ran for the battle, opening fire themselves.

"NO!" roared Nemesis Prime as he staggered under the unyielding onslaught. "MASTER! WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?"

Soon, having taken all the abuse his body could handle, Nemesis Prime fell. With a resounding thud, his body collapsed into the ground. His assailants ceased firing on him and approached slowly, cautiously. They all jumped back when Nemesis Prime spoke once again.

"Free." he said, his voice sounding like a great sigh of relief. "At long last, at the end, I am free." He continued to stare at the late-morning sun, until he spoke for the final time. "The light. It is... beautiful." With that, the ancient Cybertronian's body sagged, and crumbled into dust. Princess Celestia's horn glowed momentarily as she summoned a wind to scatter the dust.

'Looks like we're done here, girls.' said Twilight. Soon, Gyvon felt her presence leave his mind, along with Applejack, Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy.

'Aww. But I still don't know who Stan Bush is.'

'I'll tell you later, Pinkie.'

'Okie Dokie Lokie'

Six streams of multi colored light flowed from Gyvon's body, coalescing nearby into the six ponies who previously shared his mind.

"Okay..." said Lennox, who had joined them. "That's gotta be the third or fourth weirdest thing that's happened since I got here."

Gyvon snorted. "Spend a day with Pinkie. This won't even crack the top twenty." He left the dumbstruck general and approached the Princess, who had dismissed her golden armor.

"Too many have suffered today, Human and Pony alike." she said with a sigh. "But it's over."

"Not yet." rumbled Optimus. "Galvatron has fled. He will be back one day."

"But not for a while." replied Gyvon. "He'll be licking his wounds for some time. We'll have time to rebuild and prepare."

"And there is much that needs to be done." said Celestia. "But for now, I must go to my sister." She turned to Gyvon, wearing a soft smile on her face. "Would you join me?"

"Of course."

LOCATION: Canterlot Palace Infirmary
TIME: Noon.

The Navy corpsman had finally managed to get an IV run for Princess Luna when the door opened.

"How is she?"

"How the fuck should I know?" he said without looking. "I'm a doctor, not a vet!" When he turned around, his jaw drop as he saw who had entered the room. "Er... no offense."

Princess Celestia giggled at the display, while General Icewing bristled at the insult and Gyvon face-palmed.

"Just... give us your best guess, Corpsman." said Gyvon. "This time without putting your foot in your mouth.

'Right, sorry. As far as I can tell, she's just exhausted. I don't know how long she'll be asleep, so I've got an IV set up to keep her hydrated. I would like a second opinion, though."

"Thank you" replied Celestia before turning to the General. "Could you please find the Royal Physician? He couldn't have gone too far." When Icewing bowed and flew off, she returned her attention to the two humans. "Would you two give us a moment alone?" the Corpsman saluted the Princess before leaving the room, followed closely by Gyvon, who closed the door as he left.

Finally alone, Princess Celestia stood over her sister. She bent over and placed a kiss on her forehead, and whispered. "It's over, Luna. At long last, you are truly free."