• Published 13th Jan 2012
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My Little Pony: Flesh and Steel - Gyvon

Crossover between FIM and Transformers, starring my original transformer character.

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Intermission: Dogs of War


Dogs of War

LOCATION: Equestria.
TIME-FRAME: Over the course of three weeks.

Gyvon was given the task of bringing each Equestrian Army Element, both Pegasus and Unicorn up to speed. Gyvon started the training by teaching them all the strengths and weaknesses of the Decepticons. Then, he spent a few days with each Element to customize their training regimen.

The Pegasus Guard had a rich tradition of Air Dominance. Every war that Equestria found itself in, it was the Pegasi that controlled the skies. Even against the Griffon Dominion, they always made good on the promise of a friendly sky over the field of battle. Gyvon worried that the Decepticon fliers would, for the first time, be too much for the proud Pegasi, but after watching one slice through six inches of steel with his wings, he knew they'd be able to put up a fighting chance. They might not win the battle, but the 'Cons won't have an easy time.

The Unicorns, however, were another story. Able to fire bolts of arcane energy from their horns, their magic would make them almost equal to a modern Earth military in a ranged fight. They couldn't fire the bolts rapidly, but they more than made up for it in accuracy. One commander joked that his best spell-slinger could hit a gnat in the right testicle from four hundred yards.

And the Training continued. Each day, Gyvon would spend time with a different unit, instructing them in basic tactics, target practice, and the like. It wasn't perfect. Unlike NEST, the Equestrian Army couldn't practice their tactics against the Autobots, and the cardboard cutouts that he used were severely lacking in both weight and the ability to fight back. However, the Ponies did have a few tricks he could exploit. The Pegasi's ability to control weather could be harnessed to blow 'Cons away with tornadoes and harm them with lightning bolts and the Unicorns had many tricks at their disposal to turn the tide of battle.

All throughout the training period, Gyvon made a point to return to Ponyville every day. Although training the Equestrian Guard was necessary, he felt better returning to familiar ground every day, and Ponyville had become like a second home to him. Most of his time in Ponyville was spent studying with Twilight, but he still spent some time with his other friends. Applejack had a few dead trees on the farm, and Gyvon helped her clear them away. His time with Fluttershy was usually spent escorting her through the Everfree Forest near her cottage, either looking for animals of hers that got loose or searching for medicinal herbs.

Rarity mainly had him over for tea and pleasant conversation, although the conversation was a little less pleasant when he got the bill from her. Gyvon had a sneaking suspicion that Rarity had overcharged him for his wardrobe, but she denied it, citing increased materiel costs from his larger-than-pony size, which he accepted reluctantly.

With Pinkie Pie, he helped her watch the Cake twins from time to time, with little Pumpkin Cake being particularly attached to him. Rainbow Dash, strangely enough, wanted combat lessons. Word had leaked out about the Royal Guards' increased training regimen, and she had guessed correctly that he was training them to fight the Decepticons, and she wanted in. Gyvon was happy to oblige, though less so when he got his ass handed to him while trying to teach her basic martial arts. They had a good laugh when Dash explained that she was already a black belt.

Twilight, on the other hand, spent her time with Gyvon asking him questions. Questions about the War, about Earth, and about Humanity in general, and Gyvon did his best to answer. He never white-washed history, telling her about the atrocities as well as the accomplishments, but he always made sure to end his lessons on a high note.

All throughout those three weeks, Gyvon's worries began to lessen. The Guards trained hard and were swiftly becoming his equal in training. For the first time, he began to hope that they could defeat the Decepticons.

LOCATION: Galvatron's Lair
TIME: Noon.

"Damnable pests." spat Galvatron as he blasted yet another of the canines. They had been raiding his stores of energon gems since the day he had set up the base. It was more a nuisance than an actual threat, but they quickly began to annoy him.

Over the past three weeks, thousands of Predacons had joined him at their new base of operations, along with three more Decepticons. Their current task was to find the source of the infestation. The dogs had put up a fight, and the Predacons did suffer casualties, but their commander always reassured Galvatron that they were close to finding the nest.

As if on cue, the commander stepped out of the shadows and kneeled before his master. "My lord Galvatron" he said, gaining the Decepticon's attention. "Rise Tarantulas, and report. Have you found where these dogs are coming from?" Tarantulas came to his feet and nodded. "Yes, Lord Galvatron, we have located their main encampment. We await your orders."

Galvatron chuckled. "No survivors." he said. Tarantulas saluted, turned, and walked out. As he did so, Galvatron felt a presence in his mind. A presence that could mean only one thing. His Master wished to speak with him.

Galvatron turned and headed for the communications bunker. When he arrived, he ordered the few Predacons manning the controls to leave. Once they were gone, he activated the holographic display, and kneeled before the disembodied head of Unicron.

"What is thy bidding, Master?" asked Galvatron. He did not enjoy being subservient to the god-like being, but he had no choice. Unicron could end his life with the merest of thoughts. It was the cost levied when he was revived by The Darkness.

"I have received a communique from that wretched world." said Unicron. "My first Disciple lies imprisoned there." Galvatron stood and looked up at the hologram in shock. "Your first disciple? But... The Fallen is dead! I saw him die!" A sharp pain lanced across Galvatron's body, bringing him to his knees. Unicron would not be interrupted.

"The Fallen was not the first to succumb to The Darkness. My first was created by the AllSpark as Nova Prime, but took the name Nemesis when he fell." he said as he continued his mental assault on Galvatron. "He is an ancient being, predating the Dynasty by millennia." Unicron halted his assault on Galvatron's systems. "Your task is to free Nemesis Prime from the Lost Prison that Prima created." Unicron sent the coordinates of the Lost Prison straight to Galvatron's mind and signed off.

Galvatron saw that the Prison was located near a large native settlement. He called for his Decepticons to begin planning. They would need to be careful, otherwise they risked alerting the native lifeforms to their presence.

Elsewhere in the tunnels, the massacre commenced. The Predacons were ruthlessly efficient in their attack. Men, women, children, all were cut down where they stood. The Predacons reveled in the slaughter before them. All but one.

Removing his blade from yet another canine, one Predacon was quailed by what he was a part of. There is no honor in this he thought, even as he continued the grisly work. He saw how his compatriots enjoyed their work, and knew that he could not remain with such psychotic beings.

LOCATION: Galvatron's Lair
TIME: Midnight.

A lone being left the caves and proceeded south to the nearby forest. A being that the world had not seen for millions of years, a velociraptor. A being fleeing from the depravity of his former comrades.