• Published 12th Sep 2011
  • 8,650 Views, 123 Comments

Gaia - Squeak-anon

Fluttershy finds someone in the woods. And finds that things come in threes Sun, Moon, Earth

  • ...

Chapter six

Flower examined a large, blue bloom sticking up amongst the greenery, and smiled happily as it bounced back and forth in the breeze. Fluttershy and Spike stood a little ways off, the small dragon eyed her warily.

“Well how do you explain it?” He asked.

“I...Well...I don’t know. Maybe it was just a coincidence?” said Fluttershy, a note of hope in her voice.

Spike shook his head. “When she got happy just now the forest practically exploded. That’s no coincidence.”

“Well yes bu-”

“The rest of Ponyville is dead from the neck up. Except here, what’s the only difference?”

Fluttershy was quiet. She looked at Flower, who turned and waved excitedly. The yellow Pegasus smiled a bit despite herself and waved back.

“What if she’s the cause?” Spike whispered

Fluttershy turned to Spike, she opened her mouth to reply, then closed it. She glanced again at the brown mare playing happily, and thought of the previous day when they’d met, of the mares boundless exuberance and gentle, if at times naive, kindness.

“It can’t be her...” Fluttershy whispered.

“What’s that?” asked Spike.

“It can’t be her...I don’t believe it...”

Spike placed a claw on his forehead. “Come on Shy! It’s the only thing that makes sense. Ponyville was fine yesterday. Suddenly BAM! Strange mare in the woods with freaky powers and now the place is a wasteland! You can’t ignore that! I don’t think some glass ball sitting in the woods has anything to do with it!”

Fluttershy took a step back.

Spike sighed. “Look, I know you like her, but you can’t ignore the facts. What she just did? It wasn’t normal, earth ponies shouldn’t be able to do that. Some unicorns shouldn’t be able to do that.”

Fluttershy bit her lip. “Well...that’s true...but she’s not evil, I’ve spent time with her Spike...She’d never hurt anypony on purpose.”

“On purpose or not, things are getting bad out there, and we need to get to the bottom of it. The princesses are in town, we have to take her to them at the very least. They might know what’s going on.”

Fluttershy was quiet for a moment, then she nodded. “Alright.”

She turned to find Flower standing a few inches away looking at the two of them quizzically. “Have I done something wrong?” she asked.

Spike jumped, tumbling into a pile of nearby vines.

Fluttershy stared at her for a moment, Flower’s deep green eyes searched her face. The brown mare’s ears lowered as she sat back on her haunches.

“I-If I have done something wrong then I am sorry...” she said quietly.

“No, no!” Fluttershy said quickly. “You haven’t done anything wrong...we’re just... curious. That’s all.”

Flower’s ears perked up. “Curious?”

“Yes...” Fluttershy looked out at the fresh greenery which covered the forest. “Did you...do this?”

Flower’s face clouded for a moment. “Do this?”

Fluttershy gently pointed to a daisy which bloomed at their hooves. “The flowers...all this growth in the forest?”

“Growth?” Flower bent down to the daisy’s level. Her face broke out in a wide grin as she watched it sway in the breeze. “Magic.”

“You can do magic?”

Flower’s smile faded, she looked distant as she thought. “I still do not understand...”

Spike got up, brushing himself off. “Did you, or did you not make this stuff grow?”

Flower stared at nothing in particular for a moment. “Make...stuff...grow.”

Her eyes focused suddenly on the daisy in front of her. It shuddered, it’s leaves bouncing and jerking before several more shot from the ground . Growing from tiny sprouts into fresh yellow blooms in seconds, they burst forward like tiny fireworks.

Flower smiled to herself. “Make...stuff...” She paused to pick one.

She gripped it carefully by the stem between to hooves. Sitting on her haunches, she offered it to Fluttershy, a grin painting her features again. “Grow!” she said proudly. “Yes.”

There was silence for a moment as Fluttershy stared at the flower. A ladybug fluttered from the nearby trees and landed gently on its petals skittering about on the freshly grown bloom.

“Woah...” said Spike.

Flower nudged Fluttershy with her hooves. “For you.”

“Oh.” Fluttershy snapped out of her daze. “Um...thank you.” She gently took the flower and tucked it under a wing. “Um...how long have you been able to do that?”

Flower paused, looking back down at the patch of daisies. “How...long?” she tilted her head in thought. “Always, I think...always. I had...forgotten.” She looked at Fluttershy. “But now I remember. It is nice...to remember.” She smiled. “Thank you.”

“Huh...for what?” asked Fluttershy.

Flower took the daisy from Fluttershy wing and placed it gently in her mane.


Spike looked from Flower to Fluttershy, then at the vibrant foliage around them. “I’m sorry to ruin the moment. But we really need to see the princesses now. They need to know about this.”

Fluttershy sighed. She knew he was right. She could only hope that Flower wasn’t the cause of what was happening, and that perhaps the princesses would know what to do.

“Alright Spike,” she said getting up. “Flower, follow us. I’d like to introduce you to some more of my friends.”

Flower’s ears perked up up at the word. Her smile grew. “I would like that.”

“Alright.” Fluttershy started down the path back towards her cottage, Spike hopped on her back. “Follow me.”


The thing that wasn’t Twilight Sparkle was growing tired of waiting. A nearby tree began to shrivel and wilt as its impatience grew. Internally it could feel the life beyond the path growing. That worried it. It needed to move faster. It needed to hurry, it needed to strike. It needed access to this power. Mentally, it threw itself against against the wall again, knowing it was pointless, but reminding its most recent charge who she was dealing with. It would not be stopped long. It could hear her, deep down, struggling, fighting. She knew its plans, what it was willing to do to get what it wanted, and it terrified her. The thing that wasn’t Twilight Sparkle grinned at the thought.

The smile almost reached its ears.

It sensed movement further up the trail. Something was coming. Probably a pony judging by how it felt. A snack would do it some good, it thought. It needed all the strength it could get, all the might it could manage. It put on a friendly face, smiling cheerfully as it waited for whoever was coming to round the bed. To get close.

“It’s right this way!” It heard them call.

Inside, it felt a flash of memory. It picked through the thoughts of the pony who’s face it wore. There was a farm pony with a ridiculous hat in this mind. A friend. An ally...

It’s friendly smile took on a slightly crueler tone. This could be useful. It threw itself against the mental wall again with extra force to let her know it meant business. It could feel the wall beginning to crack, if it threatened this new pony, she might bend to save her. How quaint. It might not need the dragon.

It searched for a name in the haze of memories. One floated to the top after a bit of a struggle.

“Applejack...” It said with a bubbly, not quite equine chuckle. “This should be entertaining.”

The orange pony came into view, it quickly hid the harsh edges of its smile and waved Twilight Sparkle’s hoof in her direction.

“Hello Applejack!” it said. “It’s nice to see you.”

The farmpony skidded to a stop. “Twilight! You’re alright!”

“Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be, Applejack?” it asked, tilting Twilight Sparkle’s head.

“The princess...she said you were in danger. Are you okay? Did anything happen?”

The thing that wasn’t Twilight Sparkle paused. This one knew those who wished to stop it? Were they on their way? They had located it far too quickly. It would need to strike fast, it took a step towards the farm pony, its false smile syrupy sweet.

“Well, they must simply be over worried again. You know how they are my dear Applejack. Calm yourself.You must have been so worried. Let me give you a hug.”

It opened Twilight Sparkles hooves in a friendly gesture.

“Aw, shucks.” Applejack smiled. “I’m just glad you’re okay. You had us a might worried.”

The thing that wasn’t Twilight Sparkle could feel her as she got closer, it allowed itself an internal grin as it felt its charge struggle fiercely, trying desperately to warn her friend of a danger she could not know. The grin spread to its face.

“Goodbye Applejack,” it whispered.

“You have found her!” called a voice.

The grin vanished, Twilight Sparkle’s body froze as Applejack completed the hug.

That voice.

“You are unharmed Twilight Sparkle!” Luna came to a stop next to the them.

It did not dare move, it didn’t so much as breath.

But she smiled at it.

Did she not recognize it? The thing that wasn’t Twilight Sparkle quickly regained its composure.

Of course...this was the younger sister...she’d been too little. She wouldn’t have remembered. This was a stroke of luck. Still, she was too powerful for it to reveal itself now. It would have to wait. Inside, it could feel the pony whose face it contorted into a false smile let out a sigh of relief. It would not last long.

It released the farm pony.

“Luna!” it said. “Yes, I am fine.”

“Celestia said she sensed danger. What has happened?” she asked, bending down to its level.

“Oh..” Of course She would know something was wrong. It cursed itself for being careless. Still, it could turn this to its advantage. Twilight Sparkle’s eyes went wide in panic. “Oh yes! Yes I was! There was a terrible creature on the path! I barely fought it off! It must have run when it heard you coming! I’m so glad you have good timing.”

Applejack stared at it oddly for a moment. “I thought you said the princesses were just being over worried?”

“Oh, they were!” it said quickly. “I can handle myself. They have no need to worry about me.” It puffed out Twilight Sparkle’s chest.

“That a girl.” Applejack clapped it on the back with a hoof. “Now, where’d it go? We need to find out what’s goin’ on around here, and quick. Celestia’s in an awful state.”

It forced Twilight Sparkle’s face to show concern. “Oh my! That’s terrible!, It went into the forest. That way!” It pointed further down the path. “You two should go search for it. Why don’t I see how Celestia’s doing?”

Applejack nodded. “Sounds like a plan. Let’s g-”

“Twilight! Applejack!” Called another voice. It turned around, to see Fluttershy coming up the path.


Fluttershy heard talking up ahead, she sped to a trot with Flower in tow, Spike bouncing along on her back. As she cleared the treeline, she saw Twilight talking to Applejack. She called out to them before she noticed Luna. She paused, turning to Flower before continuing.

The brown mare looked past her at the small group.

“More friends?” she asked.

“Yes,” Fluttershy nodded. “I want you to show them what you can do. They’re going to have questions....can you answer them for me? Just do the best you can...”

Flower smiled and nodded.

“Alright, let’s go.”

Fluttershy walked over to the group, bowing slightly in front of Luna.

“Fluttershy!” Applejack cried. The yellow pegasus quickly found herself in a hug. “I don’t know what’s goin’ on today, but Twilight says there’s a monster about. Glad to see you’re alright.”

“Oh yes, I’m fine.” Fluttershy returned the hug. “We didn’t see any creature...But there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” She nodded to the tall mare holding back a few paces. Flower waved happily, and walked over.

“Hello, I am Flower.” She looked closely at Applejack. “You are Fluttershy’s friend?”

Applejack leaned back a bit. “Um...yes...” She offered her a hoof. “Applejack, pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Flower eyed the hoof oddly.

“Shake it.” Fluttershy whispered.

“Shake it.” Flower repeated. She grasped Applejack’s hoof between her forelegs and shook vigorously. “It is nice to meet you Applejack!” She shook her hoof faster. “This is fun!”

Applejack was almost lifted entirely off the ground as Flower continued the hoofshake. Fluttershy tapped her on the side, and she reluctantly released the orange mare’s leg.

“Thanks...” Applejack replied, working the limb back and forth in an attempt to recover. As she did she examined the new mare. Her face clouded for a moment.

“Is something wrong?” Asked Flower.

“No...not wrong..” Applejack put a hoof to her chin. “It just...it feels like we’ve met before...”

Fluttershy meekly raised a hoof. “Flower’s having trouble remembering things...but she has something she wants to show you...Princess?” She turned to Luna to find her, staring wide eyed, at the brown mare.

Flower’s eyes met hers, and the two stared at eachother for a moment.

“You...” Luna started. “You also seem familiar to me...”

A breeze blew past as the two looked at one another. Flower raised an eyebrow, tilting her head to one side, then another.

“We...have met...” she said slowly. “I...remember?” Her eyebrows knitted together in thought. “A very long time ago....Luna?”

Fluttershy looked at Flower in surprise. This was the first time she’d shown this concrete of a memory.

As Flower thought, her eyes shifted down to Twilight. She jerked stock still, her own eyes widening.

“Hello Flower,” said Twilight with a smile. “So nice to see you again.”

Fluttershy looked between them. Flower looked terrified.

“Are you alr-”

She was interrupted as Flower started screaming.

All four ponies reared back in shock as the sound echoed through the forest, filled with unbridled terror. Flower whirled around, almost tripping over herself a she raced back down the path towards the forest.

“Flower!” Fluttershy called.

“What’s wrong!?” Applejack asked bewildered.

“She just bolted...” said Spike from Fluttershy’s back.

“Flower” Fluttershy turned. “Flower come back!”

She started down the path, only to have Twilight step in front of her. “Leave Spike, he and I need to go to the library and get to the bottom of what’s going on here. You and Luna hunt down Flower. I’m sure she’s got something to do with what’s going on here. She ran when she remembered the princess.”

“But sh-”

“You saw it!” Twilight yelled. “That’s not something an innocent pony would do. What was it you wanted to show us? Hmm? Everything was fine before she showed up, now Ponyville is a wasteland.”

Spike hopped off of Fluttershy’s back. “She’s right Fluttershy. I think she’s got more to do with this than she’s letting on.”

Fluttershy stared at them for a moment. “I....she...she’s not...”

“Find her,” Twilight said shortly.

Luna stepped up between them. “That is sensible. We shall ascertain what she has to do with this. “Come Fluttershy, Applejack.”

Fluttershy stood there for a moment. Unsure what to say. “...Okay...but when we find her...let me talk to her...Please?”

Luna nodded. “I will allow this. Now come, Twilight, meet us back here if you discover anything.”

“I certainly will. Come along Spike.”

Spike hopped onto Twilight’s back, and they started off towards the library. Behind them, Applejack and Luna galloped after Flower. Fluttershy hung back, looking at where the trees ended, and the grey began. She noted, very briefly, at the back of her mind, that it started exactly where Twilight had been standing.

She chalked this up to coincidence and raced to catch up.

In the grey, heading towards Ponyville, Spike couldn’t see the thing that wasn’t Twilight Sparkle grinning.

To Be Continued.

Comments ( 32 )

That's an interesting chapter, I think that Celly, Luna and Flower are sisters, only that Flower sealed herself up to stop that "Thing that isn't anypony" from destroying the world or something.:twilightsmile:

Hmm.... Twilight acts weird, and lies, and AJ doesn't pounce and confront her?! I call shenanigans! Twilight can't lie for shit, AJ could easily see through liars, real or fake. EVERYTHING Twilight said doesn't make sense and her friends WOULD notice. Even Luna should have been able to tell Twilight wasn't normal by sensing magic. All the characters are too out of character. What's more:

“Hello Flower,” said Twilight with a smile. “So nice to see you again.”
Fluttershy looked between them. Flower looked terrified.

Fluttershy doesn't notice that TWILIGHT made flower scared and run, and Twilight saying she met flower before then, even tho the real one couldn't possibly?!

Better update fast, and better be a good story, cause so far this chapter alone is making it a very badly written one...


Has Applejack ever actually shown any ability to recognize liars, or is that just a popular assumption? And it doesn't matter how well Twilight can lie when she's not the one speaking. Also, I don't know if Luna should have sensed something unusual about Twilight, or simply could have had she been deliberately looking for it.

Most of all, though, they have no good reason to be suspicious of Twilight. They're far more likely to shrug off a few minor oddities from someone they trust than to instantly favor some strange newcomer whose arrival coincides with bizarre happenings around town. And Fluttershy did question it, but I find it quite believable that she wouldn't be insistent enough about raising her concerns in such a situation.


I'm going to have to agree with 580540

Applejack hasn't really shown herself to be some sort of lie-detector (MMMystery would have been the perfect time for those powers to come out if she had it), or an especially bad liar come to think of it. (In Party of One, everyone was shown to be bad at it, not just her) It's just like how Rarity once botched dragon negotiations due to her greed (Dragonshy) or how Fluttershy has gone Flutterrage(Gala) and Flutterbitch (Hoof Down) before or how Twilight once tried to sabotage a friendship just so she could patch it up (Lesson 0).

The elements don't grant them special powers, nor do they make up their personality.

I am a man in a desert, and this was a single sip of water for my parched throat. I can NOT wait for more!

Chapter 6 is probably my favorite so far. I liked the suspense you were able to establish very effectively between Twilight and AJ.

I must disagree with this post let me explain why I think this chapter still works we--
Well, looks like someone beat me to it. Yeah, AJ, Luna, Fluttershy, and all the characters have far bigger issues going on than Twilight acting a little funny. She did act strange enough for AJ to question the lying, but Twilight was quick enough to give a semi-plausible answer and rush the characters off in another directions.
"Fluttershy doesn't notice that TWILIGHT made flower scared and run, and Twilight saying she met flower before then, even tho the real one couldn't possibly?!"
Well, no. She's the only one who seems actually suspecious. But if you're asking her to be assertive and take a leadership role from Twilight and a princess mid crisis .... well :fluttershysad: This is Fluttershy we're talking about.

Well.....:twilightangry2:(takes deep breath) FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU (ad infinitum)

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!:rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss:

580479 I do kinda agree with him/her but i also agree with 580540>,>580888 and 581721 you gusse sure do make some good points about this chapter and speaking of this chapter it really got me and I am so gald that this story came back, I was afriad that this story would never be completed.

Nice, I am enjoying this so far.

Considering the internal conflict bit and the lack of a Dark or Tragedy tag, I hoping that Twi isn't permanently gone. I do hate to see best pony die.

More please:twilightblush:

I really like the little interaction between Flower and AJ; like she's met her before, because she has, since the day she was born. Now I'm really interested to see AJ's thoughts on Flower and how the other Earth Ponies react to Flower.


Oh and Jira, Twilight did meet Flower. In chapter four.

I agree with everyone else, AJ isn't a liar detector.

MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please... :rainbowkiss:

580540 But I do have the ability to sense lies! And I can tell that... YOU'RE THE MONSTER!!! *fires a lazar at you!... and seems rather surprised when you drop to the ground with a smoking hole in yer middle...* Uh-oh... well... uhm. Whaddya know! I can't sense lies after all! Live and learn! Now if you'll excuse me.. OH LOOK A DISTRACTION!!! *flees when everypony turns to look*

Squeak-anon! This is story is tots awesome and you must continue with the story. for celestia's sake don't stop!
buuuuuuuuuut I must also ask about Traveler for my brain demands more silly time lord pony

743189 Well, for once we don't exactly know how long her maximum range is and also you have just given yourself an explanation. Look at Twi's character and your last words "in a rush to meet with the princess". As we have seen in the show, the combination of these two can shut off Twi's brain pretty well:pinkiehappy:

580540 Well, this I agree with, except one small thing... They would have recognized that Twilight isn't Twilight because she called Luna "Luna," without the Princess part or a bow. Twilight has respect for the princesses, and she even calls Celestia Princess. Therefor, I believe that they would have noticed something odd. Awesome chapter tho.

NEEED MOAR!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::twilightsmile:


Had this on my 'Read It Later' list ever since SlyWit recommended it. Just picked it up today, and I must say I had to force myself to put it down to make dinner/etc.
I was a little unsure if I'd keep reading when the grimdark twist hit, but I'm glad I did. One of the best stories I've read so far. (And I peruse a pretty good deal.) :pinkiehappy:

Interesting story so far. I particularly enjoy your depiction of Flower learning new words and such. Only thing bugging me so far is that AJ, element of honesty that she is, really shoulda been able to tell something was off about Twilight, and would have voiced her thoughts as such.

I still cannot wait for the next chapter. My hunger for "Gaia" can only be satisfied by more chapters it seems! :pinkiehappy:
Also, might I suggest picking up the pace a little as apposed to these recents installments? I came to the thought that not as many events were taking fold compared to the earlier chapters. But this is the opinion of just one person on the Internet. What do you think?

Still my favorite fic out there,



very good sir, I will favorite and watch you for now on. You also have a Semper Fidelis fan now.:yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

Really interesting start. This story has this unique fairytale flavor which suits ponies.

I am going to ASSUME that this is cancelled... Which I WOULDN'T have to do if SOMEONE made CLEAR if this is hiatus or death... *cough cough*

GIMME A NEW CHAPTER!!!!!!!!! :flutterrage:

To Be continued... yeah I hope. This story is amazingly suspenseful and slightly creepy, in all way too good to be just forgotten... but the author wasn't even online for two months? Welp, I can hope...
But still, three years and no updates? You could at least announce it being canceled. ..

I know you've been gone for 10 weeks or so,but this story is too good to not continue.

Sad to see this story died...

OH COME ON!!! An intro like that before I even delve into the chapters and it's an abandoned project!?!

For the crime of abandoning this story I curse you to stump your little toe twice a day.

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